People are talking about —
May 2, 2021
— the disgraceful example of the health minister of KP hosting an ‘Iftar’ party at a restaurant, proving that big wigs think they are above the law and he is bailed out while persons of a lesser god who disregard SOP’s languish in jail. People say the minister should have been removed to send a message that such behaviour will not be tolerated and it’s not kosher talking about the misdeeds of past regimes if the present one is exempt from action.
— the sorry fact that whenever a decision cannot be reached when there is a meeting of minister/administrators or others in charge having to deal with important issues concerning the welfare of the country, a committee is formed to pass the buck. People say if a bunch of so called ‘responsible’ persons cannot decide, then why the need for a committee -- the banning of the TLP being a case in point. The government should stick by its decision and let the court decide.