The law will take its own course; never mind the destruction it can leave in its wake
By Shafeeq R. Mahajir| Published: 11th January 2021 8:44 pm IST
Photo courtesy: Google creative common license
Shafeeq R. Mahajir
SOP is Standard Operation Procedure. Two rivals eye each other. They assess the opponent’s via a SWOT analysis. If they find chinks in armour, they use those. Not finding chinks, they need to circumnavigate and enter the fortress by some other route. One way is to take out the opponent’s defence mechanisms. Something like a red herring air-raid that causes the opponent to trigger on its radar installations. Then, state-of-the-art surveillance techniques step in and locate the opponent’s radar installations. Missile strikes follow to neutralise those. Radar disabled, aircraft flying in thereafter to bomb targets safe from retaliatory action, wars are won! Example, USA and Iraq. So what if there were no WMDs found? What did the world’s champions of human rights and international law do except whine, and then resign? The world’s policeman had spoken, and the rest may kindly shut up. The winners write history, my boy, however base the victory. So, we shall write and, our Moving Finger having writ, shall write on. And where the past is at variance with our narrative, rewrite… if you don’t know what I don’t mean.