The Flash Recap: What Fate Befell Frost? Plus, [Spoiler] Betrays Barry!
3 hrs ago
This Tuesday on
The Flash, it was time for Frost to own up to her metavillainous past. In the end, did she lose her powers, or only her freedom? Also this Tuesday, the Speed Force done snapped!
First things first: As “Killer” Frost was put on trial for her crimes of the past, it was revealed that the prosecution aimed to punish her, if found guilty, by forcing her to take Cisco’s meta cure. While Frost insisted on not meddling, Caitlin, Allegra and Cisco privately plotted to sneak into the CCPD and use an oxymizer somethingoranother to neutralize the stored stash of the cure. And despite a brief scare when Kramer bumped into Allegra, they pulled it off. Alas, Kramer’s discovery that the CCPD security cameras had been hacked and that the cure had been tampered with did Frost’s case no favors — even after Caitlin confessed to the judge that she orchestrated the scheme.