Source: Unsplash/wocintechchat.
Our federal Parliament has been inundated with graphic accounts of workplace toxicity, including misogyny, sexual assault and rape allegations.
Our Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, recently claimed it was a triumph for the protesters that they weren’t “met with bullets” during the March 4 Justice rallies.
Morrison says ‘the house’ is just like any workplace. Politicians with broader career experience like Julie Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull say things happen in Parliament that would never be tolerated in other companies.
There are examples of extraordinarily successful chief executives who focus equally on building a culture of care
and high performance. Late last year I asked people to nominate leaders they had worked for that fit this profile. This year I have interviewed the leaders who were nominated for The Caring CEO podcast. After listening to the interviews, people who work in the chief executives’ workplaces have shared on LinkedIn how much they admire them.