Screenshot: The Binding Of Isaac: Repentance
It’s been almost 10 years since Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl released the original
The Binding Of Isaac, evolving a quickly-assembled game jam game into one of the heralds of a new style of indie gaming: The roguelike. Since its original release,
Isaac has devoured thousands upon thousands of hours of human attention, received a full remake (ditching Flash in the process) with 2014's
Rebirth, and received a number of expansions that have massively expanded out its still-compelling base gameplay. The whole decade-long process culminated last week, when McMillen and Nicalis, Inc. released
The Binding Of Isaac: Repentance, an immense (and allegedly final) expansion to the game’s story of naked babies crawling around in basements, trying to cry so hard that they kill their moms. (Yup.)