TDEC Announces Grants For Medium, Large Trucks
Under Volkswagen Settlement Environmental Mitigation Trust
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Tuesday announced that 26 entities will receive $9,724,683.74 in total grant funding to replace class 4-7 local freight trucks (medium trucks) and class 8 local freight trucks (large trucks) across the state.
The total includes $3,772,646.05 for medium truck projects, and $5,952,037.69 for large truck projects. They include:
City of Athens
Karns Fire Department
Waste Management of Tennessee, Inc.
The pair of competitive grant programs comprise the state’s third solicitation for projects under the Volkswagen Diesel Settlement Environmental Mitigation Trust. The purpose of the EMT is to execute environmental mitigation projects that reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides.