Our resident indie game lover, TJ Denzer, recently had a chance to check out Tadpole Treble Encore on his weekly show, Indie-licious, where he was joined by Bitfinity developers Matthew Taranto and Michael Taranto.
In the stream, TJ and our very own Reviews Editor, Blake Morse, spoke with the Taranto brothers about Tadpole Treble Encore, what it was like creating the music for the game, and even how they created the mechanics of the levels to apply to different songs. The VOD also includes some gameplay for those interested in seeing exactly what Tadpole Treble Encore is.
You can check out the full stream using the embed above to see the game in action and to hear about all the things that Blake, TJ, and the Taranto brothers had to speak about. It’s a bit of a long VOD, but it’s definitely worth checking out if you have any interest in indie gaming.