Barbara M. Houle
News reports that online shopping skyrocketed last year came as no surprise to most of us who probably all were on the same websites clicking away.
The U.S. Department of Commerce announced earlier this year that Americans spent $791.7 billion online last year, up 32.4% from 2019.
The pandemic and national lockdowns not only added growth opportunities for brands, but also new reasons for businesses to create fun, surprise mail-order food gifts and packages.
A quick look:
New England-based Pastene recently added the Pastene Campus Survival Kit to an assortment of gift boxes listed on its website ( The newest kit is perfect to send to students to make their own home-cooked meal in their dorm or off-campus housing, especially during finals, or to anyone for that matter, said Sharyn Frankel of Tilson PR representing Pastene. Frankel said she often sends gift packages to her parents in Florida. “People like myself who grew up eating food made by companies like Pastene love being surprised with these packages,” she said. “With Pastene, there are so many food options to choose from.”