Staubli Rolls Out 5 New Models of Robotic Tool Changers
Q&A with Denny Savage, Robotic Tool Changer Business Unit Manager | Staubli
Tell us about yourself and your role with Stäubli.
I have been involved with automation components for 35 years and I am currently the robotic tool changer Business Unit Manager for North America with Stäubli Corporation. I’m responsible for all projects related to the tool changer product line.
Give us some details about robotic tool changers and where they are being used?
It is a mechanical quick disconnect device that structurally handles the robot load while having the capability to switch out different EOAT. With that, it passes the utilities required to operate the EOAT. Tool changers offer additional flexibility to robots. The flexibility comes from a single robot changing tools to handle multiple operations. Another major consideration when deciding on whether to include robotic tool changers in your factories is when floor space is not available or at a premium.