A dry creek bed connecting to the Lexington Reservoir in Los Gatos on July 7, 2021. Photo by Magali Gauthier.
Closer to home, Santa Clara Valley Water District, also known as Valley Water, is the poster child for how quickly a water system can become vulnerable to drought.
Water storage rates in Santa Clara County's 10 reservoirs are currently 16% in Guadalupe and Stevens Creek; Lexington, Chesbro, Coyote and Uvas are in the 20%-25% range; and Calero and Almaden at 45% and 54%, respectively. Only Vasona is at near capacity at 94%, according to the Valley Water Surface Water data portal.
Anderson Reservoir, the district's largest, is at 4% capacity; however, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ordered the district to drain the reservoir over seismic concerns due to its age. Located near Morgan Hill, Anderson is Valley Water's largest reservoir and stores half of the water in its system. The reservoir will stay empty for the next decade, depriving the county of that critical water source until a rebuild of its dam can be completed, Valley Water Board Vice Chair Gary Kremen said.