New Delhi: The Grand Finale of 2nd part of the Smart India Hackathon-2019 (Hardware Edition) is being conducted from 8th to 12th July, 2019 at 18 nodal centres in 9 states, one Union Territory and one Capital Territory of India.
The first part of Smart India Hackathon 2019, (Software Edition) was conducted on 2nd – 3rd March 2019.
The Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon (SIH) -2019 (Hardware Edition) was inaugurated by the Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ in New Delhi today.
The Union HRD Minister and MoS HRD Sh. Sanjay Dhotre interacted with the students participating in the Grand Finale at various nodal centres through video conferencing from New Delhi.