by Rich Smith
Mar 5, 2021 at 5:45 pm
Congratulating herself for sticking her thumb in the eye of working people. Mario Tama / GETTY IMAGES
Impeach President Joe Manchin: Democratic leadership has yet to find a way to deal with the senior Senator from West Virginia, who today stopped up the Senate vote on Biden's coronavirus relief package because he wanted to give less relief to unemployed people, according to the
New York Times. Right now the feds give the unemployed an extra $300 a week to live, but that benefit ends on March 14. Leadership wanted to boost that to $400 a week. Manchin said naw. In response, leadership worked out a deal with Manchin to keep the added benefit at $300 a month but to also extend it out to October. Manchin originally said okay, but this afternoon he said naw again. About 10 minutes ago, Manchin just agreed to a $300 weekly benefit through Sept. 6. Happy Labor Day, you little freak.