by Rich Smith • Mar 5, 2021 at 5:45 pm
Congratulating herself for sticking her thumb in the eye of working people. Mario Tama / GETTY IMAGES
Impeach President Joe Manchin: Democratic leadership has yet to find a way to deal with the senior Senator from West Virginia, who today stopped up the Senate vote on Biden s coronavirus relief package because he wanted to give less relief to unemployed people, according to the
New York Times. Right now the feds give the unemployed an extra $300 a week to live, but that benefit ends on March 14. Leadership wanted to boost that to $400 a week. Manchin said naw. In response, leadership worked out a deal with Manchin to keep the added benefit at $300 a month but to also extend it out to October. Manchin originally said okay, but this afternoon he said naw again. About 10 minutes ago, Manchin just agreed to a $300 weekly benefit through Sept. 6. Happy Labor Day, you little freak.