Sleepless nights for Belgian kiwi berry growers
Belgian fruit growers and wine farms are struggling. Kiwi berry farmers are no expectation. "It keeps frosting at night and in the mornings. Unlike stone and top fruit, it's not kiwi berry blossoms that need protection. These plants are vulnerable to frost much earlier in their growth cycle. Dormant plants can tolerate temperatures of -25°C and even colder. But once the buds emerge, they become more sensitive," says kiwi berry expert, professor Filip Debersaques.
"Generally, the buds are susceptible to frost from mid-March. But that's different from year to year and regionally. First dark brown buds develop, which can still tolerate a few degrees of frost. But then the green leaves appear. These are still folded together. Once that happens, even the slightest frost causes considerable damage. That's if you don't take any measures. Currently, the flower buds aren't even visible yet."