KARACHI: Sindh Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Abdul Bari Pitafi on Monday informed the provincial assembly that two Congo virus cases were reported in Sindh in the recent past and that the two were traced to animals brought from Balochistan.
Furnishing a statement and replying to the written and verbal queries of lawmakers during Question Hour in the house, he said animals act as a reservoir for the virus, which remained ‘asymptomatic’ (without showing any sign and didn’t cause any major pathological lesion).
“The virus is zoonotic in nature which causes infection to humans while in contact with infected or reservoir animals through ticks. The majority of cases were reported in people involved in the livestock business, such as livestock farm workers, butchers and veterinarians. Congo virus infection is most commonly reported in the Afghan border region of Balochistan. Some studies suggested that cases of Congo virus in humans are the coinciding event during Eidul Azha, which reflects that animal movement during Eidul Azha from Balochistan might be facilitating the transmission of the virus,” he added.