Speaking oerwaiting to present. The San Francisco hsa dos commission the San Francisco hsa Das Commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. As the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. As guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the Ramaytush Ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. ask please take the roll. Please respond with present. Spears, absent. Lum, present. [roll call] thank you, we have quorum. Commissioners, the next item, 3 is communicationsmf we like to provide instructions for Public Comment. Public comment is available on each item and are during general Public Comment, channel 78 and sfgovtv are streaming the number across the screen. Each speaker is allowed three minutes to speak. Comments are opportunities to speak are available via phone call. During each Public Comment period viewers and calls are structed to call 4156550001. Access code 25944238014, , and again. You will hear the meeting discussion but muted and listening mode only. When your item of interest comes up, dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. Best practice is call from a quite location, speak clearry and slowly and turn down the television or radio. You have three minutes to speak. You will be informed when you have 30 seconds left. Public comment can be submitted by email to ravi. Durbeej sfgov. Org. If you submit viaemail it frb forwarded to the commission and part of the official docket. Are there any other communications from Das Commission members . We can go to the next one. Commissioners, your medical exam item is 4, approving the minutes of wednesday june 7, 2023 dos Commission Meetings. Any comments or questions regarding the minutes from commissioners . Mr. I dont see anyone. Mr. Secretary, do we have anyone from the public who wishes to comment on the e item . Anyone from the public that would like to comment . Moderators, please open the phone line for Public Comment. Well hold for callers. Moderator, any callers in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you. Hearing no request to speak, is there a motion to approve the wednesday june 7, 2023 Das Commission Meeting Minutes. So moved. From ill say commissioner parker pinnington and second from commissioner jung. Mr. Secretary, can you please take a roll call vote to approve the wednesday june 5, 2023 Das Commission Meeting Minutes . [roll call] thank you, we have unanimous vote. Thank you. Commissioner, item 5 is executive director report and thank you for substituting. We are glad to hear from das Deputy Director Cindy Kaufman today. We have a couple for federal and primarily a budget update for state and both budget and some Department Updates locaul director dearman was confirmed to serve as alternative board member for region 9. She is at the conference now and sure she will have more updates when she gets back when we meet again in september, and then my other update is around the administration for Community Living, and they are seeking feedback on proposed regulations for the Older Americans act and i know that the california area agencies on aging are coming together as a statewide, the aaa to submit a consolidated input, and there is also ways for individuals to submit directly. Anyone who is interested in improving implementation of the Older Americans act programs and services, i have a copy and overview of the proposed rule if anybody is interested. I can give it to ravi and he can send it out. As mentioned, the state ill pump forward as part of the overall budget updates. The budget as mentioned, we have gotten 381,000 a year ongoing in new funding, and this includes 101,000 mayoral investment for the Senior Escorts Program and three addbacks. 75 thousand for adult base service in district 1, hundred thousand for food access and 85 thousand for Community Connector service and that is city wide. We usually significantly more addbacks so this year it reflects what the budget is i think. And then there was also a technical correction. There was another 20 thousand for Outreach Services in district 4 and what this does, gordon mar when he was supervisor had a one time addback so what this does is make it ongoing. So, theres from the budget perspective no impact on Community Based programs, despite the deficit targets. Well maintain the existing Service Levels going forward. For dignity, i think you all know, there is no 3 million in dignity fund growth for 2324. Right now there is 3 million in growth for 2425. But city deficit is projected to deepen next year so well see when we hit budget time next year. There is the supervisors recommended a. 75 cost of doing business increase. This makes cod b a total of 3. 75 for fiscal year 2324. We are in discussions with mayor Budget Office as well as Controllers Office on financing the portion of cod b that dignity fund growth would normally cover. No new news at this point. State tuned. State funding, there is over 4 million in new state grant allocations in fiscal year 24, and this includes area plan of 378 thousand more then fiscal year 23 base allocation. It also includes which we heard about last month, the modernizing Older Americans act. 371 thousand for nutrition and 1. 3 million for Supportive Service and 2. 2 million for digital divides and this includes eeuxpad, digital literary and broadband and more about ipands in a minute. This Grant Funding will help maintain the Service Levels we have. Next step i believe board of supervisors had a meeting yesterday. It goes the budget goes back to the mayor office for signature. We dont anticipate i believe i have not heard of any changes at all. Then for department up dates, i got two in home Supportive Service and the other is office of Community Partnerships. In home Supportive Services on july 1 the department of social services implemented a new electronic visit verification protocol. Say that fast three times. And it is for the program itself. The new protocols were required by the federal government. These changes impact providers who dont reside with the consumer themselves and there is about 65 percent of ihss independent providers, do not live with a ih is ss consumer. Those folks are required to check in and check out at the beginning and end of each work day and endicate whether the services were in home or in the community. The state also developed to help implement this. They developed a mobile app to use, but there isnt a requirement. They alsothe providers are able to utilize a portal and Electronic Service portal and telephone time sheet system which uses the recipients land line to carry out the very same process. So, the check in check out and Location Information then populates their time sheets automatically, making it much easier and quicker for them when they submit at the end of a pay period. No penalties for providers if they need to make changes to check in or check out or location. There is also no penalty for providers or no penalty for the providerslet me start again. No changes for the providers that are living with the recipients of ihss and no changes for the consumers themselves. So, our independent provider assistant center which we refer to as ipac is able to support providers with this and im going to put out the phone number in case anybody who is watching or listening needs assistance. 4155576200. And then for ocp updates. So, as i kind of alluded to, the das received 1400 ipads from it department ofagying digital Connection Program a couple weeks ago. Work with the connected providers who can include Community Living campaign, selfhelp for the elderly and tech net work, so theyll do inventory, set up and prepare the devices for distribution to the community. The San Francisco connected program and providers, they really developed themselves as the leading organization that can support digital inclusion. Theyve also established a pretty robust referral pipeline as well as Community Based organizations severing older adults and adults with disability. They will lead the tracking, the deappointment, assessment and are support of the devices. If somebody is not connected to one of the Community Service center or aging and Disability Resource Center or any of the other das services, they could always call the benefit resource hub in order to get referred to the program. I will put that phone number out there. Im going to live my life putting all the phone numbers out there. 4153556700. Then, these devices also came with funding from the department of aging. F it is also Digital Literacy training presented at june chigz and increase the connected sf Program Capacity and provide additional 6400 hours of training and 2800 hours of tech support. So, thats pretty cool. I know we had so many meetings where it is like what we need are more i pads so we got them. Now for couple staff updates. I want to announce that on june 20, we welcome Shannon Morgan as the new ihss program director. Shannon is a San Francisco native, 18 years of Public Service experience she obtained in San Mateo County. I feel a direct affiliation because i obtained my in San Francisco and live in napa, so i totally get it. She work ed multiple capacities, but she has specialized in administration of protective and Supportive Services for older adults and people with disabilities. Most recently worked in Senior Management role with the aging and are Adult Service division of San Mateo County health department. During her 10 years in that division, she had leadership oversight of essential social Service Program including conservatorship investigations, public guardian, representative payee, 24 hour information and referral hot line for older people and adults with disability. She developed and launch programs focused on supporting vulnerable adults including the division coordinated care program and the elder dependent adult protection team, which was a specialized unit within adult protective service. She spnt 8 years working for San Mateo County Human Service agency and Children Family service division. As a Emergency Response social worker as well as interim social worker supervisor. Additionally, she serves on the board of directors for saint mary garden. We are very excited and shannon ill ask you to stand up so people can put a face to your wonderful experience. [applause] thank you. So, i believe that director dearman mentioned at the last Commission Meet ing and did his intro, but i would like him to also stand so you can also put a face to all the good things you heard about him last month. [applause] as kelly mentioned, indiscernible new special project manager. Then, last update but not least is july is disability pride month, and we are celebrating the putting the americans with disability act into law back on july 26, 1990. Mayors office on disability is using this time and uses july 26 to support the professionals in departments who are the ada coordinators. Bringing departments together, ada coordinators from the various departments next week which will be a great event. Also, mta featured disability pride month on their most recent pod cast and nicole bond sent me the link. I havent had a chance to look at it. She said it is really good and participating along with Annette Williams who retired and director of accessible services. Happy to share that out with anybody interested. That is very few updates. I had a lot of updates. Thank you for the very comprehensive report. Do we have any comments or questions by commissioners . Yes. I wondered if there was going to be a new for the ada. Thank you. Anything commissioner, i dont know and we were talking about this internally. I currently dont know of a full public celebration. I will find out. One thing we talked about is we had some great ideas, and masae when he came onboard we were talking about. The problem is getting them in place in time for the month so stay tuned but ill find out if there are other public celebrations and get that out to the commission. Thank you. Any othergo ahead. Deputy director kaufman, thank you very comprehensive report. I just focusing on what you said in terms of budget and recognizing that these are very challenging budget times for us. What i heard brightlights is no impact on our Community Based programs. Correct. No new programs, but we got no impact. Thats good news. Thank you. We can move along then. Commissioners, item 6 is das employee recognition. Executive director dearman, Deputy Director kaufman, president knutzen will honor flora chan of das integrate intake department. [applause] this one i am going to read, and because staff put it together and it is always wonderful to hear how your coworkers think. I will read this. Flora chan is medical social worker with dos intake unit who possess amazing communication skills with clients and coworkers. I was able to experience that myself and it is amazing. She has Extensive Knowledge of Community Resources and services. Shows true patience and understanding when working with clients and Service Providers that both when they into hub as well as over the phone on the intake hotline. Flora is essential team member at the intake unit where compassion towards all the clients is unmatched. Flora is with dos intake unit since 2016 and a indisensible team member always happy to provide assist ance of any time to colleagues. Flora has been involved with virtual and inperson presentations to help educate seniors, disabled adultss, care takers family members and serveish providers about the vast array of services das has to offer. More recently flora was involved in a dos intake out station at the San Francisco Public Library main branch where she was able to interact with members of the community and provide education and guidance arounds das services. I actually was very excited because i heard about that from somebody in the community and as much as we are constantly trying to get our name out there and what we do, it was very gratifying to hear about it specifically, so flora hard work at das intake is greatly appreciated and she is always trying to enhance and improve her knowledge of services and social work skills. We at das and everyone at the intake unit like to recognize and thank flora for all her hard work and dedication and let her know how fortunate we are for her commitment to her clients and to her colleagues. Thank you again and congratulations for being indiscernible [applause] thank you everyone. Thank you. So, i just want to say that how grateful and lucky im able to work for the city and county here and i have been with the intake unit since 2016, so i got very good supervisors and colleagues and all my supporters are here. I am very honored and it is always good to be recognized, so thank you very much and with that said, well need to go back to work. [laughter] [applause] [applause] commissioners, item 7 is Advisory Council report presented by Diane Lawrence joining us via webex. Good morning commissioners. Deputy director kaufman. I have a brief report this morning. The Advisory Council met june 21 with a quorum. That is a challenge at the moment, so we have instituted a rsvp program, so that if we have to cancel we know prior to the meeting. We welcomed maseo as the new special project manager and well have maseo speak to us in the future about his projects and keep us updated on whats going on. We look forward working with him in the future. We had one Council Member, dr. Cooper report on the home safe presentation and well reach out for a guest speaker at a later meeting. The majority of the meeting was taken up with the guest speaker kate hopkey, executive director of San Francisco village and detailed most of the information in my report i believe all you received. One of the things i did want to say is that, this was a lively discussion, so as much as it was presentation, it was also discussion with the Council Members and executive director hopkey. I think it was well received by everyone. This is a volunteer based organization, and one of the things that struck me is that they have 200 plus intergenerational volunteers and they really stress volunteerism both from the community and within the village. They are looking at expanding their services to currently there are 14 neighborhood groups with two lgbtq groups. They are looking to expand that as they move forward. We at thethere is also a statewide group. Statewide there are only 45 villages which seems small to me. Im sure well keep that dialogue going in the future. The next focus is membership. We had one member resign her seat due to family members. Kate did a lot of outreach for new members. She worked with the board of supervisors on getting membership and she will be missed. Hopefully when family indiscernible she will be able to join in the future. We discussed the board of supervisor positions not filled and members are working with their contacts in the community. Since that meeting we may have referrals for district 1 and district 7, so well continue to followup with those. There are 5 Commission Seats vacant, so again we are reaching out best we can to find members to round out our group. Our guest speaker was still there when we were having this discussion and said keep a eye out for candidates and we gave her the district vacancies as well, so that will reach to the community. One of the members currently is a member of the San Francisco village. That pretty much rounded out our june meeting. We meet tomorrow, so i will have a dual report for you in september when we meet again. Are there any questions . Any questions from commissioners . We can move along. Commissioners, item 9 or item 8 is joint legislative report alsoprinted by Council President Diane Lawrence. We didnt have a tac meeting since our june meeting. I believe the next one is in september. We met also on june 21. There was no quorum. We welcomed tia small from the Advisory Council and she is filling former Council Member fortinadi position. A question arose and that was discussed and well discus further tomorrow morning at our meeting at both the joint leg and Commission Meeting so ill have a report after that meeting for the commission. We dont want to lose sightwe want to make sure we are advocates on behalf of our constituents and using our time wisely, and so research has been done, thank you Deputy Director kaufman, did research on duties and requirements of joint leg. I reached out to the department to the commission on aging and really most of our work should be on advocacy, so we want to work forward ongoing forward want to make sure we align with indiscernible and we will be looking at how best to use our time. I talked with a couple tac members for insight and need to follow up further. As i said, well discuss the future of joint leg at our meeting tomorrow and ill give a complete report possibly prior to your september meeting, but definitely in september. And then we reviewed major changes in the updated bill. We are getting to that period where the legislature is on summer recess, probably all want to get out of the heat of sacramento. Then they will come back and they have that narrow timeframe to complete most of their work by october. Typically the joint leg takes october, november, usually meet in october to summarize and then we take november and december off till we begin again. I dont foresee us not doing that. Well bring that up again tomorrow as well. So, thats where the joint leg stands. There seemed to bei also want to make sure the bills we are looking at are the ones that really impact our constituency and so often other things come under aging that may or may not have direct impact. Again, are there any questions . Any questions from commissioners . We look forward and are thank you for the work you are putting in to take a look at the legislative committee, we appreciate that and look forward to what your suggested change said will be. I know it is work that is work. I appreciate that you are taking a look and making sure our focus is correct and being efficient with our resources, so thank you for that. Thank you. I think we can move along. Commissioners, item 9 is case report presented by Daniel Gallagher and he will be presenting via webex as well. Morning commissioners, and director kaufman. Im presenting from webex because i have a Board Meeting after i speak today and indiscernible case programming in june as i mentioned in the earlier meeting last month, dr. Fergoni reviewed Medicare Advantage and aco reach for not for profit programs are threatening to bankrupt the Medicare Trust fund and what actions we all could take to protect medicare as a public trust and service. July meeting host was indiscernible dancer who presented on sequoia Living Center programs and i shared a brief video of the sequoia Living Senior center there with you. And we also had dr. Jacqueline contrara presenting on tobacco use Harm Reduction and the presentation focused on tobacco use among older adults to help providers understand how much older adults are exposed to tobacco, what we can do to help them quit smoking and learn of potential alternatives to reduce tobacco harm. Among those not willing to quit smoking. Also, shared the link to dr. Via presentation there. And in august we are looking forward to vanessa suza, senior manager with Community Engagement program and Alzheimers Association. Vanessa suza will be presenting upcoming programs and Services Provided by the Alzheimers Association so looking forward to that. It hasnt been a lot of case activity. Quite frankly, we as a Service Provider working group are hoping to meet with das staff regarding their funding plan prior to the november Dignity Fund Oversight and Advisory Committee meeting and we arethose dates are still considered. I think now we are looking at possible dates in august, and this would be a listening session probably in conjunction with the Dignity Fund Coalition meeting to give opinion on priority of the department begins this process for the one time only spending plan. We dont expect the Department Presentation at that meeting, but again, it is just a listening session, so we canthe Service Provider working group can talk about areas of priority. And as in terms of budget advocacy as director kaufman mentioned, the dignity Fund Contribution has been suspended this year. It does not look like there is much if any money that would be coming through the addback process. I think that is done now and so we are just looking now to the one time only spending plan. And thats my brief report for today. Thank you. Are there any questions or comments from commissioners for mr. Gallagher. Seeing none, thank you very much. Thank you. Commissioners, item 10 is general Public Comment. An opportunity for members of the pub lic to address the commission on matters not on todays calendar. Any members of the public that would like to address the commission today . Moderator, please open the phone line for Public Comment. Well allow some time for callers to submit their requests. Moderator, do we have any callers in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you very much. That concludes Public Comment. Your next item is 11, old business. Commissioners, please indicate by raising your hand if there is any old business you like to discuss. No business. Okay. That concludes that and move to new business. The next item is 12, new business and it will incorporate items 12a12n. They are action items that require a vote. The first is request authorization to enter into new Grant Agreement with Community Music sechbter for the provision of neighborhood Choirs Program during the period of july 1, 2023 through june 30, 2027 in amounts of 1059204 for total amount not to exceed 1. 165. 124 and Michael Zaugg will present this item. Program director for Office Community partnership. A lot of excitement for the first item this morning. This is a new Grant Agreement with the Community Music center, new 4 year Grant Agreement for their neighborhood base program. This is new with them but worked with them for a couple years now. They have been wonderful to work with. This is a very Popular Program and this is also been studied and the subject of Community Voices study by ucsf demonstrating the impact it had on program participants. At the core this grant supports the operation of 15 distinct neighborhood choirs leading through practice, scheduling regular performance and coordinating one large gacktering. I think one thing i want to highlight is the lens Community Music center looks through when they work with these programs and paraphrasing. They say quhoo is the community and what is the music that has the most meaning to them. Through that lens and process they are able to get a choir director and staff invested in and reflecting that community and a repertoire and participants really engaged and have real meaning in the music they are performing. Some of the most obvious ways that that sort of demonstrates itself is through bilingual practice, and collection of Foreign Language music including training and songs in filipino and spanish languages. Couple highlights among the groups, among the 15 choirs mentioned. Over the past couple years the visitation valley and bayview choirs had been coordinating and working together to support one another. They have grown over the past year or so to the point where they are now two independent operating choirs in the south eastern side of the city. A couple new choirs, the newest is downtown Senior Center in the tenderloin and open house focusing on the Lgbtq Community which had had a rapid rise forming in the spring and so ready to go they had multiple performances during pride month last month. Another quick thing i want to highlight is the budget document which is notable because it is shorter then many of the budget documents we have. I think what unique about this one is cmc is using all funding on essentially personnel and little indirect cost and no operating expenses. They are covering those operating expenses through leveraging other resources. A lot of that is inkind use of Community Spaces Like Community centers where they are not having to pay rent, but there are operational costs that they do cover. These are things such as musical equipment, speakers, music stands, printing costs as well as office space at their headquarters in the mission. With that, happy to answer any questions the commission might have. Any comments or questions from commissioners . Commissioner jung. Comment and question. Im really pleased to see this grant and this amazing program. My one question has to do with potential expansion. Look ing at the 15 different groups and the various districts i notice what is missing is district 3, 4, 6 and 7. Is there expansion to the program . I think it is something we should be thinking about. You mentioned your districts. I think that increasing involvement with adults with disabilities in this program is also priority for the department. I think it is something that we have to continue to talk with cmc and think about budget picture over the next couple years. Thank you. Any other i would also just like to say this sounds like a fantastic program. I mean, i personally start my every day with music and singing so doesnt matter whos around, but it is very healing process and then coming together singing is even more creating more community, so really thrilled to see we are funding Something Like this so broadly, so thank you. I think that if anyone from the public who wishes to comment on item 12a. We have any members of the public who would like to comment . I think so. My name is felicia indiscernible dweckter of southwest Community Corporation known as it Bookman Community center. I am here to express gratitude for the Community Music center and the choir program. I have been a part of in one point or another from the study to full information of the choir we have at it bookman and first hand have witnessed the transformation of introverts who were home during covid, scared to come out, but easing their way out, and the building of networks within that group. It is and has proven to be a gem in our community. The choir, the performances and camaraderie and so excited that das is funding and looking at possible expansions and i really support Community Music center. Thank you. Thank you. [applause] we have any other any other members of the public . We are indiscernible choir, and we would like to give a very short presentation to see what we do. Okay. [applause] [singing in the background] [applause] well, i hesitate to go on a limb, but thinkthalities thats the best Public Comment we had. Thank you so much. This feels likei know covid isnt over, but it feels people are gathering once again and this helped state that joy that i think comes from coming together, so thank you so much for coming today. Any other Public Comment on this item . Yes. Good morning commissioners. I am here to present the choir. Im new in the community and every time they sing my song im filipino. It touch my heart. One day i was invited to watch their show and one of them indiscernible inviting me. Please stand. Thats my mom. She invited me and said, come watch and i was just watching them. She say tears as i hear the filipino song. It is just simple with love, but it resonate in me. I said i will be joining this group. The next day i said, robin, i want to join the group, and they said, okay. Like you to come next week and from there on the story to make the story short, i become a member of the group. We go to indiscernible every wednesday and we just sing songs in different areas and i enjoy my time with them. I am homeless for two years. I live in the shelter. When i joined the group a week ago im housed and im housed in the best Senior Center. Im 62, i just look young. [laughter] it is it the Commission Community Senior Center and a lot of these people overwhelmingmy house is filled with all donations from their pockets from microwave to whatever. The community doesnt have no filipino there. Im the first filipino to live in that community and we have to put the flag in there because each in the community have a flag and the first time that we have to raise our flag in there dining center. With this, i like to end my little testimony about my journey. Doesnt end here, it will be continuing and with your support i really love to see myself grow in this choir. [applause] do we have anymore Public Comment . Please. I am indiscernible filipino but now american indiscernible i have been joining the choir since 2012 and the Senior Center and i belong her now in the choir center at mission. The reason why we have to have continued Singing Program of the adults, because it helps the seniors to be physically, mentally, socially fit, and physically because if our vocal cords are not used it s hrink and close. It is like a squeaky voice. And also, helps our brain because you have to memorize our song, and also are hearing, because you have to hear to have what is the tone, whats the indiscernible how to speak. Develop our physical faculties, and also socially because you have to dress up just like today. And also, we have to meet our friends, we have to talk and we hear gossip from our friends what is happening from the friends. If you are absent, she say what happened to her. She is sick. Thats socially. And mentally, brain. We need more funding for this to make the senior live longer and be happy and enjoy life. [applause] thank you very much. [applause] do we have any other Public Comment on item 12a . Moderator, please open the phone lines for Public Comment on agenda item 12a . Moderator, do we have caller in the queue . Nobody in the queue. Thank you very much. Hearing no further request to speak on the item well close Public Comment. I have a feeling commissioners are going to line up to make a motion, so ill look this way for a motion. So moved. Thank you. Second from commissioner jung. A motion by commissioner parking pinnington. Mr. Secretary, please take a roll call vote to approve item 12a . Thank you. We need to do a roll call. Roll call vote. [roll call] thank you. Unanimous vote. Thank you folks, you are funded. [laughter] [applause] i know there are details there. I understand staff will get mad at me. Okay. Lets move to item b. Requesting authorization to enter into a grant with institute on aging for the provision of the Home Safe Program for the period of july 1, 2023 to june 30, 2025, in an amount of 5,000,000, plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 5,500,000. ben seisdedos will present the item wow. Tough one to follow. [laughter] dear commissioners, Deputy Director kaufman, request autheration to enter into grant for provision of Home Safe Program activities for july 1, 2023 to june 30, 2025 in the amount of 5 million plus a 10 percent contingency for total not to exceed 5 million 500 thousand dollar. The original home safe pilot became operational in july 2019 and here in San Francisco we initiated the program exclusively as a eviction prevention resource for selfneglecting low income older adults and adults with disability as risk of eviction. The Program Scope has been expanded since the original pilot to broaden the definition of constituents phasing housing instability and offer for older adults and adult with disabilities experiencing homelessness. At this time, dedicate aps staff continue to provide eviction prevention and Housing Insecurity Program service for home safe clients and institute on aging provides the other Service Model interventions. Specifically in this grant, we worked with department of Public Health and department of homelessless and Supportive Housing and focus grant award to supporting vulnerable cline tell in the community the department of Public Health identified. The Home Safe Program funds come from the state and the grant will help San Francisco aps fulfill the mandates associated with this accepting these funds by providing intensive Case Management for shelter residents when moving to nursing permanent Supportive Housing. The other Service Model is intensive Case Management and providing a funding bridge for housing transition for individuals currently in the community to transition to Residential Care facility for the elderly that ultimately be covered by the california assisted living Waver Program. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions from commissioners on this item . Or any comments . Good morning. Expecting you to do a dance too. [laughter] no song, no dance. This programi want to understand better. It is ait fills the interim need between a more Permanent Program of care . Right. So, theresthe continued component thats supporting aps clients that are experiencing housing instability at risk of eviction et cetera and then theres the housing transition components which is what is covered in the grant and so the institute on aging is layering into support vulnerablemore vulnerable more medically fragile folks in the shelters, and so it is a kind of 6 to 9 month support they are layer in to help these folks get into the nursing supportive units and the other component which i think you are referring to commissioner lum is the connecting them to and then assisting and patching what medical doesnt pay for when certain folks need to be moved to rcfe. The pilot funded through 2025 and ultimately yes, we are paying a component and then we walk them through and get them onto assisted Waver Program which is permanent. Thank you. Just for clarification, rcfe is Residential Care . Facility for the elderly. So that is the permanent . Yes. Good question. Any other questions from commissioners . Clarification needed . Any members of the public who wish to comment on 12b . Any members that like to comment on 12b . Moderator, please open the phone line for Public Comment on agenda item 12b. Well allow time for callers to submit their queue. Moderator, do we have callers in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you. Hearing no further request to speak on the item, close Public Comment. Is there a motion from commissioners to approve item 12b . So moved. From commissioner parking pinnington moved. Second from Vice President lum. Could we please have a roll call . [roll call] we have unanimous vote. Thank you commissioners. The next item is 12c. Requesting authorization to enter into grants with multiple providers for the provision of neighborhoodbased programs; for the period of july 1, 2023 through june 30, 2027; in an amount of 2,913,264 plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 3,204,590. paulo salta will present the item welcome. Good morning commissioners. Deputy director kaufman. My name is paulo salto Program Manager with Community Partnership. I first want to start with background. Das started funding this neighborhood based programs in 2020 after the Dignity Fund Needs Assessment process reviewaled among older adults and adult with Disabilities Service indiscernible very broadly. The goal was to establish unique and diverse programs that were not currently supported by das and use these new approaches to increase service utilization. These programs address the Community Connection and Engagement Service area of awareness empowerment, engagement and socialization and social isolation. We seek to maintain the goals in the few term through the 5 organizations. In the interest of time ill highlight a couple of the programs. More information can be found in the different organizations and can provide clarity after the presentation. Bernal heights neighborhood Senior Service continue to offer group exercises,social activities and opportunities for continued education. These services will be provided at the following Senior Housing sitescoal ridge park home, indiscernible market height in district 9, amazon senior apartments in district 11 and saint peters place in district 1. Next ucsf memory and aging center continue to provide programming through the Community Arts for brain health initiative. This brings together a Diverse Talent group of artist therapist and staff who work with Community Based organizations and clinics to bring art and Movement Based engagement along with brain education in spaces where older adultss and adult with disabilities congregate. Small Group Members interact with experts in brain help while exploring Health Inequities learning about brain health and exexpressing creative through photography, movement, storytelling, visual arts and craft making. This structure allows for the institutionalization of brain Health Information from Medical Research Facility and improve access to expert clinicians to informal interaction and making space for genuine open and deep conversations on often stigmatized subjects such as cognitive behavioral changes, nutrition for brain helt and vaccine safety and efficacy. One workshop that will be available is called aging and afro futureism. Reflect on experiences and views on resilience while examining the sense of selfand conspt of being a strong black woman. Community artists primarily from the Bayview Hunter point neighborhood will create visual art pieces and narratives that incorporate elements and principles of afro futureism, up lift voices. We are very excited and proud to continue to support these diverse programs within the Community Connection and Engagement Service area and expand a different model we have available that address social isolation and loneliness. I seek approval on the item and open to answering any questions. Are there questions or comments from commissioners on this item . I wanted to thank you for this. I came here from serving on the Arts Commission four years so the whole meeting is working for me today. [laughter] wow. And im really impressed with the range and the specificity of community that is reflected in what im seeing here and hearing, so i just wanted to you know, give you a shout out of appreciation for that. Thank you. Anything else . I have a comment and two questions. My comment is first, i do as a commissioner really pleased to see this contract in place. Im very supportive of Neighborhood Based Services because i think it makes it easy for our clients to be able to access services. What im really pleased also to see in this contract is specific information regarding outreach, and that theres plans for connecting individuals to resources and that there is establishment of Advisory Board. I think those three components really put all this program together and really pleased to see that. My two questions are miner, one to the contract and the other a larger question. The specific question, looking at the chart, there isnt a address for next village. Where are they . Where do they provide services . Provide po box number on the site chart. Let me make sure i get to that place. Good morning. Jacqueline zimer jones the director. Thank you for being here. Where are you . The services are supervisor district 2 and 3. We have next village programs in each area. The item on todays agenda pertains to dist rth 2 university which is special program funded by the dignity fund that provides services to older adults in district 2 in the marina, but our physical office is 704 filbert at columbus and north beach. Okay. Thank you. Youre welcome. Thanks for being here. Yeah. My question, i notice and pleased to see we are looking at thethe Needs Assessment of the dignity fund to pull this together. I notice there is no Services Provided for districts 4 and 8. Those are the two gaps. Are there future plans to make that happen or is there discussion about that we are always open to organizations coming up when this term reviews, that presents new programs in those districts. We also have a collection of other of course grants that we have available, Community Service being one that still address social isolation but in terms of neighborhood based, every time the term reviews we are open to new proposals and new organizations joining this portfolio of programs of course. Are thank you. Any other questions . I also noticed Advisory Board as being part of this and is that unique to this . What do i call this model of programming . It may not be unique, but it is new and something that it is great to see. We really want to hear from the members that are receiving these services. They are able to provide feedback on the programs they want to see. We see that in some context in our other grants as well, but here we really lined it out in the scope to make sure that there is a Advisory Board that meets and they can have empowerment making sure the program they see and also receive is listened and enacted on. It seems like a high bar is set that you stated, 10 or 12 people on each one i think i noticed and that is really robust and it is a challenge i think. Of course, if they are able to attend the meetings in their neighborhood, as commissioner jung is saying, it is easier to get people maybe and they see the direct benefit of what they are getting, so it just seems like a very good thing to do and they also probably help us with outreach. Very much. Word of mouth is one of the strongest ways to outreach, especially with our pop ulation. I really encourage that. It seems like we both noticed it. Thats good. Any comments from commissioners . Any Public Comment . Any members of the public that like to comment on 12c . Good morning commissioners and Deputy Director kaufman. Donna bore, the director of next village district 2 university or d2u for short. I thank you for funding programs like d2u that help seniors learn about disability and aging service and provide valuable much needed opportunities to connect with others to combat a epidemic of loneliness and isolation. The d2u program launched three years ago after covid changed our world. When you provided funding for the Pilot Program i dont think you could have envisioned how much the grant impact and advance senior lives in San Francisco. Throughout pandemic and beyond, d2u provides a vital way for seniors to stay connected and share laugh with others and learn. The clerk has given news letters. There are 16 pages long and a few activities and events but hope you will take a glance. Provides about 40 or 50 indiscernible many programs are suggested by seniors and Amazing Group of d2u advisors all live in district 2 and all are seniors. Some examples of programs, learning if you are elgal for market rate housing and help to apply with senior counselor from indiscernible housing counselor. We are going to do a tour of hyde street pier to learn about the maritime history with National Park ranger. Amazing how many people in the city have lived her decades and havent explored our city. We went to fort point a couple months ago and many had never been there. Went to alcatraz and many had never been there. We also have a monthly Book Exchange at the golden gate library. We got a monthy improv class to flex creative muscle. I will not attempt to sing for you or do improv, i cannot compete. We also have San Francisco history presentation, walking programs, four weekly language conversation groups a month in french italian german and spanish. This is a line item on the agenda and dont have time to about all the Pilot Programs but to provide a example. A weekly Italian Conversation Group began in april 2020. Some people were reluctant to zoom but they got the hang of it and soon no stopping them. Most of the group is in the 80 and 90. Over the years they supported each other through health crisis, traded stories and have a lot of fun togethers. People thin group tell me how much the group means to them not omto keep up Language Skills and have a group there for them in good times and bad and dhat is just one example of the simple magic the dignity fund grant enabled so thank you very much on behalf all the seniors who benefited, we appreciate your support and thank you to allow to continue to serve the elders to help seniors continue to build social connections and contribute meaningfully to our community. Thank you. Thank you very much. Any other Public Comment . Moderator, can you check the phone lines and see if we have callers in the queue . We have no callerss in the queue. Thank you. Hearing no further request to speak, close Public Comment. Is there a motion to approve item 12c . Commissioner jung moved, second from commissioner parker pinnington. Thank you. Could we please have roll call vote . [roll call] unanimous vote. Thank you. Thank you commissioners. Commissioner, the next item is 12d request autheration to enter into grants with shanti project for care navigation peer support social isolation prevention and animal Bonding Services for the period of july 1, 2023 to june 30, 2027 in the amount of 9 million, 111 thousand, 840 dollars and 10 percent contingency for total not to exceed 10 million, 23 thousand and 24 dollars and i are believe sarah is here. There you are. Will present. Welcome. Thank you. Good morning commissioners and Deputy Director kaufman. My name is sarah the Program Analyst with the office of Community Partnerships at des apartment of disability and aging. Here today to request approval to enter into new Grant Agreements with shantsa project for peer navigation and peer support, social isolation for lgbtq adults and adults with disabilities and animal bonding for lgbtq plus older adults and adults with disabilities. The system of social service in the city can be complex and navigating the system may seem daunting and often barrier to accessing services. Many consumers are unaware of the Services Available through das. Care navigation and Peer Support Programming was created to address these issues. Each of these grants utilize care navigation and peer support as proven to be effective in facilitating and improving Service Connection lessening the burden of Service Navigation and playing crucial role in helping individuals get the right support at the right time. It can also provide consumersentered support that helps enhance health, wellbeing and the ability of older adults and adults with disabilities to live safely in their communities. The care navigation and Peer Support Program is designed to reach into the community and engage clients reluctant to seem das service with goal maximizing health well being safety and independence. The component utilizing paid staff to access client need and help with navigation of barriers to accessing needed services. The peer support component trains volunteers are matched to clients and provide emotional and practical support from social visits to appointments. Recognizing the limited Supportive Service available to address the Emotional Behavioral Health and social isolation challenges faced by lgbtq plus older adults and adults with disability, programic designed to address social isolation in 2016. The social isolation prevention for lgbtq plus older dults and are adults with Disability Program seek to address these challenges through care navigation which includes information referral and care coordination, peer support which utilize volunteers to provide outreach and Supportive Services, and supportive programming that enhances emotional and behavioral wellbeing and includes peer support groups, Health Education and early intervention. Animal Bonding Services for isolated lgbtq plus older adults and adults with disability also utilize care navigation and peer support. Working together these two aspects of the program facilitate the delivery of animal companion support services and pet supply needs. The value of the human animal bond is beneficial to both. Having a caring for a pet has been shown to reduce stress, depression and anxiety and can lead to overall improved wellbeing and quality of life. The care navigator is the main point of client. The services are the care navigator include intake, followup service identified, ongoing accessment, care coordination, information and referral needs, and follow up related to animal bonding needs of inclient. In addition, assist identifying and utilizing the spear support volunteer aspect othf program. The volunteer works with the cleent to assist the individual accessing pet support Service Providing by the animal bonding Service Program enables lgbtq plus to benefit from the companionship of having a met. That is my presentation and will do my best to answer any questions. Thank you very much. Comments or questions from commissioners . Any Public Comment . Any members that would like to comment on 12d . Moderator, please open the phone line for Public Comment on 12d. Well allow time for callers to submit their request. Moderator, any callers in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you very much. Great. Then well close Public Comment. Is there a motion to approve item 12d . So moved. Recognize commissioner bittner to move and second from commissioner parker pinnington. Please take a roll call vote to approve 12d . [roll call] thank you. Unanimous vote. Thank you. Commissioner, the next order of business is item 12e and requires vote by the commission. Requesting authorization to modify the existing grant with San Francisco Lgbt Community center for the provision of smart money coaching for the period of july 1, 2023 to june 30, 2024, in the additional amount of 78,092 plus a 10 contingency for a revised total amount not to exceed 408,702. Melissa Mcgee will present the item welcome. Good morning commissioners, Deputy Director kaufman. My name is Melissa Mcgee, a Program Manager at the office of Community Partnerships at das. Seeking approval to modify the existing Grant Agreement with the San Francisco Lgbtq Community center for the smart money financial coaching program. The purpose of this modification is to extend the current contract for one year. This will enable the program to continue to provide Financial Coaching Services to the lgbtq older adults and adults with disabilities. The sf lgbtq center will provide Financial Coaching Services in collaboration with the city office of Financial Empowerment at the office of the treasurer and tax collector. Ose provides information and guidance on the financial coaching model and we partnered with them since the inception of this program in fiscal year 1718. Following this one year extension, ofe will roll this program into the wider portfolio of financial coaching Service Providing to various city departments and populations. This one year extension enables them to include this program in the request for proposals that will be released late fall of the upcoming fiscal year. I request your approval to enter into this contract. Are there any questions . Have any questions from commissioners on this item . I want to note, i appreciate the fact the history is mentioned at the beginning of this. We had a Lgbtq Community had a task force on senior issues a number years ago now and it was definitely one of those recommendations. Our community can be particularly vulnerable to financial abuse, and it was made priority and i think people consciousness were raised about that, so to have that become something that is a good idea for other people feels good that is happening through the das administration of this. I appreciate all that is put into this what seems like a small grant or small idea, but it really isnt. It is very meaningful for a lot of people. Anything else from commissioners . Do we have any Public Comment . Any members of the public that like to comment on item 12e . Moderator, please open the phone line for any Public Comment on 12e. Give a few minutes. Moderator, any callers in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you very much. Hearing no further Public Comment, motion to approve 12 e . So moved. Commissioner parker pinnington and second from commissioner jung. Roll call vote on 12e. [roll call] ue unanimous vote. Moving along. Commissioners, the next order of business is 12f, requires vote by the commission. Requesting authorization to enter into new Grant Agreements with multiple providers for the provision of Intergenerational Program; during the period of july 1, 2023 through june 30, 2027, in the amount of 3,596,760 plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 3,956,436. paulo salta will present the item welcome back. Thanks. Hello again commissioners. Deputy director kaufman. Program manager with office of Community Partnership. As noted this program was established for recommendation in the dignity Fund Community Needs Assessment process which revealed the need for service that allow older adults and adult with disabilities to interact with other Community Members, specifically youth and younger adults. These Intergenerational Programs create opportunities for these generations to recognize skills, needs and experiences with one another and help build and expand communities. I want to highlight a few benefits of Intergenerational Program called indiscernible opportunities for recally childhood senior intergenerational shared site programs in San Francisco bay area. She included interviewed the grantees from the last term and participants. She notes, the most important benefit of Intergenerational Program for older adults is reducing loneliness. This leads to increased confidence, improved feelings of selfworse and decreased depression. These programs have also been shown to improve memory, cognition and social engagement. Older adults engaging in activity report feeling happy, interested, loved, younger or needed. Often older adults simply find joy in watching children. As mentors they are able to tap into a lifetime of experiences to guide the younger generation. They benefit from having a sense of purpose or responsibilities as rolemodels. In the term we will have 7 Community Based organizations provided Intergenerational Programming. Two of which will be new providers, selfhelp for elderly and front porch. These organizations will provide programming and engage with 885 indiscernible one of the Biggest Challenges to Intergenerational Programming like all programs is funding and again it is great to see our Department Support this type of programming. I do want to end with a plug. There is wonderful video that the hsa Communication Team created on the das website and feature the executive director and bayview Senior Service and participants. It adds a lot of color to the documents you see in front of us. With that i seek approval and open to answering any questions. Do we have any questions, comments from commissioners . I would lovehow would we find the video . I can share the link with ravi and ravi can send it out to the commissioners. Thank you. Great. Thank you. Im completely supportive of this program and it was a very big and large and comprehensive document so dont mean anything by this, but could you give some examples of some generational programming . Activities, storytelling is one of them. They all engage in that. Sequoia living have a subcontractor where they talk about just events and challenges that different generations have gone through and there is a lot of similarities and they all talk about Current Events and injustice happening and there is a lot of camaraderie and deep conversations. There is also the fun events of painting crafts. In the video you will see engagement and there is gardening in that video. It is a wide array and great to see a wide spectrum of activities where deep conversations with happen and light, fun, airy out in the garden are also occurring. Great. It seems some of the centers are places where both population groups gather for Community Centers and so it might provide a Natural Environment for this kind of programming . It is great to see just now a lot of the Senior Centers becoming Community Center where the doors are open and other generations are able to come and enjoy. Thank you. I have one more question, because you know, im wondering how you do outreach to get intergenerational participation since it is generally through Senior Centers and i know my son is 21, he is in a completely different world even though he lives in the same house so wouldnt know how we would connect through some of the organizations . That is great. Funding allows for that, as you can see. indiscernible is a subcontractor with one of these grantees as well. That organization has a well established cohort of volunteers that are younger and connecting these different organizations, the youth serving or older adult organizations and making sure there is financial connection and stability to make that connection happen is one of the ways we can be successful in that. Great. Any other questions comments from commissioners . Do we have members of the public who wish to comment . Any members of the public who like to comment on item f . Moderator, please open the phone line for Public Comment. Well allow time for callers to submit their request. Moderator,b do we have caller in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you very much. Great. Hearing no further request to speak, close Public Comment. Is there a motion from commissioners to approve item 12f . So moved. Moved by commissioner parker pinnington and seconded by commissioner bittner. Can we please have a roll call vote . [roll call] unanimous vote. Thank you. Item g. I think we have a special think, but it is also a big item which took a couple pages in the agenda. This is item g. Requires a vote by the commission. Requesting authorization to enter into new Grant Agreements with multiple providers for the provision of Community Services to older adults and adults with disabilities; during the period from july 1, 2023 through june 30, 2027, in the amount of 47,954,320 plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 52,749,752. Michael Zaugg will present the item it is all good. Hello, im here. I have some more items for today. Now that we have raised the bar, you will have a added dimension. It is big item so please go through it. This is big one so hoping to provide a graphic today. Sorry, we need to make note of the fact one of the commissioners needs to recuse herself from this item because part is funding for a item she needs to recuse from. She will be doing that now. Yeah, sorry. The map displayed here and included in your packet are the 41 Community Centers that this grant funds. Each represented by a little pin on the map there of San Francisco. This item are Community Service program, this is really one of our foundational kind of programs with das and really the city of San Francisco. These are our Community Centers. This is kind of as a starting point of what this is, this is what we sort of know as Senior Centers or Community Centers. It is a Service Model that is sort of known everywhere and utilized throughout the world really. What we are doing here is each of these sites represents throughout the city, represents a dedicated space for older adults and adults with disabilities. A space that is reserved and to be filled with people and Services Designed to engage and enhance the cultural educational physical mental nutritional wellbeing of people visiting that site. Acrossthese many Community Centers come in a lot of different shapes and sizes. We have kind of baseline offerings across them as reflected in the contract documents. That is our activities that are happening at the sites. We also offer translation services, helping people interpret documents, as well as social service component, which is allowing to have staff on site to help kind of typically with a quick transaction or phone call or quick coordination of something that maybe isnt requiring of a larger Ongoing Service we might offer elsewhere in the network of service. A new addition to this grant cycle, we have five Pilot Programs with the digital navigator process. This is five of the sites we are going to have a staff person onsite dedicated to assisting participants with digital or Technology Questions and that can mean things like one to one assistance, how do i do this, troubleshooting things, organized training for common requests, help subcribed to low income or reduced fee Internet Services to get that set up at their home, as well as helping them access other programs that are offered at das or city wide to access devices or other ongoing training or support for technology. The idea there is with this pilot is i think to just increase the avenues with which we address the digital divide, but also to kind of help identify our Community Centers as a place where someone can go with a tech nology question. Maybe helping kind of answer one of those, where are the services or where do i go for service and identifying Community Centers as a place related to technology. Beyond what is mentioned, there are many other things happening in the Community Centers. They are often colocated with Many Services we fund through different grants. These are aging and Disability Resource Centers which provide information and referral for folks coming in. Nutrition programs including congregate meal programs that were very popular prepandemic. During the pandemic served as a hub to transition to togo meals like mubing in additional refrigerators or freezers to help adjust and meet that new pathway for services. We have public computer labs at some of the sites. Exercise classes. Intergenerational programs which we just talked about. We have choir programs which we just talked about. Medicare counseling. Naturalization. Support and peer groups, lots of things happening colocated creating these spaces as Offering Services to meet a large amount of need and really engage in the community and bring people in. This was a big packet. There is a lot to go through with this one, so i want to just speak broadly about all these dollar figures and just deliverables and how we make sense of all of them. I would say i alluded earlier every Community Center is a little different and as we go through the procurement and contracting prauz we have general guidelines around cost controls and what we allow as expenses and things like that. When we get down to each individual site, we are often negotiating directly with that site around kind of their needs and the different sort of resources and things they bring to the table and provide services. What im getting with that is someeveryone has a little of different situations. Some folks own their building or in a much larger building offering multiple service that help cover rent. Some people have owned their building, some are longterm renters and non profit or state or federal buildings. Some people have moved just recently. Prepandemic and have higher rental cost because of ongoing cost. At that individual level, we are looking at the cost of their service, assessing for reasonableness based on circumstances, as well as negotiating out Service Units that are consistent with past performance and a general sense of performance from other providers in similar situations. Again, 41 sites in total here. Some of the newest sites joining this time are Booker T Washington on presidio in district 5. Buchanan ymca, bayview ymca district 10 and i think they opened i think believe last year, but more officially joining now. Selfhelp for the elderly geneva Community Center which is on Mission Street in district 11. With that, happy to answer any questions the commissioners might have. Thank you for theand the mapwe did get this in our pdf version and had a clans chance to look through it and the map was helpful so thank you for bringing in the presentation today. Any questions or comments from commissioners before . Well aware of all the comprehensive programs. Anybody from the public who would like to comment on this item . Any members of the public that would like to comment on item 12g . Please open the phone line for Public Comment on item g. Do we have callers in the queue . No callers in the queue. Thank you very much. Well close Public Comment. Is there a motion to approve item 12g from commissioners . So moved. From commissioner parker pinnington moved, second from Vice President lum. Mr. Secretary, please take a roll call vote to approve item g . [roll call] thank you. We have four. We are fine. I was counting. We have unanimous vote. Great. We should getthank you. We cant forget her. Well wait. Congratulations. I justthis was a lot of work i know to put this together and we really support all the great things that will come out of it i think, so good work. Well move to item h. Requires a vote by the commission. Review and approval of the California Department of aging medicare improvements for patients and providers act mippa contract mi232406, associated budget, and all subsequent amendments. Requesting authorization to modify the existing Grant Agreement with selfhelp for the elderly for the provision of Health Insurance counseling and Advocacy Program hicap to include these funds for mippa program administration; for the period of september 1, 2023 through august 31, 2024; in the additional amount of 63,833 with a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 70,216. Erica Maybaum will present . Thank you. Hi. Good morning Deputy Director kaufman, Vice President lum and commissioners. Erica maybaum, Program Analyst for the office of Community Partnership. The iletm is request to approval California Department of aging medicare improvalment for patients and providers contact known as mippa. These dollars the California Department of aging allocates usually once or twice a year to fund outreach engagement for enrollment in low income subsidies in the medicare savings program. Targets low income communities and esl or mono lingual communities specifically. The subsidies are tied to med car part d, Prescription Drug benefit to meet premium jz copays. The medicare savings plan msp are to help cover Medicare Part a and part b premiums. These funds have been added to the Hicap Program which is a medicare counseling and Advocacy Program and has worked well in this model. Selfhelp for the elderly is the contractor that administers the Hicap Program and the mippa program fits in the program has selfhelp has the institutional knowledge, language capacities and network in the community. I wanted to point out a few different allocation amounts. It is described in the memo but i wanted to insure it is clear. The contract from cda to city and county is annual for 76. 509 for services from september 23 through august 2024. However, das runs on a different fiscal year timeline, so the amount being considered for you to approve for selfhelp to administer the mippa part is through the end of the current das contract, which runs through june 30, 2024, so 8 months as opposed to allocation from cda which is 12 months. Given the end of the current contract with das in june 2024, a new rfp will be issued for administration of mippa and spend down the dollars for this program. Your approval today will allow the department to execute the contract with cdaCalifornia Department of aging and subsequentially modify agreements with hicap contractor selfhelp to add these dollars and administer the mippa program. Happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for explaining that nuance there and our funding period. That is good for the record. Do we have any other comments or questions from commissioners on this item . No. Then do we have anyone from the public who wishes to comment on item 12h . Any members of the public that like to comment on item 12h . Moderator, please open the phone line for Public Comment on item h. Well allow time for callers to submit their request. Moderator, do we have any callers in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. No further request to speak on the item, close Public Comment. Is there a motion from commissioners to approve item 12h . So moved. Heard from commissioner parking pinnington moving and second from Vice President lum. Could we have a roll call vote, please . [roll call] thank you. We have unanimous vote. Thank you. Thank you. The next order of business is agenda item i, requires vote by the commission. Requesting authorization to enter into a new Grant Agreement with San Francisco Marin Food Bank for the provision of calfresh Expansion Program during the period of july 1, 2023 through september 30, 2025; in the amount of 288,783, plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 317,661. leah walton will present the item welcome. Thank you. Hello commissioners and Deputy Director kaufman. Leah walton a nutritionist for das. Seeking Commission Approval for new grants agreement with the San Francisco Marin Food Bank for cal fresh expansion. June 1, 2019, cal fresh eligibility was expanded to include individuals receiving supplemental security income, ssi. Since 2019 there are broad consistent efforts to conduct outreach and enroll the newly eligible consumers to calfresh, however gaps remain. This is directed to outreach and application assistance in zip codes 94110, 94116, and 94121 which identified the planning is having greatest disparities between ssi and calfresh. The estimated percent of ssi recipients not served by calfresh is between 30 and 38 percent. Activities of the calfresh include outreach, Partnership Development and application assistance. Outreach activities include developing materials, disseminating through the community events, mailings, partnership on the internet and social media, and Partnership Development entail the grantee food bank establishing or engaging Strategic Partnerships with organizations operating in the identified zip codes to create inroads in those communities. And one on one application assistance offered and provide help with determining potential income deductions, completing required paperwork, collecting supporting documents and providing follow up to insure consumers are contacted for interview. Application assistance coincide with Program Service located where older adults are iclooly to be reached such as meal sites, Senior Housing and Community Centers. That is my presentation and happy to answer questions. Thank you very much. Any questions or comments from commissioners on this item . Go ahead, please. I have four questions. First, i just want to clarify, is this grant to work specifically with just ssi recipients or is it to all older adults, including ssi recipients . It is all older adults including ssi. Okay. Also, i just wanted to clarify or ask if there are plans or of translated materials and bilingual staff to work on this project . Yes. So, the food bank has multilingual staff who speak english, cantonese, mandarin, russian indiscernible and then participant materials are in english, spanish, chinese and russian. Thank you. You were well repaired for that question. She nailed it. I was wondering my third question is, under Service Objectives there is a note that there will be in each fiscal year six partnerships to be established. Can you talk more about that . Yeah. So, the partnerships are intended to you know, reach clients who might be harder to reach, otherwise. In the first fiscal year in 2223, because it is the federal fiscal year cycle, they are going to do a outreach plan to really identify the groups in those zip codes and then the partnerships will help actually and deliver their outreach into the community. Okay, so that is yet to be established . Yeah. Okay. My last question has to do with collaborating with actually Human Services agency, calfresh staff who are so well familiar with eligibility. Is there partnership that will happen between the staff and those eligibility and food bank . I would certainly like to see that in this work. The food bank has been reaching out about making partnerships in the adrcs so that is one potential way that that would happen, but yeah, i do think collaboration with hsa makes a lot of sense. Thank you. Thank you for the has there been any effort that has been made towards the Veterans Community . So, for thisone of the zip codes is 94116, the outer sunset located near the va, and i think the vathere is not a outreach plan yet. That is to be developed now through september, but i think that could be one potential partnership. Thank you. Do we have anyone from the public who wishes to comment on 12i . Any members of the public who would like to comment on 12i . Moderator, please open the phone line for Public Comment on item i. We will allow time for callers to submit their requests. Moderator, do we have callers in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you very much. Hearing no further request to speak, well close Public Comment. Is there a motion from commissioners to approve item 12i . So moved. From commissioner parker pinnington. We have a second from commissioner jung. Thank you. Please take a roll call vote. [roll call]. We have a second from commissioner jung. Thank you. Please take a roll call vote. [roll call] thank you. Unanimous vote. The next order of business is j, and required a vote of incommission. The commission. Requesting authorization to enter into a new Grant Agreement with selfhelp for the elderly for the provision of Calfresh Healthy Living Program during the period of july 1, 2023 through september 30, 2024; in the amount of 412,418, plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 453,660. leah walton will present the item thank you. Ill present a second contract for review and approval. This agreement with selfhelp for the elder for calfresh Healthy Living known as snap ed short for Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program education. The Healthy Living Program Promotes healthy active life style through physical opportunities, nutrition indiscernible environmental improvements that support nutrition standards, water access and appeal and are edible gardens. Selfhelp for the elderly as the lead agency helps provide Healthy Living in the through network of nutrition partners. Supports experiences activities and environments that meet the unique needs and interest of each nutritional partner site and participant who frequent them. Sh of the partners used calfresh to make environmental enhancement to revise the indiscernible after closures such appealing new Drinking Water stations or upgrades to service ware. Other partners to provide cooking demonstrations because the clients like learning how to prepare healthy meals and snacks or use produce they may have less experience with. We have other partners who love to participate in the physical activity 3r578 supported by the funding. Everybody loves line dancing which is a big hit. A portion offunding is set aside to reach veterans, federal Nutrition Service population. The portion of funding is subcontracted to the organizations towards the plow shares who use for Health Activities at 5 of the sites. The cal hp fresh grand will support nutrition, physical education and help profission activities at Community Sites at serve consumers and enhance the variety of activities the partners provide. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions or comments from commissioners on this item . Any members of the public who would like to comment on this item . Any members of the public who would like to comment on j . Moderator please open Public Comment for item j. Moderator, do we have callers in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you very much. Great. Hearing no further Public Comment, well close this item to Public Comment. Is there a motion to approve item 12j from commissioners . I move. Commissioner bittner and second from commissioner Parker Pennington. Please have a roll call vote to approve item 12j . [roll call] thank you. Unanimous vote. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Then item k is the next order of business and requires a vote by the commission. Requesting authorization to enter into a new grant with southwest Community Corporation for the provision of food support for targeted neighborhoods, for the period of july 1, 2023 through june 30, 2024, in an amount of 230,770, plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 253,847. tiffany dang will present the item welcome. Thank you. Good morning commissioners, and Deputy Director kaufman. My name is tiffany dang a nutritionist at das. Seeking Commission Approval for new Grant Agreement with southwest Community Corporation for food support within the targeted neighborhood of 94112. Improving geographic access to nutrition support is a key priority for the department and if tension of the program is increase culturally relevant and linguistically accessible food support for older adults and adultss with disability. This zip code is identified as a area where Community Members would benefit from having improved access to culturally relevant food support. Additionally, many older adults and adult with disabilities face challenges that can hinder ability for proper nutrition. They may encounter physical limitations, physical constraints or limited access to transportation making it difficult to obtain grocery. This will help bridge the gaps and improve the safetynet for Community Members living in this area. The Food Support Program operate out of indiscernible a new 130 Unit Affordable Housing Development within 94112. Every week the Program Offer consumers culturally responsive groceries from one or more of the food groups and one chinese speaking staff member dedicated to the program. The program will be a Farmer Market style pantry to allow to choose the foods they want rather then having receive prebag groceries. This gives the freedom of choice and minimize food waste. Support the distribution of 7800 supplemental bags and serve 150 clients this fiscal year. Thauj thank you for your consideration and happy to answer questions you may have. Thank you. Any questions or comments from commissioners on this item . Seeing none, do we have members of the public who would like to provide Public Comment on this item . Any members of the public that would like to comment on item k . Speaker you have three minutes and ill start when you start and let you know when 30 seconds come up. I advocated for others today so advocate for myself, and that is indiscernible new site moving into here in a couple days, and we know that people be coming from the outside of the community moving into capuso and the residents who live there, and helping them bridge the gap to supplement their food is part of our mission at southwest Community Corporation and we appreciate your opportunity to continue to address food insecurity. Thank you. Im felicia with southwest. Thank you very much. Any other Public Comment . On this item. Do we havemoderator, please open the phone line for Public Comment on item k. We will allow time for callers to submit their request. Moderator, any caller in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you very much. Thank you. Well close Public Comment and is there a motion to approve item 12k from commissioners . So moved. Moved by commissioner Parker Pennington and second from commissioner jung. Roll call vote, please. [roll call] thank you. We have unanimous vote. Great. Thank you commissioners. The next order of business is item l and requires a vote by the commission. Requesting authorization to enter into grants with multiple vendors for the provision of volunteer Visitor Program, for the period of july 1, 2023 through june 30, 2027, in an amount of 400,000, plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 440,000. Erica Maybaum will present the item. Welcome back. Hi, there. Hello Deputy Director dearman, acting president knutzen, commissioners. Program analyst for office of Community Partnership. For this item i am seeking authorization to execute new Grant Agreement for the volunteer Visitor Program with two grantees for provision of social isolation and loneliness prevention efforts. These twoagys are lighthouse for the blind and visually impaired and Little Brothers friends of the elderly. The ulvaen tear Visitor Program is available to all older adults and adults with disabilities. The program is designed to match participants with visitor to socially connect with them at least twice a month. The program aims to reduce isolation and increase connection to their community. There is a minimum 6 month commitment expected of all volunteers. Participants and volunteers screened for interest, hobbies relatable skills. The activity for the visit is up to the participants and visitor and could include activities such as outings, helping with tasks, shopping, exercising, Community Spaces or medical appointsments, grantees recruit, screen including a background check, train volunteers visitors including how to report suspected or abuse or selfneglect to aps and overview of the Services Available at das. There is training for volunteersism after background check and training volunteers are matched with a participant. Grantees conduct outreach to recruit participants and volunteers from diverse backgrounds. Little brother friends of the elderly actively recruit volunteers throughout the website and use google ads through a outside grant and word of mouth. Subsequent to showing interest volunteers are intend a mandatory orientation session before start ing the onboarding process. Unique to this program is it is intergenerational aspect because volunteers between the age of 1822. Lighthouse for the blind and visually impaired recruit volunteers through the subcription and regular post on volunteer match. Volunteer match is well known and established Online Platform that help non profits identify interested volunteers. Volunteers have found lighthouse through just normal google searches. Both grantees have used Community Volunteer fairs to find volunteers so these continue to be stalled since covid. This is a relatively small grant, but the combined annual totals for this program include udc 110. 135 volunteers, trained volunteers connected to clients, 90 different pairs and 2040 the number of visits provided to clients by the volunteer visitors. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Are thank you for that detail. Appreciate understanding the numbers. It seems we are getting a lot of this. That is great. Any other questions from commissioners on this item . Any Public Comment on this item . Any members of the public that like to comment on item l . Moderator, please open the phone line for Public Comment on item l. Well allow time for callers to submit their requests. Moderator, do we have any callers in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you very much. Well close Public Comment. Is there a motion from commissioners to approve item 12l . So moved. Been moved by commissioner parking pennington and second . I second. Thank you commissioner jung. Please take a roll call vote to approve item l . [roll call] thanks. Unanimous vote. Great. Thank you. Commissioners, the next order of business is item m and requires a vote by the commission. Review and approval of the contract with San Francisco health plan for provision of enhanced Care Management along with associated exhibits, fee structure, and all subsequent amendments to San Francisco Health Plan Members. Melissa Mcgee will present this item hello. It is still morning . It is. Good morning commissioners, Deputy Director kaufman. Melissa mcgee, aufsh of Community Partnership,er seeking approval to inturb into contract with the San Francisco health plan to Community Living fund Program Clients who are members of the San Francisco health plan. This ecm program is part of the state cal aim, which is california advancing and innovating medical initiative. Cal aim is an initiative by the state department of Healthcare Services with the goal to improve the quality of life and Health Outcomes for medical members by implementing a broad Delivery System program and payment reform with the goal to address social determinant of health and improve Health Equity state wide. As part of the cal aim initiative, enhanced Care Management is a whole person interdisciplinary approach to care and address clinical and non clinical needs of members. The goal is assist coordination of service and comprehensive Care Management. So, the San Francisco health plan ecm program will serve several populations of focus, but the two we are interested in are adultss at risk of institutionalization and adults in Skilled Nursing facilities transitioning to Community Living. These are individuals das has been serving since 2007 through the clf program. Thereby aligning with the goals of the cal aim ecm program. Our clf Program Provides intensive Case Management mirrors ecm and continue to serve the target population in addition to referred Health Plan Members. As you may recall when i presented the clf annual plan at may commission, i talked about our plan to serve Sf Health Plan members who meet eligibility for the clf program. For the past few months das and clf through ioa served clients in the ecm program and billing for the services is done manually while waiting for this contract between das and the health plan. For the Health Plan Members served by clf and receiving ecm services, das will file claims for reimbursement of covered services. Funds received by das for these members will be used to offset the city general fund. So, once this contract is certified, the health plan will refer clients to das for ecm Services Provided by the clf program aed ministered by das through the contract through institute on aging. I request your approval to enter into this contract and hope to answer any questions. Any questions from commissioners . I just a question, clarification. San Francisco Health plan is the plan that covers all city and county of San Francisco employees and retirees . The San Francisco health plan is managed medical program so all medical recipients in the city are managed by the health plan or anthem. Okay. Great. Thank you. We actually have universal healthcare coverage in the city. You know that. Right . Thats how we cover everyone in San Francisco through the San Francisco health plan. I dont know. It is a attempt indiscernible indiscernible right. Right, right. I confused it being a ex city employee. That is the universal Healthcare Plan we came up with years ago to cover the gaps for people who need it. Just a followup on that, it sounds like this investment will prevent additional costs that might result from people being institutionalized or prolonged institutionalization . The services would be covered by the health plan yes, to serve those people hopefully to help people return to Community Living and those at risk for institutionalization. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Any other questions from commissioners . This is a complicated sequence of things kwr we appreciate the way you walked us through that. Anything else . Do we have any members of the public who want to comment on this item . Any members of the public that like to comment on item m . Moderator, please open the phone line for Public Comment on item m. Well allow time for callers to submit their request. Moderator, do we have callers in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you very much. Alright. Well close Public Comment. Is there a motion from commissioners so moved. To approve item m. I heard from commissioner bittner moved, second from commissioner jung. Thank you. Please have a roll call vote . [roll call] thanks. Unanimous vote. Thank you commissioners. The next order of business is item n and requires vote by the commission. Requesting authorization to enter into grants with multiple vendors for the provision of Case Management services, clinical collaborative services, and Veterans Justice Court services, for the period of july 1, 2023 through june 30, 2027, in an amount of 17,427,704, plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 19,170,476. Erica Maybaum will present the item welcome back. Third time. Third time. Last but not least. Hello commissioners. Erica maybaum, office of Community Partnership. Requesting consideration and approval to enter into contracts with multiple providers of Case Management services and clinical collaborative program. Given there are three programs for your consideration, i want to briefly present on each of them and afterward happy to answer questions you may have. First going to present on the multiple grantee das funded Case Management. The purpose of das funded programs is to facilitate Service Connections to older adultss and adult with disabilities with the goal of maintaining optimal level 06 functioning in the most independent setting of choice of the client. For the client. Under das funded Case Management services, may include but not limited to each client receiving a comprehensive assessment, goal or service plan implementation, connection to health services, money manage ment support and other Community Resources. All of the Case Management programs contain core elements to insure standardization and effective delivery of services. Core elements include centralized wait list and online modular to document and track the client progress. The agency for consideration today are located city wide and also because of our centralized intake and wait list system agencies are expected to serve clients city wide no matter where their location is. Current language capacity of staff includes spanish, japanese, indiscernible in addition, all das funded programs have access to the Language Line with the availability of 240 languages. The clinical collaborative provides Additional Support to agencies providing das funded Case Management including supervisors and case managers, the clinical collaborative staff are licensed clinical social workers or marriage and family therapists. The collaborative will provide one on one small group case consultation and monthly meetings and ongoing training and support for both case managers and supervisors. All providers under consideration today have previously provided das funded Case Management services. I am very excited to brief ly share with you the information on the Third Program within this grant. The veterans justice Case Management program is a brand new grant for das and expand the office of Community Partnership portfolio of Services Specifically for veterans. In order to be eligible for this program, clients must be veterans with criminal cases in San Francisco and Court Ordered from a judge. Attend court as ordered, meet with clinical staff regularly, follow the treatment plan recommendations and willing to participate in the program. Expectations of the program include comprehensive assessment, providing Case Management Services Including referrals to resources such as Substance Use and mental helt treatment referrals, education or training for employment, resources for support for legal issues and therapeutic groups. Veterans justice Case Management Program Requires Court Appearances and case conferences and tracking compliance with treatment and reentry plans with the clients. This was my very brief runthrough of the programs. I am requesting consideration and approval to enter into contracts with the agencies detailed in your Commission Table and happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. Do we have any questions on this or comments . Seeing none, any Public Comment . Any members of the public that would like to comment on item o . N. N. N. Moderator, please open the phone line for any callers. Moderator, do we have callers in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you very much. Hearing none, close Public Comment. Do we have anymotion from commissioners to approve item 12n . So moved. Thank you, moved by commissioner Parker Pennington. Second . I second. Thank you from commissioner jung. Could we please have a roll call vote on item 12n . [roll call] thank you. Unanimous vote. Thank you commissioners. I think that and thank you. Do we have for item 13, any announcements . From commissioners . I dont have announcement, but i just want to take a moment here to just extend my thanks and appreciation to staff for how well and how well prepared and how thorough and comprehensive the presentations are here at the commission. The presentations are as clear, concise, well prepared and answer all our questions and i note that the memos are prepared are clear, they provide just right amount of information to make our jobs as commissioners easier in terms oof reviewing the work done by staff and i know there is a lot of work behind the whole lot of paperwork that we look at, so i want to extend my thanks and combination to staff that excellent work being done. This was an enormous agenda, and i just want to echo the same thing. We really accomplish it as we read through this and realized how much work goes into this and how many dollars are moved because of this and how important it is. Thank you for that. I think i wanted to make a note we are having a month off, right . For august . Hopefully that gives you all a little break. [laughter] no. Never from the work, but at least from preparing for these meetings. We hope that you have a little of time off around that or take some time off because of that. Ill adjourn the meeting and next meeting i promise you will have your new Commission President and Vice President. I want to echo what my fellow commissioner said. I appreciate the work amount of work, look at this. [laughter] i have not read the whole thing. However, now that we have a month off i will go through it. That is a promise. Thank you so much. Okay. I just want to say too, i think you all raised a very high bar now, because we will expect music and dance. Yeah and maybe a little inturperative spoken work at a future meeting so thank you for that. Yeah. Public comment is just got a few more dimensions. Thank you for that too. Alright. Im adjourning. [meeting adjourned]. I love that i was in four plus years a a rent control tenant, and it might be normal because the tenant will for the longest, i was applying for b. M. R. Rental, but i would be in the lottery and never be like 307 or 310. I pretty much had kind of given up on that, and had to leave San Francisco. I found out about the San Francisco Mayors Office of housing about two or three years ago, and i originally did Home Counseling with someone, but then, my certificate expired, and one of my friends jamie, she was actually interested in purchasing a unit. I told her about the housing program, the Mayors Office, and i told her hey, youve got to do the six hour counseling and the 12 hour training. She said no, i want you to go with me. And then, the very next day that i went to the session, i notice this unit at 616 harrison became available, b. M. I. I was like wow, this could potentially work. Housing purchases through the b. M. R. Program with the sf Mayors Office of housing, they are all lotteries, and for this one, i did win the lottery. There were three people that applied, and they pulled my number first. I won, despite the luck id had with the program in the last couple years. Things are finally breaking my way. When i first saw the unit, even though i knew it was less than ideal conditions, and it was very junky, i could see what this place could be. Its slowly beginning to feel like home. I can definitely you know, once i got it painted and slowly getting my Custom Furniture to fit this unit because its a specialized unit, and all the units are microinterms of being very small. This unit in terms of adaptive, in terms of having a murphy bed, using the walls and ceiling, getting as much space as i can. Its slowly becoming home for me. It is great that San Francisco has this program to address, lets say, the housing crisis that exists here in the bay area. It will slowly become home, and i am appreciative that it is a bright spot in an otherwise it is one of the first steps families and step to secure their future and provide a sense of stability for them and their loved ones. Your home, it is something that could be passed down to your children and grandchildren. A asset that offers a pathway to build wealth from one generation to the next. And you need to complete estate plan to protect the asisets. Your home, small business, air looms and more. You and so many communities, black, indigenous, latino and asian worked so hard to make yours but estate plans could be costly and conversations complex proud to partner to bring free and low cost estate plans to san franciscans. By providing estate plans we are able to keep the assets whole for our families, prevent displacement, address disparities and Home Ownership and strengthen the cultural integrity of the city. Working with local non profit organizations and neighborhood groups bringing the serveess to you and community, to workshops focused on Estate Planning and why its important. Im 86 years old and you do need a trustee. You need a will and put who ever you want in charge of it. Thats why i wanted to be here today. That is why one of the first steps i took when become assessor recorder is make sure we have a partnership to get foundational funding to provide these resources to community. But even more important is our connection to you and your homes and making sure we know how to help you and how to protect them. If you dont have a living trust you have to go through probate and that cost money and depending on the cost of the home is associated the cost you have to pay. That could be 40 thousand for a home at that level. I dont know about you, but i dont 40 thousand to give up. indiscernible important workshop to the community so we can stop the loss of generational wealth and equity and maintain a indiscernible why are estate plans important . We were just talking before we started the program, 70 percent of black americans do not scr a will in place. As mentioning being in community we had a conversation with a woman who paid 2700, 2700 just for revocable trust. What we are talking about today are free or low cost estate plans that are value between 3,000 to 3500. Free or low cost meaning free, or 400 if you make above 104 thousand a year, and capped larger then that amount. Because we want to focus on black and brown households, because thats whether the need is, not only in San Francisco, not only the bay area but the region as well. And, i was excitesed to see the turn out from the Western Addition and bayview and want to make sure we cover all the different steps from buying a home to making sure homes stay within the family. Work with staff attorneys to receive these free and low cost complete estate plans that include a living trust, will, financial power of attorney, and health directive. Thats why it is so important to make these resources and this information accessible. So we can make sure we are serving you and your families and your generations and your dreams. We insure the Financial Stability of San Francisco, not just for government, but for our communities. On behalf of the office of assessor recorder, im thankful for all the support and Legal Assistance they have given that makes the Estate Planning program a realty for you in San Francisco and are thank all the Community Partners like San Francisco Housing Development corporation, Booker T Washington center and neighborhood leaders and organizations that help families and individuals realize their dreams of Building Wealth in San Francisco from one generation to the next. To learn more about this program email inquiries at har thank today for the budget signing. I know supervisor chan, there were a lot of challenging time and doubt and frustration. When i am surprised throughout this entire process no are matter what you kept a smile on your face. Thank you very much for your heard work and for working with your colleagues and you know getting us through, i know we had to make hard decision in light of 780 million dollars, two year deficit. Fact we got through it, and almost record time is pretty surprising. And add moirable. Congratulations and thank you to each and every one of your colleagues for the work you put

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