Transcripts For SFGTV CCII Commission On Community Investment And Infrastructure 20240711

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Cleanup. We have special rigging that we carry that will contain oil spills until an environmental unit can come out. This is a job for us, but it is also a way of life and a lifestyle. Were proud to serve our community. And were willing to help people in any way we can. Divet. It is now 1 13 p. M. Sorry for the delay. My name is miguel bustos, and this is the regular meeting on committee on Community Investment and infrastructure, january 19, 2021. Following the guidelines set forth by local and state officials during this health emergency, the members of this commission are meeting remotely to ensure the safety of everyone, including members of public. Thank you all for joining us. Madam secretary, please call the first item. Clerk thank you, mr. Chair. The first order is business is item 1, roll call. Commission members, please respond when i call your name. [roll call] clerk all members of the commission are present. The next order is business is item 2, announcements. The next regularly scheduled Commission Meeting will be held on tuesday, february 2, 2021, at 1 00 p. M. 2b, announcement of time allotment for Public Comment. Please be advised a member of the public has up to three minutes to make pertinent Public Comments on each agenda item unless the Commission Adopts a shorter period on any item. Please note that during the Public Comment period, all dialin participants from the public will be instructed call and use their touch tone phones to register any desire for Public Comment. Comments will be taken in the order that it was received. If you are planning to provide a Public Comment on any items on todays agenda, it is recommended that you call the Public Comment line listed on the agenda to allow you to listen to the meeting live and to prevent you from experiencing a potential delay caused by live streaming. Todays presentation and other meeting materials are available on our website at sfocii. Org then commission, and under meeting tabs. The next item is item 3, report on actions taken at previous closed session meeting, if any. There are no actions. The next item is item 4, matters of unfinished business. There are no matters of unfinished business. The next item is item 5, matters of new business, consisting of consend and regular agenda. First is consent agenda. Item 5a, approval of minutes of regular meeting of december 1, 2020. Madam secretary, do we have any members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment at this time . Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment call 4156550001, enter meeting access code 1461310665. Press pound, and pound again. Press star, three if you would like to enter Public Comment for three minutes. Members of the public who are on the phone, if youd like to provide comment on the minutes only, this is your time to provide Public Comment by pressing star, three. If you press it by mistake, you can press star, three to lower your hand, so it looks like we have a caller. Let me just make sure. Hi, caller, did you want to provide a comment on the minutes . Okay. It looks like they lowered their hand. At this time, mr. Chair, there are no requests to speak on this item. Okay. Seeing no Public Comment, i will close Public Comment. Commissioners, may i get a motion for the minutes . Mr. Chair, i move that the minutes be accepted as read with any necessary correction. Thank you, commissioner scott. May i get a second . Second the motion. Thank you, commissioner brackett. Madam secretary, please take roll. Clerk commission members, please announce your vote when i call your name. [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, the vote is four ayes. Motion carried. Madam secretary, please call the next item. Clerk secretary is the regular agenda item 5c, conditional approving the basic 5b, electing the chair and vice chair under section 27 of the Successor Agency bylaws. First off, we will elect the chair. Do we have any nominations for chair . Yes, chair. I move that miguel bustos, yourself, would be our chair. Okay. Ill accept the nominations. Do we we need a second nomination for that or is a first fine, jim . No, no second is needed for nominations. Okay. Are there any other nominations for chair . Okay. Seeing none, nominations for the office of chair is closed. Are there any members of the public who wish to comment on the nomination of chair . Clerk for members of the public, if they want to provide any comments on that, you can press star, three. No, no comments, mr. Chair. Okay. I will see that theres no comments, request to comment, ill close Public Comment. Any oppositions or extensions from the commission . Hearing none, seeing none, madam secretary, please call the roll for chair. Clerk commission members, please announce your vote when i call your name. [roll call] clerk and mr. Chair, your vote is four ayes. Thank you. Thank you, fellow commissioners, for your confidence. So next, well have the election of vice chair. Do we have any nominations for vice chair . Mr. Chair . Yes. I would like to nomination mara rosa nominate mara rosales as vice chair. Thank you. Commissioner scott nominates mara rosales for vice chair. Does the nominee accept the nomination for vice chair . I do. Thank you. Seeing no other nominations, we will close nomination for the office of vice chair. Are there members of the public who wish to comment on the nomination for vice chair . Clerk if you wish to comment, you can press star, three. Mr. Chair, there are no comments at this time. Hearing none and seeing no Public Comments, we will close Public Comment. Are there any objections . Hearing none, seeing none, please take the roll call for vice chair. Clerk members of the commission, please announce your vote when i call your name. [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, the vote is four ayes. Thank you. The election of vice chair is goes to commissioner and current vice chair mara rosales. Congratulations, commissioner rosales. Madam secretary, call the next item. Clerk the next item is 5c, conditionally approving the basic Concept Design and Schematic Design documents for block 1 is in Hunters Point shipyard phase 1, which proposes 224 residential units and an amended schedule of performance for block 1, and providing notice that this approve is within the scope of the Hunters Point shipyard phase 1 reuse final Environmental Impact report, feir, a program e. I. R. , and is adequately described in the feir for the purposes of the California Environmental quality act, and adopting Environmental Review findings pursuant to the California Environmental quality act, Hunters Point Shipyard Redevelopment project area. Madam interim director . Thank you, madam secretary. The Community Partner of tabernacle [inaudible] have been affiliated with this project since their selection in 2005. So this has been a Long Time Coming for they can. A number of oc coming for them. A number of ocii staff have worked on this for a long time. Members of the entire Development Team are also available to answer any questions you might have. Mashika . Good afternoon, chair bustos, and ocii commissioners. My name is mashika mckenzie, and we are here today, seeking approval of the Schematic Design for Hunters Point shipyard phase 1 block 1. Next slide, please. And today, we will ill just give you a very quick overview of what we will cover today in the presentation. We will look at the commission action, what we are requesting. Well review the project description, the b. M. R. Description. Ill turn it over to the design team to do a presentation on the actual design of block 1, well review the conditions of approval and next steps. Today, were here seeking conditional approval of the Schematic Design of a mixeduse Residential Commercial building consisting of 224 residential units, 24 of which are inclusionary units, and 20,000 square feet of retail and commercial space as well as updating the schedule of performance for the block 1 vertical agreement. And this is the Hunters Point shipyard phase 1 map that provides an overview of the project location. And here, you have a rendering of the block 1 project which sits adjacent to the future northside park. So before i go into detail about block 1, id like to discuss the Overall Development program for Hunters Point shipyard phase 1, and at full buildout, there will be 1,428 units, 28 of which will be affordable. To date, 505 units, 102 of which are affordable, have been completed on phase 1 in addition to 14 acres of parks and open space. And here is a list of the project requirements at Hunters Point shipyard block 1. Theres a maximum height of 55 55 feet, im sorry, and views of the bay. Open space is 80 square feet per residential unit, off street parking, and 80 of area Median Income for b. M. I. Units. And you will hear more from them later, but here is the Development Team for block 1. It consists of camellia by the bay, and this is one of the Community Developer blocks selected in 2005, Tabernacle Community Development Corporation, air max corporation, and Nardi Associates are in the partnership. And block 1, the block 1 project is divided into two parts, part a and part b, and well further explore each of the portions of this project in this presentation. Block 1, as i mentioned, will include a total of 224 residential units 24 of which will be inclusionary, with a maximum height of 55 feet, and project a will include 25,000 square feet of retail space and 273 off Street Retail parking spaces. Next slide, please. Heres a breakdown of the bedroom types in project a and project b. Project a will have a total of 178 units, which will be a mix of one, two, and three bedrooms. Project b will have a total of 46 units, also a mix of one, two, and three bedrooms. The average size of the onebedroom units will be 800 square feet; for twobedroom units, 1,000 square feet, and 1200 square feet for threebedroom units. The inclusionary units are at households earning 80 of a. M. I. Project a will have a total of nine inclusionary units, and project b will have five. At initial leaseup, the units will be a mix of rental and fore sale. The units in project a will be for sale, and the units in project b will be for for rental, and the units in project b will be for sale. Overtime, the owner has indicated that the units in project b will be for sale and now, ill turn the presentation over to my colleagues to further introduce the palmelia team. We want to make sure youre not on mute. Thank you. My name is james macrae. Am i speaking now and clear . Yes, you are. Okay. Good. My name is james macrae, im the executive director of the Tabernacle Community Development Corporation. When we began back in 1996, i was the pastor of the jones memorial United Methodist church. At that time, reverend j. Edgar boise, dr. Aurelius walker, and i were pulled together by thenmayor willie brown to meet with the lennar and Shipyard Development director. We met with them and we were told that there would be Shipyard Development ahead, and we should get ready to participate in the Shipyard Development. Following those meetings, we met with and partnered with mr. Hermann and mrs. Peggy black blackman, the owners of amanco, and we founded tadamanco, and we pursued a relationship of working with lennar and serving as an independent developer. We brought on mr. Gerald green, who began to serve as our project manager, so to speak, for the task, and we were introduced to mr. Augustine maximus, and then, we formed what is called palmelia by the bay, as you receive us today. I want to thank you at long last, making it possible to present. We want to thank everyone for helping us get to this place, and were very happy now to present in full mr. Gerald green. Thank you, dr. Macrae. Id like to again by, again, emphasizing the importance of this project as a Community Development center. We believe, and im sure that everyone believes in participation by Community Groups in development of their Community Creates a significant and important connection with the community, but this is just a starting point. The image on the screen before you this displays whats expected to be the major physical connections within phase 1. Block 1 is a part of that scheme, is a part of that display there. The connections between the private spaces of block 1 and the public realm is a major theme of the shipyard d4d design objectives, and its a major part of the vision of our project. Block 1 includes components which are designed to generate a connection to the immediate community, and as you can see on the screen there, we have included within this project approximately 20,000 square feet of retail space. In our opinion, that creates a purposeful reason for coming to this site. It also provides additional services. This project has been designed to include news. As you heard kashika say earlier, the project is divided into two pieces of the one of the dividing elements is one of the public m. O. U. S. We also include a m. O. U. From innes avenue. Those m. O. U. S provide a future physical link to parks which will be developed in the future, the northside park, which kashika made reference to before. We strongly believe the retail component of the project will be enhanced by focusing on Small Businesses, local businesses, womanowned businesses, and we will focus on businesses owned by African Americans and other minorities. I could go on, but i think its important that we get into the some of the details, but id like to end by simply communicating what is obvious, and that is we are excited for many reasons. But foremost, we believe that palmilia by the bay continues the building that is already underway and the physical connections that are included within our project helps enhance this new community. I think now its probably appropriate to turn it over to our project architect and the main contributor to our vision for the design of the project, mr. Norberto narde. Norberto . Clerk please make sure that you are not on mute. Okay. Can you hear me now . Clerk yes, we can hear you. Okay. I will refer specifically to some of the Design Principles that motivated our proposal for block 1 and already incorporating some of the comments mentioned by gerald. The project goals are essentially the premises that we essentially use when we emphasize a place, a program in the future to define how theyre going to be addressed. You see we have three major protocols. One was to respond to the urban environment. Clearly, this was an incredible site. When i saw it for the first time, all of my juices that are moving actively at the pleasure of being in such an incredible place in an incredible community, as well, so the First Response was to iclude the environment in our design. The second one was that we are going to build a project that is sort of between the city landscape and the adjacent park. We absolutely emphasize the [inaudible] the block, and by saying that, i would like to identify its not just a vision, its the relationship where the community can walkthrough the project. Its the synergy between the public realm and the private realm. And i think our project is important because its one of the few private developments that the public can walkthrough, and doing this will strengthen Community Bonds because in the way that we are allowing, we are interacting with the surrounding community to work through the whole project [inaudible]. Responding to what i said [inaudible] but the situation is very clear. I think we are assuming that fundamentally, [inaudible] will be the majority [inaudible] thats run in the site, and from there, you can see the different [inaudible] and then, how we are providing, as well, the budget around, assuming and incorporating some of the design provided by the city, how those basics will go around the side and eventually will fade into each side. The next one. This is a more details indication of the presence situation where you see exactly the vertical rotation within the project, and we did create a turnaround inside the project, a service area for the commercial space. The next one. [inaudible] the exposure [inaudible] this is another indication of the future of the m. O. U. S. The m. O. U. S, they are depicted on throughout the site. By doing this, we can show what happened. The next one, please. Landscape design, we are incorporating a number of things, im sure that the commission are fach with oir r are familiar with our design indicating a number of activities. And next, we are very sensitive about the environment of the design, we are being practices for years, so the building is not just massive walls, its articulated with the landscape. The next one, please. And you can see crowd has Massive Movement as well as interest in this site from innes, and we include this sort of gigantic sale that celebrates this. The next one. And now, this is a culture because we call the project palmilia, its kind of a project that we designed to [inaudible]. The next one. This is the m. O. U. As well as the firescape. The next one. This is the view from the property across the street. The next one. This is the entrance that i was describing before, in a Community Cafe proposed adjacent to a major retail space. The next one. This is the cafe, and this is the commercial view for the small retail spaces which are located along this walkthrough. The next one. And this is probably the most exciting places, when you see along the view, you see the articulation of the project. The project is very articulated, very dynamic, and thank you. Next slide, please, and this is the final image of this project. I just wanted to say oh, im sorry. I forget to mention that we should return to kashika, and she can continue with the presentation. Thank you, norberto. [inaudible] did you want to say anything in closing . Just in closing, i want to say thank you to all of those who worked on the team. Theyve done such a wonderful job for us. For us as clergy, you understand that this is a response to the cry of the people, and we are thankful that we have found both skilled architects, one of the greatest in the world, as well as partners and financiers who have caught the vision with us and have sought to be responsive to the realities of development in San Francisco. So thank you very much, and thank you, miss mckinney. Thank you, mr. Macrae and to the Development Team. Next slide, please. The date in the d. B. A. For the commence b. D. A. For the commencement of construction and completion need to be tallied, as we mentioned earlier, and were requesting that the construction be updated to february 2022, and the completion be updated to february 2024. And the action before the commission is a conditional approval that requires the developer to further refine and review elements of the design in subsequent phases. Material pallets must be demonstrated to be durable, of good quality and variety, and visually interesting. And the mock up must be submitted prior to review, construction, and development to show the design systems. Thank you. And as you are all well aware, we do have a 50 s. B. E. Goal, with first consideration for bayviewHunters Point San Francisco Small Businesses. And currently the developer is exceeding the s. B. E. Goal for professional services. Thank you. Next slide. And this slight consists of slide consists of marketing regarding the occupancy preferences that the developer has agreed to, including early outreach, which means that 30days after construction begins, that the developer will begin working and will emphasize working on the marketing plan with an emphasis on the certificate of preference holders. Next slide, please. And prior to seeking ocii approval, the developer participated in a number of Community Meetings with the Hunters Shipyard c. A. C. And met with neighboring Homeowners Associations and other groups seeking input and answering questions about the block 1 design, and this slide consists of a full list of the organizations and c. A. C. And Homeowners Associations that the block 1 developer met with prior to seeking your approval. And out of those meetings came some feedback, and the topics most recent discussed were included in this list. A range from designating a construction manager during construction to things about construction height and palm trees. Those are things that came up quickly, and id just like to do a very quick review of the developers response. Regarding the Construction Management, the developer the neighbors requested a single point of contact that they could access during construction, and the developer has agreed and will have a Single Person for contact for the neighbors to reach out to to ask questions or if they need any matters that theyre concerned with, if they need those addressed. Parking also came up. Some also addressed concerned about the lack of street parking, and the developer has included 273 offstreet spaces. 226 spaces are reserved for residential, so thats one per unit with a couple of car share spaces also. One other concern that came up concerned the palm trees at the site, and the developer is currently incorporating the palm trees into the design and will continue to study and work with city agencies on the feasibility of locating and maintaining the palm trees that are not being relocated within the development. And lastly, as gerald mentioned earlier, the tenanting of the commercial spaces also came up as one of the concerns in the meetings, and the developer has committed to working with oewd and the c. A. C. On outreach to l. B. E. S, Small Businesses, and minority and blackowned businesses to find businesses that are suitable for those spaces, those retail spaces. Next slide, please. And if the Commission Approves the block 1 Schematic Design today, construction is scheduled to begin in spring of 2022 and completed in spring of 2024. Next slide, please. Thank you. That concludes the presentation for Hunters Point shipyard block 1, and we are available and happily accept any questions that the commission may have. Great. Thank you. Thank you so much. Madam secretary, do we have anyone from the public who wishes to provide a comment . Clerk at this time, members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item, which is item 5c, should call 4156550001. Enter access code 1461310665. Press the pound sign, and then the pound sign again, and then press star, three to raise your hand. If youre already on the phone listening to us, please press star, three if youd like to submit a request to speak. Okay. Heres the first caller. Good afternoon, commissioners and the staff of ocii. My name is linda fadeke richardson. I am a long time resident of bayviewHunters Point, and im calling today in support of the tabernacle corporation palmilia project. Ive appeared in front of your agency on numerous occasions in support of the Community Builder program. We should note that this was the first equity provision ever written in San Francisco. The tabernacle Development Corporation, which has deep roots in our community, is before you today. We ask all of you for your support. Lets also, as we move forward, try to remind ourselves, of all the present and all the current staff that have worked on this project. Kashika mckinney, we thank you for all your support. We also know there are other city staff that have also participated. I also wanted to congratulate the c. A. C. On their leadership of veronica honeycutt. Shes working tirelessly on behalf of the community, as she always does. Lets not also forget the former president of five point, mr. [inaudible]. He inherited the challenges of the Community Builder program, which thats actually never happened in the history of San Francisco. I was present entirely during his inception and during the trial negotiations. He went beyond the call of duty to ensure that this particular program will remain in place, ensuring that the Tabernacle Group had the entitlement and worked through all the challenges, and here we are, you know, today. And thanks to commissioners, especially our new leadership, ocii, chair bustos, and vice chair rosales, please. You are all friends of the community, so i need not elaborate on that, your support in moving this project forward is essential, and well continue working together to realize Affordable Housing and also equity participation for African Americans and other peoples of color in the history of San Francisco. Thank you again for your leadership and for your support. [please stand by]. Numerous other entities benefitted from the destruction and the reconstruction of the philmore. However, none of the people were allowed to participate in such a way as they are in this development. I want everyone to realize we have fought tirelessly to ensure that from the bayviewHunters Point development have benefitted. And they have stepped forward to go through numerous objections and overcame them. Theyve stood tall and together during this whole process. So i want everyone to know that this is something that the bayviewHunters Point community wanted to happen, and its now on the verge of happening. So i implore the commission to support and push this project through. Thank you very much for the time. Thank you. Next caller. Caller hi, i am jason freed, a resident at 451 donahue street which is the residency directly across from block one. I also happen to be president of the Condo Association h. O. A. For the shipyard. I wanted to give you a few comments on the proposal. First off, i wish i could be here today telling you i wanted to support the project as it stands. Unfortunately, counter to what i have been hearing, there has not been good Public Outreach by the developer on this project. If you look at your schedule, you see they met with each group once and only once. I am a former Community Organizer and that is what we call a check box meeting. They met with us so they could check a box to say they met with us and really had no intention of doing anything more. They met with us. We gave them a list of questions and things, and then they returned to us with answers to the questions the day of the full c. A. C. Meeting. We didnt have a chance to talk prior to that to work things out before the c. A. C. Meeting. And we have not met with them since the c. A. C. Meetings have occurred. We really need to request you delay these approvals today and give the community more time to actually that lives here at the shipyard and around this building more time to have discussions with them to fix the issues that are still there. Two of the big issues that i wanted to point out today is, one, you will notice they talked about views a lot. You will notice they gave you in the presentation a view from one group of residents. They seem to have taken out the slide thankfully in some ways and unthankfully in others from the view from my building. They tried originally in the early presentation to prevent a version that we would have a great view, but the reality is we dont. If you look at 451 donahue street, one of the things you will notice is it is not as tall as it can be on donahue. It actually steps back. We are asking for consideration consideration for this development. They have plenty of room in the center of the development to build taller. From what we were told at a previous meeting, that would require them to go over the particular height limit for the particular part of the parcel, but not the overall site from a physical if you were on the street on ennis, they would go taller. And take the units at donahue and move those over so we can actually have have the public views they are wanting to give everybody and not blocking them. And they still get the same number of basing units they had before in the slightly different design. O. C. I. I. Is looking to increase height limits for the different building at the shipyard where the Current Welcome Center is for low income housing. I personally have no problems with that, but if we are talking about increasing height limits on one site, why cant we talk about it at another site in a way that will not negatively impact residents that live at 451 donahue street. We have a shared Community Roof space that will have the views completely destroyed by this development. We need to have this around. Thank you. Excuse me. Next caller. Caller yes, my name is timothy alan simon. I am a resident of the bayview Hunters Point, member of the bayview hills neighborhood association. I also am a native of the city of San Francisco, the former appointment secretary for the state of california and a former California Public utilities commissioner and attorney. I am calling in support of the tabernacle corporation and the development that is before your agenda, excuse me, to the commission members. I appreciate the due process deliberation here and encourage you to approve this parcel and development and tabernacle and thoughtfulness and Community Engagement of this development, but also for the history that you bring. And embracing all the cultures that are a part of this Dynamic Community that desperately needs housing. That desperately needs rejuvenation of the region that they have selected. With that said, i believe they have done everything necessary to gain your approval and i encourage you to give them the votes they need to move this process forward. Thank you. Thank you. Next caller. Caller hi. My name is stephanie. I have been a resident in the Shipyard Neighborhood for over four years. I have a few points i would like to mention as a resident in this growing community. I do support the development of the block. However, i have a few comments on the design and the start date as a resident that will be continually living here and experience the growing pain of the projects. Number one, the builder has pitched to me and many residents that the design of the building will not disrupt our view. And per the design that just presented, it seems like that is not the case. I was told by the seller that the design of the local area would be a foot into the design and would be much lower while keeping the 55 feet height radius. The start date of the project will conflict a separate Development Project which is a block away which means there will be multiple large Construction Projects that all the current residents will have to go through. I understand there is a large support of the neighborhood and the impact after the construction. However, as current residents, we will be experiencing the construction on a daily basis with two Major Projects, over 400 new homes being constructed. Second of all, a lot of these resident based on the percentage for block a will have majority two bedroom and three bedroom that. Means one parking space would not be efficient for these residents that will be living in here. Ennis avenue is a main road for our community with two parallel Major Projects going on, it will be impossible for everyone going to offices in the downtown area. Third of all, public amenities have always been an issue since i moved here four years ago. There is only one restaurant built in 2019 which is cafe al mar. There has been no businesses such as Grocery Store that will really meet the growing demand. My question to the architect firm, can you present restaurants and Grocery Stores that meet the demand of the residents that is growing here . Fifth t design looks great with the architectural gray wall exterior. However, if for local resident, i strongly encourage you to walk around the area because there are multiple green walls on the building adjacent to your block on 451 merchant. It is great in design. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. My name is eric vander pool and i am a homeowner here at the s. F. Shipyard. I know others are discussing the specific issues they have with the projects design, but i want to talk about the process itself by which the community is involved in projects like this. This shouldnt detract from the excitement for the project, but it must be considered. Point number one, the Community Needs to be included in the design process much earlier. The community is not included in these projects until its too late. By the time theres any Community Outreach t Architectural Design is already in place, schematics have been drawn and artist renderings have been produced. When the community is finally allowed to give input, everyone on the design team at ocii and on the cac staff and board give a give off a vibe that is too far down the path to make any substantive changes. So everyone gets defensive about the design instead of being open to ideas from the community. Why isnt there a brainstorming and listening session at the very beginning of the projects before any designs have been made whatsoever to get Community Input on the design . Point number two, Community Outreach must be more robust and must be more than just checking a box. Outreach to nearby homeowners and other concerned Community Members often comes across as being a box that the developers have to check to and had actually exjaned emails and the developer claimed they had no luck in setting up a meeting with us. We had to jump through too much and more than 130 attended and even after the meeting there was little to no follow through with us. It would go a long way to get buyin from the community on the projects if the developers and the ocii and cac, for that matter, really street this and the idea of including the community as partners in the development shouldnt end once the project is approved. As the condition of the project, the developers should be required to hold periodic meetings with the community to discuss ongoing Construction Management, sound levels, dust level, adherence to project the timeline. Point three, they must listen to and value the communitys input. Being on the c. A. C. Is a thankless job. And that said, my understanding that one of the purposes of the c. A. C. Is to, quote, promote the exchange of information and opinions among the member, Government Agencies and community stakeholders. Too often when Community Members make comments and express concerns about proposed projects, many c. A. C. Meetings and street Community Members with reconnaissance reconnaissa and excited about this project and really to commit everyone for carrying forth the Community Builders program. Ive got a couple concerns here that i want to address for the record. And i have sent a letter out earlier today. Apologies for the late notice. We didnt know this meeting was happening despite various communication requests to the developer. And a couple of notes that i want to make is hoping that you all can add two additional design workshops for residents who live in 451 donahue. I own a home in 451 donahue and and the community and input is right, it has been very, very limited. We had numerous attempts to meet with the developer to discuss concerns. We have one information session and heard nothing else other than some canned responses. Also concerned about the height along donahue street. The earlier presentations there was a photo included in the presentation that showed an inaccurate and misleading images from the rooftop deck of 451 donahue. I am not going to get up here and talk about i am on that side, but i think for the common good and the limited space that is limited open space that is in each of the properties and limited common space, i am asking you all to add these items to the conditions because the developer has yet to address the items and again, the presentation we saw today, the image was removed. You saw the view and there were other neighbors that stepped down and a building on hudson to see some alternative options and the building the step down on donahue. Also very concerned about the general Construction Management in the area. And the large scale projects happening radioit now and coming through and removing dirt. When we have no insight as to with the construction trucks and a twoyearold kid and cannot walk on the sidewalk because there are construction trucks parked in crosswalkser to sidewalks themselves. So none of the construction folks adhere to anything happening there. And then the last thing is just interim on the site and hoping that you all can add these items to the conditions. Thank you. Thank you. Next caller. Hello. Okay. I will call on the next one. Hello. Hello. I am a member of the Shipyard Community here with the voice for the court and i know this project has been going on for a number of years starting in 2005 and i think this is something that needs to come to the area. Sometimes perfect is the enemy of great. And i think this is a wale designed program and to voice support on behalf of the shipyard resident. Could i get your name . It was static earlier. Could you repeat your name on record . And he hung up. Let me unmute the one right before him. See if they would like to speak. Hello. Hi. Can you hear me . Yes. Happy new year, commissioners and everyone on the call. We the Community Like to ask your support to move forward with the tabernacle Development Corporation project. We are excited about the project offering Housing Available for us. Business opportunities for us and jobs. Commissioners, we like to thank you for your support and like to thank you, tabernacle Development Corporation as well. I have been born and raised in bayview and like to make it clear that meetings has been held at the c. A. C. Office for years about this project and many other projects. Lets move forward in 2021. Like to give acknowledge my president dr. Honeycutt as well as sister linda richards. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Chair, at this time it does not look like there nor other members of the public wishing to comment on this item. Okay. Hearing no further requests to speak on this item, will close Public Comment and turn to the commissioners for any comments or questions they have. I would like to start with commissioner scott. Good afternoon. And thank you to paul for such a complete comprehensive presentation to c. A. C. And the developers. And thank you, tabernacle, for your perseverance in hanging in there all of these years when we know with many projects when its just overdelayed and challenged, many developer wills walk away. And we desperately are in need of your project and we are looking forward and i am forwarding this project Going Forward and not delaying it who are hearing from some saying they were not here in the plans and they have been years and you were not here if you were here five or seven years. There were Many Community people. I am a native myself. And i live here over 30 years in bayview. Right here near the project. And attended many of our meetings. Many discussions. Again, acknowledging the workshops and dr. Walker opening his church. And many of our other churches being open to the discussion as well as Southeast Community center with the meetings and discussions. I must give credit to the bayview that were involved in this. And we dont have a perfect plan where everything, every one of us wants were going to get. We always have had to deal with parking. We dont get what we want here in bayview. Weve always had to deal with view. We dont always get what we want but what we do need and what we do have is housing for those that are seeking housing. We will be able to have our children, grandchildren, and generations to come to have housing. And i would even put that above myself personally view. And the palm trees to me i think its beautiful. And were not l. A. However, it brings in a lot of hope and joy and peace. I am looking forward to moving this project forward. I hope we all feel the same way and really understand we cant get every single thing we want. And we can get something that we need. I am grateful for this historical time and so reminded of dr. Kings i have a dream and we are fulfilling portions of that dream and that this is the Community Office and i am very proud of that and culturally and i dont see a reason for delay or pushing back or holding down our changing. This is a project i am for, and i am mostly right now for moving it forward. Ladies and gentlemen, there was apparently a caller waiting on the line and i am going to pause on the commissioners having further community. Hi there, caller. Thank you for enabling me to speak and i apologize for the technical difficulty. I am calling on behalf of myself and my partner who are homeowners at 451 donahue which is across from the building proposed and it is fabulous to hear from everybody today and calling for a request that the neighboring buildings and 451 donahue and for consultation to take place listening carefully in ways there was a response to the concerns raised and the issue of height along donahue street is completely elighted from that response as many other shipyard residents have voiced and particularly those at 451 donahue. Were asking that meaningful consultation take place by those residing together with those who are residing and have some opportunity for greater consultation on this. And i heard from neighbors who have raised in particular to issues and some of these have been mentioned already. The first is the issue of height and the drawings were very misleading and to continue to have a night that is not the case and the community with a view out will be lost completely as the case for residents and have the building step back and that is the first issue. And the second issue has been raised and for those residing and they do need to be able to make the commute in the morning in a timely way. That can be taken into account during the construction process so that would be great and the herb shoe of height not be taken into account and would havent to lose units in terms of occupants that could be enabled with a decrease in height that would not completely block those who are already residing there. Thank you very much for your time. All right, commission secretary. We are able to move forward with the commissioners comments. I am going to start with the comments and move into my question. So i just like to say as a former resident of Mariners Village at 112 coral court, my back window face the naval barracks and the dirt lots prior to 451 donahue street. So while many of these residents who are against this project move into the neighborhood in the last six to seven year, i can understand why they feel like there havent been enough meetings. In reality, there have been Community Meetings for this project in the 1990s, 2000s, and throughout 2010. We are now in 2021. Let me remind you guys that 2021 means the community has been waiting for this project almost 30 years. I would also like to note that cafe alma is not the only part of the neighborhood. And bobs store is there and a restaurant inside the committeeians and you also forget that many of you live in areas which block views from longtime residents who live there had before you, like people who lived in the village. And so those persons came to meetings during the last 30 years and had the discussion and decided it was better to have a developed community and share this beautifulness of bayview with everyone else. For many of you to come together, its simply to take a selfish approach after moving into the area in which you knew there would be Additional Development is quite shocking and personally unconscionable. So thus, i am happy to move forward with this project as is and to embrace the community and the culture who is deserve equitable and justice. As far as it goes for restaurants, when a Development Goes up, they do not preselect the restaurants or retail. So if the Community Wants to be involved in that, i believe the project management said there would be the opportunity. I really dont see what the problem with that is at this point. I do have some questions about some of the actual unit distribution. My only question today and converted from the rental into the housing. And are the units going to like, what is the plan for that . I saw there is supposed to be four or 50 of the units converted. I want to get a little bit more clarity around that. Yes. Thank you, commissioners. We do have housing representatives online. But i will go ahead and make a first pass at responding to your question. So at lease up as we stated, a portion of the units will be rental. But when the developer, if they elect to convert those to Home Ownership in the future, then the residents that are living in those units as far as the inclusionary and with the conversion. It answers my question in terms of the thought behind what would happen. However, as we all know in reality when people are renting, they are not always in a position to buy. So having the option to purchase if that unit is slated for them to a purchase and they arent able to purchase and out on the streets, is that correct, or do they have to move . I can take a stab at it. And i want to stand for the process for the conversion and the developers representative and will let them speak also. The developer has agreed and required to come to ocii with a plan for conversion and it wouldnt be something that happened all of a sudden. There would be a plan that ocii would play a significant role in approve the plan. And the housing team would also be working with people with the individuals that are currently in the inclusionary units to make sure there is a full opportunity and time for preparation. To be able to purchase the unit and plenty of notice also. I dont know if that gets to what you are asking. I invite also pam of the housing team to add to my response also. An i just wanted to add one more pint pointe and thank you for responding. The beauty of this particular project is that the units for boast the rental and ownership are at 80 a. M. I. So the reach for household to purchase will not necessarily be as high. Additionally because it depends when the conversion happens. But because there is some time, the renter, the households who are in the rental units will have an opportunity to save for down payment to actually purchase that unit. Thank you so much for providing that info. That makes more sense now. Perfect. Are you done, commissioner . I have one other question, but i will reserve it for the end. Thank you. Commissioner . Thank you. Thank you for the presentation, everyone. I was interested in hearing from the developer some response to the members of the public that have expressed what i have heard a support for the project, a request for delay, but as a last speaker said, some avenue for meaningful consultation. Can we hear from the developer on those points . Yes. And i will turn it over to the developer to respond. And im sorry, please forgive me, i forgot to in the Community Feedback include the portion about the height and the concerns about the height. And that did come up in the meeting absolutely. And as i mentioned in the presentation, the developer has submitted a design that is within the Design Guidelines for this block. And the maximum height being the 55 feet. I hear these concerns coming up again as they did in the meeting and the comments around the height and protecting the private views. And that is not really something that can be accommodated, protecting private views, without significantly reducing the number of units, including the number of below market rate and inclusionary units in this project. I will let the developer also speak to it and how they responded as you requested. Maybe i can begin and others can chime in as well. Commissioner rosales, again, so that i can clearly understand your question, you want us to speak to some of the questions that were raised during the Public Comment, i believe, is that correct . Yes. I did hear several items. First of all, about construction and the desire for not only a Construction Management plan that attempts to put some kind of controls over the general contractor, but also reaching out and having a Briefing Session from time to time about the status of construction. In my past life, i served in the Planning Department with issues that come up on a regular basis and working out as a language that would be vetted as a position to speak to preparing a plan. We have talked it over and certainly we would be prepared to have reasonable meetings to explain and be invited to the homeowners meetings when they are scheduled and things of that nature to talk about where we are and to talk about herb issues and have a central person with the developer and a contractor who they can speak to. Some of the issues that i heard regard to restaurants and with the tenancy and who is expected and who they want and to have a dialogue with the with the types of tenants they value and we can work out a plan about who were thinking about and how were marketing it. We would be prepared to listen to them if they have some suggestions. Women owned businesses, minority owned businesses and especially focus on africanamericans. I think we can all appreciate, however, given the current pandemic, it does influence and has impacted our economy and certainly will make it a real challenge, but its not one we think is going to be constant. Were looking forward to a change, to a new normal, and we hope the economy will change and clearly before and after construction, we will be developing a plan for marketing and reaching out to the community to talk to the office of economic and work force development. And it helps us to succeed and listen to do that so we will do that. The only other followup i have and i think the staff has addressed it is the issue of the height. Its within the Design Guidelines and is recently part of the plan and is obviously the height allows for the accommodation of the units which are critically important. So i just want to understand if there was a delay and from what is on the record and i dont think 60 days would be here. And to revise at this stage, is that correct . Im sorry. We have been working on this design for a number of years and there is a lot of sweat and possibly tears that have gone into insuring this design is compliant with the ocii guidelines and that of other city agencies including safety like the Fire Department and to try to and it is not to say that other designs havent been tried. I think that this is this was the most suitable design after going through quite a lengthy process. To make sure they were compliant with the deeper guidelines and the Safety Environment and with the d. B. I. Requirement and yes, that would be a great delay and i dont think that it would be 60 days. It would be considerably longer and you would be looking at possibly changing and trying to reconfigure how, as i said, the safety requirements and how they are fitting into this project. Its bigger than just lets change this side of the building so it doesnt quite work like that, which i am sure everyone probably knows. I think some of the members of the h. O. A. Community have maybe the impression that we didnt hear their thoughts or nothing was changed. There was some comment about but they are not talking about us. We have never said we werent going to build to a certain height. We have had numerous meetings with the h. O. Avm and there are things that we have changed that we felt was for the better and the access point for hudson. I want the commissioners or the public to think that whatever comments they have made or suggestions they have made have been ignored. But the Common Thread is not a question of reducing the height. How does that impact the life and safety and a. D. A. Issues. And this project is not an easy project. It is a complex site. We close on this deal 2018. We are now 2021. We are in the middle of covid and still fighting strong with the intent to break ground on this project as we mentioned. Aument comments are not falling on deaf ears unlike whats being said. There is a lot we have to do the rest of the day and i want commissioner rosales answered so we can continue to move on. I want to make a comment that the design is beautiful. It is one of the most beautiful designs that i have seen as a commissioner. Can i give you my we have to keep moving. And i will go back to commissioner bracket who has another question. My final question is, i know that due to the rise in covid numbers we will have an expanded time of shelter in place. Or should we push out to 2025 or anything like that . I believe as far as on the construction side, there are protocols in place with the city for safety plans and such. And i think they probably would have more information on how covid is impacting actual construction. Other projects in the city including on the shipyard are continuing. So are currently under construction to complete the project within the projected timeline. But if a developer representative would like to add anything, about that area and special protocols in place and are done longer and we are proceeding with the plan. So by the time we break ground, there are measures in place and having said that, we intend to follow them. Thank you. So i have had more comments than i do have questions. I am a little concerned about folks who just moved into the area and need to and basically coming from one building basically. The community is more than just one building. Its an entire neighborhood that has been waiting a long, long time to have a project actually being built by the community. The community has been involved as we are talking about, as commissioner bracket said, a few decades out in. Our role is to make sure that we are building housing and building community. Our role is to make sure there are Job Opportunities and Economic Development in these areas. 451 donahue was once an empty lot and people had views overlooking that lot. I want us to be careful because there has been a community that has waited decades for justice in this way. Where were you when the community was asking . Now the community is asking we want to build. To benefit from that and its the right thing to do. With that, madam secretary, i need a first and second before we call roll. Commissioner, may i have first a motion . A we have a motion and a second. Madam secretary, please take roll. [roll call vote] mr. Chair, the vote is four ayes. Motion carries. The next item is 5d, conditionally approving a variation to the transbay redevelopment plans onsite Affordable Housing requirement as it applies to the mixeduse project at 542550 Howard Street, subject to approval by the board of supervisors of the city and county of San Francisco in its capacity as legislative body for the Successor Agency to the San Francisco redevelopment agency, and authorizing the payment of an Affordable Housing fee to fulfill the projects Affordable Housing obligation. Providing notice that this approval is within the scope of the Transit Center district plan project approved under the Transit Center district plan final Environmental Impact report, a program eir, and is adequately described in the feir for the purposes of the california Environment Quality act, and adopting Environmental Review findings, transbay reDevelopment Project area, discussion and action, resolution no. 22021. Madam interim director . Thank you, madam secretary. Commissioners, the matter relates to transbay parcel f which is one of the stateowned parcels in the transbay reDevelopment Project area. And today the parcel f Development Team will seek a variation from the redevelopment plan to allow them to pay ocii an inlieu fee and will represent the item. Jeff . Good afternoon, commissioners. And as interim director has mentioned t item is to seek transbay redevelopment for the project at 542 Howard Street also known as parcel f. And accept an in lieu between 45 and 47 million be used to subdisize the units. Before talking more about the variation itself, i want to point out parcel f and block 4 on a map and provide context for the request. Next slide please. Just a reminder about the connection between parcel f and block four. In 2016 at the time the developer acquired parcel f, ocii entered into an which gives the developer the option to purchase block four and required ocii to negotiate this position and Development Agreement with the developers. That option agreement anticipated parcel f would eventually need a variation. At the time the variation was positioned to allow offsiting the dmr from parcel f to block four. Next slide please. And in 2018 the Commission Approved First Amendment to the option agreement which adopted a nonbinding term sheet and including the project height and dba negotiations by one year. In late 2020 the Committee Approved and extension for an additional three months with an additional threemonth extension at the discretion of the executive director. And zone two is under the jurisdiction of the Planning Department. The project parcel f is 61 stories with office, hotel, and forsale residential uses. 33 or sorry, 33 units or 20 of the 165 that must be available to moderate income households. The projects developer estmaits that the Homeowners Association fees will exceed 2500 per month. Next slide please. The planning code requires that all Housing Development within the project area contain a minimum of 20 on site Affordable Housing. The outside requirement was put into place to comply with assembly big a12 that requires 35 of all residential units in the project area be affordable to moderate and low income households from the onsite requirement to i a lou for the conversion of the 33 units on site affordable units to market rate units at parcel value. So the developer would make a contribution of between 45 and 47 million to ocii for the development of Affordable Housing in the project area anticipated to be transbay block four. The request is being made in part to better insure the financial feasibility for both parcel c and transbay block four which are two large, complicated projects. The redevelopment next slide please. The redevelopment plan prosides a procedure and standards with the commission make findings that with the development for undue hardship for the property owner, and constitute an unreasonable limitation beyond the Incentive Plan and unique physical constraints or other extraordinary circumstances applicable to the property. The applicable circumstances are a complicated mixed use tower and is vertical and three different uses and hotel office and condos. And relatively small number of condo units and residential units are located at the very top of the tower on the upper 28th floor. With practical difficulties for the project as well as undue hardships for the future owners of the inclusionary units. In this case the relatively small number of units at the top of the luxury tower with very high h. O. A. Fees creates practical difficulties and undue hardships for the owners and for a number of reasons. And h. O. A. Fees cannot be lower based on the status of the unit or income level of the homeowner. They are required to pay the same amount as other elements. Second, while the city and ocii have programs that ensure the affordability of units at initial occupancy, there is no program for assisting the bmr with the increase over time and at initial sale, it would create unnecessary risk for a bmr home buyer. And h. O. A. Members may improve increases in h. O. A. Fees without support of bmr owners because particularly in a development are inclusionary units constitute a small minority of the total h. O. A. Membership which would be 20 in this case. Finally, when h. O. A. Fee increases the bmr owners may have difficulty making the higher Monthly Payment so sell or risk foreclosure. Next slide please. This would be a disproportionately large portion of the housing cost when compared to the market rate owner. It would severely limit the mortgage size and it really causes a distortion of a market if one can be included at all. And then because bmr buyers housing cost is a bigger proportion of the income, they are impacted proportionally more by high h. O. A. Fees than market rate buyers. Bmr with higher risk translate to the unit and also risk of loss potentially through foreclosure. Next slide please. So the proposed Affordable Housing fee is based on 150 of the citys inclusionary Housing Impact fee. The fee is calculated by formula based on the total gross residential square feet of parcel f multiplied by the inclusionary housing fee factor. The factor is updated annually and we have estimated assuming the factor increases by 3. 5 the fee in this case would be specifically 46. 7 million. Kind of why i have been saying a range. We dont have the final number just yet. 30 days after the effective block between ocii and the developer. Next slide please. The Affordable Housing payment will help to meet the Affordable Housing in the transbay and subsi died the 192 units impairment of block four and the subsi diof 243,000 we are unit. That is in the range of previously funded and transbay a, 7, and you can sao ethat range. Next slide please. So next steps, last week the cac approved recommending this to the commission. Next week the Planning Commission will hear and consider approving the Development Agreement with the parcel f developer that would be consistent with todays variation request. If they approve the request today, the variation one subject to approval by the board of supervisors. So that concludes staff presentation. Together we are happy to respond to your questions. The parcel f team is Chris Collins and their attorneys as well. Thank you, jeff. Madam secretary, are there member of the public who wish to comment on this item . At this time, member of the public who wish to provide Public Comment, call 4156550001, enter access code 1461310665 followed by the pound sown sine and pound sign again. When prompted, press star 3 or when you get in the line, press star 3 and the automated voice will let you know it is your turn. If you would like to provide a Public Comment on this item by phone, press star 3 on your phone and we will call you in order that you submit the request. Mr. Chair, at this time i do not see any members of the public wishing to comment on this item. Hearing there is no request to speak on this item, will close Public Comment and turn now to my fellow commissioners for comments and questions. If we can, lets start with commissioner scott. Mr. Chair, can you hear me . I am for this project moving forward with any changes or substitutes you may have to add for the redevelopment plan for Affordable Housing requirement. Thank you for presenting it. Commissioner, bracket . Any questions or comments . I saw the amount is about 243k per junt as the mid range. I did see other projects where it was 260k per unit. So seeing with the future Economic Impact of development or building, i would like to ask im sorry, jeff, if you have any description of why the number was picked as 243 instead of at the higher rate of about 260. Commissioner bracket, that is a great question. The fee is what the city uses and that would have been normally for the number of square feet and in parcel f about 31 million. That is 243,000 per unit. We are not anticipating that will cover the remainder of that would be covered by the block developer. They may end up seeking other financing sources and would be a typical Affordable Housing project like that. That is the origin of the fee amount if that answers your question. With the rational between the pricing model and dealing with the different issue with the size of the development and all the things the developer wants to build would significantly impact or negatively impact them being able to provide the market rate and the developer cant pencil it in to make it work that is with additional money to have that Affordable Housing. This is an inclusionary project meaning that the developer has been intended to fund it always. And that variations to be at block four instead of parcel f was the original division and the developer is implementing that by paying a fee for us and at this time o. C. I. Does not anticipate putting our own funds into that project. It is the Developers Money that is going through and the per unit and based on how many are in that affordable podium and the sizing of the fee relates to parcel f with the city fee and was warranted with the 150 . So to clarify that. Any questions or comments, commissioner rosales . No questions. I understand the need for flexibility, so im good. Thank you, chairman. Jeff, thank you so much for your hard work and the team has worked hard to anticipate the needs that may be happening. So thank you so much for your work. Madam secretary, let me call a motion from one of the commissioners and a second, we would appreciate that. Im make a motion to i a prove the item. It is moved by vice chair rosales. I second that motion. Madam secretary, please take roll. [roll call vote] mr. Chair t vote is one abstention and three ayes. Motion carries. Thank you so much, jeff. Please call the next item. Ae, workshop on the recognized obligation payment schedule for july 1, 2021 to june 30, 202. Rops2122, discussion. Madam interim director. Thank you, madam secretary. Commissioner, every january we bring to you a workshop on the recognized obligation payment schedule or the rops for the coming fiscal year. Last week the Team Presented on this item at the Oversight Board and next week we will return to the Oversight Board for action to the review and approval. Today is a workshop for you. Give you an opportunity to ask us questions as the presentation gives the flavor of the work plan for the year to come to share what is on deck for ocii this coming year. Thank you, interim director. I am the reporting management analyst and today we will be discussing the workshop on the rops for 2122. I will cover the overview and debt and administrative portion of the budget and the project manager will speak to their respective work plans. Next slide please. So as you may recall, these are the Funding Sources and we have the bond proceeds and we have the reserve balance which is property tax increment that we received in prior years and are allocating for the current year in use. We have other funds that include developer payments and grants. We have our Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund which funds the enforceable obligations. We have the admin which is the administrative costs set by formula. Next slide please. So the total request is 542. 2 million. Next slide please. This slide shows the comparison to our 2021 rops just to provide context. So you can see in the bottom line that the request is increasing by 25. 3 and this is primarily driven by four new Affordable Housing loan Construction Loans that we are making in 2122. You can see in the top row we are increasing 76. 7. In the third row, increasing by 40. 3 going to the Affordable Housing loans. Next slide please. This table shows our rops request broken out by use type. You can see the largest portion is to Affordable Housing in the top row followed by funding for the debt program. Next slide please. This table shows a year over Year Comparison for some context. And the major driver of change again is the Affordable Housing loans that will be issuing in 2122. And the debt program and the other expenditure areas and with the existing projects pay down. And this zoomed in on the property tax use and the request is 149. 2 million and the majority will be used as debt service on the bonds. And the remainder to the Hunters Point project and the transbay project area. Next slide please. This is context for comparison to the 2021rpttf request. In the bottom line, the request is 18. 1 million lower because we are using fund on hand from prior year to pay for the 2122 costs, which is really in Affordable Housing and mission bay. And in transbay the majority of the rpttf reflects income generated in the stateowned parcels. And with that, i will turn it over to annie from the housing program. Great. Thank you. Thank you, mina. Can everyone hear me okay . Thank you, mina. Hello and goofrn good afternoon. I am annie wong a Development Special wis the Housing Division at ocii, and i will be presented on the rops request lines for fiscal 2122. Next slide. Housing is requesting a total of 248 million to fund the redevelopment and affordable project. The primary sources are bond proceeds and other funds and consist and in lieu fees and the funds requested will go to Fund Construction gap loans for the Affordable Housing project development. Housing rops 2122 request and the project has three main project areas of shipyard and Candlestick Point, mission bay and transbay with the highest expenditure in Hunters Point and from 114 million and transbay. And in the and that brings to 114 million in Hunters Point and shipyard and 82 for mission bay will go to fund 314 affordable units. And fund 508. Next slide. Here is a more detailed breakdown of housing work program that our rops request will go to fund and support. Overall housing rops 2122 request ongoing funding before existing loans. As you can see, two are in the point and two are in transbay. Then we also have five new loans for the redevelopment and construction activities for projects across the three main project areas. You can see there will be two predevelopment Construction Zone in Hunters Point shipyard for block 254 and block 56. We will have one gap loan predevelopment and construction loan for Mission Bay South block 9a. And one for Mission Bay South transbay block 4. And this is an item that will need to be corrected. And with that presentation and increased to 48 million for transbay block 4. In total, the request is 248 million to fund 1,269 units. And with that, i will now turn it over to mark to present on the mission bay rops request. Good afternoon, commissioners. I am the project manager for mission bay. On the slide we have pictures of where weve been and where were going. You can see the commission is getting close to full buildout of the vertical development. The remaining work will be parks on the top left is p2 and p8 which is the final segment of the parks that run on the south side of Mission Creek and to the oos of the Events Center that will be complete under the construction and is scheduled to open in august of this year. The construction use for mission bay and bond proceeds and 39. 9 million in reserve balance for total of 85. 6 million. And professional services will be using 3. 9 million in the reserve balances. And with the art program, it will be the other which is vertical developers who have decided to pay with the street segments to be finished up and Bay Front Park to complete in the upcoming fiscal year and to manage existing the current open space. Finally to go to the redevelopment plan and documents to increase entitlements for housing in mission bay. Infrastructure at 85. 6 million. And increasing professional services to 3. 9. Years past the reimbursements through other agencies came through the infrastructure. The developer was billed and they would pay and come to us for reimbursement. This really resulted in paying interest on Developer Funds until they got reimbursed. So decided it would be more efficient to reimburse or city family directly and save on increment no not pay out for interest. And the art program at 1. 1 million. That concludes the mission bay budget. And now ben brandon will continue. And the project bay sponsor. And most of this has come and the remaining developing site. Okay. For the sources and uses for transbay in the upcoming fiscal year t predominant source is rpttf with 32. 3 million being used there, but as you can see the bulk of that is covered by the tjpa pledge and as mina referenced earlier in the presentation, these are tax increment dollars that we pledged to the tjpa for their use. Following the proceeds, were looking to bond proceeds and other funds to round out the rest of our scope. Bond proceeds will be used on infrastructure whereas the other funds will also be mostly used for infrastructure and some for professional services. As you can see here the bulk of our uses is going to be on infrastructure for a total of 16. 6 million. Of that 8. 1 million is represented by bond proceeds followed by 6. 9 million in other funds. And then finally 1. 7 million in rpttf funds for infrastructure. One thing i want to clarify about the 16. 6 million is we wont be doing 16. 6 million worth of work in this upcoming fiscal year. Really this is encumbered contracts that we are carrying forward. We are carrying forward the full values of the contracts. And after the Infrastructure Structure work to total 1 million there. Next slide please. As far as an overview of our work program for the year, we will focus on the open space designs and transbay park and will be advancing the transbay block four and mixed Income Project as well as transbay block two. And we will be focused on interim uses and Property Management and streetscapes to z to go into the to focus on a Million Dollars for closeout of full some Street Construction and this is set aside for design permitting and redevelopment costs related to the projects mentioned above. And we have a Million Dollars in environmental, legal, and Management Consulting costs that will support the block developments but also the parks work and the bulk of 32 million pledged to the tjpa and that round out the transbay working program. And with that i will turn the presentation over to my colleague. Good afternoon, commissioners. My name is layla and i am the project manager for Hunters Point shipyard project area. And before you is a very familiar map of an aerial view of the project just to remind everyone the shipyard phase one project where we currently have housing and construction underway is the smaller portion of the project. And the remaining portion of the shipyard phase two is you see here very large part of the project and Candlestick Point where we have this purpose and future phases of development. Next slide please. So our total budget listed on this slide is 16. 3 but i will talk about a change that will be making from this workshop version to increase the Community Benefits amount that i will speak to in a few moments. That doesnt change the categories and the majority of expenditures still is towards infrastructure for the project and by infrastructure we mean either Consulting Services that is helping us complete infrastructure or payments to City Departments and other parties to help us build out the infrastructure on shipyard phase one as well as Candlestick Point area for phase two. We also have a lot of professional services for Legal Support surfaces. With dollars for the Southeast Community help sent arenaed i will speak to that in a second. And then we have the lease payments we pay to the city for the sfpd site as well as the artist who currently reside on parcel c. Next slide. And overall the work program as i just mentioned will be doing the infrastructure work, construction work on 4 Development Block and shipyard phase one. With Affordable Housing block one which you saw the presentation of as well as the block that will be completing as well. And we also have the open spaces and shipyard phase one where we will be seeking the Parks Management entity to take on the completed park infrastructure that the Master Developers completed and accept that and manage the maintenance of those new public facilities. Then were finalizing the design for some of the blocks and block 56 and Affordable Housing as well as block one will have to finalize all the design to get to the point of construction. And then we have infrastructure acceptance for Alice Griffith area. The roads have been built out but the streets still need to be accepted by the city of San Francisco and that involves work and negotiation agreements with various City Departments and that will be part of the work flow program. We have a Community Benefits agreement that consist with the Delay Foundation program and in the phase two dba and the increase i mention is the developer payment with the southeast help center in bayview Hunters Point. And there are funds allocated as well as construction and d. H. P. Is moving forward on the construction project with this fiscal year 2122 and that is the addition with that portion. And to make the Community Benefits to 4. 1 million. And below is a breakdown are the costs in the previous slide. Costs broken out by the phase one portion of the projects but also Certain Professional Services that are for infrastructure as well as professional services shared between the phase one portion of the project as well as phase two. And again, i just spoke to that Community Benefit portion as well. And we have 10,400 professional services that is rtppf added for the Affordable Housing lock of ocii that contract compliance will be budgeted to the compliance contracts for the blocks. With the releases and pass through to the navy. I think that is the end of my presentation. I will pass it on to Aaron Foxworthy to discuss Asset Management. Good afternoon, commissioners. Aaron foxworthy, acting Real Estate Development services manager. Pleased to present to you our rops request for Asset Management for fiscal year 2122. Next slide please. So the sole request of funds for fiscal year 2122 is 6. 8 million that consists of 1. 2 million of Developer Fund and 5. 6 million of bond proceeds all to be dedicated to the Mexican Museum in the former yera buena redevelopment area. Next slide please. The work plan for the upcoming year will be to continue managing our Ongoing Development obligations outside of major i a proved project areas which include, for example, Legacy Properties within the former Western Addition project area and in the round former project area in the bayview. And also to implement the longrange property Management Plan and disposition plans for Certain Properties that will be Legacy Properties that we continue to own and the Top Priorities under that category include potential disposition of the site at 345 williams to the city, potential disposition of Adam Rogers Park portion of the park to the city. And the resolution of certain partial adjacent to the Jewish Museum in the redevelopment plan area. That concludes my presentation today. With that i believe i turn it back to mina. Next slide please. Our debt program will be 112. 9 million. Across the peripheral the majority of the funding request is to pay for the debt service on the existing tax allocation bonds. So 1. 2 million of that will be from excess proceeds from one of the older bonds to pay for debt service and the majority is from the nonadmin. We will be issuing a new bond and estimating a 10. 5 million annual debt service for that housing bond. We also have our other debt of 4. 5 million for the Hotel Occupancy tax fund and 1. 8 million for the low moderate income fund loan repayment. We are estimating about 3 million for the cost of issuance for the new bond. Next slide please. So this is just the summary of that new housing bond and we will be issuing so its for 112. 9 million. This will be issued for construction and perMission Bay South 9a and at this Point Shipyard 56 and hunter rs point 5254. It is an estimate of 10. 5 million in debt service and will fund over 330 Affordable Housing units. Next slide please. Next slide. Next slide. And they will fund the majority of the operating costs and with the reserve balance which are fund received in prior year. The total operating costs will be 19. 4 million. Most of this will be used for staff salaries and benefits. 5. 6 will go to neighbor and Retiree Health and pension. Next slide please. Just a little bit more detail on the operating budget so that 9. 3 million is for the 54fte and this is consistent with the year over year head count. And the cola and per the m. O. U. S and these are tied to economic performance. Next slide please. This table shows a breakdown of 5. 6 million in nonlabor costs. The largest portion is with the work orders with professional services and costs for software and other Legal Services for any nonproject specific cost. Next slide please. This shows the breakdown of 8. 2 million with the city work orders with the City Department partner. The largest portion is with the Mayors Office of Affordable Housing for services and then the city administrators. And all of our costs for our city attorneys and planning and these are all for nonproject specific costs. Next slide please. This is a breakdown for the administrative portion of the budget. This is the prior year administrative portion of that estimating 4. 9 million. Next slide please. This is just the table showing the lines that we are retiring in 2122. We are retiring 24 lines and this is largely due to the line wind down over obligation, completion of design of one of the transbay projects and completion of the housing project. And a reminder of where we are in the process and before the Oversight Board with this workshop and we are here today and will incorporate your comments and feedback and will be back before the Oversight Board for the approval next week and submit the department of finance by february 1. Next slide please. That concludes the presentation. I will turn this back over to jamie. For the chair. Chair bustus, are you there . Yes. Can you hear me . Yes. Madam secretary, to we have anyone from the public who wishes to provide comment . At this time, member of the public who wish to provide Public Comment should call 4156550001. And enter access code 146 131 0665. Press pound sign and pound sign again. Press star 3 to be placed in the queue to speak. And if you are listening on the phone, and would like to provide Public Comment on this item, press star 3. We can unmute your line. We will allow for the public to call in. Or allow them a few moments. At this time i do not see any members wishing to comment on this item. I will close Public Comment and turn to my fellow commissioners for their comments or questions. Commissioner bracket. Any comments or questions you may have . No. Okay. Commissioner scott . Mr. Chair, no, i have no comments. I have no questions. Vice chair . No, i dont actually. The presentation was very succinct and very comprehensive. Thank you. Thank you, vice chair rosales. Commissioners, this was a workshop so we are not taking any actions on this item. Please call the next item. The next order of business is item 6, Public Comment on nonagenda items. Mr. Chair . And at this time, members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on nonagenda items, if you could call the number provided and enter access code 1461310665, press pound and pound again. Once you are on the call, press star 3. Member of the public who wish to provide comment who is already on the phone, press star 3 to submit your request to speak. And we have one caller here. Hello. Caller can you hear me . Yes. Caller this is oscar james. Sorry i wasnt able to get on with the item c, which i was 100 in support of. I was looking at the program on the watch live zoom. And from that i was unable to get in to give you my comments, but at the same time, i mainly got my wifes phone which i end up doing pound instead of star. So i was unable to get in. But i am glad you guys passed that. It was one of the projects that we in the community that has been looking for for at least since 1974 since when the shipyard was first turned over to the Hunters Point shipyard. I am a native resident and was one of the areas that i was born in 74 years ago. So im very excited for the peoples in our community to be able to come back and have ownership and rent in that particular area. I thank you, guys, for passing that. Im sorry i wasnt on for item c when it was the proper time to be on. And you guys continue to do your good work as you usually do all the time. God bless you and take care. Thank you, mr. James. Mr. Chair, at this time there are no more members of the public wishing to comment on this particular item. Hear nothing more requests to speak, i will close Public Comment. Madam secretary, please call next item. The next order of business is item 7, report of the chair. Mr. Chair . Great. Thank you so much. So pursuant to the resolution that this commission passed on december 15 of last year, i have appointed a committee to review and recommend changes to the certificate of Preference Program. This consists of incredible, dedicated individuals. From the commission side, i have asked commissioner bracket to lead this effort along with vice chair rosales. From our community we have mr. Richard ishimoto, mr. Julian davis, mr. Ed donaldson and mr. Oscar james. And eric shaw from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development as well as ocis interim executive director will serve on this committee along with additional time. Along with also commissioner scott for paving the way to do the right thing. Along with the work to make sure that oci does the right thing along with the city to provide recommendations to the certificate of Preference Program so that future generation cans benefit and be welcomed back to San Francisco. Thank you for your hard work in advance. Madam secretary, please call the next item. Order of business is 8, report of the executive director. Madam director . Thank you, madam secretary. And there was some momentous items or events that have occurred since we were last together that i wanted to update you on. And last tuesday, january 12, ocii did acquire the transbay temporary terminal site from the tjpa. As you recall, this matter came before you last year through a purchase and sale agreement. Thanks to the dedicated work of ociis team led by jim morales and Aaron Foxworthy and many others. We were able to close on that acquisition on time. And we are now the owner of record. And also have put in place the property of contract to maintain to be aware in the rfp active to seek the interim use proposal before the temporary terminal site is transformed into two housing sites, block four which you heard about today. Block two which is an ocii100 Affordable Housing site and block 3 which will be a future city public park. So this is an incredibly important Critical Path and milestone to have achieved and excited to report that to you today. On the other interesting thing that occurred is that as of january 5, the ren con point south beach redevelopment plan expired after four years. It was initially adopted on january 5, 1981 and the 115reDevelopment Project was proposed to two noncontinuous geographic areas and ren con point and south beach. At the time much of the area was characterized by dilapidated warehouses and with that time with the development. And with the revenue and tax increment financing by the former redevelopment agency. And over 2,000 residential units are constructed and with this project and land use jurisdiction has now expired and helped us complete the final item. With the ren consenter and at this point we have successfully transitioned all our work over to the Planning Department. There was a lot of work done led by jose campos and his team to get the planning staff up to speed. We anticipate that being a smooth transition. We wanted to let you know about that important milestone and a little history and with the previous work and in the packet and the public records request and update you on the public records request we receive and applied to all of them and on the sole sources for the professional contract and we had five contracts and three of which were Competitive Bidding to enter into the contract and unique nature and qualifications of the contractor. Let us know if you have any questions. With that, that concludes my report. Thank you. Thank you. Exciting news so thank you for reporting that out. Madam secretary, call the next item. The next item is 9, commissioner questions and matters. Mr. Chair . Commissioners, are there any questions or matters you want to bring up . Mr. Chair, i would like to just make it a record a couple of things. I am so grate tfl meeting has gone the way it did. However, in light of our nations predicament and the darkness with our democracy, the division over not getting your way, i dont want us no San Francisco to mirror what is going on in our nation and i do want to talk and listen to and that is here for a few decades and this is what i want. This is disappointing and the view and more parking and it is the inner city and not in the suburbs. There is not a whole lot of land we can do x, y, z with. I am disappointed there is no acknowledgment. We hadnt thought to sit and speak with the people for 40 years that have lived to live in the community and desiring better things. We love the view. I have been here all my life. Since the 40s. I love the view. Ere where i moved, there is a structure to this draft from the view. So to be that is what is bothering me. There is no hesitation to say they have a home and i have to park another way or walk. We have had to do this for years. And i just am disappointed but i want to carry on with meetings knowing that we do care in spite of our votes and we do care about what they want and hoping we can come to understand that. Thank you, commissioner scott. Well said. Hearing no other members, madam secretary, please call next item. The next order of business is item 10, closed session. Item 10a conference with Legal Counsel and litigation. Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph four of subdivision b of next 54956. 9. One case. Discussion. Mr. Chair. Madam secretary, do we have any callers for this time . And at this time to provide comment, call 6154054001. Enter the access code and pound sign and pound sign again. Enter star three and listening to us by phone to provide Public Comment by hitting star 3 to submit your request. There are no members of the public wishing to comment on this item. We are going to go into closed session. I will ask fellow commissioners and participating Staff Members to exit this meeting and log onto the separate link emailed to you. We will retur. And there is nothing to report. The next order of business is item 11, adjournment, mr. Chair. Well, commissioner, its been a long, long, day. A long meeting, but well worth it doing the work of the people. Thank you, all, for hanging in there with us. So if we could have a motion to adjourn and a second, it would be wonderful. I move. Second. So who was that . Matta. And commissioner scott. Okay. Moved and seconded. Our meeting is adjourned at 4 45. Thank you, all. And celebrate. Yes, yes, be safe, everyone. Mayor london breed twice before we have gathered in late january first at the national lgbtq center for the arts, then last year in the rotunda of city hall so i could share with you my view of the state of our city. As we gather virtually today, you dont really need me to tell you the state of our city. We are anxious. Were frustrated. Were impatient. And we are lonely. I know it because i feel it myself. And i know, in many cases, folks are hurting even more than that. But if i can impart anything to you today, it is that we deserve we need to feel two more things pride and hope. Pride because we have pulled together to weather storms like weve never seen before. Hope because we can see a brighter future. The fact is the state of our city is resilient, and it is resilient because of what all of us, every one of us, have accomplished this past year. I am speaking to you today from the moscone center, but my heart is really a few miles from here at laguna honda hospital. Laguna honda is one of the largest Skilled Nursing facilities in the country. For 155 years, since it was founded to care for aging pioneers, laguna honda has served the neediest people of San Francisco, through thick and thin. My grandmother, miss comelia brown, spent her last 12 years in that hospital. Dementia had taken her ability to speak before she arrived. But it never took her personality, not all of it, anyway. Miss brown loved chewing gum. She had lost her teeth by then, but she loved chewing gum. So the nurses and staff there would bring pieces in their coat pockets and hand it to her to brighten her day. Miss brown was always very particular about her hair and nails. She was a southern lady at heart, and a lady must look the part. So the staff painted her nails. They left each other careful notes to make sure her hair was done just right. She couldnt speak, but her caretakers were making sure we understood our grandma was still in there. Weve all been reminded of something in the last year, something that i think ive known for a long time the men and women of laguna honda, the nurses, doctors, paramedics, and staff there, along with all those taking care of people in need across the city they are heroes. They are the best of us. At the outset of the pandemic, we saw frightening news accounts of outbreaks in Nursing Homes all around the country. Some called laguna honda a ticking time bomb a powder keg. Its true, the virus could have easily swept through the laguna honda and killed dozens. Hundreds. But thanks to our frontline workers, the department of public health, and everyone who did their part, covid was contained at laguna honda. And so it was with great relief, and great pride, that only a couple weeks ago we saw the staff and residents of laguna honda get their vaccinations, the very definition of the most vulnerable san franciscans, among the very first to get vaccinated. That filled my heart. Thats who we are. A year ago, i declared a state of emergency. 10 months ago, with our neighbors around the bay, we implemented the first shelterinplace order in the country. And from there we continued to make difficult decisions heartbreaking decisions all year long. Today, im standing in moscone center, which has been the beating heart of our emergency response. It was here where city workers from so many different departments came together to do whatever it took to protect this city. When we didnt have enough testing to know where the virus was, they were here. When we didnt have enough p. P. E. To go around, they were here. When we didnt have a federal government ready or willing to lead the way, they were here. The hours were long, the days were chaotic, and any sense of an ending to all this was impossible to see. But day after day, rain or shine, our City Employees came and did the work. And i want to thank each and every one of them who has walked through these doors or been out in the community, and those who are still here working today. Back in march, a neighbor in Midtown Terrace wrote this on nextdoor when you go out and see the empty streets, the empty stadiums, the empty train platforms, what youre seeing is love in action. What you are seeing is hope we care for each other, for our parents and grandparents and doctors and nurses and people that we may never meet. Take a moment to look into all. Take a moment to look into all of that emptiness and marvel. It is the most remarkable act o solidarity that we we have ever witnessed. San franciscos response to covid19 has been hailed as a national model. We have the lowest death rate of any major city in the united states. And though every life lost is a tragedy, we have saved thousands of lives. And now we can see the light a the end of the tunnel. We were able to do this not just because our City Government was collaborative, flexible, and full of dedicated Public Servants though it is. We were able to do this not just because our hospitals, Nursing Homes, and medical professionals are some of the best in the world though they are. We did this because of you. We did this because of the sacrifices you made, the losses you endured, the love you showed for people you may never meet. Years from now, people will look back on what weve done, and i hope they will remember not the frustration and pain we feel now, but the love we showed, the lives we saved. Take pride in that, San Francisco. Find hope in that. Each of those lives is a treasure. Each of those lives is precious, every one of them. Each one is one more grandmother, grandfather, mother or father, brother or sister, son or daughter, who will be there for the next birthday. The next wedding. The next anniversary. Each life saved is precious. So, yes, it has been hard. And, no, were not out of the woods yet. But we have been fighting for something real. We have been fighting for each other. Dont forget that. And there is reason for hope. On monday, the stayathome order for the bay area was lifted, today, San Francisco can begin to recover. Today we can begin to reopen our doors, reopen our businesses, begin to resume our lives. With some restrictions, and many, many precautions, of course, but we are reopening. We are vaccinating more and more people each day, and very soon we will open another large vaccination site right here at moscone center. And with support from the state and thank god the new Bidenharris Administration in the white house, we have a plan to administer 10,000 vaccines a day. We can see the light. Folks, our recovery starts now. So i want to Say Something to all the people who are writing us off to those who are writing obituaries of San Francisco weve read all of these before. Weve proved them all wrong before. And well do it again. Cities arent a collection of buildings. If they were, the year 1906 would have been our last. Cities are people. Working from home doesnt spell the end of urban life, because cities arent merely a collection of jobs. Cities are people. Cities are passions, culture, vibrancy, and change. But look, we san franciscans have thick skins. So well show the rest of you how we bounce back. When you get restless and wan to come dance to live music or to see steph curry do his thing on the court, eat at the worlds best restaurants, drink at the best bars, start your next business, host a convention right here at moscone center, or just watch the giants from your kayak, well be happy to have you. San francisco has always been and will continue to be a magnet, a destination, a place that draws people. We are the city of pride. Today, with hard lessons learned, and so much yet to do, i believe we are at the start of an incredible recovery. We arent just going to repair. We are going to reinvigorate. To come back Even Stronger. We will put people back to work. Our businesses will flourish. Opportunities will expand. And as we do all of that, our recovery will focus on moving our city forward and putting people first. We will continue our work to cut the red tape for Small Businesses, because its more important than ever. For example, in november, voters passed our Small Business streamlining measure proposition h and its already working. One small immigrantowned business that wanted to convert a hair shop to an ice cream shop saw their approval time cut from the normal six to nine months down to one day. One day. Well build on this success and make it even easier to turn an idea into a thriving Small Business. Bureaucracy cant keep getting in the way of people. Our recovery also means building housing. Now during this economic downturn. As we rise again, lets not repeat the mistakes of the past. We will put Affordable Housing dollars to work, and streamline the approval process even if it means going to the voters to do it. We will keep pushing to meet our goal of building 5,000 new homes each year. And can we finally put to rest the fantasy that supplyanddemand doesnt apply to our housing situation . You may have noticed, rent prices went down, way down, last year. Why . Because demand went down. When it goes back up and that is a when, not an if lets be ready with more supply, more housing, so everyone can afford to live here. We will continue to aggressively push forward our homeless recovery plan, which includes the large event expansion of permanent Supportive Housing in the last 20 years. And we will implement Mental Health reform, so we can get more people off the streets and safely indoors. We will continue to divert 911 calls from police through Innovative Solutions like our street response team. So people struggling with addiction and Mental Illness get better care. And so our Police Officers can address Violent Crime and the burglaries and breakins happening in our city. We want nothing more than to prevent crime from happening in our city, and, sadly, when it does, it is just as important to hold people accountable for the crimes they commit. We will continue to enliven our neighborhoods through Outdoor Dining on our sidewalks, our streets and in our public spaces. We will do more for families, starting with getting our kids back in school. Our city cant fully recover until our students are supported, our schools are open. And i will continue to do everything i can to help get our kids back in the classroom. We will invest in people by investing in infrastructure. We can put san franciscans back to work by harnessing the power of public investments. We will strengthen our seawall, build parks, police and fire stations, and Mental Health facilities, and improve Public Transportation. Yes, Public Transportation is the lifeblood of a great city, and making muni work better than ever is critical to our economic recovery. In all, i plan to move forwar on more than 3. 5 billion in city projects. Just this week, for example, we opened our new Navigation Center in the bayview. This 200bed shelter will serve some of our most vulnerable residents. But the project also created 330 jobs, during the height of the pandemic. Thats 330 people who can provide for themselves and their families. And our recovery also needs to be about the arts, our cultural institutions and culturally diverse neighborhoods, and the public spaces we all miss so much. We will also help music venues, clubs and bars who have lost so much get reopened and get back on their feet. 2020 was a year like nothing weve ever experienced. This terrible pandemic tore our neighborhoods, tore through our businesses, tore us from one another. Its taken lives, destroyed businesses, savaged our economy and tore at the very fabric of community. And we always told ourselves that the sun will still rise tomorrow, until one day it didnt. The streets of San Francisco and cities around the country erupted with protests as our nations legacy of racial injustice, White Privilege and prejudice against black people boiled over. I will never shake the image of george floyd on the ground, a knee on his neck. That knee, that knee has been on the necks of black americans for 400 years. And its the knee of the chinese exclusion act, the briggs initiative, japanese internment, redlining and urban renewal and kids in cages and transgender discrimination. San francisco is in many ways a collection of people who were tired of living under someone elses norms or knee, and came here to find common cause. Our diversity, our acceptance, our spirit is what makes us strong. And no virus whether its named covid or h. I. V. Will ever take that away. Quite the opposite it will only make us stronger. It is in times of crisis that San Francisco has thrown its true grit. Weve been tested before. Earthquakes. Fire. Recessions. Shocking assassinations. Aids. Every time, we were shaken, and we were tested. And every time, we didnt just bounce back, we pushed forward. Out of ashes, we built an even greater city. Out of despair, we formed Even Stronger alliances. Out of tragedy, we forged even greater humanity. Lets not remember 2020 only as the year we suffered. It was the year we learned what matters most. What binds us together. It was the year we sacrificed to save each others lives. The hard winter is almost behind us, and hope lies ahead. As Amanda Gorman said just two weeks ago at the inauguration even as we grieved, we grew. Even as we hurt, we hoped. Even as we tired, we tried. And when day comes we step identity of the shade, aflame and unafraid. The new dawn blooms as we free it. If there is always light, if only were brave enough to see it. If only were brave enough to be it. My fellow san franciscans, there is light. Lets be proud. Lets be hopeful. Lets be brave. Thank you. Hello, i am with the San Francisco Parks Department serious we are featuring some wonderful locations in your and very own backyard. This is your chance to find your heart in San Francisco with someone special. We are here at the lovely and historic palace of fine arts, located in the bustling marina district. Originally built for the 1950s exposition, the palace is situated along San Franciscos waterfront. It is ada accessible and is reached by the 28, 30, and 91 bus lines. With its rotunda, columns, uncut the reflecting waters against the eucalyptus trees, it is one of the most romantic settings for special dates, and memorable proposals. It is also a perfect spot where you can relax with that special someone while listening to the water and fountain in the lagoon. Beautiful to view from many locations, and inside is an ideal place to walk around with your loved ones. The palace is the most popular wedding location in the city park system. Reservations for weddings and other events are available at strecpark. Org. Shakespeares guard and refers has plants referred to in shakespeares plays and poems. Located near the museum and the California Academy of sciences, shakespeares garden was designed in 1928 by the California Spring blossom association. Flowers and plants played an important part in shakespeares literary masterpieces. Here is an enchanting and tranquil garden tucked away along a path behind a charming gate. This garden is the spot to woo your date. Appreciate the beauty of its unique setting. The cherry tree, the brick walkways, the enchanting stones, the rustic sundial. Chaired the bardsw ro share the bards words. The garden is a gem to share with someone special. Pack a picnic, find a bench, enjoy the sunshine and let the whimsical words of William Shakespeare float you and your loved one away. This is one of the most popular wedding locations and is available for reservations. Shakespeares garden is ada accessible. This park is located at the bottom of a hill. It is a secret garden with an infinite and captivating appeal. Carefully tucked away, one block from the bottom of lombard street, it makes the top of our list for the most intimate picnic settings. Avoid all tourist cars and parking hassles by hopping on the cable car. Or the 30, 45, 41, or 91 bus. This garden was designed by a the Landscape Architect Thomas Church in 19 to 1957. Grow old with me, the best is yet to be is inscribed at this gem of a park. A lush oasis anchored by gazebosanchoreddekcs, gazebos, anchored by decks. This is the place to tell your family the love you share. Reservations are available for this hidden gem. I am jamie hopper. Until next time, dont forget to get out and play. For more information about reserving one of these romantic locations, or any other location, call 8315500. This number is best for special events, weddings, picnics, and the county fair building. For any athletic fields and neighborhood parks, 8315510. You can also write us. 501 San Francisco, calif. 94117. Or just walk in and say hello. And of course you can find more information and reach us at sfrecpark. Org. 2021, mark, would you please call the roll . Re, commissioner,

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