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Establish a specific end date of april 5, 2021, for a total Agreement Term of april 6, 2020 through april 5, 2021. Chair fewer this is continued from last week, and we are just now pending a brief update from the Controllers Office on the r. F. P. So i believe we have is it joyce or is it drew morell or is it joyce hamasuki . Its drew. Chair fewer okay. Yeah, thank you for hearing this item, supervisors, and really, i can just speak to introduce joyce. I have the director for d. P. H. Here, as well as the contract director for the Controllers Office, and joyce can give us an update on where things stand for the Controllers Offices on d. P. H. , but what we have before you is separate and distinct from the r. F. P. But that being said, the longer term plan for these services is related to the r. F. P. That joyce will give an introduction to. Chair fewer okay. Joyce . Good morning, im joyce hamasuki for the Controllers Office . The deadline for r. P. F. Proposals was september 29 . We completed the evaluation process and issued on november 6 a notice of intent to award a contract to the highest ranked proposer, which was color genomics. The Controllers Office has concluded the r. F. P. Process. Negotiations with color genomics will be governed by d. P. H. D. P. H. Plans to start Contract Negotiations next week. Im happy to answer any questions you might have regarding the r. F. P. Chair fewer no, im understanding, then, that that Contract Negotiation or that contract will come before the board once thats finalized, is that correct . Yeah. Chair fewer okay. So we heard the b. L. A. Report last week, and so we have no powerpoints on this. Any comments or questions from colleagues . I see none. Can you briefly tell me the amendment is not substantive, is that correct . Im sorry, madam chair, i dont think ive seen a copy of the amendment. Is that something that can be circulated to me . Chair fewer mr. Morel . And chair fewer, i think what youre speaking to is the amendment to the resolution to agree to the b. L. A. Report, is that correct, not the larger contract amendment . Chair fewer so you said today that you had an amendment that you were proposing, is that correct . No, sorry. To clarify, i wanted to clarify that we were here seeking a board approval for the third amendment to the emergency contract that we entered into. My apologies. I apologize. Chair fewer thats fine. Thats fine. Lets open it up inform Public Comment now. Sorry, madam city attorney. Could i please get Public Comment on item number two. Clerk yes, madam chair. Operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Operations, please let us know if there are any callers in the queue. For those of you already in the queue, please wait until the system indicated you have been unmuted, and for those who have are already done so, press star, three to be entered into the queue. Operations, do we have any callers in the queue . Operator madam chair, we have no callers in the queue. Chair fewer okay. Seeing no Public Comment, Public Comment is now closed. [inaudible]. For the third Public Community sites, we were looking at transportation hubs as the potential popups that would happen at different hubs so that we could get people, essential workers that were having to go through transit. Supervisor walton so we still dont know where the site is. No. Until this amendment moves forward, we kind of put everything on hold, just given that color was waiting on this emergency contract and has been providing services, so wanted to get this contract approved before moving forward. Supervisor walton its kind of cart before the horse because im just wondering, what would make you think we would approve something not knowing where the sites are going to be located . The sites are going to be located based on where the disease has spread, so it will definitely be part of where the city is seeing the most disease spread, and, you know, weve moved south of alemany on this, and well continue to push all of our resources where we continue to see active disease. Supervisor walton and i guess the pandemic does exist for us to be able to forecast where sites should be, im assuming. Yes, and supervisor walton so i dont know why we would not have identified it. So there are definitely transport hubs that we have talked about based on whats happened at ucsf, the bar transport hubs, and some of other b. A. R. T. Transport hubs, and some of the other places where were seeing. Color was been doing a lot of work outside without this contract approval, so absolutely, as soon as this gets approved, and probably right now, we can start working on moving that forward. Supervisor walton go ahead. Chair fewer supervisor walton, excuse me for interrupting. This contract with color will come for our approval once they finish the Contract Negotiation, so i would expect at that time to have a list of the sites and specifically those transport sites, so if you are willing, i think, supervisor walton, until we the actual contract comes back to us for approval, i think you can hear loud and clear from the supervisor that he wants to know where those sites are, and i think that would be beneficial for the entire committee. So supervisor walton, if you wouldnt mind waiting, i think its appropriate once were asked to approve the entire contract for color, that we know exactly where those sites are. Supervisor walton thank you, chair fewer. That works for me. Chair fewer okay. Thank you very much. Okay so lets move this out of committee with a positive recommendation, and could you do a roll call vote, please. Clerk yes, on the motion [roll call] clerk there are three ayes. Chair fewer thank you very much. Can you please call item number three . Clerk yes. Item three, resolution designating Small Business exchange to the outreach periodical of the city and county of San Francisco for the African American community, el reportero to reportero, World Journal s. F. , l. L. C. , bay area reporter, jaspan minute blue media, l and various periodicals to be the outreach periodicals for various communities, for fiscal year 20202021. Chair fewer and this is our contract for outreach materials for the year, is that correct . Yes. And for some reason, its not letting me share. Sorry about the delay. Good morning, supervisors. My name is Florence Quan with the office of Contract Administration. I will be presenting the Term Contracts for the Outreach Services overview and proposed contract award. In this presentation, ill be going over the background. The minimum requirements pursuant to administrative code 2. 81 through 2. 814, and the bid evaluation and recommendation. A little about the background . In 1994, voters passed proposition j, mandating the office of Contract Administration to bid out services annually per city code. The city is required to post businesses of government business in newspapers that are locally published and printed. Every year, o. C. A. Presents the bids and awards the contracts based on mandated evaluation guidelines. O. C. A. Processes the bidding and contracts on behalf of the clerk of the board, and the board of supervisors makes the official awards by designating contracts for the outreach advertising. The minimum requirements per the ad trayvon code. For community newspapers, they must be printed in San Francisco on one or more days in a calendar week and circulate primarily in one of the following outreach communities. Lgbtq, African American, hispanic, and chinese. The bid and the bid evaluation, we received 12 bids in a timely manner. Only four of those bids did not meet all the qualifications per the admin code. Those are the San Francisco bayview, sin qao daily, the San Francisco times, and noe valley voice. O. C. A. Can only name the following newspapers for award. Contracts for fiscal year 2020 to 2021, we are requesting 40,000 based on current usage. Thank you. Chair fewer thank you very much. Any comments or questions from my colleagues . I have one. Supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman yeah. So two publications that are read in neighborhoods in my districts by a lot of folks who may not have made it onto the list are the noe valley voice and the bay times, and im wondering why those are not included. Yes, thats a good question. So per the administrative code, the newspapers must be printed in San Francisco and circulate on a weekly or monthly basis, depending on if its the community or the newspaper. So for noe voice, unfortunately, its the circulation. I think that they they combined some monthly ones, so they did not meet the requirements per the monthly. And i think for noe voice and im sorry. What was the second newspaper that you were supervisor mandelman San Francisco bay times . San Francisco Bay times, they also do not print in the city, and also, their circulation is not what the code requires, unfortunately. Supervisor mandelman okay. Great. Thank you. So although i know you cant recommend these to us, i believe the board still has the authority to amend these publications into the resolution, and given the readership enrolled that the noe valley voice plays in the neighborhood and the San Francisco bay times plays in the castro and neighborhood, id like to add those, and i think that supervisor fewer would like to add one, as well. Chair fewer id like to add the sing hao daily because many in my Community Read these newspapers. So wed like to add the two newspapers that supervisor mandelman added and the sing hao daily. Madam city attorney, are those substantive . No, madam chair, theyre not. Chair fewer okay. Madam clerk, please open this up for Public Comment. Clerk if you have not already done so, please press star, three to enter into the queue. If you are already in the queue, please wait until the system indicated you have been unmuted. Operations, please let us know if we have any callers who wish to provide Public Comment. Operator yes, i have two callers in the queue. Can you hear me now . Chair fewer yes, david, we can hear you. Okay. Sorry. Hi, david pilpell again. Several points. I am a regular reader of neighborhood newspapers, and i support them. This advertising is important. These ensure these newspapers stay in business. Keep publishing and have robust distribution plans in the community and throughout the city where appropriate. Now more than ever, we all need to stay informed about city and neighborhood news and views, community and Neighborhood Outreach advertising is a small but important part of informing people. I support the proposed resolution, thank the o. C. A. Staff who worked on this and urge your support. I think the amendments that youre making, supervisors mandelman and fewer, thats fine. The board has traditionally made that kinds of amendments over the years for noncomplying publications for exactly these kinds of reasons. And finally, to linda wong, if you could please post the staff presentation in legistar, thank you all very much. Chair fewer thank you very much, mr. Pilpell. Next speaker, please. Actually, i wanted to comment on the next topic. Ill yield my time back. Chair fewer okay. Thats great. Anymore public speakers, please, on this item . Madam clarhair, that comple the queue. Chair fewer okay. Public comment is closed. Id like to make a motion to add the San Francisco bay area times, the noe valley voice, and the sing hao daily, so if we could have a motion on that. Clerk on the motion [roll call] clerk there are three ayes. Chair fewer thank you very much, and wed like to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation. Clerk yes. On the motion [roll call] clerk there are three ayes. Chair fewer thank you very much. Can you please call item number four. Clerk yes. Item four is resolution retroactively authorizing the San Francisco department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of is 55,647 from the office of the assistant secretary for preparedness and response through the California Department of Public Health or participation in a program, entitled coronavirus Hospital Preparedness Program supplemental funding for the period march 28, 2020 through june 30, 2021. If you wish to make Public Comment, please call 4156550001, meeting i. D. 1467347302. Press pound, and pound again, and press star, three to enter the queue. Good morning, supervisors. Sorry for interruption again. We just want to introduce an amendment to the resolution on the second page of line two, where we are requesting the award agreement and putting out the letter. And the dates that the order was received was actually on july 7, 2020 instead of two separate dates, march 28, 2020 and june 30, 2020. Chair fewer okay. Madam city attorney, are those substantive . City attorney pearson . I apologize. Im having some connection problems today, and i didnt hear the question. Can you repeat it, please . Chair fewe chair fewer are those amendment substantive . No, theyre not. Chair fewer okay. Thank you. If you could proceed with your presentation. Yes. I have [inaudible] and the Health Care Coalition. The office of the assistant secretary for preparedness and response has awarded a total of 350 million. California has received over 8 million, close to 9 million of this grant. The California Department of health is allocating 8. 1 million partially based on population size to distribute to Health Care Coalition. The county of San Francisco was allotted 155,647 from the California Department of public which was mandated to be used by the Emergency Services authority, or e. M. S. We are seeking retroactive approval of the period of the grant award is march 28, 2020 to june 30, 2021, and the grant was distributed on july 7, 2020. San francisco Public Health is responsible for submitting a quarterly expenditure report and a work plan Progress Report which began on october of 2020. The San Francisco expenditure plan orders that 100 of the grant will be put towards the covid response. 30 of the funding will go towards the health care and medical response coordination capability, which includes developing or augmenting operations for coordination with e. M. S. And interfacility transport systems as part of the 911 response s. Activities inclu include 911 responses. Remaining 70 of the grant will go towards the medical surge capability to improve and maintain Health Care Worker readiness for covid19 and other special pathogens. Activities to support this include having the Health Care Coalition and determine supplemental training exercises and resources to assist Health Care Facilities in preparation for patient surge, assessment of hospital preparedness and response readiness for patience surge and to address surge capabilities within our own health care system. We will continue to work closely with idph finance colleagues, state, federal, and local partners to ensure documentation and reporting of the expenditure of the covid19 Response Fund and associated workplace activities. Thank you for your time, and im available to take any of your questions. Chair fewer okay. Thank you very much. Lets open this up to Public Comment, please. Clerk yes, madam chair. Operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. For those who have not already done so, please press star, three to enter into the queue, and if you are already in the queue, please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted before beginning your comment. Operations, do we have any callers in the queue in. Operator madam chair, we have no callers in the queue. Chair fewer okay. Seeing no commenters, Public Comment is closed. Id like to make a motion to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation as amended. Clerk yes. On the motion [roll call] clerk there are three ayes. Chair fewer mr. Rivera, i think my advice to you would be to contact supervisor peskin and explain to him why this is retroactive before this comes before the full board, thank you. Can you please call item number five, madam clerk. Clerk yes. Item five is a resolution authorizing the San Francisco International Airport museum to accept and expend a gift of not to exceed 73,000 from the zoe del nutter charitiable remainder unitrust for the purchase of objects. Members of the who wish to comment on this item should call 4156550001, meeting i. D. 1467347302, press pound, and pound again, and press star, three to enter the queue if you wish to provide Public Comments. Chair fewer and deanna from the airport is here to make the presentation. This is a resolution authorizing the San Francisco International Airport museum to accept and expend a gift not to exceed 73,000 from the see odell nutter charitiable remainder unitrust. Miss nutter was an amazing person with a she was a philanthropist and a figure in the development of commercial aviation. If allowed to accept this bequest, s. F. O. Museum will facilitate the purchase of items belonging to women pioneering the field of aviation. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Chair fewer thank you very much. Seeing no one in the queue, can we open this up for Public Comment, please. Theres no powerpoint or b. L. A. Report. Clerk yes. Operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. If you have not already done so, press star, three to be entered into the queue, and if you have already done so, please wait until the system is unmuted before you begin your comments. Operator yi have one calle in the queue. Hello . Chair fewer hello . Hello . Chair fewer hello . Okay. I am marlene tran, and i oppose this chair fewer this is item five on the s. F. O. Museum collection. Oh, im waiting for number 12, then. Operator madam chair, that completes the queue. Chair fewer okay. Id like to make a motion to move this forward to the full board with a positive recommendation. Please call the roll. Clerk on the motion [roll call] clerk there are three ayes. Chair fewer okay. Please call item number 6. [agenda item read]. Clerk members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call 4156550001, meeting i. D. 1467347302, press pound, and pound again. Press star, three to enter the queue to speak, and when the system indicates you have been unmuted, you may begin your comments. Chair fewer okay. Unfortunately, im not able to share my screen . Chair fewer madam clerk, can you assist . Oh, okay. I have the option now. Give me one second. Ok okay. Can you see the presentation . Chair fewer yes, we can. Okay. So good afternoon, supervisors. Im pleased to be here. Im sela jackarela, and im here to present with this presentation. Ill briefly discuss the citys zero waste ordinance and goals. As you know, the city has a contract in place for refuse disposal, which all departments use. It allows us to secure a constant and discounted price [inaudible] youll see here a summary of both the current citywide current refuse agreement and the new proposed agreement. Also here, youll see the current agreement as a 48 Million Contract . Its with recology, and it expires on november 30, 2020. Under the new agreement, there is no changes to the scope of work, and services will be continued to be provided by recology. [inaudible] and Administrative Services code chapter 21. The proposed new agreement is for [inaudible] here you will see a side by side comparison of the key characteristics of the new proposed agreement prepared to the current agreement. As with the current agreement, charges under the new agreement will be based on the uniform commercial raise established by the citys rate setting process. The city change is the removal of the Monthly Service fee cap and the addition of a new composting credit. It essentially provides the city an additional discount off the base rates for processing materials onsite. It incentivize greater conversion of waste from city facilities, and i will also note one other change is there will [inaudible] here is an analysis for both the current contract and the proposed new contract. What i want to highlight here is the line that has the red value. [inaudible] so youll see here with the new rate structure we are anticipating saving over the life of the agreement [inaudible] what youll see here is that were anticipating a savings of about 6 million over this initial six year term with the new rate structure. So this slide shows an example of monthly invoice for the city, again, comparing the new rate structure with the old rate structure. This is a bill from june of this year, and you see the charges side by side under the different rate structures. Even with the removal of the monthly cap, the city sees savings under this structure because of the new composting structure that essentially increasing our composting discount. We would expect to see an additional discount of almost 200,000 per month. So ill end here by mentioning the sees zero waste ordinance. Its important that we as a City Government really lead by example when it comes to Waste Management and waste diversion . This was developed really closely in a partnership with our colleagues at the department of environment [inaudible] so the proposed contract rate structure with the new composting waste credit [inaudible] so we request that you accept the b. L. A. Recommendations and approve this agreement. Chair fewer lets hear from the b. L. A. , please. Good morning, supervisors. Severin campbell from the budget and legislative Analysts Office it was discussed the new rates, and we reviewed it in our report, and on page 11 of our report, we show a care son of the new rate struck you are and existing rate structure. We know an estimated savings over the term of the agreement of 6 million. That would actually be based a lot on the City Departments increasing their recycling or having significant recycling. This is being approved as a sole source agreement right now. Recology is the only approved vendor in the city for commercial and Residential Property refuse collection. We do want to point out that our understanding from discussions from the city attorneys is under the 1932 ordinance, the city could do a permitted bid, but based on information provided to us by ocii, we are recommending approve of this agreement. Chair fewer thank you very much. Seeing no one in the queue, lets open this up for Public Comment. Clerk yes, madam chair, operations is checking to see if there is anybody in the queue. Mr. Q, please let us know if there are any callers who wish to comment on item number 6. Operator we have two callers in the queue. Chair fewer okay. Lets start Public Comment. Can you hear me now . Chair fewer yes. Good news. This is the last time for me today. Several quick comments. The proposed rate structure is better for the city and has meaningful incentives for waste reduction. The resolution itself is fine, but i note two small issues with the proposed agreement and the form 126. If someone can look at that, the proposed agreement on the signature page, page 25, on the top right, where it says recology sunset scavenger, i think it should say sunset Recology Company scavenger. And i dont know if mark is still a member of the board of directors. Thats it on forms. We should target reducing waste generation at recreation and park since it does appear that theyre the largest user. That might be a good project for Taylor Emerson at recpark. Thanks to city attorney, environment, and ocaa staff who worked on the proposed resolution. Yea, all of them, including rosa sanchez and especially circa made. Thank you very much. Thats all for me. Clerk next speaker, please. Hello. I hope i am in the budget and finance committee meeting. Can you confirm that for me. Chair fewer oh, yes, kathy, you are, and we are on item six, which is the sunset scavenger recology contract. Oh, im sorry. Im sorry. Chair fewer ill talk to you later. I wanted to speak to the housi housing industry. Chair fewer okay. Any other Public Comment for item number six . Operator madam chair, that completes the queue. Chair fewer seeing none, Public Comment is closed other item number six. Could i have a roll call, please. Clerk on the motion [roll call] clerk there are three ayes. Chair fewer madam clerk, could you please call item number seven . Clerk yes. [agenda item read]. Chair fewer thank you very much, madam clerk. Excuse me for our listening audience. I apologize i did not mention before this item was called that we are running late for our 11 00 special order meeting, and so we have several more items to get through, and our apologies. That was supposed to start at 11 00, so after we finish this agenda, we will be calling our special item on item number 12, and i know that was scheduled for 11, so apologies. So today, we have with us for item number seven, abigail from supervisor haneys office, his legislative aide, and also, someone from the Public Defenders Office. Good morning, chair fewer and Committee Members. My name is abbie, and i am here with supervisor haneys office. I know we are short on time, but i just want to speak with regard to the adachi fund which is aimed as illuminating the timely stories and unseen perspectives of lowincome people who have been caught up in our Justice System. Really quickly, just three months before jeff adachis death, the board actually unanimously adopted a similar resolution authorizing the Public Defenders Office to enter into an agreement to create a documentary series about the work of the Public Defenders Office and the clients they serve. While that project never took place due to his untimely death, this project initiative has similar goals, and im going to pass the floor to the public defender present so you can talk to you more about that project and why our office wholeheartedly supports this project. Thank you so much. Chair fewer okay. I see in the queue, Valerie Ibarra is asking to activate the screen. Okay. Public defender . Thank you. So much today. Im super excited to share with our vision our honoring the legacy of my predecessor, the late, great jeff adachi, who was the public defender but also an accomplished film maker. In fact it is the documentary movie, presumed guilty, that first generated my interest in working in this office. A core part of our work as public defenders is to humanize our clients by amplifying and elevating their voices, and thats what we intend to do with this new story telling project called the adachi fund. Next slide, please. The adachi fund is a Ground Breaking chair fewer oh, one second. We are not seeing a powerpoint. Clerk mr. Holly, perhaps if you can assist with sharing the slides, please. Yes, miss ibarra has permission to share. Let me bring the presentation up. Next slide, please. The adachi fund is a Ground Breaking partnership between our office and the acclaimed San Francisco based film making studio, even odd. Our goal is to illuminate the often unseen stories of lives impacted by the criminal legal system through seminal documentary films and televisions in our fight for a more equal and just society. Next slide, please. We are doing this to honor and carry on the work of jeff adachi who often compared the shooting of a film to preparing for trial. We have the strong support from je jeffs for this project, and i believe mrs. Adachi sent a letter of support. The media will be created by local artists and producers to open a window in our legal system and the individuals and communities that it affects from both inside and outside the courtroom. We intend 00 to tell these stories through short films, photo journalism, and videos. Short films to spotlight the stories from our criminal legal system as discovered lieu the unique lens of public defenders and our clients. Photo journalism to capture the details that can contribute to the larger narrative we depict in the films, and sentencing videos, for the courts to see the human side of our clients, beyond thinking of them as a defendant, in order to see the real impact prison sentences can have on our clients and their families. Next slide, please. As public defenders, we see the deeply human side of the Justice Systems, and we often ask ourselves, what would be the impact if everyone had access to the stories we hear . How different would our Justice System be if policies were based on people and not just statistics . The adachi fund will bring that vision to life, and our goal is to rehumanize the system that has evolved to inherently dehumanize the people it affects. Next slide, please. The players. Both compound and evenodd are deeply committed to the vision of this project. They are locally based Creative Companies who knew jeff, know our offices work and are committed to using film to broaden peoples understanding of the Justice System and defense. They are creative and brilliant social justice allies, and we couldnt ask for a better partner for this project. Thank you. Were going to keep it short because we got the memo to keep it to three minutes. Chair fewer thank you so much. We have a packed agenda today, but i think we are all really excited about this. This sounds like a great endeavor. I see supervisor walton in the queue. Supervisor walton . Supervisor walton thank you very much for your presentation, public defender raju, and i would love to let abigail know that i would loik to sign on as a cosponsor, and we will take care of process for that. Thank you. Chair fewer thank you. Any other comments, supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman please kaed add me kazz a cosponsor, too. Chair fewer yes, please add me as a cosponsor, too, and i think jeff would have been proud. There is no b. L. A. Report on this. Madam clerk, please call for Public Comment. Clerk yes. Operations can checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Operations, are there any kwaulers in the kwee . If you have not already done so, please press star, three to be entered into the queue. Mr. Q. , please let us know if there are any callers that wish to comment on item number seven. Operator yes, we have one caller in the queue. Chair fewer welcome, caller. Good morning. My name is cindy oneil, and im actually on hold for a different topic, but this is of great interest to me. I have met jeff adachi throughout my career in public service, and i find our city [inaudible] indeed of people who do the good fight for their entire career. Yes, there should be a story of people whose lives have been touched by the criminal Justice System on both sides of the aisle. However, naming it in honor of somebody who died in a drug filled sleazy salacious situation does not do it justice to the people whose stories are told. The stories of justice dont need to be told under his name. Thank you. Chair fewer all right. Any other public speakers . Operator madam chair, that completes the queue. Chair fewer okay. Public comment is now closed and, you know, lets let truth speak for itself, and thank you very much, public defender, for bringing this gift to the public of San Francisco and whoever else is may reach, and with that, id like to make a motion to move that to the board with a positive recommendation. Clerk yes. On the motion [roll call] clerk there are three ayes. Chair fewer thank you. Can you please call item number eight . Clerk yes. [agenda item read]. Chair fewer thank you very much. We have is it how she from the department of technology . Yes, thank you. Chair fewer okay. I pronounced that right. Okay. The floor is yours. Good morning, supervisors and colleagues. Static consulting manager at the department of technology. Im here to seek your approval to the fifth master agreement with at t. So its [inaudible] who made the changes, extend the agreement for one additional year to december 31, 2021. So it would [inaudible] with the california agreement with at t. Second, it would increase the total amount was 18. 3 million. The number is calculated based on the average monthly cost in the last three years plus 10 contingency, and there is no other major change to the existing agreement. [inaudible] for telephone and Network Services for all City Departments. About half the spend is for telephone services, and the other half is for networks, which links two or locations with dedicated high speed excans. It allows us to leverage the collective buying power of the entire california state so we get always a 65 discount off the list price. It also consolidates all of the purchase order for at t services and giving us more control and perspective than the management. This project also contains four pages of legal terms on how at t can support the local community. For example, first [inaudible] at t has 400 employees in San Francisco [inaudible] as i checked this morning. [inaudible] for their support and help in completing this amendment. Thank you, and im ready to answer your questions. Chair fewer thank you. Any comments or questions . Seeing none, lets hear from the b. L. A. , please. Yes, thank you, chair fewer and members of the committee. Item etheridge approves the existing agreement between at t and the city for city services. As mr. Shi noted in his presentation and we discuss in our report, the extension of the agreement is to align with the states process of selecting vendors for telephone services. This agreement is actually based on the state distris competitive bid for these services. This estimate is based on an average of three years spending for city phone services, and we recommend approval. Chair fewer yes. Lets open this up for Public Comment. Clerk yes, operations are checking to see if there are any callers in queue. Operations, if you have not already done so, please allow caller in the queue. Mr. Q, please let us know if there are any callers in the queue who wish to comment on item number eight. Operate operate yes, i have one caller in the queue. Chair fewer okay. Welcome, caller. Clerk hello, caller . Chair fewer is the caller still in the queue . Operator yes, the caller is not answering, so that completes the queue, madam chair. Chair fewer thank you very much. Public comment is now closed on item eight. Id like to move this item to the board with a positive recommendation. Can i have a roll call vote, please. Clerk yes. On the motion [roll call] clerk there are three ayes. Chair fewer now, madam clerk, can you please call item number nine . Clerk yes. Item nine is a resolution retroactively authorizing the department of technology to accept an inkind give of Consulting Services valued at 427,200 from various providers during fiscal year 20192020. Chair fewer thank you very much. Today, we have with us dee pras hr prasad from the department of technology. Thank you, supervisors. I am here from the department of technology to ask you to approve a gift of Consulting Services valued at 427,200. What will this resolution do . This will allow the department of technology to accept Consulting Services from various partners including adobe, civic consulting alliance, and associated. In support of five of our City Departments the department of homelessness and supportive housi housing, oewd, b. I. A. , and tida. What is [inaudible] for those departments. Under the program, departments identify services that could benefit from Innovative Solutions from private companies or nonprofits, and individuals who want to donate Consulting Services. This can increase the citys capacity to analyze services as well as increase cross sector collaboration. Together, the teams Work Together on a 16week basis to create tangible solutions. In our previous cohort, we had nine City Projects that were approved. Adobe supports the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing to develop a public messaging campaign to he had San Francisco caans about the home educate san franciscans about the homelessness crisis agenda, a Small Business agenda, recreation and Parks Department partnered to develop a small parks strategy, to declare policy on how to engage stakeholders. Civic consulting also conducted research and created a communication and content strategy to make their services more accessible and user friendly [inaudible] to replace currently residential treatment beds and Services Provided by healthright 360 on one of the sites. Chair fewer all that for 427,000. My comment would be probably to send supervisor peskin a short, onesentence email on why thats retroactive. Having said that, i see no one is in the queue. Can we open it up for Public Comment, please. Clerk yes. If you have not already done so, please press star, three to shall entered into the queue and wait until the system has been unmuted before you begin your comment. Mr. Q. , do we have any callers on the line . Operator madam clerk, there is no callers on the line. Chair fewer seeing no Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. Id like to make a motion to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation. Can i have a roll call vote, please. Clerk on the motion [roll call] clerk there are three ayes. [please stand by] the floor is yours. I understand you have a powerpoint . Okay, you can get started. Ill go as quickly as we can. I know you have a full agenda. Good morning chair fewer and supervisors mandelman and walton. Im here to ask for your approval for revise authorization for the citys project home key application for the grenada. You approved this authorizing resolution back in september 30th, 2020. Chair fewer we can see slide two. Back in september, the budget and finance Committee Approved this authorizing resolution and full board approveddeedded approved on october 6th. The revises resolution before you today, enables h. S. H. To condition in the standard agreement, that would allow the city to accept an additional 3 million for increased rehab and cost and the state requires that the city and county match that on a two to one basis. The resolution has been increased from 45 million in accepting homekey funds to 49 million. In 49 million includes 42 million to acquire the property and rehab it as well as two years of operational cost. I will talk you through some of the revised fiscal impact and i think as you all know, in that the city and county, in order to take advantage of the homekey funds, we must close the transaction very quickly and spend all of the federal cares money by end of the calendar year. In entering and trying to find this property, there wasnt lot of time to do our typical Due Diligence process. As Community Services who is the buyer of the property, brought in an engineers and contractor and started going through the Due Diligence they identified additional rehab cost including a significant amount of seismic work that needs to be done and additional cost to make the units up to code and liveable longterm. This is the latest budget before you that we have presented to the state. You can see the rehab cost has increased from 12. 9 million to about 28 million. I do want to be very transparent with you and let you know that since we prepared this table, cost continue to come in higher. We are working with the Development Team and our partners at mocd construction team. Those costs need to be valued and approved the committee. As of this morning, the current estimated total cost of the project is about 89 million or 385,000 for unit. I have made b. L. A. Aware of this is not lou outlined in the repo. The city cost will be about 47 million. Theres about 200,000 per unit per door. That will be a beneficial value to the city. In consultation with the Real Estate Division, the Real Estate Division finds that this proposed transaction to be at or below expected net acquisition cost, the city could expect to incur for units of a comparable nature. This is asking your approval to accept that additional homekey money from the state and the additional matching funds that are required here at the table before you. That said, the City Partners will be coming back to this board for approval of the final lonely commitment based on final numbers and cost to rehab the project. Chair fewer thank you very much. Can we hear from the b. L. A. . Item number 10 approved the revises home grant amount for 49 million to be issued as hotel grenada in additional funding for permanent financing and ongoing operating cost. We defined sources and use of fund on taje 25 of the report. We learned this morning that the cost of the project significantly higher than what we defined in our table. There are some timing considerations on this as project, acquisition supposed to close by end of this month. Theres some limits in terms of the cares act fund. There are some timing restrictions. This is the cost of this project. I would say, based on the information, its fairly high. Thats a consideration of the 49 billion being submitted by the state in time limit. Base the on our original understanding of the project, we recommended approval of this resolution. Chair fewer thank you very much. Any comments or questions . Lets open up for Public Comment . Clerk i will check to see if there are any callers in the queue. We have two callers in the queue. Chair fewer okay. Clerk hello, caller . Please begin. Im in the queue for the next item. Not this item. Im sorry. Chair fewer okay. Any more people in the queue . I have a comment regarding project homekey. Chair fewer okay. Can you hear me . Chair fewer we can hear you. Great. Comment more of question. Im wondering if someone can potentially comment on whether the project at the grenada will include any kind of graduation programs for the individuals housed there . Is there some kind of program where theres a recorded and audited some kind of track record for the individuals who house there to improve their situation to move on in order to make space for more needy people who may utilize that space. Clerk i wanted to clarify, this is an opportunity for callers to comment on the item. They are not engage in dialogue at this time. Thank you for your comments. I see, okay. I will rephrase my question to a comment. The comment is that, i feel that it is very important to implement and include into this program a graduation feature which would stay in touch with the individuals housed there to help them improve their situation in order to help them recover whether its Mental Illness or drug addiction whatever they are struggling with, in order to make room for individuals. The ultimate goal is to help individuals in need. That is done by help improve the situation, to be functioning members of society and making space for more individuals to come there to utilize that space. Clerk thank you for your comment. Are there any other speakers in the queue . That completes the queue. Chair fewer Public Comment is closed. I like it to make a motion to that the board with a positive representation. Can i have a roll call vote. [roll call vote] three ayes. Chair fewer thank you very much. Please call item number 11. Clerk a resolution approving a contract amendment between the city and county of San Francisco and the office of the Grid Services smolinski for the administration of the great plates delivered program, members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment should call 4156550001. Please dial star 3 to line up to speak. Chair fewer thank you very much. Melissa mcghee, i believe the floor is yours. Thank you. Greetings. Im a Program Manager with the office of Community Partnerships at the department of disability and aging services. Im here to request your approval for the contract amendment with off the grid llc. The great place delivered program was created in direct response to the covid19 pandemic and shelterinplace order issued. Older adults were deemed especially at risk from serious complications from covid19. The program was created by the state and fema with the two fold purpose. One to provide meals to adults 65 and older and adults 64 at high risk. Who are unable to access meals while staying at home. Great plates delivers meals to recipients at their home. The recipients are screened for eligibility through intake unit and assigned to the great plates provider. Intake determines eligibility as well as preferences and dietary restrictions. Off the grid llc was selected from pool of respondents. Off the grid works with restaurants to fulfill the requirements of the program, providing a variety of cuisines, as well as meeting other dietary restrictions of the recipient. Off the grid currently works with 46 restaurants, 40 of them are minority or women owned. They are restaurants in every district in the city as well as recipients. Off the grid program employs 192 San Francisco residents. Thus far, in the program, off the grid served 382,000 meals. Thank you. Chair fewer can we hear from b. L. A. Please . This is committee. Item number 11 approves the Second Amendment to existing agreement between off the grid for Meal Delivery services. It extends the term through may 2021 and increases the amount by 26. 7 million. The summarize the program cost page 30 of our report. Cost approximately 30 per day per individual under the terms. The increase is to provide those meals through may 2021. We do recommend a reduction based on the cost of the program, not exceed 7. 4 million to 28. 7 million and recommend approval as amended. Chair fewer thank you very much. What do you say about the amendment that the b. L. A. Has brought forward . I concur. Chair fewer okay. I see no comments or questions from my colleagues. Lets open this up for Public Comment. Clerk operations, lets check to see if theres any callers in the queue. We have no callers in the queue. Chair fewer thank you very much. Public comment on item number 11 is closed. I like to make a motion to approve the amendment presented about the b. L. A. Roll call vote please. [roll call vote] three ayes. Chair fewer thank you very much. I wanted to say to Melissa Mcghee and your team, thank you very much so much for feeding everyone and making sure that people are most vulnerable are fed. Thank you very much for this work. We great realize appreciate it. I like to make this motion to move this to the board as a positive recommendation as amended. [roll call vote] clerk three aye. Chair fewer thank you very much. Now, we will now start our special order which was supposed to be attac at 11 00 a. M. Clerk item 12 is an ordinance amending the Administration Code to issue license to owners who report information to require an owner have a license to impose certain type of rent increases and impose a surcharge on po top ofe existing rent board fee to cover the rent boards associated costs. Chair fewer thank you very much. Today, our speakers are myself, Emily Ferguson from the b. L. A. And available have mr. Robert collins from rent board director. Colleagues, im excited to move forward this legislation to create a Housing Inventory. This is long overdue and my office has spent long time working with advocates and city dont get this right. San francisco adopted rent ordinance back in 1979 to save tenants from excessive rent increases. This helped to protect tenants from losing their home because of real estate and gentrification. In order for the rent board to track landlord tenant relationships, analyzing Housing Services, we need to maintain an accurate inventory of our existing rental Housing Stock. During this pandemic, we have seen major changes in our rental Housing Market. Some people unable to pay rent due to covid and others choosing to leave the city to work remotely. We know that this is created more vacancies. We know asking rent look like on leasing websites. We dont know what actual rents look like for existing tenants. Maintain an and tracking vacancies for corporate rental purposes. To create this inventory rent board will be collecting the following information from Property Owners on an annual basis. Starting in july of 2022. The Mailing Address for the unit, the name and Business Contact of the owners or the property manager if any, designated by the owner to address and issues. Business Registration Number for the unit, approximate Square Footage age number of bedrooms and bathrooms. Whether the unit a vacant or occupied inthe start and end date of any other vacancieses or occupancies that have occurred during the previous 12 months. For tenant occupied unit, the base rent reported 250,000 increments and whether the base rent specified utilities. Any other information the rent board seems appropriate in order to effectuate the purpose of this chapter 37. At the request, i will be introducing an amendment today to clarify that this requires a vote at the rent board at a dully noted public meeting. This Housing Inventory will be used for purposes of inspecting and investigating the level of Housing Services being provided for tenants analysessin analyzid vacancies and providing assistance to landlord and tenants and other City Departments as needed. By providing accurately picture, this housing will not only help the rent board do its job but provide benefits to other City Departments and to the city as a whole. I would like to thank my cosponsors, supervisors peskin, ronen, and haney. Last but not least, i like to thank mr. Robert collins, director of the rent board who worked closely with my office to ensure that the rent board can implement this important ordinance. Robert is here and available to answer any questions, Committee Members may have. I have some amendments that i will be introducing today at the request of the rent board as well as the department association. Lets hear from the b. L. A. Fred broussard and emily are here to provide a short presentation on the report detailing the cost of implementing a Housing Inventory in San Francisco. Thank you chair fewer. Fred broussard and good morning. I do have a short presentation we issued a report this morning on the topic of the cost of the establishing the rental Housing Inventory. I will share my screen now. Is that showing up . Chair fewer yes, i have not seen it yet. Colleagues, are you seeing that . Im not seeing it. I dont see it. All right. Chair fewer im not seeing it. Okay. I maile mail emailed it earlie. I am seeing the slides shared by fred. Chair fewer oh, im seeing it. Thank you. Committee members, can you see that . Even if you cant see it, i hope i can explain it clearly enough. The proposed ordinance, chair fewer you summarized this, i wont go through details. I will say that important distinction of the proposed Housing Inventory is not a rental registry, which is something specific in state law. What that means is that it wont affect city rent ordinance procedures and regulation, establishment of this inventory is different than establishing a rental registry which would preclude certain procedures and regulations. As you mentioned, landlord will be required to provide certain data in exchange they will receive a license which will allow them to impose rent increases as long as they are substantially in compliance. The cost of the implementation will be covered by a surcharge on the existing annual rent board fee. Well get into the details of that in a minute. We estimate that there are 233,518 rental Housing Units in the city that will be covered. These are all units that are subject to provision of the citys rent ordinance. Chair fewer, specified the information that will be collected for the Housing Inventory, i will not repeat that information. The purposes going on to how we came up with the cost estimates. We surveyed other cities registry, through rental housing in particular are not uncommon in california. We surveyed nine cities that have registries for different purposes. They all share the common theme of collecting information about their rental Housing Units and maintaining it and updating it in a database. Its similar what is being proposed here. Its used for different purposes. The nine cities are shown in this slide. There are three in particular what had credible information that we can use for applying to San Francisco. We got cost information from them both in terms of the plea agreement of their Housing Inventory and then the ongoing maintenance and staffing costs related to it. Particularly citys of alameda, los angeles. What we did not include was cost for their staffing that might be specific to that city. For example, berkeley has staff that are enforcing their rent control ordinance and that is not the purpose of the Housing Inventory of San Francisco. It does not count those costs or apply them to San Francisco. The cities that we surveyed shared information how they created their database. We collected that. We have information. We have common sources of information to get the database started, business license database that every city maintains the county database we have here. In los angeles, they had a database stabilize property, they use that. Different city have different purposes. Business tax and county assessor are common and each of their parts. All sources we spoken to here about it, have indicated the sources would need to be verified and corrected in some cases. In term of cost, this slide shows the year one cost and ongoing annual cost estimates. We have a low and high. There was quite range of cost presented in talking to different cities that we interviewed. When it comes down to the total, for year one, the range is 1. 4 million to 3. 2 million. That includes system implementation and firstyear Maintenance Cost and also the operation cost. Thats the technical side of establishing database through inventory. The computer works to make it happen and then new staff that will be added to work with landlords, get their information, explain the system to them, conduct outreach, make sure every Property Owner, landlord is aware of the requirements and get their information in on a timely basis. Ongoing annual cost will drop down slightly from the first year because it will be ongoing Maintenance Cost. Some of the startup costs is no longer being incurred the first year. How this will be paid for . Ordinance proposes establishing a surcharge or the existing fees. That is charged to all landlords covered about the rent board in San Francisco. That fee currently is 50 per unit. What we have estimated based on the rental Housing Units that will be subject to Housing Inventory, is a cost for the first year of 5. 89 per unit on the low side, up to 13. 91 on the high side. Existing fee is less between the Property Owner and the tenant. That arrangement is also proposed in the ordinance for the surcharge. Ongoing total cost and how that fee will be cost, it will range from 5. 18 per unit to 12. 16 per unit. Right between the landlord and the tenant. That is a summary of our report. Much more detail is provided in the document itself, which you all should have. Chair fewer any questions or comments from my colleagues . Seeing none, i want to thank friend and emily for al fredd emily for all your work on this report. Colleagues, is there any comments or questions . Just checking again. As a small Property Owner and landlord myself, i like to take this opportunity misconception that i heard from other landlords about this proposal. This is not going to exspoken e. L. R. Manageriallexponential. I like to reiterate that the b. L. A. Estimate that the per unit charge to cover the one time implementation cost and ongoing cost were range to from 6 to 14 in year one and 5 to 12 per year on ongoing annual basis. Our annual rent board fee in 46 is just 50, which is the substantially lower than any other city in california. By comparison, the rent board fee in berkeley is 250. This small additional cost of 5 to 12 per unit is well worth the benefit having a comprehensive inventory of our rental Housing Stock, landlords, also have the ability to pass through 50 of their rent board fee to their tenants. This will not prevent the red board from fulfilling other duties. Were giving them over year and a half to hire the staff to get that inventory up and running. We have developed that proposal in consultation with the rent board to ensure they have what they need. Third, this is not an invasion of privacy. This inventory is only collecting information about Housing Units. Not the people who live this them. Cities that have rental registries collect more than just a data. We are collecting here including the names of tenant. To suggest this Housing Inventory is more invasive or burdensome than rental registries in other cities is just not true. Having said all of this, colleagues, i will now introduce the amendment. You should have received a copy from my staff, these amendment will dot following. One, clarify that Owner Occupied units are not subject to reporting requirements beyond that the unit is Owner Occupied and that units will multiple oners only need one owner to report. Two, at the request of the rent board, create a twotiered phased in for reporting. July 1, 2020 with all units reporting annually on march 1st of each year. In change will allow the annual reporting date to coincide date of the rent board releases with the annual allowable rent increase. At the request of the rent board, removes the section creating separate surcharge of Housing Inventory. If allows the rent board to include a small increase in cost in existing rent board fee. Four, clarify that the rent board my submit the building list to the controller. Five, at the request of the department association, to the best of the managers knowledge for the approximate Square Footage of the unit and also at the request of the department association, to clarify that if the rent board deems it appropriate to add Additional Data point to the Housing Inventory, they will make that decision at a noted public meeting. Thank you colleagues. I hope to have your support on these amendments. If there are no questions for my colleagues. I like to up for Public Comment. Do we have any comments or questions . Clerk i see supervisor supervisor mandelman in the queue. Supervisor mandelman i want to thank you for all the work youve been doing and the conversations that you had where my office and with the rent board and your willingness to consider amendments from the department association. This is a better legislation for that work and i would like to be added as cosponsor. Thank you. Chair fewer i appreciate that. I see that our time is 12 07. We have a special order that supposed to start 12 00 noon. Of course that will be late. I want to apologize. Any other comments or questions or from my colleagues. Seeing none, lets open up for Public Comment. How many people do we have in the queue . Clerk currently there are 80 callers listening and 30 in the queue. Chair fewer we will allow everyone one minute for Public Comment on this special order. Thank you very much. Clerk operations checking to see if there are callers in the queue and ready to speak. If you have not already done so, please press star 3 to be added in the queue. For those on hold, please continue to wait. There are currently 40 callers in the queue. Hello everyone. I am just wanting to comment a little bit on this new legislation thats been proposed. The Property Owners of San Francisco have many shape spaces, forms. We have lot of immigrants and nonenglish speakers. They already deal with property tax, payroll taxes, new regulations for sirens. Parking taxes on nontenant parks, trying to educate our tenants about this yard waste and getting their participation in that. It is an invasion of privacy and that every single bit of our Business Information our income, etcetera, will be available to the rent board and the last piece of information is, any other info the rent board deems appropriate, which doesnt feel good when youre on receiving end of giving up all your personal information. Clerk thank you for your comment. Next speaker please. Hello, im a tenant attorney and i serve on the rent board commission. Im not here to speak in that capacity. Im expressing my own opinion. I like to thank executive director collins for his efforts on making this ordinance workable. I really think that this gives rent board a chance to do the much needed upgrade to information systems. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good afternoon, im calling in strong support of this legislation. We do need the up to date data on what housing we actually have in order to plan and create the housing that we need. I want to appreciate that this means there will be communication between owners and tenants in a timely manner as rules change, as things like this legislation, etcetera. I hope that all of the board of supervisors will stand up and support this. We so need it. Thank you very much. Clerk next speaker please. This is stephanie peek im a member of the San Francisco coalition. I lived in San Francisco for over 50 years. I support supervisor fewer Housing Inventory and rental registry so tenants can be protected from landlords who profit. We expect legislation with claims of tenant protection by excluding tenant occupied buildings. We need to protect our tenants from these state laws now. Thank you. Clerk next speaker please. Hello,k, can i be heard. Im peter holder, im an owner of fouryear building. Like to object to this legislation as its currently written. You make a case that its not onerous. Its just one more burden you have to carry. What the legislation does not address is big problem that i noticed from relatives that are trying to rent. Flats rented out, do not seem to have any effective form of rent control. The rent can be 1600 and the person can only pay 1500. Theres no way for that person to know that unaffordable and unjust. Registry ought to include flat and roommates and the Effective Rent for each room. Clerk next speaker please. This is barbara fields, i would like to urge you to please postpone voting on this today until you get more information. The voters passed the privacy first policy two years ago. This ordinance makes very private personal information on us and on our tenants. I would ask you to please postpone this until you can work with all of us. Thank you. Clerk next speaker please. Chair fewer move on to the next speaker. Clerk hello speaker. Im talking. My name is roxanne. I want to say that Property Rights in this case are a right. Its necessary for individuals to live. Theres no right without Property Rights. Force rent Property Owners to register their property, i dont care what you call it t thats what it is. What right do you have to ask us to single out rental Property Owners needing special surveillance . We have to be watched . This registry its a total obligation of our right to exist. You cant exist without right to have economic freedom. We have a right to be free. Freedom in this context means freedom from government oppression. It is government oppression to decide that a whole class of people need to be surveil. By what right . You have no right to be presenting this. Clerk thank you for your comment. Next speaker please. Im a property manager in San Francisco. Im calling today to urge the board to hold off on voting today on the rental registry ordinance. This ordinance should be considered with input from various groups including tenants and landlords before being passed by the board. The incomit will cause the rentd fees to increase. The requirement of landlords to provide this information will create unnecessary burden on landlords, especially small landlords. San francisco rent board has a system in place that functions very well and give tenants an avenue to protect their legal rights. It will dramatic restructure a City Department that tenants and landlords rely on without providing benefits to tenant and landlords. It will create rent animosity between tenants. Clerk next speaker please. Hi everyone. Im calling in strong support of the Housing Inventory legislation. In the city where Housing Affordability is a major and longterm issue, it is important for the city to have a complete data what the rental market is like. With the based on the data the city needs to make better and more focused decision to address the housing need. How the inventory will provide another layer of protection for tenants in terms of ensuring how they are maintained. I strongly support this legislation to create a San Francisco Housing Inventory. Thank you. Clerk next speaker please. Hello, good afternoon. My name is mary dor ran. I strongly urge you to establish this rental Housing Inventory as a senior, as a person with a disability and as a former small landlord myself. Its very useful, obviously to maintain an craft inventory of the citys Residential Housing for a minimal estimated surcharge to landlords. This housing can protect tenants. Thank you for your time. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker please. Good afternoon. I am calling in support of the rental registry. This registry, this inventory, rather, it is not a registry, this inventory will allow tenants to [indiscernible] it will allow the city to have a more accurate picture of the state of rental in San Francisco and the numbers of vacancies and enable the city over to redirect those vacancies to more productive use. It will provide information useful and enforcing the rent laws. I strongly urge you to forward rental inventory to the full board today. Thank you for your time. Clerk next speaker please. Good afternoon. [indiscernible] im here not only to support the Housing Inventory and thank supervisor fewer for serving our district and city so well. Ive been so proud of [indiscernible] clerk thank you for your comment. Next speaker please. Im here to support creation of the Housing Inventory. In return for nominal fee, the resulting database will enable the rent board to do better job and generate available results which will enable the supervisors and the public to address problems of displacement, affordability and habitability. This is critical for Affordable Housing. Please approve this vital legislation. Clerk next speaker please. I would like to see a delay in this proposal for additional comments. The first thing i would like to see, i have three Major Concerns about this proposal. The first is allowing the rent board to ask for Additional Information that will create a political bureaucracy that regardless of intent it will be used about i like to see the occupied units that were currently were vacant within the last 12 months, be removed as less organized landlords will have problem problems with thist the Additional Information youre getting from us wont be that much more. I dont understand 250 increment. If youre going to create information, you should have it down to the penny. I like to see more time put on this so additional comments can be for better legislation. Like to see the rent board encourage people to get ccrm license and give a discount on clerk thank you for your comment. Next speaker please. Im here today representing faith and action at st. James episcopal church. How can we let estimated 30,000 units stand empty when we have an urgent need to provide shelter for our unhoused neighbors. Theres potential for adequate number of these occupied units to be made available for Good Samaritan purposes. We dont know until we have adequate data that allows us not only to identify specific units but to make better more equitable housing policy decisions as we seek to meet our shared housing justice goal. The planning and enforcement required good data. Rather than first looking to build future housing, lets look ousing what we have available today. Proposal before you moves this towards our goal. This is a justice issue. Lets do it right. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker please. I lived in district 2 for 35 years. Im a member of the San Francisco Land Use Coalition. I want to express my support for supervisor fewers proposed legislation. The proposed legislation will enable the rent board to better administer the rent ordinance. San francisco is experiencing housing, affordability crises and theres no up to date Accurate Information about rental units in San Francisco. Approval of the proposed legislation is the first step in implementing datadriven solution to the problem. Now is a time to address operating problems at the rent board. Consistently failed to respond to rental property inquiries. Implementation of published Service Standard level and monthly report against the Service Level standard is long overdue. The proposed legislation would allow San Francisco to catch up with other cities with implemented similar solutions. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker please. Hi, good afternoon. Can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can hear you. Good afternoon, my name is lisa. I called to oppose on item number 12. With all this ridiculous housing restrictions, you are actually killing the rental market. This procedure is really interfering with peoples privacy. Even though you indicate that its not. We have to understand housing owners, that money is not falling from the sky. People oppose it. Thank you. [please stand by] when this issue came up of a rent registry in prior years, i met with my tenant, and frankly, they didnt want to know let other people in the building know what benefits they get through rent control. The older tenants certainly want to keep their Information Private because theyve got a tremendous deal when theyre only paying 30 of market rate. Thank you. Please oppose this. Its only going to create more problems. Clerk thank you for your comment. Next speaker, please. Hello and good afternoon, supervisors. My name is jean alejo, and i strongly support this timely registration. I would like to thank the eight supervisors for already cosponsoring this legislation because San Francisco needs for updated and comprehensive data to understand the depth of our ongoing Housing Affordability crisis. And to those Property Owners who are opposing this measure, your [inaudible] and groups who oppose this Housing Inventory are the reasons why San Francisco is not affordable and is still the most expensive city in the nation. And the current rent board fee is only 50, which is lower than the other cities. This will be funded by a modest increase of 6 to 14 per year. Also, the central registry wont collect information from tenants operator your time is concluded. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. Good morning or good afternoon. My name is mark brennan. Im speaking out against this proposal. I think its completely unnecessary. Its going to be additional costs, and can anyone really believe that this is going to only cost a couple of Million Dollars per year . I dont think so. We have a very thorough and comprehensive gross receipts tax that we have to comply with. We have business registration, department of Public Health. Weve got increasing utility bills, theres rent board fees, d. B. I. Theres so much already on board here, and to label landlords as greedy and unethical i think is completely disingenuous operator your time is concluded. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello, madam chair and supervisors. My name is rob maclynn, my wife and i have been residents of San Francisco for 42 years. The rental income that we realize from our property falls far short of our expense of our property tax, mortgage, and other property upkeep. However, we depend on this income to make the San Francisco living equation work for us. Im speaking today to strongly oppose the proposal for two primary reasons. First, i believe the registry is an invasion of privacy for both tenants and landlords. Secondly, the proposal is an unjustifiable expense, an expansion of bureaucracy, with no measurable benefit to landlords and tenants other than tax benefits. Operator thank you, your time is concluded. Clerk thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is mike [inaudible] and i would ask you to defeat this proposal outright. It continues in a tradition that regulation will solve the Housing Affordability problem in San Francisco. It will not, we have been, as rental Property Owners, bombarded with rules and property regulations, none of which affect the price of housing. If they had been effective, why do we still have an affordability problem . We have been wrestling with this for decades, and the problem is worse. If you went to a doctor to solve the problem, and you were still sick 30 years later, would you keep going to the doctor . Would you ask for more of the medicine that weve been subscribing . This is obviously an invasion of privacy. Operator your time is concluded. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is pauline marshall, and i served as a commissioner on rent board for 35 years until 2018. I strongly support this legislation. I see this as simply the next step to bring the rent board into the 21 century with the ability to collect and analyze information about our very important Housing Inventory. I wish to thank supervisor fewer and all the other sponsors of this legislation. It is long overdue. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, im craig, a property manager in San Francisco. Please delay voting and amend the legislation for privacy so that the registrys information for a specific unit is available to that specific unit tenant, the rent board, and the landlord. This privacy amendment would help address the tenant animosity issue mentioned by other callers. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good morning. My name is debbie nunez, and im here representing the Veritas Tenants Association. We proudly support this legislation to establish a Housing Inventory. We need more data to understand the depth and nature of this affordability crisis in our city. Simply knowing what average market rate rents is not enough. The kind of data gathered by provide Real Estate Investors is already being used by property developers, investors, and bankers. I know large real estate firms have incredibly detailed information on the properties they manage. Small landlords and tenants can both find tenant protection confusing. The Veritas Tenants Association encourages passage of this legislation to create more Equity Housing markets. Thank you. Operator your time is concluded. Clerk thank you for your comments. Hello. Thank you guys for working on this ordinance. I can tell that your intentions are good. However, i believe this is hurt tenants tremendously. When you implement taxes, you create shortages in a market which raise prices, and the affordability prices that we have in s. F. Are a direct result of this. Prices can only go up, they cannot go down. This is not a Data Collection ordinance, this is an ordinance to regulate and control landlords, and i ask you to leave the small landlords out of it. If you want to control professional Real Estate Investors who own ten or more properties, by all means, but to target small Property Managers who operate on razor thin margins operator thank you. Your time has collapsed. Clerk thank you for your comments. Currently there are 36 speakers in the queue and 8 wi3 listeni. Next speaker, please. Hi. Im extremely disappointed at this boards decision to rush this decision that could hurt both parties. And also, particularly this ordinance does not need to come back two years from now. Its important to get this legislation right the first time around. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Mr. Q, could we please have the next speaker . Good afternoon. Thank you so much for your time. Im calling to strongly oppose this ordinance. My name is stephanie, and my family owns a handful of properties here innisk san francisc francisco in San Francisco. I know all of our tenants, and it would be very disturbing for them to know that their information is in a database. The existing rent board processes work really well to prohibit illegal rent increases. Over the years, i know that we personally had some animosity within the building and the tenants and the range of rates due to existing rent controls, and the issues between us and our tenants that pay rents lower than their rents operator your time is up. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Hi. My name is jerry [inaudible] and im a member of the San Francisco Apartments Association and the San Francisco association of realtors. Although the sponsor may have talked to the organizations mentioned, they are not in favor of this legislation. I ask that you delay and [inaudible] and have another hearing. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is robin richardson, and were small apartment owners. I want to strongly oppose this legislation. As other speakers have said, its a big invasion of privacy. We already have to jump through so many hoops to take care of all the rules and regulations that are there. Tenants are strongly protected by the rent board, the rent caps we have. We have tenants that are paying literally hundreds of dollars per month, and its a struggle. Weve already lost about 35 of our tenants, and our other bills do not go down. This is just burdensome, and its nice to have all of this data, but it doesnt provide benefits for anyone. Thank you. Thank you inform your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is evan. Im thankful for the opportunity to comment. First point, i would like to see a greater opportunity for Public Participation. You wave the 30day report, the b. L. A. Report was presented this moerk, and you have a oneminute Public Comment morning and you have a oneminute Public Comment. The resource shift is significant within the rent board, whether you go by todays report of a severe increase in staffing or 2019 report of almost 100 rhenboard increase of staff. Those rent board increase of staff. There are assumptions built into todays report that may not hold up. Specifying specifically, we have 29 of the units of l. A. , so something of that scale may not work. Operator your time is up. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is tom and im call on behalf of my family, my older brother who owns a building in San Francisco that hes been exceedingly fair to his tenants over the last 30 years, with reduced rents below mark. Consequently due to covid, hes experienced vacancies, persistent vacancies, and then renting 20 under what the previous rates were. So at a time when rents are falling and costs are continuing to rise for repairs, insurance, and taxes, it creates burdens on longtime fair landlords, mom and pops, who frankly are trying to do the right thing for their tenants than rely on this stream of income in their retirement. So id like to recommend a delay on the vote and please consider the risks and benefits operator your time has elapsed. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is sean pritchard. I appreciate the opportunity to speak. Im calling in regards to an Opposition Vote to this legislation. As a small property manager, this is burdensome, and its a nail in the coffin to my business. At some point, itll be too much, and ill be forced to be done and move on, and whos going to run my building . Whos going to purchase the building . Its unfortunate because the city does have a large small Property Ownership, and they cant keep up with this type of legislation, and theyll be forced to sell, as well, and were going to be left with Large Companies, large management teams running all these apartments, and youll just have to create more legislation to combat the legislation youve created. I appreciate the opportunity to speak. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. This is laina young. Im a small Property Owner in San Francisco, and im part of the business Property Owner network. I just gave money to get meals for the seniors and vulnerable, but now, its okay for the government to hit more fees. You will push a lot more mom and pops out of the Housing Markets, and the complications will push especially the nonenglish speakers out of the Housing Market, and theres a lot of information out there, and the rent board is created to reduce you know, to help the Housing Market, but it hasnt. It needs to be more resourceful. Theres census data. I can find very easily business taxes and rent Board Operator your time has elapsed. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello . Good afternoon, supervisors fewer, walton, and mandelman. Thank you all for choosing to cosponsor this important piece of legislation. My name is cynthia, and im with the Housing Coalition of San Francisco. One of my first questions when i was organizing in richmond is how much are people paying in rent and why hasnt anyone does this before . Simply knowing the average market rate rents are is not enough. According to the last inventory of our citywide housing rent. Commissioner perez rental stock, 30 are sitting vacant. This is being used to drive our market prices up and make things unaffordable, which makes thing difficult for banks and renters. I hope operator your time is elapsed. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, there. My name is liam, and im with a small Property Management in San Francisco. The two justifications im hearing for this law is that it will help enforce the rent control ordinance, and that it will help the city plan out more affordable Property Management by tracking vacancies. Tenants can already easily bring any claims on their landlord to the rent board, and they get free legal advice to help them in this case, and landlords also know the danger of raising rent up before the allowable amount. California voters just shot a proposal down by a 20 margin, and so since these proposed benefits are not even going to be realized by the lawyer proposed to pass, i dont think the burden on Property Owners and landlords are justified. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your commented. Next speaker, please. Yes, hello. Hello . Clerk yes, we can hear you. As the previous speaker just said, the vacancy control law was shot down this year. To me, this is a way of controlling vacancies and imposing a vacancy control as well as imposing lower rents, and in addition, with your march 1 mandate, if you have a tenant who gets a rent increase on march 1, we will not even be able to impose that until we get your permission. This is really government taking over personal property. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Thank you, supervisors. I am strongly opposed to this ordinance. Im a small landlord, and this does create a substantial burden and unnecessary increase in costs. My building is in supervisor fewers district, and you do ask for your support. This increases fees and taxes to both landlords and tenants at a time when San Franciscos economy is trying to stay afloat due to the Economic Impact of covid19. This is a time we should be cautious about adding additional burdens to government and business, and weve seen streamlining in other forms of business in San Francisco this summer, and its been effective. It doesnt bring any measurable improvements to the services is rent board, yet it increases the bureaucracy. In addition, this is certainly a gross invasion of privacy and to other business agreements. It does create rent animosity between tenants, and they dont want their rents to be known. The benefit certainly does not outweigh the costs. Furthermore, ive been trying to spent my personal time operator thank you. Your time hasselapse elapsed. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello. Can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can hear you. Yes, i am a Small Business owner, and we have a small fourunit building in the castro. We have put our units back on the market at a significant increase. As an owner of the building, we take in all the expense, and we are basically burdened with all of these government overreach regulations, so i strongly oppose and would like you to consider the Small Business openers of this city and the hits that were taking during this covid situation we find ourselves in. I think its important, you want to keep us Small Business owners and mom and pops in business here and that do drastically affect the rental market. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors. Ozzie reaume with San Francisco Land Use Coalition. My colleagues from San Francisco Land Use Coalition and i are in strong support of this ordinance. However, tenants in this town deserve better than the Implementation Plan that is put forth by the ordinance. All along, we are expecting the Planning Department to be administrators of this database. They already manage shortterm rentals. Why cant they manage the longterm rentals, as well . But now, were told that the rental board will be managing this as a quasijudicial body. The rent board doesnt have an address for evictions and questions on a daily basis. How are we supposed to get this data to defend tenants against things like rent he vacation. The city of los angeles passed a similar ordinance on october 4, 2016 and mandated all landlords to report their units as of january 1 operator your time is concluded. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. Im a small momandpop owner, and i oppose the proposal. When people come to rent an apartment, it should be a business proposition where both parties come to an agreement on what amount of rent they want to pay. For existing renters, they already have plenty of restrictions and regulations to protect problems. Its also an encroachment of government, and its an increase in bureaucracy. Why would you want to ask about vacancies and bedrooms . A lot of people squeeze people into nonbedrooms, and if youre keeping places vacant, its probably already because theres too much regulation in place that makes it onerous. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. I vehemently oppose this legislation. Its pretty obvious the entire state of california has, in the last four years, has voted against a repeal of costa hawkins, and this is obviously an attempt to set up and impose vacancy control, so i vehemently oppose this. There is no benefits to it. Affordablity in San Francisco exists today with covid. Availability exists, and no one is taking these units. If it was so affordable, why arent these units being taken . Because unreal why we only get a minute to speak and why opposition wasnt given. Im pretty sure 98 of the people oppose this, and its not the best solution for San Francisco. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is reeves, and i am currently a tenant commissioner on the rent board, but im speaking today an as individual tenant that is living in a small district three apartment for 21 years. Further, i believe the Department Needs more Outreach Program to the impacts community and much consideration for the tenants and landlords. I am hopeful, given the nature of these proposed changes that strong Outreach Programs be available for both tenants and landlords. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comment. Next speaker, please. Hi, there. My name is [inaudible] calling to support the Housing Inventory. [inaudible] maximize profits for banks and realtors as rents continue to rise, and i just will finish by saying i was a former property manager. This is anec 2k4dotal, but any additional work that needs to be done is whole burdensome. Please are this legislation please support this legislation. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello. There are a couple of things. One, i think this is a series of microaggressions against landlords, and its getting old. We need to stop that. There always seem to be a mindset among elected officials that its their duty to solve every problems, and its not. Some problems need to be worked out and solved at the organic level among ourselves. I totally oppose this legislation. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Currently, there are 22 speakers in the queue and 82 listening. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is michelle, and ive been a Residential Property owner in San Francisco for over 20 years. Im adamant lly opposed to thi legislation. Theres no need for this legislation. Theres no immediate threat by not having an inventory. The city already has all the information that they are seeking through the assessors office, through the department of building inspection, Public Health, especially during a time when theres a pandemic going on. Our currently world of uncertainty clearly puts private personal information into the public realm goes way beyond just an invasion of privacy which we know the voters approved to protect. Have a nice day. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, my names matthew. Im a nurse and a landlord. I strongly oppose this ordinance. Theres absolutely no data to support any of this solution. In health care, we actually operate on evidencebased practice, so the only data that i can see actually is the city whos implemented this many years ago, theyre still in the same crisis. I mean, i just dont sioui how this is anything this would find anything productive. We need for data, more research. This is not an issue of landlord and rents, its this has been an issue for decades. I was born and raised in this country. We can look at this data and whos implemented this already. Thats all i have to say. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello, hi. Im a small Property Owner, and im opposed to this amendment. This is going to create new costs and bureaucratic regulations which we should not rush through. We should take the time to make should that this is proper. I dont understand why only landlords need to report information versus tenants. Many tenants illegally sublet or make a lot of money and dont need to be subsidized by rent control. At this point, a lot of Property Owners will be pushed out of the business or will decide they dont even want to rent units anymore. Every piece of legislation coming out is for the tenant and makes it very difficult for landlords to rent anything out. Please postpone and review this accordingly. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Yes, good afternoon. As a rent controlled tenant, i strongly support the creation of the Housing Inventory because San Francisco needs better tools to create better housing policy going forward. Planning Department Director rich hillis has referred to the rent board as a quasijudicial body, and it is not accustomed to Data Administration management on this scale. Because our Planning Department already manages the database for shortterm rentals, it makes perfect sense for planning to be responsible for the Housing Inventory data. We have waited far too long for a Housing Inventory database, and we should not delay the implementation two years afrom now. We should implement this for all rental units in San Francisco. Because a majority of San Francisco renters live in buildings with fewer than ten units, it does not make sense operator thank you. Your time has concluded. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Thank you. I own an Owner Occupied unit in the castro. This does nothing to address the housing problems in San Francisco. It will increase fees and taxes paid by tenants and landlords without providing any tangible results for tenants or landlords. The increase costs and increased personnel time it will take from the rent board will actually decrease the ability of the rent board to provide services to tenants and landlords that do actually really help and impact the issues of both tenants and landlords. Please oppose this legislation. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can hear you. Hello . Oh, hi. My name is marlene jones, and im also opposing this, along with all of these [inaudible] Small Business owners, and we just cannot afford to lose mortenants, especially with this covid19 situation. Not all Small Business owners are gougers, ill remind you of that. I am opposing this [inaudible] as well. Thank you so much. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is danny sauter, and im a resident in north beach, and up until a few weeks ago, i was a candidate for board of supervisors. I do think this should be crafted in a pay to protect provid privacy. There are real concerns about [inaudible] violations in our communities. In a recent survey of residents in chinatown, for example, 62 surveyed said they had multiple Code Violations in their apartment, yet only 28 complained to their landlord out of fear of retaliation. Finally, i want to em ifempha that this should be something we pursue not as a method of retribution. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Yeah, this ordinance is complete b. S. Im not going to comment what 99 of the people say. Clearly, this lacks foresight. This is peoples life and livelihood, their nest egg, and they dont need the city coming in and governing this. The fact that you leave yourself a back door by reserving the right for more data points in the future, i think this is going to hurt landlords and tenants alike. This should not be voted on, it should go back to the drawing board based on the large opposition of everyone involved, and you should go back to the community, speak to the landlords, and keep the small landlords out of it. Go ahead and target the Large Companies clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. A my name is daina, and im a member of the [inaudible] and i strongly support this Housing Inventory. We need more data, data that this Housing Inventory would prior to further address our housing availability cry sit. It would highlight ways to make better and more equitable use of the land along with housing we already have. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, this is [inaudible] and i strongly oppose this. During the pandemic, this is ill advised. Its not really clear what this does that the rent board doesnt already have access to or through public databases. 98 of scientists agree that Climate Change exists, and we believe them, but when 98 of economists say that legislation reduced supply. Heres my suggestion. Hold off on today, and start a voluntarily portal on voluntary portal on the website, where its voluntary where they supply their information, and see what comes out and what improvements are needed. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello . Hello . Clerk hello, please begin. Thank you. Thank you for taking my call. I strongly oppose this, and i ask for you to oppose this legislation, as well. Theres a few concerns. One is the privacy violation, and they voted against the selling of peoples information. The second is how will the rent board handle this, when this will double their work with the current situations and no talks about the events cost it is to not only implement this but then to rush this to pass . The other thing is that the animosity between the tenants who are neighbors. This is a real life thing, and to have neighbors consistently fighting with each other not only brings a terrible community in a building but also the landlord what can we do . Its horrible. And momandpop landlords, this is a huge attack on them. Theyre struggling right now, and this is creating more struggles for them. Not only do we have to have our mortgages, taxes, fees, rent control its very burdensome. Clerk thank you. Next speaker, please. Michael clestoff. Im a Property Owner, and i strongly oppose this. The privacy concerns are huge. For you to create some communist privacy list you should focus on creating Affordable Housing. Indstead of finding ways to up and downer to certain groups, concentrate on Affordable Housing. Do not come up with things like this. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. Landlords already report rental income to the i. R. S. Why should we have to report to another agency . Does the government maintain a salary registry, where everyones salaries are reported and made public . If youre going to require some level of reporting, require large Property Owners, not those who own fewer than ten units, or even as someone suggested, make the reporting voluntary, and youre trying to make it mandatory in order to pass rent increases. Report this data or you wont be able to raise the rent. Thats illegal. You need to put your tenants in a better area, but a Land Registry is the last thing we need. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. Im [inaudible] and ive been living in San Francisco for over 35 years, and ive been a tenant, and ive also been a homeowner. I feel that now i as a homeowner, i strongly oppose this. As a Small Business owner and as a Property Owner, theres so many things little did i know what Property Ownership entails. We have many people that are trying to struggle and survive during this pandemic. So many tenants have moved out or people have moved out of San Francisco. Let the tenants and the landlords heal. Focus on the large commercial lean landlords, not the momandpops. Hi. This is charlie gossip from San Francisco parking association. We appreciate the amendments that have passed so far. But i also want to talk about the due process on this hearing. This legislation was introduced on election day. The 30day period was waived, and theres not been adequate opportunity to given put on this legislation. This is hugely impactful for landlords and tenants. The b. L. A. Report that was presented to you all was not the report that was made public. That report that was made public was just published a couple of hours ago. In april, the b. L. A. Said the rent board will have to double its staff and obtain more office space. This is hugely impactful lemgs lation for legislation for landlords and tenants clerk thank you for listening. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is jesse, and im calling from district 11 in support of the housing tire because its going inventory because its going to provide a more complete picture of the housing landscape across our city. Currently, Affordable Housing rents are intertwined with average media income data that are out of touch with our local communities, and the Housing Inventory will help us understand more precisely what the Inventory Means for tenants operator your time is concluded. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. [inaudible] and i am a San Francisco native [inaudible] and again, i disagree with the process that has been so expedited. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. My name is j. D. Panzer, and im a professional property manager in San Francisco, and i am strongly opposed to this measure. It is a gross invasion of privacy. I urge you to take this proposal back to the drawing board and allow the landlord and rental community to participate in this discussion before its advanced again. This has not had any discussioned about how the fees and taxes shared by landlords and tenants will need to be increases. The lcommunity should know thi before the legislation is passed and how it will affect our livelihood. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello . Hello . Clerk hi, speaking. Is it my turn . Clerk hello, please proceed. [inaudibl. [inaudible] theres no way we should be invading peoples privacy. Theres [inaudible] how much fees have increased so far this year . Its a big burden on small Property Owners. We strongly oppose this. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, there. My name is isaac, and ive been a tenant in San Francisco the past eight years on and off. I live in district six, and i think the board should support the establishment of a rental registry. The state has a huge housing and Climate Change challenge in the years ahead. I dont think i have to remind everyone that just like the hazards of the wildfire in our state and the conditions that it created for our unhoused neighbors as well as those living in apartments that we had no control over the situation. There isnt a uniform availability of data like this, and with the inability to compare previous Housing Inventory with current inventory operator thank you, your time has elapsed. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is maureen. We own a small building in chinatown. We strongly oppose the Housing Inventory legislation. I agree with the comments from opposing calls and wont repeat when they said. However, why are you rushing this . What are you hiding . Are you pulling a trump . Moscow mitch . Please vote no. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. My name is lisa, and i ad kwamt leo pose this rush process. I am a small Property Owner, owning five units, and i was a renter at one time. The collection of this information is invasive of our rights. This is one more added burden. Again, i urge you to oppose this legislation. Thank you so much. Clerk thank you for your comments. Currently, there are eight speakers in the queue and 58 listening. Next speaker, please. Hi. My names john. Im a small Property Owner in San Francisco. Have you thought about the message that youre sending when you ram this message through . I might as well just ellis act. Yes, you heard that. Ive heard about had enough. I fully expect this to be the precursor to much more legislation. In fact, im lucky. I have a d. R. E. Plan in place. I can file an ellis in this very quickly. Im getting the message youre sending me, and im getting ready to act. Have a nice day, comrades. Clerk next speaker, please. Hi, everybody. Its mitchell from the Affordable Housing alliance, and oh, my goodness. I just have to say that the exaggerations, sheer hyperbole and ignorance to this legislation is mind boggling. Thanks for working on this ordinance, and i hope youre able to get it passed soon. I appreciate all the hard work thats gone into it. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is julie. I am a landlord in district two, and i strongly oppose this legislation. Its being pushed through at a rate that is unbelievable. Theres not enough information to make a decision on this topic. Theres many other issues at hand. It seems that were micromanaging data that is useless, and, you know, were all struggling now under the worldwide pandemic. We have vacancy rates in our units that have never been seen before, and now is not the time to be adding additional fees and costs to running our businesses, so again, strongly oppose this legislation. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello. Im a tenant in San Francisco, and im calling you because i do strongly oppose this legislation. I feel like the rent board is created to be there as kind of a middleman between tenants and landlords, and they provide great Consulting Services. Even during this time of pandemic, ive called the rent board, and even though theyve been kind of hard to get ahold of because they dont work in the office, they do call back. I think we need to be proactive and call the rent board and see if theyre able to handle this amount of work. Theyre n i believe they are a rent board and not data entry clerks, which is what this will become. I dont want the low paying tenant to get harrised by the higher paying tenants because theres some animosity there. I feel that does the opposite of building a community, which is what we really want to do here in San Francisco. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello. Can you hear me . Hello, can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can hear you. I think ever misguided supporter of this proposal, including supervisor fewer herself, needs to ask, if this ordinance passes, what will the City Government do next . Keep inventory of every retailer to track its relationship with its customers . Where does the citys power overreach end . And frankly, you know, the San Francisco City Government is highly ineffective to both landlords and the renters already. If its intent is to truly help one segment of the action fairs, the way to do that is to not unfeasingly punish one over the other. This does smell of ulterior motives. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is brian [inaudible] and im a former supervisor. Im a huge lib, and i support Affordable Housing. This reporting of data violates the law. I just wish that someone at the city, especially the supervisors could shadow me for one day and use the Government Services and see what were up again. This call, for example, no one can only figure it out because they dont do a good job of explaining it. We already have all of this data in the 3 rs, and we could hire a student analyst and get the meaning of all of this data. Why dont you come up with something innovative, not a hammer. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, hello there. Can you hear me . Clerk yes. Hello there . Hi. My name is michelle [inaudible] and i am the president for the mission s. R. O. Collaborative. I strongly support this legislation as someone who works with s. R. O. Tenants who live in uninhabitable units. A Housing Inventory would be valuable to our City Government infrastructure. Having a Housing Inventory would lead to a more equitable Housing Market for tenants and landlords as well as letting us know the status of our affordability crisis. I strongly urge you to pass this legislation so that communities of color would know what our options are when coming to obtain services or policy decision as to land use, as well. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is georgine costello. Can you hear me . Clerk yes. I also oppose this proposal. I am a small Building Owner in San Francisco. We have been mandated right and left, one thing over the other, in the last five years. My concern is the same as all that have opposed to this line today. [inaudible] im sure everyone is wondering, what is the big rush, and what is miss fewers payoff . What is it that shes gaining by trying to push through such a horrible proposal, especially for a smaller momandpop businesses, and then, shes on her way out and not sticking around for any backlash. So i dont understand why it was set up how it was operator your time is up. Clerk thank you for your comments. Currently, there are five speakers in the queue and 55 listening. Next speaker, please. Yes, can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can hear you. Hello . Yes, good afternoon, supervisors. My name is peter peraz 5edas, im a Third Generation san franciscans. Im opposed to this legislation [inaudible] with annual costs ranging from 1. 2 to 2. 8. Thats a big discrepancy, especially in times of today. Two, its an invasion of privacy. This rent registration is more invasive than other cities. What they need to do, as others have said, is go and try to find that information. Its out there. Anything else thats more private needs to remain private. Third, this drastically over burdens a major City Department. In case you have forgotten, were still in a pandemic, were still struggling, and we should be more focused on trying to help the landlords and tenants instead of trying to rush this through operator thank you. Your time is concluded. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Im a landlord in San Francisco. My name is alan. I also have a background in tech, and california proposition 24 passed showed that the people in california really do want their privacy, and having their proposition [inaudible] i am against going ahead and having this proposition. I think it would be very difficult for small tenant owners like me to keep track of costs like this, so thank you very much for listening to my opinion. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is priya, and im a community tenant organizer, and i strongly support this legislation. Given the nature of our housing crisis, we need more transparency . More complete data on the citywide Housing Stock will help ensure safe and habitable standards are consistent . Other cities all have existing inventories, more complete data on the citywide rental Housing Stock will help ensure these standards, and itll undoubtedly help lowincome tenants of color, and itll help form our citywide policy decisions. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Just wanted to let you know that there are three callers in the queue and 56 listening. If you would like to do so and have not yet done so, please press star, three to be added to the queue to speak. Next caller, please. Yes, hi. I just wanted to say that as a long time renter, that the Master Tenant is not being required to [inaudible] his or her rent payment, and that means that theyre sometimes being wi being swindled. They dont have to tell or maybe they have to tell [inaudible] subtenants what the amount is that theyre paying, and many of them are making a profit at the landlords expense because they might be living in the living room, renting out the other bedrooms. So i do strongly encourage the supervisor to reconsider the language in the current measure to include making the Master Tenant pay for clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, this is robert smith. I am a 45year resident of San Francisco. Ive been both a tenant and small time Property Owner. Please do not include small time Property Owners in this legislation. Im afraid this far Left Progressive idea that all progressive rules are preproven to be good and effective, and if theres any negative unintended consequences of said legislation, such as 30,000 vacant units, which is not due to progressive legislation because it cant be scaled back, its not progressive enough. If anyone wonders how anyone could vote for somebody as horrible as donald trump who overreached his picks on the supreme court, its because of overreaching legislation like this. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Yes. My name is roger, and im a Senior Citizen who owns a fourunit building. My rent doesnt cover the costs of the building now, and its hard to keep up with everything, all the changes as it is. The tenants can sublet to airbnb because they have multiple units which do not get counts, and they do not have to report. I just think this is wrongful legislation and it should be opposed. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Yes, hi. Can you hear me . Clerk yes, please begin. Hello . Can you hear me . Yes, my name is tracey. I am a small Property Owner. It has been 15 days since prop 21 did not pass. It wasnt a fail, it did not pass, okay . The board of supervisors unanimously supported prop 21, unanimously have disallowed tenants to pay rent during the pandemic, okay . You keep this is just another attack. We just got done with an attack, and now this is just another attack. The people who are opposed to this, Veritas Association of human rights president , theyre opposed to staying in the city. I strongly oppose this measure, and to rush this through, its selfserving and unconstitutional. Thats it. [inaudible] and i oppose this legislation. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors. This is Brooke Turner with the coalition for better housing. Today, i want to express our serious concerns about this proposed rental registry and ask for a delay until all of the affected parties can be brought to the table to discuss it. You know, many of the issues and concerns of our members have to do with the cost, which will triple the costs to the tenants and landlords. The burden is so cumbersome to be shouldered by the rent board of our city, and wed like to city some time put into talking with folks who are on our side of the perspective. In a Good Government perspective, what about process . Id like to know, wheres the transparency in a Public Participation . Operator thank you. Your time is up. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello . Hello, can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can hear you. Hello hi, there. My name is maxine, and im a tenant in San Francisco. Ive been a tenant in a rent controlled building for almost 15 years now. I have a great living situation, i have a great landlord, and i thoroughly enjoy my privacy. I dont appreciate the fact that you would require my landlord to publish my information. I dont want my neighbors to know how much im paying. I think its inappropriate that this decision would be made on my behalf, and i urge you to take a little bit more time, get a little bit more opinion from people, and hold off on approving this legislation it will until it can be properly written and approved by all. I dont see what the rush is, and im super afraid that my wonderful living situation is going to be destroyed when tenants are now proceeding against each other for rent equality in a place where rents are already so regulated. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Currently, there are 58 listening and three people in the queue. Next speaker, please. [please stand by] id like to thank supervisor fewer and the other supervisors who have sponsored this. The fearmongering and the nasty, nasty comments and attacks of supervisor fewer and others is completely unnecessary. You dont have to resort to such things. And it was already explained, pain the people who are maybe the people complaining about violations, i think they probably missed the presentation at the onset of todays hearing. So if you have thoughtful points to make, make them. But do we this up and get at peoples throats more than they are now. Thank you. I support the legislation. Thank you for your comment. Next speaker, please. Hello. Im a small Property Owner. Im against the rent registry. Its an invasion of my privacy and my tenantss privacy. I cant afford the additional cost, especially now that were in the pandemic. Im struggling as it is. Im barely keeping my head against water and its too soon. We need to deal with the pandemic and get through this. We just got over proposition 21. And to put this upon us this soon, its just not fair. Thank you. That completes the queue. Supervisor fewer thank you. Public comment is now closed on this item. So i wanted to address some of the issues that were brought forward. If we could have mr. Collins, are you still there joining us . I think that there are many commenters, Public Comments, who mentioned this would be impossible for the rent board to actually implement. Could you shed some light on it . I think we have come to listen to the challenges from the rent board and have also put an amendment to address some of the issues, but i think that people value actually the work of the rent board and they want the rent board to continue in the work youre doing. So, mr. Collins, would you be able to respond from our perspective as the director of the rent board . Thank you. Thank you, chair fewer. And before i take the question, and thank you, supervisor mandelman, and supervisor walton. Before i answer the question, i just wanted can you hear me . I was having issues. So i wanted to thank you for the work that your office has done with us on addressing some of the implementation issues throughout this time period. Particularly with ian who has been a tireless and patient person. I understand the concerns that people have. We share some of those concerns. Its hard to take on these kinds of bigger tasks, but we have been working to try to minimize the amount of effort and resources that it would take for the rent board to carry out this particular Housing Inventory. And what has been done to minimize that is to collect the data through a database. When we heard about the licensing, we were concerned about what that would entail. But were envisioning a system where you would register online. And hopefully for most people it would be entirely done through a portal. So weve tried to minimize it in those records. And weve tried to minimize it in working with you to make sure we have additional time frames, particularly with the smaller Property Owners who would need more handholding throughout process. I dont want to the minimize the concerns or the fact that it is significant for us. But we have worked with your office to make that manageable for us. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. I appreciate it. Colleagues, any comments or questions . Seeing none, i will then address some of the other comments. I want to thank everyone for calling in. I realize this is a long hearing and for those who made opening comments, i am also a small Property Owner and landlord myself. I have been for a while. I dont think having to fill out a form about my rental units on an annual basis is going to cause me to not want to own property or be a landlord anymore. Again, this is not a punishment for invasion of privacy, this inventory is only collected for information about Housing Units, not about the people who live in them. Many other cities have rental registries. This is not a rental registry, which collects more data than what we have here. So to suggest that the Housing Inventory is invasive or burdensome than the registry in other cities is simply not true. For those concerned about cost, i will reiterate that the b. L. A. Estimated this will increase costs no more than 5 to 12 per unit on an annual basis. Our rent fee is 50, which is substantially lower than almost every other city in california. The rent board in berkley is 250. This small additional cost of 512 per unit which can be split 5050 between tenants and landlord is well worth the benefit of having a final inventory of rental Housing Stock. This will provide an update to the rental board infrastructure by creating a much needed online portal. This long overdue infrastructure update will make it easier for the rent board to provide outreach and education to both landlords and tenants when rules and regulations change. Last but not least. This will not prevent the rent board from fulfilling their other duties, because were giving a year and a half to hire the necessary staff to get the inventory up and running and to conduct the necessary outreach in education. We have developed this in consultation with the rent board and are ensuring that they have what they need to implement this successfully. I wanted to mention that for small Property Owners this will not come into effect until two years from the passing of this. So we are not i dont think were rushing this. We understand that the burden that you have now. And so this will not take effect in fact, on the recommendation of the rent board, we have actually this amendment that were asking this committee to approve addresses that issue. Also, it is not the rent board must and in response to the Department Owners association apartment owners association, small landlords, we have also put in the amendment that this must if theyre going to collect any Additional Information that this must become before the rent board itself and be publicly noticed. And so it isnt that, oh, this is going to start here and theyre going to ask for anything they want. Actually, were approving the amendment today that actually prevents that. With that, colleagues, as i see no other questions for the committee and Public Comment is now closed, id like to make a motion to move to approve the amendment that i have brought forth. Could i have a roll call. Yes. On the motion, supervisor walton . Supervisor walton aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor fewer aye. There are three ayes. Thank you very much. And id like to make a motion to move this to the board as amended with a positive recommendation. Could i have a roll call vote . Supervisor walton aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor fewer thank you very much, aye. Now we have a special item another special order that was supposed to start at 1 00 and this is item 13 and 14 called together. So madame clerk, i am going to make a motion to continue those items, item 13 and 14, as we have lost some of our speakers to the meeting of december 2nd. Before we do that, could you call the item . Yes, madame chair. Item 13 is resolution approving the Sheriff Office home detention and electronic monitoring and regulations and approving financial responsibility demonstrated by administrators for the fiscal year 202021. And item number 14 is hearing on the youth and advocacy of the electronic monitoring employed by City Departments in the interest of public safety. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on these items should call 14156550001, meeting i. D. , 1467347302. Then press pound twice. A system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. Wait until the system indicates youve been unmuted. Supervisor fewer thank you. Id like to make a motion to continue items 13 and 14. I would say instead of continue it to december 2nd, lets continue it to the call of the chair so we can speak to speakers again about their availability. Lets open it up for Public Comment first, items 13 and 14 to continue it. Operation is checking to see if there are callers in the queue. Please let us know if there are callers that are ready. If you have not already done so, press star 3 to be added to the queue. For those on hold, continue to wait until the system indicates youve been unmuted. Let us know if there are any callers who wish to comment on item 13 and 14 . We have no callers in the queue. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Public comment for items 13 and 14 is now closed. Id like to make a motion to continue items 13 and 14 to the call of the chair. Could i have a roll call vote, please . Yes, on that motion, supervisor walton . Supervisor walton aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor fewer aye. Thank you very much. Colleagues, you may remember that we have a budget and Appropriations Committee at 1 00 p. M. Today. Other members of our committee, as you know, its an expanded committee, cannot attend now, but they can attend at 3 30. Id like to adjourn the meeting of the budget and finance committee and then reconvene and then gavel down for the budget and Appropriations Committee at 3 30. Colleagues, does that time frame fit your time frame . Your availability . Works for me. Works for me. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. So, madame clerk, is there any more business before us today in the budget and finance committee . No, madame chair. That meeting is now adjourned. Well convene the budget and Appropriations Committee at 3 30 today. Thank you very much. Hi, were live. Chair sesay good morning. I call the board of directors special meeting of september 10, 2020 to order. I am the board chair. The Board Meeting is being conducted pursuant to provisions of the brown act and recent executive orders by the governor to facilitate teleconferencing to reduce the risk of covid19 transmission. Ordinarily, the brown act sets strict rules for teleconferencing. The executive order has suspended those rules. As noted on the agenda, members of the public may observe this meeting by sfgovtv and they may offer Public Comment by calling the published Public Comment phone number. Id like to welcome members of the public and staff who are watching us live on sfgovtv

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