Contract that has no Harm Reduction efforts . The community is paying attention and we know that you have yet to take a stand against police brutality. Its your chance to stand up for the people and to take a stand against police brutality. It was renegotiated behind closed doors and subverting the power of the public to weigh in on our most vulnerable. Cities are Holding Police fraternities accountable. And in chicago, they are asking for 40 disciplinary reforms and had all negotiations in public. Philadelphia even passed a law to prohibit talks with their Police Fraternity until the Community Demands are incorporated into the negotiations it is your responsibility to prevent it from operating in the shadow. Mayor breeds threat to layoff workers if this is not pass side unimaginable. A shortage of funds in the sfpd workers would lead to workers being laid off. I want to remind that you these negotiations arent just about money. Theyre about lives lost on San Franciscos streets, about families left without their loved ones and lasting trauma because the sfpd and the p. O. A. Are not held accountable. Budget after budget, contract after contract. Clerk thank you. Thank you for your comments. Great, thank you for your comments. Okay, operations, please unmute the next caller. Caller hi, my name is Jennifer Fang and i live in district 3. I risko the previous callers in asking the board of supervisors to reject the Police Officers association renegotiation and call for a public hearing to provide transparency and for Contract Negotiations. Thousands of people have been on the streets indiscernible but nothing changed. And indiscernible despite widespread demands for a transformation to our approach to Public Safety, the p. O. A. Contract is status quo. And sfpd offers no policy concessions and are killing yet another person. Has a parity clause that gives benefits earned by the city workers that create Public Safety like teachers and other essential workers. One city found that collective bargaining rights are used to protect the officers to discriminate in the use of force against nonwhite populations. It estimates that policing and unionization has led to about 60 to 70 civilians killed by police each year. The overwhelming majority were not white. And cities are Holding Police fraternities accountable, such as philadelphia and chicago as previous callers mentioned. And it is your responsibility as supervisors to keep them from operating in the shadows. Stand up to the racist police fraternities and reject this contract and make all future negotiations public. Clerk okay, thank you, caller. Thank you for your comments. Operations, please unmute the next caller. Caller hello, i hope that you are well. I am john wynne and i live in district 5. Across the country and in San Francisco, tens of thousands of people have hit the streets demanding an end to Police Violence and called for countless hearings these same months but nothing is changing. This past month sfpd killed vargas, a man in crisis on the streets. So im calling to demand that the board of supervisors reject the p. O. A. Association contract renegotiation and call public hearings to provide transparency into the future Contract Negotiations. The contract perpetuates the status quo. Giving two additional years of raises and offers no concessions for the officers to kill yet another person. And it has a parity clause that gives benefits earned by the city workers that actually occurred against teachers and other essential workers, bearing in mind that police were originally indiscernible . In chicago, like people have said, there are negotiations with their police union and asking for decemberary reforms and disciplinary reforms. And they prohibited contract talks until a public hearing takes place. They use their collective bargaining rights and political influence to protect the ability of their officers to discriminate in a disproportionate use of force against people of color. And i believe my conviction is that your job as elected officials is to stand up for s. F. Citizens and the safety of our communities. To make all future negotiations public. Were talking about Public Safety and the public has to be involved, otherwise, its just all empty words. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Okay, operations, lets hear from the next caller. Caller my name is camilla and i live in district 11. I demand that the board of supervisors to reject the racist Police Officers Association Contract renegotiation and call a public hearing to provide transparency into the future Contract Negotiations. Reject the renegotiations and please hold a public hearing. This renegotiation is exactly what the p. O. A. Wants. They get two additional years of raises and that locks in their lack of tran transparency and ss them up to negotiate a next contract in a Mayoral Election year when theyll have more leverage. Stand up to the racist p. O. A. The attempted legal action to prohibit the officers from indiscernible at moving cars which is how the sfpd murdered Jessica Williams. And the use of restraint which killed eric garner. This past june they threatened a lawsuit so they can still kneel on the necks of san franciscans after they killed george floyd. Negotiations should be held in public so that the community can have input. Its a matter of life and death for black and brown citizens. Stand up, and reject this p. O. A. Contract and make all future negotiations public. I yield my time. Clerk okay, thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller my name is gracie and i live in district 7 and i grew up in San Francisco. Im calling to demand the board of supervisors to reject a racist Police Officers Association Contract renegotiation and call a public hearing to provide transparency into the future Contract Negotiations. This summer, tens of thousands of people hit the streets of San Francisco demanding the end of Police Violence. But you failed to reduce our police force. This month the sfpd hunted down mr. Vargas, a man in crisis and killed him in the streets. After supervisor stefanis comments about addiction issues its unthinkable that shes taking no action on the motor of a 21yearold. The p. O. A. Defends officers when have been in racist and homophobic scandals and had extreme acts of violence against our communities, including the killing of black and brown san franciscans. It was weeks after a move that killed george floyd. And the bias trainer described the level of antiblackness in sfpd as extreme. Passing this p. O. A. Contract gives racism a pass. Across the country cities are Holding Police fraternities accountable. In chicago, they are asking for 40 disciplinary reforms and had all negotiations in public. Philadelphia even passed a law prohibiting the contract talks with Police Fraternity until a public hearing takes place and the Community Demands are incorporated into the negotiations. It is your responsibility, supervisors, to prevent the sfpoa from operating in the shadows. Despite demand for a different approach to Public Safety, this perpetuates the racist status quo and gives sfpd two more years of raises and doesnt prevent officers from killing yet another person. It has a clause that gives the p. O. A. Any additional benefits by the city workers to actually create Public Safety like nurses and teachers and other essential workers. Please dont continue to fail us. I yield my time. Clerk thank you for your comments. Unmute the next caller, please. Hi, i am peter and i live in district 5. I have read the p. O. A. Contract amendment, which is is file 201050 and i have to say that its a terrible deal. You should not extend this contract into 2023. You should not be granting the p. O. A. A parity clause that gives them raises when other Public Employees get raises. You should not be approving a contract amendment negotiated behind closed doors without transparency or public input. Reject this amendment and send it back for a renegotiation with the public input opportunities. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller. Caller hi, i am emily and i live in district 9. Im echoing the previous callers demand that they reject the p. O. A. Contract negotiation and call for future negotiations to be public. This Contract Negotiation is an act of violence, particularly towards black, indigenous and broken lives an live brown livee unhoused and people marched in the streets in defending the police. And when we called in to you and told to you cut the sfpd budget, your excuse is that the p. O. A. Budget would undo these cuts. So you did nothing. This is inaction and complicity. And the system of Police Violence. Earlier this month afpd killed mr. Sfpd killed mr. Vargas. And they are looking to the murder. And they said indiscernible with the use of force policies that the parity clauses for unfair raises. To protect the fraternal brotherhood over peoples lives. If you dont vote down this contract youre defending this racist status quo. So i should remind you that you work for the people. You dont work for the mayor, you dont work for the police, so stop being boot lickers and stop acting like it and reject this contract. And reject this p. O. A. Contract and make all future negotiations public. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller hi, im carla and i wanted board of supervisors to reject the p. O. A. Contract renegotiation and call public hearings for transparency. And to have all future Contract Negotiations. And the p. O. A. Continually defends and ingauges in racist and homophobic actions and has used violence. And the california d. O. J. And the sfpd describes the level of antiblack violence in sfpd as extreme. So its a matter of life and death for black and brown san franciscans. So given how racist the p. O. A. Is, they cant have a negotiation without a public hearing. So reject the p. O. A. Contract and make all future negotiations public. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller my name is dillon tabrith and i live and work in district 6. Ill calling to demand the board of supervisors to reject the racist Police Officers contract renegotiation and to call a public hearing to provide transparency into future Contract Negotiations. I have been disappointed by the lack of action taken by the board of supervisors on this issue. This renegotiation is exactly what the p. O. A. Wants. It gets two additional years of raises and locks in their lack of transparency and accountability and sets them up to negotiate the next contract within the Mayoral Election year when they had no leverage. Stand up to the racist p. O. A. Why is San Francisco asking for no policy concessions even after months of protesting and Police Violence and another Police Killing of a man in crisis less than a month ago . They found violent violence increased 40 after they allowed the officers to unionize. Another study found that corrupt bargaining rights are used to protect the ability of officers to discriminate in this disproportionate use of force against a nonwhite population. It estimates that the police unionizations led to 60 or 70 additional killings by police each year. The overwhelming majority were nonwhite. Even after decades of socalled reforms, 76 of uses of force last year were against people of color. Sfpd officers killed people 2. 4 times a day and other indiscernible went up from 3 in 2016. Readial action must be taking now. We are paying attention and we will not stop until the sfpd is replaced with a kinder and more sustainable safety system. Stand up for your progressive values and do the humane thing. You work for us, not the police department. Stand up to our citys racist police from turnity and reject this p. O. A. Contract and make all future negotiations public. Clerk thank you for your comments. Okay, operations, lets hear from the next caller. Hello, this is byron and i live in district one and i ask the board of supervisors to negotiate a new contract. Myself and thousands of others that have been on the streets all summer, all fall, demanding to renegotiate our contract with the police. And were asking the board to listen to our demands, not across the country, but here in San Francisco to have Community Input and to report for a Police Contract that works for all san franciscans. Clerk all right, im assuming that the caller finished. Thank you kindly for your comments. Operations, lets unmute the next caller. Caller hello, well, good evening, supervisors. I am so so many callers have called in against the police, and i have lived 68 years and i have never had a problem with the police. I have been stopped many, many times and i have received many traffic tickets. And you know, they should know that this is a time to give them a raids. Theres going to be so many burglaries, and the people calling indiscernible yeah, and these cops indiscernible and, you know indiscernible what else i dont know what is wrong with these young people. Get a grip on life. Clerk okay, operations, lets unmute the next caller, please. Caller hello. This is indiscernible and i have been attending the Police Commission meetings and working to try to create justice here. And yet the p. O. A. Continues to be bullying all of you. Yeah, i can understand why youd be scared, you know, they try to destroyed jeff gadachi, his character. And they have attacked sandra fewer and Hillary Ronen in their journal and calling you unstable. Theyre bullies. And were getting to deal with this every day with black and brown people walking the streets who are afraid that these guys are a threat to them, that police are a threat. And now theyre a threat to you. So are you going to continue to hide behind the disinformation coming from the mayors office, saying that they have to tie themselves to this union, which never should have been police unions. Theres a Movement Across the country to end policing in cities, frankly. But youre going to continue to coward in the face of these bullies that have shown racism and killed the indiscernible have never admitted any single guilt of any Police Officer ever. Its your job. Please do it. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller. Caller indiscernible to reject this p. O. A. Contract and you give the racist Police Everything they want, and the p. O. A. Specifically admits to protect the officers abuses. Police unions have been demonstrated to increase the abusive racist behavior, and indiscernible in public and indiscernible i yield my time. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller. Caller hi, i am sophie and i live in district 7 of San Francisco. I am calling in today to raise awareness and ask the board to take a stance against the p. O. A. Contract. And you can provide transparency in renegotiating a new contract that doesnt tie raises to our city workers who create Public Safety like nurses and other essential workers. I do not see a police from 10ity as a legitimate union but for a way to have police to have unfettered power in the city. They use their power to cover up their murders like the most recent murder of mr. Vargas and mya woods and other san franciscans who should still be alive today. No one should be murdered by people who are sworn to serve and protect. If the police do not keep black and brown and Indigenous Peoples of color safe, they are not keeping San Francisco safe and that is unacceptable. Clerk okay, thank you, caller. Operations, lets hear from the next speaker. Caller hi, i am catalina and i call to demand that the board of supervisors reject the racist p. O. A. Renegotiations and call a hearing to provide transparency and for future negotiations. Tens of thousands of people have hit the streets of San Francisco to demand the end of Police Violence but nothing changed. Sfpd hunted down mr. Vargas, a man in crisis and killed him in the streets. Despite our approach to Public Safety, it perpetuates the status quo. It gives sfpd two additional years of raises and it adds a parity clause which gives the p. O. A. Any additional benefits that are earned by the public that are essential workers like teachers and nurses. And cities are beginning to hold these Police Officers acouncillable. Theyre asking for 40 disciplinary reforms and have negotiations all in public. Prohibiting the contract talks with the Police Fraternity and until the Community Demands are incorperated into the negotiations. And its your responsibility to stop them fromerating in the shadows. The p. O. A. Has a long history of those who are committed extreme acts of violence against our communities. Including the killing of dozens of black and brown san franciscans. This past june they threatened a lawsuit so they could still kneel on the necks of san franciscans after that same move killed george floyd. The sfpd described the level of antiblack bias in San Francisco as extreme. Stand up to our citys racist Police Fraternity and make all future negotiations public. Please do the right thing. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller hello, i live in district 8 and im a member of a group of people who want to see that police that police stop killing everybody. Im calling to demand the board of supervisors to reject the racist Police Officers Association Contract renegotiation and to call a public hearing to provide transparency to future negotiations. This renegotiation is exactly what the p. O. A. Wants, they get two years of raises and they have a lack of transparency locked in and it sets them to renegotiate their next contract in a mayoral year when theyll have more leverage. The attempted legal action to prohibit the officers from shooting at moving cars, which is how sfpd murdered Jessica Williams and the use of restraint that killed eric garner. Like this past june they threatened a lawsuit so they could still kneel on the necks of san franciscans weeks after that same move killed george floyd. Stand up to the racist Police Fraternity and reject this p. O. A. Contract and make all future negotiations public. Im going to end with a song that was popularized in italy during world war ii, so the song for the resistance. Clerk okay, thank you to the caller. Thank you for your great song. Okay, operations, lets hear from the next speaker, please. Caller hi, could you clarify how many more callers are in the queue . Clerk set your time and i will look wit and when youre finished ill announce it. Caller great. I live in district 9 and i ask the supervisors to reject the racist p. O. A. Contract. Supervisors, take a stand and do better. Take a risk. Stop pandering when you dont even live by it. We hear how the antibias squad at the sfpd got. And look past that and understand that bias is the base they work on. And this is a base of reform. indiscernible and im going to respond to what is wrong indiscernible whats wrong with me is that i have to pick up the pieces of your ignorance. What is wrong with me is that i want more, and i want better, and i want black lives to matter. And for us to really live like that. I want more, i want better, and i say black lives matter then ill get rid of the problem and that means police. indiscernible mr. Vargas was murdered in cold blood. Our liberation is tied together. And indiscernible so, anyways, please, let us know how many other callers are on the line. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Theres 13 listeners and two callers in the queue. Next caller please, operations. Caller hello, i am mariah and i live and i work in San Francisco. I did call, and like so many calls that we made earlier this year we want you to hold the sfpd accountable, and some lowhanging fruit here, just that these negotiations be transparent, to reject raises for our citys cops. And without policy concessions, really. And they protect officers from being accountable for their actions and you have heard people quote these statistics of implicit bias being extreme and you have heard the collective bargaining rights and saying that they have 60 indiscernible for each year. 40 increase indiscernible , its not healthy and its not good. indiscernible make it transparent, and put options. Its enough, come on, its time to call you to task to do your job. And you get paid to do this, we dont. And callers are listening and were speaking our hearts and our minds, so, please, what can you do and do it. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, next caller, please. Caller hello, my name is marie cardier and i live in district 5 and a member of the San Francisco mime troupe. I call that the board of supervisors reject the contract renegotiation and call public hearings to provide transparency into the future Contract Negotiations. And the renegotiation is exactly what the p. O. A. Wants. They get two additional years of raises and it works on the lack of accountability through 2023 and a Mayoral Election year when they will have more leverage. And negotiations should be held in public so that the community can have input. The p. O. A. Policies are a matter of life and death for black and brown san franciscans. A study found that misconduct among the sheriff officers increased 40 after a state Supreme Court rules allowed the officers to unionize. And collective bargaining rights are used to protect the ability of officers to discriminate in a disproportionate use of force against a nonwhite population. And estimates that the popees unionization led to 60 to 70 additional civilians killed by police each year. The overwhelming majority were white. Stand up to the p. O. A. Everyone knows how racist and corrupt they are. Take a stand and be on the right side of history, black lives matter. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller good evening, supervisors, i am sarah, i havent called in for a minute, i really missed yall. I want to make it clear that i know that its election season and everyone is talking about their platforms and what they stand for. Everything that you think that you stand for or tweet about are put on your instagram live, did not mean shit if you dont block this contract. But at least call for a public hearing. I yield my time. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, next caller, please. Caller good evening, supervisors. I am from st. Johns, pass epil church. And i want to talk against the credit for sfpd. No reforms, no money. After all of the trauma that we have been through over the last several years, including the killings of alex and lopez and mario woods, and most recently mr. Varga, to mention just a few, i have hoped that San Francisco could now join chicago and philadelphia and other major cities in finally recognizing the police union for the major obstacle to Police Reform that it is. This contract indiscernible is behind closed doors with no citizen input. It does not reflect the values and the lived experience and, yes, the tawma o trauma of our communities in San Francisco. You can rectify this by having public hearings and public input before even considering this flawed contract. The past several years have been traumatic for many of us here in San Francisco and the more recent National Attention to this issue has reopened many old wounds that so many of us still carry. At this critical moment in our nations history, before approve anything contract with the p. O. A. , please make sure that it reflects the needs and the values of the people in our communities, including especially our immigrant families and our brothers and sisters who are black and brown. Thank you so much for listening to me. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller hi, my name is brandy and i live and work in district five. Im calling to demand the board of supervisors reject the racist p. O. A. Contract renegotiation and to call for a public hearing so that we can have transparenciy in the future Contract Negotiations. The current renegotiation is exactly what the p. O. A. Wants, so you could have two additional years of raidses and it locks in their lack of atransparency through 2023 and sets them to renegotiate the next contract in a Mayoral Election year, when they would have more leverage than they already do. Get a backbone and stand up to the racist p. O. A. And stand up to the citys racist Police Fraternity, stop treating them like theyre a union. Theyre not. Theyre using their collective bargaining right to protect their able to discriminate and theyre just pushing a use of force against the nonwhite population in San Francisco. Were seeing that in the streets all the time, and youre not listening. Clerk okay, operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Madam clerk, that completes the queue. President yee thank you for the comments. Now Public Comment is now closed. Lets see, madam clerk, lets call for the adoption of all of the Committee Recommendations 34 to 37. Clerk okay. Item 34 through 37 were introduced for adoption without reference to committee and a unanimous vote is required for a resolution on First Reading today. Alternatively any member may require a resolution to go to committee. President yee okay, anyone would like to sever any of these items . I would like to sever number 36. For the remainder of the items, number 34 through 35 and 37, please call a roll clerk items 3437, [roll call] there are 11 ayes. President yee okay, without objection the motion is approv approved. Okay, hopefully call item 36. Clerk item 36, condemns the ongoing attacks in the republic and urging the United States to broker the cessation of hostilities. President yee thank you very much. And the board, we really weighed in on International Conflicts what is happening between azerbaijan and armenia demands our attention. Theres so much at stack for the stability in that region and the effects that it has worldwide. So in the bay area its home to the diverse communities, including those armenian descendants. However, the course of the past few months, you know, the Armenian Community is targeted violence and hateful attacks against their communal space. This cannot be tolerated. Where the schools are vandalized and the Church Offices being set ablaze, followed by fire at the school, our residents are understandably terrified. Two fires were started between armenia and azerbaijan and then the fighting got once. Azerbaijans defensive which includes the shelling of the indiscernible the most populated city with a population of 55,000, has resulted in dozens of children, and hundreds were wounded. As of this weekend, the threat to civilians continues. And the International Community have failed to resolve the conflict and now a new generation is paying the price. The Populated Areas within the contested territory of argonal have been hit by missile strikes and bombardments for the First Time Since the 1990s. And civilian targets in armenia and azerbaijan have been also hit. So we should all be extremely concerned by the work that removes any additions to azerbaijan to a reconquest of the area being expressed my neighboring countries like turkey and allies of azerbaijan. To echo Vice President joe bidens comments, we must tell azerbaijan that we will not tolerate its efforts to impose a military solution to this conflict. It must be made clear to armenia that the surrounding areas cannot be occupied indefinitely and that the negotiations on a lasting resolution of the conflict was commenced immediately once the ceasefire is concluded. This resolution calls on our congress and leaders to help to intervene and to bring about a true ceasefire to spare any more loss of life and to bring stability. I also want an end to the targeted hateful attacks on our community in San Francisco. This is not the answer to grief and frustration. We must rise above this and ensure the safety of our neighbors. Thank you, colleagues, for your support and i want to also thank supervisor safai for cosponsoring. Supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee. First of all i would like to add my name as a cosponsor and to say that it is very rare that i believe that the San Francisco board of supervisors should engage in matters of international and geopolitical issues. But if theres one, this is one. And the reason for it is because these have as you said been playing out in the city and the county of San Francisco in most hateful ways. So i do believe that it is entirely appropriate and i am proud to affix my name as a cosponsor to this resolution to affirm the support for congressman spheres task resolution 1165. And urge the United States to be a real broker of peace in the azerbaijani, armenian region much essential steps of asia. So im honored to be affixed as a cosponsor. President yee thank you, spfer peskin. Supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani i would like to associate myself with the comments that supervisor peskin and to thank you, president yee, for this resolution. As you know i have one of the churches in my district and it was subject to vandalism by arson. And it is something that i agree with you on, president yee, and i would like to add my name as a cosponsor as well. President yee thank you, supervisor stefani. Okay, madam clerk, can you please call the roll. Clerk okay. On item 36, [roll call] 11 ayes. President yee without objection, the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk, where are we . Can you please read the in memoriams . Clerk todays meeting is adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals, on behalf of the supervisor mandelman and supervisor peskin, for the late mr. Tom taylor, and on behalf of supervisor peskin for the late miss diane deprmia and on a motion by supervisor peskin, mandelman and president yee on behalf of the entire board of supervisors and the City Attorney general dennis arera, for the borough chief miss barbara taylor. President yee okay, that brings us to the end of our agenda. Is there any other business before us today . Clerk that concludes our business for today. President yee thank you, madam clerk. And as theres no further business we are adjourned. Good night, everybody. [gavel]. President yee okay. Good afternoon and welcome to our october 27, 2020 regular meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors. Madam clerk, will you please call the roll . Clerk thank you, mr. President. [roll call] clerk mr. President , you vid have a quorum. President yee okay. Thank you, please place your right hand over your heart for the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] if. President yee all right. Thank you. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgtv, karina mendoza, who records each of the meetings and makes each of them available online. Madam clerk, are there any communications . Clerk yes. The minutes of this meeting will reflect that during the covid19 Health Emergency, Board Members participated in this meeting remotely through Video Conference to the same extent as though physically present. The board recognizes that Public Access to City Services is essential and certainly more acute during this time of covid19. Therefore, we hope that members of the public are able to take advantage of the following opportunities to be able to communicate with the board of supervisors or to be able to access this meeting and participate remotely. We are happy to receive your written correspondence and make it part of the official file. If you are using the u. S. Mail, address it to San Francisco board of supervisors, dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place, San Francisco, california, 94102. You can live stream the meeting by going to www. Sfgtv. Org. If you have a television, you can watch the proceedings by going to cable channel 26. An important point is to be aware of the signal delay, and when you are ready to provide your public testimony, you must turn down your television and instead use your touchtone phone to listen to the proceedings. You will listen to the meeting and be in sync to provide your telephone couldment. The number is streaming across the screen and streaming on the internet. 4156550001, and when you hear the prompt, enter the meeting i. D. 1462287935. Press pound twice, and youll have joined the meeting as a listener. To provide Public Comment, press star, three, and listen carefully to the prompt, which is you have been unmuted, and you may begin speaking your comments right away. Now that you know how to access the meeting, i will take a moment to tell you what is appropriate Public Comment. There are two separate public hearings, items 26 through 29, the 617 sanchez street. Its appeal of determination for exemption from Environmental Review. I understand the president will entertain a motion to continue this item until november 17. That item, well take Public Comment on whether or not you want that item to be continued. Item 30 is a public hearing that is a report from the task force for the citys economic recovery. There will be a separate public hearing on that item. These items are noticed to begin no earlier than 3 00 p. M. Public comment will be called for each item. If your purpose is to provide testimony during general Public Comment, please wait for item 33 to be called, and you are able to speak on the september 22, 2020 regular Board Meeting minutes. The items that are within the subject matter of the board that are not on todays agenda and items 34 through 37, the items without Committee Reference calendar. All other items, items 1 through 25, as well as item 31, are not eligible for Public Comment as they have already had Public Comment taken at a duly noticed public meeting. We have interpreters at todays meeting. Please, will the interpreters introduce themselves in succession and let the listeners know theyre here to assist with Public Comment. [speaking tagalog language] [end of translation]. Interpreter thank you. [speaking cantonese language] [end of translation]. Interpreter thank you. [speaking spanish language] [end of translation]. Interpreter thank you, madam clerk. Clerk and thank you to all the interpreters at our meeting today. Were working hard not to leave anyone out of these proceedings, so if you are having any trouble with any connectivity issues, we have a live person standing by in the clerks office, 4155548584. And finally, pursuant to title two of the americans with disabilities act, we have an individual who has requested to make his Public Comment by telephone early. President yee okay. Thank you, madam clerk, and we will get to that individual shortly. But before we do that, i just want to thank, once again, the residents of San Francisco for basically creating an environment in San Francisco in response to covid19 for us to be, in San Francisco, and even within the bay area, a role model for the rest of the country for how we behave when we are facing a pandemic. We are, as you know, yellow in terms of how we will come out of the this pandemic, and that means were able to loosen up a few more things, which means were closer to normal, but were still far from normal. Unfortunately, there was a little spike in our testing above last week. But even though we have a spike, were still better than most of the country. But thats a reminder that were not out of it yet. We need to continue to actually how we interact with each other, making sure that we continue to wear masks, making sure that we continue to social distance, and so forth. And if we continue to do that, we will continue to get better and better with our situation in San Francisco. So once again, thank you to all of us. It takes all of us to make the best of what were facing today. I also want to say that every if you havent gotten one of these yet, you know, its these i voted, already, please vote by mail. The city has made it very easy to vote at the ballot if they want to come down to city hall, even though it hasnt rained rain or shine, were going to have so many voting booths available, and our staff is actually wiping it down and making it safe for people. So that is open all week. Please come down if you want to do that, or make sure that you get your ballots in early enough to be counted. You know, we all know whats at stake at the federal level, whether we want a leader or not want a leader. And but locally, we have so many things, so many important issues for you to be a part of the decision here. We have issues do we want more processes for our residents here in San Francisco . There are several ballots to make that happen or if you choose not to make it happen, then you vote the way you want. There are Ballot Initiatives that will help our Small Businesses recover. So whether you want to support Small Businesses, we need your voices there, and we have several Ballot Initiatives if you want us as a city have better oversight on some of our departments. This is going to be one of those options where you get to weighin and say yes, we do or no, we dont, so please vote. And one more thing i want to say is today is a special day for many of us, but its a special day for one of our supervisors. Supervisor preston, if youre out there somewhere, happy birthday to you. Supervisor preston thank you. President yee and supervisor preston, im not going to sing, so sorry. Im just going to say happy birthday. Supervisor preston thank you. President yee okay. Madam clerk, lets get to the person we want to accommodate at this point. Clerk okay. Operations, can you please pull forward mr. Karnazes, please . Hi, thank you. My name is zach karnazes. Thank you for this accommodation, although it has been very, very difficult to access this accommodation. I have emailed this department on september 19, october 6, october 1, october 13, and october 19, and every single one of those emails has been ignored by this department, and ive been very concerned about accessibility to these meetings as well as transparency issues and Public Access. As we know, these meetings are not available to those on the other side of the digital divide, which includes unhoused neighbored and many elderly folks and disabled folks. We cannot turn on our video or join via zoom, and yet, these meetings are pretended to be a public meeting, and theyre clearly not. Im also very concerned that theres a talk of changing covid zones and things being safer, and that was stated last week by the mayor here. And as was just mentioned, theres a spike in cases in this past week. Until there is a vaccine available, we should not be relaxing restrictions on our safety. Also, i started to have covid symptoms a few weeks ago. It took me six phone calls over the course of four days to get ahold of a covid nurse. This city is severely looking in its Covid Response as far as timely access. Lastly, i want to speak on meat haneys war on drugs. This richard nixonstyle rhetoric of attacking people who are really hurting right now. Instead of trying to criminalize black and brown people in the tenderloin and increase policing in our neighborhoods, i encourage this board to improve housing, especially in hotels for our homeless neighbors and to have a humane response to a desperate time and desperate acts of desperate people instead of criminalizing them. Thank you. Clerk okay. That concludes the Public Comment accommodation, mr. President. President yee okay. Okay. Thank you, caller, and madam clerk for arranging this accommodation. Next, colleagues, we are approving minutes from the september 22, 2020 Board Meeting. Are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . Supervisor mandelman moved by mandelman. President yee okay. And seconded . Supervisor walton seconded. President yee by supervisor walton, i believe. Madam clerk, can you please call the roll. Clerk on the minutes [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then without objection, the approval of the minutes the minutes will be approved after Public Comment. Madam clerk, lets go to our consent agenda. Please call items 1 through 8. Clerk items 1 through 8 are on consent. These items are considered to be routine. If a member objects, an item may be removed and considered separately. President yee okay. Nobody on the roster. Madam clerk, please call the roll. Clerk on items 1 through 8 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the ordinances finally pass. Madam clerk, lets go to our unfinished business. Please call the next item. Clerk item 9 is an administrative code, an ordinance amending the administrative code to require city departments to report annually information about the number, cost, and usage of vehicles the departments have rented for periods of longer than 30 days, to authorize the city administrator to inspector provide maintenance upon request for any vehicle rents, leased, or owned by the city, to require departments to submit information to the city administrator and the board of supervisors regarding the usage and safety of city vehicles, and to authorize the city administrator to require departments to develop correction plans to reduce speeding, idling, and or collisions involving city vehicles. President yee okay. Madam clerk, please call the roll. Clerk on item 9 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then without objection, the ordinance is finally passed. I want to thank my colleagues for supporting this for me. Madam clerk, lets go to our next item. Clerk item 10 is an ordinance to deappropriate funds from various departments and to reappropriate several amounts to various departments to support district 7 and to support budgeting projects. President yee okay. Colleagues, i normally would let just have this come up with a vote without saying anything, but this is a program that i started in district 7 the first year i was a supervisor, and this is actually the seventh year, and my final year where im going to implement what we call the participatory budget being. This has been our most challenging year yet with the pandemic, heading just as were starting to resume getting people to vote on these items. To delay the program by adsh a we delayed the program by a few months, but it didnt stop the program. I did this as a way to forge stronger constituent relationships and, most importantly, to give our district 7 residents ownership in projects to improve their own neighborhoods. Residents 16 years and older can submit projects as long as they are a onetime expenditure and address emergency safety preparedness or cultural, educational, recreational or Small Business needs. Once all projects are submitted, district 7 residents vote on what should be funded. Despite having to go virtual this year, we still had over 1500 district 7 residents vote on this years program. The ordinance before you today reappropriates a further 532,000 in funds designated in fiscal year 20192020 for the district 7 participatory budgeting program. The fund will go towards 19 projects, including the play space activiation Disaster Preparedness program, school yards upgrades and enhancements around ocean avenue and other parts of the district. Since its inception, this p. B. Program has become a highly anticipated and appropriated aspect of forging constituent and government relationships and supporting Small Businesses in district 7. In total, this year, we have funded 126 projects to the tune of 2. 8 million through these seven years. Im especially thrilled that so many projects have supported our child funding cities initiatives, and that we have invested in and created play spaces throughout the district. I have been very proud of the increased activism and engagement of our activists and the projects this program has funded and ask for your support of this ordinance. Thank you very much. Madam clerk, roll call, please. Clerk on item 10 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee without objection, the resolution is adopted or the ordinance is adopted. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to item number 11 can we do through 13 together. Clerk items 11 through 13 comprise three leases with the United States government. Item 11 retroactively approves the rent between the city and the u. S. Customs and Border Protection to extend the lease to a total term of ten years, of february 1, 2003 through january 31, 2028 and adjust the annual rent to 833,000. Item 12 is a resolution proving rent between the United States government and the city and county of San Francisco, to extend the term by three years, for a new term ending september 30, 2023, and adjust the annual rent, increasing the annual rent to 569,000. And item 13 is a resolution approving lease between the United States government and the city and county of San Francisco to extend the lease term for an additional three years, for a total term of november 1, 2012 through october 31, 2023, and adjust the annual rent for offices to 2. 5 million occupied by the u. S. Transportation Security Administration at the International Incident national, and terminal two and land at plat 50dj. President yee okay. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin i was wondering why the rent term was at risk. I found out that information, it was satisfactory, and i will vote in the affirmative. President yee okay. Madam clerk, please call the roll. Clerk on items 11 through 13 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the resolutions are adopted. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, please call the next item. Clerk item 14 is a resolution to approve and authorize the director of property on behalf of the department of Public Health to amend the lease of Real Property located at 100 blanken avenue from Celestina Jimenez and salvador jimenez, cotrustees, at 90,000 per year base rent, and to authorize the director of property to execute documents and make certain modifications and take certain actions as defined here in. President yee all righty. Madam clerk, coahego ahead and the roll. Clerk on item 14 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. The resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to item 15. Clerk item 15 is a resoluti resolution authorizing the Human Services agency to apply for and accept a county Child Welfare agency allocation for an amount not to exceed 459,000 from the California Department of housing and Community Development under the Transitional Housing Program to help young adults secure and maintain housing. President yee okay. Madam clerk, please go ahead and call the roll. Clerk on item 15 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the resolution is adopted. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to item 16. Clerk item 16 is a resolution to authorize the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing, h. S. H. , to accept a 100,000 inkind gift for diversity Equity Inclusion Consultant Services in a value not to compete 99,000999 from Tipping Point community to support the first phase of the development of Racial Equity action plans for h. S. H. And homelessness response system, and authorizing h. S. H. To accept an additional inkind gift of consultant avenueses in a value not to exceed 150,000 for a second phase of this project, for a total value not to exceed 249,999, and for the total term to commence upon board approval and to expire no later than june 30, 2021. President yee okay. Madam clerk, go ahead and call the roll. Clerk on item 16 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the resolution is adopted. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to item number 17. Clerk item 17 is a resolution to approve a Municipal Transportation Agency contract for train control services and equipment purchases agreement with thales transportation and security, inc, to provide specialize the atcsspecific technical services, equipment, and Software Upgrades in an amount not to exceed 30 million for an initial term of seven years with option to extend two years, to commence following board approval. President yee okay. Madam clerk, lets go ahead and call the roll. Clerk on item 17 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, then, the resolution is adopted. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to item 18. Clerk item 18 is a resolution to retroactively authorize the department of Public Health to accept and expand a 1 million grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration for participation in a program entitled, ending the hiv epidemic, plan for america, Ryan White Hiv Aids Program parts a and b, for the period of march 1, 2020 through february 28, 2021. President yee supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, mr. President. As i said, with the airport item, i have reviewed the airport memo with regard to d. P. H. And find it to be acceptable and will vote in the affirmative. President yee okay. Madam clerk, call the roll, please. Clerk okay. On item 18 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the resolution is adopted. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to item number 19. Clerk item 19 is a resolution to approve in accordance with with 147 section f of the 1986 Internal Revenue code as amended, the execution of a tax exempt loan or loans by the California Municipal Finance Authority in one or more series pursuant to a plan of financing and in an aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed 3,700,000, the proceeds of which will be loaned by the authority to pacific primary school, a california nonprofit Public Benefit corporation. President yee okay. Madam clerk, lets call the roll. Clerk on item 19 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. The resolution is adopted unanimously. All right. Lets go to item 20. Clerk item 20 is a resolution to affirm the board of supervisors commitment to advancing Racial Equity and affirming the city and countys responsibility to address existing inequities in city programs, policies, and services. President yee all righty. Okay. Madam clerk, go ahead and call the roll. Clerk on item 20 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay, and also add me as a cosponsor if i havent done so already. Okay. So the resolution is adopted unanimously. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to item number 21. Clerk item 21, ordinance to amend the administrative code to update the citys floodplain management requirements to conform to current federal flood plain management and National Flood Insurance Program criteria, and to remove obsolete provisions and to affirm the ceqa determination. President yee okay. Can you call the roll, please . Clerk on item 21 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. The ordinance is passed on First Reading. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to item number 22. Clerk item 22 is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to establish the covid19 rent resolution and relief fund to provide Financial Support to landlords whose tenants have been unable to pay rent due to the covid19 pandemic. President yee okay. Madam clerk, go ahead and call the roll. Clerk on item 22 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. So the ordinance is passed on First Reading. Madam clerk, lets go to 23. Clerk item 23 is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to establish the Housing Stability Fund for the acquisition, creation, and operation of affordable social housing developments, establishing the Housing Stability Fund Oversight Board to advise the board of supervisors regarding the use of the Housing Stability Fund. President yee okay. Madam clerk, go ahead and call the roll. Clerk on item 23 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee the ordinance is passed on First Reading. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to item 24. Clerk id 24 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to require the department of Public Health to provide Administration Staff to support the Behavioral Health commission to expand the membership criteria to conform to state law, and to reset all Commission Member terms as of january 1, 2021, to stagger the expiration of members terms. President yee supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani thank you, president yee. Im p im bringing this legislation forward so the Behavioral Health commission can continue to support the public to the best of their abilities. Currently, the department of Public Health awards a contract to an outside organization that serves as a fiscal agent to the Behavioral Health commission, and in that capacity, provides Staff Support. In april of this year, i became aware that the fiscal agent hadnt been mitt submitting timely invoices to reimbursement for d. P. H. As a result, staff hadnt been paid for several months, and i immediately notified the director of Public Health. As we all know, the p. P. P. Program was specifically designed to enable businesses to keep employees on the payroll after economic catastrophe instead of laying them off. The decision to get a p. P. P. Loan is a problem because the employer was funded through p. Ph. The department of Public Health is currently auditing the contract in a federal and an investigation into the status of the p. P. P. Loan was underway. While i was troubled by the status to pursue a p. P. P. Loan, i was equally concerned about the fact that our b. H. C. Was two separate bodies, one that was public and one that isnt. Due to these concerns, i resigned my seat on the Behavioral Health commission. The individuals who volunteer for this body should not be burdened with the responsibility of also managing the finances or administration of a separate organization. Thats simply not fair, and it isnt an obligation that we put on other commissions. Similarly, every other county in this state staffs there are Behavioral Health commission through the department of Public Health. I know that every member has spent an inordinate amount of time, and every time theyve had to spend time going over the paperwork for another Organization Takes Time away from the responsibilities that they were tasked with. Additionally, the legislation will stagger the terms of the Commission Seats so that they will no longer expire at the same time. Currently, nearly every seat on this body has expired and needs to be refilled or reappointed. I understand this circumstance has made it very difficult for the body to operate with a quorum, and my goal is to remedy this separation from occurring in the future. I want to thank the support of my colleagues for cosponsoring this legislation. Most importantly, i want to thank the members of the Behavioral Health commission who called to speak at the Behavioral Health commity last week and spoke about the dire need for reformat this commission. And thank you for my legislative assistant, andy mullen, who helped me with this as much as possible. President yee thank you. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee. I just wanted to reiterate what supervisor stefani just said. This is actually a major piece of reform legislation, and i want to first thank supervisor stefani and her staff, andy mullen, but also the members of the board. When chip hillier in particular, who many of you will recall, colleagues, back when people could come and testify at city hall, would appear before us, and he actually alerted many of us, supervisor stefani and myself, about this broken function in government. So thank you, mr. Hillier, and thank you, supervisor stefani. This is, like, a really good piece of work. Supervisor stefani thank you, supervisor. President yee yes, i echo supervisor peskins remarks. Im so glad i appointed you to that to that seat there and for you to catch that. Again, its been going on for a while, and it took somebody like you to astutely understand that there was something wrong with the system that had been supported in the past, so thank you for bringing this forward. Madam clerk, go ahead and call the roll. Clerk okay. On item 24 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the ordinance is passed on First Reading. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to item number 25. Clerk item 25 is a motion to approve the mayoral nomination for the appointment of Rachel Tanner to the Planning Commission for a term ending june 30, 2022. President yee okay. Madam clerk, go ahead and call the roll. Clerk on item 25 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, then, the motion is approved unanimously. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to committee items, item 31. Clerk item 31 is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to require sellers of multifamily residential buildings to provide a new right of first offer and right of first refusal to qualified nonprofit organizations if a multifamily residential building is not under contract or remains unsold after one year and after each year thereafter; to require sellers to provide additional disclosures to qualified nonprofit organizations, to provide information to current tenants and assist qualified nonprofits with Due Diligence and to allow multifamily residential buildings acquired by qualified nonprofit organizations under the Community Opportunity to purchase act to convert to a limited Equity Cooperative under subdivision Code Division 11, and included from the Community Opportunity to purchase act land dedications to the city and county of San Francisco. President yee supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer copa has helped qualify nonprofits fur buildings at risk of losing their affordablity and preserve them as permanently Affordable Housing. And too [inaudible] supervisor fewer thanks to the success weve had here in San Francisco. I would like to thank all of our Community Partners which makes copa possible, and id also like to thank my colleagues who unanimously cosponsored the Ground Breaking legislation last year. The tweaks to copa and legislation are the result of Community Suggestions and enhancements fore the last year. It will allow nonprofits to be able to make an offer on the building by requiring the sellers to provide them with more complete disclosures, add clarification language to further prevent off market sales, exempt land dedications made to the city for the purpose of building new Affordable Housing, prevent megalandlords from potential workarounds by putting dozens of buildings on the market at the same time, overwhelming a nonprofit. It allows qualified nonprofits the option to convert rental buildings to limited equity coops as long as they comply with Affordable Housing restrictions. I would like to thank my cosponsors, supervisors wallet ton, yee, mandelman, mar, preston, peskin, and ronen for cosponsoring this legislation. Thank you, colleagues. President yee okay. Madam clerk, lets please call the roll. Clerk okay. On item 31 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the ordinance is passed on First Reading. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, we could briefly begin our next item, roll call for introductions, and shortly after, ill bring it back to our hearing. Clerk okay. Roll call for introductions. Supervisor walton, and as the president said, we will be interrupting it shortly for the hearing. Supervisor walton thank you, mr. President. Last month, our board as well as other leaders received an email from director Mickey Callahan of the department of Human Resources regarding an incident at the equal Employment Opportunity office where an employee had forged documents and lied to a black employee regarding their e. E. O. Case, including manipulating and deleting case files, forging communications, dismissing lawsuits, and misrepresenting the department and the city. There have been multiple black employees and other people of color who have complained about the mismanagement at the department of Human Resources for years, and before the news broke out on this incident, it has been documented by the black employees alliance and as reported by employees to our office. Todays resolution for introduction introduction urges the citys equal Employment Opportunity office to implement an option for an employee to give consent to share their e. E. O. Complaint with the office of Racial Equity as well as urging the e. E. O. To work with the office of Racial Equity on their investigations. This resolution also urges the e. E. O. To report the demographics of their cases to the office of Racial Equity and the board of supervisors on a quarterly basis. I want to thank supervisor fewer for leading the efforts to establish the office of Racial Equity. Departments are already required to report annually to the office of Racial Equity about the demographics of their workforce by race, on compensation, hires, motions, disciplinary actions, complaints made, and whether the complaints were investigated. Fraudulent actions by the former e. E. O. Manager were committed without oversight or accountability from the department of Human Resources, and this is unacceptable. This step is the first step of many to ensure that the department of Equity Office and the department of Human Resources are held accountability. I am also introducing a motion for a committee of the whole, requesting that the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing and the Covid Command Center present their plans for the shelter in place [inaudible] mobilizations. We are concerned that after months of requesting more detail, the board of supervisors and operators of shelter in place hotels do not have the details on the plan, and where more than 2,000 people will be housed. We understand and agree that the shelter in place hotels are a temporary measure, however, Hotel Operators were only made aware of the timeline last friday. I also serve on the committee to make sure that we ensure that folks do not go back to the streets and have not seen this information. Along with this, supervisor haney will request a formal letter on our behalf later in our introductions. The rest i submit. President yee thank you. Madam clerk, i will also submit, and since im next on the roster there, and so well start with supervisor fewer when we come back to roll call. So right now, its 3 02, so we could go to our special items. Clerk okay. Items 26 through 29 were continues from august 18, 2020, and september 29, 2020. Its a hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the determination of exemption from Environmental Review under ceqa issued as a categorical exemption by the Planning Department on april 8, 2018, for the proposed project at 617 sanchez street. President yee okay. Its my understanding that these items may be continued to a later date. Supervisor [inaudible], do you have any further remarks . Supervisor mandelman [inaudible] i do believe this should be the last continuance and said that to both parties, but i would move that we continue items 26 to 29 to our november 17 meeting. Supervisor stefani second. President yee okay. Theres been a motion made and a second. Madam clerk, before we take the roll call on that motion, lets take the Public Comment on the continuance itself. Are there any members of the public who wish to speak on the anticipated continuance . Clerk operations . Operator madam clerk, there are no callers in the queue. Clerk okay. Mr. President . President yee thank you. Seeing no speakers for Public Comment, then Public Comment on the continuance is now closed. [gavel]. President yee motion to continue items 26 through 29, made by supervisor mandelman and seconded by supervisor was it stefani . Clerk yes. President yee okay. To where are we . Clerk continued to november 17. President yee okay. Can you please take the roll. Clerk on the motion to continue items 26 through 29 to november 17 [roll call] clerk mr. President , well do our best to bring supervisor ronen back. Just suggest to pause for a moment. President yee okay. Clerk okay. Okay. To operations staff, i believe she is at her home office and is restarting her computer, mr. President. President yee all right. Well were moving quickly, so we have a minute or two. Clerk okay. President yee madam clerk . Clerk yes, i believe were getting closer. President yee okay. Clerk we have given her the callin line if her computer is problematic. President yee madam clerk, i suggest we finalize the roll call, and we can always rescind the vote. Clerk okay. President yee was that the final clerk yes, so it would be, at this point, ronen absent, but we would return to this, so there are ten ayes. President yee okay. So the motion to continue this item or these items to november 17, 2020 passes. [gave [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to our next special item. Clerk item 30 is a hearing of the board of supervisors sitting as a committee of the whole on tuesday, october 27, 2020, at 3 00 p. M. To hold a public hearing on the findings and recommendations from the San Francisco Economic Recovery Task force report as it relates to the Economic Impacts of covid19 Health Emergency, supporting local businesses and employment, mitigating economic hardships, and ensuring a more resilient and equitable recovery, scheduled prudent to motion number m20143, approved on september 29, 2020. President yee okay. This was a report that president breed and i had proposed to help us recover quickly after the pandemic is defeated, i guess is the word that we should use, so this report is a long awaited report that all of us have been anxiously awaiting for. And so with that, colleagues, we shall now convene as a committee of the whole for the members of the board of supervisors to hear the findings and recommendations from the San Francisco Economic Recovery Task force report as it relates to the Economic Impacts of the covid19 Health Emergency supports local businesses and employee employment, mitigation economic hardships, and ensuring a more resilient and equitable recovery. And without objection, we will proceed as follows. First, well have opening remarks from assessor carmen chu. Then, well hear from rudy gonzalez, director of the San Francisco labor council, and then, the and then, rodney fong, the president and c. E. O. Of the San Francisco chamber of commerce. Then, well have an overview of the public process and equity review from treasurer jose cisneros. And then, actually a summary of the Economic Recovery Task force recommendations from heather green from the office of resilience and capital planning. Then, what ill do is ill invite my colleagues on the board who actually served as representatives of the board of supervisors on this committee, and they will come in this order supervisor mandelman, supervisor preston, and supervisor peskin. Then, well open well then open for questions and comments, and then, well have two minutes each for people that want to provide Public Comments. Okay, seeing no objections, we will proceed as proposed. With that, id like to welcome our city assessor chiu. Assessor chu, would you like to proceed . Thank you very much, president yee, for not only calling this hearing but for coconvening the Economic Recovery Task force alongside mayor london breed. I want to thank supervisors mandelman, preston, and peskin, who consistently gave your time to meet with us and share your comments and perspective as we embarked on this process. Ill be kicking off this presentation and turning it over to my cochairs and also to the city staff team who will provide an overview of todays recommendations. As you know, the economic roofer retask force sought to bring together a broad force of leaders to support the citys Recovery Efforts related to covid19. By convening a bold group of leaders, the task force was truly an opportunity to draw from the talents, perspectives of our many members. Each of these members on the task force served as a connection point to the communities beyond that and so that those constituencies that they represented would also have a direct line in the citys efforts in response to covid19. I think i speak on behalf of my cochairs when i reflect on the cochairs of the extensive public process this process represented and the emphasis we put on equality front and center. We partnered with the Human Rights Commission and many others to seek to ensure that the voices and perspectives of traditionally marginalized communities were heard, and we also made sure that each policy recommendation also provided an equity review to provide suggestions to deliver more equitable policies going forward. I think it shows we can do economic recovery in a more smart way and a more equitable way. Collectively, weve already provided ramps and relief to businesses, but we always know theres more we can do. These things are really great successes, but we know that its not enough. We know that unemployment is still high. Were at 8 , where not that long ago, we were looking at unemployment numbers of where like 3 . Tourism and spending are down 43 . In terms of a drop in sales tax, some areas in the city, its dropped as much as 70 , including our Downtown Core areas and other parts of the city, and so we look forward to your best thinking on how to reduce the burdens for our businesses, to encourage continued investments in San Francisco to make sure that were competitive, but also to make sure that as we think about connecting san franciscans to jobs, that we are helping to create jobs that are good jobs in this city. We hope the 41 recommendations that youll see before you today really provide a framework for you on how to think about recovery, and we all remain committed to helping and assisting you as we go. Before i turn it over to our treasurer, jose cisneros, i want to make sure i thank the city staff team. Thank you for your incredible dedication, to the cochairs, to our Task Force Members, thank you, and of course to the city departments who we couldnt have done this work without, our city administrator, oewd, the Human Rights Commission, thank you for your community support. And with that, ill turn it over to jose. Thank you. Thank you very much, carmen. Hello, everyone. This is jose cisneros, county treasurer. Im proud to bring you more information on how we worked as part of the task force. At this time, i think id like to bring up the powerpoint. Thank you very much, and thank you very much for bringing up my first slide. Let me talk a little bit how, you know, over 100 members of the Task Force Helped us connect to the San Francisco community. Many of the Task Force Members not only shared their own original perspectives, but they also conducted research throughout the San Francisco community. They administered Public Surveys. They actually had inperson interviews and conversations, and they worked through formal focus groups as well as neighborhood presentations. They made presentations as various city bodies, including the immigrants rights commission, the commission on the environment, the Small Business commission, and the commission on the status of women. These outreach efforts brought us information from over 1,000 members of the San Francisco community, and we see on this slide what many of the things we heard from the Public Survey and the community outreach. Certainly, Financial Assistance to businesses was the most desired category and reaction that we heard from Business Owners, but we really learned more when we started to reach out this way. We heard that not only was Financial Assistance [inaudible] but we also wanted to find ways to make businesses more successful, whether that was looking at conditions of usage of the street, about how we can look at specific needs of the disability community, and how we could particularly focus on Business Owners of color that had in particular needs screening, technical assistance, cultural competence, language, and beyond. This was extremely value as the city put together its response to the covid19 pandemic, and weve seen many of these conditions be reflected in the way weve reached out across the community. Next slide, please. Particularly what we heard was we heard many more specifics when it came to what we heard in our individual policy working groups. We created four policy working groups, and in the jobs and businesses working group, we of course not only reflected on the needs of businesses large and small, but we really looked at ways how we could reduce expenses and particularly support workers for many of these businesses. We also had a specific policy group looking at vulnerable populations. And here, we really got down into what many of the individual needs and members of our community are concerned with how we could build access to opportunities in Affordable Housing, and how we could particularly address inequities so that people who were already suffering before the pandemic hit would not receive increased impairments and sufferings and would not have their suffering extend longer. We wanted to bring particular focus to their needs. We looked at the area of economic development, and how we could do things like cut read tape and find more flexible uses for zoning codes and other codes that the city has so that we could really streamline the best ways that businesses could bounce back and find their way forward. And we also looked at arts, culture, hospitality, and enter tanment and how we could employ and activate spaces to these particular businesses and individuals could find a way to engage with their with their customers and their audiences and employ their workforce more productively. These are the kinds of things we looked at, and im very proud of the work that was done by the members of the Economic Recovery Task force, and we look forward to hearing about their recommendations later on today. I just want to urge all members of City Government and you, the members of the board of supervisors, to, when you hear about these recommendations, please open your minds and be as creative as possible with solutions. I think weve already seen a number of Creative Solutions like, for example, reusing former hotels for housing, all sorts of things. These are the kinds of creative thinking we need as we address the needs created out of this pandemic and how we can bring more solutions to our community moving forward. And with that, ill hand it over to my coach, rudy gonzales. Thank you, jose. Its been a cochair, rudy gonzales. Thank you, jose. Its been great to work alongside the cochairs, mayor breed and president yee. I come to you not just grateful for the experience but with a renewed sense of urgency. One of the slide decks that you saw as they put up, you saw kind of the intersection of our areas of focus. And the vulnerable populations area is one that, you know, really insected and overlapped with all of the work that was occurring. Youre going to be presented with a number of policy recommendations and generalizations in this report. Theres a real sense of urgency on the ground for immigrant workers, for black and Indigenous People of color, for workers who never sheltered in place, who juggled child care and School Closures and kept coming to work, and its with that lens that i have to approach this experience. As a labor leader, i can tell you that the cost of recovery is high. It is always approached from the perspective of statistics and numbers, but i would urge this policy making body to think of it in terms of the cost of human life. And when you think about eliminating red tape, and you think about the opportunities that exist to provide flexibility, i have to urge you to think about the impact of working class people when you make those decisions. Now im proud there was an equity lens taken to all of this. I think that the staff of the city who, in the middle of a pandemic response, pivoted and shifted into Research Functions and Staff Support functions all need to be commended. They have earned the respect, and they deserve the gratitude of the citys leadership for stepping up to the place and moving into this function in addition to their Disaster Service work, in addition to their regular civil service. We are certainly grateful for their response. On the ground, we still have frontline and essential workers in both the public and private sector who are counting on the confidence of city leaders, theyre counting on the unity of city leaders in this response, and theyre counting you on taking the report and some of its findings to the next level. We could not have captured every possibly variance, and ill tell you its been frustrating at times to see the ball move as we try to come up with solutions. But what you have before you does represent a best approach and best practices, and i think very thoughtful recommendations to you to consider. I will just close by saying that the Economic Recovery Task force is sunsetting, but the work is only just beginning. And as you embark on this through legislation, through ordinance, through careful review, please look at the existing programs that we have in the city. One of the things that stuck out to me most was the amount of energy and resources that go into workforce training and development, and a real need to centralize that and to streamline it and make sure that its transparent and that it delivers. As we emerge through this pandemic, we have that many more people who are in desperate need. So while thats my bias in the process, i do think that its a really important lens by which policy makers can look at this and make sure that the economic recovery in kmisk is not just for the few but for the money and for the people who are counting on all of you to lead us through this pandemic. Again, immense gratitude for all the people who made this possible, and now id like to pass it off to cochair rodney fong for the chamber of commerce. Great. Thank you, rowdy, and thank you, supervisors, for rudy, and thank you, supervisors, for the opportunity. I want to thank everybody who participated in this. Its been a long several months, and as has been pointed out, theres still a long way to know. In San Francisco, theres over 200,000 unemployment claims right now. Storefronts, 44 of Retail Businesses are still effectively nonoperational or have shuttered, and overall retail transactions in San Francisco are down by 66 . These are staggering numbers. There is much more work to be done. Want to point out, as well see in the presentation here, the local economic stimulus opportunities that are in front of us, and rudy touched on some of them that we all agree upon, the investment of Public Infrastructure and the support of major projects, the redesign of the public permit process, cutting the red focused on sa reopening in may and june because the very first thing we heard from the Task Force Members loud and clear is there is no economic [inaudible] and customers feel safe to come back as well as businesses feeling safe to operate, so they were very, very helpful in providing mitigation and other recommendations to the department of Public Health. And then, over the summer, we really shifted into the detailed policy work. We had four working groups compromised of ten to 20 Task Force Members each that met for weeks to come up with thoughtful and actionable ideas for you all to implement to help address economic recovery . And the results of that work was 41 policy recommendations, and yes, that was a prioritized list. Theres many more ideas that this group came up with, but theres 41 that made it to the top of the list for your consideration. We published the report on october 8, and it is available on the web . You can take a look, and i actually added the link into the chat, and im very proud of this work. There was 40plus city staff, as was already mentioned who, in addition to their day jobs and their d. S. W. Jobs, came together to support this earli earlier important work. An overview of the citys reopening work, the shared spaces program, how we developed our policies, a very detailed appendix d, Community Engagement and listening, led by myleen garcia and song dl songhee hiwata. Heard from many different focus groups around the city that we wanted to hear from, like the disability groups and others . And then, appendix e is where we did a Detailed Analysis of all 41 recommendations. And then finally, appendix f, the Assessors Office under carmens leadership put together a recommendation of all the programs that the city has done since the start of covid. I know that all the supervisors have worked so hard on our response, as well, so i hope that everyone is proud of this effort and does take the time to review all the recommendations and see all the good work that weve done. With that, i want to hand it over to heather, whos been a wonderful fearless leader. Hea heather, if you could walk us through the recommendations. Sure. Thank you, supervisors, for having me, and to city administrator kelly for allowing me to work on it and for the cochairs to be such amazing leads. We are here at the end. Im very excited about that, but you can see, you know, that this was a very rigorous process. 100plus Task Force Members came together in policy working groups. The conversation was free flowing, and we were able to hear challenges and solutions from the ground level. Task force members also reached out to their own communities to solicit further input, and so we were able to really pull together a lot of ideas and inspiration for San Franciscos path forward. Next slide, please. In the end, what we have in the report are these policy recommendation areas. The focus out from the task force was at the same time to be concrete and actionable and also think of the big picture. You have recommendations that are very specific in the near term and also some broad sweeping investment calls along the line of what rodney was speaking about for stimulus and visioning. I will also note there are some additional recommendations. He saw that in the table of contents for ideas that came up later in the process, and these may not have been prioritized directly in the output of the working groups, but we all agreed throughout that it was a good idea to include more ideas, not less. This is going to be something thats reformed and re economic recovery is going to be something thats going to need to be reformed week after week and even day after day as the requirements change. There are many topics discussed in the report, but these were the ideas that the task force discussed, and we were able to find over 1,000 voices, one way or another, through surveys, focus groups, subject Matter Expert review, and this is where we landed. Next slide. [please stand by] economic racial lens, or just in regards to whether its practical for us. I want to say a little bit about child care first, i have to say that, because i remember the first year that child care came up a lot. What will we do right now, we cant do anything about child care. Child care is closing and we wont have the essential workers and so forth. And so that was a discussion in which, you know, we know that i also know that many of the businesses, whether theyre Family Child Care are starting to close down because they have no help. Nothing from the federal government at all for them. Especially for those are licensed Family Child Care providers. I want to say that theres been discussions that we had at the Task Force Level but this discussion doesnt end there. Im already having discussions with the office at this point and i have been having it for about two months and saying, get ready. You know, depending on the outcome of the election, if one of the propositions that is going free up money for child care, we have to be ready to spend that money on helping these businesses on day one. And not wait a year from now. So im hoping that we can, you know, we can take it very seriously and engaging with the community, the child care community, at this point to say what do you guys need so that you guys dont close down. Because the economy is not going to work without that and as supervisor norman mentioned, and with the schools reopening. The good news is that in last few days in regards to the school district, the discussion has taken a 180degree turn in terms of who is spending what at this point. Im positive that the discussions at the committee has similar impact on this. You know, in issues that are not resolved completely, but were moving in the right direction in terms of some of the resources that we could actually access, and i think that there was a precedent, so i dont want to speak out of turn, but we have them coming in to help us, to help the district and the staff to work out the plans. And theres other things that i dont want to mention because it hasnt happened yet, but theyre, like, going to happen in the next few days. So im very positive that at least im moving and so thank you, supervisor fewer and ronen and haney, in pushing that discussion. The other thing that has come out, that was mentioned, one of the issues in child care industry, i think that as supervisor preston and haney and peskin, the issue of transportation was not completely tactful but it was mentioned and its an issue that we need to tackle. I hope that the director tumlin will take that very seriously and maybe what they need to do is to form their own task force around this and to help to answer some of the quick questions that we have along how do we get ourselves running, and how do we get people to go back on public transportation, and ensure that is safe and so forth. So those are things that i felt like this task force, in particular the report, has stimulated and so i dont look at it as one report thats finite and is done and, no, i see this as sort of a wave that has opened up the doors for us to have discussions and to continue to have discussions. We know how important the issues are, so we cant just say those arent important issues. What we need to do is to start addressing these issues. So thank you very much for everybody for your patience and allowing me to go on and on for a little while. So at this point, again, thank you, everybody. I want to i guess at this point to close this hearing. So the hearing is now closed. Thank you very much. Thank you. All right. Madam clerk, i believe that we are going back to roll call. Clerk for intlukses, and, yes, mr. President , though you indicated not to call on you, you subsequently asked me to call on you. President ie . President yee thank you very much, madam clerk. I had forgotten that. I was supposed to Say Something but my dependable staff reminded me. So i have one thing to introduce, colleagues. Reintroducing a resolution to urge the San Francisco m. T. A. To implement a plan to slow speeds wherever they can, can do this, within their own authority. Especially near sites that serve vulnerable populations such as Senior Centers and possibly child care centers. And looking at any way that we could do this. On november 15th, we will be recognizing the 25th anniversary of the world day of remembrance, novembenovember 15th. And this is for transit victims. Its overshadowed by the deadly conditions on our streets. It is a club that nobody wants to be a part of, and to be a victim to be a victim or a family of a victim from vehicle collisions. The heart is heavy thinking of all of those families who have lost a loved one or had their lives forever changed. We are not on track to meet our goals in 2024 for vision zero. We can either continue t on this path of vision zero or completely revamp how were doing things to make real changes. Im glad that the board of directors and m. T. A. And sfmta are agreeing. So San Francisco will need to keep pushing for safety level changes to finally get automated Speed Enforcement passed and also update the methodology for setting speed limits. We cannot afford to keep waiting for change to occur. The way that the state sets speed with development for rural road settings that is almost always 85 methodology. They set the speed at which 85 were driving. This assumes that the drivers are responsible and reasonable within their environment. And it does not take into account the pedestrians or cyclists. There is a tendency to speed creep and to go above the posted speed limit which is not only dangerous, but it can be fatal. We heard the stats before. A person hit by a car at 40 Miles Per Hour has a 10 chance of survival while a person hit by a car at 20 Miles Per Hour has 90 survival rate. We cant be we cant be saving live we can be saving lives right now if we do everything that we can to slow down speeds. And actually tying our traffic light signals to encourage slow driving. Im looking forward to this body working closely with sfmtas board to get this done and to help us to establish a more slow speed zones around the city. So hopefully the series of things that im asking m. T. A. To do will have some impact. Thats how i see it. Clerk thank you, mr. President. Supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer yes, thank you, mad clerk. Last week u. S. A. Today highlighted the disparity about the impact of the pandemic on the asianamerican community entitled Asian Americans in San Francisco are dying from alarming rates from covid19. Racism is to blame. This strikes at the gaps and inequities that are exacerbated by this Public Health crisis and calls for our immediate attention to the need to step up our response and supporting our diverse asianamerican communities through this crisis. It is literally a matter of lifeanddeath. Racism is killing my community. Having the ability to look at Public Health data through a racial lens has been an essential tool. Thank you to the early efforts of our Racial Equity officers at the e. O. C. For pushing us to be accountable and to affirm our commitment to Racial Equity to a covid19 response. It is illuminating where we need to double down on our efforts to tackle this pandemic. The most of any ethnicity, this is heartbreaking. And while only 12 of the cases are asian, the death rate is three times that number, raising big concerns for me about the stigma that asianamericans are experiencing in San Francisco related to the covid pandemic that may be a barrier for residents seeking timely treatment. I wanted to say only 12 of the confirmed cases are asian. In the u. S u. S. A. Today article, they were quoted as saying that the high mortality rate among asianamericans means that theres either not enough testing or people are waiting far too long to get care. I recognize that it takes a herculean effort to operationalize the response plans in the midst of a pandemic, but in light of that data about the disproportionate deaths in the a. P. I. Community, i have serious questions. How are we reaching out to our most vulnerable and the communities in a culturally competent and accessible way . Whether we are adequately conveying information and resources to address the unique barriers for the community for testing. How to register, whether the registration interface and processes are available in languages, and whether were leveraging the strength of the trusted hit professionals that have a demonstrated history of working with our communities. And most importantly, how are we connecting the individuals to Accurate Information regarding resources and supports available for if and when someone might test covid positive, from the daily needs of food access or having space to isolate and to recovery assistance and other essential needs. While theres been recent initiatives announced to try to address testing in the a. P. I. Community such as availability of testing in chinatown, there is an urgency to do more, given what the data tells us about alarming numbers in the a. P. I. Community. 40 of the Richmond District is asian. And i have asked for a testing site or a mobile testing site to remove any barriers to individuals getting this resource. What worries me the most is how this data could be reflective of how our community is overlooked or left behind. I will be submitting a letter of inquiry with supervisor peskin to the department of Public Health and the department of Emergency Management to speak to the cultural and linguistic outreach strategies, and testing capacity, and the plan of action for the a. P. I. Community citywide to address this inequity. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor fewer. Now supervisor haney. Supervisor haney thank you, madam clerk. In addition to the committee of the whole that supervisor walton spoke about, i, along with supervisors walton, ronen and preston, are requesting a letter of inquiry to the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing and Covid Command Centers to get a response about their plan to rehouse thousands of people experiencing homelessness who are currently at shelterinplace sites. It should not take a formal request to obtain details about the issue so consequential for thousands of people, hundreds who are staying at these hotels and hundreds of staff in the hotels, and our nonprofit agencies who have said that to run these hotels. But we have asked for details and now we know that there are plans to close some of these hotels and we want to make sure that theres an effective transition for the 2,500 people in the shelterinplace sites. The vision and the reality must be that no one is returned to the streets and that though we have heard that is the plan that we are yet to have specific details about how that will happen. This is something that we should assist with as this board has been especially focused in making sure that everyone during this crisis had a place to shelter in place and now as we go to the next stages of transition, that people exit homelessness more permanently. So we will be submitting this formal letter of inquiry, in addition to the committee of the whole that supervisor walton spoke of. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor. Supervisor mandelman. Supervisor mandelman thank you, madam clerk. I am asking that we adjourn today in honor of tom taylor who died at the age of 77 after a long battle with prostate cancer. Tom was a longtime lgbtq activist, philantropist and caretaker of the rainbow flag and the plaza. He was most loved for the annual Christmas Display that he and his husband Gerry Goldstein have put on on 21st street between church and sanchez, and calling revelers to a scene with a 65foottall Norfolk Island pine tree decorated with thousands of sparkling l. E. D. Lights and lavish ornaments and a miniature ferris wheel and animated train sets and giant stuffed animals and lifesized tom and jerry stockings. Born september 8, 1943, in richmond california, tom left home after high school to pursue a career as a hairstylist. Coming out to his parents, who would remain estranged from him for a year before finally accepting that he was gay. Tom wasi

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