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You submit Public Comment via email, it will be forwarded to the supervisors and it will be included as part of the official file. Finally items acted upon today will appear on the agenda on september 15th, unless otherwise stated. Supervisor peskin thank you, madam clerk. Can you please read the first item. Clerk yes. Item number 1, is the reenactment of emergency for protections of occupants of Residential Hotels or s. R. O. Residence during the covid19 pandemic. Supervisor peskin thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, i want to thank my cosponsors for the original ordinance. Supervisors mainy , ronen, safai, fewer, preston, walton and yee. That emergency ordinance, that as the clerk said, established protections for occupants of s. R. O. Hotels in San Francisco that include some 18,000 to 19,000 individuals in congregate settings, passed by the board of supervisors as an emergency matter and lasts for 80 days. That required the department of Public Health to offer a number of provisions, including testing and i. N. Q. Provisions, isolation and quarantine for individuals that had tested positive, as well as implicit notice for residents of those s. R. O. S. These are individuals who live in congregate settings, where they share bathrooms and they share kitchens, a highly transmissive environment. And i want to thank the department of Public Health for not only taking that ordinance seriously, but already having done that job before we massed the emergency ordinance. And during the interim for starting to establish a dialogue with the residents of those communities that span the mission, into the tenderloin into chinatown into north beach, were the best of the rest of once were 40,000 or more s. R. O. Hotels once existed. So i want to thank and acknowledge d. P. H. For that. This has been really an admonition to d. P. H. And the community to step up the game. I want to thank and acknowledge the department of Public Health that on friday at approximately 518 in the afternoon, actually put up a web tool that shows the number of cases in s. R. O. S and the numbers of deaths, which thankfully tragically four deaths over 500 cases. So those buildings have been handed superbly, some less so. And i really want to thank d. P. H. , but more importantly the community for holding our feet to the fire as decision manned legislators and d. P. H. s feet to the fire, as the frontline implementers under the pandemic. And with that i believe that we have dr. Stephanie cohen. Colleagues, if you have no comments, i would like to hand this over to the department of Public Health and dr. Cohen. Thank you, supervisor safai, for joining to really present whats happened and fundamental, as i said in the newspaper the other way, i want to create the space for the department of Public Health to build trust amongst the s. R. O. Population in those communities that are very, very different communities. Some of them latinx communities, some of them chinese communities and predominantly cantonese amongo linguaamong mono lingl individuals. And those who reside in the arc that has s. R. O. S. With that ill turn it over to dr. Cohen. Thank you very much. Im going to share my screen and give a short update to what we discussed a couple of weeks ago. Are you able to see the presentation . Supervisor peskin yes, we are. Okay. Supervisor peskin, preston and safai, thank you for the opportunity to come back and speak to you again and update the committee on our ongoing work to prevent covid19 in s. R. O. S and to protect the residents who reside in these buildings. We met a couple of weeks. My name is stephanie cohen. Im an Infectious Disease physician and serving as the lead for the sscta covid19 s. R. O. Seeing none team since Response Team since april. As we discussed at the Committee Meeting on august 17th, we are committed to this population and we have a robust and proactive approach to prevention in these congregate settings. Our robust approach has produced results preponderates of covid19 testing among s. R. O. Residents are actually higher than the rate of testing in san franciscans overall. The proportion of s. R. O. Residents who test positive for covid19 is similar to that of nons. R. O. Residents who live in the same neighborhood. So a lot of what were seeing in s. R. O. S reflects the Community Prevalence in the communities where the s. R. O. S are. And lastly the case fatality rate among s. R. O. Residents is comparable to the overall case fatality rate at approximately. 8 . And this is one of the lowest covid case fatality rates nationwide. As supervisor peskin mentioned, one of the provisions in the ordinance was to launch a publicly available data tracker. And after much hard and diligent work on the part of our advanced planning, data s. F. And surveillance groups, that dashboard went live on august 28th. Its available its a u. R. L. That you see on the slide. This is just a snapshot from the data tracker to show you what it looks like, as required by the ordinance. It shows the number of residents who tested positive, the number of buildings that have had a case, numbers of deaths and number of residents who have gone to an isolation and Quarantine Hotel. It also shows these figures here which show over time the total number of cases and the total number of deaths, as well as the daily new cases and the sffd rolling average, which gives us a sense of where we are on some of our important surge metrics. We also, since our last meeting, are working on Community Engagement. Since the last meeting, we met with Chinatown Community leaders. We also have met with Chinese Hospital leadership and are excited to really move forward in a collaborative response with Chinese Hospitals to covid19 cases in s. R. O. S in chinatown. And were working on setting up recurring meetings with the s. R. O. Collaboratives. And we want to hear their concerns. We also want to provide them information and updates and we want to strategize together how we can optimize covid19 prevention for s. R. O. S residents and other disproportionately impacted by covid19. We have an amazing team in our group of social workers, nurse practitioners, nurses, Health Workers who have been in the field in s. R. O. S every day since really the pandemic started, talking to residents. And we want to share the stories that we have heard, bus we know there are a lot of up stream factors and social determinants of health that are affecting these communities and we can only figure out how to address them if we work together. We do want to continue to request that the committee reevaluate the provision in the legislation, that requires sfdph to test all residents in an s. R. O. Within 48 hours of a single case. I would like to be clear that we are not asking to waterdown the legislation or relax rules for s. R. O. S. Our team, who exists to advocate and protect these residents, will continue to deploy onsite testing to a building, when there is concern for interbuilding transmission. And we do a lot of onsite testing in s. R. O. S. At the same time i want to try to explain again why this particular provision is just not an effective strategy. I know that testing is a hotbutton topic. Its a politicized topic, unfortunately, at the national level. And i really want to reiterate if we thought this particular testing strategy, testing all residents in a building after a single case, if we thought that would be effective at preventing outbreaks, we would be all for it. We are aligned in prioritizing and working to protect s. R. O. Residents. The challenge, though, is that s. R. O. S are not closed settings, like a Skilled Nursing facility. In a closed environment, like a smith, you can implement we can implement routine surveillance testing of staff and identify staff cases before residents become infected. And, of course, this is especially critical in the smith context, because the case fatality rate is so high among those living in those conditions. But s. R. O. S, as you know are not like smith. Theyre open. Residents come and go every day. They go to work, they go to the store, they go to visit their friends and family. And so a single case in a building, in a residence doesnt mean that theres an outbreak in the building. We do test and quarantine close contacts of all cases, including cases among s. R. O. Residents. Then if their contacts, including their household members, then their nextdoor neighbor, whoever they hang out with in the building, if they test positive, we continue to test and expanding circles. In the worstcase scenario, and this has happened, an s. R. O. Resident has covid, hasnt been tested and is symptomatic and has not been ice slating in the building. They think they have aler gees o allergies. By the time they get tested they may have exposed others in the building. At that point, though, testing is not prevention. Testing doesnt prevent anyone from getting infected. Theyve already been exposed. But what it does do it allows to us find cases. And we want to find those cases, because then we have the opportunity to intervene on those who are already infected. And so thats why we do deploy testing when we see multiple cases in a short period of time in a building. And so, you know, really i think to summarize here, what im trying to explain is that testing is important. It enables us to identify individuals who have covid when theyre still in thin infectious period, then we can support them in isolating. We identify their close contacts and support those close contacts with testing and quarantine. But mass testing at a single point in time, triggered by a single case, does not in and of itself prevent covid19. So in conclusion, building mas g is not a strategy in line with our citywide testing strategy or with supervisor peskin miss major, i think you may doctor orb someone may have hit a button that they shouldnt have hit . Clerk thank you, mr. Chair. Im checking with operations. It might be the bridge line. We will supervisor peskin the bridge line has become the bain of our existence. Go ahead. Thank you, dr. Cohen. My apologies. No problem. So really in summary, i think what im trying to make clear this particular strategy is not in line with cdph or c. D. C. Guidance. Its not the best use of our testing resources. And our investigative tools can really help us predict when and where to test. We really have to continue to push primary prevention approaches, the best way to protect everyone from covid. And thats, as you know, things like masking, social distancing and hand washing. Those are the critical things for mitigating spread in all settings. Thank you for giving me another opportunity to speak to you and for all of your work to protect these communities. Supervisor peskin thank you, dr. Cohen. And when that when you release your screen, well all be able to look at each other over our respective computers. And, dr. Cohen, i really want to thank you for your candor. And, indeed, this is an evolving situation. And i think collectively we are trying to, as nondoctors, address what we believe are the most vulnerable populations in the most transmissive settings. And i know that you and your colleagues are committed to that as well. And as i said earlier, we know that youre resourceconstrained, as we all are economically, Human Resource wise and relative to actual physical things that are reagents and swabs that are moving to hot spots in the United States of america, be it texas or florida. And, yes, this is an ordinance. And, yes, it is a law. But fundamentally and i have tried to communicate this to you and to the advocacy community. This is an admonition. And it is a shorttermed a mow s going to last for another two months. And i for one, unless you make not you personally, but the department is malfeasant and not going to go after you, so to speak, on. I think this is really trying to hold you to the highest standards for our most vulnerable populations. And this, too, shall evolve. Ultimately i hope this becomes a permanent ordinance, which doesnt mean that we cant tweak it Going Forward. But i think the most important thing, and ive been very clear with you and the community and my former colleague, who has become a liaison between the board and your department, former supervisor katie tang, that i really want to create the space to build trust between the department of Public Health and the community. And the community has been abundantly clear in the last several days and while i think i dont want to put words in their mouth, that theyre thankful for the transparency that now comes with the additional tool on the tracker site. That trust is earned through hard work and relationships. And you are working now to build them. These were relationships that didnt exist before the pandemic, that have to be built very, very quickly. And i hope over the weeks and a couple months ahead, before this becomes a permanent, albeit flexible piece of legislation, that those relationships and that trust will start to be built. So i just wanted to share those thoughts some that you know where im coming from. As you know and as said in the paper 48 hours ago, i actually originally didnt want to have this debate. But i fundamentally have to honor the community that is are in these s. R. O. S. And i think we all collectively, the people, the decisionmakers and the department of Public Health really also have to delve down into and make very transparent what is confidential and why and what is not confidential and to whom and why or why not. And i think h hippa which is a huge privacy law, needs to be weighed and balanced for Public Health. I think we have to delve down into that, maybe in closed session, subject to attorneyclient privilege advice. But ultimately in open session, where we can all ask those questions and understand where we balance privacy. As i have said to the deputy City Attorney, that is on this in this meeting and to counsel for d. P. H. , it strikes me as odd that we can be transparent with a Building Owner or a building manager, that theres a covid case in a particular building with a particular address, but we cannot tell the rest of the tenants that one of their neighbors, that they share a kitchen or a bathroom with,s that covid. And i dont want to freak people out. I just want to make sure that they have the opportunities to be tested, to be isolated, to be quarantined, to be given a meal in a comfortable, confident way. Thats whats driving this. This is not a, you know, board, you know, being you know demeaning to d. P. H. Its not at all. Its an evolving conversation. I know you understand that. So i appreciate that. Are there and dr. Cohen, if you have anything you want to add or subtract from that, youre welcome to do so. No. Thank you very much for your comments. And just for the opportunity to continue to have a dialogue. The science is evolving and the diagnostics are evolving. I know well continue to work to figure out the best way to do this. And really appreciate that weve gotten the chance over these months to try to think about that together. Thank you. Supervisor peskin i really appreciate that youre taking this legislation seriously and that you are spending moments of your precious time, as youre triaging and stratifying, to actually engage with the board seriously. It would be easy enough for you to say, thats the thing, were going to blow it off, because were resourceconstrained. So thank you for that. With that to my colleagues, hold on, let me press a button. Either one of you have any questions or comments . I did, chair peskin. Thank you. And just concur with your the remarks you just made. I did have just a question from the d. P. H. Perspective what does trigger, under the current understanding of the mass testing, in a particular building. I understand what youre saying, dr. Cohen, about the difference between the setting and the s. R. O. Congregate living situation. Im curious. I understand from the perspective of the department at this point in time, some disagreement around whether one case should trigger that or not. And this legislation addresses that. But what is two cases in the site, what are the set of circumstances from your perspective . And i think to chair peskins point, to me its less relevant for what the Community Wants is clear. But as chair peskin notes, i think well 30, 60, however many days be out once again looking at this issue. And it will be helpful from my perspective just to know from d. P. H. s perspective what does, from your perspective, trigger mass testing in an s. R. O. Context. Well, the California Department of Public Health definition of an outbreak in a Congregate Community setting is three cases in three separate households within 14 days. So we would always define that as an outbreak and report that as an outbreak in terms of not the specific address, not the privacy thing nourishments terms of how many outbreaks we have in s. R. O. S and we would test. The threshold is lower than that. Our threshold is two cases in two separate households within 14 days. And some risk criteria for interbuilding transmission. When we have two cases in two separate households, we either go on site. We may have already gone on site previously, which may give us a sense of what the building is like and whether theres risk. We havent gone on site, we would go on site and there are things that contribute to that risk stratification. Things like crowded households. Is this a building with a lot of family or a lot of we see a lot of buildings ra theres multiple young men sharing one room, who are all Frontline Workers. We know in shows settings covid starts very quickly. Did we learn that the case was actually infectious on site for more than seven days total, between the two cases. Maybe one person was three days, one person was four days. Thats concerning. Thats a lot of days of potential spread. We know that theres certain communities that are disproportionately impacted in San Francisco. Are those folks highly represented in the building. And we also look at the risk of morbidity. Are there a lot of elders in the building, people over the age of 60, a lot of comorbidities. So those are some of the criteria we do have the matrix that we use. But basically has to be two cases in two separate households in 14 days and at least two of those several criteria that i mentioned. Supervisor preston, i really appreciate that comment. I think what dr. Cohen just told us is that we, in this case d. P. H. , can actually have Higher Standards than the state does, which say lute i salute and appreciate. Everything that dr. Cohen just said, relative to assessing risk is absolutely right. Do you have higher comorbidity factors. Do you have, you know, folks who are living 10 to a room instead of two to a room. Are they more likely to have to go to work than be retired or on a fixed income. All of those things could lead to a spread. But i think where the rubber hits the road is, and i mean no professional offense to d. P. H. Is how well do they know the residents in that building. How do they know what i have come to learn or have knowledge access to on and off in my 20 years, as to who lives in that building or what Community Members know then. I dont think that d. P. H. Can figure that out in 24 hours, unless they start working with the community to quickly under then do triage. Because you cant triage unless you know what the whether the victim is about to be in deep trouble or not. But this is very helpful conversation to me at least. Supervisor preston, do you have any more comments . Supervisor preston i dont. Thank you, dr. Cohen. I just want to echo really the point you made, chair peskin, really thank you for your leadership on this. Proud to be cosponsoring this this time, as well as last time. And i think that, you know, where we have really proactive and engaged communities representing and Community Groups representing some of the most Vulnerable People in the city, i see this kind of legislation as really honoring their expertise around the community their serving. But also as you say, but facilitating and trying to deepen the conversation between d. P. H. And those Community Groups, so that as we sort of in some ways the beauty of having these emergency ordinances as ways to sort of temporarily deal with things, but not cement them permanently and look forward to it sounds like ongoing discussions happening to arrive at whatever makes sense on a more permanent basis. It certainly resonates with me that where theres doubt, being more careful, preventative and, you know, we have for whatever reasons avoided certainly outbreaks that would have otherwise occurred through taking proactive steps. So certainly i appreciate that this, you know, we continue i hope to err on the side of over testing and overly taking precautions, rather than the opposite. But understanding that theres further conversation to figure out what that, you know, what should be in place on the longerterm basis. Supervisor peskin thank you, supervisor preston. Supervisor safai, anything to add . Supervisor safai something who is a city planner by training, you know, not many cities have this type of housing that remains. It is one of the things that makes San Francisco unique, to have a Single Room Occupancy Hotel and being used obviously in a different way than they were originally built. You know, we have multiple families, multiple generations, many members of the same family sharing space. And some for me it makes sense, under these circumstances, that we would want to err on the side of extreme caution. Because as we know and as we learn from the assisted living facilities, that was where this virus really began in the United States, in multiple cities. In new york, and in washington and all over. I dont want the same to happen. And i know supervisor peskin has been out in front of this. We had conversations in the very beginning of this pandemic about individuals and their patterns of travel and their patterns of obtaining medicine and going actually in many ways to the heart of where this pandemic began in the world, into wuhan, china. And so that is no longer a risk. But the risk is this massive amount of people in these buildings living in very close settings. And so im proud to be a cosponsor of this legislation. I think if it pushes sfdph to work aggressively with advocate communities, that is on the ground working with individuals in these settings, i think its a positive thing. And in the end if we dont have an outbreak, good. And we put the resources in the right place. So i appreciate your leadership on this and being a part of this conversation, supervisor peskin, along with the advocates from the community. And thank you, ms. Cohen, as well. Supervisor peskin thank you, colleagues and cosponsors. Before we open this up to Public Comment, while this is a reenactment of the emergency ordinance, i do have a couple of nonsubstantive tweaks perform before i open it up to Public Comment, i want colleagues to go through that. Youre both in receipt of those, as is the clerk of this committee ms. Major. On page 2, section 2, at line 22 insert and amend section 3 of such emergency ordinance to read as follows, even though both ordinance no. 8420 and this reenactment emergency ordinance are uncodified, for purposes of clarity, the respective fontses for additions and deletions of the municipal code as stated in the note that appears at the beginning of this ordinance are used to show the amendments to section 3 of ordinance number 8420. Thats the original source ordinance. In the tweaks to the original ordinance, in section 3, would be in subsection g to insert a new subsection 5. And that so let me just take you to the top of that subsection g, which is already in the existing law that we are reenacting, upon confirming that an s. R. O. Resident has tested positive for covid19, d. P. H. Shall to the extent consistent with state and federal laws governing the confidentiality of medical information and heres the new subsection 5. As soon as feasible, but not more than 12 hours after receiving such confirmation, promptly post in common areas of the residential hotel, where fire Safety Information is required to be posted, a notice to advise s. R. O. Residents of their rights under this emergency ordinance to access i q, isolation Quarantine Hotel rooms and face coverings. Such notice shall include, but not be limited to, the number of the language accessible hotline for s. R. O. Residents, that residents may call to access those resources. This is making the implicit notice requirements explicit. That was my insertion. And in sub l, under sub 2, the total number of confirmed positive covid19 cases, this is under what data d. P. H. Shall produce, the total number of confirmed positive covid19 cases in San Francisco insert Residential Hotels, delete at the rate of cases by population size in San Francisco. So that the sentence now reads, the total number of confirmed positive covid19 cases in San Francisco Residential Hotels, organized by zip code. So those are the amendments that i would like to make, subject to Public Comment. And with that, are there any members of the public who would like to comment on this item number 1 . Madam clerk. Clerk thank you. Thank you, mr. Chair. Operations is checking to see if there are any callers in queue. Noting that we have nine listeners. Arthur, please let us know how many we have in queue. There are currently five callers in the queue. Supervisor peskin first speaker, please. Caller thank you so much to d. P. H. And the board for giving time and attention to this ordinance. My name is tria. Im a tenant organizer with the mission s. R. O. Collaborative of the dolores street. We want to address the Landuse Committee to shed light on the practices of d. P. H. , in accordance with the emergency ordinance that was adopted on may 19th. Im here to ask that the land use and Transportation Committee renew the s. R. O. Emergency ordinance and not dilute any of the protections. In San Francisco, s. R. O. S provide homes for over 18,000 extremely lowincome seniors and families, people of color, people with disabilities and formerly homeless people. Many of the people we serve are also immigrants and some identify as undocumented. We believe that the impact of covid19 should not only be measured in terms of the number of deaths, but the impacts that the virus has on income and mental health. From the time the emergency ordinance was enacted, d. P. H. Has only implemented a portion of the elements and we call on them to recognize that the tenants have a right to receive a notice if theres a confirmed covid19 case in their building, the right to full and Accurate Information about the rights to recovery program, that for tenants that test positive and the general location of i. N. Q. Housing available to them. We have worked directly with tenants, for example, from tenants in the grand southern that in the last 50 days the legislation has been active, that health and sanitary measures have not been implemented, despite tenants contacting d. P. H. And shes been struggling with test problems and rats and cockroaches and ticks on top of the pandemic for the past 50 days, to the point to which she had to replace her own sink becausest inaction and unresponsiveness. And in another case, an s. R. O. Tenant at the albert struggled with the affordability of the living situation, as hes unable to pay rent monthtomonth. 23 latinx have tested positive for covid19, including the grand southern clerk thank you. Next speaker, please. Caller hello. Clerk hi. Youre on the line. Yes. You may speak. You have two minutes. Caller okay. My name is eric markoo. Im a member of senior disability action in soma neighborhood residence council. Im just saying that testing s. R. O. S should be made for the entire building in a place thats been infected. I heard other speakers in other days say that some of these rooms have, you know, selfcontaining bathrooms and kitchens. But the vast majority of them dont. And when if someone gets infected in these places, it could spread like wildfire, especially in crowded communities like the mission and tenderloin and chinatown. It just seems i mean, unimaginable to me that when we consider scaling this back at this time, when we have such an epidemic. I mean, we need people that are infected or exposed to be put into hotel rooms, selfcontained hotel rooms, not in a congregate area. Thank you kindly. Clerk again youll be notified if you have been unmuted and you can begin your comments. Hi, my name is dana foot. Im with the mission s. R. O. Collaborative program for Lotus Community services. I wanted to first say that theres currently a demand for testing in San Francisco. And through our outreach and education work, the need for the continuation of the s. R. O. Emergency ordinance. Testing allowing us to connect with services and to the programs that we have also asked. Our main concerns is that currently were assessing the impact of this pandemic in the number of cumulative deaths. And thats not an accurate number of what were hearing, tests in high levels of stress, depression, and general anxiety. We know that currently theres a timeline and challenges to the turnaround to Access Programs such as [indiscernible] we also know the importance of having transparent information about what are the services connections, Community Organizations on the ground can link people to. We know that theres a flu season approaching us and we cannot actually afford to water down any of the provisions of the legislation. We are committed, however, to continue to figure out how we support proactively testing communities and accurately investigate those possible thinks to spread. And understand the use of i. N. Q. Thank you again for the time youve given this morning. Supervisor peskin thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. This is anna stage. A member of San Francisco tenants union, an antidisplacement coalition. I really appreciate this conversation the supervisors had today, with d. P. H. And dr. Cohen. I am encouraged with the doctor and the d. P. H. Staff are going to kind of make some overtures and steps to work with the s. R. O. Collaborative communities, that are in there doing the work with the tenants. Its the only way this program will work. And as previous speakers have said and supervisor peskin has said, not knowing that your fellow residents have someone has a case of covid is really scary. So if there could be some information that tenants could have of where to go to get tested, and then what to do once they test positive, so that theyre not afraid to go to the d. P. H. Staff or to do what they have to do or to tell their worker that,. Commissioner haney , i hey, i got tested and i have covid. If dr. Cohen cant do it or they dont have the resources to do it, these people need to be tested. Thank you. Supervisor peskin thank you. Next speaker, please. Caller supervisors, director of policy at the Community Development center. I want to thank you for working on behalf of s. R. O. Residents, not only in chinatown and district 3, but citywide. This is really important legislation. And while we are reassured by dr. Cohens words to reflect that they dont support a wartingdown of the legislation, we do continue to insist on testing being a critical need. We have seen that testing, when its done at the building, is effective. We have also seen in many neighborhoods when testing is offered offsite, it is less effective and people are less interested in being tested. We really want to frame this as a tenants righ righttoknow perspective. This ordinance is about what the tenant needs to know in terms of the citys Covid Response. And what the city and what the tenants, you know, has a right to know in terms of what is going on in their buildings. We have testimony a little bit later, thats going to show you that, of course, when d. P. H. Comes around and does outreef and says that, you know, theres covidwide testing, kind of sounds stupid. They know that that means that theres an outbreak or there are cases. So we hope that we can get behind, get beyond the concerns and really look at what is best to protect those communities and our s. R. O. Residents. I look forward to working with d. P. H. In the coming weeks and months, you know, relationship that builds decades back when the s. R. O. Collaborative was first funded by the department of Public Health. So were looking forward to working together and continue to strength our defense of our s. R. O. Residents. Thank you very much. Supervisor peskin thank you, mattias. Any other members of the public who would like to testify on item number 1 . Yes. Two additional callers. Ill unmute the next caller. Supervisor peskin next speaker, please. Caller hello. Can you hear me . Supervisor peskin yes, i can. Please proceed. Oh. This is trudy. Im calling from center city collaborative, part of the housing clinic. Thank you, supervisor peskin, to extend this legislation for another 90 days or more. One thing i do agree with all the speakers who spoke in front of me before me about the emphasis of testing and the outreach. One thing that i definitely felt that is terribly lacking and im hoping and willing to work with d. P. H. On it is like the reaching out to the communitybased organizations thats already working with tenants in various buildings. Because we bring the relationship, we bring the approach. So im hopingle this legislation will push d. P. H. To partner with many of us, so that we can make this legislation effective. Thank you very much. Supervisor peskin thank you. Next speaker. Yes, please go ahead. Hi. Madam clerk, im a staff person with chinatown c. D. C. I have a recorded testimony by a witness speaking in cantonese and i will be playing ard roing and then translating. This is a tenant who lives in the chinatown s. R. O. With the present outbreak. [speaking cantonese] [caller speaking cantonese] hello, im a chinatown s. R. O. Tenant. We are among the affected families in the pandemic. Recently my husband got the virus. At that time he developed a fever in the evening, after taking the pills and sweating all over his body. The fever got lowered. It was later that we found out that someone had been infected in our building. People in the building were not notified of this virus infection. Everyone was kept in the dark and so the virus spread to others. This was frightening because our household included grandparents and children. Thank you. Madam clerk, ill be submitting the written translated version of the entire statement for the record. Thank you. Supervisor peskin thank you. Any other members of the public who would like to testify on this item . Caller i would like to thank the last speaker for providing that testimony. And i find it unfortunate that we seem to have so few actual s. R. O. Residents speaking today. It seems very paternalistic to have these decisions made by people who, you know, dont actually live in s. R. O. S and, you know, some input from the people who are on various boards and stuff. So im wondering like, you know, was were s. R. O. Residents notified that this meeting was being held . And there arent any interpreters at the meeting, as far as i can tell. So the residents of s. R. O. S are very linguistically diverse. There should have been more outreach to s. R. O. Residents to get their input on these decisions, instead of the topdown manner. Supervisor peskin are there any other members of the public who would like to testify under Public Comment . Yes, hello. This is theresa with senior disability action. I so appreciate all of your work on this, supervisor peskin. I also hope it will not be diluted. I am also thinking of a resident in an s. R. O. That i visited and the issuing about that he had only recently come home from the hospital, is having an occupational therapist go in to visit him. And so when d. P. H. Talks about, you know, people, indeed, do come and go out of s. R. O. S, that may be the difference. However, it is the difference that makes it even more important for people to be tested. People are going out and working and getting their groceries, et cetera. So they may not know that they have been exposed and they need to know that. They need to protect themselves. And protect the people outside that they may encounter. So i just want to support this. Again he is a resident who could not speak today. And so i am speaking for him. Thank you very much. Supervisor peskin thank you. Are there any other members of the public who want to ite itemr 1 . Hi, yes. My name is freddie. Im with senior disability action as a housing organizer. And since covid broke out, i have been doing a lot of work with tenants that live in s. R. O. S and participating and facilitating several tenant groups and meetings within the community, within s. R. O. Working groups and collaboratives. And there is a fear of the emergency protections being through the somehow and i appreciate and im glad of the fact that that doesnt appear to be happening. And supportive of these protections that are in place will be reenacted fully. There is a fear amongst people that live in the s. R. O. S, that i have spoken with, that if they dont know that someone is infected, that they wouldnt be able to adequately protect themselves. So just one person getting it has the potential to affect so many people. Just, for example in the building im living in, its not an s. R. O. Building. It is partially subsidized. There was one tenant that was that came up positive and the entire building received notices on their doors. And for those that were nervous about being in just the hallways or the elevators, because we dont share public areas, other than the hallways and the lobby, there was several people that were able to get tested, because of that. Had they not known and been exposed, there potentially could have been many more cases. So it is important to fully reenact this and thank you for your support. Supervisor peskin thank you. Next speaker, please. Are there any more speakers . Mr. Chair, that completes the queue. Supervisor peskin all right. Public comment is closed. And to the speaker three speakers ago, let me say theres definitely a difference between dilution and delusion. Every once in a while we get speakers on the land use Committee Meetings that dont identify themselves and they dont have to. [ please stand by ] [roll call]. You have three ayes. Commissioner id like to make a motion to send the item as amended with recommendation as a Committee Report for a meeting with the bull board of supervisors tomorrow september 1. On that motion, madame clerk, roll call, please. [roll call]. Commissioner the motion is auto approved. Madame clerk call the next item. Clerk [reading item] members of the public who wish to comment call 14156550001 the meeting i. D. Is 146 466 4627 and press , and then a system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. When we get to Public Comment the system will indicate you have been unmuted. Commissioner id like to make a motion to continue this to september 14, 2020. Is there any Public Comment on that continuance . Clerk thank you, mr. Chair. Were check forg callers in the checking for callers in the queue. There are no callers in the queue. Commissioner Public Comment is closed and on that motion, madame clerk, a roll call, please. Clerk the motion as state. [roll call]. D. [roll call]. Commissioner the item is continued to september 14. Next item, please. Clerk the next is a conversion of certain limited restaurants to restaurants north beach neighborhood amending the planning code. For those wishing to provide Public Comment call 14156550001 and meeting i. D. 146 466 4627 and press pouve po pound to line up to speak. Commissioner this is a carefully crafted piece of legislation that will help up to a dozen defined in the code as limited restaurants in the corner of the city i represent that really in every way behave like full Service Restaurants but due to changes in the code that precede me that happened when i was off the board prohibited from applying for beer and wine licenses. And in short, it rendered uncompetitive before the pandemic and now is an imperative for them and these Small Businesses include outfits like family cafe, which is a chance cafe and the portofino, not the old one the fbi raid 20 years ago but a new one which is a new one on grand avenue. Masala which was originally i think in your district, supervisor peskin and may be the only west african restaurant in district 3. Essentially, we are addressing a glitch in the code that evolved from complications from not when i was on this board which in fact made Small Business regulations in some cases murkier and more complicated and in this particular instance pretty goofy. So i really want to thank the Planning Department staff and the Planning Commission for their unanimous recommendation of this ordinance and with that, i do have a series of, i believe, nonsubstantive amendments. First as to the short and long titles an amendment to clarify we are amending the special use district and on pages 4 and 5, im expanding eligibility by reducing the number of months a business must have been in operation from four to three months and page 5, lines 3 and 4 including businesses in operation in the eligibility window that have been in business a longer period of time, between november 1 and september and moving the conditional using requirement for liquor licenses and page 5 lines 11 and 14 moving the section 3 and removing the line that made supervisor safai happy that is over the counter relief for eligible businesses. This has streamline the process and my thanks to the City Attorney and my staff for the work on this and in fact, colleagues, if you have questions or comments id be attempt to answer them and if not we can go to Public Comment. It does make me happy and we did something very similar as you know in my district where the change of use was facilitated quickly. The times necessitated this and an appreciate your hard work on this. Supervisor safai and supervisor preston is nodding his head. Madame clerk do we have members of public who wish to comment on item 3. Ill check if theres callers in the queue. Arthur, let us know if there are callers ready. If you have not done so press 3 to line up to speak. You only need to do this one. Commissioner well go to Public Comment and then aaron starr in planning. Mr. Chair, there are no callers in the queue. Commissioner Public Comment is closed. Mr. Star. Planning commission heard this item last thursday and voted unanimously to approve it with modifications those applying and describe a prohibition on [indiscernible] in section of the ordnance do not place it in a codified ordinance language and the prohibition unlimited restaurants looking at former restaurant spaces and the north beach and north beach sud to allow the conversion of certain number of restaurants and increase the time from three months to six months and the application must be submitted to the Planning Department by the deadline and do not delete the provision from the code until at least one year after the Effective Date and to encourage the board to expand this program city wide through an amendment to the legislation ordinance. Thank you, supervisor peskin for considering these amendments. Im also available for questions. Thank you, mr. Starr. Commissioner this is an appropriate comment i want to make for myself and you that starting tomorrow we can get our haircut on the sidewalk. You dont think i should keep it . Looks great. I appreciate that. Colleagues, id like to move the amendment on that item. Madame clerk, roll call, please. [roll call]. Clerk you have three ayes. Commissioner id like to send this item to the full board with recommendation on that motion a roll call excuse me, if i may. Im sorry but the amendment is substantive. Commissioner never mind. Madame clerk, ill resend rescind that and continue it to the meeting september 14. On that motion roll call please. Clerk we dont need to rescind but i will take the roll call. [roll call]. Commissioner the motion has passed. We are adjourned. Main menu press star 3 to raise your hand. To access the help menu. Clerk [roll call] good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is the recreation and Park Commission meeting what is today august 20, 2020. Just a few notes, note that due to the coronavirus excuse me due to covid19, the Health Emergency and to protect the Board Members and the city employees, city hall is closed. However, this meeting is remotely at the same extent as if physically present. We ask listeners to turn down your televisions or computers while listening to the phone call. We ask for your patience and as we may experience some issues, we are working on a new phonein platform right now. Public comment will be available for each item on the agenda. And each speaker is allowed two minutes to speak. Comments or opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available by calling 1 408 4189388. And the access code is 146 709 9693. If theres an item on the agenda that you would to comment on, press star, 3, to be added to the queue to speak when the item is reached. You will be lined up in the system in the order that you dial star, 3. While awaiting, the system will be silent. And the system will notify when you are in line and waiting. All callers remain on mute until their line is open. Everyone, please, make sure to account for time delays during speaking, and coverage between streaming and live coverage sorry. Alternatively, you may submit the Public Comment in either of the ways, by emailing recpark. Commission sfgov. Org. If you submit Public Comment via email it will be included in the legislative file as part of the matter. Written comments may also be sent via u. S. Postal service to the San Francisco recreation and Park Commission at 501stanger street, San Francisco, 94177. And the meeting is recorded and it will be available to you later on sfgovtv. Org. Were now on the president s report. President buell thank you very much, a couple of pieces of communication that id like to pass on as compliments to the staff. First to read, i was leading a small group on a hike through Golden Gate Park today and my staff member sat on a Yellow Jacket nest and several campers were stung. This stuff happens and everyone was fine in the long run. The nest was likely new since we pass through this area often. Im not writing to complain in any way. What i wanted to reach out is about the response that i got from one of the park groundkeepers and gardeners. I flagged him down to explain what happened and i had no clue what to do to get them back. Without hesitation, the rec and park employee agreed to help and went and retrieved the backpack and some other items even though he appeared to get stung as well. He told me his name was m. Preston and i wanted to make sure for the fact that he went above and beyond and was acknowledged with his supervisor and boss so im advising his boss right now. To thank him on behalf of the commission. Secondly, and heres a second one, i must say that it has exceeded expectations. They have followed all of the Safety Standards and i trust my children with them during this time. The camp is organized, checkin and pickup are safe and seamless. I have never seen a staff member without a mask. The pods stay separated throughout the entire time. Cynthia is heavily involved with the success of the camp. I work out at qusar so i see her taking notes for each pod and checking in and ensuring that everything is organized and safe. What i am most thankful for is cynthias ability to lead by example and to connect with my nephew whose had recently come into a new environment. He comes from a traumatic background which causes him to have a lot of different challenges. Cynthia has taken the time to connect with him and guide him in a positive way. He looks forward to going to the camp every day. Lastly, the staff has done an amazing job really showing their care for the kids. Coach layman goes above and beyond and demonstrates his genuine love for my young nephew. Coach kevin has also worked really hard to create an environment where my nephew can succeed while learning the basics of his favorite sport. A huge shoutout to the entire qusar summer camp staff. I appreciate them immensely. Keep up the great work. So thank you again for for the staff that goes beyond the call of duty. With that that concludes my president ial report. Clerk now Public Comment. If theres anyone on the line and you would like to comment excuse me on the president s report, dial star, and then 3, to be added to the queue. All right, seeing no hands up we will close Public Comment. Were now on item 3, the general managers report. Thank you, stacy, and thank you, mr. President. I will pass on the remarks from your report. From my report, i wanted to start this morning on an update on dodolores park. And d dolores park is as busy as ever. And in the interest of Public Health and keeping our park open, our staff in partnership with the San Francisco Police Department, and the sheriffs department, and the public command center, and the joint Information Center and many other City Partners and community partners, theyve been out in the park for the past several weekends for outreach and educational reasons to maintain people to have proper social distancing and to wear masks. This past weekend our park rangers and other agencies reminded more than 10,000 people to wear masks and handed out nearly 4,000 masks. Our outreach efforts include social distancing circles, increased mask signage outside of all restrooms and bulletin boards. And park staff are monitoring the restrooms to ensure that the masks are worn. And Hand Sanitizer and mask stations and messaging on the lawns to wear a mask. And a big social media campaign. I want to thank the rangers who have really just done a remarkable job and our Public Affairs and outreach for all of the work theyre doing in this busy, crazy park to help to keep people safe. And i now weve all seen the countless viral videos of incidents happening across the nation that shows politically divisive rants during what is a very highly charged time in our history. Unfortunately, and i think that as commissioners most of you know, a similar incident happened at dolores park involving one of our employees. For background, they work on our highly successful Love Dolores Campaign that offers education and outreach within the park to inspire healthy and considerate park behavior. Precovid, their efforts had helped to reduce the litter in the park by nearly 73 since 2015. Since covid, andres led the efforts to encourage mask wearing and social distancing. And they were the subject of a womans rant against masks, signage and playground closures that in turn turned very personal against andres. A video of this interaction is shocking. The parks have to be sacred space where is were all equal and equally welcome. This is where we are safe to work, to rest or play. And places where we can invest in our own physical health and mental wellbeing, and places where we respect our neighbors fundamental instinct to do the same. As Public Servants weve all had our share o challenging interactions with the public from time to time, but no one has to endure the indignities that was faced the other day. Without question, andres has the full unwavering support of this department and we stand in solidarity against bigotry and hatred. We are also in contact with the Police Department and the City Attorneys office on this matter. Im so sorry that this happened to andres doing a job that i know that they care about in a park that i know that they love. Im proud they didnt run from hate, but instead confronted it like they confront everything that comes their way in crazy dolores park, with grace. Moving on, as if a pandemic and a racist rant werent enough, i want to provide an update on the fires around the bay area and the impact on air quality in San Francisco and our parks. In conjunction with the current east wave and the fires in and surrounding the bay area, the air quality in San Francisco has declined to levels that are unhealthy. Hopefully this will pass in just a day or two. In the meantime, we are reminding staff of the requirements that our outdoor environment and safe practice, as they pertain to the heat and the smoke. And we have included those steps needed to continue to comply with covid19 requirements to ensure that our staff are safe. More updates to come if this air quality issue continues. And i want to provide an update on emergency child and youth care in the Community Learning hub, Something Else that has gotten a lot of attention of late. In late july, mayor breed announced that rec and park, in partnership with the communitybased agencies and other city departments, will implement the Community Learning hubs. A citywide neighborhood bay strategy to support the children, youth and families during this time. The hubs will provide support for students in grades k6, who are utilizing the sfpd Distance Learning curriculum. And not just prioritize, but its designed for children and youth with the highest need in our city. The registration kicks off on monday, august 24th on the dcyf website. They are working with Human Services agency, school principals, to identify our highest need students based on several criteria. And the program will begin september 14th. It is by invitation. Eight of our own sites are designated as Community Learning hubs. And it will provide approximately 300 slots for highneed students. Those sites are the rec center and the Eureka Health center and joe lee rec center, and minni lovely ward, and the tenderloin. In addition, your department will be continuing to provide emergency child and youth care for families of Health Care Workers and activated Disaster Service workers at five additional sites, beginning august 31st. There are approximately 200 Slots Available in this program. And our staff is actively working with this program, and most of all ready for the fall. We went back to the families that were participating in this program in the spring and are still eligible for it. And those sites are the glen park Recreation Center, the Hamilton Recreation Center and the patrero Recreation Center and the sunset Recreation Center. This will be the vast majority of the programming that we will be providing in the fall. I cannot emphasize enough just how proud you should be of the recreation and park Department Staff during this response. From our recreation staff to our custodial workers to our structural manslaughter staff md to our Park Maintenance staff, you know, every single Frontline Worker in our department has had a hand in the citys response to covid. And it is worth noting that our recreation staff now going on six months has come to work, has showed up every single day to care for our citys children. They have been selfless and they have been completely mission aligned. They have been caring and compassionate. President buell as you alluded to about the summer camp, they have been absolutely wonderful. I want to provide an update on exciting developments at indian basin. The india basin project team and this is also a partially a Covid Response strategy, is working to have a semioutdoor tech hub to provide highspeed connectivity and the access to devices as needed, user support and technology training. The tech hub will be set up in the parking lot at indian basin shoreline park. And Public Health protocols are put in place and improved as part of the hubs permit to operate. The plan is to have Internet Access starting in late august or early september, to prepare for the resumption of schools and to grow the program over time. The current plan is to operate wifi and to offer loaner devices at the tech hub from 11 00 a. M. To 5 00 p. M. On mondayfriday, with two or three on hand to help with usage. Approximately 30 laptops and tablets have been secured. Users with their own devices would also be able to access wifi from inside of their vehicles. We hope to grow this program as philanthropy and other resources permit. This ties into the philosophy behind the Community Learning hubs, but, actually, there was a decision to stand this up prior to the Community Hub development that grew out of our Planning Efforts with our Equitable Development plan leadership committee, facilitated by jackie, and apri, and several members of our team as an immediate need for this neighborhood. As we all know, and we are experiencing this very second, technology is simply critical to move on with our lives, whether were a student, or an adult looking for work or trying to stay connected to relatives. And this Equitable Development Plan Initiative is designed to strengthen the existing community in the bayview and the indan basin neighborhood, to ensure they will have the ability to you know, robustly function, notwithstanding the covid restraints that we all face. I want to provide a quick budget update. Yesterday the Appropriations Committee heard for the second time the recreation and Park Departments proposed fiscal year 20202022021 budgets. It t totaled 626,000. In 2021, and 294,000 in 20212022. And theductions were temp Salary Reductions and additional supplies reductions and some reductions to our vehicle budget. In 20212022, they impact our temp salary and attrition targets and some Additional Savings in materials and supplies. We worked well with the boards analysts and we do not believe that this will adversely impact the departments ability to provide services to our parks and for our park users. The departments budget had has critical funding to provide staffing at these Community Learning hubs we just discussed. The emergency child the continuation of our emergency child and youth program, covid19 Adaptive Strategies for Park Maintenance, enhanced cleaning and disinfection, and the ranger social distancing and mask education and distribution program. And provide funding for our scholarship assistance for youth in public housing, shelters and foster care. The budget and Appropriations Committee will complete the deliberations on the budget on august 26th. A full board is expected to pass the budget on september 29th and the mayor is expected to sign the budget on october 1s october 1st. I want to thank our entire budget finance, h. R. And Business Team as well as our Property Management, Public Affairs and operation teams for their incredible work on this challenging budget cycle. Related to Community Learning hubs, but broader, the San Francisco department of Public Health issued a new directive last friday, august 14th, regarding allowable use activities. The new order categorizes these activities as outside of school time programs. And they are intended for all children and youth in elementary school. The format of oesp programs are small cohorts of 20, similar to summer camp hubs. Our fields and parks and some indoor spaces are available for this use. If the groups are interested in providing outofschool programs in our spark spaces, visit our website at sfgovpark. Org, to a link for an application. No outside lands this year but on august 28th and 29th there will be inside lands. Outside lands is proud to present inside lands, a free virtual festival, featuring two days of music and neverbeforeseen footage to celebrate the past 12 years of the festivals history. On august 28th and 29th, at 4 00 p. M. , anyone can log on for iconic archival sets, exclusive Live Performances and interviews with artists, plus features with the festival curators and the Small Businesses and community that make outside lands truly one of a kind. Followthetwitch. Tv outsidelands c followthetwitch. Tv outsidelandsc hannel, for everything inside lands. We will see you all inside. Lastly, a special kudos and recap of the pga championship. The pga championship at harding park concluded in an historic way last weekend as one of the most broadcasted sporting events in history with more than one billion with a b billion viewers. The eyes of the sports world were on San Francisco, and on t. P. C. Harding park and its pristine greens. Thats a cal berkeley alum and used a bit of homefield advantage to dominate the final two rounds and to win his very first pga championship. You just grew alans head, thank you so much for that. I want to thank all of our staff who made this tournament an incredible success. Lets be honest, it wasnt the pga championship that we had hoped or planned for, but when you talk about resilience and making the best making lemonade from lemons, we did that. Our teams work represented San Francisco and our department to the entire world. A special thanks again to kevin teehan, and the entire golf and turf team, dana ketcham and the Property Management team, and our urban forestry team, and the treetoppers and commissioner buell had noted, the canopy was outstanding. To our good friends who help us to host the t. C. Harding park, tom smith, who actually had a dream come true and was able to play in two rounds as a marker, because there were an odd number of people that made the cut. And to our Public Affairs team, to commissioner buell for your leadership and excellent Public Relations and the days and the weeks and months leading up to the event. To commissioner mazzola for being out there and cheering on and rallying our hardworking crew. This was a big success. And it was just such a pleasure to have something to cheer for for a change and something to be proud about our city. And that concludes the general managers report. And im sorry and im sorry for the echo. I will figure that out. Clerk okay, if theres anyone on the line, and would like to comment on the general managers report, please dial star, 3. It doesnt look like we have any takers. So the Public Comment is closed on the general managers report. Item 4 is general Public Comment. This is up to 15 minutes. At this time the members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission and that do not appear on todays agenda. With respect to agenda items you will have an opportunity to address the commission when that item is reached in the meeting. Again, if youre on the line and you just have general Public Comments, please dial, star, and then 3. Caller hi there, this is adam loto. And i put my hand up in the comments for Public Comment. My apologies, this is my first time so i dont know if this is the perfect time for this. But i wanted to put a concept in front of the council. Im a local resident in marina. I have lived in San Francisco for 11 years. With the public hesitant to go indoors and to use gyms for fitness, i think that theres an opportunity for the parks and Recreation Team to expand the offering and to add value to the public for fitness and activities. And as an idea, id like to propose what concept im tentatively calling chestnuts sports club, to explore using the musconi park in the marina and expanded fitness space and leveraging the area near the basketball and the Tennis Courts that are a little dilapidated right now, for a concept of, say, an upgraded turf workout area and updated golf facilities. To fund this could be a kind of private public venture and a Neighborhood Partnership that would ask and advertise for residents to donate something feasible around 5 a month to become an air quote, a member, which would be a badge of honor. Plus cool merchandise in which i could help to develop. And all sales would go towards maintenance of the space. This could be a pinpointed test to something that could be rolled out more to parks, considering the impact of fitness activities that covid has had at our indoor spaces. And acknowledging the challenge by updating underutilized space in parks. Ill take that comment offline. President buell thank you. Clerk thank you. Next caller. President buell hello . Caller hello, sfgovtv. Hi, i am cliff barter. And im calling in to thank you all for the continued street openings on the great highway on j. F. K. Drive and at twin peaks. Theyre all really phenomenal outdoor spaces. And ive been lucky to continue to enjoy them through the shelterinplace. I wanted to note in particular that Golden Gate Park was noticeably cooler this weekend than most of the city in this unprecedented heat wave. And i think that it was really useful to the people of San Francisco to have that much more usable space in the park provided by j. F. K. Being open. And i also just want to note that i was glad to see the changes made to accommodate the muni 44 bus route. I think that the smal smart strt markings there to redirect the bus is also a great change to keep more of this street open while letting traffic flow. President buell thank you. Clerk seeing no other callers on the line, excuse me, Public Comment is closed and were on item 5, the consent calendar. President buell any questions or comments from staff . We can get Public Comment . Clerk yeah. Again, if anyone is in the public line and would like to comment on item 5, the consent calendar, please dial, star, and then 3. President buell are you on mute, stacy . Clerk caught myself. Yes. Public comment is closed. President buell thank you. Chair would entertain a motion to approve the consent calendar. So moved. President buell is there a second . Second. President buell moved and seconded. All those in favor . Thank you very much. Clerk all right, were on item 6, the San Francisco zoo. Stacy . Clerk yes . I wanted to let you know that i made it in. Clerk youre good. Hello, this is tonya peterson, the director of the San Francisco zoo. Can you hear me, stacy . Clerk good morning, tonya. Well, im pleased to report that the zoo is now open. It opened in a limited fashion on monday, july 13th. We did so while also running our child care and zoo camp programs, which have now concluded on friday august 14th. Of course, our camp programs were run differently this summer, per the Public Health officer. We converted them from one week to three weeks. We did require the temperature checks of the participants and the family members and instructors, face coverings were also required unless an exemption proven and we did employ twice as many staff to just make sure that we were complying with all of these requirements. Unfortunately, due to the change mainly from one week to three weeks, we had about a 50 refund request from parents. Many parents did not feel comfortable obliging for the three weeks, but those who did i think were very pleased and a lot of the participants who did come to the zoo this summer were children of essential workers. So we were pleased that we could host them. And now that the camps have finished, or we have begun working with the Health Officer to increase our attendance safely, we limited our attendance to about 1,500, to 2,000 people a day, while the camps were running, so that a third of the zoo could be saved for the children. And there was really no mixing of the public with the zoo camp programs. But now well take advantage of opening up those spaces and those entries and exits for new visitors. On some good news, we have six penguin chicks, so if you do get a chance to come to the zoo we ask that you use the Online System so you come in at a reserved time. We can limit congestion at the front gate. But i suggest that you go back right to the penguin chicks and see these six fluffy chicks. They just graduated from fish school. And because of the way their feathers are, they are right now larger and the parents and them are just adorable. So its great to have some highlights during these difficult challenging times. And, lastly, i just want to thank all of the visitors and the members who have just an outpouring of love for the passing of our male giraffe, lloyd. He, sadly, died on july 24th. He was our oldest and tallest giraffe. He was 18 years old and 16 feet tall. He was a reticulated giraffe that is at risk but not the highly endangered category. It is the giraffe most commonly bred at zoos. He produced 11 offspring and had 24 grandchildren and five greatgrand kids. He was the first and the tallest giraffe that youd see in our african program, and he is missed by all of us. President buell thank you very much. Clerk were on Public Comment for the San Francisco zoo. And if youre on the phone line and you would like to comment please dial star, 3. No . Seeing no one on the line, Public Comment is closed. We are now on item 7, letsplaysf . Hello, commissioners. Im lisa bransten. Director of the partnerships for the recreation and parks department. And im here virtually with the Deputy Director of the Capital Division to provide an update on letsplaysf initiative. And let me move some things on my screen. So very briefly, as you will recall, letsplaysf has its origins in the 2012 clean and safe neighborhoods parks fund, which allocated 15. 5 million to renovate playgrounds across the city. But didnt specify which ones. And then this commission convened a task force to select the site and when they prioritized 13 pra 13 playgrounn lowincome neighborhoods dense with children. That was more than twice the number that could be renovated with the 15. 5 million, so the department partnered with the San Francisco Parks Alliance to raise private funds so that all 13 could be renovated. Were pleased to report tremendous pg towards the goal of bringing new playgrounds to San Franciscos children. But especially the 20,000 children who live a 10minute walk of these sites. And next slide, please. I have noted by the checks on this map that we have completed seven playgrounds across the city. Of course, they all remain closed with all San Franciscos playgrounds because of the Health Emergency. You will hear more details from cara in a moment. But in addition to these seven completed playgrounds, we just finished construction on one site and about to go into construction in another and were in some phase of planning or design on all of the remaining four. And then just as a reminder, the heart of this initiative is balanced on three pillars of community, creativity and wellness. The Detailed Research that shows the beautiful public Spaces Designed with Community Engagement to inspire the community. The idea that play helps to nurture growing brains and the knowledge of getting kids outside and moving creates mental and physical wellbeing. Through these pillars we honor the combined commitment of the Parks Alliance to 20,000 children, 13 playgrounds and equity. And while the benefits of great new playgrounds make a lot of common sense, were backing these assumptions with data. At Washington Square playground, there was a 97 increase in total use after the renovation. And a nearly 600person increase of use by children. So we know that these renovations cause more people to use these sites. Today weve only been able to do the comparison study at Washington Square because the play grounds remain closed. But we did have prerenovation measurements at all seven completed playgrounds and well take counts when the sites reopen. And then a little bit about the covid impact. Aside from just keeping the playgrounds closed, the Health Emergency has had other impacts on the initiative. In march, some of the construction projecthave to pause, but they were declared essential public work and work was able to resume with health and safety protocols. Open sites remain closed now with play structures wrapped, but they do stand ready for San Franciscos children. And now im going to turn it over to cara who is going to take you on a bit of a virtual tour of some of these new sites. Great, thank you, lisa, and good morning commissioners. Im the program lead to letsplaysf initiative and the departments Capital Division. As lisa mentioned we have made a lot of progress since we saw you last and we have a lot to share with you today. So ill go ahead and dive right in and give you a tour of all of our work so far. First up, theres projects that were completed last fall and open to the public in november, we havent had a chance to share photos with you until now. So what ill do is start the slides and take you into a picture of what it looked like before the renovation. So here at panhandle playground is our before photo. A largely inaccessible playground with lead. And heres our after photo. The playground renovation was so popular that people were visiting from all over San Francisco. This happens to also be my neighborhood playground so i have visited many, many times with my two Young Children before the health order closed it. Its been an incredible space and a true hub for the neighborhood families. And the next playground on the tour is Sergeant John Mccauley Park in the tenderloin. This project was completed earlier this summer and here is our before photo. And heres our after shot. Its main feature is this red bridge and boat play structure. Its designed to be reminiscent of a james jump boat. It has a natural play slope and multiple artworks with murals by the artists finch and mosaics, and a gateway arch by artist mark metz. And the planting includes beautiful flowering and pollinating shrubs, and hence the butterfly theme on the mosaic. And next were going to move down to the Southwest Corner of the city where we have mercet heights playground. Heres our before shot of a lot of c. C. A. Lead. And our after shot today the playground was completely transformed. And now it features a surprisingly tall tower structure with amazing views of the ocean. The department wases able to combine with improvements to the athletic courts and the site entries and the clubhouse. The lower level of the park is also in the planning phases for an upcoming renovation as well. We are thrilled that our playground project takes in the transformation at this park. Not too far away is allischalmers playground in the southwest of the city. This park was the lowest rated park in the entire city in 2016 and a transformation here is also incredibly wonderful. We had the circumstance of multiple Funding Sources converging at the same time to provide what is a full property renovation. The various projects included the playground and fencing renewals and Athletic Field renewals and a tent and a project within the clubhouse itself. And next off in the southern edge of the city is mcclaren park. I think this is the saddest before photo of the entire initiative. The playground here was completely removed from years ago because of its unsafe status. And here it is today. This project build off the program from the 2012 bond and the playground renovation has recreated a hub in this amazing park. Also renovating the adjacent picnic areas and the pathways and the large field next to the playground. The playground was relocated to take advantage of the hillside between the two picnic areas, opening up the field below it and capturing the city views from this new spot. The project was planned simultaneously to the new restroom located here which is part of the 2012 bond program. And that project is just finishing up with utility connections now. And the signage at this park was changed for the communitys desire to refer to this entire geographic zone of mcclaren park as a Redwood Grove area rather than a group picnic area. Next up is westportal playground, the first ever of the projects to complete. Heres our before shot. And we were able to jumpstart on this project thanks to a Significant Community Opportunity Fund grant from the 2012 fund program and the community doing an Engagement Process and concept planning before the initiative began. Here it is today. This was a complicated site located above a significant command center for the sfmta. And the project included all new waterproofing over their controls room. And they repaired multiple leaks from years gone by. And the project also involved the nature exploration area along the edge of the imrases field, an element highly desired by the Community Members and it was funded by a state grant eventually. And you will notice a picture here of the sun dial. It included to remove and relocating the old granite sun dial base. Coincidentally, the local Historical Group was trying to track down a sun dial and it turns out that the sheet metal shop has redone the sun dial. And in addition as a monument, its a nice scenic element at this site. And finally we have started construction at jerry commons. The work began about one month ago now. As part of the demolition phase we have hav another area with t. And this initiative schedule is shared with you multiple times now and that red bar is where we are today. We are about to Start Construction on our next playground, golden gate heights. And to proceed with the contractor and the Public Notices are being printed now to let the neighbors know that construction will begin soon. After those we have a former playgrounds that are being worked on right now. One is in the design phase, developed simultaneously with the entire surrounding block that it sits in. And the fitz playground is expected to be soon for approval of the concept plan. And Richmond Playground had a final meeting last week, and the site plan presented to the neighbors and we look forward to presenting that to you very soon. And finally another playground started in late 2019. We gathered a lot of background documents and have internal planning needs at that time. And the Community Engagement was slated to begin in the spring but weve had to delay its start due to covid. We hope to begin in earnest very soon and utilizing our new outreach strategies. And with that, i will pass it back to lisa for a few more items. Sorry, i had to hit unmute. Thank you, cara, i loved that tour. And then just to close with the financial update. You will see in the next slide that the biggest change to letsplaysf is the happy news that we have lowered the overall budget by about 1. 5 million to 35. 7 million because several of the completed sites did end up coming in under budget. So given those savings, weve also reduced the private fundraising targets to 13. 3 million from 14. 5 million. And despite the reduction, we still believe that this number is pretty conservative because we have kept some financial cushion in and we do have a healthy reserve to handle unexpected issues for the remaining construction projects. And any unused money at the end of the initiative would go to playground maintenance. So we have lowered the Campaign Goal to 13. 3 million, which leaves us with just 2 million left to go in the Fundraising Campaign and were in a final push to complete that fundraising in the next several months. And, of course, one of the tools that we user the donor recognition blocks which have now started to be installed in all of the playgrounds. Theyre the blocks that the Commission Approved as we launched the initiative. And theyre really lovely celebrations of the donors and they also tell the story of how letsplaysf came to be a Partnership Project with between the builders and the generous donors who have come together to build all of these playgrounds for parents and children. With that well close our presentation and say thank you very much for your interest and were happy to take any questions. President buell thank you very much. Clerk we are now on Public Comment for item 7, letsplaysf . If theres anyone on the line that would like to comment on this item, please dial star, 3. Hello, caller, please state your name. Caller hi. I apologize. I wanted to call in support of the bayview park renovation. Is this the right time . Clerk no. But stay on the line and listen for item 12 and you can give comment then under general Public Comment, okay . Caller thank you very much. Clerk youre welcome. Hello, caller, please state your name. Caller edna james of San Francisco mersie mercier heights playground. I wondered the completion of the bathrooms making them a. D. A. Accessible. Hello . Clerk well have someone answer in just a moment. Hold on for just a moment. Anything else to comment on . Caller no, i will wait until you get to item 10. Clerk okay. Thank you. Stacy, dan here, if i could respond if appropriate. Clerk we can wait until we get to item 10, dan. Perfect. Clerk all right. Seeing no other callers on the line, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners . Chair clerk im sorry. If you have any comments, you can make them now. This is a discussion only so theres no i thought that it was a very good presentation. I think that the whole program of letsplaysf has come a long way. And the Public Private partnership has been terrific. And its really encouraging to see from the beginning toward i think that were getting toward the end to see the continuity and the cooperation and my compliments to all of the staff. I would like to comment as well if i can. President buell go ahead, commissioner. Thank you very much. And having been on the task force, im so excited to see as commissioner buell noted the continuing progress that lisa and cara and the team have been amazing, both on the Property Management side and also in partnership with the Parks Alliance. And just a footnote, i note that i remember the conversation around the mcclaren park project in particular because the picture of the before state was so bad that i wasnt interested in investing in it. We were going to move on because it was just that bad. So im excited to see that we did identify it as a site. And the after picture is just fantastic. So, again, thanks to the team for all of your great leadership on this project. President buell thank you, commissioner. Anyone else . Clerk no one else has raised their hand. President buell seeing no other comments, that was discussion only. Lets move on. Clerk item 8, the geneva car barn and powerhouse phase 1 project. Melinda, youre muted. Good morning, commissioners, melinda sullivan, rec and Park Department project manager. Pardon the headphones, i have been hiding from the 1yearold since march in our second bedroom. The item before you today is the discussion and the possible action to amend the construction contract with roebuck Construction Incorporated for the geneva car barn and powerhouse phase one 1, to bring the total to 9,179,030, which is greater than 10 over the original approved contract amount of 8,267,300. The goals of this are to inspire play and to inspire investment. This project, the powerhouse phase 1, is an old muni railway barn. Its an Historic Site both locally and nationally. A group of Community Members came together to save the building and this group became the friends of the car barn and powerhouse. Rec and park acquired the building in 2004 at which point a stabilization project for the building was completed. In 2010 it was listed on the national register. And also in 2010, an Architecture Firm called adman darling design was chosen to be the architect to design a thoughtful adaptive reuse for the building. Since that time, 10 years ago, rec and park has been working with adlan darling design, and the Preservation Office and the community to have a plan for the revitalized structure. So what will be happening in this space . Arts programming will be provided by our subtenant performing arts workshop, a Nonprofit Program and provider. Theyve been working with underserved youth in San Francisco for over 40 years. Theyll also provide performing arts programming for toddlers and adults and seniors and families and partner with other neighborhoodbased organizations to provide visual arts programming. The rec and Park Department is also partnering with the Community Art stabilization trust, otherwise known as cast, to provide Capital Funding to the project and to enable the utilization of the new market and Historic Preservation tax credits. This space will serve as a Community Meeting place and it can be rented for shortterm events such as rehearsals and performances and weddings and other special events. The phase 1 includes a renovation of the powerhouse portion of the building, as well as its surrounding site improvements. Phase 2, for which funding is still to be identified, will include the renovation of the large adjacent Office Building as well as some additional improvements to the powerhouse. Project was advertised for construction in october 2017. And it began construction apri april 2018. The project reached the potential completion in midapril 2020. And im happy to report that we are very close to final completion. The project is fully funded and this is not a request for Additional Funds. The request seeks the authorization to spend these funds only in exceedance of 10 , and i want to point out that there were three fairly significant change orders early on in the construction. Installation of a modular restroom and added sidewalk on san jose avenue, and the addition of a tenant Improvement Office space. The modular restroom was done as a change order as opposed to base award because the project manager at the time believed that this restroom could be acquired outside of the construction contract but then had to add it to the construction contract. And the office space is added because at the time that it was finalized we did not have our tenant finalized and so we realized that it would be a value to have a dedicated office space, as well as a space that was enclosed to serve as a green room or dressing room for events and such. So in addition to these three large change orders theres been many other much smaller change orders negotiated back and forth between the contractor, the project manager and the construction manager. And we almost made it except we we realized that we it would be very difficult for our structural maintenance yard to replace, repair, patch, some of the gutter work, not on the powerhouse, but on the adjacent Office Building. I have been in touch with our yard superintendent and our operations staff to confirm that, in fact, they did not have the resources to complete this work at this time. The contractor was willing and able to engage with the subcontractor and to put up scaffolding to complete this work which will prevent water from leaking down on to the san jose frontage and over the bike rack. And it will also help to minimize any wind disturbance to guttering flying about. And as i mentioned we are nearing final completion. Weve already worked on our legal agreements to allow the tenant to start moving in, and theyre doing so. And the cla collaboration has bn working valley smoothly, and were in touch every week. I also want to mention that we are we are in touch with supervisor safais office and the general public and we still hope to do some kind of event once we have the updated information from the Public Health officer. This concludes my report. Im happy to answer any questions. President buell thank you very much. Any questions from commissioners . Yes, commissioner mazzola. Commissioner mazzola yeah, so on the modular bathroom, melinda, did is that in already . Or is that what is the status of that . That is, commissioner mazzola. Yes, sorry, i should have mentioned. That was one of the earliest change orders that was done a long time ago, early in the project. I just mentioned that because that consumed some portion of that 10 change order allowance. Commissioner mazzola okay. So, you know, i may have made this speech before when this came up, but ill do it again. Any modular Housing Construction is a job killer and its a job loser in San Francisco. And shipping away jobs should be against the citys values and park and recs values. And doing business with entities that exploit workers that are building this modular housing and not paying area standard wages should also be against the citys values. So, you know, the more we ship out, the less local residents work on these projects and the less opportunities for residents to get in the Union Apprenticeship programs diminishes. So im against the whole modular housing thing and i know that its in already but because theres modular housing included in this, i will vote no today. And i wanted everyone to know that. please stand by . The modular and that is not even the appropriate word. It is a temporary restroom so that the public can have access to because space is extremely constrained and there is otoan a. D. A. Accessible restroom in the powerhouse and this was an environment for the entire project. When funds are raised and there is a Development Plan for the car barn which is the larger of the two spaces, it will, of course, include full restroom access that will be constructed. Thank you. Any other commissioners comments . Lets open it up for Public Comment. Actually, we do have comments from supervisor safais office is on the line and she would like to comment. Please do. A thank you. Thank you, stacy, general manager, and commissioner. We definitely hear your concern and this is only a temporary solution until we get the full building renovate and completed which the community is very excited about. We were able to tour the space a couple of months ago and it is beautiful. It is such an asset to the community and a real testament about the worth and is excited to welcome to the powerhouse its been a cornerstone in our community for a long time and to preserve this building and to make it functional for residents and for our families in district 11. As stated before, that melinda is a, this will be the primary art hub for the 11th families and we have a wonderful partner who will be activating that space and moving in shortly. And they are engaging in, pending restrictions being lifted, and it has the largest population of Public School children in our city. We are near the finish line and this Additional Fund willing help us realize this Important Community asset. We encourage you all to help support the minor budget increase to cross the finish line and allow for project completion. We thank you, all, for your support and i am also here for any other questions if needed. Thank you very much. Thank you, monica. We are now in Public Comment. This is item 8 the geneva car barn and powerhouse. If there is anyone on the line who would like to comment, please dial star 3. Seeing no Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. A president , commissioner, any questions . A seeing none, the chair could entertain a motion. So moved. An its been moved and thank you, gloria. Moved and seconded. All those in favor . So moved. Thank you very much. So noted. Thank you, larry and thank you, melinda. Okay. We are now on item 9, Golden Gate Park Tennis Center. Good morning, commissioners. I am trying to pull things up on all my screens. We are here to talk about an agenda item which is a discussion and possible action to modify certain provisions, including with respect to rent, operating hours, and summer schedule, of the proposed agreement with lifetime tennis for the operation of the Golden Gate Park Tennis Center due to the impact of covid19. I do have a power point i am going to try and share if possible. It takes up the entire screen when i share it, but hopefully this will work. Does everybody see a power point . An i do. Okay. Perfect. So let me get started. We are proposing to modify a couple of provisions due to covid19 which i am going to describe. These modifications do not change our goals with respect to the Tennis Center which is to have a manager in charge of the daily operations and to have accessible and affordable tennis for children, youth, and adults and to have a welcoming atmosphere. A reminder and background in november of 2019, the commission authorized the department to enter into an operating agreement with lifetime tennis for eight years. One of the reasons lifetime was selected as the operator was its great experience as i will show you on the next slide. They operated in a number of sites and that great experience is wonderful looking forward but its had a very there are other operations that have been adversely affected by covid. Since march of 2020, lifetime has had to suspend operations for 65 days at five facilities due to the various county health alert. While they have been able to start virtually in most places they are limited to single tennis and group play and camps that are big revenue generators are very limited. Since late may they have been operating at 35 and late may is when they reopened and revenue levelled. And lifetime is an organization that has employees and takes great pride in taking care of the employees and in order to continue and cover light expenses, lifetime was required to spend a considerable amount of the working capital that was planned to cover the startup costs at golden gate Tennis Center. They knew operations would take a while to gear up and lose money initially and also had significant investments to get up and going. In addition to the impact on the operations, we are continuing to see impact here in San Francisco. Tennis is Still Limited to only two people and in much of the same house hold and no other tenements or group play. The restrictions we expect tennis to open in the late fall and will severely limit lifetimes revenue sources. Lifetime came to us a couple of months ago and said they no longer had the Fund Available to fund the startup costs due to the impact of covid19. We have worked with them over the last few months to come to you with changes to the agreement which they will allow them to move forward as the operator which i am about to drien. Which i am about to describe. The first change is the hour of operations. Originally 7 00 a. M. To 10 00 p. M. Sunday through saturday. They were always concerned about that early of a start in terms of actual demand and then with covid even more so. The proposed no hours are 8 30 to 9 00 p. M. And allows them to staff more efficiently, too, monday through friday at 8 30 a. M. To 6 00 p. M. On saturday and sunday for year one of operations. Also, reminder they will be starting operations in the winter. If there is, demand, of course, well look to open it up more. Year two will go back to the original hours subject to adjustment after the review of the usage which was part of the original agreement. The biggest one is rent. Originally they were going to be paying each year the higher percentage rent or 5 of gross receipts. And 5 of gross receipts or a base rent. The base rent for the first year was 45,000. We never expected it or the 5 to hit it, and the second year was 50,000. What we are agreeing is to waive all rent for the first year. And that way that 45,000 was due before they even started so were waiving that up front cost. And to z year two we are waiving the base rent. They will bay a base present unless the operations are limited to covid19 restrictions and the general manager will have the right to waive that percentage rent for year two. Obviously we prefer not to do this. This money was going into the Maintenance Fund to maintain the courts long term but we have to make compromises for the latest financial situation and we believe this is the appropriate operation to take. Another change with originally a shared summer schedule where the departments own summer camp will run certain weeks and lifetimes will run after the departments. We are proposing for 2021 and 2022 that they would have the entire summer to programs to help them financially. We will offer our summer programs at other sites like we did this year in summer 2023. But i want to emphasize this does not impact at all the tlc programs serving understood serving and middle school kids. They will have the same access they would have during the summer and the school year. The Security System they were required to install with the Tennis Coalition is picking up the cost of the installation. Dana gills has worked really close with us to come up with a plan and his team and staff continue to be part of the operation. We have been working in the bay area since 1993. That is my update. Thank you. Thank you. If you would like to comment, dial star and then 3. Hello, caller. Please state your name. Calle calle caller lois go ahead. Please go ahead with your comments. Caller im sorry . Thank you. Sorry. The transmission is delayed and confusing. Thank you. Good morning, commissioners. Good morning, general managers. I am a tennis player, not a golfer and want to offer my congratulations to the splendid pga championship and so much National Attention to the outstanding Sports Facility and we as a Tennis Coalition recognize that harding did not earn that overnight and we fully expect in the coming years that the lisa and Douglas Goldman Tennis Center will become yet another jewel in San Franciscos crown of public sport. It is coming alive at a stuningly rapid rate if you have been to the site, but as the magnificent facility emerges, it is equally important that every day is run well and on all cylinders. As you heard from dana, several we collaborated to find outstanding probational operator and were fortunate to have lifetime tennis succeed and that for months tennis has been shut down throughout the bay area and now that it is back, it is back at a limited capacity. Very few events and delayed high school seasons. And lifetime was hit hard and has been greatly restricted in the capacity. Given the circumstances, it would have been quite understandable and is not the time there to express the appreciation and praise to dana and r. P. D. And starting up there to be viable. And that is with the short term and lockterm success. And this tennis senter will become one of the finest urban Tennis Centers in the country thank you. Thank you so much. All all he low, caller. State your name. This is dana gill, c. E. O. Of lifetime activities. Go ahead. Thank you. Good morning. And general manager ginsburg and director kechum. Like so many other businesses the past five months has been a challenging time for our organization. However, were extremely proud with the tenure and the strength of character and to as allowed and this also includes a tennis director and the general manager. Currently employed at the manager and to the opening of Golden Gate Park with the heartfelt thanks and the members of the general public. And individually and me and my team and during the months that is usually business as usual. And in dealing with the daytoday operations and while new to this community that is no surprise the reputation and the beacon of hope this Tennis Center has become. If you motivated us ourselves and with the grand opening and greatly appreciate your consideration today. Caller, please state your name and a reminder you have two minutes. Caller good morning, everybody. This is julie and i am the executive director of the Tennis Coalition. Thank you, all, for having us today. We appreciate the opportunity to support the changes in the lease agreement. And to piggyback on what lois was saying this, project has been hit hard in many aspects with building delays and glass manufacturers shutting down for months in the midwest to subcontractors suffering through major losses. Like any great tennis team, we have been able to quickly implement a new time and find the way to cover the building in plywood and plastic so work could continue indoors and the project manager and got pg e out weeks earlier than expected and we will be delayed yet but are very excited to open this year. With so much unknown about the opening of the facility, we feel it is best position to have office furniture, computers, can Security System and teaching and court maintenance tools. And to lighten the load for the lifetime in the first phase is a critical component of that success. And we would love to see longer operating hours and lifetime would, too, and we will have to wait and see how covid plays out. Our crystal ball forecast says we will have within several months opening as the incredible pentup demand. I am a double player and havent been on the court in months. Lets hope so. It will be a bit of a lockky road ahead and what we look forward with some uncertainty and one thing has remained constant with the right people, anything is possible. So thank you, all, for being part of the team and we really appreciate the time today. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you, julie. Seeing no other callers on the line, Public Comment is closed. A commissioners commissioner lo hah his hand up. The first question is what are the thoughts behind waiving the percentage . It was a negotiating point but the issue is when you look at the numbers to lose money during the entire operation and giving percentage rent on top of it makes him lose more which is why we pushed hard to make the percentage rent to stay in place starting year two. Year one is expected to go extremely slowly. Second question is probably a broader question. This is the first lease modification coming before the commission. I imagine or expect theres going to be many more rent relief requests coming before us. Why is this one coming first . And are we going to see more in the pipeline . So what there was a directive that came out from the city administrator that we followed and we have been waiving rent for any entity thats been shut down. We have for entities that are open we have been waiving mag and just collecting percentage rent. We are waiting for some action coming out through the board of supervisors as well with the longer term leases that has been in place. And we were expecting to come out and for many of the leases we have the ability to waive these provisions because of the nature of the agreement. Here we were about to sign a new agreement. And so we felt we had to come to you before we signed the new agreement with the changes in it. And because it differed from the term sheet. And we were waiving mag during percentage rates at the time they would be open. And the commissioner to chime in on top of that, the simple answer is because they havent opened yet. And the covid and rent relief stuff is from existing our existing operators and this is a new operator that we are adjusting the terms permanently Going Forward. Do you expect many more rent relief requests to be coming down the pipeline . Yes. They are ongoing while operations and rent has been deferred for operations that are shut down. For instance, if you look at quioxte tower, there is no rent being collected because they are not operating. They are not like a business they are a Small Business and they dont have anything else. They dont have anything else to be able to do. As we look to reopen, we are working with the City Attorney on exactly what approvals we need to make those things finalized. We are trying to clear our head above just the day in and day out issues of maintaining the buildings and facilities and well be coming to the commission with a complete update on what we need to do and where we need to approve it and the emergency order and for this period of time. And sorry. Go ahead. Commissioner, is that obviously were not the only city agency with this tenant, and so during the course of covid, there has been languagety discussions and and go to the board. And the city administrator and and is well aware there are some departments we have commissioned such as the port and rec and park and real estate and with leases and the policy is being i think a longterm policy issues and the processes and to have sort of a longer term path here. And we are wrapped up to be way more complicated than we are in terms of how the airport is another one. And to have 40year leases. And what we have. It would be interesting to also see when the presentation is ready to see what the longterm effect will be and its major. Its major already. And the Commission Goes forward that in order to keep moving forward with the project that we have in our basket that we will have to make some concessions. And i am gratified that these concessions that the crews at lifetime activitys is willing to continue to go forward and even though they are going to understood go some losses and they are just not dropping the project because too often thats happening with the different programs throughout the city. And i just wanted to say that i am i think the concessions are reasonable. They are reasonable given all that is happening and i am fully in support of the concession. Thank you. Do i hear a motion . So moved. An its been moved and seconded. All those in favor . Thank you. That is approved. Is the audio working . We are ready for item 10 for the Merced Heights and with the lets play sf Program Presentation and my particular item is specific to the Merced Heights playground project. As kara mentioned in the presentation, this project is nearing completion and we are about two to three weeks away from being able to open the facility back up to the public. The flar item before you here is a contract modification and for the record im just going to read the wording here to be concise. We are looking to amend that treaty construction and with the increase contract amount by up to 351,000 and bringing the revised not to exceed contract amount to 2,493,010 and is greater that the 10 of the approved contract amount. A lot of numbers there essentially. The thrust of this is under the city admin code we are required to come back to the commission and you folks to get approval to exceed the 10 contingency amount and that is what we are asking for today and essentially what we are looking for is an increase above the 10 of 137,310 dollars to address four primary construction contingency workout elements that we have implemented. Essentially what those include are additional irrigation and planting improvements along the bixby street frontage and in front of the clubhouse. Those particular improvements werent part of the original construction contract but with the scope to create that work now which makes sense to have a fresh new face from the exterior. The other element a we had to install a wood fascia board along a lot of the new fencing panels that went in and around the athletic courts at the playground. We had a structural detail deviation that was required to mount this fence on existing retaining walls. And the attachment point created a safety concern for the public. And so in order to mitigate that we put a wood fascia cap on the face of that element for safety protection. And the next one and the third item referenced here is painting of all the retaining walls that are on the site. As karen mentioned, we were able to redo the playground and three tiered park with robust portions of retaining walls. With new courts and new surfacing on the fencing and court, it made sense to paint the retaining walls. We added that to the scope of the project. There was an a. D. A. Requirement from the Mayors Office of disability when they reviewed the site during construction to add a new accessible point of industry off the estreet frontage into the athletic courts and in doing so require that we had to augment the existing sidewalk grade at that entry point. We are proposing to move forward with that. So those four particular items in the increase of 137,000 above the contract amount and looking forward with this element to complete this project. As i mentioned, project is anticipated in the next two to three weeks and the funding request isnt going into new buckets of funding and the current budget project can absorb this cost increase. With that i will conclude the presentation and conditions questions. Thank you, dan. With Public Comment if there is anyone on the line, yell star three. Hello, caller. Please state your name. Go right ahead, edna. Caller first, i want to thank lisa for the idea that we had talked about two of the bricks and wanted more information regarding there. That was one item that i was interested in. I wanted to talk a little bit about the retaining wall. I wasnt quite clear which entrance he was talking about regarding that remaining wall and then there was an opening there. So was the opening he is talking about it was on in front of the court. Is that it . Yes. Okay. The park as you go down the street slope is in three separate tiers and what we are doing is regrade the steep sidewalk so we are providing the level landing at the gate that enters into the park. There will be aer landing and the concrete sidewalk will feter to meet existing street grade. If you dont mind me jumping in, from public works is to have the middle flat and to get from the top to the bottom is an accessibility challenge for some. So we have the middle here to explore with public works to make those a little bit easier to navigate and that is an issue and that is an it coo, cute dog. We are tackling the level piece of this and the other incremental smaller changes to make at the bottom and the top to make it easier for seniors and those who are accessibility. And i will engage with you on that as we move forward here. There was a question earlier on in the project and i wanted to conclude this one. There was a question about restrooms. This particular project did include the renovation of the rhett rooms to make it a. D. A. Compliant. One will be an all gender restroom and they are all gender restroom to meet current codes and environments and are a. D. A. Accessible. Its been moved and seconded. All those in favor . So moved. Thank you so much. We are item 11. This is aligned in number of ways with the existing parks and qualities and celebrating Historic Resources and inspires play by strengthing the quality responsiveness and accessibility of recreation programs and we know the Civic Center Plaza and the pavement has begun to crack and settle. To introduce the trip hazards and the project cope consists of a few elements an these are outlined in more detail on the attachments and includes replacement and reinforcement of an area of pavement to the east side of Civic Center Plaza. This is a sizable, high traffic space that is important to supporting year round events. It also will include Pavement Maintenance at Northeast Corner of the plaza and trip hazard remediation and Pavement Maintenance as several areas near grove, polk and mcalester. This was bid through fran public works and on june 17 we were happy to receive three bid proposals of a range of values. The original engineer estimate was 730,000 with the low bid slightly over that with the plaza payment maintenance and to begin construction with a with the negatively effecting any events, art installations or market activitieses in the plaza and is supported by the Mayors Office on disability and the department of read. At this point that concludes my report. I will be happy to answer any questions you have and thank you for your time. Thank you very much. Any Public Comment . We are checking the line now. Just muted myself. Are there any callers on the line to comment on item number 11, Civic Center Plaza, please dial star 3. Seeing none, the chair will entertain a motion. So moved. Second. Been moved and seconded. All those in favor. Thank you very much. We are on item 12, general Public Comment continued from item 4. If there is any member of the public on the line that would like to that is not on the agenda but is under the subject agenda, dial star 3 and as a reminder, you will have two minutes for comment. Hello, caller. Please state your name. Northerning. Go ahead. May i proceed . Please do. Off i see today you had a bift of moneys to paint the gazebos today and i wasnt present for that item, but i hope it was passed. Way back when i was a proponent for that park and we tried to make the mark more water friendly during a drought. I noted that the gardeners explain they traded raises to keep full employment. That is a great idea and i think everybody should in these times be ready to do the things that are necessary to keep people employ and to make sure that the parks are still able to be serviced and enjoyed. And i would hope Going Forward that the rent relief i heard would be negotiated with other vendors on city land. And so that aum can use the parks and to supplement the ordinance. Hello, caller. Please state your name. Awe i am trying to get an issue on drinking fountain water in the park. I havent been able to be in touch to carry over to the next person and as the supervisor. So i wanted to give an update on a few other issues. We made it to water. The water issue from flint, michigan, and got on the a 600 million liability loss so in San Francisco i am looking at our water should be for drinking fountain water for those who live in the county. And with this water fountain is blended and sewer water and join the ground water and cor nated and washed dechlorinated or in that sequence, i dont really think thats good water to drink at the parks. But i havent been able to get very much done and city hall is closed. My hunch is it will probably have to carry over until after the elections. Thank you. Thank you very much, richard. And with the events to go out to more and social distance and with the most important place. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. To see no other callers, item 12 is closed. We are on item 13, the closed session. I would ask at this time that any staff that does not need to be present go ahead and leave the meeting. I know whats going on and i think there might been communications issues. Commissioner, lets work on that one offline. Anyone else . Nope. There he is. There he goes. Youre muted. We can read your lips. Better stop cursing. Back in the dead. We are on commissioners matters right now. Is there that you want to discuss . Oh, absolutely nothing. Check to see if we have any member of the public on the line. If there is anybody that can hear me and would like to comment on commissioners matters, please press star 3. All right. So Public Comment is closed. We are now on item 15, new business agenda setting. Any new items . None. Is there anyone on the public line, please star 3. I think a bunch of us just got kicked off the system. Anybody there left . Seeing no one on the line, Public Comment is closed for item 15. We are on item 16, communications. Awe nun. Anyone in the public that would like to make comment . On communications . Last one. Anything . All right. Seeing no one, we are on item 17 and adjournment. Move to adjourn. Before we adjourn, i want to thank you very much for we are learning this process as we go, but i think youve got it almost down completely. You can be an inspiration to the entire city. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. We will entertain a motion to adjourn. Second, third and fourthed. All those in favor . Aye. Thank you very much. We are adjourned. Bye. [gavel]. Chair peskin good morning and welcome to the San Francisco county Transportation Authority meeting for today, august 25, 2020. We have a new clerk today, miss brittany milton, who comes to us from the contracting industry, and we are delighted that she is on board, and someday, well work with her in the board of supervisors chambers. With that, ms. Milton, welcome, and if that, could you please call the roll. Clerk yes. [roll call]

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