When, as a district, we were deciding on distance learning, we were doing a series of town halls. Are you gathering information on what they need at the hubs or when are they need the hubs . With all due respect, my team, with 50 staff, we only have, like, literally, the past three weeks to work on this. So were working feverishly to try to put this together to respond to family need. Were trying to have as many conversations as possible, and we are relying on our partners, our City Partners so im relying on our chief librarian to make sure that he can help me determine which ones of these sites make the most sense. Commissioner collins okay. So i guess im going to say, again, this is a flawed design. Im assuming your head librarian is not a lowincome chinese living in an s. R. O. If im in this neighborhood, and my kids went to school in these neighborhoods, theres lowincome chinese immigrant families that are monolingual families. They have needs that i dont always know about because im an english speaker, and im not lowincome. So with all due respect to the librarians, theyre wonderful and great, but they cannot tell you specifically what its like to be trying to help their children in a classroom while were doing distance learning. They can guess at that, but without that actual direct input, its going to be a flawed its a flawed design, i guess, is what im saying. Well at least were hearing something. So for the librarians, once again, we are trying to work with our chief librarians to determine which one of these sites make the most sense. Our librarians are not going to be provide that type of use development supports. Commissioner collins im done with my questioning. Supervisor ronen, you had questioning . Chair haney, i have to left at 2 30, and i was wondering if i could ask a few questions. Supervisor ronen i have to go, too. Sorry, chair. Youre welcome to go, if you want. We have a mix of us that have to go. I dont want to butt in, and i dont want to overstep my authority, but my question is the site that youve selected and the staffing that youre experiencing, is it based on staffing or site . Site. And the question maybe im just pretentiously speaking out of turn, but this question made me think particularly around this issue of libraries and loaning books. Is there a possibility for city college to utilize our existing centers, like, for example, our ocean campus or the civic center on Market Street between soma and the tenderloin . I know theres a questions around our staff and seiu might have around facilities and safety, but is there a conversation we can have with you to potentially open up our classroom spaces in our communities that were already serving and unfortunately cannot be serving because we dont have in. L. Simonweisberg in class you know, in class operations going. So can we use our Chinatown Branch . Can we use the Information Center already built in . So is there a way to use the next month to maybe open up part of the City College Infrastructure to increase our capacity. So we had a great conversation with dr. Verdeen a couple of weeks ago, and we had a conversation with your head of facilities and chief of staff, and i feel confident that we will be able to use a couple of your sites. So thank you. We appreciate your partnership and your offer to open up your site. I am willing, and if theres anything that i or other trustees can do to move it along, i know our chancellor and staff are wonderful to begin with, but if theres funding issues, thats something that we can go back to, as supervisor ronen said earlier, if there are needs to be addressed, we can go back and have a conversation between the supervisor and the city to see if there is potentially support to open up our facilities. I know there might be additional cost for staff and protective protect, but i just want to make sure that that is not forgotten, necessarily, that the Cost Component needs to be addressed, as well. Thank you. Thats all i had. Thank you, supervisor. Supervisor ronen thank you. Thank you for that. Supervisor haney great. Thank you. Supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen great. Thank you, chair haney. Wow, i have so many questions. First of all, where did you come up with this 20student number . We kind of tried to ask that question to dr. Aragon, but we didnt really get the clearest answer. Given that the summer programs were 12, and, you know, the smaller is better, im just curious, that number makes me a little uneasy in terms of trying to make these as safe as possible. I dont know if ana is still on the call, but i can share with you that the 20 came from a combination of the summer guidance as well as the School Reopening guidance. So the summer guidance said its 2 to 12, and the School Reopening guidance says that as long as theres a stable cohort that you can put inside a classroom with 6 feet of distancing, then that was okay. So that was kind of ana, ill hand it back to d. P. H. Ana, how did you arrive at that. The limiting factor is the physical distancing, so it is the space that one is in, and as long as theyre 6 feet apart. And so the Health Officer has said that 20 is an acceptable number for these learning hubs. [inaudible] supervisor ronen is it the two adults to 20 children, is that going to be divided into two, you know, sections, where one adult is with ten kids, one adult is with another ten kids. Id love to probe that a little more. So one of the things that weve heard is a lot of our c. B. O. Providers operate out in a community space. So if it normally holds 100 people, now, the public limit is 12. So they could only serve 12 kids in that space. Supervisor ronen were telling teachers that its not safe to come back and teach your class of 23 im so excited about these hubs, so im not saying this to poohpooh them, i just want it to happen safely. Just for this one piece, i want to sort of get this thing thats sort of eating at me. Why would we allow that now why are we then allowing distancing . Youre saying that thats not safe, but then, youre saying its okay if its this Community Hub model, and that just doesnt make sense to me. Ill hand this over to ana, b but sfusd can choose if they want to open. Once again, these hubs were designed to provide the Additional Support for families. Ana, do you want to so the reason why schools arent reopening is because the state issued guidance, saying that counties on the watch list cannot open. Supervisor ronen right. Our recommendations are based in data and science, and the physical distancing piece is really key. It is not necessarily about the number. The schools guidance doesnt have the the summer camps had a cap of 12, and they were run pretty successfully, and the Health Officer agreed that 20 was an acceptable number for a stable cohort. Supervisor ronen okay. Im going to move on, but i think this is an opportunity for a conversation offline. Thank you so much for this. This is the type of answer that parents that ive talked to and are texting me with looking for, and i find it absolutely that in one of the most richest and accessible cities in the country, that we cannot supervise somethiprovide Something Like this to a kid that needs it. We need to get the money. That cannot be a factor in limiting this opportunity if, indeed, more than 6,000 students need it, which my guess is they will. So we have resources right now so when i when we originally designed this, we were designing it for only for the first couple of months for the school year because we had heard that the School District was planning on opening up facilities and, later, but at this point, if we are needing to plan for a full year of programming, then it will be really hard to manage the cost for the full year. Thats where the cost is coming in. The cost is also coming in due to us also needing to be ready with tech equipment. I know that the School District is going to try to distribute as many Tech Supplies as possible for monday in the next couple of weeks. Theyre going to work really hard to distribute tech, but we worry that there will be a shortage of supplies, and so were also going to make purchases for tech. And then most recently, we just heard from our School District partners that there are some changes on the reimbursements coming down from the state. So because of that, now, we have to rethink how were going to rethink the food that were supplying. Supervisor ronen so the state is not reimbursing or subsidizing like they did before . Yes. Supervisor ronen oh, geez. I know. I know you and i had a conversation in the past, but right after, my staff and i just got this notice, so now, we have to rethink, and how do we source nutritious meals. And i know that a lot of our families, if were going to open at 8 30, theyre going to need breakfast, as well. Supervisor ronen and it was 18 a meal, if im correct . Oh, no. What is it . 12 per day per kid. Supervisor ronen what is it again . 12 per day per kid. Supervisor ronen so here, like, my milliondollar question. How many kids would utilize this option . Part of the questions from commissioner collins is we havent done the outreach, so we dont know how many kids. These Community Hubs are for Elementary School children, and we know theres 27,000 kids the population that were targeting did you say theres 4,000 kids in Elementary Schools . Yes, theres 4,000 children that fall into the Public Housinghomelesss. R. O. Sfoster care population. Supervisor ronen okay. And that is the target population. Okay. So we have enough space, then, because you said you were having to have 6,000 spots. They might not all start on september 14, but you were planning on ramping up and possibly have the funding to ramp up for 6,000 kids for the entire school year if needed. Yes. So once again, 4,000 of the Public Housing and homeless, s. R. O. , and foster care kids. We werent planning on doing this for the whole school year, but if we have to do this for the whole school year, our costs would increase significantly, and we would come back to you with that change, as well as what the change would be with the state around food reimbursement. Supervisor ronen okay. In two weeks, the budget process for the city and county of San Francisco will be wrapped up, and i want to fight to make sure that every child in your priority population who wants to avail themselves of this option is available to do so, so can you get that to me so we can be fighting for that . Yes. And i believe that the mayors education policy advisor, who i know is listening i wish that she was here this is a priority and a program of the mayor, so i want to make sure that its adequately funded in the school year. And then, theres 12,681 t. K. School children in sfusd. If this goes on, im hoping that it will be a reality that we can provide it to any k through second Grade Student that cannot learn without an adult present. This is not Hillary Ronen saying this, this is the National Association of pediatrics offering this. So i am just also want to request on the budget what it would take in terms of the budget, what it would take in terms of Additional Space thats needed in order to achieve that. And again, you know, all families have a different situation that theyre facing. All families have a different risk tolerance level. I cant imagine that every family would take this up. So thats the other milliondollar question for me in this cohort. And im wondering, has there been any effort i know youre doing a lot none of this is blame question. These are all just query, how can i help questions . Has there been any effort to ask families district wide or even just in the Elementary School grades whether or not they would utilize this option if it was offered to them because then, we could really create the solutions that families need which were already doing, and i appreciate it so much. Then, we deal with a lot of the segregation issues, a lot of the also theres been a lot talk of the education pods and how equal they are, which is real, and its happening, and we should be doing everything in our power to intervene in that sort of segregation of families. Thats what the Public School is all about. But i totally agree that youre starting with these families. That would be a goal, would be to expand it, for me, or at least i want to probe it. So two weeks ago when i presented, i shared a slide of the School Districtparent survey, and that was a survey that the School District used to asked parents, would you send your children back to schools if we were allowed in person . I can definitely go back to our district partners, which i have regular conversations with and say, i know this survey closed several weeks ago, so i can ask them for an update on the results of that survey. Supervisor ronen okay. That would be great. And and [inaudible] i think were continuing to encourage our families to continue to respond to that survey. Supervisor ronen and i took the survey as a parent, so if i remember it correctly, it said if you had some option of coming back for inperson learning, what would you prefer, which was a slightly different question than i think we need to ask, and so im wondering if we could do can i chime in, please, on this, because i agree it was really vague, and so im kind of agreeing with you. I think we need to have more clear ways of gathering feedback than making assumptions based on surveys for other things. Supervisor ronen so thats what im getting at. Im wondering if we can do a specific survey together, all of us, all the different entities saying, the city and the School District are developing whatever. The city is developing these Community Hubs. This is what they are. Would you would you want a space in one of these hubs if it was open to you like, just something super simple, and then, well have a clear answer about how many families want this option, and we know what well be solving for. So we had an option on oufo survey on our website now. Weve had it up for about two weeks now, and about 2500 families said they were interested in something. Now again, these are not the 2500 families that we would target, but these are just all families in general, similar to what youre saying, supervisor ronen. If we just did a general survey, i think you will get interest. I just worry about doing that and then needing to worry about maxing out on our city facilities. We would need more facilities commissioner collins can i pipe in for a minute . I worked in the assessing office, and i surveyed families and parent leaders. First of all, director su, you need to meet with the parent leaders. Thats really easy, and theyre happy to meet with you directly, and its not hard. But as far as surveying, when we do it through the district, we do have student numbers, and we can reach out in different ways, and its specific populations. We have the opportunity to slice and dice, whether its students with disabilities, students with foster youth, all of those things are associated with a students identification. Its not this broad question; we could specifically target it to specific populations, and thats something we do a lot, and we can do if we have support and capacity to analyze the data or argue the outreach to get these forms out. The key is director su needs to be clear about what specific populations is there a focal population because if were looking at k through 5, and its 27,000, i think its over half are lowincome. So you know what i mean . Its, like its way too much, right . So you have to slice and dice and say, are we going to look at prek through 2 or focusing at looking at students with disabilities k through 6, or k through 5. I think director su needs to be really specific about this demographic sliver is the one we want to reach out to first or a priority list . Like, we do this one first, and then, if theres room, we go further down the list. Commissioner, so ive met with folks from the School District and provided them with what our priority populations are and characteristics. Nod to the priority population, i also requested if theyan

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