Individuals to improve mental and physical health. I look forward to daily walks which involve the park side destinations. Continued investment is greatly needed in the southeast sector within our city and has had a lot of Park Investment opportunities. Therefore i hope the Committee Sees fit to approve this much needed bond. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. I am jeremy chan, board member of the japan task force. I am calling to urge you to pass this bond. It is a crucial gathering soace for the community. As member of the japan performing arts group i performed in the peace plaza. Recently we hosted an arts event with the movement of black lives and supported by the neighbors in the fillmore. It is in need of critical repair. Not only do the surface tiles have a washing hazard but water continues to leak below the plaza. That dates back to error in construction. The city sued to Reach Settlement with the contractor and the funds were never reinvested. This provides an opportunity to right that wrong. From the peace plaza has had involvement from hundreds of individuals and Community Organizations. The Design Standards and shovel ready to begin. We have received approval from rec and park. For all of these reasons i urge you to support the peace plaza project. Next caller, please. Caller i am john o saki, cochair of the peace committee. I want to thank you for taking up this item. I want to emphasize that the peace plaza is symbolic of deep wounds in our community that have never healed. This city has to be accountable for evicting thousands of residents and businesses during redevelopment on the very spot where the peace plaza was built. I think this project, i personally have been working on it over five years now. We have waited 20 years for a plaza that reflects needs and priorities of our community. This project will go a long way to healing those wounds to making things right, making up for the fact that our community is permanently displaced from the japan town area. I am here to urge your support for retaining the full 25 million allocation for the peace plaza. I thank you very much for taking up this item and for your support. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Caller this is sophie constantine no. We are here in support of buchanan mall. We have been working with the community and we request you to play the video we have given you. There were a lot of gun violence so my mom didnt let me go. Come on. We need your input. We are trying to do a project on buchanan mall. We are trying to have a project the community will be proud of. Come here. Making a price for people to feel comfortable for playing and walking through. We set out to do the community that involved longterm residents. A beautiful activation. I want to know what you guys want to see. You are all here. You have a lot of people. Right now that is the first step. Show the community we did something so people could see what we have done and hopefully bring in more people to be part of it. The buchanan mall so we can have your opinion on what you would like to see. My family is different because of cultural stuff. They meet up once a week. Everybody should do that to get to know their community. Everybody wants the community that comes out together. When we first started i felt like you. It was too big. Thank you. Next caller, please. Caller i am larry jones. 40 plus year member. I would give a shout out to supervisor walton and his constituents on the commit and people that put in work to push this bond forward. I support the 10 million given to the playground in the valley for the Public Housing project. I want it known tha that it will save lives. Over three to four decades we have been let down with failed bond measures and Construction Projects that were to uplift youth and people. Now we have transformation in place. This bond will help insure we are recognized as a vibrant community and known for just negative things. We are on the rise over here. I appreciate all of the boards support. We are supported by loving people and there is loving families trying to support change. With the bond measure that change is very near, and i am glad to be part of this. I would like to thank everybody involved. Lets continue to push it through. Thank you very much. Next caller, please. Caller this is jr eppler, president of the boosters neighborhood. While i appreciate the priority given to jackson as recovery park i am asking for 10 million in bond as named project. Not having funding for line item. There may be money left from another project. Yesterday you received a letter from me on the reasons why jackson park should be named. I will talk from my experience as father of 5 yearold. Jackson is central to the neighborhood. We can hardly access it. It occupies all of the open space. We want to play we have to keep our eye out for well hit balls. It is old and in ill repair. The clubhouse which should be providing programs is under utilized and falling apart. The neighborhood part in the sense it is physically in the neighborhood. Interestingly, jackson has become a Neighborhood Park during shelterinplace. They can play freely. My family has picked up dinner from the restaurant and occupied physical distancing. We are able to see and talk to preschool friends. We watch construction workers building the units adjacent to the park to bring new neighbors to the neighborhood without any open space to serve them. When we go back to business as usual, we lose the park again. The renovation will allow it to become something to our own little area. That will take place in a reasonable amount of time with reasonable certainty we need at least 10 million in funding. Thank you. Next caller, please. Caller good afternoon. I am a friend of jackson park. We have been working since 2013 to ensure that the jackson park renovation project is funded on the 2020 health and recovery bond. In that time friends of jackson raised more than 17 million from private sources and impacts by developers. We dont have an approved project design yet. That shows you how desperate we are for open space parks in our neighborhood. As you know, the east side of the city is undergoing thousands of new residents in the next few years. We have never received funding for the parks as promised by the eastern neighborhood plan. Funding the jackson park project we can take a small step to right this wrong. The criteria presented this morning will be shovel ready now more than ever the community is blocking seeks health and healing. Shout out to Phil Ginsburg for including us for the social distance circle. 120 social distances are popular. When they are allowed no open space for us to gather. Thank you for your work especially for increasing the park section of this bond. We urge you to name jackson park as a priority in the 2020 health and recovery bond with a minimum allocation of 10 million. Thank you for your support of this bond. Next caller, please. Caller this is amy jones. Good morning. I am for the elderly. Known as the extended living room of our community, especially senior in the surrounding single hotel rooms with no living rooms no privacy and no open space. When you look up to these in chinatown, perhaps you have noticed they are pocket plans on the window sills and the fire escapes. Those are our residents only gardens. For the past six years the Community Engaged in the long but exciting redesign Feasibility Study that cost the city 2 million. It was thorough and the result reflects thousands of residents and park use earns in china town. We were looking forward to the project last year which did not happen. In the sessions for the new park we see a modern park with newly defined recreation and quiet space and clubhouse which functions for a wellness program, Community Meeting space where people gather and socialize. It will serve as cooling center when the heat waves make living unbearable. We can teach earthquake preparedness and serve as out station for the many social services. We are doing all of this in the tiny room no longer functional and viable. Supervisors we need funding for the new park now. We waited for many, many years for it. If this is not included this year, we may never live to see on you dreams come true. Please support the inbe conclude in the november bond is long overdue. Thank you very much. Thank you. I would like to make a quick announcement. There are 32 callers in the queue this meeting will go beyond 1 00 p. M. The budget meeting will begin when this meeting is adjourned. Thank you. Next caller, please. I am a resident adjacent to jackson park. I am looking out my window at jackson park. I see a vital San Francisco park. It is used by many people. We have a number of children camps operated including reading, child care offered in another. This is something that i hope will continue after this period. It will only happen if we have the funding to renovate the park. We looked at parks and the Space Available that doesnt offer the space for people to play, to relax and be outside. It only has a program. I would like to thank supervisor walton forgetting the 10 million for the renovation project. We do need a priority for this park. We have raised 17 million that can be leveraged for this renovation. It is a shovrel ready project because of that. I hope that you will make sure that it is on the bond. And that there is a specific priority for jock son park. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Caller i am jackal better. I am a citizen of San Francisco. Thank you to our public representatives working throughout this presentation. I am calling to discuss jackson park item 14 to share my experiences with jackson park. I grew up the city. Jackson park is the closest park to my house and childhood memories and time spent with friends. After coming home from college, i was able to see jackson park for what it was. It is an under funded public space. Rusty fences, dilapidated concrete and the difference between my view and the park was jarring. I was surprised to learn they have not received Development Since i was 2 years old. To reiterate in the time between jackson parks last funding and time there was time for a toddler to read, write and speak english and serve in the peace corps in africa and return here to be on the phone call. That underscores the need for a named priority in the budget and receive a minimum of on 10 million. I will say please invest in the children that live here, the people here and jackson park. Thank you very much. Thank you. Caller hello. I am steve, executive director of japan town task force. Thank you supervisor fewer, walton, mendelson on your support and hard work with the department of park and recreation. I ask for your support in the general bond, but particularly i would like to speak to japan town peace plaza. It is a project we have been working on for a numerous amount of years. It is the process what we as a community have gone through most recently with Eminent Domain during redevelopment of 1960s and 1970s. Previous to that was concentration camp in terms of peace plaza we regard as social, cultural, sacred space. We worked hard with Due Diligence in tropical storms of the reforms. We would like to have your support in terms of the longawaited result to have that peace plaza shared with future generations of phan and i san f. Thank you for your hard work. I ask for full funding for the peace plaza. Thank you. Thank you. Next caller. Caller i am a San Francisco resident. I want to speak in support of the ordinance and the resolution. This bond is going to support the repair of the japan town peace plaza, and i support full funding of the 25 million for this project. It is in a uniquely difficult situation because of the structural challenges. It is a city park but it sits right above an underground parking facility, which is also owned by the city. It is desperately in need every pairs for safety reasons and this is, as you know an important cultural landmark for the city. It is for the economic survival of Small Businesses and restaurants that be surround japan town and the fillmore. I wanted to just voice my support for full funding for this park. Thank you. Next caller, please. Caller hello i am bonnie doyle, a member of friends of jackson park since 2013. I am a resident of district 10. I am calling in support of jackson park. I am pleased to see that it is being mentioned as a recovery park. I would like to see it dedicated 10 million for our project. We have been working on it for a long time. I have had many consultations with the community about what they want. As you have heard and i personally can attest to we need more green space assesssible when games are going on. At the moment we have none. Actually we have all of it but under normal circumstances we would have none. It has been great to take my kids to the park and we would like to see that project happen before my kid grows up. I have been working on it since they were 1yearold. I would also like to briefly speak in support of the square. We dont use that park, i know they have been working for a long time and it would be great to see them get dedicated funding, too. Thank you. Caller my name is dan byron. I work for the owners of Japan Center Mall. I am calling add adjacent to peace plaza. On behalf of the associates of Japan Center Mall we urge you to support 25 million for the japan town peace plaza in the bond measure. It has waited 20 years for space to be properly repaired and create an open space to reflect the priorities of residents, Community Organizations and businesses and visitors. The peace plaza is the only open space in japan town and it is symbolic of the jan pan niece community. It was japan community. It was once occupied by japanese americans and businesses. While we do not dwell on the fact the city required ownership when it was built we do feel that San Francisco has a responsibility to take care of the space. We understand San Francisco has urgent priorities. We are adamant we are more than patient and it is time for the city to address this. The residential base may never return and having the means to bring people back is critical to the economy of the neighborhood. We returning you to support the full 25 million for peace plaza in the health and recovery bond. Next caller, please. Caller hello. I am mark and i am bored member of the japan board member of the japan town. I am calling to support the peace plaza. I want to emphasize the peace plaza is a icon in San Francisco. Precovid i have seen people taking photos in front of the plaza and pagoda. It is becoming a symbol of San Francisco. I would like to voice my support for the help that the recreation and Parks Department and Planning Department have given in helping us get this project shovrel ready thank you. Next caller, please. Caller thank you, chair fewer, supervisors. I am denise. Contact for San Francisco Parks Alliance group. We preserve and maintain the park and the childrens playground. We strongly you remember your support in the bond because it puts in a new platform for citywide recovery, need for soap space and user challenges now and in the future. The identified projects serve as models how we can provide the connective tissue to better serve our users. It is a prime example of the smaller parks used by preschoolers, elementary, Youth Centers and Senior Centers and residents from the Housing Access and depend on the parks. This bond offers city parks, Health Program was and repairs for those local Neighborhood Parks, Development Pathway to build programs, restoration and improvement of the parks for all our residents. Thank you for all your work and support of this bond. Thank you for your comments. Caller i am a retired pastor at the oldest japanese american church. At the Japanese American National library i am on the board. I want to speak in support of peace plaza project. It is many years this is worked on. 60 Community Organizations including churches, temples, social Service Agencies and children and families and seniors have been involved with planning it it is complete exempt for approval by the board of supervisors. I feel like time has come to release the kite string and let the kite soar. I hope you take the action necessary to get the project completed. Thanthank you so much. Next caller. Caller i am emily wang, a resident in district 10 for so years. I for 10 years. I have two small childrens ages 2 and 4. I have noticed and more so recently i have been aware of the evaporation of young new families in the neighborhood brought by the density brought since four years ago when my first child was born. That is the lack of basic public amenities to accommodate the longterm resident family needs with children and that being the capital chart, having green pace and a playground is a basic need. It is one which i would expect to see you could support and sharing the bond measures i am happy to hear jackson park is allocated to 10 million. During the shelterinplace it has been increasingly difficult to go for a walk and stay 6 feet away from people. Putting a magnifying glass on the need for open space in the eastern neighborhoods as we have been asked locally. I you can the city to recognize there are certain areas in San Francisco rapidly growing in population due to the zoning and not yet documented as the census is not completed. In that time w we are still lacking basic amenities needed to serve this growing population and parks would be one of them. It is a priority. I am glad to see that is going to be contributed to and this bond measure and as other neighbors mentioned we look forward to this. It is a long time to see improvements and thi this is a shovel ready project. Living here and understanding district 10 has taken density increase and improvements in transportation and jobs and education. Aside from parks any budget is considered a lot of density. Thank you for your comment. Next caller, please. Caller hi, this is sandy moore, president of the board of directors for the japan town task force. Our mission is to help preserve and promote Economic Development in one of the three remaining japan towns in u. S. The other two are in san jose and la. I am here to promote the bond. I want to comment about the peace plaza. The Japanese American Community has been here for over 110 years, over five generations. We are part of the San Francisco diversity. The whole idea of having Community Input and process and supporting the design we went through and had a lot of people coming out for those sessions. I want to thank the rec and park staff and commission and also the Planning Committee and mayor for all of their support. We look forward to being included in this bond. We look forward to working with you to get twothirds vote in november. Thank you. Of. I would like to state since there are 21 callers in the queue. The regular budget meeting will begin as soon as this meeting is adjourned. Thank you. Next caller, please. Caller hello. Resident of the Western Addition. I am urging you to cast support for 25 million for the japan town peace plaza, part of the 2020 health and recovery bond mission. The Western Addition neighborhood have waited decades for the peace project to be declared and renovated to reflect the residents and the organization and businesses here. Peace plaza is close to the heart of the community. It was built over destroyed homes and businesses during the second demolition by urban renewal. We are aware of the city of San Franciscos priorities due to the earth shattering situation in regards to the pandemic. The needs are great. Allocation is there. Community has done what it was requested to do. We followed the rules and worked hard to finish the process and accomplished the steps to finish our part of the world. The renovation will bring about meaningful i changes to the are. To support the local businesses and organizations that will strengthen and revittillize the community. We feel, unfortunately, this will be the last opportunity to accomplish this renovation. If this opportunity is not met, it will bring about the denies of our Weak Community and we, too, will become a memory. We urge and need your full support for the 25 million allocation for the jab pan town for the japan town plaza. Thank you for your work for the beautiful city of San Francisco. Next caller, please. Good afternoon. Thank you for your patience. I am jane wild. I live in mid Market Mission street at seventh street, ground zero for homeless and Mental Health crisis and most open space deficient part of the city. I strongly support the health and recovery bond. I have been involved with the Mental Health sf with supervisor haney. 200 Million Dollars for park and open says projects all over the city is critically needed especially the green friend Recreation Center in d6, soma. We must get started to serve our communities who have been patiently waiting. I think there will be very strong support on this ballot measure in november. On the other hand the 197 million for Real Property for treatment is critically needed especially 107 for behavioral access. We cant keep throwing money without changes. What happened to the 2017 coordinated access system which promised to integrate 15 databases. It sounds the same as Behavioral Health access system. I was told it failed. We must make grantees comply or risk defunding. If we want to have this bond succeed we say must have voter support in november. We must convince them this is money well spent. We all need this and we have to make sure it passes in november. We have to make it understandable to the voters and make them support it. Thank you very much. Members of the public who wish to comment on items 14 and 15 call 80047467615 and call e screen. Please send in the next caller. Caller good afternoon. Matthew henry boys and girls club. I am in support of the Playground Fund 2 million in the fund for the november ballot. I have been on the ground for the last four years and boys and girls club has been here 20 years. They have at the staff level from both communities. We are excited about this opportunity. We are focused on the indoor basketball court. We have three courts that dont Mead Community needs with the weather and high winds and this valley. It is extremely hard to play outside. Boys and girls club will be in the community center. Our new expanded programs and Youth Leadership for 125 school age youth. It can be critical for all young people to realize their whole stuff. Thank you to all of our partners but pushing this through we are excited to push this through in november. Thank you to supervisor walton for support. We hope to continue to make this better in this community for our young people. Thank you, guys, and have a good day. Next caller. Caller good morning. I am richard agima, member of the Japanese American Community. The Historical Context and this bond will provide an opportunity to make right historical wrongs of Community Displacement and neglect. Having this open space will represent the character of japan town and vital to the longterm sustainability for a vibrant community. Thank you for the opportunity. Please support the current application in the general Obligation Bond for the peace plaza. Thank you. Next caller, please. Caller i am franmartin. I am for Outdoor Education for over 25 years in vegetation valley, one of the most underserved make hoods in the city neighborhoods in the city. There is longterm neglect. People of collar are dying from preexisting conditions. Help remedy this situation i urge you to support the bond and include funding for the following. One of the highest percentage of children needs 10 million for a gym at hurt Recreation Center. They have been housed away from the city causing social and economic issues. The responses by the powers that we are inadequate. The gym is a priority for residents and our children to have an opportunity. They are only asking normal amenities. In this time of up u upheaval. Second overall major improvements provided refuge for exercise during the pandemic. More funding should be allocated to the park as it is centrally located in the neighborhood most impacted by covid19. It is a lack of resources while Golden Gate Park has enjoyed programs over the years. It is time for the poor neighborhoods be given attention. Third, approve 600,000 for the recreation and Parks Community garden. Given the lessons a healthy diet is critical to our citizens. It is a resource for education and means for the public to grow food and bond with neighbors. Your time is up. Caller i am kirk grimes. I am a baby resident. I am a bayview homeowner and Program Manager for the institute of San Francisco. With the covid now more than ever a clean, safe, healthy space is essential to almost our very existence. Feeling trapped inside is enough to drive anyone crazy. I am very much in support of the bond measures currently happening right now, 14 and 15. I would like to shout out for the public land for putting together a park with equity in mind. Our ability to have a clean, safe, healthy accessible open space is very necessary for us under covid. After the covid, the parks are going to be a necessary part because our community is growing with leaps and bouns. Transportation and construction for more housin more housing. I would like to thank you for your time and consideration of this bill. Moving forward once again the clean safe healthy accessible open spaces are very necessary. Thank you. Caller i am a youth member and leader. I want to thank supervisor walton for his efforts and work for the community. I have grown up [ inaudible ] down the street from my house. I have noticed that those parks needed improvement asap. When i go to the indian shoreline park, i notice there is no bathroom. That is like the basic necessity for any park in the city. I am here in support of the bond. I think money should be put aside to improve the spaces in bayview. Thank you. Next caller. Caller this is alice. I am a board member of the japan town task force and long time resident of japan town. I would like to report to the supervisors of the budget and finance committee to support the Obligation Bond for health and recovery. Specifically within the bond the japan Town Community and task force is seeking 25 million towards renovation of the peace plaza, the hub of our community. This project has been in the works for many years. We have done many outreach meetings for the community and come up with wonderful plans to make this a reality. We also work diligently with rec and parks as well as dpw. We also had a lot of support from the culture Architect Team that the park will reflect the japanese theme and culture. We are shovrel ready the peace plaza is used for many events, rallies and a place for neighbors to enjoy. As you know, japan town area is the Largest Community of seen ss and they need a place to go. The closest park is too hard to work up the steep hills. This is in a few blocks where they live would be wonderful. In the time of the covid and black lives matter, we need more than ever to provide peace, healing and reflection to provide green space to enruth the environment and reflect the culture and beauty. The investment will provide all of this plus bring together Economic Growth and historical and cultural understanding. Your time is expired. Next caller, please. Caller i am 65yearold resident of japan town. Peace plaza represents the past, present and future of the Japanese Community in San Francisco. I urge you to support the allocation for peace plaza. Thank you. Caller hello. I am linda. I am apart owner and manager of the paper tree in japan town. We are a business entering the 52 and year and proud to continue being in japan town and supporting the community. I urge the board to continue and support the 25 million in funds dedicated towards the peace plaza program. I grew up japan town and i was there before the installation of the pagoda. Over the years i have seen the plaza really deteriorate. Now we have an opportunity to make it right by checking the final box to give okay to use the funds to continue to fix the beautiful peace plaza, which is the centerpiece of japan town where all of the Community Gatherings happen, big Cherry Blossom festival, street fair. It is a Gathering Place not only for shows special events but daily. A lot of the schools and seniors take daily walks there, it is a Gathering Place and really the plaza itself is important to maintain and continue to be one of the highlights of San Francisco. I urge you to proceed with the 25 million towards the peace plaza project and to support the japan Town Community. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you for your comments. I want to state there are 14 callers in the queue. The regular Budget Committee meeting scheduled for 1 00 p. M. Will begin when this meeting is adjourned. Please go the next caller. Caller good afternoon. I am the director and adviser to may or breed. Thank you speakers. I am here to echo what was said. This is a historic moment everything we throw around Racial Equity and recreation. What you committed to do is is historic. We are repairing historic harm for 770 households have been without recreational resources for too long. On behalf of mayor breed i want to thank you for that commitment. Our families need safe spaces to congregate and be healthy. I want to thank the supervisors, and i want to thank the general manager for prioritizing this. We want to support the initiative. We hope there is a promise we are repairing the systematic harm our communities have created on communities of color. This is a step in that direction. Thank you, chair fewer and supervisors for moving this forward. Next speaker, please. Caller i am ms. Clark. I am assistant director of boys and girls club. Thank you for your hard work for always supporting sunnydale. I am strongly advocating for the bond to be developed and passed through because the community has been waiting for a long time for development. Inner face with youth and families. They are excited about the gym coming about. Thithis is a critical need and first step to the community actually going on right now. Conditions are actually harming those who contract covid. Living healthy lives is extremely important. Having a safe space for kids to play is extremely important. Having a place for the community to call their own to do celebrations for seniors to exercise and for it to be a space just for the visitations of the area especially sunnydale. As you know it is their step in the right direction. It is approving their health, lifestyles. In addition to the gardens. I just really hope this bond is seen through. I hope this is not false promises as in the past. I am strongly advocating for this bond. It is going to be a huge asset to this community. I want to take full advantage of this. It is just really critical that this bond is passed. I want to thank everyone who has worked on the project. Thank you for the project and anyone who had any part of this. Thank you. Next caller, please. Caller i am with the National Japanese american Historical Society, executive director and japan town task force. I want to thank you for your support. I am here to talk about the peace plaza. The black and japanese American Communities have a long history of support that including sharing of the space. Both communities in the western edition have been devastated by covid19. We depend on recovery. Together the city with our proud multicultural roots we must restore, review callize the few revitalize the peace. There is a program with no magic for youth at risk. Our interns welcome kids to the japan town peace plaza. This historically speaking 1968 the peace pagoda was a gift from the people of osaka to the people of San Francisco. This was built on redevelopment ground zero, the heart of the old japan town neighborhood. In the past it would wipe out homes and businesses, familiar african and japanese american. In place was the Shopping Mall and the expressway to slice through the neighborhoods. Over the years they diversified. The peace plaza has diversified with the Cherry Blossom festivals to reflect the proud heritage and the Historical Society is right across the street from the peace plaza and became involved in this Historic Preservation and review callization. We documented through the 50 years to educate the public. The peace plaza has gone through numerousren navieses and renovations. The 25 million budgeted allocation would be necessary for the renovations and preservation of this heart of japan town. For these reasons the peace plaza has historic value to remain as iconic symptom in resilience and hope for humanity in the post pandemic recovery. Thank you for your support. I want to clarify this is the budget and finance Committee Meeting we are still in session. The regular budget and appropriation meeting begins when this meeting is adjourned. Next caller, please. Caller good afternoon. I am a fourth generation japanese american working for Senior Services nonprofit in japan town. Every day you commute two hours to work. Like many japanese American Youth i cannot afford to live in my community that i love and serve every day. We have been pushed out of japan town so many times. First world war ii. Then during redevelopment. There are entire generations that will forever be affected. So many japanese American Kids grew up where we were the wrong religion, wrong race, wrong culture. We come back to japan town for festivals, nonprofit work and commute four hours every day during covid19. We invest in our community because it validated who we are in a way that no other place does. Exceptional leadership brought our Community Together behind the peace plaza vision plan. These have been ongoing before i was born. We have put in the work as we always do. The meetings, research because we know this is vital to our future. We will not give up. Japan town is our mecca. We want to make sure it survives forever. You can help us do that. Next caller, please. Caller thank you. I am david. Long time member of the San Francisco Japanese American Community and resident in district 11. I am calling to urge support for the 25 million allocation to the japan town peace plaza. You have heard from many different callers to give you a good overview of what we support for this project. My point to you is that in the last 20 years we have received the support of all of the mayors, all of the district five supervisors, and most recently recreation and park commissioners, staff, city planning, municipal transportation, department of public works and engaged in a long communitywide planning process. The need is great for this project. At present we have heard that there is eight supervisors strongly supporting the project. We have yet to hear from three supervisors. Our goal is to help ensure that we have 11 supervisors supports the 25 million allocation for japan town. If there are questions you know how to get in touch with us. I am hoping we will have 100 vote of the supervisors supporting this bond measure. Thank you. Next caller, please. Caller good afternoon, i am bonnie. I am the area manager for the San Francisco Parks Alliance. I speak on behalf of the San Francisco Parks Alliance in support of the 2020 health and recovery bond. My work at the Parks Alliance allows me to connect with a wide range of fridays cans who are passionate about the the o frs cans. They another they know how important they are on level. I work with those whose deep connection to San Francisco happens in parks, Recreation Centers and open spaces. Not only is it is only access to nature it is where they form larger communities, food, Mental Health services, support for seniors, safe play for children, spaces for exercise and special events and activities to support and people who live there. The Shovel Ready Projects are where neighborhoods are impacted by growing population, housing density and challenges and lack of well maintained parks and open spaces. This provides the opportunity to build out these programs. It provides connection to services and encourages access to being out doors to connect or recharge. All proven to increase Mental Health and wellbeing. Before covid arrived we knew how important parks and open spaces are to healt health and wellbe. It increased with shelterinplace. We believe we will continue to see an increase in the use of parks and public spaces. We want to ask you vote to ensure the parks grow and thrive. Welcoming to all as well maintained Vital Community hubs. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to San Francisco. Thank you. There are six callers in the queue. Next caller, please. Caller hello. I am born in bayview. I am in favor of the safe clean. [ inaudible ] i hope you have about that. Thank you so much. That is it. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next caller, please. Caller i am maureen. I live on texas street calling on behalf of the friends of jackson park. Jackson park has a project that is shovel ready we raised 17 million and we need you to make sure on this bond it is named. Thattual locate 10 million to get us to remodel amount we need. Before you take this vote and make this decision, i beg you as citizen to drive by jackson park for your own opinion. The crumbling concrete walls, the chainlink fences rusted. Let me say it onetime. Jackson park has never been recipient of a park bond. When i moved here in 1984, we have figured it out. At t park and hundreds of condos on the border of the park. Do not make us wait any further. Jackson park 10 million now. I appreciate your time. Thank you very much. Next caller, please. Caller good afternoon, supervisors. I am Alison Hughes on behalf of the advocates for investments in the complete neighborhood plan. The hill has never had the amenities such as open space and recreational facilities neighborhoods take for granted. We are shouldering thousands of new Housing Units with no funding for Neighborhood Parks. The eastern neighborhood plan failed to deliver on promises. Friends of jackson park led a campaign to Leverage Private donations with expectation the city would help fund the gap with jackson park named on the 2020 parks bond. The neighborhood shouldnt be forced to look for private funding for the public park. The friends of jackson park managed to get 9 million in pledges from local businesses and real estate developers. With an additional 8 million in the funding and project to be shovel ready it is this bond money to bring the project to fruition. I am glad to see the bond increased. Jackson park needs to be included as a specific line item in the bond. Our need for open space and recreational facilities has been overlooked too long. The goal would be in reach with the minimum of 10 million on the bond. Thank you everyone for your support. Next caller, please. Caller i am a leader with friends of the urban forest and district five rep. I want to voice my support for 2020 health and recovery bondings. I look forward to working for the passage of the bond measure and seeing improvement in buchanan mall and parks across San Francisco. Thank you. Next caller, please. Caller hello. I am on the park and recopen space advisory committee. I am a full supporter of the bond. We have gone through a lot to make sure it covers equity zones and also supports the city. It covers a lot that is in the equity zone. I support this bond and i hope it will pass budget and finance and the voters vote for it. I am happy to see that it has the permits for the housing and wellness and Health Section as well. Thank you. Have a great day. Next speaker, please. Caller hello, supervisors. I am grace executive director of community district. We provide services in a assistg Small Businesses during these difficult times. We focus on beautification of public spaces. Today we urge you to support the full 25 million allocation for the japan town peace plaza project included in the bond measure. The city of San Francisco and the japan Town Community deserves to have the space properly renovated by repairing and improving the space that serves as the heart of j town but a place for cultural organizations such as the Cherry Blossom festival brings together the city to promote the cultural and heritage to locals and visitors. We are taking part in the process to participating in the town Hall Meetings presented by the task force and rec and park. Key leadership is working for the vision plan that the Community Members feel we had the opportunity to provide i put. He it is in involvement that shows how committed j town is to make sure the peace plaza is here for our future generations who will be the care takers of one of the last officially remaining j towns in the united states. Thank you all for your hard work for the city. Next caller, please. Caller this is erica from the chinaTown Community development as well as committee for parks and rec in chinatown. We are calling in support of the inclusion of the bond in the recovery park section. The chinatown park. There has been the Community Central Gathering Place. In the locals of the squares delapdating from out dating design and faming the community needs. Over 10 years we have been working with San Francisco rec and park as well as the design team to come up with a thoughtful design that helps with a clubhouse and to create the needs for the park. Chinatown is a park that is desperately in need of open space. Many of those chinatown residents live in sros and dont have common living spaces. Our open space is so much in need for this community. We strongly support inclusion of this chinatown park on the bond and hope that the supervisors and the Budget Committee will support this and the voters of San Francisco will create a park that all those in San Francisco can enjoy, especially those that are residents of San Francisco chinatown. Thank you. That completes the queue, madam chair. Okay. Public comment is closed on items 14 and 15. I would like to make a motion to approve the amendmentses for item 14. Roll call vote. Madam chair. Could we please ask to read the final amendment into the record. Ms. Green would you read the final amendment into the record, please. Thank you. For the ordinance we have a change in the not to exceed amount of the bond to 487,500,000. The change in the summary adding the language to house and or deliver services. Facilities to house or indoor deliver services to those experiencing Mental Health challenges, Substance Use disorder and or homelessness. In i. Health and recovery bond will provide a portion of criticalness funding to improve Real Property including transitional and permanent support of housing and shelters. Adding section t to defin urban agriculture to read additionally agriculture provides proven benefits for the broader green space and recreation ecological benefits and access to work force potential and low income and vulnerable communities. Section y it talks the bond will provide critical funding necessary to acquire improve Real Property, neighborhood and water front parks and rec creation facilities and urban agriculture under the jurisdiction of the recreation and parks commission. Bb. City staff identified a Capital Improvement need 487,500,000. To make permanent and transitional supportive housing. In the language of the ballot measure again changing amount 487,500,000. Anding the language permanent and transitional for supportive housing. Adjusting the ab195 required language to read as follows where we would have an estimated average tax rate of. 014 per 100 of assessed property value. Average revenue of 40 million. That is a change from. 011 to. 014 and 35 million to 40 million. In section 3a changing the amount from 197 million to 207 million for delivering services for those with Mental Health services and adding transitional to describe the supportive Housing Units as eligible adding acute and subacute Treatment Facilities as eligible use. Psychiatric Skilled Nursing as eligible. Sobering after detox. So we have detox and sobering. 3b 239 million for open pace and recreation. Eligible uses and adding and urban agriculture site after waterfront citywide and Waterfront Park and recreation facilities. Delenatio 101 million. Recovery parks 86 million. Playgrounds 9 million. Sustainability 14 million. Community Opportunity Fund 6 million. Trails 1 million. Community gardens 600,000. 1. 4 million. Administration 2 million. Total bond funding for park and open space 239 million. Then the resolution on file adjusting to 487,000,000. 500000. In section 8 where it has the ballot language 487,500,000. That language to. 011 to 014. From 35 million to 40 million. That concludes the last one in section 18. The maximum amount of bonds 487,500,000. That is the conclusion of the amendments and the ordinance. Would you like me to read the resolution . Madam clerk, is it necessary for her to read the ones in the resolution . If we can ask to confirm if there are new amendments aside from what you mentioned previously. No new amendments. Correction of typo. It is the number i will flag it. Not to exceed amount in the title should be 487,500,000. There are a couple of typos to be brought in line. Otherwise no additional changes. Okay. I am assuming City Attorney that these changes are substantive and so we will have to bring this back to july 8 meeting for final confirmation . Thats right. All amendments to ballot measures need heard a second time. Motion to approve the amendments we have heard. Could i have a roll call vote, please. On the motion to amend some and 15. Supervisor walton. Aye. Mandell man. Aye. Chair fewer. Aye. There are three ayes. Thank you very much. Now, i would like to approve item 14 as amended to go to full board with a positive recommendation and item lets do item 14 as amended. Roll call vote. Item 14 to recommend to the full board as amended or continue . Sorry. Item 14 excuse me, City Attorney. Do we need to continue items 14 and 15 to meeting of july 8th . I believe it makes sense to travel them together. I recommend they both be continued. I would like to make a motion to continue item 14 as amended and item 15 to the meeting of july 8th. Yes. Roll call vote. On the motion to continue both items as amended to july 8th meeting, supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor mandell man. Aye. Chair fewer. Aye. There are three ayes. Thank you. Is there any more business before us today . We are adjourned. We will begin the Budget Appropriations Committee shortly. Thank you very much. We came to seven straight about 10 years ago. 7th street about 10 years ago. The environment is huge. It is stronger than willpower. Surrounding yourself with artists, being in a culture where artists are driving, and where a huge amount of them is a healthy environment. You are making it safer. Push, push. That is better. When i start thinking, i see it actually sometimes, i do not see it, but when i do, it is usually from the inside out. It is like watching something being spawned. You go in, and you begin to work, excavate, play with the dancers, and then things began to emerge. You may have a plan that this is what i want to create. Here are the ideas i want to play with, but then, you go into the room, and there maybe some fertile ideas that are becoming manifest that are more interesting than the idea you had initially set out to plan. So there has to be this openness for spontaneity. Also, a sense that regardless of the deadline, that you have tons of time so the you can keep your creativity alive and not cut it off and just go into old habits. It is a lot like listening. Really listening to watch what is going to emerge. I like this thing where you put your foot on his back. Lets keep it. Were your mind is is how you build your life. If you put it in steel or in failure, it works. That works. It is a commitment. For most artists, it is a vacation and a life that they have committed themselves to. There is this notion that artists continue to do their work because of some kind of the external financial support. If that was taken away, artists would still do their art. It is not like there is a prerequisite for these things to happen or i will not do it. How could that be . It is the relationship that you have committed to. It is the vocation. No matter how difficult it gets, you are going to need to produce your art. Whether it is a large scale or very small scale. The need to create is going to happen, and you are going to have to fulfill it because that is your life. This is a remote meeting via teleconferencing. The link can be accessed on the we shall site. During the coronavirus disease covid19 emergency the Fire Commissions regular meeting room at city hall, room 400, is closed and meetings of the Fire Commission will convene remotely. To receive a callback, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code. The number is 14084189388, and the access code is 1461383270. Item 1, roll call. President Francee Covington present. Vice president feinstein present. Commissioner nakajo i believe is listening, but not seen. Commissioner Ken Cleaveland . Muted. Okay, let me unmute him. Okay. Commissioner ken cleave land . Commissioner cleaveland im here. Commissioner rodriguez . Present. And chief of department, Jeanine Nicholson . Present. Clerk item 2. General Public Comment. Members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes on any matter within the commissions jurisdictions and does not appear on the agenda. Speakers shall address their remarks to the submission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or Department Personnel. Commissioners are not to enter into debate or discussion with a speaker. The lack of a response by the commissioners or the Department Personnel is not necessarily constitute agreement with or support of statements made during Public Comment. Are there any members of the public that would like to speak at this time . There is no Public Comment. Thank you. Seeing there is no Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. Next item, please. 0 item 3, approval of the minutes. Discussion and possible action to approve the Meeting Minutes from the regular meeting on june 10, 2020. President covington i would move that we approve the minutes. Second. Moved by Vice President feinstein, seconded by commissioner cleaveland. Clerk well do a roll call vote. President covington yes. Commissioner rodriguez . Yes. And i dont think we have commissioner nakajo, though we have four yeses, the motion passes. Next item. Is there any Public Comment on the minutes . There is no Public Comment. President covington thank you. Public comment is closed. Next item, please. Item 4, chief of departments request for leave to attend 2020 fire scope board of directors meeting. Chief of department Jeanine Nicholson respectfully requests a leave of absence with pay for two days, wednesday july 8 through thursday july 9 to attend the fire scope board of directors meeting in orange county, california. Deputy chief Victor Wyrsch will serve as acting chief of department. The cost to the department for this trip is 182. [laughter] thank you. Question, please, is the chief sleeping in her car . [laughter] i will not be sleeping in my car. Its an rv. No, im kidding. I would move that we approve the expenditure and allow chief nicholson to attend this training. Before i entertain a second, can i please ask if there is any Public Comment . There is no Public Comment. President covington thank you. Public comment is closed. Moved by Vice President feinstein, is there a second . Second. President covington thank you, commissioner cleaveland. Clerk i will take a roll call. President covington . President covington yes. Commission rodriguez . Commissioner rodriguez yes. And i still dont see commissioner nakajo, but the motion passes. President covington thank you. Before the next item on the agenda, i would like to hear from chief nicholson. Can you give us a little bit of background on this new position that youve been elected to . Within the organization, sort of what they do is provide recommendations and guidance to california the governors o. E. S. , and on matters that pertain to whether its mutual aid or incident command service. So that other so departments can work more smoothly together. So and there are a lot of committees that work on different issues and they bring them up to the board to determine if were going to move on them. And it is statewide. President covington okay. So a large portion of the responsibility is to discuss mutual aid . Is that it . Chief nicholson yes, let me read some of the things that they work on. Improved methods for coordinating multiagency resources during Major Incidents. Improved methods for forecasting fire behavior. Standard terminology for improving incident management. Improved multiagency incident communications. Trainings. Regional operation coordination centers, et cetera, et cetera. So, yeah, its all about being able to Work Together seamlessly, whether its at a wildfire, earthquake or some other Major Incident. President covington very good. Thank you for the information. Does anyone have any questions for chief nicholson at this time . Okay. Next item. Item 5. Update on the current budget. Mark corso, Deputy Director of finance and planning on the Fire Departments budget for Commission Review and discussion. Good evening. Good evening commissioners, mark corso giving an update on the legislative process. This is formal presentation discussions that are ongoing. In the current year, we are currently working like all the city departments, were working with the Mayors Office to balance 250 million deficit. Then as for the year that ends in the end of june. Were working and reviewing projects such as capital and equipment deferrals and modifications to change the way theyre financed, just to assist with reducing the deficit. For example, were working to convert some of our equipment purchases to a leased purchase financing model. I think the overall goal is to shift any cash obligations in the current year down the line a little bit, given the citys economic situation, but at the same time, were still working with the Mayors Office to ensure were able to purchase the equipment that were allocated. In some different way, well still be able to get the equipment. Im working with the Mayors Office on that. And over the next two budget years, were working closely on the fiscal year 2021 and 2022 budgets to be proposed by the mayor. Prepared by the mayor. That will go to the board on august 1. We talked about the delayed budget process. The mayor will be presenting the her budget to the board on august 1st for consideration and discussion at future budget hearings. Same thing along the lines, we discussed a little bit last meeting as well, were evaluating all areas of departments for potential savings or efficiencies, but given that our budget is spent for frontline operations, Fire Suppression and medical Emergency Services and we serve the vulnerable populations, we dont have a lot of flexibility. They continue our position on that. And were continuing to work with capital and equipment, things like that, hiring. A various number of initiatives that dont affect frontline operations which is the focus. The short answer is were still working with the Mayors Office. Its going to be a very busy next few months. A lot of the the whole schedule is compacted and policy decisions need to be made over that time. Thats just a brief update. Happy to answer any questions. President covington thank you. Is there any Public Comment on mr. Corsos report . There is no Public Comment. President covington thank you. Public comment is closed. Id also like to acknowledge that commissioner nakajo is in the meeting. President covington great. Yes, i see you there. Welcome, commissioner nakajo. I believe hes muted. There he is. Commissioner nakajo thank you. President covington good to see you. All right, so commissioners, do you have questions for mr. Corso . None . All right. Mr. Corso, can you tell us a bit about the budget meetings that have been happening in headquarters and if youre ready to talk about what the strategy is Going Forward to make sure that we have those lightest tap rather than a heavy hit on the budget. Absolutely. So weve been meeting internally and the administration reconvened our Budget Committee, will the first meet had the first meeting a couple of weeks ago to discuss overall what were looking at. I think everyone on the department side has agreed as far as limited flexibility and not impacting frontline operations, along the mine of the mayoral priorities of providing equity of services. Thats the key core of our mission. So i think for further reductions of what the Mayors Office has requested, were not looking at impacting that functionality. So those are pretty much what the focus has been on so far. Like i mentioned, we have communicated, the limited flexibility we have as well as the importance were placing on frontline operations. Were very lean outside of the operations that both on equipment, other infrastructure, so there is not a lot of room where we have that wont impact operations in some capacity. So i think we recognize that and thats kind of the communication weve had with the Mayors Office thus far. President covington thank you. Chief of the department, chief nicholson, i believe all of the commissioners received a letter via email from 798 Union Representing firefighters and they had a list of priorities. How is the conversation going to take place between the administration and the union regarding being lock step with each other in terms of our lobbying efforts . Chief nicholson good evening, president , commissioners, chief Jeanine Nicholson. So, we have regular conversations with local 798 and especially during this covid time weve been speaking with them on a weekly basis. And sean, the president and i, keep in good contact and we understand the importance of having a unified voice moving forward. So we just had a meeting on monday and we are we have really good communication. So we are working to ensure that were not, you know, singing two different songs and confusing everyone which has happened in the past. President covington very good. I know those conversations are going on. Was someone else getting ready to speak . Any questions for the chief . All right. Thank you. Can i ask for Public Comment . You have not. President covington is there any Public Comment on mr. Corsos briefing . There is no Public Comment. President covington thank you, Public Comment is closed and we can go on to the next item. Item 6, chief of departments report. Report from chief of department, Jeanine Nicholson, on current issues, activities and events within the Department Since the Fire Commission meeting on june 10, 2020, including budget, academies, special events, communications and outreach to other Government Agencies and the public and ethnic breakdown of the 126 academy class. Chief nicholson good evening. All right, can you hear me now . President covington yes. Chief nicholson okay. Good evening. President covington, Vice President feinstein, commissioners, and sister maureen. Again, chief Jeanine Nicholson, and this is my report for the past two weeks. Covid19 as we know has been the number one topic over the last quite a few months and up until this week we had zero covid positive members. Weve had one member of the Department Test positive. They do not have severe symptoms. They are, however, isolating and quarantining at home as are three people from work that had some significant contact or interactions with that individual. So that is what is going on on the covid front, but we continue to do our cleaning at stations and wear proper p. P. E. And ensure that we have enough p. P. E. To go around. Sorry, my computer is talking to me. So, right now were in a good space with personal protective equipment thanks to all the hard work that has been going on in the department. Also, in terms of covid19, you know, there has been an Emergency Operation center over at centre that has brought the city together and coordinate in the best way possible. That will still be there will still be an Emergency Operation center. Its going to be scaled a little bit differently. So we may not have as many people in there, but we will be certain to have several people in there, so we are involved at the beginning. Its basically going to a different command structure and the department of Emergency Management will be leading. Its basically, we have to scale back a little bit for the long haul because, as you said, this is not going to be over in a month. So we cant burn ourselves out. We did have a Management Meeting as well a couple of weeks ago. Were continuing to work closely again with them to ensure clear communication. Also, sean buford became a father this week, last week, recently. A healthy baby girl. So hes doing well at home. And, yeah, so thats good. Budget. We talked about that. Mark spoke about that. And, again, just to reiterate, and ive reiterated this with the Mayors Office and local 798, i do not want to see any negative Operational Impact with this budget. We just cant afford to have that. So that has been clearly communicated. Station 13 is the station that is going to be rebuilt and theyre going to be putting housing there as well which will then luxury housing, which will then pay for some lower Income Housing in chinatown. So it passed one of the legislative hoops that it has to jump through at the board of supervisors last week. Basically the transfer of the property to this Company Called related. And it is a long process. There are more hoops to jump through. But if you would like, we can certainly get the head of the department of real estate to come give you all the intel you want on that, if you want to add that to a Commission Meeting at some point. We can make that happen. We are happy with the design and the project to date. We have been included and we have included our station 13 members as well in this. Speaking of the real estate, weve had several meetings with them regarding a site for our training facility. We are working diligently with them to purchase a site. At this time i cant really i cant speak to it. Again, because its were undergoing negotiations, but were doing all we can to make this happen. This is an absolute priority for us. And the city is aware of that as well. So that is happening. And then has been involved in many of the street challenges that weve been seeing. Especially since covid19. Many of the congregate settings, the shelters are only at onethird capacity so people can social distance. So there is more and more issues on the street. But they have been instrumental of late in cleaning out parts of the tenderloin, getting people into housing. Not just cleaning it, but getting people into housing or safe sleeping sites. Theyve been working diligently with healthy streets operation center. And have been getting lots and lots of kudos. In fact, this week one of our members, dan, was really he was the pivotal person in getting two different pregnant women off the street into housing and services. And so ive been communicating that to the board of supervisors, to the Mayors Office, to the policymakers on our calls in terms of what theyre doing and the benefit they bring to the city. And there are actually there are multiple departments that will be forming a work group at some point in the near future in terms of an alternate response to the behavioral Health Crisis on the streets other than p. D. The police will not be responding to many of these calls any longer, so there may be a bit of a vacuum there. And we know that the program that we have is really, really effective and impactful. And so we are looking to clap wait with d. P. Collaborate with d. P. H. In moving forward on that as well. So that is and then, yes, and ive been working with spoke with dr. Colfax, the head of d. P. H. About this today, as well as the head of department of Emergency Management, mary ellen carroll, so were all putting our Heads Together to work on that. We want to ensure that our members, because p. D. Will not be responding to every single Behavioral Health call anymore, we are working diligently to ensure that we have the proper processes, protocols in place for our members safety. And were also working with the Police Department in terms of what they will respond to. And that concludes my report. And i do have a 6 00 p. M. Meeting with the mayor. Oh, it doesnt conclude my report. My apologies, president. You also wanted a report on the demographics the demographic breakdown of the last 126th academy class. So first of all, what i can tell you is that our former fire chief had selected over a dozen of the members for this class. So we had a very limited number of people we could choose from outside the department. So the final breakdown is 22 white, four africanamerican, eight hispanic, five asian, four filipino, and five multiracial. And that adds up to 40 members. President covington does that conclude your report, chief . Chief nicholson yes, maam, it does. President covington lets see if there is any member of the public that would like to speak at this time . There is no Public Comment. President covington thank you. All right, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners . Do you have questions . I do, president. This is katherine feinstein. Chief, are you there . Chief nicholson yes, maam, i am right here for you. Vice president feinstein question about station 13, i was unaware of this project and still remain relatively new to the commission. Im familiar with related, so i understand what their work is. Are they taking over the property to build luxury housing . Is it still going to be a fire station with luxury housing on top of it . Help me catch up a little bit here, please. Chief nicholson absolutely, Vice President. And i think this is also really it would be a really Good Opportunity for us to have the department of real estate come out to spell it out for you, but basically, supervisor peskin was very involved in this project from the beginning, wanting to get Affordable Housing into district 3. And so they went for this outside of the box idea. We have a station at the corner of washington, that is station 13. And there are also some buildings sort of behind it on washington that related purchased. And so were going to be moving the fire station to a little further back onto washington basically. It opens on to samson right now. And then there will be there will be housing going in sort of next to and all around it. And we are getting a brand new fire station out of it. And we have gone through the plans with sorry, my phone keeps ringing here so let me just turn it off. But it is it is yes, it was worked out so that we are getting this paid for, you know, all of it paid for. Its not coming out of our budget or the citys budget. And then what this does is related will then be building Affordable Housing on i cant remember the address but in chinatown. Vice president feinstein chief, is it both luxury housing and Affordable Housing . Or a combination or one or the other . Chief nicholson so related is building this luxury housing and there may be some office work space in there. Im not certain. Where station 13 currently is. The Affordable Housing will be paid for from that sort of pot of money that they get and it will be paid for in another location in chinatown. Vice president feinstein understood. Thank you. Chief nicholson youre welcome. President covington any other questions . Commissioner rodriguez is raising his hand. Commissioner rodriguez real quick. I know you have to go, chief. With the budget cuts and everything, i didnt quite understand, you said because the Police Department wont be responding to certain calls anymore how much more work is the Fire Department taking on for this . Chief nicholson yeah, so we are looking at that and looking at all the data around that in terms of, you know, if there are 20,000 calls that theyre not going to be responding to, where you know, who is going to fill in that vacuum . And so im not were not completely clear yet, but we imagine that it will have an impact on us and, you know, it may have impact on h. S. H. , 311 or whomever else. We dont know the exact impact, but, you know, the police get called to every Single Person on the street. And dont really, you know, have the services to be able to help folks. Sandy, do you know a number by any chance . Chief wyrsch . I do not have a number yet, chief. Can you hear me . Chief nicholson i can hear you. I know you and chief tom have been talking with the police. Correct and we have meetings in the future with operations of p. D. , mike redmond. Chief nicholson so im not really answering your question, commissioner rodriguez, but in my humble opinion, the work that our Community Paramedics are doing would be the absolute correct solution to this. And so were having discussions about that. Commissioner cleaveland so on those discussions im sure they wouldnt say to redirect money from the Police Department as theyre planning on doing supposedly, but they wouldnt say that the Fire Department is a community that needs money. Would that be a possibility if theyre going to restructure their budget . So they can get some of that money so you can do the work . Chief nicholson you know, anything is possible. I am not certain yet, but, yeah, i know they are reallocating a lot of money. And i know that the supervisors are going to have a lot of say in this. And so i have been speaking with, you know, different supervisors over the last couple of days about this. I just talked to supervisor preston today. I brought it up to sean elz as well. Weve got a good program that works. Commissioner cleaveland thank you. President covington okay. Thank you. Lets see, commissioner cleaveland . Commissioner cleaveland commissioner rodriguez asked my question and i appreciate the chiefs answer and hopefully, we can get that money redirected to our ems 6. Thats really an area of dire need for growth in my opinion. So the more responsibility, we need to have a little more money to fund that service. So thank you, chief. Chief nicholson thank you. President covington because you are due at city hall for your meeting with the mayor, i will hold my questions for now. And give you a chance to get there on time. Chief nicholson okay, so its virtual. All i have to do is turn around and turn on my other computer. President covington [laughter] all you have to do is swivel instead of pivot. Chief nicholson if you have to ask something, you can ask right now. President covington im still concerned about the lack of a definite place for the new training center. And as time moves on, i become more and more concerned. However, with the deep, deep dive in the economy, there may be some opportunities that come up for us. You know, maybe there is a very, very large developer that decides that things will not pencil out in the future because people are leaving town instead of coming into town in droves. So im hoping that there will be some opportunities. Do you think that were close to a site . Chief nicholson yes. We have a site located, yes. We are in negotiations regarding that site. President covington okay. That wasnt clear. So thats apologies well, thats good news. You buried the lede. We are in negotiations and im hopeful and i know that the department of real estate is really working hard on this. Ive also had a recent conversation with our city administrator, naomi kelly about this, so they all understand what it is that we need. And that there is, you know, no time to waste. So, yes, maam. Vice president feinstein very good. Well, my fellow commissioners, as things get closer to being inked, the deal being inked, it will have to come to the commission for approval. So at the time we will get all of the details. President covington this is good news im much relieved now. [laughter] okay. Chief nicholson apologies for not being more clear. President covington thats all right, as long as we get clarity at the end, were good. Again, any more questions . Okay, thank you. Is there any Public Comment on the chiefs report . There is no Public Comment. President covington thank you. Public comment is closed. Ready for the next item. Report from administration, deputy chief jose vel owe on report on administrative divisions, fleet and facility status and updates, finance, support services and training within the department. Good evening, president , Vice President , commissioners, can you hear me . Yes, sir. Here to present my report for the month of may. I have prepared a slight presentation of highlights in my report. If you would be so kind to put it in the center . Yes. Okay. Can you see that . Yes, sir. Thank you. So this is my report for the month of may. Then i go over different divisions. One of the [inaudible] covid19 response. Chief mentioned this. Were working with the response. The Management Team with folks working on the incident action plan. We do have a twoweek operational period, but also at the end of the operation, after six people a day working to assist the city. Right now we have [inaudible] section chief. We have assistance from nerts, chief, and firefighter oxford, who are assisting in different functions of the operations there. As the chief mentioned, were going down to a different mode of unified command starting july 6. Well reduce, but well share information to make sure were aware of what is going on. As far as the training division, one of the highlights, training during covid19 was shut down, so we focused most of the resources and support to the covid19 response. And eoc or the department, different [inaudible] common response, advice line for the members that were exposed with questions about the issue and we were busy doing training. Its a new device that is doing cpr without being close to the patient. So division training. You can ask questions of chief tong about this, too. But this is we believe will provide us with results. The 125th class has completed testing. Except one member who took time off to be off and has been unable to complete the probation time. The 126th class is completing their testing. All drills have resumed with new safety protocols. Were now back in full operation for training, drills. Happy to see that. Inservice training is resumed. And also, received training. Again, with safety protocols we have to approve. It was great to see them back on thursday night for the additional training, also great to see them on the fire on pier 45, assisting our troops and practicing their skills with the High Pressure system. It was good to see them back in shape after a few months of being off. We continue to do live Work Training and the airport crew division, training at dallas, texas. Our nert team has been very involved in the eoc response and the covid response, i mentioned that been getting a lot of praises for her work at the eoc, but her team, her members have been doing all kinds of outreach, support, food bank support and deliveries throughout the city. So you have seen many of the nert volunteers helping in all facets of the response to covid. Were really proud of the work. Including Testing Facilities. Staff in Testing Facilities helping as well, too. Very happy with the work. Another facet of their response daily. Not just e earthquakes, but now respondi responding tremendously. Chief of wellness has been busy with the epidemic. Working with tony boon. Developing the launch of the new whatsapp that im going to show you later what it is. And Health Department members, Mental Health issues. And support and they can reach on the palm of the hand with a phone and get support right away. [inaudible] Peer Support Team and the Clinical Response Team to be fundamental in unit in being able to deal with the department. We have as of today, almost Peer Support Team that are going to support the unit. They have training and will receive more training. From that team, were going to create an elite group of members who have the Critical Incident Response Team. So the teams that will be on call. If Major Incident happens that requires Mental Health support, well respond to assist the unit because only two members can do too much for a big incident, so theyll need help. After we select the members for the Peer Support Team, well put the application for the Response Team and get the team going and training. We have training coming up for them on july 21 and 22, whi. We put a general order. And now members do suffer incidents and we have members that suffer from members of the public sometimes on calls, they are able to track them, but now we can let them on the system put into, so we have a better way of keeping track of the data of the issues we have now. Its been long overdue. Weve been having monthly meetings with dr. Brokaw about our members. Were happy that chief parks are working together to get the issue resolved. This is the look of the cordco app. Its for the smart phone, iphone. It has two sites. One is for the public. They can get information about the location of the stations and meet some of the folks in the command staff. And on the internal side for our members, on the righthand side, you see that help now, identifications, message from the chief. We are able to get resources for them they need. And then we have education. So we think its very helpful and we have numbers logging into it and hopefully well see good results and feedback from them. This was launched by the Health Service system with the Public Service agency, so we i want to share with you that we completed week 2 today, today actually of the Antibody Testing for the members. Last week, three days, two more days this week next week for members at station 49. We have so far thousand members sign up. We hope to get more at station 49. This is provided to the credit union. And the goal for us is to study the exposure our members have to covid19. Im hoping to share those results soon and hopefully by the next Commission Meeting i should have some results to share with you all those studies. And this happened this week. Weve done training. The office has been busy. Putting out Health Monitors and news letter with information to members to know. Mostly covid19related. Also Mental Health issues and Mental Health tips to be able to go through this pandemic. The chief coordinated the study for the antibody study. She completed probation physicals, 125th class just completed. They all have to go through the medical. And we started to plan for the flu immunization for fall. The goal is to go up to 70 of compliance of members getting the flu shot. We had an average in the last few years of 50 . Due to the pandemic, im hoping to get more folks take the flu vaccination. This will help us all be healthier. Were going to help us with that goal. I want to share with you our bureau assignments that lieutenant is going to retire. As of friday, 23 years in the department. So were going to miss him greatly. A great resource for us on the administration side to help with many aspects of our jobs and really, really always a friendly smile and always willing to help. So used to work with him a few years back in station 39. Sad to see him go, but happy for his retirement. Wish him well in the retirement. Support services busy. A lot of facility players. 162. We have station 16, station 5, a couple of things going on. Electrical issues at station 16, were asking them to finish it up. And station 5, issues in the kitchen we need to redo. Were finishing those up. We continue to replace the doors and work on the emergency generators. We completed 31. And we have to go rebid for station 2 because the bid came in too high. Were working on the removal of stations. This is safety issue that due to earthquake safety has to be removed. If you have been to a station, they traditionally have hoses hang and dry after a fire. They were not seismically safe, so we have been working for a few years for that to remove them safely. Three trucks as we spoke in last meeting, one is doing the final inspection. We put two more on order. Were hoping to finish that. Covid has put delays on that, but were hoping to get it moving faster. We have a rescue boat that were going to put out to bid. Six new command vehicles. Some are in process of the different aspects of the construction, the lights, the radios and so forth. So were looking for that. And we have two new ems six vehicles, one is already out there and been outfitted. The other one is coming soon. We have new jet skis for station 16. Station 35, the concrete was poured. Framing has started. Metal stairs arranged. Were still on track for a completion date of march 21. In the report, you saw that there are tariffs imposed by president trump. There has been increase in the budget. That is out of control. The steel came from china. That jumped the cost of the project a little bit. And i know youre going to receive an update on station 49 from chief dewitt and chief tong. I leave it to them. I will share email video that the chief did. Small walk through, through the station, mostly 49, but if you open it, you can see that, too. Done a night job on showing everyone what every room is going to look like. So i can share it if you want it, but its in your email, too. I want to share a really nice event that the members of the department, different stations around general hospital, on may 1st this year. We did first general appreciation day. We went on the shift change to the Health Care Workers and sheriff, p. D. And fire line up. Just applaud them for their hard work theyve been doing during the pandemic. It was really nice to be there. Appreciate their work they do day in day out without concern for their own safety, because theyre putting their lives on the line. That was a really nice event to go to. Thats all i have for my report. Any questions . Hello . President covington hello . I think youre muted again. I just had a question as im still learning all of this. You know, i received some of the alerts that i know you received more than i do. And i have been really struck by the number of rescue calls. Is what im seeing reflective of the normal calls in a given year . Has it gone up that you noticed . Is it just that i didnt know much about the Fire Departments involvement in these calls . Cliff rescue, surf rescue. Im sorry to say bodies in the bay. It just really struck me. And i was wondering if you could give us a Little Information about that. Im putting you a bit on the spot. I apologize. Thats fine. Im going to my cohort, deputy chief wyrsch on the spot. Its a little bit of what you said, but chief wyrsch . Hello, commissioners, madame president , deputy chief Victor Wyrsch. The type of calls have changed during covid, but as far as the rescues, this is very average. I mean we have a tremendous rescue, cliff rescues, bay rescues. We get a lot and we dont get enough praise on the news because it is such a common occurrence, but this is very normal. Vice president feinstein im just very stressed. I dont know if my fellow commissioners have been or not, but im just surprised at the variety and number. And who responds and how many people and animals, their lives are saved and you dont think of the Fire Department in that light, but it its really quite evident. And thank you for that. Thank you. Yeah, sometimes the only other difference would be seasonal. Sometimes the winter will be cut back because there are not as many in the ocean and not as many people hiking. But traditionally right now, the numbers were seeing are the same. Vice president feinstein thank you. Thank you. President covington any other questions . Commissioner nakajo if i could ask some questions . President covington most certainly. Commissioner nakajo good to see the rest of the commissioners as well. Chief velo, thank you very much for your comprehensive report. I wanted to refer to page 10. And i know thats the Airport Division report. Yes. Commissioner nakajo is this adc Mark Johnsons first report of this time period . Thats correct. His first report. Officially, hes still on chief ali is still on the books until the end of the month, but Chief Johnson has taken over as of beginning of june, so this is actually his report. I do have a report on training. Chief wyrsch has it on the airport, so we get half and half of each report. Commissioner nakajo i appreciate that. At some point, if its appropriate, it would be nice fort commission to be able to see Chief Johnson in terms of his new roles as Airport Division. And in that same frame of thought, i wanted to thank chief ali for all of her Services Within the department, because under circumstances were not allowed to see each other and embrace each other for services rendered, so i just wanted to put on the record of our appreciation to chief ali. Thank you, commissioner. I must say that Chief Johnson, we have some connection tonight, so he was on the queue, but we couldnt connect. Ill pass the word and to chief ali as well. Commissioner nakajo on page 13, again, i always enjoy your comprehensive report with photos and such. I, like you, with the rest of our colleagues, are very happy that the nert team is back in training mode, but i wanted to refer to page 13 because i know there is all this set of dates where the nert volunteers went to the food bank and served and supported the food bank. And i got it all the way to the 31st, which means one continuing month. We all know the effects of the general public in terms of job losses as well as hardship in terms of even going to the grocery store. So i wanted to definitely acknowledge the nert volunteers in terms of their service through the city by going to the food bank. Gratefully acknowledge. Thank you. Commissioner nakajo on to the physicians report. Since weve hired dr. Brokaw, again, this occasion of having meetings again, as many of us are given an opportunity to remark. But i very much nd i know the commission has noticed how much positive nature and information those newsletters are and the newsletters that come out in a timely manner. I really like the column which by name has the stats there as well, besides the doctor. I know the name is there with ourself. Reminders from taking shots to other remedies. And even at the end of the newsletter there is even examples of Something Different like a menu, or efforts in terms of wellness. I just wanted to have you convey that to the Doctors Office and the doctor how much i appreciate that as well. Thank you, commissioner, i definitely will. Commissioner nakajo im glad you recognize and i see that in research and planning, we seem to have a tough time with captain rob last name, how do you pronounce that . Nueneck er. Commissioner nakajo he served for so long and been so recognized, i appreciate very much, chief velo, for you to have that photo and recognition to him. And my last question is on page 34. Its the Human Resource page. Basically, im just asking for clarity. There is announcement of reporting the following permanent probationary appointment. Its about h3, talks about h3 emt, talks about h30. In terms of clarity, when you say permanent probationary appointment, was that appointment effective may 30th, what does that mean . So, chief of the department appointed in this case captain silva, but after they finished their probation the probation is conditional to medical exams. So once the final probation and medical exam is completed, that is the permanent date of rank. So thats what the date indicates. The emt on the top of the page, there are five we just hired. Thats the date they were hired, july 10. Theyre provisionary members. Its just the time were able to complete the medical checks and then the probationary medical for those folks. In the case of the new recruits, its when they would hire them. Commissioner nakajo the word of importance is the word permanent, correct . Yes. Commissioner nakajo because otherwise, its not like a contradiction of terms in terminology, but probation usually means some extended period of phases of it. So i just wanted to get clarity in terms of this remarks to these members as a permanent position effective such and such date. Our probationary members are probation. Emt number 1s will be on probation until they finish the probation time. The firefighter rank, they have sixmonth probation they have to complete, too. Thats why its permanent and eventually become permanent. Commissioner nakajo thank you for the last clarification. Did you say all ranks are affected by the 30day period of probation . Six months for most ranks. Some of the ranks are different. I can tell chief tong and level 2 ranks that are different, level 1 are a little different, but lieutenant, captain, they have six months probation time. And then after that, they come back to another medical check and then they become permanent employees on that rank. Commissioner nakajo six months is dictated out of where . The Civil Service rules for the practice. Commissioner nakajo okay. All right, chief, thank you very much for all those answers to my questions. Thank you very much. Thank you, commissioner. Commissioner nakajo thank you, madame president. Vice president feinstein thank you, commissioner nakajo. Lets see, commissioner cleaveland . Did you have questions . Or comments . Commissioner cleaveland excellent report. Comprehensive report. Like commissioner nakajo, i appreciate the photographs. I am, too, very impressed by the work during this covid19 crisis and appreciate the leadership and the volunteers that are involved. I also think that dr. Brokaw is doing a very, very good job. And what we can see on the outside and appreciate the newsletter and the engagement she has immediately got involved with in terms of meeting with and interacting with all of the rankandfile members of the department. So just wanted to say, chief velo, keep it up. Good job and good report. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner. President covington thank you, commissioner cleaveland. Commissioner rodriguez . Any questions at this time . Commissioner rodriguez no questions at this time. Very good report. If i had questions, im sure it would be have been answered by your report. President covington thank you. Lets see. I just wanted to give congratulations to chief ali on her retirement. She has been a shrining light in the department for some time as has captain nueneker. I wish them the best, relax, have fun with the grandkids. [laughter] and well see you at some reunion at some point. So thank you very much for your service. Regarding your report, thank you, chief velo, for the report. And Vice President feinstein, thank you for your questions. There are so many things that go on within the department that people are unaware of. You know, fires have been down for many, many years because everyone was taught fire safety and we have all kinds of alarms that go off if there is anything in the house, that sort of thing. But we have, i believe we rescue more people on water these days than we do from fires. And cliff rescue is a big, big thing. No matter how many signs we seem to put up to say, you know, this is dangerous, stay away from the cliff, the dogs get caught, the owners go and get the dogs and they get caught. So its a very, very busy area for us that people arent aware of. You know as well other areas. So maybe at some point for the new commissioners we can have someone come in and talk about what is going on, because there has been over the past few years, there has been loss of life with people getting too close or trying to go down too far and then they get stuck. Okay. Lets see. Nert. My goodness. The portfolio for nert has expanded [laughter] quite a bit. Yes. President covington and our Commission Secretary is a nert person. And she has regaled me with stories of going through, you know, the park and telling reminding people to wear their masks and doorhanging for testing and all kinds of things. Im not nearly as active with nert as i should be, but were both nert certified. So kudos to the captain for really extending at a time of need and going where the need is most. And the food banks have been extremely busy and need so much help because the people who usually volunteer at the food banks are the elderly. The retired people. So now they have to shelter in place because theyre in, you know, a Vulnerable Group and i dont know why im saying they we are in a Vulnerable Group [laughter] [laughter]. President covington so we have to count on those young nert leaders. Kudos to them and thank you to them. Okay. Did i ask for Public Comment . Not yet. President covington is there any Public Comment on chief velos report . There is no Public Comment. President covington thank you. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 7. Update on the progress of the new ambulance deployment facility and current developments and updates at station 49. Assistant deputy chief dawn dewitt will report on the progress of the new ambulance deployment facility and assistant chief sandra tong will report on current developments and updates at station 49. President covington very good. Thank you. Who is up first . I am. Good evening. Good evening, president covington, Vice President feinstein, chiefs, commissioners. All right, lets see if i can figure out how to share my screen. Im not seeing any options here. Did you pass her the ball . I sure did. So, dawn, next to the camera icon, the little arrow in the box, share content. I see it, but its not showing my screen. I have the google chrome. Im not able to select anything. I have a backup plan. I can share the screen i have for presentation and chief dewitt can speak over it. Can she speak then . Yeah, she can speak. You just have control i i think i just got it. There it is. There we go. Im slow, but ill get there eventually. President covington as will we all [laughter]. Bear with me. Oh, dear. Its not going to get the full screen, though. This was the one thing i wasnt able to practice before we started. President covington madame secretary, is there somebody on the technical end . If you stop sharing that screen and then you go ahead and select the window that is the entire screen, youll have to unshare and then share again to be able to share the entire screen. So you should be able to have a selection of windows that appear at the bottom of your screen when you click the share button. Unclick the screen. Hit the share content button. There we go. Okay. Sorry. Youd think i did no computer ever. President covington its okay, were just waiting. Its not a problem. Okay, were almost there. President covington see. How do i start my slide show . Not able to click on the screen im sharing. It looks like its still loading. President covington there. This evening, i was giving you update on the San Francisco ambulance deployment facility. The construction update as of june 2020. I will be giving you a short background of the project and then a very high level review of the budget as well as a look at the schedule from beginning to end. And then ill just take you on a photo walk through and once i finish, youll get the ems Division Update from chief tong. This project rose out of the 2016 Public Health and safety bonds with the budget of 48,600,000. And the goal was to seismically safe replace the station 49. Some may wonder why were building a new building in the first place. The reason is that ambulances were not originally part of the Fire Department and so there were no separate facilities for the ambulances or for their members. When ems merged with the San Francisco Fire Department in 1997, the ambulances and their staff were originally moved into the firehouses and they were deployed from the firehouse. After years of assessments, the ems division realized that wasnt working particularly well, so they reorganized in 2006 and brought the ambulances back to one central locality where they could deploy them more dynamically and stage them throughout the city where they were needed. When they moved out of the firehouses, we had nowhere to put them, so we put them in the San Francisco Fire Department warehouse where they were colocated with the Logistics Team and they were pretty much crowded from the beginning. And now that theyve grown, they have outgrown the place and they needed their own facility. So back in 2016, it was decided we would build them a new building. Thats how we got to where we are now. For the budget, like i said, a slight overview. The initial budget as 48,600,000 and then financing costs was taken out of the budget of 719,000. In 2019, the board of supervisors further reduced our budget by another 137,000. Leaving us with operating budget of 47,million and change. The project is 100 on budget which is good news and we have 20 of the budget left to go. And considering that were in the final stretch of construction, were in really good shape to stay on budget for the remainder of the project assuming that covid doesnt resurge and cause any unforeseeable delays in the future. Heres a picture of the schedule. It was a fouryear project. It started in 2016. Constructi construction began in october 2018. And were all the way over the righthand side of the screen, the end of the yellow bar. Were in the homestretch of this. We were on budget, on time up until last month when the Construction Company gave us notice that they were projecting a 75day delay for various reasons. After several meetings with them and d. P. W. , they were now able to project it back to 5557 days. If you notice the chart, righthand side of the screen, we have the movein date, its supposed to be november. But our project manager of d. P. W. Put in a month cushion in the movein date, so even with delay of 5557 days, we should be able to get into the ambulance facility at the same time as we had originally suggested. As you can see from the screen, the substantial completion was suggested to be just around the corner in july 2020. And now we have a revised completion date of october 26, and likewise, the financial final completion date was supposed to have been september 28 and that has been moved to november. So its not too much later and since were still on budget and were still moving fast, were hoping to even reduce the delays even further. Now im going to give you a little walkthrough of the facility. Ill start with the exterior of the building. This is depiction of the artist rendering of the exterior. The slide on the left, the picture on the left is the front of the building from gerald street. You can see in the foreground we have a fueling station where the ambulances and automobiles can fuel up. We have both diesel and regular gasoline. The building is in the background. On the right hand picture, you can see the back of the building. There is a twostory parking garage for staff parking and command vehicles to be parked back there. And heres a look at the building as construction began in september of 2019 when i first joined the support services. Lefthand side, went together seamlessly. It was a beautiful project to watch the steel coming together. It fit like a glove. It went smoothly, quickly. Everything fits great. It was very improjeipressive pr. On the right hand picture, you can see the signage on the building, most of the glass is in place. Its a little difficult to see, in the center of the photograph, there is a glass overhang at the face of the building that enables the ambulances to pull up alongside the building and restock their ambulances under shelter and cover of glass awning. Moving inside the nope, still in the yard. Heres the picture the yard. We have the fuel tanks going in on the lefthand side of the building. In the right picture, its a view from the roof to the yard. Its not a very good picture. Its a screen shot of a video walkthrough we did this week, but the fueling station is there, protected also by a canopy so that members can fill up their ambulances and vehicles under the shelter of the canopy. Heres pictures of the parking structure being constructed on the lefthand side. The stairs are going in place and theyre putting the railings on. In the righthand side is a impressive picture of all the concrete, the people putting the finishing touches on the second floor of the decking structure. Now were inside the warehouse, the fourStory Building. The first comprised of warehouse. On the left side, you can see the warehouse and view of the second floor catwalk. From the catwalk, you can see down into the entire Warehouse Space, which gives anyone, the supervisors a view of anything going on in the warehouse. In the right picture, were on the first floor. You can see the windows that look into the office. The r. C. Is the office where all of the ambulance staff check in every morning when they get their assignments. Directly above from the office, you can see the window, that is ems 1s office. Chief tong will be up there. She has clear supervision of the Warehouse Space beneath her. Adjacent to her office is ems 2 office, and that exits on the catwalk and will have a good view of what is going on in the Warehouse Space. More of the first floor. The left hand picture is inside the office. The r. C. Office not only has a view into the warehouse, but into the yard. They have supervision of the ambulance crews outside. In the center is all of the electrical cabinets going. We dont have power yet, the water will come last, but the infrastructure is in place. One bathroom, you can see the tile on the place, and the floors done and covered. And all of the tiling work is complete throughout the entire building. This is a view from the second floor. The left picture is from chief tongs office. She looks directly down into the Warehouse Space. She also has a view down into the yard so she can see the ambulances stage and the people out there getting ready for work. The second picture on the righthand side is another view down into the r. C. Office. You can see now the face of the doors on the r. C. Office and all the other doors in the entire building are in place as well. On the second floor, alongside the ems 2 office and within view of the ems 1 offices are biomedical or controlled substances room. Chief tong will have a direct view into the comings and goes into that office. And on the floor is where crews will prepare the gurneys and then there is a eyewashing station. The third floor, is where the paramedics, ems, will have their break rooms, gym, lactation room, breakroom and restroom. The picture on the lefthand side is the breakroom for the kitchen area. There is a nice window. Its a pretty big space. The picture on the right side shows the same room but looking for the windows back into the kitchen space. You can see now that theyve put up the sheet rock on the roof system. All the duct work is in place and the painting has begun so everything has been primed. Were still on the third floor walking down the corridor outside of the break room and down the other side of the building. You can see the three windows with the blue tape marks. That is the gym. Its a decent sized gym with great windows looking outside. On the right hand picture, you can see a view of the interior locker room which has not yet been supplied with lockers yet. But that room is really nice in that the lockers will form dividers from one side to the next and we have the ability to shrink locker space depending on the balance between male and female employees. Well be able to expand one space and condense another. You can see the painting. All of the duct system in the hallways have been primed. And those blue cables hanging from the ceiling are the i. T. Cables putting all of the Data Infrastructure in place. Up to the fourth floor, the last floor. On the left is the main Conference Room. The best view of the facility and the outside. Its a really beautiful room. And then the right picture is a view from outside the Conference Room looking into the open office space and the remainder of the staff office is on the left. You cant see ems 6 office. They are behind the wall on the back side of the screen. But were considering opening up that space to give them a better view of the office and better communication with that space. For the final slide, i thought id give you a picture of the entrance gate. Envisioned by our artist. That gate has a field fence that will be installed on the jairld street side. You can see the old carriage, ambulance on the left side. Eye droppers, gurneys. And their logo on the front. And then as youre leaving the station, exit on mackinnon, there is that back section. Thats all i have for my update. Are there any questions . I think everyone is on mute. President covington thank you for that. Thats a wonderful report. Commissioners . Vice president feinstein . Vice president feinstein great. Before you begin, is there any Public Comment . There is no Public Comment. President covington thank you. All right. Vice president feinstein my question was just to educate myself. What is the biomedical control substance room . Chief tong, do you want to answer that question . Sure. Good evening. In you shall flush its the durable stuff, the monitors. Those machines that help people breathe better. Those are the harder pieces of equipment that arent disposable. Vice president feinstein what about the controlled substance reference . Yes, thats the narcotics. Is that down stairs . Did i misspeak . No, i think its on the second floor. Vice president feinstein i thought it was on the first floor. It doesnt really matter, i just wanted to know what it was. Thank you. President covington any other questions. Okay. Commissioner cleaveland . Commissioner cleaveland thank you, madame president. Thank you, chief dewitt for the very excellent report on the progress. Im just delighted to hear that the project is going to come in more or less on time and certainly impressed that its coming in at this point under budget. Thats pretty unusual. So kudos to everyone involved. You guys are kicking it to make that happen. I had a question regarding the measures that youre taking to make the facility secure. Can you talk a little bit about what youre trying to do or what you are doing to make the facility secure . Sure. The fence outside the decorative fence that you saw, that i put in at the end, that originally was slated to be 8foot fence and they increased that to 10foot and that will wrap the perimeter, not the decoration, but it will be 10 feet throughout. And then the facility itself will be controlled by the same system at headquarters, so someone will have to present an i. D. Card to get into the building from the parking lot or from within a stairwell. The main rollup doors will be opened but there will be staff on site at all times. And then areas such as the controlled substance room, the narcotics room, that has only certain people have privileges to go into those rooms. And then certain, like the staffing offices, that area is restricted to only members with specific key card access. So thats what were doing to keep the whole building secure. Commissioner cleaveland will there be any video more monitoring of the site, inside or outside, around the perimeter . There will be exterior cameras only. We dont do surveillance inside, but we have a front gate camera. The only entrance is the jerrold street side. They have to ring a doorbell and theyll be able to ring people in and that includes trucks that come in to deliver supplies or pedestrians. There is a pedestrian gate and a vehicular service gate. There will be cameras on site outside in the yard that the chief will have access to and the r. C. S to see what is going on. Commissioner cleaveland id also like to congratulate you on art. I know there was controversy on the original design. What you have presented tonight is great. Its really and its noncontroversial and will be a great asset to the station, thank you. Thank you, we think its beautiful. I love it. Commissioner cleaveland agreed. Thank you very much. Commissioner nakajo madame president . May i ask questions at this point . President covington yes, commissioner nakajo. Commissioner nakajo thank you very much, madame president. Thank you very much for your presentation, chief dewitt. I just wanted to comment that it went really smoothly. Felt like you had it pretty well together, very well organized. And your sequence and your descriptions were very, very good as well as you have a nice narrative voice. Thank you. I practiced. [laughter] commissioner nakajo its evident. The last time i was there was with yourself and i believe some of the commissioners as well as the president when it was all steel rig, in terms of the frame. At that time, when you go in stages and you go through a site and its ground, the next time you see the still frame because of circumstances we havent been there since the slide, i wanted to remark on how well the slides came out and came across in your sequence of it as well. Its just like driving up from a perspective of the public, but also from a perspective of the paramedic. And i wanted to share it with our fellow commissioners in terms of commissioner rodriguez and Vice President feinstein, is that the terminology that was used, this was a brand new building that was designated in plans in terms of architecture and design for that very station 49 and paramedics and emts. With age and time, i was here when the department inherited the Ambulance Services. Thats where we use the term. Later on it became emerge. As we inherited this Ambulance Service and their personnel, at that time i dont remember very much Budget Associated with that. We have gone through several levels of training as well as growing pains in our endeavor to treat those members, all the way from hours of services to finding a house. And station 49 respectfully, i have been around long enough where that is a uniform shop or warehouse. It wasnt that conducive facility that was supposed to be for men and women with lockers. So i wanted to acknowledge the Great Service that the department has made over the years. The new facility, its beautiful. And its beautiful from the perspective that drivers can drive up the ramp, go to a section, refill their equipment, and as you described, dinein, the social hall. The meeting rooms. Chief tongs office as well. The lighting. And the visual, its just really beautiful. And, again, part of this is, its amazing in five years, something can be built that was also with the commission as part of the beautiful phenomenon that new construction with station 16, 5, 35 now with the boat i cant remember the station number of the new fire station with the new Police Headquarters down on 3rd street. I felt like saying station 4. Thats it. Yep. Commissioner nakajo but since that time, we were able to sign our names and my name is on that station 49. Again i thanked the mayor for reappointment because ill be able to see that station open up. But it is very exciting to be able to see the progress and coming in at cost with the functionality of the services of chief tong and such. That will be a great morale booster if you will. Sorry i took so long in the description of it, but thats how excited i am in terms of how much accomplishment weve made. Great job, chief dewitt. And to the men and women of the department and to the Contract Team that put that together. By no means are we done, but nothing but excitement ahead of time. Thank you. President covington commissioner rodriguez, did you want to Say Something . Commissioner rodriguez i mean, its all been said. You know, when you have something come in on budget, on time and look as nice as it is, obviously its a result of everybody being happy. I really its good that commissioner nakajo shared what he said. Because its been such a long history of why things happen. If youre not around, you really dont know until somebody explains it to you. So the i guess the end result is long overdue, but it was due and i look forward to being part of it. Thank you. President covington thank you. Well, i think its absolutely gorgeous. And i, you know, chief tong, your office is like an eagles nest. I just love that you are able to see everything going on around of any import on the property, which is very, very good. Our members on the medical side are so deserving of this lovely building because they have been cheek by jowl. They have been sardines in this can and now theyll have a new space, ample space, and also enough room to actually congregate. And there are classrooms in that building as well. So its very, very good to see the progress. Especially given the fact that construction was shut down for a while all across the city. So for them to be able to catch up a little bit is very, very good. So i am heartened tremendously to see the progress. And i am so glad for the members for this. And to the new commissioners, i suggest that you you know, if you get a chance, you know, health and time permitting, that you go and look at the current facility so that you can see what an unbelievable upgrade this is [laughter]. Absolutely. President covington night and day [laughter]. All right. And i think that were in very, very good shape. You know, the bond issues and all of that has helped us tremendously in getting this facility. I see that it says 49, but all of the paperwork still says deployment. Thats because we have a 49 currently active, we have to hold off on the name change until theyve moved in. President covington okay. All right. Very good. It really does need to carry on the tradition of 49 on the ems and paramedic side. So, i think that was all i had. Just lots and lots of compliments. Oh, i did have one question from way, way back. A lot of the renderings of the gate, which i agree is beautiful the gates are beautiful there was in the renderings, there was razor wire above the fencing. Is razor wiring still going to be used . No, that was the change from the 8foot fence with razor wire to 10foot fence with no razor wire. I think its a really good change. Yes, that is an excellent change. As you may remember, i was not fond of the razor wire [laughter]. No, ruins the fence. President covington it did, it did. And right now, the facility will be the only thing there, but with housing going in everywhere, eventually there will be neighbors i would assume. So weve got the art academy on one side. I dont think theyre going anywhere and we have old big buildings. Were sandwiched between other structures, who knows what the fate will be. President covington right. The new neighbors, at least they wont be looking at razor wire and the department wont be looking at razor wire. I think it sends a negative message. So its much more welcoming without that. All right. Very, very good. Thank you for your report. Chief tong, youre up next. Yes, i am. And chief dewitt is going to help me with the changing of the slides. President covington okay. I think were seeing my face, though, sandy. No, i see a picture. 49. So, thank you, chief dewitt. That was a great representation. If you go back to the one picture with the ambulance and the backdrop, that one so one of the things that we will be getting for the new station is the Art Commission is helping us frame a number of large photos that well be able to put up for people to see. Weve also asked for members of station 49 to bring in and share some photos that theyve done. This is one of our members who took a picture. We have other ones that are beautiful and fantastic. These are going to be mounted on a 30 by 40 aluminum mount. Some of these have rich and vibrant colors and theyll be shining through. We have a process were trying to identify and then choose what these art pieces are going to look like. This is one of the examples from one of our members. So were quite excited. By the way, i know chief nicholson is like, say your name. Sorry. Assistant deputy chief sandy tong of ems. Okay, next slide. Ive been focussing on the last few months of since weve been in covid just to give you a brief overview of what has been happening since then. Also, just being able to kind of really identify all of the things weve had to do during this time. And then at a later date, if you want me to go more deep in terms of what were doing, i can certainly do that. So, in this brief slide show or in this go over what has been going on with our response to the crisis. Give you a little bit of background in terms of our call volume. Ems 6 has had a huge role in addressing a number of issues that have been happening during the last few months. Just a few other things weve been doing since that that are noncovid. So when we were first identified that we were going to be responding to these types of calls, we had really no ideas in terms of what we were dealing with and how we were going to be responding, how it was going to affect us, what our risk was. I have to say for our 49ers they rose to the occasion. At least in administrative point of view, we had to figure out what is going on with the virus . What is the possible disease that is going to come out of it . How are we supposed to address the things that need to happen on the calls . There is a lot of unknowns as you all know, we had to do a lot of digging. As information became available through the cdc or other sources, we were trying to identify, what it is, how can we protect ourselves . We were creating documents to share. We had to figure out the proper p. P. E. , personal protective equipment. Do we wear masks, gloves . What do we have to wear in terms of protecting ourselves when were exposed to folks . We were trying to figure that out as well. We were bombarding all of the members of the department, what do we know . How do we address this . So there are regular updates that we were posting and sharing in every way that we can. And so it was a lot of focus on just trying to best provide the information that our crews needed to be safe. We also wanted to prepare for a surge in terms of our staffing. There was definitely a lot of concerns that without understanding what this virus and this disease was, that we would not be able to maintain the staffing necessary in order to address an increase in call volume. So we were trying to figure out all of the Different Things we could do to prepare for that. Part of the other issue that we wanted to address was because there was so much unknown and because we knew that there was going to be people who are going to be exposed to a lot of people and we wanted to make sure we were able to document when they were meeting up with folks that might be covid positive, or even if they were, you know, under investigation. So we wanted to make sure we had a dedicated personnel, which ended up being rc5, which is a reassignment of some of our paramedic captains to work 247 to be able to respond to scenes, to make sure people are wearing p. P. E. , and to be able to check in with all the medics and ambulances as well as the firefighters in terms of what was happening. And then we also created a covid advice line. That one was just an opportunity for people to call with just general questions that they might have about what is happening. Anything that was covidrelated. Any concerns they had, if they possibly got exposed. So that was another creation that we realized had to be addressed. And then i did not finish that sentence, but identifying and planning just for future in terms of how were going to carry on in terms of the longer term. Okay. Something is missing. Next slide . Okay, so, i see that this im missing a bunch of slides that arent complete here. Flush so the next one is the ems response. Station 49 operations. I wonder if this is a potentially older version of the slide show. President covington feel free to give us the information without. I was going to say, i can just talk. You can just stay there. Ill send you all a link to the presentation. I just wanted to really commend the members of station 49. They really i think when we talk about heroics, one of the things that is clearly a way that we can define that is people who go into situations that are completely unknown and without regard for themselves and deal with what needs to happen. And that is really what happened with our members of station 49. They did not know what they were walking into, but they went in and dealt with the patients and dealt with patients with a lot of grace, with a lot of concern, with a lot of compassion, because if you were sick, you didnt know what was going on. So they had to step up and they did that. The other thing that was really positive for us, they came to work. So we had really good staffing levels. We were able to get people working overtime. We always had the sufficient number of people coming to work. They kept themselves safe. They wear their p. P. E. They took care of themselves. They were cautious, but they were also out there. One of the other things that we really tried to focus on, too, and much more recently is to try and acquire the Safety Equipment that is necessary to help protect them. And the two things that were working on and where there is a significant exposure is during cardiac arrest. And so we have, as chief velo mentioned, the cpr device which is a device we put on a patient who is in cardiac arrest and it provides compressions, cardiac compressions without us having to be bent over a patient. We also have potentially intubated or it allows them to maintain a safe distance from the patient while still providing them with lifesaving measures. And then the other thing were obtaining are the video. Its another way to put a tube down the persons tracheaia to help them breathe, but because it has a video, it allows us not to be right in their face to int interbait them. The intubate them. One of the upsides for us is that it created an opportunity for us to figure out how to meet together and how to share information. So being able to do so with the Digital Technology has allowed us to communicate more regularly than we actually ever have before. We have daily video well, i guess theyre team meetings, Virtual Meetings we have with all of the officers in the field and all of the section chiefs. So were able to share a lot of information. So thats a positive for us during this pandemic. The next shot that i would show you is a sample of the response flow chart that we developed in order to show people, you know, as soon as you get dispatched, this is what you do. If you come across somebody who is exhibiting symptoms of covid, this is what you do. Our initial attempts, theyve changed significantly from what we had first. When we first started dealing with the calls, we had to rely on some of the information that our dispatch got and then if they were able to be provided information that they believed they might be walking into somebody who was covid positive, they would put on all of their p. P. E. If you recall, you know, it was really difficult to get a lot of personal protective equipment. Getting the n95 masks that were critical, gowns and goggles. Those were in short supply when this first happened. We had to conserve and provide enough so they would have it if they needed it. We needed to isolate, what calls do we put on the equipment and what do we reserve for the next call . At some point we realized that everybody needed to be assumed to be positive, a covid patient. So by then we were able to maintain and acquire equipment so that we could wear them for every call. Then the next slide would have been just a little bit of information regarding our call volume. So unlike other places like new york and other places, our call volume actually went down. In total, it went down. I was provided with data. It probably went down for the last three months starting in march until now. Between 1020 . So thats a huge amount when you think about, you know, we were initially doing in the high 300, sometimes 400 depending on the weather and we were down to 300, 320, sometimes even less. So that was significant. We had a slight decrease in response times. I would attribute that one to significant staffing. So we didnt have medic followup types of calls and the traffic in the city was almost nonexistent, so we could get to places a lot faster. The next slide. How long our calls were lasting . Interestingly, the duration of our calls decreased, but as you might expect the time that we were at a hospital increased just a little bit. That was likely due to trying to the ambulance making sure the paperwork was done correctly, but in general, the duration of the calls actually decreased. So i dont know if its just because transport times are a little faster so we saved time there. As i mentioned, our level zeros were rare. Probably overall in the past few months, weve had level 0 a handful of times. So thats a relief for some of our members. Not only were they dealing with the stresses of responding on these calls, but then youre also having to deal with, you know, hurrying up and finishing a call and going to the next one. It really did help the members that the call volume went down some and that we had sufficient staffing. Okay. Then this slide would have said. This is for ems 6. Ems 6 really stepped up to the plate. There were so many situations, especially with the population that they already serve, that they were able to come in and be able to assist. Whatever was needed at that time. So they have been staffing 247. Theyve been costaffing with d. P. H. , the Sobering Center managed alcohol program. That is some of the members some of the patients that we have gotten that have chronic alcohol issues and they need to be in a monitored site. So our ems 6 captains have been staffing that 247. Weve also worked with street medicine to do covid screening and field testing. So our members have been trained to do the nasal swabs. They assisted d. P. H. In locating covid persons that they needed to put into isolation. So there are a number of Homeless People out there that d. P. H. Was looking for. They were able to identify them, find them and do a warm handoff to wherever they needed to go. We helped with the tenderloin testing site when they were trying to do mass testing. They served as safety officers. We created roles for them in case there was a surge, that they would be able to respond and take care of the lower acuity covid patients, in conjunction with one of the partners in d. P. H. Would potentially be able to help them not end up having to be transported. The next slide. Okay. This looks right. So during this time, we had an h. A. Academy. That is the per diem members. We were able to, i think complete 18 people. So these are folks that have other jobs but that are able to fill in and assist us with staffing. This was particularly important we got that done early in case there was a surge. And if a number of our members got sick, we had another backup full of people that we could put on ambulances. And then we had currently right now we have our level one, the emt academy. That began on the 1st, which will be as chief velo mentioned, graduating on the 10th. There is five of them. Theyll be emts on our ambulance. Another class is starting this. The ems advancement academy. That is the other name we used to use a bumpup academy. Those are emts who want to be fire paramedic or working an level 2 of the ambulance. Next picture. Im so bummed. I have pictures. Chief tong, i think chief velo has a better copy of this. You know, were almost done. So just finish and ill send it over to you all. During right in the midst of covid, we celebrated ems week. That was may 1722. We had a lot of food donated for all the members. They were well fed and very happy. At the end of the week, we had a barbecue and ceremony at station 49 with a visit from mayor breed. That was quite special. We were able to honor a number of our 49ers. Normally, the ems, they have events and since covid we couldnt do so, we had our own and we were able to have members vote for, you know, the coworker of the year, their paramedic of the year, the kindness award, community service. Those are really nice events. And then i dont know if there is another slide. And then finally, during covid in march we the city of San Francisco, celebrated 125 years of continuous municipal emergency Ambulance Service in the city. And that was, you know, something that has gone a little bit under the radar, however, i think i sent you a link to the slide show that captain smith did. I was reading a couple of things and there is a link in the slide show that in the presentation ill give to you. But there was an article that i looked at. In it, it identified that in 1932 the average calls was five calls day that ambulances went on. And then in 1978, it was 150 calls. And now in 2020, were up to 350, 400 calls. So weve significantly grown. And you know, happily, were able to do so and continue to do so and hopefully, well be able to do so for the next 125 years. And then the last slide would have showed you a bunch of ambulances that came from the horse and buggy era to what we have now. Oh, this one. My computer was frozen. Thats okay. On the left is the oh. On the left are the awarding. In the middle is the ad hoc ceremony in station 49 in the ambulance bay. On the right, you see chief nicholson with the mayor. And maybe there is a picture of ambulances on the next . Nope. Okay, that ends my report, thank you. President covington thank you very much, chief tong. It was very good. I think you filled in m marvelously. I could tell what you were talking about. Excuse me, im going to move i have to move myself because im running out of battery. Get myself plugged in here. President covington in the meantime, commissioners, questions . Okay. Lets see, commissioner rodriguez . Commissioner rodriguez hopefully, i can say, you know, without leaving anything out. I just want to congratulate you. Ive been really impressed on the job that youve done and the job that you continue to do. You know, in the very beginning of all this, the public and myself included just did shelter in place. And we just stayed home and were safe. I have two daughters that are nurses, you know. I think the stress they were going through all the time. But you took, like you said, you had to develop a program to respond to something and nobody knew anything about. And you youve done a great job. And i just want to congratulate you on the job that youve done. And what you continue to do. You know, weve seen it in other parts of the world. You know, it can be utter chaos and so many lives can be lost. And needlessly. And what you did really it just really amazing. I get choked up thinking about how things could have been, but how you handled it. So congratulations again. Im very impressed. Thank you. I think well obviously, its a complete organizational accomplishment. We had so much support from everybody, our command staff, from the Doctors Office, from the people who were doing the work. We were really fortunate and i think San Francisco is lucky that we closed down first and soon. I think that saved a lot of people, but i think we also worked really well together to figure out what is it that we have to do in order to make sure we stay safe and still provide the right service . So thank you. Vice president feinstein president covington great, thank you. Vice president feinstein . I dont see her. Okay. Vice president feinstein i do. I just wanted to echo what commissioner rodriguez said. I cant say it better. And really want to thank chief tong and all the folks that she works with for being out there when we didnt want to and were afraid to. And the difference, i think, that the efforts of the Department Personnel has made in terms of keeping us in a place where a lot of cities would love to be. Just as incredibly it Shows Incredible foresight and really we owe her and her team a lot of thanks. Really a lot of thanks as a city and county. Thank you. President covington thank you, Vice President feinstein. Commissioner cleaveland . Commissioner cleaveland thank you, madame president. I also would like to congratulate you on a job well done. Youve had amazing responsibility and you and chief dewitt are leaders and have put together a program that addressed a critical issue here. None of us saw it coming. The proof is in the pudding. We had one paramedic pardon me if im wrong one paramedic contract covid19 and that speaks volumes right there about how you managed the program and managed a response to this epidemic. I had a question. There was some controversy years ago in establishing the per diem program. It looks to be an asset to the department. Certainly to the ems division. Can you elaborate and tell me how valuable or what you think about the ems program . Yeah, i think that the program can definitely be i think it can definitely be a great fail safe for us if we can get enough people trained. Were trying to one of the things that might have been a failure in the past, was trying to ensure that we got work that they signed up for shifts. So weve created a somewhat complicated, but effective point system, where were going to be tracking the amount of availability and amount of shifts that each ha would actually be working. And so that way, then, we can assure were not wasting resources by training them and then having them at work, but also have them take some responsibility by either working, you know, holidays, working when we have a heatwave. So some of those things were trying to make sure they do their job. Commissioner cleaveland you mentioned that there is an academy for h8. I wondered what is involved in the academy . What do h8 per diem folks learn in academy . They go through our policies and protocols for the city and then they review a lot some of the more operational administrative things that we require of them from the Fire Department. Most of them are all experienced paramedics, so that portion of it, we dont really have to do that much in a didactic and classroom setting. The h8 academy is actually only two inclass days and there are rideouts we do. Its a Quick Program in terms of training. You say the majority of the h8 Paramedics Want to become fulltime San Francisco Fire Department employees . I dont know that most do. I think there are definitely a number that would be love to be an employee here, but others already have fulltime jobs theyre happy with, so theyre just looking for a way to get extra money and expand their experience. Commissioner cleaveland in terms of the number of patients picked up that exhibited covid19 or said they were positive or what not, do you have any idea what percentage of the number of pickups this past month, or the past two months, have been socalled covidrelated, or suspected of covid19related . So that is a little bit hard to tell. The Doctors Office would have a better idea because theyre the ones that do notifications of members that have been exposed to a patient that tested positive. They get that information from d. P. H. And they directly contact our members to let them know. I thought i had heard something about under 200 were identified since we started of patients that have been tested and communicated to us. Dont quote me on that. Commissioner cleaveland thats actually good news if thats true, or anywhere close. Thats a small number compared to what you pick up every day. Thank you very much for your report. Thank you. Commissioner cleaveland good work. President covington thank you. Commissioner nakajo . Commissioner nakajo thank you very much, madame president. Thank you, chief tong. It was a great sequence in terms of chief dewitt talking about the new station 49 and the remarks that came about the men and women who worked there, because the building facility is a facility. But the content of the facility is the men and women who are emts and paramedics in your division. I remember the day that you were one of those early Public Health ambulance employees that came lets not age ourselves commissioner nakajo were just talking about that past experience that came as a paramedic for the public of health and today is division chief of ems. Thats a great accomplishment. There is a lot of history behind that. So you know exactly what youre talking about. And you know exactly the growing pains in terms of the department inheriting the Ambulance Service. Your description and all the things that the men and women have done are pretty descriptive, but also important. Often times in terms of suppression or prevention, through the description of the chief becomes the visual. For me, in terms of all the work that has to be done. And in terms of the last four months since march 17th, as commissioner rodriguez made reference, i, myself, have been sheltered in place, which is safe. The ambulance and the hospitals and the frontline workers, during all of this time, i think about our men and women, paramedics, emts, forever firefighters that have to go out there on a daily basis. You talk so easily about the equipment we didnt have that talks about the management and the ability of the men and women in terms of the performance of that. Its amazing because were in the heart of it right now to me still. I feel that phase one, if you want to call it, or a surge i dont know when the resurge is coming, but it doesnt feel like were done or close to that, which also leads me to concepts and requests because here we are in the Fire Department that you and the membership are doing exactly what we need to be done. Which is addressing members of this city that need that help. And in my mind, the homeless, the tents, all of the kinds of legislative lobbying and program and services that we still have to be able to do. And were part of that. I really appreciate the description and all the work that the men and women have done within this department. And still have to be done as well. Thank you very much. For your dedication and your presentation. Thank you, madame president. President covington thank you, commissioner nakajo. I have three quick questions about first but first i want to mention to our new commissioners, and correct me if im wrong if i am wrong, chief tong, but you had already retired true. President covington she had a short retirement and then she was recruited and wooed back by the chief of the department, nicholson, to have her current position. So were very, very lucky that chief nicholson prevailed and that chief tong had to stop planting the petunia and having brunch with her friends and come back to the department. So welcome back again [laughter]. Thank you, its definitely an honor. Thank you. President covington now, i wanted to know, were there any department nationally that you could turn to for best practices . And if so, what were those best practices that are now being employed . You know, we didnt. And we couldnt. I think for everybody it was something new. And if we could have been lucky, there would have been some additional planning that a lot of people would have done for a pandemic. There was definitely some documentation that has been available, but in general, this was everybody just flying by the seat of their pants trying to figure it out. President covington im sure youre getting a lot of calls regarding best practices, so maybe you put together a manual for other folks. I also wanted to know about the covid advice line. Can you talk a little more about that . So, the advice line was staffed by a member from training during the day and then answered also by rc5 when people called any time of the day. They could call and say, you know, i have this situation, i want to know what i need to do about it. I had this interaction with a patient and i was not wearing my mask, what do i do . I am afraid that the call i was on, that the person was positive and i dont know, who should i talk to, what information can i get, how can i get followup . Those were the initial concerns that people had. And then we sort of levelled off some now in terms of the kinds of calls that come in. They now can also field any reports that need to be done for exposures. And the exposures report that we do is just so we can make sure that if the patient they just had tests positive, that we have documentation that is easily found that they had exposure to this particular patient. The advice line was just really an opportunity to share information and to alleviate some of the peoples fears about what they were dealing with. President covington is it still operative . Yes, its still during the day. President covington i think that makes a tremendous difference to people who are, you know, the avant garde of a new way of doing things, especially in a Health Crisis situation that you have knowledgeable people at the end of the phone day and night. Because we are a 24hour operation. And you dont have to, you know, worry for eight hours until the opening of business before you can get an answer about things. Thats very, very reassuring to people to be able to have access to that kind of information and feedback immediately. So that was a very, very good idea. And lets see. My last question, i think, was oh, very simple one. How are you taking temperatures now of people who have called . So for patients . President covington yes. We do have hand held thermometers, infrared, the same ones that we used for ourselves in the station to make sure we do our health monitoring. President covington and we have enough of them . Im sure theyre probably in great demand now. We always have carried thermometers, but those were the kind that you ran across a persons forehead. Weve ordered a large number of decent infrared thermometers early on in the process. So we had those, too. President covington well, very good. And again, thank you to everyone on the medical side, the medical team for the s. F. Fire department, youre doing a fabulous job. Thank you. Madame secretary . Next item. So we did call Public Comment on chief dewitts. President covington is there any member of the public that would like to comment on chief tongs presentation. There is no Public Comment. President covington thank you. Seeing no Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. Item 8, commission report. Report on Commission Activities since last meeting on june 10, 2020. President covington thank you. What have you been up to, commissioners . Anything you would like to share. All right, youve been sheltering in place [laughter]. As have i. So havent been getting out and about. So i have nothing to report. Okay. Next item. Public comment on that item. President covington oh, my goodness. It would be horrible if someone said, the commissioners arent doing anything, they arent getting out. Okay, is there any members of the public that would like to comment . There is no Public Comment. President covington therefore i will close Public Comment. Item 9, agenda for next and future Fire Commission meetings. President covington fellow, commissioners, any suggestion for upcoming meetings . We do have lieutenant baxter. Hes asked if he can give his update on july 8. President covington yes, by all means put him down, please. Well i think that because of the very, very Critical Role that the members of the fire boat and the fire boat had just about three weeks ago now, i think it would be a good idea for members of the public to know more about our fire boats. You know, how many we have and how they operate. And that sort of thing. So that they know its not just, you know, water displays at the opening of the giants games every year [laughter]. So, please add that. Okay. President covington is there anything else that people want to add at this time . Yes, madame president. President covington commissioner cleaveland . Commissioner cleaveland we talked about station 13 earlier today and i think it would be good to put that on the agenda at the appropriate time to give all of us an update on what we envision as our new station 13 along with any housing. So any kind of overview, if you will, of the project, architectural renderingrenderin kind of thing. President covington it would be great to have an update on that. We have seen schematics early on, but it would be nice to flf the new commission. Something else . Commissioner cleaveland the other thing is to have updates from the employee groups. Weve had those in the past, but its been quite some time since weve had in i of any of the Fire Department employment come and give a presentation about what theyre doing as a group. Give us an idea of how we can interact or assist them. President covington very good. Anything else, commissioner cleaveland . Commissioner cleaveland i think thats it for the time being. Thank you very much. President covington so we have a number of things that we can put on future agendas. And as time goes on, commissioners, if anything comes to mind, then please just give me a call. All right. Thank you, all, very much for participating. I think that everything went quite well considering the number of people who are participating in the meeting and that we are still new at this. Thank you, all, for your patience and your ingenuity. We just need to call Public Comment on item 9 . President covington any Public Comment on item 9 . There is no Public Comment. President covington okay, thank you. So no members of the public have suggestions for future Commission Meetings. So Public Comment is closed. And item 10, adjournment. President covington i will entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved, madame president. President covington thank you. A second . Im sorry . I will second. President covington thank you. And we do have to have a roll call vote on this, so. Commissioner cleaveland, yes. Nakajo . Vote to adjourn, thank you. President covington . Yes, i do. Thats unanimous. Oh, one okay, she is. We need to hear your voice. Commissioner feinstein i concur in the motion. President covington its unanimous. Thank you all very much. Have a good rest of your evening. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. First its always the hardest and when they look back they really wont see you, but its the path that youre paving forward for the next one behind you that counts. Hi, my name is jajaida durden and im the acting superintendent for the bureau of forestry and i work for public works operations. And im over the landscaping, the shop and also the arborist crew. And some tree inspectors as well. I have been with the city and county of San Francisco for 17 years. And i was a cement mason, that was my first job. When i got here i thought that it was too easy. So i said one day ill be a supervisor. And when i run this place it will be ran different. And i i didnt think that it wod happen as fast as it did, but it did. And i came in 2002 and became a supervisor in 2006. And six months later i became the permanent supervisor over the shop. With all of those responsibilities and the staff youre also dealing with different attitudes and you have to take off one hat and put on another hat and put on another hat. And shes able shes displayed that she can carry the weight with all of these different hats and still maintain the respect of the director, the Deputy Director and all of the other people that she has to come in contact with. Shes a natural leader. I mean with her staff, her staff thinks highly of her. And the most important thing is when we have things that happen, a lot of emergencies, shes right by me and helps me out every time that i have asked. My inspiration is when i was a young adult was to become a fire woman. Well, i made some wrong decisions and i ended up being incarcerated, starting young and all the way up to an adult. When i was in jail they had a Little Program called Suppers Program and i supers program, and i met strong women in there and they introduced me to construction. I thought that the Fire Department would turn me down because i had a criminal history. So i looked into options of what kind of construction i could do. While i was in jail. And the program that i was in, they retrained us on living and how to make the right decisions and i chose construction. And cement mason didnt require a High School Diploma at that time so i figured i could do that. When i got out of jail they had a program in the philmore area and i went there. My first day out i signed up and four days later i started to work and i never looked back. I was an apprentice pouring concrete. And my first job was mount zion Emergency Hospital which is now ucsf. And every day that i drive by ucsf and i look at the old mount zion emergency, i have a sense of pride knowing that i had a part of building that place. Yeah, i did. I graduated as an apprentice and worked on a retrofit for city hall. I loved looking at that building and i take big pride in knowing that i was a part of that retrofit. My first for formen job was a 40 Story Building from the ground up. And its a predominantly male industry and most of the times people underestimate women. Im used to it though, its a challenge for me. As a female youre working with a lot of guys. So when they see a woman, first they dont think that the woman is in charge and to know that shes a person that is in charge with operations, i think that its great, because its different. Its not something i mean, not only a female but the only female of color. I was the first female finisher in the cement shop and i was the first crew supervisor, in the shop as a woman. When i became a two, the supervisors would not help me. In the middle, theyd call me a rookie, an apprentice and a female trying to get somewhere that she dont belong. Oh, it was terrible. It was terrible. I didnt have any support from the shop. The ones who said they supported me, they didnt, they talked about me behind my back. Sometimes i had some crying, a lot of crying behind doors, not in public. But i had a lot of mentors. My mentor i will call and would pick up the phone and just talk, talk, talk, please help me. What am a i going to do . Hang in there. It was frustrating and disheartening, it really was. But what they didnt understand is that because they didnt help me i had to learn it. And then probably about a year later, thats when i started to lay down the rules because i had studied them and i learned them and it made me a good supervisor and i started to run the ship the way that i wanted to. It was scary. But the more i saw women coming through the shop, i saw change coming. I knew that it was going to come, but i didnt know how long it would take. It was coming. In the beginning when i first came here and i was the first woman here as a finisher, to see the change as it progressed and for me to become a permanent assistant superintendent over the cement shop right now, thats my highlight. I can look down at my staff and see the diversity from the women to the different coaches in here and know that no one has to ever go through what i went through coming up. And i foster and help everyone instead of pushing them away. Ill talk to women and tell them they can make it and if they need any help, come talk to me. And they com knock on my door ad ask how i move up and how i get training. Im always encouraging to go to school and encourage them to take up some of the training with d. P. W. And i would tell them to hold strong and understand that things that we go through today that are tough makes you stronger for tomorrow. Although we dont like hearing it at the time that were going through all of this stuff, it helps you in the long run to become a better woman and a person shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses, and challenges residents to do their shopping within the 49 square miles of San Francisco. By supporting local services in our neighborhood, we help San Francisco remain unique, successful, and vibrant. So where will you shop and dine in the 49 . I am the owner of this restaurant. We have been here in north beach over 100 years. [speaking foreign language] [ ] [speaking foreign language] [ ] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [ ] [ ]now in terms of essential workers and whats available. What we plan to have this summer and what people can do to either sign up or what other programs to do to prepare under the new guideline for the programs that they want to make available to people. So, lets get started. Phil, you we hit the ball running, both you and maria su got together because we knew the schools were going to close. But we also knew that there was an essential workforce out there. People who were driving muni, people who were working at hospitals. They had children. They needed child care. They were concerned about taking their children to their elderly parents. They couldnt leave them at home. Tell us a little bit about the program that you established that is available currently and will potentially be extended once programming starts for june 15 during the summer. Thank you, mayor. Yeah. You asked us as soon as the schools closed to start thinking about our kids and working families, particularly our Health Care Workers and First Responders and people who were needed to help in the citys response. And so the department of children, youth and family and Recreation Park Department are working closely together under the guidance of department of Public Health, set up an emergency child care system that is now in its 12th week. We, over time, served over 475 kids, 19,000 hours of child care offered during that time and we served over 4,000 meals at over 25 different sites. The program runs between 6 30 in the morning and 7 30 p. M. And kids have been involved in Distance Learning and a little bit of recreation and its really been, you know, wasnt what we were used to doing and we had to stand it up pretty quickly, but it has been an amazing experience and im really grateful for my partner in runing this thing, maria, and the department of youth and family who have been terrific. And i want to just add because i know that, you know, sadly, you had these kids and these pods with limited number of social distancing. These are kids coming together on a regular basis. Something similar to what were going to be doing this summer. And, unfortunately, there have been people who have made nasty comments or complained or even yelled at, you know, the kids. And so what i want to say to people is to back off and mind your own business and to leave kids alone. Because at the end of the day, these are kids whose family members are putting their lives on the line to help support this city. So, i cant reiterate enough that its important that folks really just stay in their lane, mind your own business. Were providing essential service. And we want to extend this and make this available to more kids. So, lets talk a little bit about phil, can you just talk a little bit about june 15 . Sure. Were going start programming and were going to extend the number of kids that were able to serve. Not just in our park system, but our overall Summer Program so i want you, phil, to touch on what will be available for our park system, both for our young people and our teenagers and then were going to jump into maria su to talk about programming in general. Sure. So, our child care operation its summer, and child care was intended to operate while during the school year while the School System when the School System was closed and what families and kids are used to during the summer is camp. Youre right. The truth of the matter, it will look somewhat similar in that were going to have pods of 12, but beginning june 15, rec and park between rec and park t private sector camp providers and our nonprofit providers we expect that there will be over 200 different camps available to kids can. We are going to prioritize. Kids of parents who are working in essential businesses, who are part of the citys response, who are, you know, in allowable businesses and, frankly t kids who need us the most right now. Many of our kids in the city have been without their coaches and mentors for going on 10 weeks and we want to reengage and make sure that these kids, above all else, have something to do this summer. So, starting june 15, camp providers will be allowed to operate. Theyre going to need to certify that theyre going to comply with the health order and guidance coming out of Public Health, which means kids still need to be in pods of 12 for older kids. The minimum session for camp providers will be three weeks and the boll rationale behind that is to keep kids from normally during a normal summer kids go to one week of this camp and one week of another camp and the health and our Public Health officials have asked us to keep kids together in a consistent pod. So well have three threeweek sessions beginning june 15. At rec and park, were planning over 25 different camps. We expect there to be another 40 to 50 private camp providers operating in our park system. I believe that maria is estimating nearly 100 nonprofit camp providers will operate around the city and then there are some other muscle private providers that will be operating on, you know, nonpark property in different spaces. Were going to start working with camp providers as quickly as possible, right after were done speaking with you. And for our camps, for rec and park camps, well begin priority registration on may 26 for all of the participants that are currently in our Emergency Child Care Program and our kids in our Scholarship Program who are a little bit more vulnerable and who really, really need us. Were going reach out to those populations first and then citywide, registration for rec and park camps will begin on june 6. All of this information will be laid out on the department of children, youth and familys website, dcyf cares. Org. And ill turn it over to maria to talk about the other providers and program staffing. Thank you, phil. Thank you, mayor, for this opportunity to share with our residents of the work that were doing right now. So, like the mayor shared, we are in the process of expanding the opportunities for families, particularly for summer. Were really excited about this because, as a parent myself who has two children, this is going to be great opportunity for our young our young people to go out there and engage with others and just really address the social isolation issues that we know is happening in our families right now. So dcyf is really excited to be partnering with rec and parks and the rest of our summer providers in the city to stand up all of these programs for the dcyfspecific agencies, which are the nonprofit agencies, that our department provides supports to, we are going to be working with them to open up camps and programs that they will then be made available for all of our families. We are looking at around 100 programs that will be available for families starting june 15. We are asking all of our nonprofit agencies to follow Health Guidelines, which still has shared, restrictive groups of young people in consistent threeweek programming at a minimum. We will also put on our website, dcyf. Org care. More information around the health order, around the drexives and the guidelines, with how private camps are also fulfill all of those requirements and then document that they are going to open up. So look for that website to go live actually the website is live now. But look for the forms to go live soon. Great. And over time, mayor, i think were going to try to inventory try to provide parents with as much information as we can about all of the camp opportunities because we have to think about it as a network this summer because of the Health Guidelines. So, we hope to be able to have a list and some reference materials for not just rec and park camps, but all of the private camps happening around the city, too. Yeah. And i want to touch a little bit because, you know, child care has been important because we have allowed that to continue for essential workers. Can you talk a little bit, maria, what we can expect as it relates to the 0 to 5 age group and what might be available during the summer . Yes. So, were really excited that this new health order that you have authorized with our Health Department to allow the expansion of Child Care Services for more families. So, there are child care programs for children 0 to 5 right now that are providing services for our essential workers and other allowable businesses. Under this new health order, we are now opening that opportunity for more families. We have hear that there are families out there who are working, who need care, who really, really need care for their children. And for children to need to need opportunities to be with their friends. So, this health order will allow more families to have access to these slots, these child care slots. I do want to caution folks that we are still following Health Guidelines and so the slots are going to be limited. We are restricted to a Smaller Group of children per site. So i just want to set expectations for everyone that its not just usual child care as we remember how it was a year ago. Yeah. And i do think its great that, you know, this is providing an opportunity for kids to come together. So were talking about pods of 12 within the course of a summer camp or preschool or in other arenas so that not only can kids can parents get to work, but also it gives these children an tounlts interact with one another because im sure, especially if it is a child who doesnt have any siblings, to be able to play with another kid was like i know everything for me as a kid and i just feel so awful that these kids cant go out there and enjoy one another. This is an opportunity and a great opportunity. But i also, sadly, know it is a very limited opportunity. But do want to touch on, you know, teenagers because i know one of things that happens often times they are always left out. So i am commited to making sure that opportunities for all is available so that we have paid internships for kids during the summer. And that we make that available, especially for our teenagers. Because, you know, already theyre missing their graduations and activities and events. And we want to make sure that they have a productive summer as well and theyre not left out. So, maria, make you can touch on what might be happening with opportunities for all and i know that with rec and park, we have a number of teens that are going to be working and helping with these camps during summer. Lets talk a little bit about, you know, how kids who are teenagers can sign up for some of the programs. Thank you, mayor. So actually a lot of our programs are doing a lot of connections to young people now but theyre doing it remotely. Theyre doing a lot of wellness checks and followup on what academic support these young people need. So, once again with this health order, were now allowed to have facetoface and inperson connections with these young people. So, were going to work closely with our nonprofit agencies to help young people connect to internship opportunities or actual Job Opportunities at some of these Summer Programs or at offices that are slowly opening up. So, theres great opportunities for private sector folks who are now interested who are opening up and would be interested in being a mentor for a young person this summer. That would be amazing. However, if that is not available, our young people are actually engaging in projectbased learning right now. So a lot of our young people in our Workforce Program will be doing Small Projects that are that is remote for the agencis that theyre assigned to. There will be engagement but it is so much better if the engagement is in person and not remote. I do how do they sign up . Like a teenager that wants to participate and have access to a paid internship . For now, were directing everyone to go to dcyf. Org care so they can find out whats available in the community and make sections there. I also do want to say that, for young people and for families who are struggling right now because there are young people and familis who are struggling right now we do have a website that is available and under the mayors leadership, she wanted to prioritize Mental Health services for families and for our essential workers and other service providers. For those who are struggling and who need support, please go to fieldSan Francisco. Org to learn more about different resources for parents, for young people and for adults and service providers. And also can we call 311 and be referred if we dont have access to the internet . Yes. Well definitely make sure that thats possible. Great. Great. We want to make it as easy for people as possible because i know sometimes you jump on a website and trying to figure it out or if you dont have Internet Access but want to ma you are that your friend knows that this might be available for their family. Talk about what some of the teens are going to be doing in your program this summer. Sure. For the last 607 years, San Francisco has had a program called workreation, where we actually fund teenagers, kids between the ages of 14 and 17 to work in our camps. And because of your leadership and focus on getting these camps opened safely and getting kids an experience, were hiring approximately 200 kid this is summer that will be counselors in the camps that we just talked about. I also think there is an amazing opportunity, mayor, for those private camp providers that want to operate this summer to hire teenagers. Heres why. The health order and the Health Guidance requires a minimum of two staff for every pod of 12 kids. And for private camp providers used to operating with a ton of kids and a few staff, you wont able to do that this year and staff wont be able to move around between pods during the camp session. For private camps to operate, they need to be very wellstaffed and we highly, highly recommend that private camp providers hire teenagers to help and provide some support in making sure that your camps operate safely and smoothly and gives these kids a great experience and opportunity to make some money. I want to provide an example because, for example, we have been providing a camp at well, i guess it is called a camp, i dont know what it is called, but we have been providing support for young people whose families are essential workers at Hamilton Rec Center. So Hamilton Rec Center has several rooms that could be used. So, i know that the plan is there is going to be probably two or three pods of 12. And each of those pods have their own rooms and their own activities around their rooms and they are also able to go outside and enjoy the field but not in the same pod, although they have their workers that are assigned to their pods. So, it provides for more opportunity to support more young people. So, the good news is even when theyre in these situations, theyre social distancing, but you know how it is when youre a kid and youre out playing, most likely youre going to somehow have some interaction where you might touch or be next to each other. So that is really why the importance of keeping these pods to what they are is significant in preventing the spread of the virus and giving these kids a chance to have their community of people to hang out with. Yeah. I think that is what were going for. It is super important for kids to first of all get outside and reengage and, yes, there will be indoor spaces. But a lot more emphasis on being outside this summer for children. And as you know, mayor, for them to be together and hang out and a under the Health Guidance to your very early point for those who are concerned about the health of our children, under the Health Guidance, kids within the same pod can play sports. They can do certain activities. So, k they play basketball together . Can they together, within the same pod. They can do those activities. And that is why this whole pod concept is very important. Our Public Health officials have been focused on minimizing risk. It is impossible to eliminate it 100 . But minimizing it. And that is the whole premise of these long threeweek sessions and these pods of 12. Depending upon which spaces a camp uses a camp may be able to have only one pod of 12 kids but may be able to have two pods or even three pods. As you know in hamilton or season seth rec center where the richmond or jolie, some of our buildings have multiple spaces, some schools where camps might operate have have multiple spaces. And then weve got the best park system in the country. So, we have plenty of outdoor spaces as well. For each pod, each pod requires a minimum of two staff people and staff cannot circulate between pods. So, again, for all you private camp providers out there, hire kids to help you this summer. All right. Well thank you all so much for the insight. Im sure a lot of parents are excited about this. I am hopeful that, you know, some of the in addition to the private the public camps that well provide with rec and park and a number of rec centers and nonprofit partners will be able to provide a sufficient number of locations within the Public Sector and hopefully in combination with the private sector, many of our kids can have an enjoyable, effective, fun summer. So, we appreciate that and for more information, make sure that we reach out to department of children youth and families on the website or call 311 and before we wrap it up, i do want to talk a little bit about this weekend because its memorial day weekend and typically everyone first of all, the weather in San Francisco, even today, is gorgeous. And most of the time people want to go out and have barbecues and hang out with friends and family and i really like the idea of what you did in terms of circles in park to make it clear like you have to stay away from each other. We want to be next to each other so bad. But at the same time, were doing so well. We still see the numbers of infections going up. But we see the number of hospitalizations going down, the number of those who are in i. C. U. Going down. San francisco is doing well. And the last thing we want to do is get too comfortable and all of a sudden go backwards so we still need people to keep their distance. We still need people to wear masks. We still need people to wash their hands regularly wash your hands but phil, tell us a little bit about what we can expect with the parks this weekend because we are, as much as we know people would want to use the parks, well be out in force regulating during memorial day weekend. Again, we dont want to shut down any parks but if it comes down to that point where things are out of control and arent following the guidelines, we wont have a choice. We really need people to be on their absolute best behavior. So, tell us about what we can expect with our parks this weekend. Sure. I mean, mayor, you covered it perfectly, which is that, look, our parks are super important right now. They are the one place where people can get outside, get some exercise, connect with nature and you have been amazing at making sure that these spaces are open and accessible. But for them to stay open and accessible, people need to do the right thing and over the last 10, 11 weeks, most people have been. But we need to focus and not ease up so you can be outside but you have to socially distance. We still recommend that you wear a mask. No partying, you know, no big events, no big picnics. Just enjoy nature and enjoy a little time with your own immediate family or your own roommates. We will have park ranger, San Francisco Police Department, police officers. Well have sheriffs cadets, fire cadets, Police Cadets and the neighborhood emergency Response Team, all doing education and outreach. There are over 1500 signs in all of our parks indicating what you can and cant do. Just do the right thing so we dont put the mayor in a position where she needs to take more drastic action. It is amazing, mayor, in a lot of cities just threw their hands up and say, oh, parks closed because we dont want to deal with it. You havent done that. Youve kept parks open for people. So, you know, were all asking the public to do the right thing this weekend. The weather will be nice. You will want to get outside. If you have to get in a car, its too far. So go to your Neighborhood Park, enjoy it. But socially distance. If youre deloris or jackson or the marina green or washington square, weve offered a little bit of popup behavioral art to inspire you to claim your own space. That is the circles that are in some of the parks. And, you know, theyre intended to be joyous and inspirational, but intended to remind everyone that we need to be mindful as we continue to fight this virus. And i just want to say that please dont get offended if, you know, our park rangers or someone walks up to you and asks you, you know, are you guys in the same household just to, you know, make sure that people are following these orders. We have a responsibility. And the other thing is, if youre not the police, then please dont act like youre the police. We dont need you to walk and regulate and tell other people what to do because that creates more drama. It creates more tension. So we are doing the very best we can. We want to make this park and open Space Available to you because we know how challenging this has been. For the most part, san franciscans have followed the order and we are so fortunate that we have amazing residents in the city who are taking this seriously, even though not everyone is complying which has made life difficult in some respects. But please let us deal with that. Were doing our very best to try and reduce this curve to the point of it being nonexistence because i know how badly we want to get back to being out there, to going to work and allowing kids to play. But the fact is coronavirus is with us for some time. It is not about getting back completely to normal. Its about adjusting to our new normal in a responsible way. It is going to take time. Its going to take ai, patience. We appreciate everyone for what you continue to do to help San Francisco be a leader in this effort. Thank you, Phil Ginsburg, thank you, maria su for your insight. For more information call 311. I know there might be a lot of questions also about the schools and other things. Were happy to continue these conversations based on your feedback. Based on your questions. Because many of us are doing the very best we can. This is not like anything any of us have ever expected. So, were all in this together. Were going to get through this together and that requires us to continue to be patient, get information to you as soon as it is available and just really try to come together, lift one another up, enjoy the memorial day weekend. And thank you all so much for your cooperation. Have a great weekend and well see you next week

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