Committee. I am vice chair of the committee joined by supervisor walton and safai appointed in place of supervisor mandelman for today. I would like to thank sfgovtv and the board of supervisors operations for lending support. Thank you, madam vice chair to protect board members. The chamber and Committee Room are close. This is pursuant be to all various local, state and federal orders and declarations. Committee members will participate to the same as if physically present. Public comment is available for each item. Both San Francisco cable channel 26 and sfgovtv are streaming the calling number on the screen. Comments or opportunities to speak are available via phone by 415 6550001. Once connected and prompted enter the id for today. 145 1872784. After you dialed that number press pound and. Again to be connected. When connected you will hear the discussions but you will be muted in a listening need. When your item comes up dial star followed by 3 to be added to the speaker line. Best practices call from a quiet location speak clearly and slowly and turndown your television or radio or streaming device. Account for time delay. You may submit Public Comment by emailing me, the clerk of Public Safety and Neighborhood Services committee. John. Carroll at sfgovtv. If you submit Public Comment by email it will be in the file as part of the matter. Your written comments may be sent by u. S. Postal service to our office in city hall. 1 doctor Carleton Place room 244 San Francisco 94102. Items today will appear on the board of supervisors agenda june stated. Thank you. Chairman delman is not here. I will make a motion to excuse chairman delman. On the motion to excuse mandelman member walton. Aye. Safai. Aye. Stefani. Aye. Madam, vice chair, there are three ayes. Please call the first item. Resolution urging the Civil Service commission to adopt rules to disqualify to the uniformed ranks of the Police Department and Sheriff Office based on prior acts of misconduct. Members to comment should call the Public Comment number. 415 6550001, enter i id1451872784. Press pound twice to connect to the meeting. Press star followed by 3 to enter the queue to speak. I am in receipt of a memo from chairman delman asking this to be a Committee Report for the june 23rd board of supervisors meeting. Thank you. Supervisor walton, this is your item. The floor is yours. Thank you so much, chair stefani. And thank you supervisor safai to have this meeting. Happy juneteenth. Thank you for celebrating at this time for our community. I hope the District Attorney will have joined us for Public Comment and then we will come back and have conversations about the resolution we are presented with. I will start by framing the context. We are here at a turning point in history, a time for change has come. We have waited far too long and now is the time to make changes to our institution. The institution of Law Enforcement has been racist over years. The way it was formed was racism and has continued throughout the years. A recent rise in police shootings, coverage of fights in jails instigated by Law Enforcement staff. We will not continue to allow racism and acts of violence and crime by our Law Enforcement to grow in San Francisco. When i first took office the main calls i received were from the community. I was a black man, only black representative of the board of supervisors, which meant many black Community Members called my office. How they have been treated by the people paid and sworn to protect them, they talked about treatment and injustices. I could hear the anger. But more importantly what i heard was the hurt. The systematic failure and mistrust of Law Enforcement meant to protect them. It goes on and on and would take hours to share the stories of mistreatment and many cases repeated from some of the officers in our ranks. That is why my first few meetings here were with the department of Police Accountability. While my office is committing to moving towards sheriff oversight and Police Accountability. Why are we here today . This is not just due to one incident. There have been several incidents in the city and a cross this country that got us to the point where we need to make sure that we dont have officers on our streets and in our communities that have allegations and proven misconduct, proven extensive force and racial profiles. Monday, may 25th, the officer applied his knee to the neck of an unarmed black man named george floyd for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, that is clos close 9 minutes. That led to his death on the scene. That officer had no concern for the life of george floyd and recklessly killed him with no signs every morse or compassion. This is not the first time we have witnessed Law Enforcement killing a black man or someone defenseless before our eyes. This happened between Law Enforcement and black and brown men and people of color before. The officer who killed george floyd had a dozen complaints of misconduct. This allowing this individual to remain in Law Enforcement led to the death sentence for george floyd. On june 2 of this year the District Attorney and my colleagues supervisor yee, fewer, rainy, marand i introduced the resolution urging the Civil Service commission to adopt rules to disqualify any applicant for employment in the Police Department and the Sheriffs Department based on prior acts of misconduct. There is no way that we should ever have a situation in San Francisco where we hire someone that has worked in another city with complaints of Excessive Force, misconduct, available profiling and anything that demonstrates prejudice and violent behavior. Our Civil Service Commission Must make sure this policy is written and explicit and state that we will not hire these individuals within any of the San Francisco Law Enforcement body. We are tired of unjusttises in the community. We do not need racist people picking off people of color at will. There are laws at the state level to make it hard to receive the needed transparency to ensure we dont have these officers in our department, and we will continue to advocate to make sure those changes also come into fruition. The resolution urges the Civil Service commission to disqualify any applicant for employment in the uniform ranks of the San Francisco Police Department or Sheriffs Department if the applicant has been the subject of sustained finding or two unsustained complaints by different complainant by any agency. Following investigation and opportunity for administrative appeal by the applicant, if the applicant while employed as a Police Officer engaged in serious misconduct including but not limited to the following use of Excessive Force, racial bias, sexual assault. Discrimination based on race or gender, religion, nationality or Sexual Orientation or dishonesty directly relating to reporting, investigation or prosecution of a rhyme or directly relating to report of or investigation of misconduct by another peace officer or custodial officer. 2. Ththe applicant resigned or retired from employment as a peace officer in any jurisdiction during the pendency of this Disciplinary Proceedings to alleged serious misconduct by the applicant while employed as a peace officer and the proceeding was suspended or terminated as a result of the applicants resignation or retirement until such time the applicant has been exonerated for pending allegations. What we are doing here is basically fighting to make sure that we have rules through our Civil Service commission to explicitly state we will not hire individuals in these categories and that have caused harm in other communities and do not belong in Law Enforcement here in San Francisco. I believe the District Attorney has joined us, and i will pass the floor over to you, District Attorney. Thank you, supervisor walton. I did hear your remarks. I thank you for your leadership and courage on this important issue. I appreciate the opportunity to partner with you in calling for this much needed and long overdue change and introducing the proposed resolution. I want to thank all supervisors for joining as cosponsors i i want to thank supervisor safai. Walton i had that conversation. I dont think it was transferred to the clerk. If you can make a note i cosponsor this as well. I appreciate that supervisor safai. I understood you indicated early support. We value and appreciate your joining as a cosponsor. I am glad we are able to make that change. I want to thank the Youth Commission for issuing their own resolution in support and joining this resolution before the board. As supervisor walton mentioned this is juneteenth, the end of slavery in this country. We must remember the work remains ahead of us. This is not just a historic problem, celebration of problem a century ago. It is work we have to do in our government, in our city, in our community, in our family, in our heart every single day to obtain racial justice, especially for the black community i am proud to present th the the floyd resn to protect our community and ensure the Tragic Police brutality that caused the murder of george floyd does not happen again, at least not in San Francisco. We have to take this action. We have to take it in this time, in the moment of great pain in our country and in our streets as we grieve and feel anger at the long standing and repeated instances of Police Violence especially towards black men and people of color. Our hope that the resolution and the action it urges the Civil Service commission to take it will build trust in the Law Enforcement officers here to protect us. Ththe resolution prohibits the n francisco Police Department and Sheriffs Office from hiring with a known history of serious misconduct. It would disqualify applicants who want to serve in uniform and carry guns and badges on our streets if they have previously suffered findings of serious misconduct such as Excessive Force, racial bias, discrimination or dishonesty under oates. It would disqualify an officer who leaves their prior job or retires from another agency while being investigated for any of the abovementioned categories. That is an important effort to close a loop poll whereby Law Enforcement personnel being investigated for serious misconduct and expecting it will result in discipline leave employment in order to defeat the process to avoid a discipline record. We do not want people who refuse to cooperate with discipline investigations to work and carry guns on our streets. The resolution that we are introduces is in honor of george floyd. We hope had a similar policy been in place he might be alive today. Remember the officer who sat on George Floyds neck for nearly nine painful minutes while haustrastruggled to breathe andd his mother. That officer had 18 prior complaints and was involved in multiple prior officer involved shootings. We hope the board will adopt this resolution and Civil Service commission will take appropriate action to ensure there is never another George Floyd Murder at the hands of police. Some may ask why is this necessary . Isnt that is policy . Isnt that the practice . I want to be very clear. California law makes it hard and sometimes impossible to gain access to information. Even from within the office i run, office of the District Attorney, about prior misconduct committed by Law Enforcement personnel. This policy if adopted by the Civil Service commission will ensure even when the public cant have access to the information it deserves that the public is guaranteed the San Francisco Law Enforcement personnel have a pristine discipline record. When they call to the scene of emergency they are dealing with people with no misconduct finding for Racial Discrimination or sexual assault. We must tap the adversity of George Floyds death, of the death of other unnecessary losses of life at the hands of Law Enforcements and tu turn ito a opportunity for change and go towards system of justice that better values healing. Resources to the tools essential to building lasting Public Safety. Police accountability and transparency are critical for Public Safety and critical for trust and building integrity in the Justice System. I want to thank you again for your time and allowing me to speak today. I want to acknowledge supervisor walton for his leadership and partnership on this issue. I am happy to take take any ques the committee may have. I do want to thank you for your leadership on this. For bringing this to our office. This is a very important resolution. As you stated we are urging the Civil Service commission to step up to do the right thing. Our hope is that we can avoid a Charter Amendment and putting this on a future ballot. We missed the timeline, that is why this is coming in the form of resolution. We are going to push hard to make sure the Civil Service commission does the right thing for this policy. I do again want to acknowledge supervisor safai was an early supportter of the resolution. My apologies for missing your name in the opening statement. I would love to open it up for colleagues to make a statement at this point. Thank you, supervisor walton. I just want to basically state this is an absolute nobrainer. I thank you so much for your leadership. I definitely want to add my name as cosponsor. This is a nobrainer and should be policy now. I want to do everything i can to help support it. Thank you, supervisor walton and for my colleagues who joined you early on. I dont believe you and i have had an opportunity to have a conversation about this. I support this. I want to be added as cosponsor. President safai. I appreciate supervisor walton and our District Attorney for really stepping up on this. I think that when we are thinking about the history and the interactions with the community, we have to look at all of the different Racial Injustice, we have to look at the pressure points that have been a source of concern. You know, we had a conversation that we are starting supervisor walton and i about recruitment and hiring practices within first responders. The mayor made an announcement yesterday. We have to look at all different avenues as to why we have these incidents. I understand that being a Police Officer is extremely stressful job, but being a black man in america or africanamerican in america is stressful given the history and interactions and results of those interactions. I agree with your comments, supervisor stefani. This is long overdue. Even if it seems to be a current practice, we need to be out in front of this and we need to ensure that people understand. I want to an acknowledge our attorney general talked about looking at dessert fi decertifying individuals with a history of misconduct or serious misconduct action against them. That is another step to look at Police Accountability. This to me on this historic day is so important. People talk about symbolism and action. This is real action. I just want to thank you both for your leadership. I am proud to be an early supporter of this legislation. Thank you. Thank you so much, supervisor stefani and safai. We appreciate your leadership on this as well. That puts us to 10 members of the board of supervisors that have guaranteed and cosponsored with support. We are now ready to open for Public Comment. John, can you let us know if we have anybody in the queue . Yes. Operations will check to see if there are callers. Please let us know if callers are ready if you have connected via phone suppress far and three to be oo press star and wait until you are prompted to begin at the beep. The system will prompt you to tell you your microphone is unmuted. On cable channel 26 or through sfgovtv if you wish to speak, please call in by following instructions on your screen. 415 6550001. Enter meeting id1451872784. Press pound twice and star and three to enter the queue to speak. Do we have speakers . Yes, i have three callers. I will unmute the first caller. Thank you. Before we go to the first caller a few things about Public Comment. Speakers have two comments. State your first and last name and speak directly to the phone. Those prepared written statements send a copy to the clerk for the file. Speakers are encouraged to avoid repetition of previous statements. First caller, please. I am a citizen and Voting Member in San Francisco. Thank you so much for working towards better social justice reform. One thing that was said this move would ensure we never see this behavior again. Someone else on the call said or supervisor member said that it is nobrainer. It is nobrainer because it is an easy and low cost solution to a problem without easy and simple and io cost solutions. Given the comment action isnt a small step. It is important. It is a small step that is treated like a big step which worries me. The big steps will faceless support when people say didnt we solve this already . We are not hiring people like them. Anyone with a action after this point doesnt have prior misconduct so there is not an issue. We are not going to support new measures to restrict the police further. My hope is that we can take a first move that is big, remove funding or suggest increasing restrictions on Police Actions or decrease for areas where police shouldnt be involved at all and are today. My concern that this is nice and important, because it doesnt come with big hard steps that arent nobrainers, that are controversial we are going to lose out on the controversial stuff that we need to push for from in commission and from others. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Caller i am maim neclausener, white 35 year resident of San Francisco involved in Police Account ability for five years. I want to say it is time now to fully defund the Police Department and use those funds in ways that will actually keep our community safe. That may have sounded radical about a month ago. There are now thousands of people in the streets of San Francisco and millions around the country that are calling for just that, police abolition. That said, the resolution before you is long overdue. I applaud supervisors walton and safai for trying to reform to help reduce number of sfpd officers likely to murder and terrorize my black and Brown Brothers and sister. If adopted as policy it will block the hires of officers such as joshua who murdered a 14 yearold boy in 2012. In 2016 he went on to shoot a man in the back in north beach. He has used Excessive Force on many people in the mission and other places. No surprise. No surprise at all. I feel strongly, however, the resolution should include a grandfather clause to fire any current sfpd officer who had a sustained finding or two unsustained findings of major misconduct in another jurisdiction. Keeping the officers is going to lead to more violence by the cops. There are too many current sfpd cops to commit violence again. The resolution is good but it just doesnt go far enough. I would like to say as somebody who does Public Comment that i think during Public Comment i should be able to see the commissioners or the board of supervisors. Your time expired. Next speaker, please. That completes the queue. Th thank you. Thank you so much for all your Public Comment. I do want to say thank you to all of the folks and the community who have been working with us not only on this policy but other reforms so we can get true justice for communities of color, for black people and can go to a place where people can feel safe walking in communities, driving and being in the community and not harassed or mistreated by the very people we are working to make sure protect us in our communities. With that said, colleagues do we have questions or statements at this point . Then i would like to make a motion to file this as a Committee Report and forward to the board of supervisors for a vote on june 23rd. Committee report for the 23rd . Correct. Hearing that motion mr. Clerk please call the roll. June 23rd boyd of supervisors meeting walton. Aye. Safai. Aye. Vice chair stefani. Aye. Madam vice chair, three ayes. Then the motion passes. Mr. Clerk any more items before us today . There is no further business. Thank you. Thanks everybody. Happy juneteenth. We are adjourned. Thank you everyone. Thank you, supervisor walton. E park which hosted the San Francisco Golf Championship known as city. And sandy played if the city starting when he was a student at stanford back in the early 40s. He was a member of the sanford golf team that won backtoback ncaa championships in 1941 and 1942. Sab di wensandy went on to becoe president of the United States Golf Association from 1978 to 1980. Federal electio1980. He was active in introducing youth to the game of golf through the first tee of San Francisco chapter out of harding park. He was a Firm Believer learning the inherent rules of golf could change life. The future foresome is the benchmark in development and education for making a difference in the lives of underserved kids. Next slide, please. Harding park will be hosting of the pga championship this august to sandy cadums stewardship of the course. The statue would be temporarily locatedded ilocated in the clubd moved to the tatem center which would be its permanent home. Next slide, please. This concludes my presentation. Any questions . Who was a better golf, sandy or mark bule . Mark. I was a franked of sandy tatem and if you look under the word gentleman, you would see a picture of him. He was an extraordinary human being and a friend to all. Its nice to see him being honored. Were on Public Comment for this item, item 7, harding Park Golf Course and if there is anyone on the at t phone line that would like to comment, dial 10. Seeing no callers, Public Comment is closed. I would like to move to approve, not only with sandy tatem, a fine gentleman, maybe a scratch golfer, almost as good as you. [ laughter ] hes also a fantastic attorney an and so i move to approve. Second. So moved and seconded. All those in favor. So moved and thank you very much. Ok, we are item 8, golden gate playground and field renovation award. Good morning, commissioners and general manager ginsburg. Im a project manager with the capital division. The item is to award a construction contract to treaty construction in an amount not to exceed 1,393,200 for the golden gates height hague. Playground. This is in line with our plan and strategy two. This project is program stemming from the 2020 park bond that seeks to inspire creativity and play and this is also a part of Community Opportunity fun program, a program from the fund bond. With the assistance of public works, they advertised the playground and field renovations last february and five bids were opened in midmarch. A summary is attached for your reference. On may 15th, public works contacted the administration confirm that this was the lowest responsible bidding. Upon contract certification, construction activities will commence later this summer, but construction duration of approximately nine months. Completion is targeted for 2021. This is an amount not to exceed 1,393,200 for the golden gates height playground and field renovation project. Thank you. Thank you. We are now in Public Comment for in item. If there is anyone on the at t line that would like to comment on the Golden Gate Heights playground item number 8, pleae dial 10. Operator you have three questions remaining. Caller, you have two minutes, please state your name. Question my name is frank moto with the golden gates Heights Association board. I want to say that we began working on improvements on golden gates park in 2013. The pathways have not been paved since 1953 and the Playing Field floods after it rains and dries in the summer. Together with Marina Morena and others, i put together an application in 2014 for numerous outreach section have raised more than 15,000 and put in hours of work and the golden gates park. We are very excited last year to see the renovation included in this package, because the playground has arsonic which is dangerous with children and with your staff, we delayed the improvements so they could combine with the playground improvements, save money and coordinatests. I want to thank ale alexus wardd everyone on the staff. Operator you have two questions remaining. Question im karen metro. Im a board member of the Golden Gate Heights Metro Association and ive been the Community Contact for the park project since october of 2017. Between june of 2013 and july of 2015, our group held a number of Community Meetings and sent out an Opinion Survey which helped to develop this project. Of the 250 residents responded and 400 total attended the meetings. Out of this projecout of this, e was developed. There was an upper field tor for drainage, including more accessle pathwayaccessible patha butterfly garden. The Opportunity Fund was awarded in 2016. Since then, our group has achieved our matching fund goal, gotten half the pathways paved and created a butterfly garden and continually held volunteer days. In 2018, we received the great news that the group, lets play, granted funs to update the parks sad playground. That required more Community Meetings and surveys. I would like to thank supervisor norman yee for hi this project d i would like to thank everyone for their help along the way. And a big thank you to alexus ward for doing the heavy lifting in getting us to this vote today. After seven years, four surveys and countless hours of work, i urge you to approve our fund. Thank you. Thank you very much. Operator you have one question remaining. Caller, please state your name. Question hi, im suzanne and i am with the San Francisco parks alliance, the project manager for the initiative. I just want to voice my support for the award of the construction contract to creedy construction. They worked with us on another, lets play sf playground and did a great job and deliver the project on schedule. So i fully support the award awf this construction contract. Thank you. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Hearing no other questions in the queue, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners. Questions, comments, entertain a motion. Tom harrison, i move this item. Is there a second . Second. Motion seconded. All those in favour . Aye. So moved. Thank you very much. We are on item 9, physical year 2021 and2022 budget. Good morning, im the director of finance for the recreation and parks department. I am presenting the departments revised fiscal 2021 and 2022 budget plans, as well as budget balancing principles for the year review and approval. The next slide, please. The city has experienced unprecedented revenue losses and significant expenditure costs due to covid19, the shelterin place on the shutdown of the economy. This is dont to a projected citywide 1. 7 billion deficit. We advise budget submission on a compressed time frame to meet the mayors request and we expect that the budget will continue to take shape over the next two months as with the departments, mayors budget staff and Controllers Office engage in deeper forecasting and analysis. Next slide, please. The Mayors Office made a few Key Assumptions including delaying a wage increase from june to next january and revising cpi assumptions and assuming no additional koa covid costs and no Additional Support or loss of state and federal revenues and no augmentation in the revenue fund. On a more positive note, the citys reserved position is better than in the prior two recessions. There is a rainy day stabilization refund fund of over 630 million, a general reserve of 150 million and much of which will be used to help offset the projected 1. 7 billion deficit. The next slide, please. The department has responded to the mayors budget instructions by freezing hiring, except for direct covid19 response and essential positions and because the department is a baseline department under proposition b, we are required to close our own budget deficit generated by projected earned revenue losses or increased expenditures. Because of the scale of the citys budget crisis, under prop b, the department will not be receiving annual 3 million allocation for the baseline as the budget deficit trigger of 200 million was reached based upon the 1. 7 billion deficit that the city is projecting. The next slide. The mayor issued priorities of which our department follows and it is to maintain core, recreation of Department Services that provide critical government functions and it is to evaluate all operations for realignment with the citys covid19 operating measures and guidelines and prioritizing services for vulnerable populations with a focus on equity by providing services for underserved populations. The next slide. The budget balancing principles were approved by the Commission Ten years ago during the 2009 budget crisis. We are submitting for Commission Approval a revised set of principles which reflect the Current Health crisis and the more explicit commitment to equity. The revised budget principles include making budget choices over the next 24 months that adopt a covid19 Public Health guidance and which most directly align with the departments Strategic Plan and commitment to equity. To continue the essential parks play during the pandemic by ensuring our spaces remain safe, clean and accessible, but preserving programs and services that support equity access and vulnerable populations. And by honoring voter investment in parks and facilities by minimizing the dedicating funding for main maintenance and pursuing new partnerships with service delivery, operation efficiency and revenues impacted by covid19. And finally, continuing to support and cultivate a connected and engaged workforce that delivers outbreak service. Next slide, please. Over the past few weeks, we have engaged in budget outreach and we held our first recreation and Park Department virtual town hall in may with almost 300 employees attending. We have put online a survey for employees to propose revenue rates, ideas and efficiencies and we will continue to engage in additional outreach and engagement with labor and Community Stakeholders in the coming months. Next slide. The budget cycle has changed and the mayor released her budget instructions last month on may 18th and this past week, we submitted a planned proposal to reduce our budget deficits and were meeting today to review and approve our budget proposal. On august 1, the mayor will submit her budget to the board of supervisors. By the end of september, the board will approve that budget and on october 1st, the mayor will sign the new budget. This compares to the regular cycle which would have us right now in budget negotiations with the board of supervisors and budget hearings in june with passage in july and the mayor signing the budget in late july, early august. Next slide. So the recreation and Park Departments proposed fiscal year budget of 203. 7 million is 15. 9 million less than the fiscal year 1920. Budget it will be with the adjustment with cost of living for salary, healthcare, Fringe Benefits and overhead costs, as well as contractual obligated services p. As a result of the covid19, the fiscal year is projected to be 15. 9 million. And this is largely due to increases in the following revenues, special events, Recreation Programs and classes, our parking garages, the closure of camp ma thankther. , other leases and concessions,n athletic fields and finally, decreased revenue in golf fees and concessions. Next slide. So how are we proposing to close that 15. 9 million budget deficit . We are proposing to reduce the Salary Budget by 5. 8 million and this is based on the citys current hiring freeze on nonessential function positions and the general slowdown in hiring overall. We will also be reducing our temp Salary Budget as we will be modifying our Recreation Program model to meet Public Health guidelines for the foreseeable future. And in addition, were making some reductions on the overtime budget. We are also locating deficiency savings, one of the mayors directives was to determine ways to reach services, especially clientrelated Services Online rather than facetoface and so were looking at measures to take that into account and then consolidate office space and move some front office and back office Services Online. And in addition, were always continuing to look at Revenue Growth and opportunities and we are looking at the possibility of paid parking to help offset revenue losses, as well as other opportunities based upon the new environment that we are experiencing. In operations, we would be making various upon personnel savings reductions in our structural maintenance division, in the open space and Parks Division and at the zoo. And we will find savings on the operating side from the cancellation of this summers season, as unfortunate, as that is, and we will find savings when we modify and or postpone seasonal events under health and directives. We are looking at reducing our general fund capital baseline by 3 million, currently at 15 million and the best reduction will reduce funds based on need, looking at project scope and instruction, right sizing, rephasing and rescheduling those projects and many of those projects will have been and will continue to be affected by covid19. And finally, were looking at the use of surplus allocation from the open space fund balance, as well as portions of contingency reserve in the current here to help balance this years budget deficit. In regard to our general fund capital savings, we did use our best judgment to make necessary reductions to our general Fund Maintenance by looking at the existing balances and or pipeline of planned work for next year. We certainly Prioritize Health and safety, legal mandates and equity and some of the projects that we will see reduced savings including fields, borders and walls, camp mather, concession maintenance and taping. So im asking to approve the budget plans for the Mayors Office as well as the newly revised budgeting principles. Thank you. Operator you have one question remaining. Caller, please state your name and just a reminder, two minutes for your comments. Im richard and im trying to make some comments over what was said about cutting project fundings. The square of our equities own area, there was an article, mr. Lee, the consolidated companies, they said that it was rescheduled or something . And that it wasnt going to be happening after eight years of planning. Theres another one that happened at the peace pagoda, also on facebook. And thats what i would like to try to get a clarification on. Are they or arent they projects to be expedited on . Thank you. Thank you. Operator you have one question remaining. Hello, caller. Please state your name. Hi. The United States in the world is experiencing the covid19 pandemic, Climate Impact and bio diversity losses at the same time, it is possible for our pd to lead the implementation of San Franciscos Natural Resources area plans and San Franciscos supervisor by a diverse resolution during covid19 with the assets that our pd currently has. Our pd has two nurseries which propagate their native plants. Please install and maintain local native plants and only local native plants and all park and green spaces during and after covid19 to provide the basis of the food web to enhance bio diversity. Propagating native plants in your nurseries to use in parks and green spaces is budget neutral. And please require all Capital Projects indiscernible . They need to maximize the bio diversity in each project. When the rest of the funding for the Capital Projects becomes available in future years, having the plant list contain all native plants permits local bio diversity to be enhanced as soon as permissible. You have zero questions remaining. Public comment is closed and commissioners. Just a question to derick. Once this budget is presumably approved, what are the chances or what is the process after it leaves this commission and maybe modified in the future . There would be opportunities to modify the plans and the proposals. The Mayors Office will be reviewing all submissions between now and when she submits the budget on august 1st. So a good month and a half of back and forth discussions between our department didnt ae Mayors Office on her priorities, the commissions priorities, the gms priorities. As always the process has been, there will be a lot of back and forth over the coming weeks. So there will be opportunity to continue to dialogue on the issues that we are finding important and are critical. As other priorities come up over the next while, as a result of capitaofcovid19. What does the hiring freeze mean . How many vacancies and things like that . There was a hiring freeze shortly after the sheltinplace took effect in march. The Mayors Office and department of Human Resources limited hiring to essential services, workers and Critical Health workers based upon the covid19 crisis. So there is very limited hiring allowed and going forward, currently our department has approximately 180 basic positions of which over 130 actually need to remain vacant, to meet our annual attrition savings in our budget each year. And going forward, we are assuming the hiring freeze will continue. We will prioritize position hiring and we will work to backfill positions that vacate during the year. We cant hire as we would like, but we have worked with all of our divisions and well work with them during the year to ensure that Core Services continue to be provided. Then if i could ask a followup. Sure. Will there be any impact on any of the Apprenticeship Programming our Program Supports . In the one Apprenticeship Program that our department operates, the garden apprentice program, we are maintaining the full cohort in place now that is over 3 34 apprentices and we wil continue to train them and work with them to gain their 3,000 hours needed to complete. One area that we are looking at, though, is that, again, based upon the hiring freeze that will be in place, and based upon Public Health guidelines, we might be looking at not filling the classes as quickly as we would normally. Normally, i believe, we fill classes twice a year, but as we metriculate the 34 apprentices out, we may slightly delay when the next class or cohort would start. But none of the existing apprentices will be negatively affected by this. And the program will continue. Thank you. Commissioner harrison, did you have a question . I didnt. Commissioner bonia. My question is, when is the department scheduled to completely reopen . If we will be adjusting and if we will have to be adjusting our budget relative to a completely opening of the department and from what i understand, we might be in the same situation relative to covid for an extended period of time. So are we going to keep working on being proactive and engaging staff and planning, if it should be the case where we hav our but will continuously have to be adjusted relative to covid. Derick, let me chime in on that one, if you dont mind. Sure. And ill offer a few reflections and step out of the queue here. In specific response to your question, that is why kc bradley presented an overview of our Adaptation Plan which aligns closely with state and local Health Guidance and also National Recreation and park associations best practises. I spend hours a week with my colleagues in other major cities engaged in this planning and we have a robust planning unit as part of our Operation Center doing all of this work. It is also in our budget principles that some of the choices that we are making, for example, on both sides of the ledger, the decision to shut not to operate this summer has had an impact. It has revenue impact and some cost savings or salary efficiency impact. And that decision is a budget decision, but its made in complete alignment with what we are allowed to do and not allowed to do during the pandemic. We are losing very significant sources of revenue, such as some of our biggest festivals, all of our adult sports, youth sports, we dont pay youth sports organizations dont pay permit fees, but adult recreation organized sports do. And all of our permits are special events. The revenue that derick eluded to in three or four months alone in this fiscal year, we lost around 20 million in revenue. Very, very significant. What you did not hear derick sas here, i think this is our most significant budget challenge, even exceeding the challenge that i think commissioners were around for. We decentralized this budget process in which we asked each to be responsible for meeting these budget tarts and we were e able to dial it back. There is a lot of uncertainty about our earned remov revenue t year which is 25 of our budget. We understand there will be cuts to the general fund support, but we understand that and our openspace funds will be relative. Open revenue is a complete wildcard. We will not be able to host events like outside lands and some of the larger events. The question is whether we can do it next fall. We just dont know yet. So weve had to think about contingencies. We have to come up with new revenue ideas that replace the revenues impacted by covid. Eth eth owe have made smart redn ways which will be uncomfortable but not devastating and most importantly, you know, we have preserved the employment of the men and women who have been doing the work, particularly these last three or four months. I would like to thank derick and his team which had to be turned around literally in the last 30 days. Just to answer the question, so, best case scenario, we dont have initial increase in covid, when is the department expected to completely reopen . I dont have that sure. The reopening both at the state level and local level is based on phases. We are now in phase 2b, where there are corresponding Health Orders that allow certain types of activity. And so as of last monday, people can begin to congregate in our parks at a group of not larger than 12 and if theyre eating, not larger than six. All of the little wrinkles have impacts on how we operate and our budget. We have not been given permission to operate our swimming pools or any indoor Recreation Programs other than Emergency Childcare summer camp program. Team sports are in a state of flux. There can be youth camps but adult camps have not been allowed to return. So phase 2b, theres a phase 2c which is expected midjuly and phase three in midaugust, all dependent on whether there is a renewed spread of the virus and there are several Different Health benchmarks that our Public Health officials are looking at carefully. There has been no contemplated return, full return, so the things that will come online last will be some of the activities that generate the most amount of revenue for us, unfortunately. This is ending issues of racism and violence pe perpetrad on black people in particular, that i would encourage a filter, that, perhaps, even in this dire straits that filter still be applied and we try to radically region what would this institution and by virtue of one of its boldest statements around priority, and that being budget and how those resources are allocated, what might and how might continued evolution of the Department Look like, what might that look like in th and what ae implications of that . Commending all that youve done and efforts and steps and investment and transformation and equity zones and the value of all of that and continuing to challenge ourselves around applying that filter, to have it what we do in these difficult times and thank you very much. Thank you, for those reflections, commissioner mcdonald. We agree 100 and that weighs heavily on us and we will continue to use an implicit lense of equity and impact on our communities of color and other highly vulnerable populations. Derick, did you want to make another comment . I just wanted to follow up on bills comments. I wanted to thank him for his words and for the commissioners. One of the incredible things about working on this team is that we are smart, we are intelligent and flexible and i really value creativity and i thank tiffany wong, our budget manager, maria sutton, tiffany soyez, dana catchem and i thank my codirectors for all of their support, sarah and denny, as well as bill and the commission for this support that have given us to make this work. We will remain flexorableable ri think they said were only in the second inning of a long game and that, were going to have to Work Together to make it happen, to get to the end. And so, thank you to the team i work with. Thank you, derick. I do think implicit in the assumptions that are in the budget are the unknowns, that there are some difficult estimates to make on where well be and i doubt seriously that that portends more money in the budget later and there may be less. To the degree we can b degree wr and flexible with all. With that, if theres no other comments, the chair would entertain a motion. Motion to approve. Thank you. Is there a second . Second. So moved and seconded and all those in favour . So moved and thank you, phil, thank you, derick, again, good work. So were now on item 10, general Public Comments continued from item 4. At this time, member whos are not able to address the commission on item 4 may address the commission on subject matters of the rec and park and do not appear on the agenda. If there is anyone on the at t bridge line and would like to make a comment not on the agenda today, please dial 10. Operator you have one question. Im mr. Fong. I think i made a mistake. Im talking about the wrong type of projects. On facebook, there was an article, and there was indiscernible . I can get a clarification to be done on that. And i just need a clarification on that. Thank you. Well, richard, your comment is accepted and ill ask phil offline to get back to you with any response on it. Thank you. Ok. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Seeing no further comments or questions on the general public line, item 10 is closed. We are moving now to item 11, closed session. At this point in the meeting, i would like to ask all staff that has already presented to go on ahead and leave the meeting at this point. We only need the commissioners, our City Attorney general and general manager on the line at this point. role call . Im hearing an echo. indiscernible . indiscernible . You may submit Public Comment in either of the following ways, email, park and rec commission. If you submit Public Comment via email, it will be included as part of the matter. Written comments may be sent Via Postal Service to sfrecreation and Park Commission in San Francisco, california, 94117. Please note in meeting is recorded and will be available on sfgov tv. We are now on item 2, the president s report. Thank you, stacie. Im just going to be very brief and i want to call out two representatives of rec and park who i think deserves credit. One is stacie white for figuring out how to make all this work and get us all organized to have a public meeting. Thank you, stacie. I very much appreciate it. The person i would like to call out and express my gratitude is commissioner Eric Mcdonald for drafting a statement on behalf of the department and the commission, expressing the outrage at the murder of george floyd and the subsequent demonstrations around the country. So commissioner, thank you for helping us move that forward. With that, that concludes my report. Is there any Public Comment on item 2, the president s report . Im waiting to see if anybody is logged into the queue. Again, is anyone on the public line that would like to comment on item 2, the president s report, please dial 10. Seeing no callers, Public Comment is closed. Were on the general managers report. Good morning, commissioners. I would like to echo president buhls thanks to commissioner mcdonald for drafting the Commission Statement and thought i would take a few minutes this morning to share a few additional reflections that i had shared with staff over the past couple of weeks. Obviously between the pandemic and all of the very painful recent murders of africanamericans across the country, our department, our community has been grappling with a lot. As if the trauma of covid werent enough, the painful recent murders have rocked us and asked us to take a long hard long in the mirrorrer. Mirror. Our world has 4 of the population but 25 is incarceration rate. Africanamerican americans make up 13 of our population but 30 of its population and 22 of otheitis documented poor. These are undeniable facts that have to force us to take a long, hard look in the mirror. Some of us are feeling pain in ways which are direct and immediate. Were all angry but some of us are raw from the trauma of systemic racism that results in both everyday indignitities and brutal violence. Were all scared, but some of us are actually terrified because were raising children that we cannot protect in cities, fraying from brutalities, fear and the consequences of institutionalized racism. Throughout the past several weeks, i think weve begun to see a cultural shift in this decades old discussion on race. Protests in the streets around the world and the definitive stance in the black lives matter movement, people of all backgrounds have begun to take a stand and saying what many have been saying for generations, enough is enough. So how do we take advantage of this moment and turn our social media posts, public declarations and words on Racial Injustice into real action . I want to highlight a few things were doing at rec and park. It touches every aspect of our department and engrained through our equity zones and embedded focus by measuring data on Capital Projects and park access, volunteers, Recreation Programming, park maintenance, kids and nature. We have been able to begin to more equ equitiably distribute. There are 3,000 people over 12 million and im proud to report this summer on a modified summer, weav weve provided over 8,000 to San Francisco families including full 100 indiscernible . I want to thank the outreach efforts engaged in by our Equity Program ambassadors, some who live in Public Housing themselves. Sf children and nature has been our cross sector that works to ensure all children and youth growing up in the city have the same opportunities to play, learn and grow in nature. And in initiative is launched in all hands district 10 effort to support environmental education. Weve added 19 create with Nature Programs in neighborhoods and regular neighborhood play dates. This year, had we been able to do it would have been the tenth anniversary of our teen outdoor experience where we have brought kids, many of whom have had interactions with our juvenile Justice System to experience the wonder, its beauty and its nature and to develop Team Building schools, teambuilding skills and many who have worked with us in our department. And, obviously, last commission meeting, you approved a bond that includes several very important and transformational importance in San Francisco an. The indian basis at the southeastern shoreline at Bayview Hunter as point and a key part of this project is to preserve equitable and inclusive growth in the neighborhood and ensuring that this project does not displace residents but strengthens the fabric of the existing community through the creation of our first of a kind Equitable Development plan establishing very clear commitments to the existing community with strategies around arts, culture and identity and concepts of spacial justice, development and Small Business opportunities and youth development. Within our department, over nearly 15 of our workforce identifies as africanamerican. We have posted a series of workshops on race and now require one equity focus for every point of our part of our employees performance planning. In fact, later today at 1 30, were very proud to present our first workshop on the first segment of our race conscious series via zoom, where commissioner mcdonald has graciously agreed to facilitate a discussion after we watch an impactful film on racial biased, which i have previewed and its quite powerful. I think our department has always strived to be an antidepressantch positivagent oe floyd tragedy and subsequent incidents have really challenged us to recommit our efforts. There is no question we have much more learning to do and much more work to do. But its important to share that we are listening and we are participating in dialogues and we want to take action. And we are going to continue to look for ways both budgetarily and operationally. If that wasnt enough, we do continue to exist in a covid19 pandemic and while were starting to reopen, many aspects of our work and the programs and services we provide will need to evolve. So i would like to take a quick moment to have our planning director present information on the recreation and Park Departments covid Adaptation Plan which is really our roadmap and tool kit for the future. Stacie, i think if youre ready to go, i would welcome you to stay a few words. Thanks, phil. Today im representing the departments doc, Department Operations center as the planning chief. My team has been a crossdivisional effort of Lisa Brinston and janice paris and from capital erin buckley from ops and we have ben juan and weve had support from tiffany wong and michelle who has joined us from permits and i think i got everyone. So we have a really wide range of departments and divisions that are represented on our team and theyve been able to provide a really great pulling together of all of the information and helping us plan for how were responding to the pandemic. And we have a quick presentation to show you. Carry, if you can bring that ont up. Our main focus is to keep our park staff safe as we manoeuvr through the pandemic. So the next slide, youve received this infographic as a part of the go ahead you received these infographics as a part of an attempt with the budget, as well. So what im going to show you is the graphic representation of the cities phased reopening and how it aligns with the work were doing in rec and park. Thanks, go ahead to the next slide. And so this is showing our park facilities and amenities, how they align with the phases of reopening from the city and go ahead to the next one. This one is an easier way to see it shows our amenities and facilities that were never closed. The ones that were working on reopening through the health order, amendments, and then the ones that are still closed and canceled, i have a couple that are moving from when we posted the picnic areas are shifting to now be open. Were align, i the Health Orders and the information that were getting from the city and the state. Next slide, please, and this last one is showing our recovery toolkit. This pulls together our staff suggestions and consolidates information and guidance from San Francisco from the state, from dhr, dem, ca lohas and nrpa has been a leader in providing guidance how to open. And were pulling all of this information and creating an Adaptation Plan that well present in more detail. So this is a quick teaser for you. I would like to actually invite commissioner mezola to introduce our rec and parks video. Thank you, phil. Can everybody hear me . Yep. So the video this month is a collaborative effort put together by my international union, the united association, along with the tradeswoman, inc and the California Division standards and state building trade skids and its a recruitt video for women in the trade. Theyre highlighting a member of mine, a woman named cynthia wheeler, a rec and park employee. She grew up in the San Francisco Housing Authority and ended up becoming a labor an laborer anda plumber and moved on from the Housing Authority and became a general foreman on a job replacing meters throughout the city and had 60 people under her. Extent subsequently she was elected to local 38 finance committee and the first woman ever officer in local 38. Were proud to have her as a member and cynthia wheeler, part of our family now. So i would like to hit the queue on rolling this video. If you could try the video. Thanks. Like, i know how that works and i figure out how to fix stuff that you do, see. I love learning, because you never know everything about plumbing. So much to learn. [ ] ive done the water meter job where we change all of the the water meters in San Francisco. I started off as a general foreman with 80 people under me and i worked at the San Francisco Housing Authority and so we did get a lot of upgraded. Grades. The walls got tore out and we do do all of the maintenance, anything that can do wrong with your plumbing, we fix. Thats what we do here all over the city. I have five kids, four women and one son and they all in the trade. They all plumbers. [ ] all right. I was wrong. I said she supervised 60 people and she supervises 80 people, which is really cool and shes well respected at local 38 and were happy to have her at the rec and Park Department. Thanks to local 38. Thank you to commissioner mezola for putting that video together and that concludes the general managers report. If there is anyone on the at t line that would like to comment on item 3, the general managers report, please dial 10. Sorry for the delay. Were having an issue with the at t bridge itself. So just hold on a second and well get everybody back nine. indiscernible . That echo is really bad. We have a caller on the queue. Can you comment on item number 3, the general managers report . Hello . Well try this again. Hold on, please. Caller, if you would like to comment on the general managers report, please do so and state your name. It sounded like we reverted back to aol days of dialing in. I dont know what to say. Move not to disclos disclosed session. So moved. South carolinaed. Sout seconded. Ok next item. I do hav dont have a big pf view, but i know that we visit the equity metrics on and annual basis and so, in part, i would like to have that become more frequent and maybe the metrics arent the right frame for it, but i would like it to have elements of the metrics of the budget, especially given that it was going to be an evolving kind of fluid process so were regularly visiting how well were doing with regard to prioritization. I would like to request that. I would recommend you and the general manager have an offline discussion about the best way to meet that examination. Expectation. Thank you so much. Seeing no other comments,. Move to ajourn. Stacie, are you on mute . Yes. If there is anyone that would like to comment on item 12, please dial 10. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Hearing no questions, we are now on item 13, new business and agenda settings, discussion only. Commissioner, mcdonald, your hand is no longer raised. Seeing none. Anyone on the at t line that would like to make comment on Commission Im sorry, on item 13, new business agenda setting, dial 10. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Item 13 is closed. Item 14, communication. Seeing none. Is there anyone on the at t bridge that would like to make a comment on communications, please dial 10. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Item 15, adjournment. I think commissioner anderson move we ajourn. Is there a second. Second. Thank you, stacie, for a very challenging day and thank you, phil and see you all in chicago. Thank you all for your patience. I appreciate it. Okay, good morning everyone, welcome to the june 16th Committee Meeting of the Treasure Island mobility management agency. Madam clerk, would you please call the roll. [roll call] mandelman absent. Mandelman present, we have kwur corium. Great, would you please call the next item. Chair, may i make an announcement about Public Comment . Yes, please. Thank you. Public comment will be available for each item on this agenda via telephone by calling 8882045987. When prompted entering access code 2858465 as seen on the screen. Then follow the system prompts. Once you join, you will be able to listen to the meeting as a participant. If you wish to speak on an item, dial 10. Each caller will be allowed 2 minutes to speak. When your 2 minutes are up, we will move to the next caller. Best practices is to speak slowly, clearly, and turn down the volume of your television or radio around you. Please allow for audio visual delays and the 30 second lag time during the course of the meeting. Item 2, approve the minutes of the november 12, 2019, meeting. This is an action item. Are there any questions or comments from colleagues on the minutes . Seeing none, operator, is there any Public Comment on the minutes. There is no Public Comment. Great. Madam clerk, will you please call the roll. Yes. Commissioner haney. Aye. Commissioner mandelman. Aye. Commissioner walton. Aye. Minutes are approved. Great, thank you. Madam clerk, will you please call the next item . Yes. Oh, did we take a motion and second for the minutes . We did not. Do we need to rescind the vote . Could you advise please . Yes, i recommend that you start over, have a motion and take the vote again. Sorry. Motion to rescind the vote. Just go to the motion for the item. Okay. Okay. Moved by mandelman to approve the minutes. Is there a second . Second. All right. Can we have a roll call on approving the minutes. Were going to get this right the next time, i promise. Commissioner haney. Aye. Commissioner mandelman. Aye. Commissioner walton. Aye. Minutes are now approved. All right. Look at us. Madam clerk, could you please read the next item. Item 3, recommend ratification of the timma fiscal policy. This is an action item. I believe were ratifying the same policy. Is there any presentation with this . I dont believe so. All right. Are there any questions or comments from colleagues on this item . Commissioner or chair haney. I could say a few words about the fiscal policy if you like. Sure. Good to see everyone in good spirits. Cynthia, the director for finance administration. The fiscal policy is a guides the management of the timma program, including the daytoday operations budget, and revenue requirements for timma. We are required to review the fiscal policy once every three years to show compliance with agency objectives. As there are no changes to timma, were recommending this policy stand as is and should be currently adopted as it is written. With that, im happy to answer any more questions. Again, this is a pure administrative item that will require to perform under the fiscal policy. Great, thank you. Are there any questions or comments from colleagues . Seeing none, any members of the public that would like to speak on item 3 . No Public Comment. All right. This is the important part. Can we have a motion and second on item 3 . Move, mandelman. Second. Moved by mandelman, seconded by commissioner walton. Can i have a roll call please. Yes, commissioner haney. Aye. Commissioner mandelman. Aye. Commissioner walton. Aye. Item three is approved. Great, thank you. Madam clerk, would you please call the next actually, can you call items four, five, and six together. Yes. Item four, internal accounting report for the nine months ending march 31, 2020 information item. Item five, recommend amendment of the adopted fiscal year 2019 2020 budget to increase revenues by 228,368, decrease expenditures by 787,279, and decrease other financing sources by 1,015,647. That is an action item. Item six, recommend adoption of the proposed provisional threemonth fiscal year 2020 21 budget and work program. That is an action item. Great. Do we have a presentation on these . Yeah, i thought so. Yes we do chair haney. Let me pull up the presentation right now. Can everyone see my presentation . Yes. Great. As the clerk mentioned, we have three items in this presentation. Ill go over the Financial Data part first and then ill hand it over to rachel, the assistant Deputy Director to present the work program for timma. Lets get going. First lets start with the Financial Data. This is the nine month ending march 31, 2020. Total assets of 1. 1 million are related to program receivables from federal and regional grants. Total liability of 658,000 include 375,000 of payable to consultant for Services Provided and 283,000 payable to the Transportation Authority for cost, incurred and paid for by timma. We earned 1. 5 million of revenues and for the federal advance transportation and Congestion Management Technology Deployment grant in the first threequarters, timma incurred 669,000 of expenditures, including 472,000 in Technical Professional Services and 297,000 for personnel and nonpersonnel expenditures. Work on the program from january through march proceeded more slowly than anticipated, mainly due to the delay to better align with the t. A. San francisco pricing study and the current construction scheduled on Treasure Island right now. Okay, moving on to the next agenda item, we have agenda item 5. This is the fiscal year 19 20 budget amendment. This increases total revenues by 228,000 primarily due to the timing of grant invoices for the work and fiscal year 18 19. This is a timing difference between revenues we occasionally have between the fiscal years. Corresponding technical expenditures will decrease by 598,000 as compared to the adopted budget. Just as i mentioned, this is due to the slow down in the work of the timma program. Nonpersonnel expenditures will increase by 5,000 and personal expenditures will decrease for 19 20 activity. The slight increase amount is due to Legal Services needed to review documents related to the establishing of services on Treasure Island. The decrease in personnel expenditures is due to the slow down of work in the timma program and a delay in hiring two staff vacancies as a result of the Overall Work Program review. Now moving on to item number 7, our last item. This is the provisional three month budget for 2021. As you know, mayor breed set timeline for it to be completed by the end of september. We aligned our budget to the same timeline and interim will be required to bring this item before you to continue our operations for timma. Its also necessary to adopt a waiver of the administrative code, requiring the adoption of the annual budget by june 30th. So what i have on this page is a chart. This shows the comparison of revenues for the provisional 3 month budget period and in gray we have fiscal year 2019 2020 for the month of january, august, and september, and the blue bar representatives the projected budget. As you can see here, timmas total revenues is projected to be 460,000 with 84,000 obligated from federal grant funds and 376,000 obligated from tita. Regional and other funds will be used to fulfill the 50 match requirement for the federal grant. Total revenues for the first three months of 2021, july, august and september are projected to decrease by 578,000 or 56 as compared to the last year. So this is an abnormal spike in Program Reviews in 19 20, due to the timing of grant invoices received. We will collect and recognize all these. Projected revenue is 460,000 and projected to increase by 216,000 or 88 as compare to the prior period last year. This would be a good point for me to turn it over to rachel hyatt, our assistant director for planning. She will walk you through the work program and explain to you what will be incuring these costs for the next three to four months. Good morning commissioners. In the next slide, youll see the four categories in our work program. Governance and administration, toll policy adoption and Transit Service delivery, outreach and communications and toll system delivery. On the next slide, ill go through the key activities for these three months work period. The activities during this next three months period are all to prepare for and make progress towards ultimately the adoption of toll policies within this year, not during the three month period, but within the year and also to advance the Transit Service and other programs that will be funded by that revenue and finally to fill the funding gap that we have to complete the picture of the program. On the toll policy delivery front, over the next three month period, were going to complete the Financial Analysis that we have underway of the remaining areas of Affordability Program benefits and around financial risk analysis associated with a range of Development Build updates and range of possible effects on travel demands that could happen as a consequence of the current covid pandemic. The area of affordability, provisions that were looking at are benefits for workers, especially low wage and nonprofit workers and for future low income households who will move to the island in the future. We also are making progress on defining more specifically with the current resident toll exemption and what it looks like and we will be bringing the totals back before the committee this year. We are going to then also in this period prepare for outreach around these remaining areas that have yet to be adopted, outreach that we will need to conduct this year and prepare for that during this three month period. On the governance and Program Deliveries side, we are making progress on funding strategy discussions. We have funding needs on the capital side to launch the program and also we know that well have an additional funding need on the operating side during the first years of operating the program, so we continue to speak with our local partners here in the city. Our regional partners and we continue to look for state and options with federal grants as well. During this three month period, we continue our discussions and Service Planning with the water transit operators and with potential east bay Transit Service providers and incorporate those into our Financial Analysis. The toll System Design does proceed during this three month period because that is incorporated into the infrastructure design of the roadways and ramps. Lastly, there are some other aspects of the program that proceed this month, in particular the grant funded Autonomous Vehicle shuttle pilot and i believe that will have a more indepth presentation to your update to you in the coming months. Lastly, the bicycle and pedestrian planning, particularly on the island and the connection to the bay bridge touchdown proceeds during these three months. The next slide gives you a preview of the anticipated work program for the rest of the fiscal year. We do anticipate needing to adopt toll policies this year. That timeframe is whats needed to set up the program to launch in mid 2022, which is when the program could launch given the infrastructure schedule. So that is our launch schedule leading back from that, toll policy adoption within this year is needed to then go ahead and set up and be ready with the Transit Services and other services well need to provide. So, to get to that, theyll need to continue Community Outreach this year ahead of those adoptions. Well need to complete discussions around the additional funding we need to secure, both on their capital si side, as well as the earlier operating side. Then we will start to design the toll system, doing the texting and Development Work that we need based on the policies that are adopted and proceed with the remaining work to implement and start providing the benefits like the transit pass that will be available to residents and workers, the Parking Management program, the ferry and the east bay new Transit Services that will launch in 2022 with the whole program. So the next slide is just a reminder of the next step here, which is the action item that were seeking your adoption of the three month budget and work program. A next step will be us coming back and cynthia speak to the timeframe, a september timeframe actually for the full fiscal year budget and work Program Approval for the remaining month of the year. That concludes my presentation on this item. Thank you so much for that. I had the opportunity to see this presentation before and review it. I dont have any questions, but colleagues, do you have any questions or comments on that report . All right. I dont think i see any. Do we have any Public Comment on this report . Chair, there is no Public Comment. Okay, great. I believe this isnt an informational item i mean this isnt an action item, so we dont need to take any action on this, is that correct . Item four is information, item five and six are action. Oh, thats right. With legal, they advised us we can do a motion and roll call for both items at the same time, if you want. Okay, great. Can we have a motion to approve item five and six . Mandelman will move it. Thank you. Is there a second . Second. Great, can we have a roll call vote on items five and six. Sure, for both items five and six, commissioner haney. Aye. Commissioner walton. Aye. Im sorry, walton aye. Commissioner mandelman. Aye. We have approval for both items five and six. Fantastic, thank you so much for your work on that. Much appreciated. Madam clerk, can you call the next item. Item seven, recommend exercising contract option for oncall Modeling Services to wsp usa, inc. And resource systems group, inc. In an amount not to exceed 100,000 for a combined total contract amount not to exceed 300,000. This is an action item. This action is to exercise a one year option on an existing oncall financial and demand model and contract that we have and that we use for the Financial Analysis in support of the timma program, particularly in the analysis toll policies Affordability Program. Its an existing set of on call contracts we have and this action would exercise the first of two options and extend the contract in time and in value for one year. Happy to take any questions you may have. All right. Thank you. Ms. Hyatt, are there any questions or comments from colleagues on this contract . Seeing none, are there any members of the public that would like to speak on item seven . No Public Comment. Can i have a motion and second on item seven . This is your big moment colleagues. Moved. Moved by commissioner walton. Were switching it up here. Second from commissioner mandelman. Can we have a roll call vote please. Yes, commissioner haney. Aye. Commissioner mandelman. Aye. Commissioner walton. Aye. Item seven is approved. Great, thank you. Madam clerk, will you please call item number eight. Item eight, introduction of new items. This is an information item. Great. Colleagues, are there any items that you all would like to put forward . Seeing no one on the roster. Are there any members of the public that would like to speak on item eight . There are no members of the public. Great. Madam clerk, will you please call the next item, item number 9. Item 9, Public Comment. Great. Operator, are there any members of the public who would like to speak . Chair, there are no members of the public. Okay. Public comment is closed. Madam clerk, will you please call the next item. Item ten, adjournment. Fantastic. This meeting is now adjourned. Thank you everyone. Have a wonderful day. Thank you. [ ] the 2020 meeting of the police commission. Sergeant youngblood, please call role. A commissioner dedejesus. Here. A commissioner hamasaki. Present. Hamasaki is prse

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