Mr. President , all members are present. Well say the pledge of allegiance. Would you like to join me . I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you, everybody. On pa behalf of the board i woud like to acknowledge the staff at sfg tv and making it available to the public. Colleagues, i want to do a Little Something different before we get on with the show. I would like to have you join me in starting our meeting today with a moment of silence. Sorry. For george floyd and his family, friends and community. George floyds tragic death at the hands of four Police Officers in minneapolis last week. This is a reflection of the systematic oppression, racism and injustice that the black community ha has endured. Our city mourns minneapolis and the people across the country. The officers responsible for George Floyds death must be held accountable and that is only a fraction of the justice we must deliver for george floyd. So everyone standing up and demanding justice for george floyd and for so many sons and daughters, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and friends, we hear you and we see you and we are with you. We must commit ourselves to healing the deep inequities and racial divides that continue to plague us. We also need to reflect on ourselves in San Francisco how we can do better in standing up to racial injustice, especially for our black Community Members. So at this moment, i would like to take a moment to pause in silence. Are there think communications . The minutes will reflect as a result of the ongoing covid19 pandemic, members of the board are participating in the Board Meeting through Video Conference to the same extent as if they were physically present in their legislative chamber. Members of the public are also able to participate remotely in the following ways. For those who do not have the internet, the u. S. Postal service will deliver your written cor correspondence to rm 244, San Francisco, california, 94102 and for those whose interest is to listen to the proceedings, you may do so from your stone by dialing 415655001 and when prompted, enter the following access code, which is 921462660 and press pound twice. Youll have joined and are able to listen to the meeting in progress. To provide your general Public Comment this is item 24 youll call from a quiet location, mute your television or radio and speak slowly and each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak and there is no electioneering at these meetings, please do not volk foe for a candidate or matter. The board will take your Public Comment and well provide the telephone number is access code again later in the meeting. It is currently scrolling on your television and if you have the internet and you were interested in submitting written core upon dense, please do so to board. Gov. Supervisors sfgov. Org and watch it on www. Sfgov and this has a little bit of a delay, so make sure you turn down your television or if you call in for general Public Comment. Lastly, we have several individuals who have been assigned to this meeting by the office of civic education, director adrienne pon and we have individuals who are ready to provide the Public Comment interpretation. If you would please provide that youre here for the public, well start with se la camillo. Pai speaking Foreign Language . Thank you, and now well go to miss lee and please let the Community Know youre here for them. speaking Foreign Language . And mr. A mr. Arturo. speaking Foreign Language . Mr. President , that concludes my communication. Thank you, madam clerk. Just a friendly remind for all of the supervisors to mute your microphones when you are not speaking to audio feedback. And colleagues, today we are approving the minutes from the april 14th, 2020 regular Board Meeting. Are there any changes to the Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . So moved, peskin. Seconded, fewer. Supervisor fewer. Madam clerk, can you please call the role. role call . There are 11 ayes. This will be approved after Public Comment is presented. Before we start, i want to warn the public that i will be introducing an imperative item today during role call and generally, we take these items at the end of meeting, bu of thi will be taking this item out of order and will be presented after role call and once you hear the introduction and you want to speak on it, then thats your opportunity to speak on that one item. Madam clerk, lets go to the consent health. Please call items 15. Items 15, consent, considered to be routine. If a member objects, an item may be removed is considered separately. Colleagues, is there anyone to sever any items on the Consent Agenda . I see no names on the roster. Please call the role on items 15. On items 15. role call . There are 11 ayes. It passes unanimously. Please call 69 together on the regular agenda. 69, four lease agreements with the Airport Commission for item 6, it approves on the airport rental car lease for a fiveyear term with two, twoyear options to extend a minimum annual guarantee or mag of 11 million for the first year of the least and an operations lease with enterprise renta car for a fiveyear term and two, twoyear options to extend a mag of 16 million. Thia lease with hertz and two, twoyear options to extend and 16 million mag and item 9 is a resolutioresolution to approve s foleasefor a fiveyear term. Madam clerk, can you please call the role. On items 69 role call . There are 11 arc yes. The resolutions are adopted nancy. Unanimously. Lets go to our new business calling item number 10. Item 10 is a resolution to authorize the executive director of the Human Services agency to execute a grant between the city and home bridge, inc to june 30, 2025. Please call the role. role call . Are 11 ay session. Without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. Item 11 to approve an updated conditional Property Exchange agreement with esx jackson for a proposed future transfer of city Real Property of 530 under the jurisdiction of the Fire Department in exchange for a portion of the Real Property as 425 to 439 washington street, subject to conditions and to make the appropriate findings. Ok, madam clerk, supervisor peskin. Thank you, president yee. I want to thank our folks in the department of real estate, particularly john updyke for his work on this, and thank all of my colleagues who have voted on several earlier enabling pieces of legislation for this project that ive been pursuing for over 15 years to build a highrise development in the downtown area where fire station 13 is located and use the proceeds from that transaction to build Affordable Housing nearby in chinatown on a piece of property that we all voted to acquire at 772 pacific avenue. I also want to thank related california, the developer who won the rfp for this, as well as the Fire Department that will end up with a new fire station 13 as a result of this transaction and i commend it to all of you for your vote in the affirmative. Thank you, president yee. Thank you. Madam clerk, now can you please call the role. role call . This is item 11. There are 11 ayes. Madam clerk, please call items 12 and 13. Items 12 and 13 are called together to execute a multifamily housing revenue note. Item 12 is an aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed 49. 1 million is to provide financing for the construction of a 141unit multifamily housing unit and item 13 is in an aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed 68 billion and financing for the acquisition and rehabilitation of a 104 unit multirental housing unit located at 1049 golden gate avenue known as the Frederick Douglas haine apartment. Madam clerk, can you please call the role . Items 12 and 13 role call . Are 11 ayes. Madam clerk, the next item. Item 14 to retroactively authorize the department of Public Health to accept and expand a 190,000 grant from the California Department of Public Health for hepatitis c virus and control activities for the period of december 1st, 2019 through june 30th, 2020. Madam clerk, lets go ahead and call the role. On item 14 role call . There are 11 ayes. Lets go to item 15. A resolution to authorize the department of technology to enter into an agreement between the city and the zones llc for microsoft cloud software, an enterprise product for a 39month term, june 1st, 2020 through august 21, 2023 for an amount not to exceed 40 million. Mr. President , are you muted . Call the role . On item 15 mr. President , i didnt have my name up. Is microsoft in a position where we can have two teams meetings at once, please. Well relay the message to the office of contract administration. You would think for 40 million, we could have two meetings at the same time. Thank you, supervisor peskin. Can we call the role . Item 15 role call . There are 11 ayes. Its adopted unanimously. Please call 1618 together. Items 1618 are applied for accept and expend the fiscal year 20202021, United States department of housing and urban development grants. For item 16, the housing opportunities for persons with aids, a Grant Program in an amount of 7 million and to expand programs for a combined total of 10. 2 million through june 30th, 2025. Item 17, in item approves the Emergency Solutions grant, the emg program in an amount of 1. 6 million beginning july 21, 2020 and item 18, approves the fiscal year 2020 through 2021, home investment partnership, the home program in an amount of 5 5. 4 million for a combined total of 7. 5 million through june 30, 2525. 2025. Madam, clerk, can you call the role on 1618. On items 1618 role call there are 11 ay session. Supervisor walton, i see you on the roster, did you want to Say Something . Item 19. Ok. Youre always ahead of me. [ laughter ] without objection, the resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call the next item. Item 19 was referred without recommendation from the budget and finance committee. Its a revolution to approve the fiscal year 20202021, Community Development grant in an amount of approximately 18. 6 million and to expand Program Income and Program Funds in the amount of approximately 7 million for a combined total of approximately 35. 6 million for the period beginning july 1st, 2020, through the date when all of the funds are expended. Supervisor walton . Thank you so much, president yee. I wanted to go on record, much like at the budget and finance Committee Just to make the statements about the fact that the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development has a track record of being disrespectful and disingenuous to indigenous organizations, particularly black organizations, primaril. They stated they had a focus on prioritizing blacklead organizations as well as focus on equity and not only did they not fund equitable and only given 2 of 40 Million Dollars to blacklead organizations, but they want against their own priorities and their own protocols in terms of how to fund during this funding cycle and i just want to make sure, i would have thought against moving this forward had i not had a lot of love and respect for all of the other organizations that did receive funding during this process. Mostly they have attempted to remedy this continuous and systematic disrespect of black organizations by putting another Million Dollars in the street for programming and another million for capacity building, but that does nothing to exert the issues that exist when most releasing funs out into the community. Releasinreleasing funds out. I think they should work to really practise what they say theyll focus on and actually, i served for the department of youth and families and we prioritized and shifted our funding and we had conversations with organizations that we see in terms of thousands of dollars prior to new priorities and i say that when you change priorities, when you shift and say youll focus on equity, then youll have to make some hard decisions in terms of what doesnt continue. I neednt do that in this case and they havent done that in the past decade plus and i want it on record that they cannot continue to operate in this disingenuous matter. Thank you, supervisor walton. So i dont see anybody else on the rosters. Can you call the role. On item 19 role call . There are 11 ayes. Ok, without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to our role call. But just for the public, item 22 is on our agenda, but it was not sent as a committee report, so it is not before the board today. Role call for introduction. Supervisor hainey, youre first up to introduce new business. Thank you, madam clerk, i have one item for role call. Today i am introducing a resolution urging the city administrator to immediately nominate an interim county officer for the veterans in the city and county of San Francisco during covid19. The toll on the virus on veterans has been particularly harsh. They are often but not always older and many reside in shelters, nursing homes, homecare facilities that have been breeding grounds for the virus and many are frontline essential workers continuing to serve in our city as hospital workers, sheriffs and others. Last week, during memorial day, we paid tribute to not only those who died on the battlefield but more recent people who have fallen to covid19. Many of the veterans served and survive during the times of war only to die in the recent weeks from the coronavirus. We held a press Conference Last Week with a number of organizations in partnership with the Veterans Affairs commission and the resounding message from the group is that we need to support our veterans during this time. There are over 27,000 veterans in San Francisco is and many reside in district 6 and many are africanamerican and people of colour struggling to get the support they needs a veteran. Initial reports indicate that 10 of the covid19related deaths in San Francisco have come from the veteran population and many of the veterans are tragically homeless or live in shelters and lives have been further disrupted during this time and some moved to new facilities and being provided new care and environments and the va may not always have the same level of access to them. Because of that, they need to have a central advocate to represent them. The petition of county Veterans Services officer has been left vacant including during this crisis. The city needs a dedicated liaison with San Franciscos eoc, the state and federal agencies and veterans organizations. The city needs a coordinated plan to ensure access to services for veterans and tracking them across our system of care and ensuring they do not fall through the cracks. The resolution im introducing calls on the city administrator to conduct a National Search and i believe there has been a process to put in place a permanent Veterans Service officer but we cannot wait in order to ensure that somebody is in that position right now. Over the longtem, working with our veterans and for our veterans is critical in order to ensure the Public Health of this community and often, they are left out and forgotten in many of the services and responses. I also want to acknowledge the work that supervisor stephanie has done on this issue, as well, and ill look forward to partnering with her and the Veterans Affairs commission who has done extraordinary work to make sure our veterans are supported during this crisis and beyond. The rest i submit. Thank you. Supervisor mamdleman. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, i have two in mem more ya and a hearing request today. I would like to ask we ajourn margo amaretti. She earned degrees in psychologies and women studies and had a long history in her professional life. We all think of out ourselves as activists, but one says, margo really was. She supported housing as we know it in San Francisco. She helpetoday, there are over 0 individuals across 38 sites. In her role, she served for the Community Program and building relationships with providers and clients. Those in the Provider Community described her as the bureaucrat we trusted and the colleagues that worked for the city felt the same. District 8 supervisor described how margos deep care for clients made her loved and made others want her to be successful. Hshe remained at dph in urban health from 2012 to 2016 and they were left in awe of her commitment. She was an exceptional advocate and thought for justice who colleagues describe as a force of nature and electric bright light in this world. Margos debted case t dedicatioo address homelessness and she became one of the founding members of the department of homelessness. She brought a Public Health commitment to permanent housing as a solution to homelessness. She oversaw more than 80,000 sites with over 5,000 units of housing. Those she worked with remember her as a caring supervisor who went above and beyond her staff and the staff passed away, margaret was there for her team and jokingly called her the self care police she knew how hard the staff was working and took care of themselves. I met margo a few times and knew she was a giant but from the conversations my staff and i had with those who worked with her, it is clear, she was a beloved advocate. She was an incredible mentor, everybodys queer aunt and she showed you the ropes and she gave her life to the people she serve askeserved and she has trd many thousands of lives and we owe her our internal gratitude. I believe supervisor ronen has memories she would like to share about margo. Yes. Supervisor ronen. Thank you so much. I do. I first just wanted to thank supervisor mamdelman for his words. When i heard the tragic news is saw the outpouring of grief in the housing world, i reached out to them. Not every city worker builds bridges between city and community and what sometimes feels like the bureauic government and warmth of our organization. She span that guide effectively and gracefully and i wanted to add to what my colleague said by sharing the words and stories of Community Partners who worked with is loved margo. Margo. When cheryl spoke about her close friend and colleague, her first words were about her deep foundational belief in social justice and fairness. She would always side with the underdog. Margo would say if there is a fight between a little poodle and dobberman, im there for the pooledle. She never left home without her narcan and would check on people if she thought they were this trouble. She treated everybody with respect and grace anxiousness. She was a warrior for housing. Margo through that to successfully house people with complex physical and Mental Illness and Substance Abuse issues, it would take a new approach of Property Management and together they created the model that would be dish. Her focus was always on people who through the cracks in our system and lifting up the voices of the people who serve them to be included in policy decisions. When a tenant was in trouble, at risk of losing housing or when everyone thought they used all of the services that were available, here would come margo to sit down one more time, pull up close to the ten wantants and out how to help. She was always there to fight for the tenants is asking, how can we make it better. The former director of deloris Street Community services remembered margos role with a deeply Supportive Housing that housing former homeless. With deep services and programming, it was conceived as a partnership between the city and cbo and could never have come together without margos persistents leadership. She recalled margos longtime support at the sro collaborative and service on the task force. She remained a staunch ally of those who were in the community and margo had a heart of gold and funny as hell. When she was very realistic did driven to make sure things got done. You would find yourself up against what seemed an impossible barrier and she would say, let me see what i could do. In addition to the deep empathy and boldness she brought to her work, she will be remembered and missed for her style and snarky whit. For those who knew her personally and love her so deeply, her death is unfathomable and heartbreaking. For those who knew her as our wise colleague, the loss to the city is profound. Our city advocates are unhoused and unsheltered neighbors have been working to solve homelessness for years. For those who worked 24 7 for homelessness like margo did, we are endlessly grateful. May you rest in peace. Thank you, supervisor ronen. We will feel her loss. Supervisor mar. Actually you had more . I have more. Apologies. Thank you. My second in memorium is for leo handle and i think folks may have read about this in the paper, but im asking we ajourn todays meeting in memory of leo. He was a 94yearold glenn park resident killed last monday walking his dog near glenn canyon. Born in 1925 in austria, he spent part of his life in a camp before going to work as a farmer in 1953. He moved to San Francisco and eventually moving to sussex street where he lived from 1967 until he died last week. In the wake of his death, he was 94 and frequently walking his dog, making repairs to his house or ring the economist from cover to cover on his front porch and he would remind his neighbors to move their cars on streetcleaning day and help them moving their cans after pickup and give them fresh tomatoes. He was dependent and sharp. He devised successful strategies to buy more than his share of red bull. Leos murder is all the move tragic because it feels like it was preventible. His accused assailant was known t. As someone with Close Friends and family who suffer from various Mental Illnesses, i feel the kne need to point out that n witpeople with Mental Illness ae not usually violent but i feel compelled to point out our failure to find and fund humane ways to compel people into care and regularly threaten the physical safety of the neighbors is shameful. In that regard, i am requesting today a hearing on the impacts of covid19 on the citys response to the behaviour and health needs of unhoused people in San Francisco. For the two years ive been on this board and well before i joined, members of this body and a succession of mayors have struggled with affecting Mental Health crisis on our streets. The Behavioral Health audit to the appointment of the director of Mental Health reform, the mayors convening a task force, to supervisors work on Mental Health sf, a walk down Market Street will make painfully clear that we are not doing better. We are doing far worse and as we dig in for protracted battle against this new Public Health emergency, it is plain we need to revisit approaches to managing our preexisting Public Health crisis. I am asking for this hearing to give other responsible departments the opportunity to explain both how the citys covid19 response complicated the Behavioral Health needs of unhoused people and explain their best thinking on how to adapt Behavioral Health services to address the growing chaos. I am also requesting this hear mindful the 2 billion deficit our city faces threatens our ability to make many of the healthMental Health investmentse needed two months eight. In one sense, this should not be that hard. We need the right places and the we need the right people, people who can effectively intervene in the lives of individuals suffering episodes of psychosis or extreme intoxication in public spaces, safe places where people can recover and to provide ongoing Case Management and places for people who need a supervised timeout over a longer period of time that is neither a jail cell or hospital bed. In San Francisco, in 2020, these things are not optional. They are essential and even as we prepare to slay every sacred cow in sight, we must prioritize these investments. Some of us have had the experience of visiting friends or family i, being in the presee of psychosis is alarming, even in a therapeutic setting and yet today in San Francisco, too many residents are having that experience by stepping out for a walk. We must change that daily reality and we cannot wait. I request that this hearing be scheduled in conjunction with a hearing on sb1045 limitation i requested earlier this year for which we have delayed for scheduling over the last several months. The hearings are related that the indiscernible . Covid will, of course, make everything harder but its time to restart this conversation. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor. Soup store mar. Supervisor mar. Colleagues, today im introducing legislation to reenact the emergency ordinance to temporarily require private employers with 500 or more employees during the Public Health emergency related to covid19. As you may recall, the original emergency ordinance was adopted unanimously by the board and signed by mayor breed on april 19th. Instantly making some 200,000 people in San Francisco eligible to receive two additional weeks of paid leave if they are sick, need to take care of a family member, unable to work because of shelter in place or have a compromised immune system. That emergency ordinance is set to expire soon so the legislation im introducing today will extend as critically support for workers for an additional 60 days. Im introducing a resolution urging state and federal government to include large nonprofit organizations in upcoming covid19 relief packages. Large nonprofits were eligible for paycheck funding from the cares act due to employing more than 500 employees. Good will of San Francisco and ymc amount of San Francisco provide Critical Services to thousands of individuals per day in our city and the surrounding bay area. The covid19 pandemic has increased the demand for food assistance, Mental Health services, childcare and other Critical Services. Organizations like sf good will and ymc amount of San Francisco deliver their respected ministers without full dependence on government grants. They have had to severely curtail Business Operations and services to the community in order to comply with the shelterinplace order. Those organizations continue to receive funding through private donations and regional and financial hardships have made it difficult to continue to provide communities with Critical Services in the longterm. Unfortunately, the new heros act outlines the support necessary for the industry by removing the 500 employee cap on the size of nonprofits eligible for ppp loans, Small Business limit on nonpayroll expenses, deferring principle and payments for one year up from six months and creating a 25 setaside for ppp funding for nonprofit and half of that would be for nonprofits for 500 or fewer employees and the other half with more. These provisions in the new heros act will ensure organizations like ymc amount of San Francisco and sf good will obtain forgivable loans to provide Critical Services to the community and put people back to work. The resolution im introducing today urges the u. S. Senate to pass the 3 trillion hero act to include amendments in the cares act to expand access to benefits by large nonprofit organizations. The rest i submit. Thank you. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, madam clerk. Im submitting a let end of inquiry to the San Francisco Police Department, the department of emergency management, the planning department, the public works and the department of Public Health to ask if any staff entered into nondisclosure agreements or ndas or otherwise participated in the public agencys Advisory Council convened by the next social media platform as reported in the press. Aside from the transparency concerns regarding mdas signed by Government Employees and government officials, i want to understand whether the city and county of San Francisco is involved in any way with legitimatizing or financially benefiting a platform under the pretense of sharing helpful information among neighbors and Community Members that has been criticized for also spreading false rumors, incidents of crime which happened in my district recently on a number of occasions as well as being a quote, hotbed for racial profiling as numerous Media Outlets have reported. They have come to rely on information but if the city and county of San Francisco is, in fact, using public funds for employees time to provide content, i think it is important that the board understand the extent and implications of doing so and to have conversations about whether were diffusing other means of Public Notice that are not vulnerable to the same abusive algorithms. But whats particularly important, we understand whether there are City Employees entering into nondisclosures with this or other platforms. And i will submit a number of other pieces of legislation that i will not speak to and i do want to thank my staff, calvin yann and mr. Gulo and the folks from the department of Public Health and the Chinese Hospital for their Rapid Response on testing to folks in chinatown as we have had outbreaks and i want to thank them for setting up testing on the streets this morning. Thank you to dph and Chinese Hospital and finally, colleagues, i would like to ajourn todays Board Meeting in the memory of rich aliotto, who grew up in the sunset district, went, and spent his entire career at fishermans wharf. He was exactly my age and passed away suddenly at the age of 55 at his house on may 24th. He is survive by his loving wife of 26 years, cheryl, and by his adoring daughter, stephanie. He is reuse nighting with his father joseph and brother joe, who i know well is survived by his mayor pauline and sister r irrita and inlaws and it reads, we know he will always hold a special place in the hearts of his family is friends. The rest i will submit. Supervisor preston. Thank you, madam clerk. I wanted to thank president yee for your remarks at the start of this meeting. Very much appreciate those. I have one item to announce today and i would like to take this time to say George Floyds name and recognise the thousands across the country who have taken to the streets to protest the history of racism, Police Violence and silence and complicity that has gotten us to this place. For all of those who are protesting for george floyd, brianna taylor, ahmaud arbery, shawn reed and countless others who have been taken from racism from us, thank you for your bravery. The murder of george floyd did not just take a life. It was a punch in the gut of anyone who cares about humanity. Protesters are exercising their right to protest and have every reason to be angry. Many have experienced a lifetime of racism topped off by over three years of a lawless White Nationalist president. Across the country, people feel intense anger and sadness right now. A Police Officer kilted george floyd while other officers look on. None were arrested on the scene despite conclusive Video Evidence and none would have been arrested were it not for bold protesters taking to the streets for days. The officer expected he would get away with this and why would he expect differently . Time and time again, police abuse and kill africanamericans with no consequences. White supremacy runs so deep in our country. From the daily oneonone aggressions in parks, streets, stores and workplaces to the neverending Police Violence, mass incarceration and throughout all levels of government. The president of our country is a white supremest and will do everything to stoke division and invoke and encourage Police Violence. Despite the temptation to direct our attention to the federal administration and other cities as the source of this dehumanizing reality, i would take the opportunity to look to our own city and acknowledge these systemic problems half right here at home. Im deeply concerned about a San Francisco officer using a knee at or near the neck area of a black teenager. We need to know the facts of this case and any other in which anything like the technique used to restrain and kill george floyd is used in our city. That incident has prompted me and others to take a closer look at our existing borders and regulations regarding the use of fortune by the Police Department. Nowhere is this technique specifically and expolitician ey named didnt banned. We need to make Crystal Clear to officers and the public that the use of the knee on the neck cannot be tolerated. I would like to thank our public defender for calling for major Police Reforms in a statement yesterday, including calling for the Police Commission and our police chief to issue a new general order permitting officers from applying pressure to a persons neck on the ground. I appreciate our public defenders leadership on this and standing with countless activists who are demanding meaningful reform. Today, im calling for a hearing on Law Enforcement restraint techniques that restrict breathing or blood flow and pose a serious risk of injury or death. Im also working with the City Attorney to draft an ordinance to explicitly ban the kneetoneck restraint of george floyd in minneapolis. I hope the Police Commission and police chief will clearly condemn and ban this practise and i look forward to meeting with them as we develop this legislation. But the situation is urgent and we cannot wait. At this moment, i ask colleagues to tornado the words black lives matter into concrete changes wherever we can and join me in fighting to hold our own Police Departments to the highest standards. Our hearing and ordinance will be one significant step toward concrete meaningful change. The rest i submit. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor preston. Supervisor ronen. One moment, please. Colleagues, today im introducing a resolution to express the port or Assembly Bill 2054 and would enact a Community Response to strengthen emergency systems act to promote communitybased response to an emergency situation. In San Francisco and across the state, Police Officers are often relied upon as the First Responders for Mental Health crisis and other situations that arise in our most vulnerable communities. Not only is it costly to have Police Officers act as the First Responders to situations that are better suited for crisis councillors but Police Presence may escalate the situation and make the crisis worse. As we saw with the senseless murder of george floyd and countless deaths before him, calling 911 for even the slightest thing can be a death sentence for people of color. Communitybased organizations citywide have a track record of successfully responding to emergencies affecting unhoused people, people experiencing Mental Health crisis and exposed to Community Violence and people experiencing Substance Abuse and impacted by natural or climate disasters. If passed this would create Emergency Services to establish the grants program to provide state grants to communitybased organizations providing Emergency Response to local crises. These scenarios fall on the shoulders of marginalized communities of young people of color and those who are formerly incarcerated. Ab2054 will ensure communitybased organizations are integrated into Crisis Response and followup are handled by Community Organizations that have a deeper knowledge of the issues, trust or relationship with the people and communities involved and specific knowledge and relationships surrounding the emergency. Our best hope at any Police Violence is by promoting communitylead alternatives to policing. And the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor ronen. Supervisor safay rbgs. E. Thank you, madam clerk. I wanted to do just one in memorium today for miss donna lane. She was a fierce resident of district 1. 11. Their Office Reached out to president ye, but i wanted to let everyone show she was a fierce advocate for social justice is fought for freedoms and reforms. She was born in atlanta, georgia and during school years, she graduated with honors from the School System and subsequently went on to howard university, the university of california, school of social work and San Francisco state where she got a masters in education. She gave ban back and was the ft lady of grace in San Francisco, director of women at senior programs at the booker t. Center and director of community education, planning project. She directed thlastly, althoughh more to say about her great causes, miss lane championed and wholehearted by dedicated herself and fought for School Integration here in San Francisco. She battled prevailing attitudes that she claims were, in fact, heartbreakingly rough. And so much of the work that she did in forms of what were going through today. We were happy to have you, may you rest in power and thank you for all of your service and what youve done if San Francisco and thank you for all of the families reaching out. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor safaye. Supervisor stephanie. I want to start by thanking supervisor hainy with the county Veterans Service officer. This is something ive been work on for several months. As you know, at role call on april 28th, i introduced a formal letter of inquiry asking for more information about the vacancy. Our Human Services Agency Department reached out to let me know that the inquiry helped to clear bureaucratic log jams that impaired the hiring process. On may 11th, i reported to you again at role call that the vacancy was posted publically and qualified applicants were invited to apply through may 25th. The posting has closed and that candidate and the candidate interviews began last week and will continue this week. And also, the Human Services agency believes that they will select a candidate to advance to the department of Human Resources for fingerprints this friday. Hsa has requested that the dhr expedite the fingerprinting process and i want to reiterate that request here is that we can quickly fill this vital position and a need for interim director will not be necessary. I do look forward to filling this vital position very quickly and i want to thank all of the veterans who have reached out and the veterans i have been working with and hsa staff who have been working and the City Administrators Office and the department of Human Resources for the responsiveness to our questions. The rest i submit. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor stephanie. Next is supervisor walton. Thank you, madam clerk. I today i have a resolution and two in memoriums. Will start with todays resolution. Along with the District Attorney and cosponsors supervisors yee, preston and peskin, fewer, hilary ronen and supervisor matt haniney, im introductioning a resolution urging the Civil Service resolution where in sanfrancisco we will never hire an individual to serve on the San Francisco Police Department or San Francisco Sheriffs Department that has a history of Excessive Force and any other municipal. Theres been a National Crisis over repeated instances of Police Brutality and killings of black people for persons of color. To date, there are been 422 black People Killed by the police. There were 27 days in 2019 where police did not kill someone. Here in San Francisco, there have been over 70 officerinvolved shootings in the past decade. We net that there know theresg history of biased especially towards black people starting from slave patrols to traffic stops. Now george floyd, mario woods, oscar grant, eric garner, Michael Brown are just among the countless black people and people of color who have been killed at the hands of Law Enforcement. George floyd most recently, a 46yearold black man was killed by a minneapolis Police Officer who kneeled on his neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds while he struggled to breathe. This Police Officer had over 17 complaints. 17 complaints against him and multiple officerinvolved shootings. He was permitted to remain on the police force. In San Francisco, recent footage emerged with a Police Officer using a similar violent tactic of kneeling on a 19yearold black teen during an arrest. These injustices have gone on far too long and they continue to happen. Oftentimes, officers quit when they have received several complaints for excess force in a particular city and move on to a new city and go from one city to the next after being fired. There is no accountability for the public. It is important that we do not allow individuals with a proven track record of misconduct to become a part of any of our Law Enforcement bodies in San Francisco. It demonstrates officers who kill black people and continue to commit Excessive Force on black people and people of color, have a history of misconduct and Excessive Force complaints. We cannot allow these individuals an opportunity to mistreat San Francisco residents. This is just one small step towards preventing incidents like what we have seen in minneapolis with george floyd. My first memorium today is for commissioner lotty tie. On tuesday afternoon, last week, commissioner lotty t iritus pasd away peacefully in her home at huntersview. Having resided in the neighbor for 25 years, she was a relentless and to towering figu. The southeastern part of San Francisco, district 10, and our nation. A mother of two, grandmother of five and champions of countless others, her legacy is beyond comprehension. One of the creators of hope sf, commissioner titus served every segment of her community for over three decades with grace, with kindness, selflessness and the unforgettable smile and sense of humor. Feeding the hungry, caring for children, leading support groups, caring for seniors and dealing with Community Violence and designing public policy. As a former person in the San Francisco Authority Commissioner and a devout woman of faith, she was constantly reminding all of us to not quit until every child, youth and family wa withn our Public Housing development are achievinwere achieving to tf their ability. Miss titus will be missed. She was a mother and mentor to us all and we will miss our dedication, commitment and smile. She fought for community with a certain class and dignity that garnered the results but demonstrated her love. There are very few leaders that i know that have accomplished the things that she has for community with such grace and such a presence that wasnt harsh but committed and dedicated and lead to successful outcomes for communities. And lieu in flowers, taxdeductible contributions may be made to support the celebration of life at 1753 carol avenue in San Francisco. Second in memorium today, and i want to thank president yee opening up the meeting for talking about the tragedy for what has taken place in minneapolis and across this country for too many years where black men, people of color have suffered death at the hands of Law Enforcement. This in memorium is in honor of george floyd. Today i stand to honor and celebrate the life of george floyd. Video of his murder has been spread far and wide. Millions march in the streets in protest of his death at the hands of minneapolis police. For george floyd was more than just a murder victim, he was a devoted father, cheerful coworker and loving friend to many. George floyd was born in north carolina, grew up in houston and was nicknamed the gentle giant. Early on by his friends and school wer. His classmates described him as having a quiet personalty but a gentle spirit. George was also an artist, making music with a hiphop group called the screwed up crew. After living in houston most of his life, george moved to minneapolis in hopes of finding work and starting a new life. George first worked as a Security Guard at a Salvation Army store in the city of minneapolis is later worked driving trucks. He was known as big floyd. His coworkers at the bistro described him as always cheerful, noting that he would dance badly just to make people laugh. One of his customers recounted how much george loved his hugs from his regulars. George floyd was also a devoted father to his 6yearold daughter, gianna, and worked incredibly hard to support his family. George floyds black life mattered. It matter to his friends, his coworkers and it mattered to his daughter and family and it definitely mattered to me. We were not stockpiling until his life and all black lives matter to everyone. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor walton. Black lives matter. Mr. President. Thank you, madam clerk. Im going to be introducing a few items today so bear with me. The first is i would be introducing imperative item, motion to concurring and declaration of emergency and motion concurring with establishing curfew. Today i am introducing these two things as yo. As you are aware, on sunday the mayor declared a local emergency and established a subsequent curfew to prevent any further destruction, destructive incidents like what took place on saturday fight, calling for an end to Police Brutality and racial justice. The board of supervisors has seven days to act upon the proclamation of local emergency. Therefore, i am introducing a motion today to concur in the mayors proclamation of local emergency and a second motion to concur with the establishment of the 8 00 p. M. Curfew in the interest of keeping the Public Safety didnt destruction. We know there are more actions planned and we respect that. We stand with their anger and frustration, but we also have a responsibility to keep our residents safe. We invited the chief of police, the sheriff and the mayor to attend this meeting to answer questions and to address any concern taz wconcerns that we m. Have. This came after the board agenda and i believe it is in the interests of the Public Safety to act today in concurring with these measures. We will have the opportunity to discuss when these items are called later in the agenda. The second thing is i would like to introduce a resolution opposing the governors proposal to eliminate adult day healthcare and expect day services. Colleagues, today with the cosponsorship of supervisors walton and preston, i will be introducing this resolution opposing governor newsoms may revision, proposal to eliminate these services. These services are the most Cost Effective communitybased alternative to Skilled Nursing facilities, facility care and deliver occupational and other supports to adults with complex medical, cognitive and psychological conditions. If approved, the lip natio elimf adhc and cbas will also create an even larger budget deficit. As 37,000 participants who lose the safety net, exponentially shift costs to the Healthcare System due to increased hospitalization, emergency room visits and a surge in nursing home emissions. At the outset of the covid19 pandemic, the essential service because it protects the very people who are most at risk of covid19 due to age and Underlying Health conditions. In eight weeks, over 1200 Healthcare Professionals sprang into act hundred to meet Emergency Needs of the adults with chronic conditions and nurses, social workers and other Healthcare Team members have already conducted more than 24,000 covid checkins and assessments. 972 thousands related interventions and services to ensure that 27,000 seniors and 73,000 caregiving family members remain safe. In San Francisco, steppingstone selfhelp for the ederly services, the charm of Jewish Family Services operate healthcare organizations. Combine these organizations provide essential care and services to over 700 ederlies an700 elders. Dr. Would nottherer integrated care, physical, occupational Speech Therapy and other services, including the nutrition counseling. This will result in the loss of Preventative Care including medical staff to assist with the navigation and translation of medical services. Caregivers work a fulltime caregiving responsibilities will not have a safe place to send their loved ones during the day and some will have to quit their jobs or reduce their hours in order to cover the quality care that has been provided by these programs. If the funding of Adult Day Healthcare Centers and a communitybased Adult Centers is eliminated, the infrastructure created over 40 years that currently supports these most frail and atrisk institutions will be decimated. We cant allow this to happen. It is essential to keep the infrastructure intack in San Francisco. The other thing, the third item i would like to introduce is the board is this years board legislative session will be different, as you know, so its about the calendar and we will need to meet and vote on budget deliberations in the month of august, which is typically our summer recess. We will be recessing for the first week of august and well be in sessions for the remainder of that month in order to meet on obligations on the budget and other policy matters. I am introducing a motion to formalize the calendar change. Board committees will able to meet at the discretion of the chair and in consultation with their committee members. I want to thank all of you for your flexibility and support for these changes on the calendar. please stand by . Preside president yee and thats all ill say for now, and i believe that there are some my colleagues that might want to make comments on this last introduction. Clerk any names on the roster . I dont see any at this point. President yee i thought supervisor haney, did you want to Say Something . Clerk okay. I see supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin thank you, madam clerk. Thank you, supervisor yee, and i want to thank supervisors haney and fewer and you, president yee, for the discussions that weve had that started, as you said, before covid19 and continued to the present. I look forward to the passage of this measure that looks to scale up as the economy recovers and to make sure that San Francisco survives fiscally during this pandemic, and i look forward to getting this on the ballot and having the voters of San Francisco pass it in november. Thank you for introducing this item. President yee okay. Supervisor haney . Supervisor haney thank you, president yee. Its been great to work with you and supervisor fewer, as well as the controller and the mayor. I think the need to continue this work around reforming our gross receipts tax and making it more equitable around our citizens and businesses is necessary. I think we are facing a massive budget shortfall, so looking at our tax structure, making sure were able to provide basic services for our residents is critical, and we know that the gross receipts tax has had some issues, is in need of serious reform, and this is one of the tools that we have to work with the mayor to ensure that we have the resources to maintain Critical Services like the very services that residents are relying on right now that are keeping people safe. So i hope that we can get this done together with the mayor and, ultimately, this is something that needed to be done before and is even more critical and essential now, so thank you for your leadership. President yee supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer yes, thank you, president yee. I want to join my colleagues supervisors haney and peskin and thank yin thanking you for this. As you know, we are facing a huge deficit, and i think that this opportunity to finally clear up all our issues around payroll and gross receipts tax is an opportunity to create revenue. So thank you, president yee, and i look forward with my colleagues to be working on this issue. President yee thank you. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you. And then, supervisor fewer, introducing new business . Supervisor fewer yes. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, i think racial and Economic Justice and the need for systemic change is at the forefront of all of our minds today. I, along with supervisor Shamann Walton am proud to introduce the people over profits ordinance which aims to make permanent and build on reforms voted last year in San Francisco to make all jail calls free and end the marking up of items in the jail commissary or store. These reforms last year were reflected in the city budget. One year later, i am proud to work with colleagues to codify our commitment to permanently end the practice of generating revenue from incarcerated people and their families. Previously, the practice of San Francisco was to markup jail phone calls and commissary prices to generate revenue for jail operations. Virtually every jail and the prison in the country does this. This lays a heavy kbuburden one families and support network on incarcerated people, one they could not bear them and are not likely to bear now in the midst of our economic crisis. Items in the commissary store like coffee or food items were marked up to generate revenue for the jail. In total, we were extracting 1. 7 million from families with members in the jail each year. As we know, the city is facing a significant deficit, and departments have been asked to make reductions in the last two years. In the last two years, Law Enforcement raised their dependence on generating revenue from incarcerated people and their families. We do not want to repeat the mistakes of the past, even if we are attempted to do so during tough budget times. We also dont want to cut funding that keep people in the jail whole. Things like parenting classes, Substance Abuse classes, and more, are critical to supporting people as they are released from jail and go back into their communities. Second, the loved ones who help people in jail and provide money for their phone calls are the ones who feel the financial toll. 80 of jail phone calls and commissary costs were paid for by incarcerated peoples support network. Lowincome people are shown to contract the virus at higher rates in the general population and also are more likely to get laid off. We cannot ask them to bear the burden of filling our budget gaps, and third, as our jails explore offering other communications and Services Like video calls and tablets, i a ipads to incarcerated people, the Typical Service is to charge high prices to generate revenue for jail profit. We want to ensure that these are provided for free or at the lowest cost possible for jail inmates and their family. I want to applaud the Sheriffs Department for their alliance on this issue, and i also want thank mayor greed for championing this effort, and the office of the treasurer and Tax Collector, and the San Francisco Justice Coalition for collaborating with my office on this resolution. This should be the norm, and this legislation will help pave the way for other municipalities to follow suit. I am also introducing a resolution in support of expanded access to Safe Drinking Water through hydration stations across the city. High quality Drinking Water is an essential need for the physical health and wellbeing of san franciscans and very much a basic fundamental need for Public Health at this moment in time. While Drinking Water was accessible at places like our libraries and recreation centers, the need for Drinking Water exists outside of buildings and outside of Business Hours and drinking stations in indoor businesses and outdoor stations helps ensure that we are making sure of the health of our community. The higher consumption of sugary sweetened beverages of color particularly in communities of color and lowincome communities have been associated with diabetes, dental cavity and cardio and Metabolic Diseases and obesity. This is work to im eager to look at increasing hydration stations throughout a multidepartmental lens alongside public and Partner Health equity in a cohesive equity march and lastly, please add me as a sponsor to president yees resolution about the governors statement. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor fewer. Mr. President . President yee thank you, madam clerk, and thank you, supervisor fewer, for cosponsoring. I had indicated that supervisor safai had indicated he was going to be a cosponsor to this item. Supervisor safai yeah, no, you took the words out of my mouth. Thank you, president yee. Yeah, i just wanted to make sure i was on there as a cosponsor. President yee okay. Thank you very much. Okay. Colleagues, as i mentioned earlier in the meeting, i was going to take this imperative item out of order, item number 35, and out of respect for the sheriff and also for our police chief to be here, they said they would like to be here to answer any questions about it, but we need to make sure that we are available for the public outside as soon as possible. So before i even get started, this is kind of unusual in the sense that theres really two items here that were talking about, and taking it out of order, the Public Comments are a little confusing at this point where it fits in. So if you dont mind, deputy chief or deputy City Attorney ann pearson, can you kind of talk us through, i mean just so i know, like, if the steps are correct . Sure. Good afternoon, everyone. President yee asked me to say just a couple of words about the process for the boards consideration of these two motions. One motion would concur in the mayors declaration of an emergency, and the second would concur in the mayors action to impose a curfew, both imposed on may 31. When the mayor declares a state of emergency, state law requires that the board concurs within seven days, and if they dont do so within the seven days, that declaration would proclamate. If the board does not concur in the declaration of emergency in the next seven days, the declaration would automatically concur this coming saturday. The mayor has issued an order to address the emergency, which is the curfew, in this case, also issued may 31. The mayors curfew will remain in place until its terminated by the mayor or the board refuses to concur in that action or the emergency terminates. So because these motions were not on todays agenda, in order for them to be considered by the board today, the board first must adopt findings under the sunshine ordinance and the brown act. The clerk will call the two motions separately so that you can consider for each motion the need to take action arose after the agenda was posted and if theres an immediate need to take action. And then, i understand that she will later take Public Comment on both motions together, and im happy to answer questions that might arise about that process. President yee okay. I will try my best and i hope i have this straight about the process. Supervisor haney i have a question. President yee about the process . Supervisor haney yes. President yee okay. Supervisor haney . Supervisor haney so if im clear, if we vote on this, vote it down, and reject it, could you clarify on this . Does it terminate immediately . So youll be asked to take two votes. If the board determines that the motion satisfies the brown act and the sunshine ordinance and you take action on them, if you take action on the mayors declaration of emergency, if you vote it down, as you said, or if you refuse to concur on it, the declaration of emergency will terminate right away, as will any actions taken pursuant to that authority. If you approve the mayors declaration of emergency, it will continue until such time as she decides to terminate it or you decide to terminate it. Supervisor haney so another question. So if we were to vote it down take action on it and then vote it down, would the mayor be able to issue another order like a curfew and emergency order that was changed in some way but is largely similar pretty much immediately . What are her intentions on just replicating the orders since she can issue ordered in the interim that go into effect in the interim . Any new order or declaration of emergency that she issues would similarly require concurrence by the board. So if she were to issue a new order, it would have to come back to this board for concurrence. If you have refused to concur in one, i presume the board would choose to do the same if she were to declare a similar declaration of emergency. Supervisor haney but if we were not to concur on this version, and because of that, it would terminate immediately, could she then come back and say okay, its going to come into order at 9 00, and it would be until we come back a week from now. Can she do that . I dont think she would be precluded from taking new actions and issue new orders that were, in her opinion, necessary to meet the emergency . Supervisor haney so just so im clear, if we were to vote this down, and we had certain reasons that either we felt there was something wrong with it or it was too broad or whatever, she could issue another one that would address some of those things that would go into effect immediately that would then have to come back for concurrence, as well. Thats correct. Supervisor haney okay. Thank you. President yee supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin supervisor haney just asked the question that i was just going to ask, so asked and answered. President yee supervisor walton . Supervisor walton my question has been addressed. Supervisor peskin theres no way to amend. Theres no way to say we would like this to be continuous, but we would like it to end after five days or three days . Theres no way for us to amend . Thats correct. Supervisor peskin so if we do not act, it terminates in seven days unless the mayor ends it earlier or we have an emergency meeting to end it earlier. Thats correct. Supervisor peskin so our choices are concur, reject, or take no action. If we reject, it terminates immediately. If we concur, it goes on until either the mayor or the board terminate, and if we take no action, it terminates on its own on saturday. Thats exactly right. Supervisor peskin thank you. President yee okay. Thank you. So lets do the first part of this first. For the emergency order, lets take the emergency finding for the sunshine order for that. Is there a motion and a second that finds this motion has a serious injury finding . Failure to approve the motion today would do serious injury to the Public Interest and thus meeting the standards of the sunshine ordinance . Do i have a motion . Supervisor mandelman move, mandelman. President yee okay. Is there a supervisor safai second. President yee second by . Supervisor safai safai. President yee okay. Theres been a motion and seconded, so i believe you need to have roll call on that. Clerk mr. President , are you taking both the sunshine findings and the brown act findings together for this particular item . And just for purposes of the public, this is a motion to concur in the proclamation of local emergency . President yee right. Clerk okay. President yee so what were going to do is have a vote on the sunshine finding ordinance first, then, were going to have the brown act finding on the emergency order. And then, well go back and do the same thing for the finding on the curfew order and so forth. Is that clear. Clerk okay. Yes. President yee okay. So lets go for it. Clerk so for roll call votes. On the motion made by supervisor mandelman and seconded by supervisor safai on the sunshine finding [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. So the that the sunshine ordinance is in play here passes. Lets have roll call on the brown act. Clerk okay. President yee is there a motion that finds that the need to take action came after t the to the attention of the board after the issuance of the agenda . Supervisor preston motion. President yee okay. There a second . Supervisor peskin peskin. Clerk okay. There is a motion by supervisor preston and seconded by supervisor peskin that the action meets the brown act. On that motion [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without action, these findings are approved unanimously. Okay. Now for the second item, which is the curfew order, can i have similar role call on whether or not this passes for sunshine ordinance . Supervisor peskin mr. President , can we call sunshine and brown act together . Clerk i think thats fine, mr. President , just as long as the siitems are called separaty for the final vote. President yee thank you for the suggestion. Go ahead and call the sunshine ordinance and the brown act findings together. Clerk for the curfew, are we utilizing supervisor mandelman and supervisor safai for the first and second . President yee yes. Clerk okay. [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the motion is approved unanimously. So right now, id like to thank im hoping youre still here chief scott and sheriff miyamoto, and for, i believe, the Mayors Office, sophia kitner will be representing that. So i will start, and if you, chief scott or sheriff miyamoto, if you would like to say anything before we get started, you may, or lets just go right into questioning. President yee, thank you chief scott. First of all, i would like to say thank you to the board for giving us this opportunity to update you all and giving you a status on the civil unrest thats happening around the country, particularly in our city. And i know this has been a very trying time, so i whatever format you would like, but what i would ask, if i could take a few minutes to provide an overview and set the context, and maybe that will answer some of your questions beforehand. I think the presentation will be more organized that way, and then, i dont know if sheriff miyamoto may want to do the same thing, but im happy to take any of your questions at that time, but i think to start questions without an overview would do this an injustice. President yee i think point well taken. Go ahead, chief scott. Thank you, president yee, and i want to thank you for a job well done. I know ive talked to each one of you personally over the last few days, and i just want to thank you for your support. It means a lot to me, and before i go further, let me tell you why were here in the first place. Mr. George floyd, killed by minneapolis Police Officer is yet another example of an African American man killed in this case by the police that are supposed to protect and serve him. This is not the first, and we know that theres a history of it. Let me just say that out front. I will also say, along with all of you, i am outraged at the whole affair that this man lost his life in this manner. There are protests all over the world, but in our city, weve had civil unrest and protests all across the country, too many to name in this inquiry. Ill just be quick here about the patterns that were seeing and our city of San Francisco. Typically, what weve seen since last tuesdaywednesday, when this news startsed to go across the nation, is protests that are happening, mainly peaceful, with people expressing their First Amendment rights with whats happening over this situation, whether violent or nonviolent. Usually, the violent starts with violence on Police Officers, and escalates to either objects being thrown at officers last night, we had several officers shot across the country, police cars being burned, police stations being burned down. Weve seen it all in this particular sequence of events. And then, it escalates further usually into extensive Property Damage with property being set on fire, and this is a widespread, and this is a definite pattern that were seeing across the country. Now what makes it so complicated is you have two sets of people out there. You have people who want to do peaceful protests, and then, you have the criminal element out there mixed in, which makes it difficult to police. In our city, we fared rather well over the first few days after this news broke. When we moved into the weekend, things turned. On saturday, we had a protest that started out peaceful about 3 30 or so, found its way to the hall of justice. Those people began to move through the streets of San Francisco mostly peacefully. We had a little vandalism, name calling, that sort of thing. Made its way to the garment district, a few looting incidents, but mostly peaceful. Once it got there, it grow exponentially, to the number of about 5,000 people. It moved from the financial district, and as the day moved on, the group became increasingly hostile, and by night fall, that group turned to violence. Violences which included officers being assaulted with directs, incendiary devices such as molotov cocktails. We had just really a chaotic situation here. In the midst of this, around 8 30 or so, the people that were in that crowd that were there to do harm to the city began to break into buildings and shatter windows of businesses, including the westfield mall. Crowds got into the westfield mall and immediately began to set fires. We had officers at the mall, but they got overrun basically. When they got in, they started to set fires. So now, weve got fires in the mall, and the mall being looted, and weve got fire to put out the fires number one and apprehend the people that are in the mall. As you all know, weve all been to the mall, the mall is really, healey huge. So now, we have a significant amount of resources to secure the perimeter and to do a slow and methodical search of that mall, so find out if there are any looters that are loitering and to find out who is in that mall. It was a significant, significant policing event at that point. At the same time, we started to get other movement in union square, in and around that area, in and around the area of civic center plaza, so it was a significant challenge there. Through the course of the night, the businesses in that area suffered significant damages, significant losses, which were still capturing right now to try to get an assessment. I can tell you just from talking to the people that were out there many, many near misses where people were nearly run over by a car. Because as this went on and people started to find out about it, vehicles start tod today started to converge on the area, and we saw things like a car waiting on the corner, and the looter came out with the merchandise. They went down to the next corner, and another looter came out with merchandise. Officers and people that were there lawfully and unlawfully nearly hit by cars coming in and out of there. The good news is that nobody was killed, but this was a significant incident, and the damage was significant done that night. We going into sunday, the mayor and id like to thank her, really, for her leadership because the mayor decided to declare a state of emergency and implement a curfew order, and im going to tell you, the advi advice that i gave the mayor that night as police chief and my presentation. My take was what happened on saturday night if we didnt do something and give orpolice force more tools to deal with this situation give our police force more tools to deal with, this situation would have been like what we had on saturday night. The mayor implemented the order that went into effect sunday at 8 00 p. M. Now, in addition, the mayor requested through the state mutual aid. That mutual aid was granted by governor newsom, and id like to thank the state and the governor for the mutual aid. We received 200 deputy sheriffs and Police Officers have around the state on sunday to from around the state on sunday to assist us in our efforts here in San Francisco. All days off for Police Officers in the city of San Francisco have been called on sunday, and on sunday evening, we deployed. Now on sunday even, there were protests that went on, significant protests, and for the most part again, they started out peaceful. As nightfall fell, we started to see the escalation in the violence. The one protest that remained in place at 8 00, the biggest one was in civic center plaza, probably about 200 or so people. One of the captains read the disbursal order and the curfew, that if anybody stayed past 8 00, they were in violation of the law and the curfew order. He read that several times and gave people the opportunity to leave. A lot of people took advantage of it and left, but some people stayed,liking almost immediately violent. From the air, we saw they started to move down Market Street. This is after 8 00, after curfew. That group, there was at least one attempt to loot a store i think its larkin and grove. Because of our deployment and officers, we were actually able to arrest that individuals on the spot and prevent that store from being hit. Also, we started to see an increase in vandalism, an increase in assaults on officers almost immediately after that disbursal order was read, two officers were assaulted. One by a stun gun type of device, and the other was physically. Mind you, sunday, there were still businesses that were in the process of boarding up, and ill get to that in a second, and i think its really important, the point that im going to make here. When the windows were shattered and businesses were looted on sunday morning, weve been in this Emergency Operations configuration for several months. Weve made it a point to not let san franciscans [inaudible] much of the graffiti had already been cleaned up with help from our local businesses and d. P. W. What we wanted to do as a city, and i know you all are supportive in this type of effort is to be resilient. After an effort like this, the people who went back to that area sunday, there was still damage that was very visible, but what they did not see was a Union Square Area with graffiti all over it, with trash all over it, with glass everywhere. What they saw was a city already cleaned up, bouncing back, and being retailient. I thank the mayor for their leadership on that, and i thank the city departments and everybody that works with us. Those protesters, after the curfew was read, and they started to go down to Market Street and do what they were doing, we had the resources that we needed to keep the city safe. Now we arrested in that first group 37 individuals. Those 37 individuals who were arrested, among that group, we found a handgun on one individual with an extended magazine. Somebody tossed a backpack, and we found fireworks and explosives and incendiarytype devices. Had we not had this curfew, the position that we would have been in, we would not have known about that handgun and those devices until either somebody was shot or shot at, or those devices were used against a business or somebody else. That gave us the ability to get in front of us. So this is. 1 that i want to really weigh on the ball in terms of how this curfew is helpful. During the night, there was another group that we read the disbursal order to that were attempting attempting to assemble. We were able to arrest 47 out of that group. What all was said and done, we had 87 arrests for curfew violations. Sunday night by 10 30 p. M. , San Francisco streets were absolutely quiet and peaceful, a 180 change from thursday and friday nights. The biggest changes in my opinion were we had the resources, the officers, and the additional officers made all the difference in the world. Second, the curfew order. So i want to wrap this portion up by saying this. As we see whats happening around the country and in this area, this is not over. We need to know when its time to lift the curfew and get back to normal or whether we stay in this configuration until we feel a sense of safety and order. My professional opinion on this for you to consider is this these events are very, very difficult to predict. We know theres going to be protests. We had one today, and i think it went peacefully and ended up all good. We know we have protests coming up. We know that most of them any of you who have been on social media can see the same thing that im seeing. Theres all kinds of hate, all kinds of craziness about people saying what theyre going to come to San Francisco and do. We dont know whats real about that, we dont know whats not real, but we need to be prepared. If all of these cities are having issues, all different areas, a lot of these people in these situations are mobile. They can get in their car and get to where they need to be in a hurry. We need to be prepared in this city and give our Police Department and Sheriffs Department a chance. The two points that i want to make before i turn it over to sheriff miyamoto is this. What we see in this country is we dont get or ask for help until our city is burning down, and you guys have heard me say this before, and ill say it proudly because i learned my lesson early in my career in terms of being involved in the 1992 riots in l. A. Where many people died. I got to live through that and witness that. Ill tell you this that city didnt get the help until it was too late. We, in my opinion, do not want to be that city. In my opinion, its just backwards thinking in my opinion. Its waiting until you have a city in shambles and then you ask for help. What i want to do ive given the mayor my advice and counsel, is to stay in front of this, just like we did with covid, and thats the other thing that i want to bring up. We are still in the midst of a Global Pandemic that has killed 47 san franciscans and over 1 million globally. Everybody has a right to exercise their First Amendment. I get it, and im an american just like the rest of you. I know people want to express themselves, but these are the things that we have to weigh heavy. President yee chief scott, thank you. Yes, sir. President yee i want to give the sheriff a chance to speak. Theres several of my colleagues that want to ask questions, and i recognize it, but i want to give sheriff miyamoto the opportunity to make some statements. Thank you very much. Thank you, president yee, for allowing me to come and appear before the board. I will say that im on board and support all the decision points to this point and as is the case of all our operations here in San Francisco, were always in support of Public Safety efforts here as a Public Safety family. So the things that the chief said, you know, we echo those same sentiments in regards to the many activities. Officers and deputies on the street, we have a sergeant in addition to the blunt object, the skate boards and stuff, we had an officer on saturday, who was just talking to somebody and letting his guard down was pepper sprayed by that individual, as well, and injured as a result. And this came not from a violent act in terms of us dealing with people, but somebody who ambushed them under normal circumstances. Our focus, as the chief mentioned, isnt on the First Amendment act, isnt on the demonstrations and protests in regard to that behavior. We want people to voice their frustrations and share their emotio emotions over what they have, as well. But when the acts turn violent, thats when we have very strong Public Safety concerns. The chief also mentioned covid which is on the back of everyones mind. One of our primary concerns in the covid crisis is the prevention of an outbreak to people who cant protect themselves during such an outbreak. Our incustody population. I want to say over the last couple of days and ill cover saturday, sunday, and monday our spike in arrests that resulted in bookings occurred on saturday on saturday night for sunday and sunday morning. We were looking at statistics which reflected, you know, i think on the first day, which was referenced as the 30, about two thirds of those who were actually booked into our system were residents of s. F. , of San Francisco. On saturday, when we had a spike, we had over 50 people arrested, 38 booked. About half were from San Francisco, and just the other day, we had maybe a third from San Francisco. So we do see a change in some of the data regarding people who are being booked and arrested. We have a perception, and i know that it was fueled by some media concerns about people coming in from outside. This is occurring in all locations, all jurisdictions, all counties and cities. There is a fluidity to some of the activities, and there appears to be an organized effort to some of these activities. Today, our department is sending a few people over to oakland to help them with a mutual aid request that we received from region two. We still stand ready to support our Public Safety efforts here in San Francisco, so were not affected by the three squads that were sending over there. This is happening all over, as the chief was saying about things. I do want to mention, about the bookings, chief mentioned over 87 arrests on sunday night for activities related to curfew violation and potential looting and criminal acts. What we did with those individuals, of those number of bookings or arrested, we actually cited and released 64 of those individuals, so a majority of those people that were actually arrested on those infractions were released and not a part of our jail population other than just being held for a few hours until we processed them. So there were no immediate impacts on the jail population regarding those arrests. Over time our count has grown somewhat, but right now, we start at about 53 capacity, and thats with the utilization of all three jail cell capacities. We are able to maintain social distancing right now, minimize exposures for people coming in into that population, and thats all i have for now in the interests of making sure theres time for questions. President yee thank you, sheriff. And i dont know, miss kitner, if youre there, if theres any statement you want to make for the mayor. Okay. If not no, i do not want to make a statement. We are following the guidelines of the Public Health advisory given by the chief. President yee okay. So first up is supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee. A couple of questions through the president to chief scott. Ive hered here for rodney king, i was here for 101 california, and i cannot request in my i was here for rodney king, i was here for 101 california, and i cannot remember in my days anything like this. I surveyed the damage on sunday morning, which was primarily concentrated in the Northeast Area of the city that ive had the honor of representing, most of that in midmarket thats built into the 6th supervisorial district, lower polk corridor. So needless to say the northeast corridor was hit pretty hard, specifically, in and around union square. That said, its my understanding that there needs to be no declaration of emergency to activate mutual aid, and indeed, that has been activated, and thats what got the 200 additional troops that was activated on sunday and active sunday night. Its my presumption that anybody who is on the street is violating a curfew, that p. D. Has been directed to do that with an appropriate and gentle hand. But my question through the president to chief scott, its not enough to control the kind of violence and looting and vandalism that we all experienced on saturday night . President yee chief scott . Yes. Yes, sir, and supervisor peskin. The difference is to be proactive instead of reactive. What i mean by that but im going to try to be brief and im going to try to be as succinct as i can. When you have a crowd, and some of that crowd is peaceful, law abiding, other people in that crowd or not, theres really nothing you can do when people are assembling within their First Amendment right except wait on something to happen. And what the sur few order does for us as a tool to get orders back to our city is its illegal for them to be there on the first place. Now most law abiding people went home. They left. The people that remain, some were still not there to do damage, but a lot of the people there were. What it allows us to do is get in front of this and be proactive. Because if it were not for that, we would not know about that type of explosive potentially until theres an event, and youre reacting. So its a tool. Ive heard supervisor peskin, and youre very active with the Police Department. It allows us to get in front of it, rather than be behind and be reactive. Thats important, when you have emotions right now in our nation, when you have what youre seeing i havent turned on the news lately, but when i have turned on the news, i see the protests going on in our country. Supervisor peskin listen, i get it, and it could always be a great tool in tough times, and i do want to acknowledge and appreciate the work that you and your officers and the deputy sheriffs have been doing. I know its been very, very tough, given rightfully why everybody is so angry, so i acknowledge that, but frankly, its an extraordinary thing in our First Amendment based society to do this. And i realize that these are doubly extraordinary times between covid19 and what is playing out in the streets of San Francisco and cities around the country and around the world. But and i know you dont have a crystal ball, chief, but this cant go on for very long. I mean, can you look into that crystal ball that you dont have i have great misgivings around allowing in the world of uncertainty that were living with in covid19, im reluctant to have this go on for an unknown number of days. Do you have a sunset date in mind with this . Yes. What i will say is we know theres potentially a very large protest tomorrow that we know about that has the potential to be problematic. We have information that it could evolve. Beyond that, i dont think we have anything. I think this is one of those situations where we really have to be thoughtful and get a sense of whats going on. When other cities around us are going off, and a lot of these folks are very mobile right now, i think our surrounding a areas are all under curfew orders. I think just like with covid, we act in unison, which is very important not that we have to do what everybody else is doing, but i think its very important here. Because if were the only ones that dont have a curfew when everybody else does, i can its pretty pretty elementary for me to predict where the problems are. I think a lot of it, for my opinion, is when we see a pattern of things really cooling down since sunday, were good. Now, were on the third day since the curfew went into effect. I know this cant go on too much longer, and i respect that. One of the considerations for you all may be to expand the hours maybe to later at night, 10 00, 11 00, so people can get on with their business, whatever the howevers may be. It goes for the next phase of this, and then the hours may be. It goes for the next phase of this, and then, whatever may come next. We had a spike of violence across this country last night that it was like a resurgence of a violence, and a lot of it aimed at Police Officers, to be quite frank with you, that we hadnt seen on sunday or monday. Theres a lot of things going on out there, but i think we have to blood coulook at whatn around us and not make this decision in a vacuum in San Francisco. Supervisor peskin thank you, chief c. We are definitely in a region, but before i sign off, i will leave my colleagues with a final thought based on what the chief just said. As we outlined at the beginning of this imperative item, we have three choices to accept, concur, reject, or if we take no action, the emergency ceases by function of law after seven days. Im inclined to do that, and if there is reason for the mayor, then, to reup it, it would come back before the board next tuesday, but that may be the best way to go. I dont feel like i want to sign a blank check. [please stand by] to be reinstated. If the situation dictates that. I think we have to be careful about that. Thats my proposal. I dont think anybody wants this to just go on forever. This is impacting us all. Some of the other cities and counties have set a particular day when it ends. Some of the other cities and counties actually have it required to be renewed on a daily basis or every couple of days, and thats not what we have in front of us. I appreciate that. You all have really focused on the behavior that were trying to prevent, which is the violent behavior, the destructive bhooifr, and both of you behavior, and both of you really spoke out about the need to support peaceful protest. Its my understanding that this curfew forbids peaceful protest after 8 p. M. I saw a video that was put out there by media of hundreds of sfaers coming in and arresting people in city hall last night, at least the reporters who were there who were said were overwhelmingly peaceful. Why do we have an order that actually prohibits peaceful protest that i think, as you said, really many of us are trying to protect and support right now. It does seem like this order, and correct me if im wrong, makes it illegal for you to step outside of your home and stand on your sidewalk and express your mind about whats happening in the world. You can be arrested for that under this order. Is that not correct . To be taken literally, yes, it is correct, but let me answer your question about the peaceful protests piece. The order does not make an exemption for protests after 8 00. That is correct. And ill restate what i said earlier. From a policing perspective, its virtually impossible to tell whos peaceful and whos not, and the pattern has been we have a pattern of behavior now. The pattern has been most of the groups that have been almost all of the groups that i have seen and heard of, i get on phone calls with other chiefs of police from major cities every week, have been on and this call, its happened several times since this civil unrest started. The pattern has been peaceful, people who are agitators, provocateurs, whatever we want to call that group, they intermingle with the Peaceful Protesters, and you cannot distinguish between the two. Like i said, and i want to reemphasize this point, its almost impossible to tell whos peaceful and whos not until the person whos not commits an act. And what were trying to do is not create the or allow, be per missive and allow that environment to exist right now when we know that thats the pattern that were seeing. People are using these events to do bad things. We know this. This is no secret. Its a defined pattern. I think its in all our best interests right now. I can speak from a policing perspective, to do what we can to prevent that from happening. You know, im sure other supervisors have been at protests and participated in protests over the years, and maybe you all have in some way as well. And there are tools that Law Enforcement can use if behavior escalates or even if an assembly is declared to be unlawful at a particular time. So if somebody is demonstrating or convening in a way, even in the evening, in a way that you believe to be a threat to Public Safety, can you declare that assembly unlawful and require them to disperse or make arrests even without a curfew . Certainly we have seen situations where there have been bad behavior, illegal behavior, without a curfew where Law Enforcement is intervening. Why do you require a curfew in order to ensure Public Safety in those situations . Well, supervisor, in this instance the reason that i asked the mayor and i recommended a curfew is because of what we are seeing. By and large we are seeing the activity in these massive peaceful protests after nightfall. In addition to that, and i dont know if you all can see this, this is three pages of looting incidents. Every one of your districts is represented in these 147 cases, every one of your districts. These arent protestrelated incidents. While were having these protests downtown, when i look at the times of these looting incidents, almost every one of them is after darkness, 10 00, 11 00, midnight, 1 00 in the morning, 2 00 in the morning. So its not just the protests that are going on. This looting is widespread. Its massive, which makes it even harder to police, because we cant be everywhere at all times. Right now in the country what is going on is people are taking advantage of this situation to do harm to people. And its not just the protests that we are concerned about. These numbers, these pages that im holding up, these three pages with these 147 crimes that all your districts are represented here, these are businesses that have been hit. No protests. Im not talking about protests. Im talking about people that are riding around at night looking for places to loot. All right, and and we have that to deal with as well. I appreciate that and i think we all absolutely want you to prevent that, and i appreciate that this is what you believe is a tool that helps you do that. We, of course, have to balance that with the rights of the citizens and residents, the protections for them and their Civil Liberties, as do you. For there to be a handful of people in front of city hall who are clearly there to have their voices heard and seen to be, from everything we can tell, protesting for the purposes of making a point about a really important issue of justice in our country, its hard for me to see the connection between what theyre doing and the need to deploy hundreds of officers to arrest them and what you described there with the violent or destructive behavior. Im just going to i know there are a lot of other people. I just have two more questions. Do you have the data on the breakdown of the people who were arrested and what for, how many of them were arrested for other types of illegal behavior and how many of them arrested for violating the curfew and any Demographic Data of those individuals . I do have some data, and ill give you the curfew data, what we have. Our analysts are in the process of collecting all this data. What i have in front of me is data for 73 believe of the 87 arrests, and the breakdown in terms of the 73, 5 asian, and of all those asians, lets see, 5 male, 26 African American, 22 hispanic, 37 white, 8 unknown. So thats of the like i said, this information, were getting all kinds of requests for information, so thats of the 87 curfew violations. I can tell you that with the looting we had 66 cases of looting that resulted in 46 bookings, 13 citations, 15 lets say, about half of them are residents of San Francisco is what i can gather here. And in addition to the 87 confuse arrests that i told you about, there were 68 citations. I dont have the breakdown of the demographics of the citations yet. But go back to your question, i think what and correct me if im wrong. If youre looking for an ethnicity breakdown for the curfews, 5 asians, 26 black, 22 hispanic, 37 white and 8 unknown ethnicities are the ones that we have counted up to this point. All right, yeah, and it sounds like we dont have all the information. A part of what im also wondering is how many of the citations and things were for just violating the curfew or for other associated or different activities activities activity. I want to ask this last question about the outside Law Enforcement agencies that are coming to support. How many of those officers are here, where are they from, and maybe the Mayors Office knows this as well, but how are they being paid for. And connected to that, are we expecting more . Are they all here . And are we expecting them to abide by our general orders . One of the concerns that i have is that these officers may have completely different ways that they interact with the public and their training, and i think there are a lot of questions about how we can trust that they are going to be engaging in ways that we would expect officers here to. Yes, sir, and those are really good questions and questions that im glad you asked, because with mutual aid let me back up. Mutual aid only happens in extreme emergency situations, and its very rare, very, very rare. Everybody that i talked to in this department, people that have been here 25, almost 30 years, nobody can remember us ever getting mutual aid. So its very rare for us to get it in the first place. These are extreme situations when we get mutual aid. Let me start there. When you get mutual aid, the problem is just like friday night we sent officers to oakland. Oakland had some real challenges friday night, including the death of one of the federal security officers. Our officers have to abide by our general orders. Same thing when the officers come here. They have to abide by their general orders, use of force policy, however they are trained. What we do, being mindful of that, we try to put the officers in a position where they can be the most helpful. In this case and this came from all over the state, to answer that question. As far south as Santa Barbara county. They are from all over. But we put them in locations where they can help. They secure businesses that have been destroyed and looted. Posted up on perimeters, those type of things while our San Francisco Police Department police the active criminal activity. So we were responsible for the protests that turned violent while the mutual aid officers, by and large, were posted for security to secure areas so we didnt have to worry about those areas being looted while were dealing with another incident, and that was part of the problem on saturday night. So to recap, they abide by their own general orders, but let me just go back to where i started because i think its an important point. We only ask for mutual aid when we absolutely need them. Extreme emergency situations. So we have to be thoughtful about where we place people on assignments. We have communication things that we have to work out because they are on different radios and different frequencies. It is a massive undertaking. Whos paying for it, if the Mayors Office wishes to answer that, we just get the Police Department. We receive, we give them a briefing about the basic things and we talk about useofforce policies. We talk about how were going to communicate in our briefing. The deputy chief did an outstanding job preparing all the necessary logistical need to receive these officers in very short notice. Were talking saturday night when the mayor said were going to do this. Sunday, midday, we were receiving these resources. So we had to do all this in the span of a few hours. So we were very thoughtful about it. So far we have placed them in positions that have been really helpful to the city. I will stop where i started. This is an extreme emergency, and these issues for us in the extreme emergency is to stop the fires, stop the bleeding, stop the looting, restore order. Thats what the order of the day is. Do we know how many are here . And ensuring that they are abiding by our general orders and, you know, i mean, there are some obvious things that have been issues around that people are protesting on, around certain uses of chokeholds, the way they are doing deescalation, particularly around use of chemical agents. These are things that are part of our general orders, and even more, you know, under our curfew, they are enforcing these potentially on people who are doing nothing more than standing on the sidewalk at the wrong time. Yes, sir, and i understand your concern. So heres how that works. None of these officers are dispatched on their own. None of these deputies and officers from different departments are riding around the city of San Francisco. Its a very controlled deployment. When we post them on lets say in your district, union square, they are posted in teams, but they have a San Francisco Police Department officer and in most cases a supervisor who is posted with them. All the tactical direction thats happening in the field is coming from the San Francisco Police Department. Yes, they do have different general orders, but we are not we havent lost any we are not doing any of that stuff, so that is a legitimate concern and i want to put your mind at ease that we control the resources. They dont just get to run out and police the city. We control those resources, and they are supervised by San Francisco Police Department command staff. We have commanders who are running the incident. We have deputy chiefs who are overseeing. We have assistant chiefs who are overseeing and ultimately the responsibility falls on me as the chief of police. We want to police this the right way. I understand your concerns, and youre absolutely right. We dont want to add to the problem. So far weve done a very good job. Weve been able in the midst of all the violence aimed toward us and im not looking for anybodys empathy, this is our job, what im here to tell you is weve had many situations in the last three days with deadly force where an officer has had bricks thrown at him and molotov cocktails and all those other things, and we have not had an incident in response to that, except for to try to do our jobs. Im going to let my colleague jump in. I just want to say i raise this not at all to doubt your intentions, but there are a lot of people now who are out here who are interacting with our residents who just got to San Francisco who may have different ways of operating, and i know youre doing your best with them, and we appreciate the mutual aid aspect of it, but at the same time, the potential for things to go wrong, the potential for misconduct there feels to me to be undeniable and just really want to raise that as were thinking about laws that are already, you know, with a curfew vague and broad. You are putting on top of that people who are new to our city and maybe have different ways of operating. Ill yield. Thank you. Thank you, president , and first off thank you, chief, and sheriff for making the time to be here and answer all our questions. Also just want to recognize chief scott, really appreciate your assigning of a sergeant to provide hourly updates to board of supervisor members, and one of those updates i appreciated getting those updates and wanted to thank you for that. I had some i did have a few questions. Some i want to follow up but not repeat on what my colleagues have asked. My sense looking forward or at the present moment, not looking backwards for a minute, it seems that much of the justification, both in the state of emergency and the curfew, is around, as youve described it, what youre seeing in the neighboring jurisdictions and across the country and trying to be preventative around those and prevent that from occurring. My colleague supervisor haney just touched on another aspect of what im seeing and what my constituents are seeing around the country, not just looting and protests and many of the activiti activities protesters, but its an incredible escalation of police values toward protesters, Violence Toward media, egged on obviously by our commanderinchief. And i wanted to ask, you know, in looking at the current practices, especially now were days into it, got a lot of people working long hours, as supervisor haney just said, people coming in from other jurisdictions, what proactive efforts are you undertaking we talked about proactive efforts to prevent looting, crimes, violence among people on the streets. What proactive efforts are you taking to make sure that in San Francisco we dont see what we are seeing across the nation in terms of Law Enforcement Violence Toward our residents . Thank you, supervisor preston, and definitely a pleasure to be able to provide the sergeant to update you. First of all to your question, with the Police Department it really starts with me. As leaders i think we all have a responsibility. I know the sheriff, i wont speak for him, but i know he shares this philosophy. We have to be the voice of calm. There is all kinds of rhetoric going on outside. People are anxious on all sides of this angle. Its that leadership piece that starts with me, and i expect that from our command staff and the sergeants and everybody thats out there during this time. Now proactively in terms of the message i have given to the command staff and i expect them to give it to their chain of command, the captains and so on, we want to break this down and not overcomplicate it and make it very basic. Our number one priority is protection of life, first and foremost and always, protection of life, including our own. There is no officer safety versus resident safety. We all are important, so thats the number one priority. And you have to provide or i have to provide, and i think i have tried to provide, a degree of leadership that sets that tone. Secondly, its protection of property. Businesses are being destroyed, and we are already in a pandemic where businesses are suffering greatly. That adds to the anxiety. Thirdly is to maintain order, and if order is breached by civil unrest, the force is to restore order as quickly as possible. Those are our four basic priorities. Interwoven in that, and this is where the leadership piece comes, backed up by policies in enforcement, is the leaders have to be, number one, stand together with the message that we are the voice of reason and the voice of calm through all this. And that goes a long way. And like i said, im not going to be longwinded on this. I started my career in the midst of a riot with two years as a Police Officer. And i remember the leadership and i remember what resonated with me and what didnt. And it goes a long ways, step up and be a leader and provide the calm and the voice of reason and the voice of authority to empower me to do my job as a Police Officer. Thats where it starts. Now in terms of these other agencies that are bringing people here in terms of our officers, we are working long hours, and we have to at some point we have to at some point, people have to be rested. To your point, i think it was your question or supervisor haney made the point. So we have brought everybody in. Nobody gets a day off for who knows how long, as long as we have to work in that configu configurati configuration. But in doing so, we have tools to tend to peoples psychological needs. We have behavioural science unit here to look after people in these stressful times. Its scary. I can tell you right now, its scary out there, but scary is not a bad thing. Were professionals. When we have the right leadership, when we have the right mindset. The mindset for this Police Department is to treat people with dignity and respect, period. Are we perfect . No. Is that our goal . Absolutely, and if we breach that, thats when we need to be held accountable, and thats where we will be held accountable. So thats very basic, but those things matter, particularly in times like this. Can you give us a report on the use of force particularly since the state of emergency was declared and the curfew has been imposed specifically in terms of unholstering of weapons, any use of i hope not of tear gas or any other, can you give us the report on use of force so far . Yeah, i can give you general information, and thats being compiled. Theres been no discharge of firearms, to answer your question. Theres been what we call last lethal munitions, the soft rounds. They are not rubber bullets, but there has been use of those in some of these volatile situations. There has been controlled body weapon types of use. There has been a few baton use of forces, but no firearms, no tear gas, any of that stuff. Im in the process of getting all that compiled right now. I mean, this is a very, very dynamic thing, and to put this in context, were in the midst of a Covid Response, and we created a whole Covid Response that we still have to do, and now we have to shift resources to address running this incident with the civil unrest and then accounting for it with all the administrative data that accounts it. Ive assigned two analysts to do all the Statistical Analysis and have all this data. All i can give you right now is generalities on use of force. We call them the soft baton type of rounds in the volatile crowd situations. There have been some baton strikes. There has been some use of body weapons, taking people to the ground, that type of thing. Thank you. I just want a quick comment and then another question. I just want to make sure, and i know how seriously you take that from our conversations, but just, you know, speaking for my constituents, there are certainly some whose biggest fear is looting, whose biggest fear may be randomly being assaulted on the street. There are others for whom it is just as big a fear how they are going to be treated by the Police Department. And i just want to make sure that both when we are crafting policy and looking at the data, right, and seeing our daily report along with this very Broad Authority thats being given, that we are centering that and giving it equal weight and making sure that folks are exercising restraint, as im sure youre counseling and as you say setting by example. But i just do have to observe that in all conversations, its [indiscernible] whether its this hearing or press conferences, most of the messaging is designed to reassure those who are afraid of random acts of violence, and theres just a lot of people, as we know, for whom the equal or Even Stronger fear is what folks are protesting about, and thats the conduct of police. Additionally, i just want to ask additionally switching gears a little and get some clarity on some of these state of emergency specifically, our declaration of emergency. Other than the curfew, what how has that given you that you have used or what actions have been taken pursuant to that authority . Or is it strictly the curfew that was then declared . Im trying to understand if you already have the authority to do all the other things that you were doing. No other authority was granted by that state of emergency except for the curfew. That was the only additional tool that we got in terms of our ability to enact violations or that we didnt have at our disposal before. Those the difference. So things like the mutual aid and other things, are those things that you could seek and obtain regardless of whether a state of emergency had been declared . They are. They are. But you know, i will say this, we have to take it all under context. When youre at a situation where you feel the need to enact a curfew and at the same time you feel the need to ask for mutual aid, i dont they all kind of have to be considered together because as i was trying to say and i hope i was understood here that its not as simple as taking these things independently. They all kind of Work Together to make us more effective and efficient and not having the civil unrest in our city that we have seen and that we see in other parts of the country right now. So i would ask that you consider these things as a part of a package to help us police the city and not as much as you can do this, not separate the issues totally. Understood. I just my concern is with the breadth of both the order and the curfew, right, that there are you know, the document reads to me what were being asked to approve as pretty sweeping powers. And if the purpose was to facilitate a curfew, i would much rather have seen a document that just said that. The same with the curfew, as my colleague supervisor haney pointed out, its a sweeping confuse, probably the broadest one of any city weve looked at. It could have been very narrowly tailored. I think when we as a board of supervisors act, when were infringing on basic core First Amendment activity, we have to do that in the most narrowly tailored way as possible. When i look at the balance here of, you know, looking at other cities, for example, like santa clara earlier today lifted their state of emergency, my understanding. And deemed that, you know, the looting and other activity that they predict will go on can be managed through regular Police Authority, and many of the tools that already exist. I guess my question to you is not looking back but looking at today, why additional tools given the level of low levels of unrest right now, why are tools other than the existing authority needed right now . And to the extent a tool is needed, like a curfew, why isnt it drawn more narrowly than what we have before us . Well, if i understand your question, i agree with what youre asking. To look at the low level of violence or civil unrest right now and then base our decisions on that. Is that partly, but i think what im saying is having the orders here evolve with the situation. So in other words, even if you still believed in some preventative curfew of some kind or something was necessary, that could be much more narrowly drawn, right . Not just in terms of hours. You could limit the size of gatherings and use dispersal orders. You could close certain areas of the city. Theres a range of powers that are existing powers that dont require any emergency order, and then you add to those a form of curfew, it sounds like you needed an order. Im trying to understand why we are not doing like santa clara, for example, and moving away from the curfew state of emergency and more to using the regular Police Authority to address the situation right now. I understand your question. I have not seen santa claras state of emergency. What i will say is this i think it goes back to what the supervisor asked me, what we have to deal with is the best information we have right now. We know what has happened over the past week. We know what the patterns are. We know how quickly these things can spin up at a moments notice, and my suggestion, recommendation as, you know, your police chief is if you are going to take the risk and react after an incident happens, youre going to be very much behind the curve. And these situations, and i am so happy that we have not lost lives, but these situations are very, very dangerous. It just depends on how much risk we want to take. Theres no perfect foolproof answer. On one hand we have severe restrictions on peoples Civil Liberties. On the other hand you take the risk of not being prepared when you need to be prepared. What i would say to you, but what im asking for is just allow us to have the tools and lets be sensible on our part, the Police Department, about how we implement the confuse curfew. Im not asking for it forever. What im asking for now because were still in the thick of things right now, we very much are in the thick of things. Just because its not happening right here right now doesnt mean it wont happen in an hour or three minutes or tonight. I know we cant live our lives like that. Normally we dont, but right now we i would recommend it would be prudent for us to really be prepared for the worst, like were seeing in other cities, and like we almost saw here on saturday night. We have to take this one day at a time. Sheriff, did you want to Say Something . I just learned about the raising hand thing earlier today. Sorry. I did want to add to a Little Something that the chief mentioned and to reassure regarding the question about the staff and our ability to speak to them. Its not just leading by example. We obviously provide guidance through different things, not just general orders but being out there. Our office, we have been issuing videos and video messaging to our staff so they get a direct connect in terms of our expectations and reassurances about this. Hopefully it was conveyed to all of you as a board, and i speak for the chief and his staff as well as mine when i say a lot of our staff are going through the same things emotionally not just with covid but with the things that have happened nationally. Were all human too. We were fortunate because with covid and the pandemic emergency we have had some tools provided to us that we didnt have. We have the access to an application on our phones and devices to access Mental Health services, and that was a partnership with the city who worked on this instant ability to get the help we were concerned we had. That was very welcomed and supported by the staff and thankful of our staff on behalf of what the city has provided us as First Responders. Now the covid and something we can access as we deal with this current crisis. One thing to keep in mind too is the curfew wasnt meant to allow for us to be able to manage the protests and demonstrations. The curfew is to put us in a position to manage the city as a whole and to manage the criminal activity going on when people go and create vandalism, destruction of property or looting. And so our focus in the demonstration im now speaking to something that supervisor haney mentioned earlier, if i may for a second, and that is yesterdays protests at city hall, there was a group that they were allowed to exercise their First Amendment rights, and afterwards allowed to disburpersdisperse, and nobo arrested for any protestrelated activity. The first night that happened, the arrests occurred outside of the protests when the people were moving around. And then the second night, last night, only resulted i dont believe it resulted in anything more than one arrest. The other individuals that were there were not arrested for being there under protest condition. We do balance the curfew option with the fact that we have these other tools that you mentioned, supervisor preston, about being able to [indiscernible] assemblies as well. So what i would like to do, supervisor preston, is to get to the other colleagues. Sorry, yeah, i dont have other questions. Very briefly just a comment that i understand from Law Enforcement perspective it is far easier to maintain things when you have very, very Broad Authority. I just want to urge certainly the mayor and for my colleagues that we you know, i think the more we can be assessing the situation daily based on where we are and making any of these orders as narrowly tailored as they possibly can be, that certainly is what im looking for. Thank you for answering all the questions and thank you for the time, president. Supervisor watkin . Thank you very much. I dont be repetitive. I want to make two statements. One, during this climate and the incidents that have taken place across the country and more recently in our communities here in the city and the bay area, it is very concerning any Time Community has to be in connection with Law Enforcement right now. And i think the more opportunity that we create for Law Enforcement to engage with community the more possible it is for negative interactions. And so all of our responses should be to do everything we can to make sure that those interactions dont have to exist. And then the second thing, i know supervisor haney touched on this, and i do appreciate everything that you are doing, sheriff and chief scott, but i am very concerned when we say that we have other Law Enforcement bodies coming in to San Francisco and working on their protocols and working under their useofforce policies, et cetera. That is very concerning to me in any situation, that they would be able to come over here and operate in accordance to their procedures versus what we do here and how we train in San Francisco. First question is have the curfews been effective in stopping the looting . And secondly, is the curfews the only solution that you see that we can address some of the incidents that have been happening that have been negative the last couple of days . Thank you. Go ahead, chief. Thank you, president yi. Supervisor, thank you for your comments. For your first question is i believe so. Just looking at saturday night and sunday night, like i pointed out earlier, there were two differences. We had Additional Resources and we had the use of curfew. [indiscernible] really effective in stopping the looting. Without a curfew, we are just pulled in so many directions because there is no way to really get people off of the streets when they were committing these acts. We had people coming into the city. I guess it went i dont know. I dont know how it got out, but we had people coming into the downtown area, and it was a freeforall. And so the curfew prevents that from happening because if they come in, we can deal with that, number one because they are violating the curfew. Unless they are one of the exempted categories. And i just want to go back to a thing ive been talking about all night long. This is for an extreme emergency situation. Im not advocating and i dont think the sheriff wants this to go on for an indefinite amount of time. I understand peoples frustrations particularly because of what people have just endured and are still enduring. But it does allow us the ability to get in front of this and not be reactive, and sunday night by 10 30, 11 00, the city was quiet. The city was quiet because there was a curfew. The city was quiet because those people who were trying to loot, and we saw them, and we saw what they were trying to do, they werent allowed to because we were able to use the tool of the curfew to engage with them, to arrest them for the violation of curfew, and we did not have the looting on sunday night. Im not saying there were no burglaries anywhere in the city, but the parts of the city where we were diemployed and expected problems, when people showed up to cause problems, we didnt have those issues. And thats the only solution, from your perspective, that can actually help us prevent some of these incidents, is having a curfew . Well, no, because, look, the reality is, supervisor, even when the curfew is lifted we could have looting at any time in any place. I mean, theres no way to guarantee that when the curfew is lifted the looting will stop. Theres no guarantee it will stop even with a curfew. We have to figure out a tactic to deal with this long term. Because what im seeing right now around the country and in this bay area is that people are making this their thing. They smash the window, they go in and they have at it, and this is what the curfew does for us right now as a city is it gives us a better opportunity to restore order, to get things back to a sense of normalcy so we can get on with reopening back our city. Without the curfew, i think thats going to be even more prolonged. I think were not going to get order restored and i think its going to prolong Everything Else that were in the midst of doing. I think the major problem is because right now because the curfew is indefinite, theres no definitive timeline, and i think as to supervisor prestons point, we need something in place where we are setting a day looking at the possibility of certain emergencies on a daytoday basis almost versus just having such a broad order in place, which i think is very concerning. Supervisor, president , can i just offer one recommendation for the board, and if i may ask what im about to recommend . 30 seconds . Go ahead. Supervisor peskin a little while ago made a comment of this order will expire in seven days if the board chooses not to ask. My ask is that the board act, and thats what im asking, but if it expires in seven days, what i would recommend, and as the chief of the San Francisco Police Department, is to let it go to seven days, thats an automatic expiration. The board in my understanding, and you correct me if im wrong, the board at any time can assemble an emergency meeting if they want to end the curfew immediately, an emergency meeting can be extended within that seven days if things turn out that thats the appropriate thing to do. But right now we are still in the thick of things, and with some of the statements that have been made in the past couple days by some people around the country in leadership positions, it has made matters, in my opinion, more aggravated. So i just want to caution that although we seem to be okay right now, we are very much still in the thick of things. So thats all. That was my recommendation. I would defer to the sheriffs opinion on that if you would allow him. Sheriff, do you have any comments on that . I think theres also a reference in the order of i understand that we have this decisionmaking ability, but the seven days would be a hard end to something, and it covers the time period that we have some concerns about. And as the chief mentioned, if there is additional problems on the other end of things, if there are additional problems, we are faced with continuous conduct of looting and vandalism and people taking advantage, then we would be able to enact a further emergency order. But i think its a good way to look at it, and i would support it if the board supported that approach as well. Only because as mentioned earlier, and i dont want to keep saying the same thing over and over, but this has been a useful tool and it has demonstrated a change in some of the behaviors. It would send the wrong message if we do not have one from the outset because there are people that have the intention of taking advantage of this, not the people who actually have a voice that need to be heard but the people that want to be able to burglarize and loot and rob all these places in order to do that under the auspices of not having a curfew would only hurt us and would create that emergency again. So the sevenday thing is a good option and i would support that if everyone is in agreement. Thank you. Supervisor, are you done . Yes, i am, thank you so much. Okay, thank you. Supervisor, youre up. Thank you for your patience. Thank you. Chief, i was probably i think i might be the only other person on this call that was in l. A. In 1992 during the l. A. Riots, and i was in high school. I was under curfew, and i will say that it did feel very different than whats happening right now. I quickly looked up what was going on at the time over the six days of rioting there were 63 deaths. There were 2,303 injuries. There were 12,000 arrests. There were 3600 fires that completely destroyed 1100 buildings. And i just want to echo some of my colleagues comments about proportionality. Taking away basically someones First Amendment rights, which is what this is, when you have a curfew just existing outside of your home makes you commit a crime for which you can be searched, seized, arrested and taken to jail. And to take away that right indefinitely because i understand what youre proposing right now. Im not comfortable with seven days. Ill talk about that. But what we have before us to vote on today, the thing we have to say yes or no to is an indefinite curfew that after 8 p. M. , between 8 and 5 p. M. Takes away peoples Fourth Amendment rights, to be free from search and seizures without probable cause, basically, as long as youre outside. And that is an extraordinary taking away of our constitution rights. And i know that you know that. But allowing that to go on without a clear reasoning on a daily basis, and i understand your argument for why this is important, that you want to be able to be proactive, that you want to get ahead of things so that we dont turn into a city like los angeles in 1992. I truly understand that and am hearing you on that. But for me, to issue to say this is okay, to take away peoples rights in this way, to be outside and to be free from searches and seizures without probable cause, i have to understand whats happening every day. I need the justification every single day. I need to know why you feel like we need to continue the curfew. I need to know what happened the night before. I need to know how many people were arrested. I need to know what uses of force were made by the police on people in the streets. I mean, there is information that we have to be constantly reviewing as a city, and as leaders we institute this extraordinary power, and the irony is not lost upon me that the reason that these protests are happening is because communities of color having incidents of violence and overpolicing and killing. And so its a very unique situation in that way to then create that possibility of those interactions and those conflicts to be even greater. Im sorry if im not explaining myself really well here. But what i want to concur, and i think seven days is way too long. I want you to have the tools that you need to keep us safe. I want you to have the tools that you need to keep san franciscans safe. I think youve done a tremendous job over this extremely hard time, but for me, seven days is just too long. We need more information in order to allow this incredible removal of our liberties. Thank you. Are you done . Yes, i am, thank you. President , would you like me to respond or move on . I think im sorry. I mean, if you have a response. It wasnt a question. Yeah, i didnt hear a question. The president is right. It was more of a comment than a question. I guess okay, i have a question. What would be the problem with having to renew the curfew daily after reporting your reasoning behind feeling like it needs to continue . So theres not a problem with i think we always [indiscernible] daily. I think whats missing in this conversation, though, is if the belief is that just because we had a good day today tomorrow is going to be a good day, thats where the we dont know whats going to come tomorrow. Right. But what we do know is the overall temperament of this city, the region, this country right now. People are anxious, afraid, and the overall situation is just generally very volatile, which makes these type of events more likely than not to occur. Right, right. And the harm, and im not you know, seven days, three days, four days, this is very difficult for all of us. And supervisor, i understand exactly what youre saying because, look, my family, when im not at work and when im not at work im under the same curfew, so i understand it. Right. Right now we are in a situation, just last night, just across the bridge on the other side of the bay, massive looting. And so the difference in 1992 and now, and i was out there, and one of the problems with the city at the time then is we didnt get in front of it. 54 people, whatever that number was, died. What im telling you all is this. We havent had anybody die, and i think that kind of takes a little bit of the heat off. The possibility of somebody getting killed based on what i saw saturday night in this city is very real. And i understand liberties and the restrictions of this and all that, but the danger of this is enormous. So i just want to go back to saying day by day that we can get you all the statistics that you need to be informed about what decision youre going to make, and i think we owe you that. But can i repeat the question one more time . I just i personally would feel so much more comfortable voting in favor of a curfew on a that expired each day, or even, you know, every two days. But seven days, thats a really long time. And so im just asking you practically, does that cause you problems . If you have to come to, you know issue another curfew and say these are the reasons, this is why i still feel the danger is really high, this is whats happened in the last two days, this is how im assuring that this power isnt being abused. If you have to do that, you know, every time that you reissue the curfew, that makes me feel more comfortable that as a city we are balancing these incredibly important concerns. Both that people are safe in their Civil Liberties and in their right to be free from unwarranted search and seizures, and that you can do your job to protect the safety of the people of the city and county of San Francisco. And so its the balance that i feel is off. Its not that i dont understand what youre asking for and what you need to do your job. Ill just ask it one more time. Is there any problem with why do we need seven days . Cant we do that every day or every two days . We could. Like i said earlier, my understanding is the board could convene an emergency meeting at any time. Exactly. And based on that assessment, make a decision. To remind everybody, were in the third day of the seven days, so we have four days left of the seven days. We do know we have an event tomorrow that we believe will be a significant event. We dont know how thats going to turn out, but we know that it exists. Those type of daybyday exceptions that youre talking about, thats the type of information that we use to determine basically what the risk factors are that we know about. But just to be clear, what were voting on today, like what is before us does not expire in seven days. It is an indefinite curfew. Can i what were voting i think supervisor peskin sort of articulated it when he first was asking me about what are the things that we can do. So im explaining it to you, and i could be explaining it wrong. We can either accept it and it lasts forever. We could say no to it can i clarify . Because i heard the same explanation from i just want to clarify what im saying. I just wanted to clarify what i was saying because i think we might be misunderstanding each other. I heard the same instructions from the City Attorney that we all did, and my understanding is the emergency order expires in seven days but the curfew is indefinite. Is that right . Can i just confirm that again . Deputy City Attorney . Deputy City Attorney ann pearson. The curfew will only remain in order if the emergency is in place. So if the emergency were to terminate after seven days, the curfew would terminate as well. I see. So the curfew does terminate in four days. The authority the curfew order is contingent on the declaration of an emergency. So they are connected. I think thats what i was trying to explain, supervisor. Sorry, president. I was confused. No, no, no. Thank you. This is actually really confusing. [please stand by] supervisor ronen so sorry. Just a couple more pieces of clarification. Weve been talking about four days, but if it expires saturday night, that means the curfew is not in place on saturday night. Is that right . Is that for me . We just had to do the calendar math. No, that would be four. So tonight included would be five. Supervisor ronen okay. Wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday night, so thats five nights. President yee okay. Supervisor ronen and im sorry. This is my last question, and its not for the chief, its for angela or the county attorney. If we wanted to, as the board, rescind the emergency order, would we have to have notice to the public . What are the practical concerns to doing that . Clerk if the president wanted to hold a special meeting supervisor ronen to rescind the curfew order. Clerk to rescind the curfew order, theres a limited opportunity to do so only because the newspaper noticing would require we would require 24 hours to run the notice in the paper. We would have thursday is the last i believe its thursday at 10, alisa . Yes, madam clerk, thursday at 10 00. Clerk so that would be our notice to put notice in the newspaper which would run on friday. Supervisor ronen so its not true that we could just call a meeting and rescind the order. So basically if we table this item or we vote yes on this item today, if we do either of those two things, then were basically agreeing to at least have the curfew for three days. Wed have to call an emergency meeting, which would completely be in your discretion to do, president yee, so and then, that would happen on friday at the earliest. And then, if you chose not to do that, then the then, there would be five more days of the curfew. Okay. I understand what im voting on. Thank you. President yee okay. Supervisor mandelman. Supervisor mandelman thank you, president yee. I feel like i am having a more extreme version of a thought that ive been having over the last several months as our peculiarly structured municipal government attempts to deal with a pandemic and now a threat to public order. As a gay man, a jew, and a lawyer, i am very committed to Civil Liberties, and as a gay man, a jew, and a lawyer, i want a community where we can be safe. I think these are extraordinary times. I think we make a mistake if we think of this body, this board of supervisors, as a check on the executive along the over leaning lines of donald trump. I think we have what is usually a beautiful system, a split authority between the mayor and board of supervisors that becomes the model for the rest of the country. I think in this crisis, we have seen over and over again a second guessing of almost every move that the executive has made in dealing with the pandemic and now dealing with this latest addition to the crisis. I believe that what the mayor did this weekend, what the police chief urged her to do, was reasonable, given the circumstances. I am supportive of signing on giving her until next tuesday. Given everything that im hearing from the mayors people and the chief that they would be extending this indefinitely. I am comfortable giving them that. I think the mayor and the chief should be proud that San Francisco has not blown up worse than it has. I think i am incredibly grateful for the leadership that they have shown. I think, again, that we can look at this again next tuesday. I would be very surprised if this order is still in place. That is my inclination. That is what i would like to do. I also understand that there may not be the votes on this board of supervisors to do that, and if the best we can do is extend this to saturday and let the mayor evaluate if she wants to further this on saturday, she can. I would like to give people the opportunity to weighin about their thoughts about not taking action on this and about dealing with the world as it is on saturday. President yee miss kitner . Thank you, president lee and supervisors. What i would say is that a few things. First, the mayor takes very seriously the balance between Civil Liberties and Public Safety, and she is evaluating on a daily basis. If there is more information that we can be getting to you, the supervisors to assure you that she that we are making that decision, you know, with the appropriate weight, please let me know what that is. To speak to a few of the issues that your colleagues it mentioned, on the declaration of emergency and then the curfew, on the declaration of emergency, i dont want to speak for the City Attorney, and i want not involved in the drafting process, but i believe that it was drafting mort to get the order out as quickly as possible and early in drafted in the morning to get the order out as quickly as possible and early to avoid delay. [inaudible] it may be that it no longer or 5 00 a. M. Or those exemptions may no longer be appropriate parameters for that curfew, and i think that the mayor is very open to looking at what those exemptions are, what those hours are, what that process looks like if we are to keep the curfew going forward, and as she has been doing with the covid19 crisis, the executive authority gives her the authority to do that during this crisis, but that is something that is out there, and we would love to be partners with that. I think to that end and what you were referencing, supervisor, what that would look like, perhaps, would be supporting the Emergency Declaration which i understand gives the mayor Broad Authority to make further supplemental orders but did not give her those authorities without those supplemental orders, so you would continue to have a check on that. And then, you could continue the continue the item of the curfew itself until next tuesday so that the Emergency Declaration would be ongoing but the you would be able to reevaluate at any point you had a board of supervisors when that curfew needs to come up. Supervisor mandelman but if my colleagues are interested in requiring some changes at curfew or next tuesday, your request would be that we approve the emergency, that we take no oh, if we approve the emergency, the second ordinance just kind of survives. Yeah, it would require a measure of trust that we are willing to work with to what that looks like. I absolutely defer to the chief and sheriff about this. Some of concerns that ive heard about letting it expire on saturday is having a date certain like that, particularly in the middle of the weekend might be problematic, but i understand that there is a lot of concern about having Something Like this seem indefinite. This is not what we want. We dont want this to seem indefinite. We want this to end as soon as possible, and i dont know if that answers all of your questions, but thats all i can think of mond. Supervisor mandelman thank you, miss kitler. I would move to grant the mayors folks question to extend the state of emergency and take this up next week, but i am not sure theres support for this on the board, and if its the will of the board to only go until saturday, then i guess i will go along. President yee supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer yes, thank you, president yee. First of all, i just want to say that i believe, actually, what the chief is saying and what an emergency it is. You know, i am a native san franciscan. I have seen many protests here. I think that we are in a very different time. We have a president that is fighting people, we have people that are out of their minds with guns, and i think it could be a very dangerous situation. I feel like this curfew is a tool, and i think its a tool to help us manage a crowd. When we say dont you have the power to say disburse . Yes, we do. But do we say, stop throwing molotov cocktails, stop looting, that is a volatile situation. This is an extreme emergency, and an extreme emergency calls for things that we maybe have never used before or used regularly. I think, through this whole thing and this whole time, weve been seeing extraordinary circumstances, and i want to be able to protest safely, too, and i want the people of San Francisco to be able to protest safely, too. But when they were throwing mo when they are throwing 34 olotov cocktails molotov cocktails, i dont feel safe, and i know that other people dont feel safe. I have attended protests ten times, 100 times larger than what were seeing on our streets, and they were completely under control. This is Something Different here in San Francisco. I want to save lives. I think the looting the stores, yeah, what is super dangerous, but yeah, what is even more dangerous is the possible loss of life. And i dont think we understand just the danger we put everyone in when we dont have some tools in our tool chest. I think that its you know, its one thing that we put San Franciscos residents lives in danger, but its another thing that we put San Franciscos Law Enforcement officers lives in danger, too, when we dont give them the tools to control the situation. My husband was in many, many large big riots, with a lot of gear. I remember him coming home one night, and he was in a horrible situation. I dont think we understand how quickly it gets under control and how quickly we can be overwhelmed. It can happen very fast. When you have a police force thats maybe a couple of hundred right there, that situation can get overwhelmed very, very quickly. My husband remembers getting information that you cannot move, and people are throwing bricks at you. The guy next to you, which is a retired marine, a big, huge guy gets hit in the head with a brick, and he goes down. When they were waiting for someone to take him away, a new guy comes in and takes his plays. And they are throwing bricks and all sorts of things at you, and setting things on fire, and this is in the heart and soul of San Francisco. I understand about Civil Liberties. It really would. It would be different if i hear that the Police Department is jocking up people for getting some fresh air or talking to people in their yard or on their door stoop. I am not hearing that. I am not hearing that police are saying to people, oh, youre on the way home from the grocery store. I have to arrest you. Im not hearing that. What i am hearing is that we are in a potentially very danger situation, and i err on the side of caution. This is a tool in the tool chest of our Law Enforcement. I think you all know how i feel with reforms and how i feel about use of force and Everything Else, and i get it. But at some time, we have to leave this type of situation, where its potentially dangerous, where potentially san franciscans get killed. We have to say to the police chief, who is we have chosen to protect our city. His judgment, essaying to us, i need these tools. I need these tools to keep san franciscans safe, and i need these tools to keep First Responders safe. So i can understand about the Civil Liberties, but what im not hearing is the fears of the dangers that can happen and the loss of life, and the shared loss of life. And i think that we have a president that will incite things and will cause things. It is unknown. Weve had shootings in churches, in movie theaters, as at concerts, anywhere that people congregate. This is scary. So i am with supervisor mandelman. I would wait till next tuesday and revisit this then, but i know there might not be appetite on this board, and i am willing to compromise with what president yee is suggesting. But i just want to say, you know, i think it is our job as ledge laytors of San Francisco and elected legislators of San Francisco and elected officials, it is our job to keep them safe. Thank you, president yee. President yee supervisor peskin oh, before you do, supervisor peskin supervisor peskin i dont need to speak, mr. President. Youre good. President yee i wanted to give supervisor safai a chance to speak. Hes on there, and he hasnt had a chance. Supervisor peskin i dont need to ask any questions. Supervisor safai thank you, supervisor peskin, for deferring. We all have had different opinions, and we all have had different interactions the last couple of nights. I appreciate what my colleagues have said, but i want to underscore some of the things that supervisor fewer said, and i really want to thank her for sharing her own personal experiences as the mother and a wife of a Police Officer on the frontlines, dealing with these situations. And also, i want to appreciate some of the things that supervisors ronen and peskin and mandelman have said. I am 100 supportive of Civil Liberties. I think many of us supervisor walton, the mayor, and supervisor mandelman and other elected officials i think supervisor haney was there, as well. We all were participating in a peaceful protest, exercising our constitutional rights, and there were a lot of san franciscans there and the chief was there, and sheriff and other folks from Law Enforcement were there. But some of the reports that weve had of people throwing molotov cocktails, rocks, and bricks, i think we need to defer to the chief. He has experience dating back to the riots in los angeles and learning from those experiences back in the early 90s and helping them to inform. You know, i have spoken to almost every business in my district, those that were vandalized and looted and destroyed. These are people that were organized criminals that are organized criminals that are breaking into peoples businesses and their dreams and their livelihoods and their hard work. I want to recognize that, too. I know the resolution calls out some of the stuff that happened downtown. You know, we had mr. Campos jewelry on mission street, k. T. Jewelry on mission street, some of our cannabis dispensaries, which people heavily rely on. Theres a lot of businesses that have been targeted in this, and i think allowing for this order so the good and law abiding citizens of San Francisco can be safe. I appreciate putting this out there, and i appreciate what everyones saying today. I look forward to having a good resolution. I appreciate what president yee has said in terms of maybe having a good compromise. Supervisor mar, i know you havent had the chance to speak. Supervisor mar thank you, president yee. I do share the concerns that have been raised, you know, by my colleagues around the you know, some of the impacts around this executive order, not just Civil Liberties, but on our residents and businesses, and this extra Strict Lockdown thats been imposed, and at this time when were still navigating, you snow, the restrictions from covid19. And actually today, you know, we actually, this afternoon, we had a Pretty Amazing powerful beautiful protest with over 1,000 people from the outer sunset, coming to the great highway. Weve never had anything like that in the outer sunset along the great highway. And thank you for the police chief and the officers from the taraval station for making sure that it was peaceful. We need to err on the safety of our decisions, and thats whats allowed us to achieve the success that we did in covid19, erring on the side of Public Health. So i am inclined to actually, id im im im supportive of, you know, supervisor peskins original suggestion of just, you know, allowing the orders to expire on saturday and then see where were at then. Thank you. President yee so thank you, supervisor mar. Theres a few supervisors on the roster, but theyve spoken, and id like to make a suggestion. I think people have valid points on each side of this, and theres a bunch of things we could do one way or another. What im going to suggest at this point is to make a motion to continue this item to a special meeting on thursday so we dont have to post anything, well just say were going to have it, and reevaluate where we are at the time and can make some decisions then, so thats two days from now. I think this is some rule thats under rule 4. 4. So deputy City Attorney pearson, am i able to do this . I see madam clerk standing to weighin, so i will defer to her on application of rule 4. 4. President yee okay. Madam clerk . Clerk thank you, mr. President. This 48 hours from now, thursday, we want to check with supervisor mar, chair of the g. A. O. Committee. We dont want to overlap with his meeting, but yes, if a motion is made by the board, the board could continue this motion to that recessed meeting. In that item, i would ask that you order the clerk to process all of the other items on the agenda so that this is the only item on the agenda, establishment of the proclamation of local emergency and the curfew motion. President yee okay. I mean, i will adjust my motion to state that, and is there a second . Supervisor safai second, safai. President yee okay. So theres a motion for these items to be continued to a special meeting on thursday. President yee, can i ask a procedural question that relates . President yee yes, go ahead i mean, this is supervisor preston yes, both on your motion and whether now or on thursday, the votes on both the concurrence or rejection of the Emergency Declaration and curfew. Im trying to get clarity on the vote threshold on both, and i just want to make sure were all operating under the same assumptions here. My understanding here is that to concur or reject either of those two orders and this is for either deputy City Attorney pearson or for madam clerk, that we would need for an imperative item, we would need a unanimous vote to concur or reject. Clerk that is correct. That is correct. Supervisor preston okay. But for procedural matters such as the continuance motion, we would need a majority. Clerk majority, thats correct. Supervisor preston so i just colleagues, i mean, i am this is one of the most important things we are dealing with. I am happy to have other hearings, but i just want to also be clear on what were trying to accomplish. It sounds to me like we may have some very different perspectives on this board as to the propriety of these very different orders, and we would need to have a unanimous vote, and if we dont have the power its essentially the mayor only needs one supervisor to agree with these orders, and then, we can not reject them. Thats my understanding of the situation were in. If those are the rules, im trying to understand whats the purpose of continuance is in that situation, given the leap of faith president yee unless you know why i made the motion to continue. At least for me, ive heard the arguments that people have presented, and i think this is valid on both sides of this, and i personally, not knowing whats going to happen in the next two days, i personally would vote on the side of supporting it. But if, in the next two days, we find that the situation has calmed itself radically, i would say theres no need for the emergency. So thats how im looking at it. Supervisor haney, were you going to Say Something . I wasnt sure. Supervisor haney no, that was the point. President yee oh, okay. Supervisor haney i think that we need a unanimous vote ahead of it, to accept it or reject it. Otherwise, it stays in place until saturday. President yee right. So i made a motion. Its seconded, and we can vote on this. Clerk mr. President , we would take Public Comment first. Supervisor walton president yee, i had questions. I hate to ask twice ahead of your motion. I had a clarifying question. I dont want to vote no on your motion without a little bit of clarity. I mean, i can move forward, and we can thats fine president yee no, no, go ahead, supervisor walton. Supervisor walton my question is i support no to concurring with the curfew. If i voted no just by myself, then that would, in consequence, basically be saying that we have a now end date of saturday, correct . President yee madam clerk . Clerk i would say yes. It would take one member to not approve these items, and then, the item would not be approved. In order to approve, the vote threshold is unanimous. Supervisor walton and then, the result is if we decided to meet thursday, if one person voted either way, it would still mean saturday is the end date . Clerk if, on thursday, you voted no, it would mean that the motions do not pass and saturday is the end date. Supervisor walton thank you. President yee supervisor preston . Supervisor preston yes, to follow up to the City Attorney. What is the soonest date we could continue this to where it would not have an imperative item . So for this to not be an imperative item, it would have to be a noticed item, and i believe madam clerk spoke to the earliest date that she could notice this, so i would defer to madam clerk on the noticing requirements on how quickly she could get a notice meeting scheduled. Supervisor preston madam clerk, i [inaudible] clerk in order to get it into the newspaper, and to have the newspaper run the article for 24 hours, we would need to get that notice to the newspaper by thursday. And then, it would depend on what time the meeting would start, start. I believe it would be a saturday meeting. Thats the quickest we could notice a separate meeting other than recessing todays meeting and continuing these two items to 48 hours. You could also continue it for 24 hours. [inaudible] clerk thats correct. Right. So essentially essentially today, the president could introduce the item, and normally, we see Something Like that go to committee or, if its noncontroversial or a commendatory piece, its able to go to the Committee Section of the next tuesday board agenda. But that would be, again, the very first appearance of this item on that agenda, so again, its unanimous. President yee are you okay, supervisor preston . Supervisor preston yes, thank you. President yee okay. Supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen yes. So the only thing that we could have done today is reject it unanimous. Otherwise, no matter what we do today, its going to expire on saturday. President yee yes. Supervisor ronen but youre saying that maybe by thursday, therell be a unanimous opinion, and so thats why it would be worth continuing it to thursday . President yee yes. I was trying to collect everybodys comments. Supervisor ronen right. President yee theres support to have this emergency order last longer than saturday, and we did nothing, it would last until saturday. Some of the colleagues felt maybe thats too long, and if, in that case, if i had to vote today, i wouldnt say stop it earlier than that. So if we were to meet thursday again, because people were asking, well, can we have a daily evaluation or at least every two days, and im thinking too myself that, its been calm somewhat, and maybe two more days, were finding that the rest of the bay area is also calming down, i could easily switch over and say yes. That was my thought. Otherwise, were not going to get there any faster. Supervisor ronen got it. I understand. Thank you. President yee youre welcome. No more comments on the motion, so if you want to vote on the motion, roll call, please. Clerk im sorry, mr. President. We need Public Comment on this. President yee okay. Public comment, please. Clerk operations, can we queue up the Public Commenters, please. Operator yes. We do have a number of commenters. Clerk so callers, if you are in the queue, and you press starnine president yee so before we do that, madam clerk, im going to declare that the Public Comment right now is for what . Clerk Public Comment on both the concurring and the proclamation for local emergency and the establishment of the curfew to meet the local emergency and the fact that you are continuing recessing the meeting and continuing those two items to 48 hours from now. So we should say a time certain well throw out. I know that supervisor mar has his 10 00 g. A. O. Meeting. Hopefully, it will end by 2 00. Supervisor mar, if youre not fine with 2 00, let us know. Supervisor mar that should be fine. President yee okay. Thank you for the clarification. Go ahead with the Public Comments. Clerk okay, operations. Operator hello, first commenter. So my name is francisco decosta, and you should be ashamed of yourselves, and ill tell you why. I often say really this city needs an incident management commander to know about the issues that theyre talking about, especially in this imperative agenda. Some of you supervisors who dont have your heart in the right place, if you all want to challenge some authority or some regulation by being headstrong, then youre not supposed to be a supervisor. Step down and go somewhere else. And to the police chief, you need to get an Incident Commander to give the board of supervisors an orientation. And i tell you, the president has already sent a couple of ships our way because this is not about some molotov cocktails, no, no, no. This is getting to be nasty. And so the president of the United States is aware of that, the attorney general is aware of that. But from stupid board of supervisors in San Francisco, im saying, this is bad for the city. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments. Welcome, caller. Yes, thank you. Are you giving three minutes as it says in the agenda . Clerk youre getting two minutes, mr. Warfield, and im starting your timer now. All right. I just wanted to clarify that. Clerk all right. I was hoping to speak on general Public Comment, which i think youre going to still have, is that right. Clerk thats correct, and im starting your time now. Thanks very much, and in this case, i appreciate all of the hard work and efforts of all involved in having a very extensive conversation about whats going on, and in this instance, trust to our supervisors and the administration. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next caller, please. Youll have up to two minutes. District 6. Id like to say that i sat here for two hours to apparently hear that sftv is going to continue to run the city of San Francisco and the board of supervisors isnt apparently allowed to exercise any authority over it. Sft sfpd needs more tools, when we already dont know the tools that they have. I would like to know how many times theyve hit people with pepper spray. People in the city, having nowhere to go, trying to move around, exercise their rights. Sfpd is continuing to exercise their rights to put people in danger. Frankly, im just frustrated that apparently theres no way to have any oversight over what curfew orders sfpd and the mayor put in place from our elected officials. It doesnt really seem like theres much point in attending City Government meetings and supposedly having some kind of input on what the government does when the cops and the mayor do whatever they want regardless. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello . Clerk hello, we can hear you. Great. Ill start now. Hello. My name is celina, and im a student at ucsf. Im also a member of the science policies of ucsf. We are a group of students, faculty, and staff. Im calling in as a member of staff and as an individual, asking you to exercise your authority today. Make no mistake, the curfew will disproportionately affect people of color. Police will use their discretion, they will use use of force, and it will effect black and brown people. People have the right to protest and to exist but what i want to talk to you today is about how its affected black and brown Frontline Health care workers and scientists. We have already had people reach out and voice that theyre scared because of the increased Police Presence and curfew. Theyre afraid of being stopped by the police. It does not matter that theyre headed home in accordance with the curfew. Every interaction and rightly with this fills them with fear. Several white people recognize that our interactions with the police is much different. And while mutual aid and helping your colleagues is nice, its different when the city fails. In the last month, both sheriff and police were wearing thin blue line vests. You cannot give they are more discretion and more tools. They are not capable of yielding them. I ask that you recognize the systemic racism built into s. F. Policism. We cannot criminalize as exercising free speech as the police are trying to do their jobs. Clerk thank you for your comments. Hello caller, next speaker. My name is gabriel markoff. Im an attorney and a sevenyear resident of district 8 in San Francisco. I saw a video of 50 to 100 police surrounding a group of a few dozen protesters in front of city hall. Second, i saw my wealthy white neighbor who walked his dog at around 8 30 p. M. , 30 minutes after curfew was in effect and came home 30 minutes later, totally total totally unarrested, and thats what this is all about targeting people of color and young people who are trying to standup what it means to be an american and do it in the face of the Brutal Police force that never gets held accountable. All they do is create more crime by criminalizing lawful activity. What happens when police are focused on chasing and arresting them . Getting lots of overtime that budgets cant afford, that allows criminal looters to commit looting in other areas of town where the police arent looking. All because it might help stop some looting or it might help keep people safe. This is the kind of thinking that war monger george w. Bush started in 2001 and ended with donald trump declaring martial law in washington, d. C. If the police cant stop a few minor incidents of looting with their budget, we need to reduce their budget and find other ways to fight crime. You can stand with the people and reject this unconstitutional curfew. Do the right thing. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments, sir. Next speaker, please. Hello. Can you hear me . My name is brook ashton. Im a student at San Francisco state university, and i want to thank police chief scott for his dedication. It must be very difficult to do a job the nature of which is the problem at heart. I want to speak today just to one comment he made, that people are afraid. We are afraid. We are afraid of you. Ive been at the protests the last two days, and i can tell you what was scary. Peaceful protests, Police Driving up in vans at excessive speeds, and unloading from their cars, the van, to protect the bank. It is aggressive, and that is what is aggravating, a Police Presence. Theres plenty of scholarships by people who study riots, crowd behavior, and in particular, i will quote something from a b. B. C. Article i read. A professor, clifford scott, from Peel University in u. K. Who has studies riots for many years, and this is a commonly understood scholarship about riots. They are a product of indactions largely to do with the nature of how police treat crowds. I would just repeat that the stress of police in riot gear was aggravating. Thats what made it scary. I was there. Thank you. Clerk thank you 23for you comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Hi. My name is eric coller. Ive been a resident of San Francisco since december 2018, and i just want to say that it shouldnt take a week for me living in the city to know the violence of the sfpd and what actually keeps us safe. Its not a curfew. There was a black man shot at 4 00 a. M. Underneath my window. I woke up to cops screaming, stop or ill shoot. He wasnt armed, he wasnt doing anything. This is why people are out. This is why people are protesting. You dont need a curfew to stop it. A curfew isnt going to stop it. Its going to make people even more angry and depressed. It is going to continue, the riots. A curfew only gives the police opportunity to oppress with impugnity. You have a chance to set the example for the rest of the country, defunding the police and funding housing, education, and welfare in this city. It is disgusting how much we spend in this city on policing and all it does it make the oppressed even less safe than they were. Please defund, abolish the police. Listen to what people out there are saying. Thank you. Clerk thank you, sir, for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello, can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can hear you. Welcome. Thank you. Hello. My name is joshua. I live and work as a designer in district 6. My supervisor is matt haney. Hes doing an excellent job of engaging with his community and listening to our voices, unlike some others. I would like to add my voice to this discussion. Curfews are the tool of the oppressor. I agree with the others that the protests and protesters do not scare me. The police with their loaded and lethal weapons, that is what is terrifying. This is a civil rights issue, which you say you care deeply for, but your actions say otherwise. It is clear to the people of San Francisco that our elected officials that support a curfew care more about Property Damage than civil rights. This is one of the deepest rooted problems with our unbalanced equality in San Francisco as a city. It has been a top down issue for decades now. Living to all of you, theres a clear distinction listening to you that say that the violence comes from police and those of you that are saying that people are keeping people safe. They are not keeping people safe. We must reduce policing, not expand it, especially not indefinitely. Also, bringing outside officers in is not the answer. It adds insult to injury that costs taxpayer dollars, that were paying for this. We would better use this money to house homeless, build safe injection sites, provide p. P. E. A Police Officer cannot know who is working or who is homeless by driving by them with the mindset that they must detain anyone who was violating a curfew. Innocent people are targeted by this bias. This is proven by the numbers released as of yesterday. Clerk thank you, sir, for your comment. Next caller, and welcome caller. You have up to two minutes. Hello, supervisors. I am a resident of district 1. This curfew is nothing short of fascist collaboration with donald trump. Seeing things such as vandalism, looting, all it does it give police Carte Blanche to arrest anyone and everyone they want. By chief scotts own admission, all of the vandalism were entirely cleaned up by the next day. Every protest ive ever attended thats turned violent is because the police have instigated the violence, tacking without provocation. If you want to [inaudible] fire the police who murdered alex nieto. Disarm the police who use chemical weapons that are banned in war time but permitted to be used on our own citizens. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Hello. I support chief scott for several reasons. Unless youre going to pay for all the looting thats occurring in San Francisco, you are coming up with no recommendations on how to keep the city safe. I hear all the protesters that are stating that the police are the problem, but truly, law abiding citizens arent the problem. The people who have intent of looting and committing criminal acts, that is the problem, which actually jeopardizes the safety of all. The supervisors, i ask, unless youre going to pay for the looting and the damages, you think strong and hard about how youre going to make the city safer. Irregardless of supervisor ronen reading a book about what happened in 1992 and preaching about the Fourth Amendment, its safety that were talking about. Supervisor preston, your bias of equality of sensorship and attendance, that is ludicrous. So supervisor walton president yee excuse me. Be sure your comments are not directed to any supervisor in particular. Thank you. You must think about the the people that youre trying to serve. Clerk thank you for your comments. Are there other callers, operations . Operator yes, theres still a number of callers. Go ahead. Clerk welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Hi. Can you all hear me . Clerk yes, we can. Welcome. Excellent. Howdy. My name is norm. I live in district 3, and i want to thank supervisors matt haney, hillary ronen, and dean preston for speaking up. You all are asking the right questions and breaking down the conflicting statements from the chief, which i think are uncomfortable and unsettled. I think we need to defund the police and find ways to commit to investing in the black community. A Competent Police chief can speak to the numbers of People Killed and what was happening and giving answers to the reports that they are reading. He says that the violence starts with the protesters abu violence, and thats not true. You cant have officers out there in full riot gear, and then tell us that youre scared of people. Upwards of 40 People Killed in s. F. In the last 45 years were black. We need you to be able to standup for your black community right now and not just put them out in the rain and pretend they dont exist because your property is on fire. Matt haney asked it. Why are you saying we cant have peaceful protests, but then, youre restricting their rights. Do i have any time left . Clerk you have 30 seconds. Thank you, caller. Okay. Thank you. Have a good day. Clerk you too, sir. Next caller, please. Hello and welcome, caller. Hi. This is martin munoz. I live in district 5, and first, i want to say i am totally against this curfew. I believe it strongly infridngs on our First Amendment right to free speech. I was out on the streets, and unfortunately, the Sheriffs Department or sfpd, im not exactly sure which van this was, ran into a group of us Peaceful Protesters on whats supposed to be car free Market Street. How can we have the Police Department ramming into protesters and causing extreme violence in a peaceful protest that did not cause any damage to the city . I believe that this curfew is going to be targeting black and brown people who are working working class jobs and causing the criminalization of black and brown bodies for no good reason. Let us protest, let us live in freedom and peace, and let us be out there, protecting black lives. Once again, black lives matter, and to quote supervisor sandra lee fewer, fuck the p. L. A. Clerk okay. Lets try to keep our language more formal. Thank you for your comment, sir. Are there other speakers . Yes. My name is patrick kirby, and i live with my wife and two Young Children in the sunset. Im an attorney, and i can tell you that the justifications ive heard from Law Enforcement today for keeping the curfew in place are frankly nothing short of absurd and embarrassing. Boiled down, were hearing essentially from Law Enforcement that both peaceful action and nonpeaceful action each somehow justify keeping the curfew in place. Its silly. I can tell you ive personally attended the protests each day since saturday, and the protesters have been overwhelmingly peaceful. The only aggression or escalation ive seen was on the part of sfpd on sunday in inexplicably driving s. U. V. S into protesters and then driving another one into the protest. To keep the curfew in place is outrageous to keep people from speaking out against issues. To mayor breed and the supervisors, were watching your actions very closely, and you face a binary choice right now. Continue to support the protesters and their rights, or force more violent interactions between the citizens and the police. I can tell you the longer this curfew happens, the more people will continue to ignore it, and the more likely that action will be taken against the city to end this embarrassing and controversial curfew. I strongly urge you to end this curfew today. Thank you for your time and consideration. Clerk thank you for your comment. Next caller, please. I am calling because i would like the supervisors to rescind the curfew immediately. This is disproportionately affect people of color. Police chief bill scott said the people arrested were almost half black people and latinx people. The city is only 5 black and 15 latinx. As many people said, if you attended the protests, you know that police were the ones in full riot gear and armed with guns. People are scared of the police. Theyre not scared of looting. Theyre protesting because of the police. We can not give the police more unjust power. We need to defund the police and give the funding to medical professionals and other community leaders. We are scared of them, of those murderers. I live in district 8, and in regards to the comments from my own supervisor, i am ashamed. If he was paying attention, he would know, and he does know, the sfpd crashed the pride parade last year. He should be working to end this curfew. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Welcome, caller. You have up two to minutes. Thank you. My name is kitaj. Im a district seven homeowner and also a mother of two kids who are both in the schools here. Im calling because i want to know why this meeting wasnt about why people are protesting and feeling desperate right now, which is the violent targeting of black people and the murder of black people. I also want to make sure that all of you go much, much further. Now is the time to defund the police by removing all but the most emergency functions from them. You all as the board of supervisors uniquely have the power to adjust that Police Budget and move the abundance of funding to other agencies, agencies that can welcome people to the city and help them, support them, not punish. Weve tried incremental reforms for decades, and its not worked, which is why our country is erupting right now. So please, please, wake up. Stop messing around at the margins and actually do the real work here. Please do not allow anymore people to be killed here. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Hi. I live in district 5. We need to end the curfew and ask you to enact needed reforms that would end Police Violence. I know some reforms will take longer than others, but Getting Started on reducing Police Violence through policy is the single most effective thing we can do to end unrest. People are lashing out at repression. Thank you. Good evening, supervisors. This is calvin quick. I serve as the district 5 youth commissioner, but im here speaking in my personal capacity. I am here, asking to end the curfew. I also want to echo concerns about black and brown essential employees going to and from work. It is deeply problematic that we are giving our Police Department more discretion more freedom to exercise subjective judgment in making arrests when we know that our Police Department has problems with racial bias, when we know that there are deep institutional problems and with Law Enforcement, with racism and prejudice and racial profiling, that within that context, we are saying as a city that the only box the police need to tick to detain them, that box that you need to check for violating the curfew is unbiased checking by police. It boggles the mind that the systemic Police Brutality, we are affording the police more lee way. I urge you to rescind the curfew now. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments, sir. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. My name is carla, and im a district 6 resident. I want to join in the support for ending the curfew not on thursday, not on saturday, but today. The reason why the protests are occurring is because of Police Brutality, and to give police even more power to brutalize people, to randomly grab people that are attempting to get home, First Responders, or people that are making a delivery . Like, how will they know . I personally attended a protest, and it was super, super peaceful until, of course, Police Showed up. Another concern i have yet to be heard is in the middle of a pandemic, they are using tear gas, and what happens to the people they arrest . They load them into buses and put them into jail cells. Its a pandemic, so that means that more people are going to get infected, more people are going to get covid19, and you guys are giving them pretty much the permission to do so. There was a supervisor earlier that was coding the meeting that said that. My name is adam. Im a district 6 resident, and i wanted to speak out against the curfew. A curfew that is targeted against protesters is clearly a prior restraint against speech and is unconstitutional on every level. Everything that weve heard in support of the curfew is that its there to stop the protests. All the supporevidence that we support the fact that the protests have been peaceful. I saw Police Harassing other folks. I did witness the police s. U. V. On market that people are talking about. I did see the Police Lineup to threaten the protesters. As a journalist, i pulled out my camera immediately, and i was ready to record because i thought the police were going to start going after people. Again, i have a level of safety because i have white privilege. I know i dont have the level of fear that other people do, but i saw them tense up. I saw the action. The police are also out there, many of them without masks, you know, weve got covid. Were supposed to be social distancing. Theyre closing in. They dont have masks, and, you know, what is it . Are we protecting ourselves or are we not . Why are we allowing ourselves to be scared because police say we should be scared . I watch the Police Conferences with the chief and mayor breed. They say oh, we need to do this for safety, but no one has said what systemic changes are going to be made to make the police safer. If you really want safety, look to cities that have had the Police Marching with the protesters, supporting the protesters. You do not need 50, 60 police for a protest of less than 50 outside city hall. Clerk thank you. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Hi. Can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can. Welcome. I live in supervisor mandelmans district. My family came here from the former soviet union because we believe that this is a democratic country, and i still believe that, and specifically, i believe in the city of San Francisco. On saturday, i was in a crowd of protesters when the police were pointing their weapons at us, even though we were peaceful, and we kept raising our arms and shouting for them not to shoot. On sunday, i watched videos of Police Arrested protesters that were not armed and that were not a danger because they were violating curfew, and i watched it happen again on monday. Thats not free speech. Thats not a danger to anybody, and thats not how free societies are supposed to behave. I still believe in the First Amendment and the right of people together. I am sorry if the Police Department cannot handle criticism from people, but theyre not [inaudible] i please ask you to vote against this curfew. If theres no purpose, looting is already illegal, but so far, all this has been done is to stifle the sense of free speech. Thank you so much for that. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Hello there. My name is aaron, and i live in district 7. Born and raised here in San Francisco, and i also work for San Francisco for the last 16 years. I urge all of you to please end the curfew immediately. One thing to mention is oakland mayor libby schaaf why she did not enact the curfew is its a symbolic depression of people of color. Curfews do all sorts of harm to our city. One is that businesses that are typically open after 8 00 p. M. Have to close. Because of that, employees are getting wage cuts because you cant do the work or work the night shift anymore, and because muni and other agencies in the areas are cutting service, so that means if people are working close to closing time, meaning 8 00, they are cant catch public transit, so theyre now spending more money to get home. Any of us here in San Francisco, we should not be oppressing people of their First Amendment right. Its a beautiful night tonight, and people should just view tonights sunset. Once again, i urge all of you to please end the curfew now. Not tomorrow, now. Thats the end of my comments, and thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments. Is there another speaker in the queue, please . Hi. My name is elliott wild. I want to point out that supervisor ronen made this viewpoint that the curfew must be justified every night that its enacted. It hasnt been justified any night. Its abundantly clear that this is a mechanism to extend on the authorittarian power of the officials in San Francisco. How can we give more power to an organization that cant perform basic overnight . Defund the police before we have another alex nieto, jessica williams, and mario woods. I am 19 years old, and the cowardice of some of my local politicians to end this curfew today has completely turned me off to the idea that there will be change in this city. The idea that s. F. Park and recs has closed public bathrooms, leaving my friends to not be able to poop with dignity . End the curfew now. Clerk thank you for your comments. Welcome, caller. Hi. Im natasha. I live in district 2 . Im calling to request the board move to enter this curfew . We know that curfew is a tool that people use to suppress our right to protest, and weve seen how it disproportionately harms black and brown san franciscans. I urge you to take action today and not wait until thursday or saturday to end this curfew. I want to second what the person before me said about supervisor ronens point, that we have to know that this curfew is required every single day, and we havent seen that in action any day. I have been at peaceful protests during the weekend, and if anything, weve seen Police Intimidation over and over and over again . It is wild and gross and unbelievable that the police arent able to report how many acts of violence that he have committed and acts of intimidation during this time. I hope that this is on the agenda every single day for the board of supervisors, and i hope that they can really see the light for what needs to be done. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Hi, my name is ryan. I live and work in district 9. I am a social worker for the city of San Francisco department of Public Health. Im calling just to join in on the course of those asking that we rescind this curfew immediately. You know, ive been at these protests all weekend long, and the act of aggression that i saw from the police were absolutely abhorrent. You all do play such a role in setting the tone of a dynamic, and when you are seeing vehicles filled with riot gear armed police, aimed at crowds just exercising their right to innocently protest, its like they almost were let down that people were not being more violent than they were. Please, dont give them more power to use whatever nondiscretion power that they have to keep us safe. The police chief said its hard for us to know who is going to do wrong, who is going to do right. You know the tools that theyre using to determine that . The color of their skin. As a d. P. H. Employee, it is crazy that we can spend all this money bringing in all these Police Officers from k o kwho who knows where, where my department, we dont even have the money to provide quick personal protective equipment to San Francisco. What the police of the United States of america have done to black community for generations, its not the looting of the stores. We cannot think about this issue outside of the broader context of the United States given the words that the president said yesterday. How can we even be considering the question of enacting this curfew further . We are just furthering his agenda to create a more police state. Please vote in your souls what is right. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can. I live in district 8, right by district 9, and im really disappointed in my supervisor for district 8. Just shocking and really proud of the analysis that supervisor ronen made. I feel i want the curfew to end immediately. Its very counterproductive. Its just in your face that were going to take away your rights, the police are going to take away your rights, First Amendment rights, and its kind of like that boot stepping on your neck, on your face, the steeltoed boot on you. Also, the protests are nationwide. Well, theyre nationwide for a reason. Its to let the voices out there be heard. The Police Chiefs logic is twisted, well, because police are being allowed to protest in other places, they shouldnt be allowed to protest in San Francisco. I havent seen too much of the protests because im very much following the stay in place guidelines, but we know mario woods, we know alex nieto. Theres so many, its hard to remember the names. They have the blue ribbon panel, 240 recommendations, and theyve done like 40. In these days, can they say how many times theyve been using these weapons, and how many times theyve been hitting people . No. We cannot San Francisco cannot be part of the military. Anybody whos been to protests, them riding up there with their motorcycles, too many police out there. Its being request [inaudible] clerk thank you for your comments. Im matt, and a resident, and someone who thinks this is a complete farce. First, id like to call out some particularly egregious things about what the chief was saying. First, property crimes, we dont need to violate peoples rights to recognize them. If cops are too dumb to figure out whos committing a crime with this authoritarian nonsense, they shouldnt be cops. Besides that, without like calling anyone out specifically, im a jew, and i believe that hypothetically, it is shameful to use that to justify a commitment to order that involves taking peoples rights away. Absolutely not acceptable. Besides that, let me just say, what were seeing is a broad escalation of Police Violence. Enforcing curfew and playing along with these outer narratives lets us play along with these doofuses, and the only solution is to defund the police. Clerk thank you for your comments. I believe there is one other caller in the queue. Send him through. Hi. Im zack, and im a district 6 resident. Its time to end the curfew now, as santa clara has just did. On sunday night, things were so quiet that i heard on the Police Scanner an officer explaining he was going to escort a chipotle Delivery Driver around for the next hour. If officers have time to do that, theres clearly no citywide emergency. If we have extra resources to send to oakland, theres clearly no see wide emergency. Theres no reason why independent restaurants currently teetering on the brink of bankruptcy should be forced to close for the night. What we need is not a curfew and hundreds of Law Enforcement interactions, harassment of Peaceful Protesters and people of color by officers who refuse to wear face masks. It is a profound failure of leadership. The mayors silence is stunning. Her office has nothing whatsoever to say tonight in justification of the broadest use of her powers, and she didnt even show up to yesterdays Public Safety press conference. The police is not serving the city if its incapable of preventing crime without imposing a citywide curfew. Suddenly, we have vast resources for the hundreds of officers to swarm literally one protesters in front of city hall as they did last night. End the curfew. Thank you. [inaudible] to express their anger and demand that Police Accountability be taken seriously by the San Francisco government. It is also endangering a lot of people and businesses who are trying to get to and from work and to and from the protests. Its very difficult to move in and out of the city for regular business because of the curfew, and its very dangerous in allowing police to brutalize more people at a time when they need to stop brutalizing people, so i am highly against the curfew, and i ask the board of supervisors lift it. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operati operator madam clerk, that completes the queue. Mr. President . [please stand by] theres a motion on the floor to continue the two items or recess the two items on thursday. And we just take a little call and see what happens, ok . Madam clerk, can you call the role . To continue to thursday, 2 0. role call . There are six ayes and five nos with supervisors hain rbgs y, preston, ronen, safaye and walton in the dissents. We need majority. Majority to approve the motion. To recess and continue the items to thursday. Motion is 65 vote. Are we going back to 3 00 p. M. . Items 30 and 31, 20 and 21, mr. President. Special order is the board of supervisors and sitting as a committee of the whole, this motion to sit was scheduled and approved on may 12th, 2020 for a hearing to consider objection to a report of delinquent transfer tax under the regulations code for personal block 0269 lot number 004. That is 364 bush street and directing the transmission of the said report to the controller and the Tax Collector for collection and deposit into the general fund. This public hearing is for a resolution to confirm report of a delinquents tax in directing public hearing to occur on this day. Today we will be considering a report for the property transfer tax for 364 bush street, and without objection, we will proceed as follows. A brief presentation from snap at the office of the city assessor and recorder. We will proceed as proposed and douglas leg, from the recorders office, here to present and mr. Lee. Good evening, supervisors. As president yee said, im the Deputy Director of operations and the recorders office. Were here to ask for a lien on transfer taxes, penalties and interests, triggered by a change of ownership by a legal entity. The property in question is located at 364 bush street. On march 9th, 2018, royal phoenix llt purchased an interest in bush street, llc. This created an accessible change in ownership for both property taxes and transfer taxes and transfer tax in the amount of 9,000 for this event was paid on march 16th, 2008 and under the ordinance, and that was based on a reported value of 1. 2 million for the membership interest transferred. Under the ordinance, however, the transfer tax is the market value of realty and not paid to acquire a portion of the legal entity. We noted that the reported value was settlely below the assessed value and we sent a request to ththe proper owner. We received a request that did not provide support for the value claimed as the transfer tax basis. There was tangible and intangible personal property was 8,975,000. For 7,775,000 before than what was declare at the time of recording. This resulted in a transfer Tax Liability of an additional 192,000. On march 4, they recorded a notice of delinquent property taxes and deficiency determination on the property and the same day we issued a demand letter via certified to the seller and buyer for the unpaid transfer Tax Liability, plus penalties and interest 1115 of article 10c. I would like to put this break in context. Since our audit transfer tax began, weve collected over 45 million from 66 taxpayers in unpaid hit taxes and 4. 5 millin the current fiscal year and the city has refunded of that 45 million that we have collected, we have refunded 3 million. Thank you for your time and im happy to answer any questions the board may have. Thank you, we will now proceed to Public Comment. Is there any member of the public who wishes to speak on the report of for 354 bush street . Madam clerk, see if we have any speakers . In operations, do we have any speakers, please . Madam clerk, there are to callers wishing to speak. Mr. President , there are no speakers in the cue. Ok, then Public Comment is now closed. Madam clerk, can you call the role . This would be on item 21 . We will close the hearing. And just reconvene as the board and have a role call on 21. Item 21. On item 21 role call . There are 11 ar arc ayes. This resolution is adopted unanimously and thank you. Si think the next item is Public Comment. For individuals who would like to dial in for Public Comment, the telephone number has been crawling across the screen and is on the website, as well, and it is for 156550001. And when prompted, enter the access code which is scrolling at 921462660 and press pound twice to join the meeting. To be added to the cue to speak or raise your hand, dial star 9. The system will prompt you when it is your turn and all speakerrers are cueing up, ill provide the best practises and you should call from a quiet location, speak slowly and clearly. Each speaker will have two minutes or up to two minutes to deliver your comments. If youre utilizing an interpreter, the interpreter will separately be timed for two minutes and keep your comments within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board and we have from the office of Civic Engagement three interpreters who are assigned to our Board Meetings during the local emergency and i would like each of them to say hello to let the Community Know theyre here for them. And well start with mr. Fayette. speaking Foreign Language . Thank you, madam clerk. Miss lee, let the Community Know youre here, please,. speaking Foreign Language . Im done, thank you. Mr. Arturo cosenza. speaking Foreign Language in operations, can you please seven the first caller through and youll have up to two minutes. Welcome, caller. So my nap name is francisco lacosta and the commission is in disarray. And the San Francisco Police Commission hasnt met in many years, many months until we made some noise and so they have met once or twice. And i was paying attention to the rules committee. There were two black candidates, one worse than the other and theyre now sitting on the San Francisco Police Commission and now shes chosen two other candidates, unfit to be on the Police Commission. And this is all connected. Its connected so much so that the board of supervisors are pull our hair and they dont know what to do and i dont want to go into the details. But what is happening to our city . We dont have a functional tax force, a functional Ethics Commission and board of supervisors that wags their tongue and the mayor chooses two dysfunctional Police Candidates to be on the commission. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Welcome call e. Er. You have up to two minutes. Im speaking with items 20 and 21. There was a Technical Glitch is i was in the cue for two hours and if appropriate, take a revote on this tax issue for 3 4 bush street. Im with the law firm of rubin, junias and rose. Excuse me for a second. Stop his time. Youre kind of out of order but i dont think my colleagues would mind if you were to speak. One of my colleagues or some of my colleagues object, go ahead and continue. Thank you very much. I want to preserve the taxpayers rights here with respect to the issue at hand. I did want to point out a couple of issues. The taxpayer property recorded the transaction in march of 2018 and did not receive the reassessment of the transfer tax for approximately two years. So the penalties in interest are over 50 of the tax. Its 113,000, approximately, and if the taxpayer had known what the tax would be, we would have been able to get it paid much quicker. This is a small company, 100 minority owned and 50 women owned. They are giving their tenants tax breaks and support local businesses and within of the tenants is sams restaurant, a local establishment thats been around for many, many years. There are some issues with the value of the property. The assessor has not yet reassessed the property and we have not had an opportunity to appeal the valuation and theres a disagreement about the revenue and tax code, 1114b and there are tates law and federal regulations which we believe require that the transfer tax be based on the consideration paid, not the value of the property. And this was a membership interest transfer and this ordinance is relatively new and it has not been tested in the courts. So there is a dispute. Weve inninge indicated with the assessor we would rather work with them rather than create a test case. I urge the board to allow us the opportunity to do that and not impose a lean on this local minorityowned business, especially in this economic environment thats very volatile. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your comments and for the record, mr. President , my staff are telling me that there was no one else in the cue at the time. There was no one who had raised their hand. However, i understand this is a new system to all of us and so, as with the rest of us, it may be difficult or hard to figure out hard to use, but just for the record, i wanted to let you know there was no glitches on our side. No, no, i wasnt in indicating that. I was indicating that we heard the item. Very good. I think we have one other call earl ierin the cue. Is that true . Yes, direct. Ok, welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes, welcome. I think you have the wrong name. Is it my turn . Yes, mr. Warfield, go ahead. This is Peter Warfield and im speaking with two hats. The first point to make is on behalf of equity for older students and we can be reached at equityforolder students protonmail. Com. On thursday night, and, in fact friday morning at 7 30 a. M. , the board of trustees at city college voted to extend the lease only so long as it would be necessary through september to remove the heavy gear and other gear that is part of city colleges presence there for more than 45 years and so to end fort mason as a site, as a campus of city college. We have been very concerned since at least november that the trustees have been practicing age discrimination by cutting more than 90 of the older Adult Students Program from 76 about a year and a half ago classes to 52 in the fall and for the spring, they scheduled before covid19 just five. Thats an all of complete destruction of the older adult program. And now they are basically ending over 45 years of presence in fort mason in a step that is likely to be permanent and irreversible. And underscores the older adult, basically, diminishment or elimination because that is where a unti number of the older adult programs existed and there was a kind of community. All of the arguments, in terms of facts, are highly questionable to put it po polity all and of the classes are high enrollment and on and on. We act ask that you in any budgt discussion as well as legislation look to make sure thank you, mr. Warful, for your comments. Hi, this is adam chung. I want to speak about past residents as a whole. What will you doing about Police Reform overall . What is the plan . We havent heard anybody addressed this directly. Weve talked around it and had other items that were adjacent and no one in San Francisco government has yet stepped up and said, we are going to tackle the problem of Police Reform headon. These are the problems we see. These are the problems that were going to address. We havent even heard the first steps of the plan to dig into those issues. So i would urge you all to put something on the agenda for an upcoming meeting, to start a committee if you need to do that wanthat, whatever the process i, take it off and dont just let that question go unanswered during Board Meetings, during press conferences because thats what youre constituents want to know. How will you solve the problem, not how are we all going to complain about it . Thank you. Thank you for your comments, sir. Any other speakers . That concludes the speakers in the cue. Thank you. And s then Public Comment is now closed. Madam clerk, can you go ahead and just call the adoption on Committee Reference agenda items, 2534 . Yes, items 2534 were introduced for adoption without reference to committee and a unanimous vote is required for resolutions on First Reading today. Alternatively, any supervisor may require a resolution to go to committee. Commissioner stephanie. I would like to sever item number 26. Are you muted, mr. President . Thank you, anybody e else wat to sever any items . 27 and 28. Item 31. Mr. President , were you interested in item number 29 . Its ok. Thank you. Ok, can you go ahead and call role on the remainder of the items. On items 25, 30, 32, 33 and 34, supervisor hainey wait, and 29 . And 29, thank you, mr. President. Yes, thank you. Supervisor hainey. Aye. Soup stor role call . There are 11 ayes. Ok, so these motions are approved and resolutions are adopted. And so lets go to item number 26. Item 26 is a resolution to support California State Senate bill number 939, authorized by senator scott weiner and coauthored by david choo and phil ting to protect nonprofit organizations from evictions and permit Small Businesses or restaurants that have experienced a decline in revenue during the shelterinplace to terminate commercial leases. Supervisor stephanie. Thank you, president yee. I would like to continue this item to the june 23rd meeting. Ok, motion has been made and is there a second . Second, peskin. So seconded by peskin and call role, please. On the motion to continue item 26 to june 23 role call . There are 11 ayes. Call items 27 and 28. To meet remotely during the shelterinplace order and to authorize the local homeless coordinating board to meet remotely during the covid19 shelterinplace order. Ok, supervisor hainey. So the mayor had 16 supplemental which was city advisory bodies and boards are again authorized to meet so that mean these motions are to longer by the board and i want to thank my cosponsors, supervisor ronen, preston and walton. Given the provision and the mayors order that for nonchartered bodies that the meetings must, quote, reasonably require the time of staff with Emergency Operations, motioning to continue both items to next weeks meeting to explore the impact of this requirement and make sure that these two bodies can meet in a timely fashion to address rapidly changing shelter policies despite the staff time required to run these meetings. please stand by . President yee okay. I believe we need to have a motion to excuse shamann i mean, supervisor walton. Supervisor safai so moved. Supervisor safai. Second. President yee okay. There is a motion and a second. Roll call vote, please. Clerk on the motion to excuse supervisor walton [roll call] clerk there are ten ayes. President yee okay. So the motion to excuse is passed unanimously. The item itself. Clerk on item 31 [roll call] 23rs. President yee okay. Then the motion is approved. Welcome back, supervisor walton, and congratulations. Madam clerk, i have to ask that we rescind the first vote for items 25, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 because i want to sever 29 out of there. Clerk okay. On the motion to rescind, mr. President president yee do i need a second . Clerk yes, you do. President yee can i have a second on the motion . Supervisor stefani second. President yee made by supervisor stefani. Can you call the vote . Clerk mr. President , you dont need to rescind the entire vote, you just need to rescind the vote on the item youre hearing. President yee okay. Ill rescind the vote on item 29. Clerk and the second. President yee supervisor stefani, is it okay . Supervisor stefani yes, go ahead. Clerk on the motion to resci rescind . President yee yes, go ahead and call the roll. Clerk on the motion to rescind [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Thank you. So motion to rescind passes. Colleagues, im sorry. I should have severed this item. What id like to do is make a motion to continue this item until our next meeting on june 9, for the same rationale as what supervisor haney gave for 27 and 28, so can i have a second to continue this item . Supervisor fewer second. President yee made by supervisor fewer, i believe. Supervisor fewer yes, thats me. President yee okay. So madam clerk, please call the roll. Clerk on the motion to continue item 29 to june 9 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee good. So the motion to continue to june 9 passes. Madam clerk, can you read the in memoriams . Clerk todays meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals on behalf of supervisor peskin, for the late richard alioto. On behalf of supervisor yee for the late donnetta e lane. On behalf of supervisor ronen on supervisor hanzanetti. On behalf of supervisor walton, for the late lottie titus, and on behalf of supervisor ronen, for the late george floyd. President yee thank you. Colleague, that brings us to the end of the agenda tonight. Madam clerk, is there any further business before us today . Clerk that continues that concludes our business for today. President yee thank you very much. Meeting adjourned. When i look at an old neon sign thats working or not working, i feel the Family Business that was in there. Since 2009, citywide, sf shines, has supported businesses and sites like the ones that receive new neon signs. You know, sf shines is doing an amazing job to bring back the lighting and the neon glow of San Francisco. Sf shines is such an amazing program, and i cant think of another program in another city that gives matching gunned funds to store owners, mom and pop owners, and if theyve got a neon sign, theyve really got a great way to advertise their business. This is a continuation of the sf shines program. Focusing other neon signs is relatively new to us. Of the seven neon signs, weve invested about 145,000. A good quality sign costs more, but it lasts infinitily longer. As opposed to lasting five years, a good neon sign will last 15 to 20 years. In San Francisco, the majority of neon signs are for momandpop businesses. In order to be able to restore these signs, i think it gives back to your community. Part of the project has to do with prioritizing certain signs in the neighborhood based on their aesthetics, based on their current signs, and base on the history. In the time that weve been here, weve seen a number of signs restored just on eddy street. There are a number of signs in the tenderloin and many more that are waiting or wanting to be restored. I have worked with randall and al, and weve mapped out every single one of them and rated them as to how much work they would need to get restored. That information is passed onto sf shines, and they are going to rank it. So if they have x budget for a year, they can say all right, were going to pick these five, and theyre putting together clusters, so they build on top of whats already there. A cluster of neon signs is sort of, i guess, like a cluster of grapes. When you see them on a corner or on a block, it lights up the neighborhood and creates an ambient glow. If you havy got two of three of them, youve created an atmosphere thats almost like a movie set. Some of the hotel, weve already invested in to get those neon signs for people to enjoy at night include the elk hotel, jefferson hotel, the verona, not to mention some weve done in chinatown, as well as the citys portal neighborhood. We got the fund to restore it. It took five months, and the biggest challenge was it was completely infested with pigeons. Once we got it clean, it came out beautiful. Neon signs are often equated with film noir, and the noir genre as seen through the hollywood lens basically depicted despair and concentration. You would go downtown and see the most recent Humphrey Bogart film filled with neon in the background. And youd see that on Market Street, and as Market Street got seedier and seedier and fewer people continued to go down, that was what happened to all the neon strips of light. The film nori might start with the light filled with neon signs, and end with a scene with a single neon sign blinking and missing a few letters. One of my favorite scenes, orson welles is chasing ririt Rita Hayworth with neon signs in the background. I think what the office of economic and Workforce Development is very excited with is that well be able to see more neon signs in a concentrated way lit up at night for visitors and most especially residents. The first coin laundry, the elm hotel, the Western Hotel are ones that we want to focus on in the year ahead. Neon signs are so iconic to certain neighborhoods like the hara, like the nightcap. We want to save as many historic and legacy neon signs in San Francisco, and so do they. We bring the expertise, and they bring the means to actually get the job done. People in tenderloin get really excited as they see the signs relit. As youre driving through the tenderloin or the city, it pretty much tells you something exciting is happening here. Knee an was created to make the night more friendly and advertise businesses. Its a great way of supporting and helping local businesses. Theres so many ways to improve Public Safety. The standard way is having more eyes on the street, but theres other culturally significant ways to do that, and one those ways is lighting up the streets. But what better way and special way to do that is by having old, historic neon signs lighting up our streets at night and casting away our shadows. When i see things coming back to life, its like remembering how things were. Its remembering the hotel or the market that went to work seven days a week to raise their money or to provide a service, and it just it just it just the items before us today were recess from the june 2, 2020, Board Meeting. Will you please call the roll. [roll call]

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