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Through city hall or set hours until 4 00 p. M. How is that for a nonlawyer on the fly . [ laughter ] that sounds good to me and the provided would be, basically, subject to the city administrators determination. So the board wouldnt be requiring the front door to be open, but you would be conditioning the reopening of the treasurer Tax Collectors Office on the city administrator allowing assets through the front door. What i said was either that theyre allowed access or that its there to redirect individuals to the growth street entrance. I dont want anybody to come to the front door didn and nobodyl be there and then theyll end up in some unfortunate situation. Thats what im trying to solve for here. Ive got it. I think thats provided that language or provided however language. That accomplishes that. Im not an attorney, but i think ive expressed my policy considerations. We will commit to having if the door is not open, we will have staff out there in orange, bright vests, easily identify, on adebtoalert to let everybodye to go and that would be great. Deputy City Attorney, did you capture the wording . Roughly, and i will work it out on paper and send it to the clerk after the meeting ends. Ok, so the intention is there and youll just i cant think of that wording, but we can vote on it. Yes. So i like to make my motion which quite clearly says that either individuals can go through the front door or that the city will be there to staff them and send them through the growth street entrance. So second. Second. Supervisor safaye. Motion made seconded and on the amendment itself, madam clerk, can we have a role call . On the amendment to number 2 can we repeat what the amendment is . Through the president to supervisor walton, this is soup store peskin, my amendment was that any member of the public who is attempting to pay their property taxes on 15, may, before 4 00 p. M. , most people who paid them in person go to the poke street carlton b. Goodlet entrance and that either they are let into the building or if they are not let into the building as the treasurer indicated, there will be individuals to redirect them into the grove street entrance, whereby they can go into the light court and subsequently pay their property taxes. So either the city administrator opens up the front door or there are humans to rerefer those people into the grove street entrance and that is the sum and substance of my amendment. If i may, mr. President , just to clarify the this is john givener again. The resolution authorizes the treasurer Tax Collectors Office to remain open at 4 00 p. M. Presumably until 5 00 p. M. On the 15th. It can only be open to 4 00 on the days preceding and i dont believe supervisor peskins amendment changes that. Right, that through the president is correct, mr. Givener. Madam clerk, continue. On item number 25. role call . There are 11 ayes. The motion carries to amend. Mr. President , i had my name on the roster and i have a question to ask for the treasurer, if thats ok. Yes, supervisor safaye. So im sorry, i was waiting for supervisor peskin to finish his amendments. But i have one clarifying question and mr. Givener pointed out this office will be open until 4 00 p. M. Prior to may 15th, but it doesnt say what days its open and im wondering how the public is going to know what days its open prior to may 15th and if it makes sense to just call out what day actually the treasurer, Tax Collector intends to reopen its office. Thank you, supervisor. We are planning to be open on both the 13th and the 14t 14th from 9 00 a. M. To 4 00 p. M. On both of those days and then on the 15th, friday, the deadline day from 9 00 a. M. To 5 00 p. M. For regular hours. So i would just want to be clear and i appreciate you letting me announce that here so people will know that they will actually have three days to come to city hall and make their property tax payments. My question, through the chair, would it make sense, then, to actually put that in, since were making the amendment about clarity in terms of the front door, to not just put into the resolution that its open on those days. Would you like to make a motion to add that language it would be open for business for those two days . As stated by the treasurer, that we would add in the office shall be open may 13th and 14th from 1 00 a. M 9 00 a. M. To 4 00 p. M. So is there a second . Second, sandra fewer. Didnt madam clerk, please call the role on the amendment. role call perfor. There are 11 ayes. So the motion passes. Madam clerk, lets go and take role on the resolution as amended. On item 25, supervisor role call . There are 11 ayes. So the resolution as amended is adopted. Lets go to item number 26. Item number 26, resolution to support a family constitutional amendment number 5, introduced by family members from the november 3, 2020 general election to reinstate affirmative action in Public Contact hiring and Public Education. Ok, colleagues, i just want to thank everyone for cosponsoring this item. And i just heard today that the aca5 got out of the Assembly Committee and will be going to the next step in the process. We had a process conference on this issue today, sponsored by the chinese affirmative action and i want to thank them for their work in pushing this issue ahead. We hope to get this on the ballot for november so that we can finally get rid of prop 209. Madam clerk supervisor peskin. Yes. Madam clerk. Im happy to talk about aca5. [ laughter ] ok, madam clerk, please call the role. role call . Item 26 there are 11 ayes. This resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, 27. Item 27, resolution to urge govern gavin newsom and secretary of state to adopt and implement election reforms for the president ial election including votebymail ballots for every registered voter to provid paivoter. inaudible . Thank you for cosponsoring this that Governor Newsom will be making an executive order about election for novembers president ial election, specifically to expand vote by mail. However, i am concerned there may not be a universal guidance on inperson voting options for the state. While pro cautionary measures need to be taken to ensure Public Health safety during the election, we cannot allow democracy to be undermined by county discretion. More mass Public Education on how to vote and ensuring that equity is center in any of these models that we implement so that the ederly people with disabilities, young voterrers and nonenglish speakers have fair and equal access. I really hope that we can continue advocating so that there are some limited, safe options in november statewide and i want to recognize San Francisco rising and the Chinese Association of justice and just cause, asian law caucus and acl ultimatufor ongoing advocacy. Madam clerk, a role call. Item 27 role call . I didnt hear with the rumbling. Item number 27. role call . There are 11 ayes. Thank you. So this resolution is adopted unanimously. So madam clerk, item number 28. Item 28 is the resolution to recognise and celebrate may as Asian Pacific American Heritage month in the city and county of San Francisco and honor the countless contributions of the Asian Pacific american community. Thank you, madam clerk and thank you colleagues for your patience in the last few items. I want to thank you for all of you, for your cosponsorship of this item to celebrate the Asian Pacific American Heritage month. As you all know, traditions and policies to hold special accommodations for Asian Pacific American Heritage month on the first tuesday of may. Because due to the shelterinplace orders, that was suspended. I hope we can do that again, but for now, the celebration will continue in spirit and online virtually. May is a very significant month for the Apa Community because of two historical events. One is the arrival of the first japanese immigrants to the United States on may 7, 1843 and the other is may 10, 1869, Chinese Railroad workers day. Now more than ever, we need to rise with the Asian Pacific americans in unity, given the rise in racism and genophobia during this pandemic and we will not be doing special commendations and this will promote events and activities taking place this month and in to honor an apa individual or organization in your district through social media. I want to thank claudine chang and all for moving their events online and coordinating a very interactive program. I want to include the center for Asian American media, the 50th h center of San Francisco, cyc on the occasion of their 50t 50th anniversary and Japanese Community youth center, jcyc on the occasion of their 50t 50th anniversary and the San Francisco Sister City Committee on their occasion of their 25th anniversary. I hope we can come together to continue to elevate the voices and experiences of those in our community that have made countsless contributions. So i believe that everybody should have gotten a copy of the amendments that i would like to introduce. Is there a second t for these amendment his. Second. Seconded by supervisor peskin. Could i have a role call, please. I would like to shot out to norman reverend fong at the China Community center for empowering young people for taking care of old people and for parts, for housing, for keeping it fun and as reverend fong says, youre beautiful. I will second that. I will second your statement. Madam clerk, please call the role on the amendment. On number 28 role call . There are 11 ayes. Madam clerk, please call role on resolution as amended. Item 28 as amended. role call . There are 11 ay session. Yes. Its adopted unanimously. Okay, so basically, madam clerk any in memorium. This will be ajourned on behalf of supervisor peskin, alison wong and on behalf of supervisor peskin, is dave lupell. Ok, colleagues, that brings us to the end of our agenda. Madam clerk, any other business before us today . Just to thank our strong, Technical Team today who produced our meeting and thank you, guys, john, brent and to apologize to the public for the inconveniences. If you for staying with us and colleagues, thank you for indulging me in the last half an hour. Meeting is adjourned. Roughly five years, i was working as a high school teacher, and i decided to take my students on a surfing field trip. The light bulb went off in my head, and i realized i could do much more for my students taking them surfing than i could as their classroom teacher, and that is when the idea for the city surf project was born. Working with kids in the ocean that arent familiar with this space is really special because youre dealing with a lot of fear and apprehension but at the same time, a lot of excitement. When i first did it, i was, like, really scared, but then, i did it again, and i liked it. Well get a group of kids who have just never been to the beach, are terrified of the idea, who dont like the beach. Its too cold out, and its those kid that are impossible to get back out of the water at the end of the day. Over the last few years, i think weve had at least 40 of our students participate in the city surf project. Surfing helped me with, like, how to swim. Weve start off with about two to four sessions in the pool before actually going out and surfing. Swimming at the pool just helps us with, like, being, like, comfortable in the water and being calm and not being all not being anxious. So when we started the city surf project, one of the things we did was to say hey, this is the way to earn your p. E. Credits. Just getting kids to go try it was one of our initial challenges for the first year or two. But now that weve been doing it three or four years, we have a group of kids thats consistent, and the word has spread, that its super fun, that you learn about the ocean. Starting in the morning, you know, i get the vehicles ready, and then, i get all the gear together, and then, i drive and go get the kids, and we take them to a local beach. We usually go to linda mar, and then occasionally ocean beach. We once did a special trip. We were in capitola last year, and it was really fun. We get in a circle and group stretch, and we talk about specific safety for the day, and then, we go down to the water. Once we go to the beach, i dont want to go home. I cant change my circumstances at home, but i can change the way i approach them. Our program has definitely been a way for our students to find community and build friends. I dont really talk to friends, so i guess when i started doing city surf, i started to, like, get to know people more than i did before, and people that i didnt think id like, like, ended up being my best friends. Its a group sport the way we do it, and with, like, close camaraderie, but everybodys doing it for themselves. Its great, surfing around, finding new people and making new friendships with people throughout surfing. It can be highly developmental for students to have this time where they can learn a lot about themselves while negotiating the waves. I feel significantly, like, calmer. It definitely helps if im, like, feeling really stressed or, like, feeling really anxious about surfing, and i go surfing, and then, i just feel, like, im going to be okay. It gives them resiliency skills and helps them build selfconfidence. And with that, they can use that in other parts of their lives. I went to bring amy family o the beach and tell them what i did. I saw kids open up in the ocean, and i got to see them connect with other students, and i got to see them fail, you know, and get up and get back on the board and experience success, and really enjoy themselves and make a connection to nature at the same time. For some kids that are, like, resistant to, like, being in a Mentorship Program like this, its they want to surf, and then later, theyll find out that theyve, like, made this community connection. I think they provided level playing fields for kids to be themselves in an open environment. For kids to feel like i can go for it and take a chance that i might not have been willing to do on my own is really special. We go on 150 surf outings a year. Thats yearround programming. Weve seen a tremendous amount of youth face their fears through surfing, and that has translated to growth in other facets of their lives. I just think the biggest thing is, like, that they feel like that they have something that is really cool, that theyre engaged in, and that we, like, care about them and how theyre doing, like, in general. What i like best is they really care about me, like, im not alone, and i have a group of people that i can go to, and, also, surfing is fun. Were creating surfers, and were changing the face of surfing. The feeling is definitely akin to being on a roller coaster. Its definitely faster than i think you expect it to be, but its definitely fun. It leaves you feeling really, really positive about what that kids going to go out and do. I think its really magical almost. At least it was for me. It was really exciting when i caught my first wave. I felt like i was, like it was, like, magical, really. When they catch that first wave, and their first lights up, you know their face lights up, you know you have them hooked. I was on top of the world. Its amazing. I felt like i was on top of the world even though i was probably going two miles an hour. It was, like, the scariest thing id ever done, and i think it was when i got hooked first its always the hardest and when they look back they really wont see you, but its the path that youre paving forward for the next one behind you that counts. Hi, my name is jajaida durden and im the acting superintendent for the bureau of forestry and i work for public works operations. And im over the landscaping, the shop and also the arborist crew. And some tree inspectors as well. I have been with the city and county of San Francisco for 17 years. And i was a cement mason, that was my first job. When i got here i thought that it was too easy. So i said one day ill be a supervisor. And when i run this place it will be ran different. And i i didnt think that it wod happen as fast as it did, but it did. And i came in 2002 and became a supervisor in 2006. And six months later i became the permanent supervisor over the shop. With all of those responsibilities and the staff youre also dealing with different attitudes and you have to take off one hat and put on another hat and put on another hat. And shes able shes displayed that she can carry the weight with all of these different hats and still maintain the respect of the director, the Deputy Director and all of the other people that she has to come in contact with. Shes a natural leader. I mean with her staff, her staff thinks highly of her. And the most important thing is when we have things that happen, a lot of emergencies, shes right by me and helps me out every time that i have asked. My inspiration is when i was a young adult was to become a fire woman. Well, i made some wrong decisions and i ended up being incarcerated, starting young and all the way up to an adult. When i was in jail they had a Little Program called Suppers Program and i supers program, and i met strong women in there and they introduced me to construction. I thought that the Fire Department would turn me down because i had a criminal history. So i looked into options of what kind of construction i could do. While i was in jail. And the program that i was in, they retrained us on living and how to make the right decisions and i chose construction. And cement mason didnt require a High School Diploma at that time so i figured i could do that. When i got out of jail they had a program in the philmore area and i went there. My first day out i signed up and four days later i started to work and i never looked back. I was an apprentice pouring concrete. And my first job was mount zion Emergency Hospital which is now ucsf. And every day that i drive by ucsf and i look at the old mount zion emergency, i have a sense of pride knowing that i had a part of building that place. Yeah, i did. I graduated as an apprentice and worked on a retrofit for city hall. I loved looking at that building and i take big pride in knowing that i was a part of that retrofit. My first for formen job was a 40 Story Building from the ground up. And its a predominantly male industry and most of the times people underestimate women. Im used to it though, its a challenge for me. As a female youre working with a lot of guys. So when they see a woman, first they dont think that the woman is in charge and to know that shes a person that is in charge with operations, i think that its great, because its different. Its not something i mean, not only a female but the only female of color. I was the first female finisher in the cement shop and i was the first crew supervisor, in the shop as a woman. When i became a two, the supervisors would not help me. In the middle, theyd call me a rookie, an apprentice and a female trying to get somewhere that she dont belong. Oh, it was terrible. It was terrible. I didnt have any support from the shop. The ones who said they supported me, they didnt, they talked about me behind my back. Sometimes i had some crying, a lot of crying behind doors, not in public. But i had a lot of mentors. My mentor i will call and would pick up the phone and just talk, talk, talk, please help me. What am a i going to do . Hang in there. It was frustrating and disheartening, it really was. But what they didnt understand is that because they didnt help me i had to learn it. And then probably about a year later, thats when i started to lay down the rules because i had studied them and i learned them and it made me a good supervisor and i started to run the ship the way that i wanted to. It was scary. But the more i saw women coming through the shop, i saw change coming. I knew that it was going to come, but i didnt know how long it would take. It was coming. In the beginning when i first came here and i was the first woman here as a finisher, to see the change as it progressed and for me to become a permanent assistant superintendent over the cement shop right now, thats my highlight. I can look down at my staff and see the diversity from the women to the different coaches in here and know that no one has to ever go through what i went through coming up. And i foster and help everyone instead of pushing them away. Ill talk to women and tell them they can make it and if they need any help, come talk to me. And they com knock on my door ad ask how i move up and how i get training. Im always encouraging to go to school and encourage them to take up some of the training with d. P. W. And i would tell them to hold strong and understand that things that we go through today that are tough makes you stronger for tomorrow. Although we dont like hearing it at the time that were going through all of this stuff, it helps you in the long run to become a better woman and a person good afternoon and welcome to the may 5th, 2020 regular meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors and i want to wish everybody a happy cinco de mio. Madam clerk, please call the roll. role call . Mr. President , you have quorum. Thank you, madam clerk. Will you please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfg tv who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available to public online. And madam clerk, any communications . Yes, mr. President. During the Ongoing Health emergency, members are participating in the Board Meeting through Video Conference to the same extent as if they were physically present in the meeting and members of the public are encouraged to participate remotely in the following ways. If you do not have the internet, the u. S. Postal service will deliver your written correspondence, address the envelope to the San Francisco board of supervisors, city hall, room 244, San Francisco california, 94102 or you may use your cell phone to listen to the meeting and use the telephone number on your screen 888 2045984. When prompted enter the access code 3501008, press pound and press pound again to join and listen to the meeting in progress. If you have the internet, you can submit your written correspondence via email to boarddov. Supervisors sfgov. Org. You can watch the Board Meeting livestreamed at www. Sfgov. Org or you can watch the meeting on channel 26. Please note the meeting is cable tasked and results in a 20 to 30 second broadcast delay. You wish to provide public comment, you can wait until item 17 is called and best practises are that you call in early to the meeting to be early in the line. Call from a quiet location, mute your television or your radio and speak clearly and slowly. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board and although were nearing election time, there is no electioneering at these meetings and youll be placed on paused and redirected. If that continues, you may be cut off. Please address the board as a whole, not individual members. Dial the telephone number stated earlier, 888 2045984 and enter the access code 3501008 and again press pound, pound again to join the meeting. Nowe will ask you at the time if youre interested in getting into the line to speak, dial 10 and that will move you into the speakers line. Office of civic engagement, the director there has assigned three interpreters who are standing by to assist speakers in various languages and i would appreciate it if the individuals would introduce themselves. Can we start with arturo conse h nza. Arturo consenzo. speaking spanish . speaking Foreign Language . Thank you, thats all for me. And agnes lee. To. Yes, im agnes lee. speaking Foreign Language . Thank you, miss lee. Ok, mr. President , i believe that concluding my portion of communications. Thank you, madam clerk. So before we get started, just a friendly are reminder to all of the supervisors to mute your microphones when you are not speaking to avoid audio feedback. Ok, next we will have supervisor mar to share an update from the Emergency Operations center and i want to thank supervisor mar for being here last week and not only last week, but he volunteered to stay there again this week. Didnand i want to extend my ths to supervisor fewer who has been down there as a mainstay at this point for about a month now and i really appreciate your leadership for the board down at the eoc. Supervisor mar. President yee. Yes, im pleased to offer this quick update as the current board liaison to the Emergency Operation center and this past week, al. Allen wong and i had the opportunity to pair up with staff and this has been a truly unique and valuable experiences. I would like to start with a key point on data. From monday, april 27th to friday may 3rd, the number of confirmed covid cases increased sitly from 1,517 to 1,728, an increase of 217 cases. And the number of covid19related deaths increased slightly from 27 to 31. And the covid19 hospitalization count declined slightly from 89 patients at the beginning of the week to 86 at the end of the week. And finally, the covid19 patients in hospitals of the covid19 patients in hospitals, the number in intensive care units declined from 28 to 26. These key data points from last week reflect our continuing success at preventing a surge in hospitalizations and in kentuck9 deaths in our cities. Over the past week, it can be attributed to the continued expansion to of testing in our city. The biggest event of last week was obviously the extension of our shelterinplace health order until the end of may, along with slight loosening on Outdoor Recreational activities. This along with govern newsoms announcement yesterday, into the transition of phase two of the statewide fourstage reopening plan has meant were starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and greater attention is focused on how to gradually loosen restrictions being guided by public and Safety Health precautions. The eoc continues to focus on the priorities to build a capability for effective, safe, efficient and equitable testing shelter and feeding operations to mitigate, prepare, respond to and recover from covid19. On a high level, i would like to share that the eoc is supporting dphs testing expansion by leading the efforts to add two new potential testing sites that will be operated by the state. And developing a Multilingual Outreach Campaign for all essential workers regardless of symptoms or exposure. The eoc is supporting feeding efforts delivering upward of 2,000 meals per day to those in need, including those isolating or quarantining at home with no one to care for them and those who are food insecure and unshelted home responsibilities. Wresidents. We are transporting o hotel sites, delivering ppe to Disaster Service workers and guests and linking congregate housing sites to cleaning sites and completing assessments tor alternative care and medical sites to plan for feature medical surge and providing resources to stand up near housing sites. We are also continuing to procure face coverings and are partnering with the human Rights Commission, hsh, the police fire and Sheriffs Office and cbos to deliver them to the most vulnerable members of our city. The eoc also lead a block by block assessment of the tenderloin with Community Groups to help form lat few formulate n plan for all of those who work is live there. The eoc launched a publicfacing covid19 alternative housing tracker. I would like to thank Mary Ellen Carol and the Service Workers who have stepped up in this time of need to response to the health and economic emergency in our city. Their professionalism, outstanding work ethic has been truly impressive and inspiring and finally this week as president yee noted, my office voted to keep serving for a second week. However, we need volunteers for next week and beyond. So please reach ou reach out tod leliaison if you can provide ths role. Thank you for allowing me to provide this update to the board. Youre on multimute, mr. President. Thank you, madam clerk. Thank you, supervisor mar, for the update. Ok, colleagues, today we have approving the minutes from the march 17th, 2020 meeting. Are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Hold on a second. Im going to make sure i have chat on. I see on the roster. So then, can i have a motion to approve the minutes made by fewer and seconded by preston. And madam clerk, will you please call the role. On the minutes, supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor hainey. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Of aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. And supervisor stephanie. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Madam clerk, please call items one through three. Items one through three pertain to the mission rock facilities and services items. Item one is the resolution to declare the results of the special election and to direct segregatiothe special tax distr. Item two is the resolution to authorize and ratify the issuance and sale of bonded indebtedness and other debt in an aggregate principle amount not to exceed 3. 7 million and item 3 is the ordinance to levy special taxes within the city and county of San Francisco for the special tax district number 20201. I believe supervisor peskin is on the roster. No, madam clerk, i was trying to second the Board Meeting minutes, sow can remove my name from the roster. Thank you. Mr. President , do you need to be unmuted . Role call . Silence is golden. Could i have role call on 13 . Supervisor walton on 13. Aye. Supervisor ye. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor hainey. Aye. Supervisor mendleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. And supervisor stephanie. Aye. There are 11 ay session. Es. Ok, withou without objectione resolutions are adopted and the ordinance is passed on first reading. Madam clerk, the next item, number 4. An ordinance to authorize the settlement of lawsuits filed against the city and associated, related and consolidated litigation, pertaining to the milineum tou tower for seismic upgrade, including Court Approval of a Class Action Settlement and this adopts the appropriate environmental findings. Ok, madam clerk, can you please call role. On item 4, supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor hainey. Aye. Supervisor mendlemn. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. There are 11 ayes. The ordinance has passed unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to the next item. Item 5 is a resolution to approve the levy on the secured role of ad velorum and special taxes otaxes. There are subareas i1i13 of City Infrastructure at the port of San Francisco, special district number 20192, pier 70, leased properties and special tax district number 20201, the mission rock facilities and services and to make the appropriate finding. On item 5, supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. There are 11 ac 11ayes. Without objection, this is unanimously. Polisly. Item 6, this is march 1, 2020, board of directors. inaudible . Supervisor walton. Move to continue to the next Board Meeting. Is there a second . Second, supervisor preston. And so question to supervisor walton, can you explain why were continuing this item . Yes. Thank you, supervisor yee. As you know, we are in the middle of a pandemic and a lot of issues that have hit my district and have hit the city which have allowed us to prioritize and i have not had the time to meet with the candidates that have been up for appointment. I believe you have to unmute yourself, madam president. Thank you, supervisor walton for the explanation. Madam clerk, can you call the role on the continuance. Selfny no. There are ten ayes, one no with supervisor stephanie in the dissent. 101 and the motion to continue passes. Sorry, somebod madeitem 7. A resolution to approve a fifth amendment to the agreement between the Sheriffs Office and the San Francisco trial diversion inc to extend this through june 30th, 2021 and to increase the amount by 5. 9 million for a new total not to exceed 15. 86. 15. 86 million. Ok, supervisor stephanie . Thank you, president yee. And i joined the budget and finance Committee Meeting because i have some questions about how the questions of pretrial conversion project for four years has been operating. Ive been supportive of pretrial in the past and worked to secure funds for pretrial and i think its an extremely Important Service partnership wanted t. I wanted to know how many are under monitoring and i ask this because the Sheriffs Office is involved when monitoring. I want to understand if they were duplicating efforts. I asked about the recidivism rate for the clients over their entire tenure and if client participation was interrupted and after the hearing, i want back and did further research on the performance metrics and it does not appear that the preversion follows the standards by the Pretrial Service agencies or the National Institute of corrections, which state that appearance rates and safety rates should be calculated based on a clients entire time, not in 90day increments. I have supported the pretrial diversion projects executive believe they shouland theirmissg they need obligations and that remains true today. This is 6 million for one year and pretrial will get a large number of new clients as the jail population is reduced. The budget legislative Analyst Report income indicates the clil face serious charges. For me, i feel i need a thorough understanding when these individuals are placed in this program, measured according to National Standards and measured according to standards that make sense to me and i dont have the level of confidence i need. I received anticipation answersy questions ten minutes before the meeting and based on the recidivism rates, i will not be able to support this item today, even though i remain supportive of retrial but because i dont have an understanding of the questions i put forward, i cannot support it. Thank you, supervisor stephanie. So madam clerk i believe supervisor safaye is on the roster. I dont see him on the roster. I see supervisor walton. Thank you, president yee, and through the chair. Supervisor stephanie, are you saying that you want more information or are you saying this was not a contract youre going to support any time soon . Supervisor stephanie . Based on what youve received so far, this is a contract i wont support. Thank you. Supervisor stephanie, can you repeat yourself because i lost it for a second there . Yes. So through the president , i have questions about an item that came before another committee and i did my Due Diligence and i looked into whether or not those questions had been thoroughly answered so i could feel comfortable voting on this item before us today. And i did not get the information i needed to feel comfortable voting based on way studied, which are recidivism rates and National Standards and therefore, although i remain supportive of Pretrial Services, the fact the contract is decreasing by 6 million, the performance metrics where i feel comfortable, i will not be able to vote yes today. Thank you, supervisor. Thank you. Was there supervisor safaye and i still dont see him on the roster. No, i took my name of. Oh, i see, thank you. Madam clerk, can you call the role on this item. On item 7 role call . Selfny no, there are ten ayes and one no with supervisor selfny in the dissent. This is adopted with a 101 vote. Madam clerk, the next item. Item 8 is a resolution to authorize retroactive the department of emergency management, to accept an increase of 603,000 to the 2019 urban Area Security Initiative Funds for a new total of 27. 4 million from the u. S. Department of Homeland Security through the California Office of emergency services, september 4, 2019, through may 21, 2022. Ok, then, madam clerk, please call the role. On item 8 role call . There are 11 ayes. Without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. Item 9, to authorize the department of hubble pelt to accept and expand an 88,000 grant from the california state Water Resources control board, a division of Water Quality Beach Safety Program for the public beach safety grant program, july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2022. Madam clerk, please call the role. On item 9 role call . There are 11 ayes. Without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, the next item. Item 10, item 10 was referred without recommendation from the budget and finance committee and the resolution to urge city departments to authorize Additional Funds and support to their contracted nonprofit Homeless Service providers including free testing and incentive pay through increased contract amounts and flexible contract spending. I see nobody on the roster. Go ahead and call role. On item 10, supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor hainy. Aye. Supervisor mandleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Soup storsupervisor ronen. Aaye. There are 11 ayes. The item is adopted unanimously. Item 11, to create the intermediate length occupancy, residential use characteristic and to amend the administrative code to clarify the law regarding the enforceability of six termed leases covered by the cause protections of the residential rent stabilization and arbitration ordinance and prohibit the rental units for temporary occupancies by nontenants, to require landlords to disclose to rent ordinance and to require the controller to conduct a study to analyze the impacts of new intermediatelike occupancy units in the city and to affirm the California Environmental quality determination, thats the seqa determination and make the appropriate findings. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, president yee. I would like to thank the cosponsors of this piece of legislation. Preston, fewer, yourself, mr. President and supervisor stephanie, for your cosponsorship and i would like to thank my chief of staff for her work on this. This legislation was originally introduced in october of last year and it has been the subject of eight Committee Hearings and five amendments. What is before you is legislative draft number 5 and this is an issue the city and county of San Francisco has wrestled with through supervisors mable tang and many others and i think that what were now calling intermediate length occupancies formally known as corporate rentals is going to be fundamentally regulated by this piece of legislation. It makes abundantly clear what has been in the law for many years but has been rather vaguely worded which is that we will not have corporate rentals in rentcontrolled housing ie housing built prior to 1979 and corporate rentals will be appropriately regulated in post 1979 housing and that they are only for natural persons, not corporate persons. This issue was getting ready to be brought to the board right before covid19. A couple of weeks ago, the board had a robust discussion over the lucky penny and that actually brought this back so thank you supervisor stephanie, for your support and cosponsorship and i look forward to, hopefully, passing this unanimously. Thank you, colleagues. Ok, madam clerk, can you please call the role. Mr. President , sorry. I put my name up at the last minute. I just wanted to be added as a cosponsor. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor safaye. I guess the sponsor and i hadnt closed the loop and i would also like to be added as a cosponsor. Thank you, supervisor safaye. Anybody else before i call the role . Ok, it looks like we can call the role not yet, supervisor ronen . I dont think so. I just wanted to be adds as a cosponsor, thank you. On item 11 role call . There are 11 ayes. Without objection, the ordinance is passed. Madam clerk, please call items 12 and 13. The motion appointing the following members to the Soma Community stabilization fund, Advisory Committee and christian martin, residency requirement waived and jenetta johnson, carolyn calledwell, gina rosalis and terms ending december 21, 2023 and for 13, term ending august 20, 2020 and jane philips, term ending to the south of markets Community Planning Advisory Committee. Ok. Give me a second here. I have some technical difficulty here. Let me get back on chat to make sure theres nobody on the roster ok, madam clerk, please call the role on these items. On items 12 and 13 role call . Are 11 ayes. Without objection, approved unanimously. Committee report, madam clerk. It was approved at a special meeting on friday, may 1st and recommended as a Committee Report and an emergency ordinance to limit the spread of covid19 by requiring the city through Service Agreements with third parties to provide staff and maintain Restroom Facilities at a ratio of one restroom per 50 up sheltered persons of the affected date of this ordinance and to suspend charter section 9. 118 and thats the Service Agreements to forego the board of supervisors approval and to perform the seqa determination and this requires twothirds or eight votes, a passage on one meeting. Ok, i believe i heard that supervisor hainey wanted to make some amendments. Do you want to do that, supervisor . I dont see your name on the roster. I would like to make some comments, too. Thank you, president yee. And thank you to my cosponsors and legislation as supervisors preston and mar and i want to thank chair fewer for having an emergency meeting of the budget committee. I have spoken at our Board Meetings many times about the need for more bathroom access and handwashing stations and its urgent everyday, but especially during a pandemic. Our board passed unanimously a resolution in march which calls for adding additional pitstop bathrooms and 24hour restrooms and handwashing station expose wstations and weintroduced thiso require it. We have begun to see some additional toilets go out and im grateful for the work that the mayor and the department of public works has done to abide by parts of this legislation previously. But its critical we put this into law and that we set a standard that is one that reflects what the United Nations and the centers for Disease Control and prevention have. And this legislation would set that standard. It would provide much more accessible access to both handwashing stations and bathrooms, not only for People Living on the streets but also for people who are made to rely on bathrooms because theyre out working or delivery workers or taxi drivers and this will help to protect our city, help to keep folks healthy and also make sure that people get access to the human rights of bathrooms is protected. After discussions with the budget at finance Committee Last week and deferring with public works, there were two amendments by the City Attorney to further clarify and assure this ordinance serves a purpose of providing access to individuals that need it the most and the amendments require that these emergency bathrooms shall be concentrated in areas with the greatest need and located within a thousand feet of any encantment and shall be opened 24 hours a day except for certain specified locations. The emergency bathroom locations from the 24hour requirement are either located in a thermos area or having a pit stop in a reasonable distance and i believe this is something based on press release 30 minutes ago that the mayor is committed to implementing and would bring up once this legislation passes the number of 24hour restrooms in our city to 49. Im note that about a month ago, we had three 24hour bathrooms and with this we will have 49 and any in the future will be 24. This is reimbursable through fema and the ordinance with a recollection from the budget and finance committee and i hope we can support this and support basic human right and stop the spread of covid19 among some of our most vulnerable populations and i would like to move those two amendments. A motion to amend and a second . Seconded by supervisor walton. Madam clerk, please call the role on the ams. Amendments. On the amendments role call . There are 11 ayes. Madam clerk, call the role on the amended ordinance. On item 14, as amended, supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor hainey. Aye. Supervisor mandleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Amounaye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. There are 11 ayes. The motion is passed unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to item 15. Item 15 was considered by the government audit and Oversight Committee at a special meeting on thursday, april 30 and recommended as amended with the same title as the Committee Report. Item 15 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to require the city to close county jail number 4, located on the seventh floor of the hall of justice by november 1st, 20. 2020, to establish a safety and justice challenge subcommittee, to plan for the reduction of the citys daily jail population and closure of county jail number four and affirm the seqa determinations. Supervisor fewer. Yes. Colleagues, i am proud to acts for youaskfor your supports legislation to close county jail number four. I have worked for months with every justice partner and key stakeholder to craft the piece of legislation that increased the urgency to close this dilapidated facility but is also taking into consideration some of the concerns raised by sheriff miamoto. Thank you to the sheriff, District Attorney bodine, public defender and all engaged with that office. Thank you to supervisor hainey for beginning to work on this legislation in october of last year and thank you to all of our other cosponsor, supervisors, walton, ronen, preston, mar, peskin, safaye and mandleman. This does three things. First, it requires the closure of county jail number four in six months by november 1st of 2020. And second, that in order to close the jail, we must reduce the playing to no mor population 90 of the facility, a goal that is stated by the safety and justice challengeworking group, an interagency collaboration that was born when the city received a grant along with than 50 other localities to work for a fairer justice. It formally recognises the missing working group as a subcommittee, and that existing structure and requires that the subcommittee consider to meet the objective of reducing the population so we can safely close county jail number four. The subcommittee will be required to submit two reports to the board of supervisors with progress made, data points and policy recommendations. This legislation is simply creating a mandate to close the facility that everyone agrees needs to be closed. Only on a more aggressive timeline and it has been 24 years since the jail was deemed to be unsafe and slated for demolition and the conditions have only gotten worse. This is long overdue. Our city administrators wanted to close by the end of 2019 and the former sheriff called this facility decrepit. Lets do what needs to be done is close county jail number four. I have two items that are nonsubstantive that would have been shared with all of you and your staff. On page 9, lines 2325, at the request of the sheriff, we are including a language and allowance for the continued use of the jail and laundry facilities at county jail number four in case that the kitchen rehabilitation at county jail number two is not complete compy the november 1st deadline. We want to ensure were not leaving the downtown jail with no facility inaudible . We are discussing key departments with the labor unions representing impacted worker stations at county jail number four. And i want to give out a special thanks, of course, to my legislative aid, kelly burlar and office staff who have worked with chelsea on this. Chelsea worked tirelessly ensuring that we address all of the concerns with the sheriff and, also, that it was responsible legislation to all of San Francisco. This would be to the office of Racial Equity that we passed last year and because of the timeline inaudible . Moving forward, well work with the office and the clerk to ensure a clear process for this racial analysis to be completed prior to legislation being voted on and i would like to call to present a memo from the office of Racial Equity. Thank you, supervisor. Go ahead. Thank you, supervisor fewer. Thank you president yee, thank you, madam clerk and honorable supervisors. Im proud to serve as the inaugural director for the service of Racial Equity, the San Francisco Rights Commission with Cheryl Evans Davis and today, i will present tow our tr Racial Equity assessment for this piece of legislation. Just give me one moment. I will share my slides with you all. My office is in the process of developing tools to make sure that were ensuring that legislation and policies being passed through the board of supervisors does have a Racial Equity lense. This shall report on employment, Public Health, Public Safety and that may have an impact on Racial Equity and racial despairties. So fulfill this requirement, im providing the following brief assessment. And, of course, this is on file 200 372 for the number four closure. So in order to produce this assessment, my office generally asks about five questions and want to make sure that any piece of legislation can meet any one of the following criteria and the criteria is as follows. That the legislation explicitly address racial despairties and passage result in the reduction or elimination of racial inequities and number two, will the legislature protest against racial violence, profiling and explicit biased and discrimination. Number three, will the policy help to eliminate barriers to access resources, social services, Public Benefits and institutions . Four, does the legislation advance full inclusion belonging engagement for everyone in San Francisco and lastly, does the legislation meaningfully approve communities of color or strengthen the ability of people in San Francisco to their potential. This is what we use to assess legislation and i will be given my recommendation moving forward. And so, in looking at our contract Justice System, we know that there ar are very, very dep racial despairties and people of color are funneled into this system and that racial despaireries ardespairties are t system. California is not doing a great job. When we say Racial Equity, i want everybody to be grounded as we define this as the justice for inclusion in society so that all people can reach their full potential, no matter race, ethnicity or background. But, unfortunately, within our criminal Justice System, thats not the case for so many africanamerican, black, latin x, native american, indigenous and Asian American Pacific Island communities. In our racial impact assessment, which you all will be receiving very soon in your inboxes with a fuller review, we have confirmed that this policy will reduce harm and racial despairties in the criminal Justice System for the most critically latin x and native american communities. So the reason why weve come up with that is because the closure of four in the jail population will significantly mitigate racial despairties in San Francisco by reducing unnecessary use of the detention and encouraging use of alternatives, such as pretrial diversion programs. And passage of this legislation will help to look towards longterm Solutions Like the establishment of safety and justice subcommittees which will promote longer lasting and Public Health and Safety Measures for justice involved and individuals, deputy sheriffs, employees and, also, our Greater Community at large. And i want to take a quick moment to stress why we have found this assessment. So im going to stop sharing my screen for just a moment. And im going to add a couple of comments into the public record. We know that black and brown neighborhoods experience destabilization with residents cycling in is out of prison and a lack of resources for reentry into society, such as housing, employment and educational opportunities. Additionally, families of color with loved ones in detention suffer from increased financial stress, trauma, Mental Health distress and dissolution. And further, our criminal Justice System breeds greater wealth inequality from a target system of lowlevel offenders to employment prospects and reduction of wage earnings upon returning home. And we also came to this because legislation addresses several Public Health issues and so the closure of county jail number four is deemed unsafe, plumbing, sewage, kitchen and laundry facilities, falling into deep disrepair and this has been the case for years and these conditions pose ongoing physical threats to the safety of justice involved in individuals, employees and visitors. And we also know that because we are in the covid pandemic and this is a Public Health emergency, that our pandemic has illuminated and worsened racism and health despairties. The population ha underlying heh conditions and due to the correctional facilities, the risk of disease transmission is quite high. A safe reduction of jail population and the closure of county jail number four will help to mitigate the risk of covid19 in our jails. Racial despairties in our jail system can be repaired and disruptived by the introduction of appropriate policy and supervisor fewers legislation does just that. Further, in closing county jail number four, we need to eliminate outofcounty transfers or expansion of jailing through electronic monitoring and eliminating jailbed construction. This must be prioritized. We need to uplift proven and preventative measures to address poverty and redirect resources directly to communities of color, including fair housing, better healthcare, access to Healthy Foods and culturally Competent Services such as Mental Health reform and access to Soldier Health and Substance Abuse treatment. In San Francisco, we need to disrupt root causes of systemic racism with our criminal Justice System and we need to do this through broad population level change. And i hope that through the passage of this legislation, we can do so to restore justice and dignity to those fairly affected by the system. Thank you so much. Thank you. Th. The Sheriffs Office, i bel, would like to speak. Are you on there . I am and thank you everybody over the board for the work on this and the opportunity to speak on its behalf. I just wanted to make sure that everyone is aware that our office has been committed to closing county jail four, as well as our staff. Its seismically unsafe and dilapidated. I appreciate all efforts setting a timeline for this process. I want to just take to moment to make sure everyone is aware that it is prudent to take into consideration our current covid19 pandemic. The pandemic itself reveals just how radically our lives can change in ways we could not have predicted. Although our efforts to reduce the jail population coincide with the Public Health efforts to minimize any exposures in the jails, we dont know yet how this will change over time. And i do want to say, i am extremely grateful to supervisor fewer and her office on the many changes that we have worked on in order to make sure that our office has the flexibility to accommodate any future fluctuations in the jail population. As elected, its our responsibility to be able to listen to everyone and make thoughtful measured decisions and plans. And i do appreciate the collaboration and opportunities that our office has shared, all of our perspectives and concerns. Ultimately, we all share the same of ensuring there are prudent and responsible options in response to the challenge we face with covid19. Covid19 that do not include the use of county jail 4 again and thank you. Thank you. Supervisor fewer, are you done . Yes. I would like to thank everyone for their comments and i have a motion on the table for the amendments that i have just proposed. Ok. Before we take is there a second for that motion . Second. Who was that . Supervisor walton. Thank you, supervisor walton. President yee, im so sorry, i think i see supervisor ronen on the cue. Ill recognise her as soon as i make any statement. My statement. Supervisor fewer, thank you for bringing this discussion today. I will be supporting the legislation to close county jail number four, located at 850 bryant street in the hall of justice. There is widespread agreement from our city leadership that this facility is unsafe and people have been saying that ever since ive been on the board of supervisors. The mayor, assistant District Attorney, public defender, sheriff, county administrator have all agreed that the hall of justice must be closed. The building is seismically unsafe. The Poor Condition of the plumbing, sewage, kitchen and laundry facilities pause Additional Health and safety concerns as was pointed out. Supervisor fewer has worked closely with sheriff miamoto, as we just heard, and justice partners to ensure that the county jail four can be closed safely by november 1st, 2020. The plan laid out in this legislation ensures that the safety of incarcerated people and staff at the facility will not compromise Public Safety. The legislation itself requires a reduction in the jail population to no more than 1,044, which is 90 of the capacity of the remaining jail facilities. And this is for county jails two and five and lets be clear on what this means. We have already meeting this requirement. Over the past year, the city jail population has steadily declined. A few days before the covid19 health crisis, the jail population was 1,063. In this wathis was only 19 above jail county four. As of this week, the jail population was 695, which is 348 below what is required by this legislation. The legislation tests the safety and justice challenge with developing a plan in coordination to an increase of the jail population above 1,444. The subcommittee will not consider the transfer of incarcerated people to out of county facilities in this plan. And that alone was very important that we dont do that, that we wouldnt be sending my inmates out of the county. Sending incarcerated people out county should not be an option at all and never should be considered. Transferring incarcerated people to, but we want to when you send them out of county, it creates difficulties for the families and certainly, we dont need to hide attention and the situation for these families. So i want to emphasize that it is dangerous and irresponsible for anyone to spread this information and rumors that this legislation would somehow make us less safe. We are not closing the jail in an irresponsible way, as far as i could see from the legislation. We are not releasing individuals who would be a threat to themselves or the public. When i supposed to to sheriff miamoto, he stated that this was the case. We are upholding Public Safety by ensuring we do not allow for this unsafe facility to continue operating. Again, thank you to my my colleagues for bringing this forward and working closely with the sheriff and to ensure we have a plan to safely close this facility. We have all known that county jail four needs to be closed and this legislation allows us to do so with the urgency of the situation requires. I would like to adds as a cosponsor. Supervisor ronen. Thank you, president ye. E. Ie. I wanted to express my gratitude and pride that we are finally closing this jail that has been a danger to the human beings that were forced to stay there. It wasnt fit for human habitation. Every time i went there, i couldnt believe that this great city would subject people, individuals to those conditions. And i just want to applaud this effort and the work with sheriff miamoto to get it done. And i just wanted to give a special thanks to my former chief of staff, carolyn gu seconsen,who worked closely with supervisor fewers office and her incredible chief of staff, chelsea boyard. Carolyn is now working for the Public Defenders Office and i wanted to thank her for that. Supervisor stephanie, i believe, is next. I struggled how to vote on this with the Public Safety issues facing this city and i do hear what president yee just said. Before i make a few points, i want to recognise supervisor fewer, for the way she brought this legislation forward is worked closely with our criminal justice departments, including our sheriff, before putting this to a vote and i know that she and her staff wanted to be successful and its going to be. So through the chair, i just want to thank supervisor fewer for shepherding this to completion in such a thoughtful way and for taking time out over the weekend to listen to me and to hear my thoughts and concerns and, you know, i also want to say that i absolutely agree with her didnt all of you about the need to close this building. This building at 850 bryant street has been in deplorable condition and should never have been allowed to deteriorate to this point. Ive been here a long time and the jails closure from neglect and disrepair is not some kind of unavoidable or foregone conclusion and it was a result, i think, from this inability, really, and this refusable to compromise to so many different people and im thinking if supervisor fewer were around back then, we might be in a different position because she has shown herself to listen to so many different sides as we saw last year during the budget season. You know bee, i look back on ths and in 2015, the board rejected that grant to build a new jail and there was widespread recognition that we needed a new facility. That was presupervisor fewer. And then in 2016, former supervisor jane held a hearing on the Behavioral Health center in tandem with law enforcement. We knew there was an overwhelming need with the justiceinvolved population and that was just two of the interventions on this facility all along and all the while, we knew something needed to be done. More should have been done to prevent this from happening in the first place. While we want to move away didnt should movaway andshouldn uncomfortable. Im very appreciative of how supervisor fewer went about this and i want everybody out of that building. San francisco recently celebrated the decline in Violent Crime and historic low homicide rates and i want to recognise all of the Public Safety for making that happen. And for me and i know i have a lense that other people dont have. And i know i have an experience that other people dont have and i try to check my biased opinion but for me, when it comes to crime, lower crime is not none and its not good enough for me. And i just dont feel comfortable with it. We know a lot of crime goes un n reported. And additionally, i cant ignore the fact that we still continue to have the highest property crime rate in california and that the highest rate of property crime among the largest cities in the United States. In fact, we are one of the few coins icoincounties. In the United Statesthat saw a. When you think it doesnt matter to the life of the victim, it does matter a great deal and being victimized and costly and traumatic and our own studies show that we need we havent been able to have a hearing on it we need 200 to 300 more Police Officers to meet the daily calls for service. And like all of you, i want desperately for crime to decrease to such a level we can decrease the jail population further. And i know there are varying degrees of what that looks like for all of us. But closing the jail at this time requires a level of risk im not prepared to take. With that, i want to thank roma guy, because i loveler. Anlove her and iwant to thank hl with my aid and talked about this cautionary risk and how i add hire her anadmire her and jt my lense doesnt allow me to see things the way others are seeing things here. I know this legislation doesnt mandate specifically who is released. Again, im grateful to supervisor fewer for including that level of care. But when i look at the individuals head in county jail four, i know that those individuals have been accused of very serious offenses, because in San Francisco, we dont hold people for lowlevel offences and we should be proud of that. We have done more than more counties in this nation and i think we should be proud of that. Im against mass incarceration and im thankful that San Francisco has done much to remedy this issue and its why we have few people in our jails, because like i said who have committed lowlevel offenses. Prior to thi covid epidemic, San Francisco was the lowest in the state. And now with the advent of this pandemic, both playings are further reduced. And between our low levels of arrest and low levels of detention, i believe San Francisco in a way and maybe ana place to commit certain types of offences and the people who work here experience that everyday. Its something i hear from my constituents time and time again. I think about those who suffer abuse at the hands of others. With regard to Pretrial Services, i really think our Pretrial Services are extremely important and i was very uncomfortable with some of the answers i got. And thats what giving me pause. I just want to be very open and honest and transparent how im feeling on this. I also have to share important questions about the charges facing those slated for release and so much respect for the sheriff and im so happy that he and supervisor fewer were able to work on these amendments. But we havent yet received anticipations to those questions that made me feel comfortable to vote yes. While i do agree with need to close this jail, i dont believe we can do that until i demonstrate to my constituents that we arent putting victims of crime, especially Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault victims at risk and i personally feel i cant yet do that. However, i know that many reasonable people see things differently. And thats why i have so much respect for the people who put this legislation forward because i understand it. Again, i want to thank supervisor fewer for how she worked hard with our sheriff and the legislation to where its gotten and i think its incredible that she was able to pull so many people together and make the amendments that she did. Today, however, based on my comments, i wont be able to support the ordinance at this time. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor safaye. Thank you, president yee. And let me just say thank you to supervisor fewer for all of her amazing hard work on this. I know usually when it gets down to the finish line is when a lot of the final details are put on this project and in terms of i say its a project, even though its an ordinance and its a piece of legislation. But the idea of prisoners and those that are incarcerated being held in unsanitary, unsafe and unsound conditions and everyone agreeing that needed to be dealt with in terms of a priority and then there being a fight about whether we build a new jail or not a new jail, this is what you call, in my opinion, a true balancing act. It was approached in the right way. It started with the point of departure in looking at the reality and looking at the statistics and numbers of how the population has gone down and then reaching out to our sheriff and the sheriff said it best, this is was something too compromised but at the end of the day, we are going to close that and we are going to prioritize the safety of those incarcerated and it does have room to deal with ensuring were not sending people out of county. So i want to thank the sheriff for his willingness and ability to compromise and i want to thank supervisor fewer for her leadership and im proud to be a sponsor and a supporter of this finally moving forward. Thank you. Sheriff, are you still there, by any chance . When were talking talking clog county jail 4, the inmates that there are now, were not releasing the inmates in jail county number four. No, that is correct. Were moving them to the other county jails to have capacity to accommodate for them. Is that correct . Yes. For clarification, what we plan on doing is moving the population currently on the seventh floor and integrating that population into what we have at county jail two and county jail five and thats where right now sou supervisor safaye referenced we have an opportunity to do so president d by the legislation and that is also why i expressed concerns of making sure we have flexibility because in the case our population increases, well only have the two to work with. Thank you very much. Youre confirming what i thought i understood to be so. I just didnt want the public to come out of this discussion thinking that were going to release everybody into the public from the jail, county jail number four. And so we have a motion on the floor to amend and second it . Madam clerk, can you call the role on the amendment. On the amend to item 15 role call . Call . role call . There are 11 ay session ones. Without objection, they are passed. On item 15, supervisor walton. Yes. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor hainey. Aye. Supervisor mendleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Ayee. Supervisor peskin. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. No. There are 10 ayes and one know with supervisor stephanie in the dissents. Dissents. A 101 vote, ordinance is passed on first reading. Madam clerk, that will take us to role call. Role call for introduction with supervisor walton to introduce new business. Thank you so much, madam clerk. I appreciate one second. Im sorry. I just have to pull up something really quick. This is supported by all colleagues on the board of supervisors and this is something that we should have been able to do here in San Francisco years ago didnt so i want to start off just by commenting all of my colleagues for stepping up and fighting for our population to have the voice they deserve. As we know in San Francisco, weve always worked hard to ensure that community is not left behind and its for this reason that im honored to be a part of this historical Charter Amendment asking voters to allow all of our San Francisco residents the opportunity to serve on important advisory groups and commissions. All voices should be allowed at the table and this is one step towards achieving equitable voice. And im confident that all of San Francisco will vote this into law. Currently, the advisories created by the charter or through legislation can carve out exceptions to age, residency and citizenship requirements. And this Charter Amendment will remove the citizenship requirement, allowing all qualified individuals to apply on committee. I want to thank all of those who work to make this a reality and i want to recognise that supervisor yee from president yees office for their original push in making sure that this was an issue that was bough broo the forefront and i want to thank my team and the District Team office, specifically tracy brown and natalie g. For all of their work to make this Charter Amendment possible is to continue to push on behalf of community. And i also want to thank advocates for making this a reality and i would finally just like to exalt the work of sarah susa, who stands for and represents all of whom with this ordinance is meant to represent. She has been someone who has been fighting to serve and make sure that communities are represented and this is reflective of her work and the work of many people who have been a fabric of San Francisco and who deserve the opportunity to participate on policy boards, committees and advisory groups. And so i just urge everyone to join me, as well as this entire board of supervisors in proving that we are 100 fighting for democracy here in San Francisco and going to make sure that all voices matter. And what a better day than to introduce this Charter Amendment than cinco de mayo. Thank you for your continued support. We still have our work cut out for us to make sure the voters support this important Charter Amendment, but equal voice, equitable voice is something i know we all believe in and this will help us to get closer to achieving that. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor walton. Supervisor ye. E. I wanted to thank supervisor walton for bringing this chart chartered amendment forward and we strongly support it, also. Its something we should all embrace. please stand by . Supervisor fewer this legislation which ultimately aims to slow the spread of covid19 will also require the department to create a written report of potential properties where safe sleeping sites could be suitable. By setting up spaces where people can spread their tents 12 feet by 12 feet apart while also accessing drinking water, food, and other 247 services, this can help slow the spread. As supervisor mandelman noted in his resolution last week, other cities like phoenix, seattle, and eugene are containing the spread of covid19 through homelessness. This legislation does not call on any specific site to be open nor does it allow people to camp freely throughout parks. Im going to say that again. It does not allow people to camp freely throughout parks. It simply gives the city the option to use rec and parkland where suitable. In this emergency, we need to protect Public Health, and that includes identifying all Public Information where the city can provide centralized health services, bathrooms, hand washing stations, and other necessities for homeless san franciscans to slow the spread of covid19. Our ability to lift the shelter in place mandate depends on our ability to protect our most Vulnerable People and offer safe sites for people that sleep on our sidewalks and get them into safe shelter sites with enough room for physical distancing is just one part of the solution. The next solution is to get people into vacant hotel rooms, but in the meantime, we need other options for people who are living in our sidewalks. With 3,400 acres of rec and park in San Francisco, surely we can set aside a couple of acres for people to be able to shelter in place. I am also introducing a resolution today in support of Assembly Bill 2058, authored by Assembly Member jessie gabriel. It would create an Affordable Housing preservation tax credit to create preservation of Affordable Rental Properties and mobile home parks. Last year, i was honored to create the opportunity for acts with every supervisor signing on as a cosponsor. Between 1997 and 2018, california last 15,044 Affordable Homes as rental restrictions expired. Another 34,000 homes are at risk from converting to market rate rentals. By keeping them from converting, we can keep up our Affordable Housing stock. With covid19 pandemic causing record unemployment and people being able to pay their mortgages, we know that housing corporations will be looking to purchase large portfolios of housing just like they did during the 2008 recession. It makes sense to support this bill and all weve been doing in San Francisco to protect Affordable Housing. The rest i submit. Thank you. Clerk thank you, supervisor fewer. Supervisor haney . Supervisor haney thank you, madam clerk and colleagues. I have one resolution im introducing today in support of national Mental Health awareness month. This resolution recognizes the Amazing Services of Mental Health Service Providers in dealing with this Global Pandemic and their ability to successfully implement low barrier Mental Health services to overcome the negative impacts of covid19. This pandemic has had a profound effect on the lives of every resident. People have been separated from their jobs, their families, ability to go outside, all of which have impacted the people they love. The result is that many more people are struggling with depression, anxiety, and often in silence. These essential resources are adequate, available, and effective and our neighbors need to know how to access them. For people who struggle with mental illness, this service is critically important. We know this is happening because the numbers are clear and Research Studies have linked social isolation and loneliness to poor Mental Health. 47 of people sheltering in place reported negative Mental Health effects related to worry or stress from the coronavirus. Negative effects due to social isolation may be particularly more pronounced in older adults or households. Just last month in april 2020, Kaiser Family foundation revealed that parents with children under the age of 18, nearly three out of five say that impact from coronavirus had negatively affected their health. The Peer Reviewed warm line, which is now averaging 5,800 calls and chat sessions per month in march and april of this year. In light of these numbers, we need to step up and catch our neighbors from falling. We cannot let them suffer in silence. This resolution urges the board, the health board, and the Mayors Office to offer si widespread Health Resolutions for all. Second, continued prioritized diagnostic testing, and third, confirm our commitment to Mental Health parity by removing the stigma around Mental Health treatment. Tomorrow, im going to be hosting a virtual information session around covid19. We have the Kaiser Family foundation and the Stanford Center for health and wellness to address these topics. All are welcome to join, and i hope that we can make sure that people who are vulnerable, who are struggling often silently and quietly with Mental Health challenges during this crisis from the support and protection thats accessible and needed for them. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor haney. Supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman submit. Clerk thank you. Supervisor mar . Supervisor mar thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, have a few items today. First as we grapple with the ongoing covid19 crisis, there is another crisis growing at a record rate. Unemployment is now a state of emergency, too, for laid off workers. The pace of our Unemployment Crisis is greater than any since the Great Depression. Nearly 10 of the entire population of San Francisco has lost their job during this crisis, representing tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives with the loss of their livelihood. As we move into the next phase of restrictions this week and plan for an economic recovery, we have to make sure that our recovery puts people first. Without action, unemployment will be an enduring crisis. In a country where access to health care is often tied to employment benefits, our Unemployment Crisis is also a health crisis. So today, im proud to propose the back to work ordinance with my cosponsors safai, haney, walton, and fewer. This makes sure that those offered jobs first in the process if and when their employers reopen and start to rehire. If their job isnt available, but another job is that theyre qualified for, theyll be offered that instead. And while theyre laid off, theyll be notified of city resources that with help them weather the storm. Workers deserve economic certainty, and its a winwinwin scenario. When Public Health allows, businesses will be able to open faster by bringing back staff thats already trained and ready to go, benefiting their staff, customers, and the entire city. Id like to thank my cosponsors and others who have endorsed the proposal. Second, im introducing a resolution introducing the collection and reporting of Additional Data for populations, especially vulnerable to covid19 transmission. This board already adopted a resolution sponsored by supervisor peskin regarding s. R. O. S and shelters, but s. R. O. S and shelters arent the only vulnerable living situations. We need better data on how covid19 is impacting our nursing homes, Senior Living facilities, Skilled Nursing facilities, and jails. And while the city is reporting some gender identity information in our data tracker, it falls short of data standards for sogi, or Sexual Orientation and gender inequity. We know lgbtq communities have disparate outcomes where data is reported, but no one is tracking sogi transition. Our lgbtq communities deserve to know how theyre being impacted by the covid19 crisis. Finally, im proud to cosponsor supervisor fewers emergency ordinance to allow rec and park facilities and land to be potentially used for Emergency Needs as part of our comprehensive covid19 response, including safe sleeping sites. Rec and parkland represents 11 of all land in the city. This ordinance simply assures that all options are adequately considered in our Public Health emergency strategy. While we must keep the focus on bringing as many Homeless People as possible indoors to shelter safely, we understand this faces many challenges, and that we need additional temporary solutions for people left outside. This will be especially true as growing unemployment drives individuals into poverty and homelessness. A secured, staffed, and contained safe sleeping site will be safer than the tents lining our residential and neighborhood corridor commercial streets and will save lives for housed and unhoused families. I look forward to working with my colleagues on the board, rec and park staff, and the staff on the e. O. C. To make sure that our decisions are driven by the needs of the Public Health community. Clerk thank you, supervisor mar. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, madam clerk. First, id like to thank the council of district merchants and the petition that they have been circulating that we are all in receipt of this afternoon, urging a responsible relaxation in the chief Health Officers emergency order as it relates to curb side pickup for various businesses, including, but not limited to book stores. Quite frankly, i know that all of us have been wrestling with the issues of an increasingly frustrated society under covid19, and i think we all have the same questions that our constituents have as to why theres been relaxation in certain areas, including construction where in some instances, construction workers cannot socially distance or why one of the earlier orders allowed essential construction that was defined as projects that had 10 Affordable Housing as compared to projects that had in lieu fees to go forward. So im looking for a modicum of consistency and want to start a dialogue with our chief Public Health officer verbally and am calling on the president to see if dr. Aragon can appear before this body at next weeks meeting to answer some of these questions as it relates to consistency in the chief Health Officers orders and supplemental orders so that we can make sense of that and see whether or not we might be able to have safe curb side pick up as requested by the council of district merchants. I would like to adjourn todays Board Meeting in the memory of the late, great, unbelievable david lupo, as well as my constituent, alice young, and the rest i will submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor peskin. Supervisor preston . Supervisor preston thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, today, im announcing a ballot measure for the november 2020 election that seeks to prove predatory wall street selection and impose housing facility. It aims to double the housing tax at projects that are 10 million or higher and direct those funds to a housing availability fund which would fund a covid19 rent and mortgage relief, as well as the creation of permanently Affordable Housing. The city and county would be exempt from the tax increase. As we reel from the worst depression in u. S. History, we need revenue generated by this tax to make sure that san franciscans can get back on their feet without worrying about the roof over their heads. We know what happens in the face of a recession when private actors are allowed to dictate the terms of recovery. The aftermath of the 2008 recession is instructive, absent a comprehensive approach to those with the greatest need. In california, we witnessed hundreds of thousands of foreclosures. This time, we cannot let the wave of covid19 fear fuel displacement of hundreds of thousands of san franciscan tenants and Small Business owners. Already, corporations are gearing up to buy properties as the prices drop as has been reported in bloomberg and other media outlet. Make no mistake, wall street is preparing for a bonanza of buying opportunities. We need to tell owners to steer clear of these buyers, and we need to make sure that the ultrawealthy are paying their fair share and use it to invest in longterm stable housing to those measures. A portion of the revenue would be allocated to a rent resolution fund. These funds would be made available to landlords who have, by december 31, 2020, voluntarily waved rent for their tenants that was due during the covid19 pandemic. This will incentivize landlords to cancel rent for tenants and Property Owners who access the funds. The remaining would be dedicated to a social housing fund. These would finance the properties for permanently affordable social housing. This would include land banking, Community Land trust, and other social housing efforts where the city maintains an interest in the property or land while providing Affordable Housing opportunities onsite. Todays announcement is the start of a conversation on how we can protect our residents from wall streets Real Estate Investors that are circling our city while ensuring stable housing for our residents. In the upcoming weeks, i look afford to working with Community Stakeholders and my colleagues on board. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor preston. Supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen yes, colleagues. Yesterday, the results of the Mission District confirmed something that testing confirmed something that we have long suffered, that the Latin Community has suffered greatly and disproportionately from the ongoing covid19 emergency. 62 individuals tested positive. Among those positive cases, the racial and class disparities were stark. 95 were latinx. 85 earn less than 50,000 a year, and 90 reported that they cannot work from home because they are still either working outside of their homes, are furloughed, or are unemployed. These results strongly suggest that they cannot shelter in place. Many people who live in the mission are the essential employees who have kept our city running during this dangerous time, often at the expense of their own health. Mission is the backbone of many local industries, including restaurants, construction, grocery stores, janitorial and cleaning services. Many workers who find themselves sick cannot afford to take time off work. Low wage workers, like anyone else, deserve the opportunity to shelter in place and quarantine if theyre ill without fear of losing interest. It is in our best interest to make sure that financial vulnerabilities do not stand in the place of any worker whos sick from being able to rest and recover, quarantine, and keep themselves and their families and the public safe. Today, i was going to direct the City Attorney to draft emergency legislation to guarantee any San Francisco resident who tested positive for covid19 replacement wages for 14 days if the individual has no alternative access to income replacement income through state, federal, or employment benefits, but i have some really great news. I, along with supervisor stefani are the boards representative on the Oversight Committee for give to s. F. I propose we fund it through that apparatus, and the Oversight Committee voted unanimously to do so. So i dont believe that i need to introduce legislation, which is fantastic because we dont want to delay this. Not only is giving individuals replacement income if they dont already have it a just and equitable thing to do, if we are going to advise low wage workers to selfisolate and get tested if they are going to end up positive. So i want to thank ucsf for conducting the study that began with results, the discussion with the covid19 task force of latino residents. Together, we came up with this idea of how we can make sure of how people feel especially in latino communities that are vulnerable feel safe getting tested and feel supported if they test positive. And i also want to thank the give to s. F. Oversight committee for jumping on board and unanimously supporting this effort. On that same note, i wanted to let everyone know that we are finally going to launch our Campaign Next week to get more donations to the give to s. F. Program. We have currently received about 11 million in donations. Next week, the board of supervisors, well be asking for all of you for your help and support, we will be starting a campaign where were sending out information and ads to the community about the give to s. F. Program. It will feature both donors and recipients of this effort. Not a single dollar goes into the hands of the city. It all passes through the city and goes straight to residents of San Francisco that desperately need help right now. In addition, the mayor will be launching a campaign to give to our efforts to do so. We hope that we will not be talking about tens of thousands of dollars, but hundreds of thousands of dollars which need to get into the hands of those that are suffering like never before. I want to give a huge thank you to jennifer lee of my office, who instead of going to the e. O. C. This week has been spent all making dozens and dozens of these ads, with her expert design skills, locating people that have received help from give to s. F. Jennifer, youre amazing. Thank you so much for your work. Secondly, ive got a resolution that ive drafted calling on congress to bring resolution to those affected by the covid19 pandemic. Its authored by Rashida Tlaib and pramila jayamil, ensuring people receiving 2,000 a month during the pandemic. Governor newsom announced yesterday that california is going to borrow money from the federal government to continue to apply for unemployment assistance. Nationally, more than 30,000 people applied for unemployment across the bay area. Local low in San Francisco, the gold locally in San Francisco, as many as half of all San Francisco restaurants may shut their doors for goods, and 85 of entertainment employees may lose their jobs. We havent seen anything like this in 90 years, and economists have warned that it is likely to get worse and will extend into a second Great Depression if we dont take steps like this now. So far, what we are seeing for individuals from the federal government through the c. A. R. E. S. Act has been some extended unemployment and one stimulus checks, and yes, there is now assistance for people who are selfemployed or independent contractors. And yes, the onetime 1200 checks are welcome, but these are nearly not enough money and not long enough to cover the likely duration and loss of income, and they are completely inaccessible to many people who desperately need help. The a. B. C. Would provide a payment to every person in american including nonresidents and people without banking relationships. The plan would include to add 1,000 a month until the end of the crisis to help people get back on their feet. It would be funded directly from the treasury without adding to Additional Fund by minting two 1 trillion coins. It would rescue people facing debt and provide an injection into the economy. Recent polling by data for progress and the justice collaboration found partisan support. Our own nancy pelosi may be bending, as well, saying a guaranteed income to help people struggling because of the coronavirus is worth a look. My proposal recognizes representatives tlaib and jayapal for their authorship. Id like to thank my cosponsors, shamann walton, dean preston, and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor ronen. Supervisor safai . Supervisor safai thank you. Appreciate it, madam clerk. Thank you for all your hard work during this time. I know its not easy to juggle all of this technology in our meetings and the distance, but i just want to start off by commending you and your team. I know that supervisor peskin, when we have the land use committee, starts off by thanking staff. I see how some of the other places around the bay area have done Video Conferencing and so on, and making this supremely accessible to the public, so i just want to start off by commending you and your team. Clerk thank you, supervisor. Supervisor safai second thing, but i think its a big thing. The reality of the budget, the reality of where we are fiscally in San Francisco, the reality of the very Big Decisions are already beginning to trickle out in many ways. Speaking to roger marenko and local 258 are people on the frontlines, the essential workers, those that are doing back breaking work and are often confronting representatirepetitive injury, were already informed that the transit division, theyre already back to work, which is dedicated to minimizing and decreasing workplace injuries is being eliminated. Its always in the context of the tough choices that we have to make. I think obviously protecting peoples employment can and should be a guiding principle in moving forward, particularly for those that have truly risked their lives during this process. But, you know, at the same time, this cut could be a longterm cost. I spoke to the director of m. T. A. Today, jeff tumlin. I think their goal was to bring it back as quickly as possible, so thats a positive result. But when youre eliminating programming that reduces workplace injury, particularly for those doing that type of work, it will increase the number of people that cant come to work. I have to say that the types of repetitive stress injuries were significant. I just want to say that its an important thing for us to be considering in the midst of all the tough choices that we have to make, but certainly, with preserving our workers and essential workers in this environment should be a goal in our conversations. The other thing that i wanted to bring to light today also is that as we begin to open up the economy in the next few months, our frontline child care providers are dying on the vine. Our Family Child Care providers are often women run, immigrant run Small Businesses, and they are struggling. Theyre not accessing the loans that we have, theyre not working. Theyre not able to, in many ways, have the Financial Resources to sustain themselves, and so i just wanted to say i had a real positive conversation with our mayor today. Shes also deeply concerned with this, and she is committed to working with me and my team to come up with a solution so that we can help our child care operators survive in the city and continue on. And sorry, one more thing. Weve spoken to our county Health Officer, weve spoken to our City Attorney. Were doing everything we can, and its reprehensible that these foreclosures are able to continue in this time. Hopefully within the next few days well have a resolution from our county Health Officer to shutdown that process. I want to thank our sheriff for working consistently with shutting down that action on the backside of city hall, and were going to continue to do that to ensure that folks who dont have the money to fight foreclosures in this environment will have a fair fight in this process. Thank you, madam clerk, and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor safai. And supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, from the onset of this pandemic, one of my foremost concerns is the impact this crisis would have in the Mental Health community. Over the last week, i have spoken with the Domestic Violence consortium and the San Francisco Domestic Violence prevention, and the reports are troubling. Incidents are increasing across the industry. San francisco Suicide Prevention reports that they have seen a significant increase in the acuity of callers that require immediate emergency intervention. Normally, these kinds of cases occur two to three times per month, and they are now occurring two to three times per week. They also report seeing a 22 increase in firsttime callers since the shelter in place went into effect, and overall, they have serious concerns that even a larger spike may just be over the horizon as people have to spend time rebuilding their lives after the orders are lifted. Im calling for a hearing so that Domestic Violence consortium are seeing on the ground so we can make legislation as quickly as possible, and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor stefani. Mr. President , i dont see any names on the roster. President yee okay. Thank you, madam clerk. Lets go to public comment, item number 17. Clerk item number 17. Its now time to host your remote public comment. Ive got up to two minutes for each speaker. I provided the telephone number earlier, and if you dialled in, youre welcome to press one and zero. If you havent dialled in, the telephone number, i believe, is being displayed on the screen. Its 18882045984. When prompted, enter the access code 3501008. Press pound, press pound again to join the meeting. To be added to the queue to speak, press one and then zero. The system will prompt you when its your turn. While the system is queueing up, ill provide the best practices. Please mute your television our radio. Your location should be quiet. Speak slowly and clearly so we can understand your comments. Each speaker will have two minutes to deliver the comments. If youre using an interpreter, the interpreter will be timed for two minutes. Remember to keep your comments in the subject matter of the board. Remember, there is no electioneering in this meeting. Do not address individual members. Once your two minutes is concluded, youll be moved out of the speak and into observing mode. We have three interpreters standing by to interpret chinese, spanish, and filipino. We are able to host multiple language speakers. The interpreters are going to introduce themselves today, and then well begin with public comment. [speaking spanish language] clerk thank you. [speaking tagalog language] interpreter thank you. Thats all for me. Clerk thank you. And miss lee . [speaking chinese language] operator youve been muted. To unmute yourself, press star. Clerk okay. Mr. President , i believe that we had 22 callers on the line. Were going to ask for your patience. I understand the bridge line connecting the callers has been dropped for a moment, and

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