And to the republican for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones and pages are prohibited at this meeting. And be advised the chair may remove anybody using a cell cell phone or Electronic Device and the public has up to three minute to make pertinent comments unless the Port Commissioner dubs a shorter period. The moderator will instruct dialin participants to use touchtone phones to register any desire tor Public Comment. Comments will be taken first from inperson participants and then dialedin participants. Audio prompts will signal to dial in when the input has been enabled for commenting. The comply with the declaration for covid19, that you remain an arms length distance. We are not requiring speakers to fill out a card but speakers can go up to the podium one one at a time or queue up in line but please maintain the social distance. Item 4, declaration of emergency Port Commission meeting. Thank you, everyone, for joining us today whether in person or by phone. The mayor, the state of california and the federal government have declared that the coronavirus pandemic is a Public Health emergency and ask that the people stay at home, which is where i am. The Mayors Office has determined that the Port Commission has an urgent need to take action on the matter before us to ensure Public Health, safety and essential Government Operations and has authorized the Port Commission to meet on this matter. I move that we hold this emergency meeting because of the coronavirus pandemic as an emergency that severely impairs Public Health and safety and the matter before us demands prompt action and is necessary to ensure that there is no disruption or threaten disruption to the public facility. Do i have a second . Second. All in favour . Thank you, commissioner. Item 5a, requests approval of resolution authorizing the executive director to recommend the memorandum between the port and the department of homelessness in support of housing to expand the capacity of embarcadaro centre due to the coronavirus outbreak. So moved. Good morning. I am the director of the communications for the port of San Francisco and i will make brief remarks and i will provide an overview of the proposed amendment to the ports mou with the department of homelessness and support of housing for operations at the embarcadaro centre on sea wall lot 330. The Commission Approved the existing agreement between the port and the department of homelessness in support of housing at the april 23rd, 2019 meeting. In declaring a local emergency in calling for all efforts to protect the health and safety of the public, the Mayors Office is asking the port and hsh, the department of Homeless Housing to revisit the embarcaro centre, the rampup. It calls for one change. The proposal is to change the rampup schedule articulated on page 10, section 11. 1 of the agreement under permanent uses to allow hsh to expand bed capacity beyond the rampup limit to accommodate the citywide coronavirus response. All other terms and conditions originally agreed to on april 23rd, 2019 would remain the same and not change. I have emily cohen here from the Mayors Office who will provide a short presentation articulating the urgent need for the amendment, as well as unupdate on the state Navigation Centre operation. After the proceedings, we will be available to anticipation any questions. Answer any questions. Good morning. This is emily cohen, the mayors policy advisor on homelessness and thank you for convening today and thank you to the members of the public who have joined either in person or via phone. Can everyone hear me all right . Yes. Thank you. Im going to walk you through a brief presentation as randy said and we are proposing an amendment to the mou between the port of San Francisco and the department of homelessness and support of housing and i want to give a little background context to this. As many folks know, the safe Navigation Centre, which is operated by five keys opened the end of december. It is currently operating at a capacity of 130 people each night. During the first two months of operations, all placements into space Navigation Centre were made by the Homeless Team working in the homeless zone in the immediate area of the Navigation Center. San francisco has two, twoperson teams working in the outreach zones fulltime and they have an additional twoperson team working with one shift and one on the weekends and folks are invited into the Navigation Center. Weve had a tremendous amount of success in engaging folks on the street in the area and inviting them indoors. As folks remember from the original mou, we designated both a safety zone and outreach zone within the safety zone which is smaller and immediately surrounds the center. Sfpd has applied beat officers to the zone seven days a week, five keys have been mentioned as the operator and made a phone call available where neighbors can call or text with concerns about the need area, the perimeter of the Navigation Center. As everyone in the room or on the call is well aware, we are facing a Public Health crisis, the covid19 or coronavirus. In response, mayor breed declared a state of month in february. When i put this presentation together a few days ago, there were 23 positive cases in the city of San Francisco but the course has continued to evolve. San francisco has taken serious steps to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus on our community, including the most recent shelter inplace ordinance issued by the Health Officer earlier this week, wellspan aaswell as declareing l emergency and one of the big areas has been focusing on, for me and my work focusing on the impact, the potential impact of the coronavirus on people experiencing homelessness or living in other congregate facilities. So weve allocated funding to enhance services at dropin centers, shelters, Navigation Centers and other congregate environments. As you can imagine, the coronavirus epidemic represents a Significant Health risk represents. People experiencings have limited access to preventative measures including hand washing, home isolation, avoiding hightouched surfaces and people experiencing homelessness may have more chronic conditions making them more vulnerable to the virus. As i mentioned before, we are taking proactive steps to protect the vulnerable population within the homelessness population, including expanding cleaning, expanding hours of programs, enhancing Meal Delivery for people in supported housing and occupancy hotels who have been advised to not go out because of their conditions. And were extending a lot of this operation not to the publically funded housing but to private owned sros and increasing or outreach. Weve deployed 30 handwashing stations for people unsheltered and bringing online rvs and hotel rooms, places where people can isolate and selfquarantine if theyve been exposed to the virus but dont have problems. So part of our need and part of our strategy for protecting people experiencing homelessness in San Francisco is to expand our shelter capacity. We want to mechanic sure that people experience homelessness have state places to be, abilit, hygiene, meals and other basic healthcare. As randy mentioned, there are currently 70 empty beds at the Embarcadaro Center due to what as lined up in the mou. As i mentioned earlier, there are 130 beds currently in operation and that was the agreement per month, one through three, of the Navigation Center and were due to expand to 165 beds for months four through six anand 200 beds in july. We feel we cannot wait until jusjuly to have access to the b. So the court is requesting an amendment to the mou to allow hsh to expand the bed capacity beyond that rampup limit, to accommodate the citywide emergency coronavirus response. This is my brief presentation and im happy to take additional questions from commissioners. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you, randy and emily for your presentation. Is there any Public Comment in the room . Yes, commissioner. Please state your name. Im elgin rose and we do outreach with hundreds of Homeless People i in the Tenderloin Community and outreach into tents. So the 70 beds opened that could be filled with people and could get rest and take in information is very important. And i think just making people feel like theyre a part of the population is a key to maybe making it better and taking this covid19 thing serious. So definitely, im here to support just getting more people with those beds and if anything else the tenderloin could be supportive of, we are interested in doing it. Thank you. Thank you. Hi, thank you for having me here today and also the people who are on the telephone. Im the executive director for the tenderloin and since this crisis hit, we have not shut our doors. We have a serious crisis on the streets. People are out there that dont know whats going on. Weve giving them soap and water and Hand Sanitizer and a lot of these people are elder people, grandmothers, grandfathers and these are handicapped people in wheelchairs and they need some place go. I walked through the tenderloin this morning and i saw easily 100 in two blocks living on the streets, who are dirty and being exposed. Im walking here through the Farmers Market and if thats not a lot to say. Like, we need to help these people and we need more beds. We had a young man who came to us, to our popup and said, you know what, ive been on the streets for three years but im scared right now and i want to go somewhere. Where can i go . A 22yearold man who finally had a revelation he wanted to change his life is still on the streets. So im here in support of expanding the beds and i hope we can move this forward. Everyone has that right. Thank you. My name is joseph norez and i work for the cotenderloin and ive lived in San Francisco for 26 years. I think that on monday, i was asked to come to work to get materials so that i could work at home and on the way to work, at the corner of golden gate and hide, which is one block from the federal building, there were tents, there was a shooting gallery right on the street and so, anybody thats gone through the tenderloin in the last few years or along market street, bart stations know that San Francisco has been the site of a National Health crisis for quite some time and in the last couple of weeks, its become exponentially worse. So common sense says that if our most atrisk individuals who already have a compromised immune system, off on or barista, were all vulnerable. We work with the most vulnerable and underserved people in our city and they need beds. Canary in the coal mines at golden gate and hide is taylor and jones and the bart station and they need help. Put to thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good morning, im an Education Coordinator and im a pastor. Im here to stay i support this for compassionate reasons. Like donna mentioned earlier, walking through the tenderloin in general, having worked in this area for over a year and a half, i see a lot of disparities and a lot of crime and pain and hurt and i see a lot of people who want find a way into a better life and better situation and now with whats happening with covid19, now theyre in even further danger. Every population, every culture and i feel the homeless situation in the tenderloin is a situation in itself and its not just the tenderloin. You have people in the bayview where i grew up. I grew up in San Francisco and people are hurting and right now covid is doin going after the ey and i want to support this effort and say we should move forward with the expansion of the beds and with helping these people as much as possible. We need someone to know how it and how we can help this effort. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thats the last speaker in the conference room. Thank you, amy and thank you everyone from the tenderloin. Any more Public Comment or inperson . No. So the inperson Public Comment is now closed. Now we will open up the phone lines to take Public Comment from members of the public who are joining us on the phone. Thank you, president brandon. At this time, well open the queue for anyone on the phone who would like to make Public Comments. In question is now in question and answer mode. To alert the speaker you have a question, press one and then zero. Please dial 10 on your phone and the system will add you. You will be entered into the system in the order you dialed 10. The system will let you know when its ready and others will wait. Public comments limited to three minutes per person. The queue is now open and please dial 10 if you wish to make a Public Comment. Thank you. Do we have anyone on the phone . There are five Public Comments via telephone. Please open the line to the first caller. Hello, earn. Everyone. Im a Community Member in rinkton hill, and im an immunologieimimmunologist. From a human standpoint, i can be on board but my concern lies from a health standpoint, specifically, if someone tests positive, what is the containment plan . Are all individuals contained to confinement and do they have an appropriate infrastructure . For example, like a pod or some sort of isolation tent . Additionally, if these individuals test positive or have an exposure, how will they be kept inside and liable to say inside of the Navigation Center or whatever facility theyre in. They should not be able come and go as they please, specifically for drug use. This will add to vulnerabilities and put further strain on the immune system and im not aware of any data about how withdrawal would influence the course of the Coronavirus Infection or another respiratory virus infection. With that said, i agree that is a vulnerable population, but it could ultimately turn into more of a risk and potentially an epicenter of a new wave of infections in San Francisco. So my question for the board or just in general is, what is your plan and how are you going to mitigate any risk . Thank you very much. Thank you. Does this new amendment allow the city to put more than 200 people in the Navigation Center or is it just to expand up to 200 . Thank you. Oh, and one more thing, is there a sundown period . I guess it wont matter. If its up to 200, it wont matter because it can stay up until 200, but if it goes over 200, is there a sundown period . In other words, does that end at a particular point in time . Thank you. Please state your name. My name is bruce goldetski. Thank you, bruce. Moving on to the next caller. Hi, commissioner and port. Im florence and i have the same concern that the first caller had about the crowding situation in the Navigation Center. Right now theres a lot of tents on main street, as you can see, and most residents are concerned about the virus spreading if they go into a shelter and im really concerned about their Health Situation if they were to be packed in even more and more beds were to be added. I would like to understand what kind of risk mitigations and procedures will take place if there are beds that will be added. Thank you. Thank you. Well continue to the next caller. My name is judy lynn and im a neighbor of the Navigation Center and i live at the watermark and i wanted to echo with the callers have stated already. I am all for expanding the shelter capability in general to help the homelessness but i think its the department of the homelessness needs a plan to mitigate risk to the Homeless Population while they reside in these shelters, particularly for the Navigation Center. Is it going to be reconfigured to keep the sixfeet distance while theyre sleeping or interacting and what are the Health Checks that will take place to keep the residents and staff safe, to determine if theyre trying to show symptoms. And also to echo the quarantine issue, if they do start to show symptoms, how will they be quarantined and kept separate from the other guests . And i just wanted to echo, what are we going to do about the 50 of the Navigation Center residents that are drug users, if they start exhibiting symptoms or need to be quarantined, does the staff have the kat capability to treat pose withdrawal symptoms . How are the rules in the Navigation Center going to change to comply with our current shelterinplace order . Earlier this week, we were seeing needles and people outside using drugs. And so those are my questions and i hope emily can address them. Thank you. We are moving on to the final phonein of the caller here. Hello, this is katie ladell and i sent a letter in yesterday and i do have some concerns that the previous speakers have, but in the meantime, weve got 130 people over there already, or 135 and we really do need to help these people out. I am also a neighbor. I walk by quite often and its very quiet over there and ive been inside a couple of times because ive taken over some donations. Its been a very good neighbor. Its been well run. I do encourage you to let executive director forbes give her permission to up the ante to 200. Thank you very much. Thank you. President brandon, at this time, there are no more members on the phone wishing to make Public Comment. Thank you. Seeing no more Public Comment, all Public Comment is closed. President brandon, if i may interject, i have an additional letter from wallace lee whom i would like to read into the Public Record with your permission. Ok. The letter is dated march 18th, 2020 and it was presented to presen president b. I am writing on a safe embarcadaro for seawall lot 330 to allow for the accelerated expansion of the center. Please support the actions the city believes to control the transmission of sarscov2 during this Public Health crisis and we do not oppose the accelerated expansion of the Navigation Center given the circumstances. However, we would be remiss not to bring to the commissions attention the many problems the nav center has brought to the neighborhood, even at the current size. An increase in public drug use, frequent use of war for drug sales and new incantments from those who moved as well as they say have a space in the Navigation Center but prefer to sleep indoors. This can be found in the attached. Its www. Safeembarcadaroforall. Sincerely wallace lee. And attached to his letter are several pictures which have been provided to you and can be uploaded to the ports website and that is the end of wallaces letter. Thank you. So randy or emily, do you want to respond to any of the callers comments or any of the Public Comment . Yes, thank you, president bran ton. Thibrandon. Im happy to respond to questions. And i think theres excellent questions around the safety in the Navigation Center and i want to assure folks that the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing is working very closely with our department of Emergency Management and department of Public Health to improve the safety of all of our congregate facilities, including this Navigation Center. So what that looks like is certainly enhanced cleaning of the site, disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces, handwashing stations, encouragement of good hygiene within the facility. Were also working with the department of Public Health to tea emplodeploy a health screenl for people coming into the Navigation Center and as folks come in, they will be asked a series of questions. If they answer question to a sensor numberacertain number, ar yes, they will be isolated in a certain area where they will ask for a Health Worker to come on site and do an assessment of their healthcare. If they distribute symptoms of the covid19, they will not permitted into the facility but in a selfquarantine isolation area unless their symptoms warrant hospitalization. So we have procured some rvs, trailers for this selfquarantine, as well as procuring hotel rooms for people exposed to the virus. And so folks who live in congregate facilities like homeless shelters. So the intent is really follow do everything we can to remove anybody from the Navigation Center displaying symptoms to have quarantine Spaces Available for them should they not warrant hospitalization and if somebody is exposed to the virus, similar precautions will be taken. So we hear that call and we share everybodys concern around the congregate environment. We are working on social distancing within the shelters across our shelter system and that will mean generally, that we could lose capacity in a number of shelters and thats why were working to identify so many more facilities where we can spread people out, too. These are, of course, for folks who are asymptomatic not exposed to somebody with the virus. For those symptomatic or who have tested positive, we will have a positive intervention for them. Again, the department of homelessness and support of housing is taking the lead from the department of Public Health on all of these protocols. Weve issued new policies and protocols to all of our shelter managers organizations so theyre aware of all of the resources that are available to them, how to interact somebody who demonstrates symptoms and how to get them the care that they need. Of course, access to supplies remains a challenge. Were all moving as quickly as possible, but we have deployed handwashing stations on the streets, as well as to some of the shelters that dont have as many sinks and showers as we would like and were trying to bring in supplemental services. I think that answers some of the questions. If commissioners have additional questions, i am happy to respond. One additional point to clarify some of the questions about the amendment and what it means. I wanted to rei reiterate the proposed amendment calls for only one change to the existing agreement and thats to change the rampup schedule as ar take articulated in 11. 1. In the presentation, emily eluded to what that rampup schedule would look like, existing agreement calls for 130 beds from months one through three and from months four through six, up to 165 and beginning in month seven, up to 200. The proposed amendment would change that rampup schedule so additional beds could be used now. No other terms or provisions of the existing mou would change. Just to clarify, there would be no more than 200 beds. Thank you, emily and randy. Is there any other information that the staff would like to share before i open it up to the commissioners . One other point is as weve been moving quickly to put together huge thank you to the port staff for the emergency meetings, i had the opportunity to talk with the vast majority of the states Navigation Center Advisory Group members, letting them know about this amendment and everyone i spoke to was largely supportive of this work. I will open it up to the commissioners and for the record, i would like to state that commissioner wuho had a conflict and she would like to express her support for more rampups in the capacity of a Navigation Center given the dire need to help the Homeless Community in this crisis. So i just want to make sure that is a part of the record. Commissioner gilman . Thank you, commissioner brandon. First of all, i want to thank all of our frontline nonprofit workers who are continuing to go to work everyday, particularly our Emergency Services staff. Too often nonprofit workers are not thought of by the public as first responders, but theyre the ones keeping our shelters and Navigation Centers and Supportive Housing everyday. I want to thank emily for your work. I am fully supportive of the item. But i have one question for emily. They want to procure hotels and for people who need to selfquarantine or symptomatic but he called for the priorization for people vulnerable to the illness or folks over 60 in the Homeless Population to be sheltered first. My question is, are you looking at that population first for priorization into the Navigation Center or will you use coordinated entry . Thats a great question. Thank you, commissioner gillman. We are looking at the governors guidance that came out yesterday and working with the department of Public Health to put together our priorization tool, but people with preexisting conditions, people over 65 are our priority to serve. Thank you. That concludes my questions. Can you please speak into the microphone. I support this Navigation Center. Vice president adams. I want to thank the community for coming out. I want to thank mayor breed for leadership and this is a situation we must act swiftly. We saw that this is coronavirus and the federal government removed in a swift manner and thats why were behind the 8ball. There was a lot of good questions and a lot of good concerns. But this coronavirus is an enemy, an enm enemy and we cane it. This is a life and death matter. Its a National Crisis and a world crisis. Were talking about our community. We must act swiftly and i live a block from the Navigation Center and we must provide for the beds and we must move. If we dont, i think there will be a price to pay. So i support it and i would ask my fellow commissioners to support it unanimously. Thank you. Emily and randy, thank you again for this presentation and thank you for all of the the work youve done to bring it to this point. I would like to thank mayor breed for having the foresight to having this facility available for our very vulnerable population and to show the need for so many more beds. This is a crisis and hopefully, we can get out in front of this and make sure this population is taken care of along with all of our other City Residents and its a small part that we can play and i want to thank the community. I want to thank our Advisory Group and i want to thank everyone supporting this item, because we really need it. So with that, all in favour . Commissioner, we need to have a role call vote for resolution number 2016. role call all in favour, thank you, commissioners. So resolution 2016 has passed. Thank you. Thank you, commissioners. Thank you. Can i have a motion to ajourn . Motion to ajourn. Is there a second . Yes, second. All in favour . The meeting is adjourned at 10 40 a. M. Thank you, commissioners. Thank you, everyone. Neighborhood in San Francisco are also diverse and fascist as the people that inhabitable them were in north beach about supervisor peskin will give us a tour and introduce is to what think of i i his favorite district 5 e 3 is in the northwest surrounded by the San Francisco bay the district is the boosting chinatown oar embarcadero financial district Fishermans Wharf exhibit no. North beach Telegraph Hill and part of union square. All of San Francisco districts are remarkable im honored and delighted to represent really whereas with an the most intact district got chinatown, north beach Fishermans Wharf russian hill and knob hill and the northwest waterfront some of the most wealthier and inning e impoverished people in San Francisco obgyn siding it is ethically exists a bunch of tightknit neighborhoods people know he each other by name a wonderful placed physically and socially to be all of the neighborhoods north beach and chinatown the i try to be out in the community as much as and i think, being a the cafe eating at the neighborhood lunch place people come up and talk to you, you never have time alone but really it is fun hi, im one the owners and is ceo of cafe trespassing in north beach many people refer to cafe trees as a the living room of north beach most of the clients are local and living up the hill come and meet with each other just the way the United States been since 1956 opposed by the grandfather a big people person people had people coming since the day we opened. It is of is first place on the west that that exposito 6 years ago but anyone was doing that starbucks exists and it created a really welcoming pot. It is truly a legacy business but more importantly it really at the take care of their community my father from it was formally italy a fisherman and that town very rich in culture and music was a big part of it guitars and sank and combart in the evening that tradition they brought this to the cafe so many characters around here everything has incredible stories by famous folks last week the cafe that paul carr tennessee take care from the Jefferson Starship hung out the cafe are the famous poet Lawrence William getty and jack herb man go hung out. They work worked at a play with the god fathers and photos he had his typewriter i wish i were here back there it theres a lot of moving parts the meeting spot rich in culture and artists and musicians epic people would talk with you and youd getetetetetetetetetett okay, great. Supervisor fewer good afternoon, everyone. This is the march 11, 2020 meeting of the budget and appropriations committee. I am sandra fewer. Our clerk is ms. Linda wong. I would like to thank sfgovtv for broadcasting this tv. Any announcements . Please make sure to silence all cell phones and Electronic Devices, complete speaker cards should be submitted to the clerk. Supervisor fewer item number 1. Hearing to review the report on the Controllers Office on the current years expenditure and revenue information and projections as of december 31, 2019, sixmonth budget status report and the mayors budget instructions for 2021 and 2122. Supervisor fewer we have a presentation from city controller on the sixmonth budget status report for the city and county of San Francisco, which was released last month. Ive asked mr. Rosenfield to share early assessment of the impacts of covid19 in the city, although we may not have yet definitive numbers, this committee should be informed in realtime about the financial picture of the city. Thank you for sharing what you can today. Finally, ive asked mr. Rosenfield to give us a brief overview of the new city website that is created since the passage of the budget transparency. Thanks again for all the colleagues that signed on. Im so proud our access during the budget process is being realized. Since our legislation was passed in december, we have seen city departments, not just check off a box, but truly take on the challenge of Holding Public meetings to gain meaningful input. Thanks to departments like the office of economic and workforce development, recreation and parks, and Child Support services for implementing new practices, inviting me to participate in your community presentations. These steps toward the goal of Greater Transparency for allocation of tax dollars are building on years of best Budget Practices from departments like Public Health and will make the budget process stronger. This website is a powerful tool to help San Francisco residents navigate the complex process, so i appreciate the effort from the contr Controllers Office to finalize it. With that, Ben Rosenfield from the Controllers Office. Thank you. Good morning, thank you for having us here today. This is certainly timely and so we look forward to not only talking through briefly some of the highlights from the sixmonth report which we published almost exactly a month ago. Ill talk through some of those updates and well provide you with updates were seeing regarding events in the local economy here today and we can Start Talking here and elsewhere about what the financial implications are to the city. Weve got a couple of updates coming just to let folks know what is coming after this. Our office is working on tax revenue ranging and updates related to covid in the current fiscal year. We hope to have that complete next week. At least for initial range. And then all three financial offices, our office, the boards budget and legislative office and the mayors Budget Office are updating our projections of the next four years. That will be complete tend of the month. Flu on the sixmonth report we publicish each year, we do see good news in the sixmonth report. I know we briefed many of you individually on this, about 98. 1 million improvement in ending fund balance. Ill talk about how that applies to next years fall forecast. The majority of this good news is really being driven by two departments. So we have significant good news over 60 million in the department of Public Health as of sixmonth. And our Human Service agency 20 million. Ill talk about each of the departments in a membership and what is going on in a minute and what is going on there. Ill talk about taxes overall, but the big news is the continued strength we saw in the first half of the fiscal year related to transfer tax. We saw a number of Large Properties trade hands in the year, with payments in excess of 20 million for a single transaction, so we had a lot of strength there. Under the way the citys reserves work, that volatile revenue, a significant portion, ends up deposited into a onetime reserve. And like i talked about most ill talk about in a second, most other taxes are trending toward budget. At least as of sixmonth. And there is some weakness in hotel and some in admissions tax as of the sixmonth mark. This is showing a picture of all the major tax revenues that we feel in the general fund. And you can kind of see on the far right chart column, how the 6month projection various from varies from the 3month projection. Theyre trending toward budget. You see that for property, for sales, for utility user tax, parking tax. And also how significant the real transfer tax news is. That is 71 million. But were we werent seeing a lot of change versus our other previous projections of major taxes. In terms of department, this gives you a summarized view of everything going on with all of the departments and the report itself contains much more information, but overall, departments net improvement of approximately 90 million. You can see where that is falling across the departments, but Public Health and Human Services are the vast majority. Ill talk in a second about them and juvenile probation which i know is of interest to the committee and we do see issues halfway through the fiscal year. So, briefly, for the department of Public Health, this is summarizing that good news in health. Halfway through the year. Its almost entirely on the revenue side and the majority of the good news at Public Health is driven at zuckerberg General Hospital. So patient revenue continues to outpace expectations. And we did have some settlements of prior year claims resulted in onetime revenue at the General Hospital. Another thing for us to keep an eye on here, as you may know, the waiver that the state has with the federal government for many different kinds of Health Services expires at the end of this calendar year. There is a lot of work going on in Public Health departments throughout the country to organize for the renegotiation of that waiver next year. But one important fact is that the state is in the process of completing many years of audits of prior year claims. We have money set aside to guard against adverse findings in the audits and weve been waiting years for the audits to be completed. Were hopeful that with the speedup of the state completing the audit processes, will not only have certainty on these sometime before the waiver expires, but were hoping to have good news. So we dont have certainty on that, but its one were keeping our eyes on, health is tracking and well continue to update as we get news on that. Within the Human Service agency, 20 million net surplus. You can see here that the single biggest change here relates to the way the i. H. S. S. Works, that requirement with the state and there were final changes at the end of the state budget process that are favorable to us for about 13 million and 7 million of other savings largely related under spending in a few programs. In terms of juvenile probation, the big issue we see here stems at the end of last fiscal year and its largely, i think, an administrative capacity issue. I think we have remedied now as a city, but as of 6month mark, the department was operating without a number of key positions in their finance shop. And as a result, the department wasnt claiming federal and state revenue in the way they should have been. Since that time, there is a new finance director appointed at juvenile probation. Weve assigned accountness and there is a budget manager on loan to them. So were feeling more hopeful about the stabilization of the function in juvenile and i would hope to see the number come down by the time we get to the 9month mark. As always, we note in the report where departments are projected to live within their budget, but within that budget overspend their overtime line item. As you know to the extent the department wants to do that, they have to come back to the board of supervisors for reappropriations. These are the departments at the 6month mark we expect will need to come back to the board for approximate for permission or change behavior in the coming months. A quick summary as of the 6month mark, how does this fit in with the story regarding the budget deficit . As you know, the three offices publish projections in the early winter of 419 million projected shortfall over two years. The citys general practice for many years has been to take savings that occur in one year and apply it to the shortfall for next year. If that is the choice that is made i would expect it would be you would have to take the 98 million from the 6month report, apply to the previous projection and that brings us down to 321 million. Obviously, well continue to update a lot of this as we go. This is changed obviously given just this week. But the official next update to the projection itself is the joint report which our three offices will publish at the end of march. So im happy to take questions on 6month mark, or i can move into covid. Supervisor fewer i see supervisor ronen, but do we need a report from the b. L. A. , anything to report at all . No. Thank you very much. Supervisor ronen. Supervisor ronen yes, thank you. Thank you for this. For the department of Public Health higher than anticipated budget, does any of that have to do with salary savings . I believe actually no i believe were projecting that the department is spending at the general to budgeted levels. So, at the 6month mark and well update this at nine months but at the 6month mark laguna was spending we were expecting them to spend to the budget. The General Hospital is actually because they have a higher census than assumed, theyre actually overspending their Salary Budget by 5. 8 million which is more than offset by 50 million in revenue improvement. Then they do have expenditures savings in the other parts of the department. So not the general, not laguna, but population health, mental health, et cetera. Supervisor ronen do we know how much salary savings . Its about 5 million in total uses savings. I dont have at my finger tips how much of that is salary, but we could follow up and get that to you. Supervisor ronen okay. And then in for h. S. A. , why are we underspending in cal works and medical. This is savings. Supervisor ronen do we have a sense of why that is happening, because we clearly have the need . I dont, but could follow up with. Generally speaking, these different aid programs have defined criteria as to who is eligible to participate. And to the extent that you project how much participation theyll see, to the extent that participation is higher or lower than that, you see that in our reports. Supervisor ronen id like to know why, because it could be that everyone who is eligible signed up for it could be that we have a problem recruiting and making people feel safe to sign up for the benefits. So it would be great we would be happy to follow up and get more information for you. Supervisor ronen okay. Then do we know why juvenile probation was operating without two key finance positions that were delayed 6 million in federal and state funding . Was that an h. R. Problem . Was that a departmentwide problem . Or the delays from central h. R. Which is happening in practically every department. My impression is this almost entirely driven by issues internal the department. It was kind of an extraordinary moment. Its kind of what has led us to take actions with the new chief to assign temporary help there to help with these things. I personally attribute it to management personnel and operational issues within the department this last summer. Supervisor ronen what was the time period these positions were open and we were failing to fill federal and state bill federal and State Government . The period were seeing the delayed claims was the very end of last fiscal year through this fall. This is not lost money to the city. Its just we will now have a endeavor to reach back and claim for those prior periods and we have with the new chief and with our team and other assistants, we have a group that is working this issue as we speak. Does that help . If there arent other questions, ill move into what were seeing this week. This is an extremely dynamic situation and evolving both from a Public Health perspective and then our monitoring of what the implications might mean for the local economy, revenues and the rest. In our work, we rely on a host of official data points that are often lagged from when the event occurs. Unemployment claims, actual tax filings, reporting from the fed. We wont see some of that data for weeks and months. So in moments like this, we really look to a number of different proxies quickly to get a feel for what is going on. Weve been doing an extraordinary amount of that last weekend and through this week. So im sharing with you, the early data points. We can talk about the things were looking at and working on and ill have more information regarding the tax revenue implications of a lot of this again within the next week. A few issues of great concern. So, prior to the emergency in San Francisco, we had already begun to see declines in landings at the airport, predominantly impacted by china and asia. Youd already seen notable dropoff in landings last winter and into the spring. We commented on these in the 6month report, but you started to see a slowing of tourism into San Francisco and the u. S. From china, but that has changed dramatically in the last week. Landings at the general at s. F. O. This week are down 20 . Thus far this week for international flights. And were seeing it in Domestic Travel as well. So domestic landings at the airport are down 12 this week. That is landings. Thats the number of planes landing. Were endeavoring to get better information from the airlines and we expect to have it soon to the number of people on those planes, but its being reported that those planes arriving are arriving with fewer people as well than a week ago. The actual number of visitors coming to San Francisco or others coming to San Francisco is likely higher than this. The most Immediate Impact of this here within the borders of San Francisco and i think we felt this profoundly already this week, relates to Convention Business. And then spilling over from there into other parts of the hospitality sector. At this point Event Sponsors have cancelled all conventions at the moscone through the middle of may. The cancelled conventions account for 235,000 room nights which is a very large number. We have been spending time this week talking to Hotels Downtown to understand what is going on with their businesses this week. Theyve seen spikes in cancellations, monday, tuesday and even this morning this week. The rate of those cancellations is accelerating. And it is reported information to us, but many Hotels Downtown, if not most hotels are reporting this week theyre now operating at occupancy rates of 2030 . Thats versus the standard that weve grown used to for many years in the city of 8085 . So even this quickly our hotels are emptying out quickly. This kind of level of occupancy is actually worse than what we felt immediately after september 11 to put it into context. Weve been talking to other industries that support hotels and wraparound hotels, catering, other services, special events and the rest. And they have almost uniformly thus far reported to us a mass cancellation of almost all of their business. This is obviously a large part of our local economy. Hotels, hospitality and supporting services and employs a large number of people. Hotels directly employ 25,000 people in San Francisco. And these associated industries that wraparound, depending on how you count them, are tens of thousands of employees beyond that. So very significant and very Immediate Impacts. And the lack of any Convention Business for several months means that we should expect that these kinds of impacts maybe not at these levels but significant, will linger for sometime. Weve also seen this week things beginning to spill over beyond hospitality into other parts of the economy. A couple of indicators we look to for kind of people coming to San Francisco and shopping, not from airports, not from the airport but within the region, bart ridership was down 9 last week. Exits at downtown bart stations over the weekend, which is where were comparing last weekend versus the weekend before, were down more than 9 . So in the low double digits. And then this week, on monday, bart exits downtown were down 24 , versus the monday. Very significant slowdowns. Happening again quickly. This is somewhat related to very large decisions being made by some of our employers in the San Francisco consistent with Public Health advice to encourage telecommuting. So you see large offices downtown and large employers encouraging their employees to work remotely and that means less traffic into downtown and the city from the rest of the region. Over the weekend, you know, one thing we can look at realtime information about what is going on in some of the districts in terms of activity is sampling parking garage occupancy rates. Last weekend, it varies significantly garage by garage, but vacancies rates in the garages were up 2040 from the weekend before. So very significant changes. And its really most pronounced in a few neighborhoods. Downtown, civic center garage, given the cancellations in the civic center and chinatown, chinatown north beach. At least in terms of the weekend work. We have been spending time this week talking to a number of restaurants and restaurant associations to understand kind of what theyre reporting and seeing in the first few days of the week. And there is a broad number of restaurants reporting very significant declines in the sales thus far this week. It appears to be a bit of a different picture. Again, downtown, chinatown, kind of places the tourists go, places that Office Workers eat, are reporting some are reporting losses in excess of 50 or more in terms of this weeks sales. As we get out into neighborhoods where people are potentially staying because theyre telecommuting or otherwise, the losses feel less pronounced. And with some reporting some businesses reporting no loss and no losses so far, bar service, out of the neighborhoods. And then the other thing to note, of course, that restaurants, this is not just spilling into restaurant, but other small retailers, other retail activity. Kind of feeling in that same shape. A very bad week, but worse for those located in the core or in certain downtown neighborhoods. We will know much more about these things in days and weeks ahead, both in terms of the data we have access to, but we also expect more news regarding what the shape of this might be looking ahead. Obviously, there is questions here about two key questions are and i think theyre both predominantly related to how the Health Emergency plays out, theyre ones of duration. And then how spillover works out of these industries into the rest of the local economy and potentially into the National Economy . That would then potentially impact other parts of the economy that were not seeing losses this week, office work, professional services, a whole host of other industries that this week are doing okay. And continue to operate. We will come back next week with some updated ranges of current year tax revenue losses, but just to give you a sense of what were expecting to see, and again, here were focusing on the coming quarter. The last four months of the year, three months of the year. And i think the losses were likely to feel are going to be concentrated in these places. So hotel tax declines are obviously going to be very significant given the occupancy rates i mentioned earlier. And probably in the current year is going to be the Significant Impact the city feels, but we would expect to see losses in sales tax, maybe parking tax and others in this coming quarter. Interest earnings. The money that the city earns on our treasury is expected to decline significantly as well because the federal government has now cut the fed Interest Rate in an effort to stimulate investment. That means that we earn less money on our earned cash, so were quantifying that. And you may see additional federal Interest Rate cuts in weeks ahead which will further erode that. The airport transfer we received from the airport will be down in the current fiscal year and we expect to see others. Well have more on this and we will not have a hard number, but we think its important to present a range of numbers to the board of supervisors, mayors and others can begin planning how to manage this. We will see other impacts that will be deferred to next year, given the way taxes are paid and how this plays out. So business tax, for example, is almost predominantly paid activity now, the tax paid on it will be paid next spring. So that will be a deferred impact. It wont hit the current year, it will hit next year. And well have other implications well include in the later update. I think the loss in the coming quarter will be in the tens of millions, the question is how many . And i hope to have some sense of that next week. Supervisor fewer any members of the public . Hello. The supervisors, i represent the first people of San Francisco, and right here on this podium the chair person rosemary addressed all the supervisors and gave you all some counsel. Weve reached a stage in this city and county of San Francisco where corruption has reached more than saturation point. So when the controller is saying something about this pandemic, if you go to the General Hospital, the turnover of our nurses is over 80 . And if we have the need to have beds for 500 people, thats a minimum because of my training in the military with logistics and all we have like 80 beds. And we have a middle class living on the streets of San Francisco. And we have our supervisors listening, saying something, but it Means Nothing because we cannot say [bell ringing] that we represent the people when we dont do anything for them. Obviously there is a pool of money there that General Hospital has saved and the Human Resources has saved and that is fine, because you know, if you bring ten cpas each one will give is own accounting. If you want, you can say yes or say no. But the bottom line here, supervisors, is you must represent [bell ringing] the people. Supervisor fewer thank you. Any more Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. President yee . President yee thank you, chair fewer. Thanks for the presentation. And its good that we had a good projection for the sixmonth report. Hopefully that offsets some of the bad news coming, moving forward. The question that i mean, all that stuff is really hard to predict and the problem is we dont know how long its going to last. In regards to working with the convention center, for instance, theyve there has been a lot of conventions that have cancelled. Im curious, how far into the future are people starting to cancel . Just to give us a sense of what were looking at. You know, if theyre cancelling things three or four months out, i would say were really in trouble. Yes. And we can report back more, but all sponsors not the city have now cancelled all conventions at the muss coney through may 15th. There are cancellations beyond that. I dont know the count. There are some. And i think there is some hope, depending on how this works that some of the conventions cancelled can be slotted into other slots next fiscal year, but that depends entirely on how our Health Emergency plays out over the coming weeks and months. President yee okay. Thank you. Supervisor ronen yes, assuming that is San Francisco if San Francisco decided to go the route of milan and shut down the entire city, would you give us a sense, in addition to what youve already described, what additional Economic Impacts there would be . I know its enormous, but just get our wheels turning. Yeah, and this is certainly i dont want to speculate too quickly here in the moment, but these are kind of questions were asking ourselves related to projections looking ahead, whether the arc of different possible outcomes from a Health Perspective . What are likely interventions in these scenarios . And in protecting Public Health, by design almost, it avoids interactions and causes other damage, right. So were talking through that. I dont want to speculate. It would be profound though. Already i believe in the sectors were talking about, there is going to be quickly discussions of closures. Youre going to have cash crunches in many of the businesses that are affected. Businesses are very quickly going to phase decisions related to their estimate of what they think the duration of this is and whether it would be in the businesss financial best interests to simply close for a month. I would not be surprised if hotels are having that conversation. I think restaurants in the city are likely already having that conversation. And the broader the kind of Public Health response needs to be, the more profound those kinds of choices spread to every part of the economy. Every part of our business base. And all of their workers. So i dont want to speculate, but it would be profound. Supervisor ronen have you been studying what is happening in italy and wuhan . Some. I know the Health Experts have been working on that more feverishly than we have been in the last few days. Supervisor ronen definitely, theyre studying the Public Health impacts, but the Economic Impacts, kind of what are the measures that those economies are taking . Theyre extreme and they have profound impacts. I have not been to this point this week reviewing the specific economics, but more considering what the Public Health interventions would and then thinking through with our team and others what would the application of that kind of a rule mean in San Francisco . In top level results, you can see impacts to top line, bottom line, indicators in china. China has had a negative quarter for last year in terms of their g. D. P. Growth. I believe that was the first negative quarter in over 20 years. And i think thats entirely driven off of their Public Health response. If that gives us some sense. Supervisor fewer seeing no more comments. Thank you very much. Is there another presentation . No, i think were done. I can very quickly show this new tool off if that is helpful, madame chair. Supervisor fewer one good news thing. Yes, a better topic to end with today, or a little more cheerful anyway. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to do this. As youre aware, chair fewer, the supervisor mar, the sful full board adopted legislation for transparency and required our office to create a website where people interested in the budget process would have access to some of the time lines, tools, meetings and reporting in a centralized way. So thank you very much to the Digital Services team and the city administrators office, reesa sandler and others in the budget group. We got that site up and live on march 1. Its on the top level of the sf gov website. Weve tried to keep it very simple to make it publicly accessible as possible. Its a single landing page. Plain language, descriptions of the budget process, a calendar and then Department Budgets. Drilling into this a little bit, for example, for the timeline, the process used to develop the budget, which i think is one of your goals, chair fewer, has been increased understanding of how that process works and participation in it. There is a simple timeline that shows the different steps of the budget production process. And in each of these cases, there are links to the key documents that official documents that are considered. For example, the mayors budget instructions here. Budget and legislative Analyst Reports at a later time. The budget book. The proposed budget. The last thing and there are host of other documents archived here for ease of people to find them from the public. And then lastly im sorry lastly, because i know its important to the board and to the members, all Department Budget submissions that have come into our office and the Mayors Office are available on the site for review. Supervisor fewer i just want to say i think this is fabulous. Weve had people go on to this website and theyre just fascinated by the city budget now. Like i think it was such a huge thing that most people, lay persons, myself included, didnt understand. And i think this really makes it accessible to every taxpayer in San Francisco. Which is our goal. Thank you. And any other comments from my colleagues . None . Okay. Id like to make a motion then to file this item. Second . President yee, take that without objection. Thank you very much. Any other business before us today . No further business. Supervisor fewer thank you very much, were adjourned. Chair ronen the meeting will come to order. Welcome to the march 9, 2020 meeting of the rules committee. I am chair hillary ronen. Seated to my right is rules Committee Member catherine stefani, and seated to my left is Committee Member gordon mar. Id like to thank sfgovtv for airing this meeting. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes. [agenda item read]. Chair ronen thank you. Can you please read item number 1. Clerk item 1 is a motion appointing Megan Wallace to the Treasury Committee for a term ending june 30, 2021. Chair ronen thank you. Megan, if you want to come up . Thank you. My name is Megan Wallace. I just want to share a little bit about my qualifications. First, ive been a Public Servant in the areas of budget, finance, and Public Service for approximately 15 years. In 2008, my family moved to San Francisco, and i began my service with the city and county of San Francisco in the Mayors Office of housing and community development, first under mayor gavin newsom and then under temporary mayor edwin lee before moving to the Port Committee and working with that budget. Part of my work was overseeing the Bond Committee and most recently delving into ifde and issuances. Prior to transitioning sorry. As c. F. E. Of sfusd, i now oversee the School Facilities bond program, and we are preparing to go out for a bond sale this coming spring. Additionally, i just want to share that i am a resident of San Francisco. Ive lived in the city just over ten years, first in the neighborhood of Bernal Heights and then in the neighborhood of m mira loma park. All told, im a dedicated member of our local community, and ive been a Public Servant for over 13 years. And with my experience of budget and finance, i feel im a good qualified fit for this role. So thank you. Happy to answer any questions. Chair ronen thank you. Is there any questions . Thank you so much. Were so glad youre willing to serve in that capacity, as well. Thank you for that. Now lets bring this item up for Public Comment. Is there any member of the public that wishes to speak, please come forward. No . Seeing none, eric meinke isnt here . Page shaw, eric meinke is working at this time. If you have any questions for the treasurer and tax collector, im happy to answer them. Chair ronen i just had notes that he was coming. Any other Public Comments . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Would you like to do the honors . Supervisor stefani yes. Im very pleased to support Megan Wallace for this position. Weve worked together in many different capacities, and im glad to see you nominated to this board. Id like to move to approve the appointment of Megan Wallace to the Treasury Committee and move this forward with a positive recommendation. Chair ronen and we can take this item without objection. [gavel]. Chair ronen mr. Clerk, can you please item 2. Item 2 is appointing one person, term ending june 30, 2022, to the aging and adult advisory counsel. Chair ronen and is janet petty here . Thank you. Im honored to be here to be considered to be on the aging and adult advisory committee. I earned my doctorate degree in organizational learning at the university of San Francisco where ive been a professor for 20 years. Human services have been the cornerstone of much of my work. Ive worked with organizations like glide, city college of San Francisco, united way the bay area, and the red cross, where ive been tasked with providing services to the adult and aging population. [inaudible] and many of them, as you know, are seniors. I interacted with many, and i manage a team of 12 who raised the money to support the programs, and it was at that point that i became seriously committed to working with seniors in San Francisco. My i was the foreperson of the San Francisco civil grand jury in 2015, and it was during that time that year that i learned about advocate programs for independent aging populations in the city, and i now look forward to reengaging in these efforts to ensure Quality Services and attention to our growing aging population. We all know that we currently face a Public Health crisis challenge due to the spread of covid19. Its been noted that the elderly are at particular risk, heightened by the growing number of cases in california, attributed to community spread, and if a member of the commission on aging advisory council, i will support the work of the commission to provide services to the aging population of San Francisco through this crisis and beyond. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve. Chair ronen thank you for your willingness to serve. Any questions . No . No. Thank you so much. Thank you. Chair ronen any member of the public wish to speak on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel]. Supervisor mar yeah, id be happy to. I recommend that we make a motion to accept janet petty nominated to the aging and advisory council. Chair ronen thank you. We can take that without objection. Thank you so much. [gavel]. Chair ronen mr. Clerk, can you please read item three. [agenda item read]. Chair ronen thank you. Hi. I am ian fregosi, legislative aide to supervisor fewer, which she apologizes she cannot be here today. The purpose of the Reentry Council is to coordinate local efforts to support adults exiting San Francisco county jail, San Francisco juvenile Justice System out of home placements, the California Department of corrections and rehabilitation facilities, and the United States federal bureau of prison facilities. So currently excuse me. So there are Seven Members of the Reentry Council who are formerly incarcerated persons, but none of them are allowed to serve as an officer of the council who can chair the meetings. Currently, all of the officers who are responsible for chairing the reentry meetings are criminal Justice Department heads and members of the Mayors Office. So this would allow one of the formerly incarcerated members to chair the meeting. Jose bernal, a formerly incarcerated member, and the other six members, proposed that one of the members be allowed to chair the meetings, and it was supported by the other members. The council decided since they were seeking an amendment to the officer clause, that they should also focus on cleaning up the other language in the ordinance. This is in line with supervisor fewers resolution to adopt personfirst language, which was adopted unanimously by the board of supervisors this year. So if its okay with you, chair ronen, im going to turn it over to joffrey, who can speak a little more about this ordinance and can answer your questions. So thank you for your time, and we hope to have your support. Chair ronen thank you so much. Hello, supervisors. I also wanted to give you one more clause that was added is, like, a conflict of interest clause. So one of the beautiful things is that our seven formerly incarcerated individuals got a job with a Law Enforcement agency, and so it appears to be, like, two votes because she now works for a Law Enforcement agency, and one of those clauses is if you are hired by any of the city departments that sit on the board, within 90 days, were the according to the update, were asking you to resign. But that 90 days gives the person a chance to resign. We dont want to discourage people from taking city employment while theyre on the council. Ian did not speak to that, but i wanted to know that. Because she works for adult probation, and it look like adult probation may have two votes. Shes a very hard advocate. She doesnt care who she works for, but we dont want a conflict of interest. While we opening it up, we might as well clean it up. So that is the reason for that. So if you have any other questions . Supervisor stefani i just have one quick one. In terms of the conflict of interest, can you just expand on that a little bit more . Like, what would be the conflict of interest if someone was taking their experience being formerly incarcerated and now working for the city in any capacity . I understand that its adult probation, but i just dont understand where the conflict is . Like, where is the division that would arise . So you can work for the city, just not one of the departments that sits on the council, so if one is a member who came if she got a job at the library, it wouldnt be a conflict. But when they vote, our vote, especially when in april, when we look at criminal Justice Reform bills, it could look like adult probation, they could vote in line with Law Enforcement. Members were questioning that. Supervisor stefani okay. So like any board, the port, the p. U. C. Is not on our board. Its 13 boards, like criminal justice, department of health, all that stuff. People want it to be nonbiased. Supervisor stefani okay. Thank you. Chair ronen thank you. Is there any other member of the public who wishes to speak on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I think this makes a lot of sense and would love to be added as a cosponsor, and with that, i will make a motion to send this item forward with a positive recommendation, and without objection, that motion passes unanimously. [gavel]. Chair ronen thank you. Mr. Clerk, can you please read item 4. Clerk item 4 is an ordinance amending the police code to make an existing exemption to the paid parental leave ordinance to employers with fully paid family leave policies consistent with recent changes to state law. Chair ronen thank you so much. Supervisor stefani, do you want to make any opening remarks . Supervisor stefani yes, thank you. Colleagues, before you is a small technical change to our citys paid family leave program. In 2016, San Francisco became the first city in the country to ensure that employees receive 100 of their salary when they took paid parental leave. So San Franciscos Program Works like this. Under california law, in 2016, workers could take up to six weeks of partial paid parental leave. In San Francisco, employers are then required to pay the difference of these employees salaries so they are making 100 of their salary up to a certain limit. And last year, i think we all know that Governor Newsom extended the partial paid leave by two weeks to extend to eight weeks of partial paid program. Our citys current policy has an exemption for employers that provide more generous leave than required by city law. If an employer zoo giving fully paid leave to an employee for a number of weeks equal to or more than what is required by San Franciscos current law, they are exempted from the law because they are doing more than we require. When the time was extended from six weeks to eight weeks, a loophole was offered. The change in front of you would strike the word six weeks and replace with as required by the city and the state of california. This item was heard by the Small Business commission on january 27. The Commission Voted unanimously to recommend that the board of supervisors approve the legislation, and as a mother and, i know, supervisor ronen feels this way, too, this is a very important issue. I had the benefit of strong paid leave laws when i had my daughter, and it made all the difference. All of our workers deserve this leave, when it is particularly hard for lowincome paid workers to get by. I ask you to close this loophole and make sure that all San Francisco workers have full leave. Thank you. Chair ronen thank you. Any questions . Did you want to make any statements mr. Mulligan . Okay. Thank you. That was very clear and thorough. Thank you so much. I really want to thank you for this legislation. I it it feels, as a new mother, almost impossible to take your child to child care before theyre a couple months old, so even that is too short of a time, so i appreciate the governor expanding that period of time, and this legislation makes all the sense in the world to me, and id like to cosponsor it, as well. And do you want to do the honors . Sure. Chair ronen and thank you for cosponsoring. Supervisor stefani id like to move this forward to the full board with a positive recommendation. Chair ronen and that item passes unanimously. [gavel]. Chair ronen mr. Clerk, are there any other items on the agenda . Clerk that completes the agenda for today. Chair ronen thank you very much. The meeting is adjourned. Chairman heinicke all right. Good morning good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I will call this meeting of the San Francisco m. T. A. To arrested. I will read some preliminary rules after the roll is called. Call the roll. [roll call] clerk thank you. You have a

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