role call . Mr. President , all members are present. Please join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff of sfg tv, Mia Hernandez and kalina mendoza. Madam clerk, any communications . Yes, mr. President , i have one to report. We received correspondence on february 14th, 2020 from mayor london breed communicating her veto of the ordinance with 2. 7 millions of general reserve conditioned upon an executed agreement at city college. Pursuant to 9. 104, my office received no request to consider this veto and therefore, file 1961 stands. Thank you, madam clerk. First of all, i want to apologize for starting a little late. We had a little press thing with the mayor announcing some issues that youll hear about in the paper. So colleagues, today we are approving the minutes from the january 7th, 2020 and januar january 14th, 2020 board meetings. Any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented made by supervisor peskin and seconded by supervisor walton . And so the motion has been to approve and those minutes will be approved after Public Comment has presented. Madam clerk, please call the consent agenda. Items 1 and 2 are considered to be routine. If a member would like an item removed, it could be considered separately. Colleagues, would anyone like to sever any items . Madam clerk, can you sever item just one and two, right . Role call . role call . Without objection, the ordinance is passed. Madam clerk, please call item 3. An ordinance to authorize the director of the department of Public Health, to allow an existing medical cannabis dispensary permitee to operate at a new location under that permit and affirm sequa determination. Anyone on the roster that i dont see . Supervisor hainey . Ill say a few words as the author. I want to thank the Land Use Committee for moving this forward and for hearing this a few times and taking amendments. The main purpose of this legislation is simply to help Small Businesses and equity applicants who have been evicted. Small independent and especially equityowned businesses are facing hurdles staying open. What we continue to see in San Francisco is that businesses in general are incredibly vulnerable to evictions and restrictions around portability make it especially hard for cannabisbusinesses and that hurts equity applicants the first. Theyre rolling out article 6 to applicants and moving away from the article 33s. Portability for these businesses will be a reality regardless of whether we pass this ordinance. However, for these particular businesses who need a stopgap measure, particularly equity businesses, this is a critical protection that will ensure if they are evicted that they will have some openings to be able to continue their business at another location. To that end, we work very closely Wit Department of cannabis, the department of Public Health and the City Attorneys Office to make sure we are supporting the needs of vulnerable businesses is balancing that with making sure that limited portability is available and narrow to prevent abuse. This ordinance would authorize the director of the department of Public Health to allow a grandfathered mcd permitee to change the location associated with the permit only if the following criteria are met. One that the permitee requests the change and identifying the changed location, the permitee has been verified by the office of cannabis as an equity applicant. The permitee has been notified by the landlord that the lease of the location has been terminated and the new location has an existing authorization for medical cannabis dispensary use and the permitee has complied with all applicable codes and the Planning Department, dbis disability and office of cannabis review and inspect a new location to report to the director and only the director can determine whether the permitee has satisfied the requirements. Im introducings an amendment which all of you should have which further restricts to exclude any location where there is a judgment, finding that the landlord or other than of the new location has wrongfully evicted another permitee from the new location. This is legislation that applies to a very narrow set of businesses, ones that are not already under the article 16 and still continue to be under article 33, yet, have experienced an eviction or faced an eviction and need to move to another location with narrow requirements and very specific apoliticcability. I appreciate everyone who has weighed into this and the amendments which have specified who we want to support with this legislation and i hope that you all will vote to support this. Supervisor peskin . Thank you, president yi. I would like to rise to second supervisor haineys amendments and thank supervisor hainey and his office for not only bringing this legislation forward but addressing the potential inequities we all came to understand and realize. So i stand in support and second the motion. Can we take the amendments same house, same call . So amendment passes. Colleagues, while sorry. I recognize this legislation was crafted to address a difficult circumstance for the equity applicant that was displaced from their sight with little options to move forward with their permit application, i am unable to support the ordinance given the background and the possible precedence this sets for the future. The portability of this particular permit currently applies to two locations in San Francisco, 1940 ocean avenue and 1545 ocean avenue. One of these locations previously evictses previously and operating, 33 permit holder, medical cannabis dispensary and we delayed our deliberation on this item so that their court case could move forth to a decision. The reality is that it is difficult to prove whether or not there was an unlawful eviction of a commercial tenant. What we do know the commercial tenant was displaced by the landlord and they are now turning around and selling the property knowing this legislation will benefit them. I want to be very clear that my position is not in favour or against any particular permit holder. This is an unfortunate situation on all sides. I, for one, support conditional uses for these types of business so that communities are able to determine what is best, but that is not what we are discussing today. My decision lies on the fact that the players who are benefiting most from a bad situation or the landlords who are knowingly taking advantage of Business Owners and consequently leaving storefronts vacant waiting for the higher the rents and charging high amounts of rents, knowing that certain uses are more lucrative than others. This was the very thing we were concerned about when the board passed policies to implement Cannabis Retail legislation. We did not want land use speculators and the special Property Owners to have the upperhand to charge top dollar and displace tenants so they can make more profit. It just so happens that the two sites of this ordinance would apply to are also in my district along the ocean avenue corridor and i fine i find it troubling e carving out something that support ocean avenue. This sustains Family Businesses and restaurants despite the hot market of mixed use market rate developments. But theres a commercial fear that rising rents will impact the great mix we currently have. While this legislation is narrow, it does send a message that there is little the city can do to hold commercial landlords who are displacing tenants and holding sites for ransom accountable. I want to recognise the equity applicants struggling to make it here in San Francisco and look forward to furthering that discussion with the office of cannabis and the department of Public Health. I thank supervisor furer for calling upon that hearing and to really understand what is happening with this industry. The decision im making today comes after many months of discussions and ultimately, allowing a tenant outcome and it also unintendedly rewards greedy landlords. For this reason, i am unable to support this ordinance today. Madam clerk, could we have role call on the amended item . role call . Role call . role call . There are knife ayes and two nos. Its a 92 vote and this ordinance passes as amended. Madam clerk, please call the next item. Item 4 an ordinance to order the vacation of streets on a portion of the valejo street rightofway and a portion of the davis street rightofway as part of the improvements from the zhani hotel venue and project open space project to make the appropriate findings and adopt other appropriate findings. role call . There are 11 ayes. Item five is to repeal ordinance 3817 and 10219 and amend the administrative code and to affirm the sequa determination. Supervisor peskin . I wasnt sure. You just raised your hand . I did. I would like a motion to continue this to 24, march 2020. So theres a motion to continue the item and do we need a second . Seconded by supervisor fewer and can we take this without objection . Then it passes. Madam clerk, item 6. Item 6 is a resolution to approve modification number 1 to a contract number 11211. 51, support of the airport shared use passenger Processing Systems with the sit communication for a new not to exceed 15. 9 million with no change to the Contract Term which expires december 31, 2023. Supervisor preston. Thank you. I had some questions and i dont know if its for the legislative analysts or if theres someone here from the airport but i understand there were questions that came up in committee that im not sure Additional Information was requested or provided. And just looking at this, theres pretty big jumps including paper costs from 150,000 up to 1 million flexible staffing from zero to almost 2 million. I didnt know if either staff could provide more information on that . Thank you. Mr. Rose, do you have a response . The airport explained to us that after the rfp and the contract was awarded they did not consider various additional equipment that was to be installed. As a result of that various additional equipment, theres related staffing personnel costs and other related costs and we itemize that on page 3 of our report and that totals 5,000,928. 53 and we fac felt wd not what that would be or include these additional personnel or related costs. We recommended that to the committee. Same house, same call . Different house, mr. President. We need a role call. Role call, please. role call . Without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, i see its 2 32, so lets go to our 2 30 item. We have commendations from five members beginning with president yi, supervisor stephanie, safaye, mandelman. We have several commendations. Lets try to keep every commendation to less than five minutes so that we are respectful of every ones time. So thank you all for being here today. The first person that i would like to bring up is my commendation, ken rich. Are you in the room . [cheers and applause] we wanted to recognise you for all of your years of services. For the past 24 years, ken has served at the San Francisco office of economic and Workforce Development and at the Planning Department and for the past ten years, he has been director of the department of director of development at oewd and a principal adviser on planning and development issues. T. Ken has lead the citys team n a series of large transformational Real Estate Development projects, waterfront revitalization, and public openspace projects. These projects include more than 20,000, yes, 20,000 new residential units, six million square feet of commercial space and 40 acres of new open space. Ken, thank you for your hard work and decades of dedicated Public Services to the city and county of San Francisco and congratulations on your retirement. Although, we really know this is not an actual retirement. So congratulations to that. Before you speak, supervisor peskin . Thank you, president. I think i have the pleasure of roasting mr. Rich soon, but i thought i would start at the board of supervisors to say that this is the individual in his earlier incarnation at planning who have sold us the eastern neighborhood plans. So supervisor ronan, any concerns that you have, should be directed to mr. Rich. [ laughter ] but in all truth, in the last couple of years, we have worked side by side on making sure that the pdr use that supports thousands of workingclass individuals at the flower mart will live to see another day, another century and i cannot thank you enough, ken, for the work that you and miss topay did. We can can take care of the peoe that make San Francisco, sanfrancisco. So ken rich, thank you for your service. I have another speaker. Supervisor stephanie. Thank you. I couldnt let this opportunity go by without saying something, ken. Ive worked with you for 13 years now, both as a legislative aid and as a supervisor and your work on the 3333 california project was just magnificent. You stayed calm when we were under several lines of attack from the community and different aspects and i just want to thank you for that. Because of you, we have 744 units of housing, including 186 low income and Many Community benefits, including Public Open Space and Daycare Center with 175 spots. We couldnt have done it without you. When i heard you were leaving, i was sad but hopeful for your future endeavors. You will be missed and thankful for your hard work here. [cheers and applause] the floor is yours. Thanks so much, president and supervisors. This was unexpected and it really is a true honor. I want to thank mayor breed and former mayor lee, may he rest in peace, for the trust they placed in me and this board for the fair hearing and consideration i and my colleagues have always been afforded by you. Before going forward, i want to say that any commendation should go to this group of people. Dont be shy. Stand up. Wtheres 40 acres of open space and a couple of just hospitals and a flower mart. Theres no more important issue than Housing Affordability and im proud of the number we have included in our projects. Wwe need to understand we wont get there without broadbased public support and funding to ensure housing for workforce families. In my next chapter, i hope to continue working together with all of you as a part of this ongoing conversation on how best to accomplish this and in closing, just to say im incredibly flattered and humbled that you took the time for this, so thank you very much again. [cheers and applause] mr. President withi, while yu give the certificate of honor, i will forego the story of the inclusionary housing increase and ill tell that at your retirement party. [ laughter ] i still have another one. But before the next honoree, whr up anyway. Colleagues, i would like to invite eva to come on up. She is the top engineer, the chief engineer of the Golden Gate Bridge highway and transportation district. [cheers and applause] in my other hat, i also sit on the bridge board with several of my colleagues and my colleagues who have had the privilege of working with eva understands why shes being honored today. I would like to show a short clip of the type of work that she has to manage. Its crazy, crazy in terms of stuff that she actually is directing. So katelyn, would you show it. Its just a short clip. [ ] we are on the east and west side of the bridge structure and the delay of the bridge is 1. 7 miles and times two, well be hanging 3. 4 miles of a horizonal netting. We want to impress upon people that do not jump because it will hurt. Its hurtful. Tonight whurtful. This will be mf stainless steestainless steel rd because of the square footage, this is quite a heavy system and very transport to assure that there is as minimum impact on the bridge as possible. This project is by america which means that all of the steel has to be made in america. This is a very large and complex project and we have dozens and dozens of people evolve, engineers, grants people, contract people and our attorneys and our insurance person. Theres something to be said about being very, very, very busy. It keeps the mind from becoming too emotional, but theres no doubt that i think a lot about this. The feeling that we had when we installed a medium barrier, and i think i have the same feeling when i see this netting style, its a feel of an extraordinary accomplishment. [cheers and applause] let me say a few words. Ava is the top Civil Engineer and the true innovator in her field and shes the first woman to hold a position of chief engineer in the history of the Golden Gate Bridge highway and district. Ava has been 20 years with the district and shes managed and constructed several Major Projects including managing the privilege seismic and wind retrofit project, overseeing the installation of the longest bridge, movable, movable, medium barrier and she is currently overseeing the construction of the physical suicide deterrent project. This project is the remarkable feat of lifesaving engineer. The barrier is an intricate structure comprised of 385,000 square feet of stainless steel. The equivalent of seven football fields. Hung 20 feet below the bridge public walkway and the construction of the barrier requires the use of heavy equipment suspended 250 feet above the water. The impact of this project cannot be overstated. The physical suicide deterrent project will save lives and provide critical Second Chance to people who have found themselves in crisis and considering ending their lives. Ava, we are so grateful of your Public Services and tireless work to improve and save live. Now what i should also mention is with any major project like the one i just spoke of, theres always going to be issues with the contractors doing things on time, doing things at cost and these are humungous international organizations, companies that have that have a trillion lawyers and a trillion engineers. She singlehandedly would take them on. Ive seen that over and over again. Im so proud to be honoring you today. Before you speak, supervisor fewer. Thank you very much president yee. I sit on the Golden Gate Bridge authority and ive been completely impressed with ava and i want to thank president yee for recognizing her great work and serving all of us as a chief engineer on the Golden Gate Bridge authority. She is not only, think, an expert in her field, her knowledge is extensive, but her dedication and integrity to projects such as the suicide barrier and this is something which is the phenomenal engineering feat and yet she tackles it with such integrity. And also, i think wha what iveo impressed with her is that her professionalism and also that every time she presents to the golden gate board of directors, it is always very thorough. It is concise and it is very complete and i just want to say that it is a pleasure working with her and i am proud to have her working for the Golden Gate Bridge authority and that she is serving our city so well. And i also wanted to say that, you know, every one of these meetings, the parents of kyle zemboa come. She ihe is a young man that toos life on the Golden Gate Bridge. As i look into the eyes of the parents, because we have ava there building this suicide barrier and i know it will be done and done well, and this is what kyles parents ask us every time we have a meeting and because we have ava on our team, im so assured. So ava, thank you and i recommend you for your dedication and work. Supervisor walton . Thank you, president ye. E. You managed a lot of projects and as a former director, i have had the opportunity to sit and hear from parents who have lost loved ones and this project is very important and it will save lives and so i just want you to know that we appreciate your hard work and dedication. I know how much of a beast this project is to manage, but its important to all of us in the bay area. So thank you so much. Ava, its all yours. Thank you. Im overwhelmed. Thank you president yee and the entire San Francisco board of supervisors for this prestigious recognition. The county of San Francisco was an important part of the effort to build the Golden Gate Bridge, that i very often refer to as the peoples bridge, since it was built when the people of six counties, most prominently, the city and county of San Francisco, agreed to put the properties as a collateral to finance the construction. With nine San Francisco representatives on the bridge board of directors, San Francisco plays an Important Role in governing the bridge district. During my 25 years with the district, i have had the pleasure to meet many of them. And so, this recognition means a great deal to me. Im proud to be supported by the district management team. Im fortunate to have the backing of my engineering department. They are high, achieving professionals who strive for excellence in every project we undertake. I would like to use this spotlight moment to recognise them for their tireless efforts. I would like to thank dennis mulligan, our general manager and representatives of the engineers department, john eberly, please stand up. And john eberly, robert smith, maria, and dion moore, chad long and paul long and many others on my team. And also, last but not least, my wonderful husband, david. Hes my rock. [cheers and applause] im honored to accept this special recognition, thank you. [cheers and applause] so next, we will have supervisor stephani, please present you commentation. Im honoring sue horsst. After receiving a degree, sue moved to San Francisco and received her degree at the San Francisco State University and spent the next three decades serving those in san mateo county. In an effort to develop and implement a Senior Services response system, sue lead over 30 organizations in coming together and successfully developed the Healthy Aging response system. Now a bondfunded programme to the system connects peer volunteers with accessing services. After her work in san matteo county, this is where San Francisco lets lucky, sue came to the San Francisco Senior Center which she describes as the highlight of her career. Sue spareheaded the effort the first nonprofit Senior Center and credits the work of her Outstanding Team and the Citys Department of disability and aging services to transform the sanfrancisco Senior Center into a beacon of wellbeing that it is today. First opening in 1947 and the San Francisco Jordan Center now San Francisco Senior Center operates at aquatic park. These centers provide our seniors with access to support groups, wellness classes and one of a kind personal growth programs. In one aspect of the programming is what sue describes as some of her most important work, the living well, aging well program. This outcomebased program asked senior to create personal goals to an integrated system of resources, setting them on a pathway to independent living. This brings about new challenges and memorable interactions but one mans story has stayed with her. One day a gentleman visited the center and displayed signs of isolation which is so common for our seniors. He was foured to try out the program. For his goal, he chose a simple, yet sometimes daunting task of making new friends approximately while working through the program, the man joined the arts. You have to see this Senior Center at aquatic arts. There is so much they offer for seniors, its amazing. And he told sue throughout his life he rarely had the opportunity to rar rarely do anything creative. He joined a painting class and discovered his new passion which was painting. His work was mired by many and he met his classmates. He never missed a class and everyone asked where he was. He was missed. And from that moment, sue said that he knew he had made friends, achieved his goal and found somewhere he belonged and thats what the Senior Center does for so many. As superior, ive spent a great deal of time learning what it takes to care for seniors and as a daughter of two, especially those with disabilities and sadly, how few resources are actually dedicated to their needs. Ive seen the work that sue has done for seniors during the time of the San Francisco Senior Center and i can competently say she has changed the status quo and raised the bar for Senior Services in San Francisco from all of the classes you offer, the translation services, the piertopier walk. Sue, thank you for dedicating the heart and soul of our city, our seniors. Thank you so much. [cheers and applause] well, first of all, thank you so much, supervisor searc superd to the past mayor who began the support so we could grow and thrive. My only message is keep funding Senior Centers. Theyre vital and welcoming and they stop isolation from happening and theyre incredibly innovative. So from the bottom of my heart, i thank all of you for the support of seniors and know that the safety net continues to slip. It doesnt stay stable, especially my work this the tenderloin. I can tell you it gets harder and harder to live in San Francisco. And i dont have a gang behind me because my fiveparagraph staff are busy serving our participants, keeping our center open, but i do have my husband here and i want to call him out if were looking at 40 years of service. Hes washed a lot of dishes and and fixed a lot of things. Thank you so much. [cheers and applause] thank you. Next we have supervisor safai. Thank you, im going to call up miss brenda baroows. She was born ithe family would e bayview and eventually settle in daily city. I will come back to that. Like most families leaving the south, her father moved because he was able to get gainful employment. Just like then and today, many black family, the reason her family wasnt able to permanently stay in San Francisco because of red line. Weve heard about that, that and racism. Her family purchased a home in daily city. She returned as a young adult and stayed until she, too, bought her first home in daily city and she tried for years to buy a home in San Francisco but was unable to get a loan because of what she considered that herself a displaced san san franciscan. For 40 years and ive had the pleasure of supervisor walton going to San Francisco general to see her along with many of her colleagues, to honor 40 years of service at the San Francisco general hospital. [cheers and applause] thats an applause point. [cheers and applause] and her connection to this hospital spans back decades to when she was just a High School Student volunteering at the womens clinic. Both of her children were born at the San Francisco general and she received care there. This hospital is not just a place of work but she feels its a second home. Miss barrows started at sfgh in the medical Records Department until she was approached by dr. Richard vine who liked her work and in the process of creating a primary care. Dr. Vine brought her on board and she stayed in primary care for 30 years. please stand by . Thank you, president yee. Brenda, i just wanted to say a couple of weeks ago, we had the honor of honoring black women in this chamber, and honoring you today is an extension this chamber, and honoring i want you to know how much i appreciate your leadership, not only just for black people here in the city, but your work with labor, the opportunity that you provide, and the way you set an example on how to make sure that you hold leaders in this city accountable, the community accountable, to our workforce here in San Francisco. I look forward to continued work together. I look forward to you continuously holding me accountable i will. And i want to say thank you so much for all of youre haryour hard work. Thank you. Chairman supervisor fewer . I also want to say thank you to brenda for your work, working with us in the creation of the office of racial equity, for all of the meetings and input, and thank you for all of your service to san franciscans. Thank you. Chairman supervisor ronen. I wanted to add, brenda, a thanks for your patience, the staff at general hospital. It is such an amazing place to work, but you are always on the forefront of making it even better and fixing problems when things go wrong. So i wanted to thank you as well for that work. Thank you. Chairman supervisor haney . I dont want to be left out. I missed the party, apparently. You missed the party. I hope theyre continuing to celebrate you and thank you for all of your service, 40 years at general hospital, and a countless number of people you have been there for and you supported. I know that the Labor Movement also would not be the same without your leadership. So thank you for everything youve done for San Francisco. Thank you. Chairman supervisor peskin . Thank you, president yee, ms. Barris, and thank you for your wisdom and guidance and personal tours and advocacy over the last 20 years. I sincerely appreciate it. Thank you. Chairman supervisor mandelman . I think i must have met you maybe 10, 15years ago, when we were fighting against some pretty bad cuts related to Mental Health and other things, and i d you and appreciated you over that time as well. Thank you. Thank you. Chairman now you can speak. Okay, now i can speak. First, i want to say thank you very much. Im really honored, i really am. And im honored because this is i feel like this is not just for me. It is for all of the people i work with at San Francisco general some of them are here. Stand up, San Francisco general people. Come on. [applause] i want to thank my partner in crime lately, Cheryl Denson thornton, who is my partner in crime in fighting everything that we need to fight. I want to thank my secret weapon, steve belse, who has been very important to a lot of things ive been able to accomplish. I want to thank my family members who are here, my husband and my brother. And one day i hope i can come back to San Francisco, and im going to keep saying it over and over until i can do it, but i think all of the work that is being done around equity in d. P. H. Is wonderful. It needs to be spread to a lot of other departments, because there is a lot more that needs to be done in a lot other departments and i dont see any movement. I hope you guys stay on them and make sure it happens. And i dont know im not going to talk about the political thing here in San Francisco right now. So im going to stay out of that right now. But i just hope everybody remembers that there are a lot of people who get who do things that may not be perfect. A lot of people do. I think you guys remember when i was up here fighting to keep ross in when he was in. There are certain things that people dont deserve to lose their livelihood over unless it rises to a certain level. If i kill somebody, yeah, kick me out. If i take a million dollars, yeah, kick me out. [applause] but i just hope you guys consider all of that. Because the same reason i was fighting for ross, i will fight for any employ employeee working for the city, that if they had to lose their livelihood, it was done fairly. So please consider that. Thank you. [applause] chairman thank you. Im sorry. Im sitting down. Chairman okay. Supervisor safai, go for your second one. All right. Colleagues, those in the public, i am so proud today to close out black History Month by honoring the mover and shaker, one of the leaders of our city, that has been here for a very long time, dr. Reverend amos brown. [applause] [cheering] so known among world leaders, president s, celebrities, and academicians, for his intellectual discipline and masterful oratory, dr. Brown his own time. Tutored by samuel williams, pias barber, and the late dr. Martin luther king, junior, dr. Brown has seen the issues of society as separate has never seen the issues of society as separate from the mission of the church, especially when members of the church are directly affected by systems of evil. Born in jackson, mississippi, in 1941, dr. Brown had a fire for activism and justice from a very early age. Reverend brown organized the naacp, and criticized segregated schools. He met with dr. Martin luther king in 1956 and was handpicked to attend a social philosophy sem maseminar taught by doctor king. He earned his masters of divinity and doctrine. Before accepting the call to lead San Franciscos Third Baptist Church, he seived as pastoserved as pastort chester pennsylvania and as pastor in minnesota. Starting in 1976, he began his lifes work of pastoring for third baptist. As a scholar, the theologian, he has remained for all of his time. They have established a Summer School program, created an after School Academic enrichment program, back on track, and partnered with emmanuel cronologygration. Cong. He sponsored more african refugees than any other local congregation in the nation, and has sponsored 80 children from tanzania to receive heart surgery in the United States. He led the bay area in raising 68,000 for a somalian relief effort in 1984, led in founding the black american response to african crisis, which raised 300,000 for ethiopian famine crisis. In addition to his pastoral responsibilities, he served as a member of the boarthe board of commune college, the National Baptist commission on human rights and civil services, as a member of this board of supervisors, chairman of the bay ecumenical conference, first product of the California Baptist convince, and a member of the governing body board of the National Council of churches of christ. Dr. Brown was awarded the Martin Luther king award for contributions to the black churches of america, and inducted into the International Hall of fame. He is a loving husband of ms. Jane smith brown, and the father of two sons, amos brown, jr. , and joseph brown, and one daughter, kizzy mary brown. He continues to be a fighter, a trailblazer, and a leader of civil rights in San Francisco. Dr. Brown, i am honored to give you recognition and name you as San Francisco black history hero, and im so proud to be your representative here on the board of supervisors. [applause and cheering] supervisor walton . [applause] hold on. Supervisor walton . [applause] [cheering] thank you, president yee. Pastor brown, we do have a couple of people who do want to say a few words. One, there are very few people still around here in San Francisco that have a direct connection and correlation to the Civil Rights Movement in this country. Your work during that time period, your work over the past several decades, is something that we want to make sure that is acknowledged proudly, widely, and very publicly. You have represented the black community in this city for a very long time. A long time. And i want to make sure that everyone knows, whether or not we always agree, that we are fighting to make sure that lives here in San Francisco for black folks are equitable, to make sure that we are successful and that we thrive here in this city. I do want to share one thing a lot of people may not know this, but on pastor browns first sunday in San Francisco at third baptist, he christened me. I was a oneyearold baby. [applause] and so i just want to state that because opportunities like that, when you have a chance to be christened by someone who is a living, walking, breathing part of black history, i dont take that lightly. Regardless of whether we see eye to eye on everything, i want you to know youre someone i respect, i look up, to and im proud to continue to work with you on reparations and everything we need to do to make sure we have an opportunity to thrive here in this city. We honor you today, pastor brown. Thank you. Chairman supervisor preston . Thank you, president yee. I want to add my voice to this commen commendation. While reverend brown may live in your district, i have the privilege of representing the district where Third Baptist Church is, and so many roads in district 5 lead through Third Baptist Church. So i want to say this i want to thank you for your lifelong commitment to the struggle and the night fight for civil rights and racial justice. I want to thank you in particular for elevating the issue of reparations. I think i was in office days, not month, not even weeks, when i first heard from reverend brown about pushing forward. And so i am excited to work with reverend brown, with my colleague, supervisor walton. Reparations are long overdue, and thank you for leading that charge. [applause] chairman supervisor haney . You know, i think that first of all, i just want to say thank you. I served for six years on the school board, and i think probably most folks may not know this, but other than the School Board Members and the staff, there was no one who showed up more than you did. And it would be a committee hearing, where we would be talking about africanamerican student achievement, and you would be there. And you would be holding us accountable. And you would be calling us to do better. And we had, i think, a setter of rulesetof rules for t, and we had a set of rules for you. You didnt have to put a card in or anything else. You would be able to get up and speak, and you would be able to speak for as long as you wanted, and nobody else was able to do that. [laughter] there was a couple of reasons for that. One, we knew you werent going to follow the rules any way when your time was up. And, two and i dont think i ever told you this bd to hear what you had to say every single time. Even when we didnt want to hear it, even when we wanted to move two the next item, even when we wanted to pat ourselves on the back, you would not let us do that. [applause] and i thought i might be able to get away from you coming over here, but here you are again at nearly every meeting, doing the exact same thing, fighting to hold this city accountable, fighting to hold the School District accountable, fighting to hold all of us accountable, especially to the black community here and black residents who have been treated unfairly, who have been shoved aside, who visit been displaced, and you are their champion, and you make all of us better. And sometimes we avoid because were scared of you, but you make us do better and you hold us accountable. I cant imagine wha what our city would look like if not for your leadership over the past few decades. Thank you. Chairman supervisor mandelman . I think my friend rita would be upset, and my friends at congregation emmanuel would be upset if i did not acknowledge all of the work youve done to build connections among communities. Your work with the interfaith council. As a gay man, i am particularly grateful for the work you have done to build bridges between the Africanamerican Community and the lgbtq community, and your early support for samesex marriage, and all youve done do build those connections. Were all in this together. So i thank you. Chairman okay. Its your turn. Dr. Brown. Mr. President , members of this body, ladies and gentlemen, i assure you that im inexpressably happy and pleased with this surprise. It was only yesterday that supervisor called me in and reminded me he was going to do something to acknowledge my work. I must say i was hesitant about accepting any commendation. Because the work that i do is my duty. When my sunday School Teacher in jacksonville, mississippi, told me at the age of 8, i should know what my name meant in hebrew, i mentioned to her i hadnt quite understood what it meant. She told me, sit down, son. Your name in hebrew means amos the prophet, the prophet who bears the burdens of the people. The people. And while youre honoring me today, and this is a celebration, but i would candidly remind you that celebrations only last for a moment. But the struggles of life go on from one generation to the next. Secondly, i wish to acknowledge the presence of my wife, who is standing over there, capturing this moment, jane. [applause and cheering] and acknowledge, in their absence, mr. Preston turner, the chaplain in the ministry of third baptist, and we have in our audience today dorothy henderson, who is chair person of the president s council. Stand, ms. Henderson. [applause] and all of the members of third baptist who got word because i didnt tell them because i dont believe in tooting ones own horn, but somebody said if you dont do any tooting, there wont be any tooting at all. Let all of the members of third baptist stand, who are here, and the friends of third baptist. [applause] and permit me to hasten to say that supervisor walton, you told a bit of our commonality. I just learned this past week that this young fellow was born one day before my birthday. He was born on february the 19th, and my birthday is february the 20th. And god has enabled me now to experience 79 years on this trusted earth. And i say to you, i dont feel in no ways tired. [laughter] im tired of sailing my little boat far inside the harbor area, i werent to go where the big ships are, where the great ones are. And should my craft prove too small for those waves that overflow, i would rather go down in a staring fight than to drown to death by the sheltered shore. And im pleased to be here with brother walton, out in the staring fight. And were going to fight together as a team, as a dream team, until this board does the incredible thing without any delay, of enacting the Reparations Initiative to make sure that we help black folks catch up for all the wrongs that have been committed against us in the city and county of San Francisco. [applause and cheering] and here is another addendum, so that you would understand what i do, i just cant help it because it is in my bones. I have here in my possession a copy of the state Sovereignty Commission of the state of mississippi. This secret file that was released on march 7th, 1999 by court order of judge barber. And there is a summary statement here that says amos brown took part in sitins in atlanta, georgia, on july 2nd, 1960. He was arrested in jackson, mississippi, on saturday, june 18, 1961, at a sitin in livingston park, and having participated in the freedom riots. He was born on february 20th, 1941, in jackson, mississippi. In july 1961, brown was arrested for disturbing the peace at the university hospital, jackson, mississippi, by challenging a white doctor for speaking to a colored patient and using the word boy instead of the patients name. He caused quite a stir up at that university hospital. He is a fullfledge agitator. [laughter] trusting that this information will prove helpful, and with all good wishes, i remain very truly yours, albert jones, director of the state Sovereignty Commission of the state of mississippi. Just think about it. A 17yearold boy had been put under surveillance by evil, unjust, racist, because i only was standing up for my people and concerned about bearing the burdens, in order that they may be able to experience all the fruits of our democracy. Mr. President and members of the board, please, please, pretty please, without any delay, with all deliberate speed, let us, so this system will be able to come back to San Francisco, and other black folks, too, put these reparations into bid. Let us continue the fight until all of those factors in the reparations bill, about First Education we cant make it anywhere without a society being trained and disciplined. We need health care. We need housing. We need security and safety. And, more importantly, we need also that heritage building on the corner of eddie and filmore so we will have our watering hole. [applause] and if i might respectfully say and do it gently and quietly and lovingly i mean no harm ig about anybody, im just talking about what im talking about please, members of the board, just chill regarding our mayor. And let the facts be brought forth. Remember, remember, in this system of jurisprudence, everybody is innocent until proven guilty. [applause] thank you. I appreciate you. And, indeed, my brother there, brother walton, and i pray that history will record it, that San Francisco did the right thing. When the old mule and the young mule teamed up together. And in mississippi, where i came from, you never let two old mules fly by themselves. And never did you let two young mules ply by themselves. They always teamed up an old mule and a young mule, and were going to have some good plowing in this office. And well plow on until the day will come, as i always say, im black and im proud, im brown and im sound, im yellow and im mellow, im red but i aint dead, im white and im all right. I game and i godly. Im a woman and im wise. Im an immigrant and im duindustrious. And we will save america from losing its soul to 1600 avenue in washington, d. C. , where the white house used to be ex sized excisd from that demonic spirit there. God bless you all. I love you so much for your honor. [applause and cheering] chairman okay. Thank you, dr. Brown. In 1965, they celebrated their first wedding anniversary at a jazz workshop in north beach featuring none other than john coletrain. That was the beginning of a lifelong love affair with the music and world view. It started in the king trail hill living room and moved to several storefront locates. Loc. For years, the church was located on divizadero, and it traveled through the streets to its new home on filmore street and then a few blocks north of the panhandle. For decades, the church has been a powerful advocate for justice. Ithe church has fought to clean up toxins in the bayview and fought for unforgotten victims of predator lending during the foreclosure crisis and stood up for black and brown communities impacted by police abuse. Throughout the history, the church was there when people needed it most and always stood ready to challenge the powers that be. The church in bishop kings words is a revolutionary outpost ioutpost. The church celebrated 50 years and Services Continue weekly. I dont want to speak for the bishop or anyone from the church but i know they would say that you are all invited any sunday to participate in the festivities. [ laughter ] and if you come, youll experience the music, love and magic that make this church so special and youll meet not just bishop king but the many family members who are a part of the church, including pastor stevens, the bishop elect and others who make the church what it is today. It gives me great pleasure to honor the st. John coletrain church for creativity, strengthening the bonds of community in our city and for consistently being a place of hope and of force for good. With the ongoing displacement of the Africanamerican Community from San Francisco, particularly from district 5, the church plays an Important Role of the fabric of the community and today we honor the revolutionary musical and spiritual outpost in the western edition. Thank you, bishop king, pastor stevens and all of you for all you do in the community. Thank you [cheers and applause] supervisor walton. Before you speak, i just wanted to say one, that i am honoured to be in this seat as you receive this honor today. This has been this month is always special. We are creating black history every single day and, of course, we take this month at this time to acknowledge some of our black leaders, but i just want to say that, one, not only do i admire your work, but i admire the fact that when we have our conversations, you are 100 real and 100 authentic and it is sometimes hard for someone in my position to have those real conversations and as an elder, you tell it like it is, but you push and you support and i just want to say thank you so much for continuing to be that example and im glad that i get to be in the seat where youre honored today. Thank you. [cheers and applause] even the days that sound came from behind the hill of eternity and took on a gob of flesh and even leaped down out of the mind in god and incarnated in john, am i, coletrain. It came with granted permission to make others happy through music. Thank you all very much. I was just thanking god, the brother said who wants to come behind amos brown. Well, i love coming behind amos brown. Because many times brother is so on point. And one of the things, at least i want to thank the john coletrain family and my founding and partner, the most supreme mother, marina king. [cheers and applause] brother hansen lee and we have sister ann mack, coming in the style of maybe sarah divine. I dont know if youve been to church, but this is the kind of church that starts at 12 00 noon and sister ann might get up and sing around midnight. So i have to give thanks to former mayor willie brown, who was the first one to acknowledge the church even when he was in sacramento and as mayor, he made july 20th, st. John coletrain day. We are thankful to london brie who followed through and had a proclamation on july 20th. The paper of receiving papers with gold seals are only important if you have somewhere to hang the gold seals. In the church, we used to boast as a revolutionary movement that we dont hang pictures, but after 50 years and all of the certificates weve gotten from senators and congressmen and mayors and from other parts of the world, we yet have not a permanent home. Which we can hang these certificates. They would really show our appreciation of what the city has been to us. And i say this respectfully, not taking anything from the joy of the moment, but i would petition the board of supervisor supervik amongst your volume of opportunities you have and find a place for the john coletrain church. We have covered the globe and weve toured france where we were treated like prince princed kings and yet, we have nothing. Now yo. You come to our service f theres 90 people there, half of them are not from sanfrancisco. Theyre not from california, theyre not from even the United States. They come from all over the world because the st. John coletrain church is like going to jerusalem or going to mecca or india. When you come to San Francisco, this is the city that has made it known that this is a planetary shock route that has given birth to a name that has healing in it and to a sound that has deliverance in it. Amos brown is the president of the naacp here locally and he appointed me to be the chair person of the foreclosure movement, not that we werent already involved in that movement, but the ncaacp was absent of a recipient in that Movement Didn and i hear wordsg queenewere diminishing the blak culture disappearing from this town. When we moved on filmore street, they called it, what was it . The jazz district, jazz preservation district and then they changed to the body expect heart and soul of San Francisco. Well, i dont know if you gonna have any soul without black people. I dont know how you gonna have any soul, any heart if you dont recognise the fact that weve gone from 16 down to 2 of this population and ill be very plain about it, some of our leadership has been involved in that. And im talking about people that got the same complexion that i have. I refused to sign papers of the false information and the person that gave me the loan, forged my name, misspelled it and forged my wifes name and had it noter rised. Notarized and still, we had to fight to keep our home. That woman, one of the women that was there is still fighting for her home. Is carolyn gade here . Stand up, dar lin. She is still fighting for her home. I wanted to say coming here with purpose and thank you, dean, for giving me such a short notice and that means longer than i would have talked. If you gave me enough time, i would have wrote something out and sat down ten minutes ago. [ laughter ] but anyway, here is what i have to say. I like the idea i believe that is the youth that inherit the revolution. You dig . We have to pass the baton, but you cant pass the baton unless you end the rain. St. John coletrain is in the race and we like to pass the baton to young folks to get things busy, to the young people of a spiritual community. You are not free until we are all free. And only what you do for christ will last. Its not that investment in the bank of life which truly pays the highest and more cherished dividends. Forget not the wisdom expect wise saying of a love supreme, true happiness is not to be found in the halls of socalled Higher Learning or enslaved to a goodpaying job. Our freedom is not secure in the abandoning of our faith and forgetfulness of need and dependency odependence on god. We must be worthy of a high calling and suprem supreme. Always mindful of the best who give of the best of themselves that we might be free. Let not our youth be less than a call to duty, a battle cry for justice equality and freedom for our people and for the whole of humanity. Be not tricked and bamboozled by promises of fame and riches and seats in the company of the oppressor and the enemies of peace and true happiness. For he whose heart is stead on the things of this world, soul is lost in the lonely suffering sea of eternal disappointment. Let not the invitation to be counted among the noble and the worthy, ones whose names are written in the book of life and souls cry out in unity, the song and the melody of a love supreme. Now is the time to choose this day what will be your legacy. This a love supreme community, a call to duty to put on the whole armor of truth. We as a people are not going to wish our buy our cry our way out of this web of hate and confusion. Some must take on the mind and the holy ambition of jesus, the christ of god. There has been laid before you a gift from god, almighty, the anointed sound and wisdom of one john, will i am, coletrain. A worry and a path made straight for the true believers to embrace and walk with god in christ and the music and the wisdom an of a love supreme and coletrain consciousness and it serves to be continued. Thank you, jesus. Thank you. So we wont read the continued part. But again, thank you, everybody thats here that has been of some kind of support to the church. We thank you for coming out and thats a vest remembered there, Brother Robert fisher and i acknowledge sister jan and our where is patty . Thank you. Supervisor preston. [cheers and applause] oh, there she is. I want you all to come up and take this picture with me. We have kt3, come up. Thank you again. Thank you. Last but not least, we have supervisor mamdelman to present his commendation. Thank you, president yee. Today let us praise parking control officers and in particular, i want to recognise ian brown, who im hoping is here. Come on up. For ten years, he worked as a muni operator before working as a parking control officer. The work of our pcos does not often get the positive attention it deserves. Fortunately, ian agreed to come to the board of supervisors today to highlight the Important Role he and his team play keeping our streets safe for all. This is important important on streets like valencia, one of the most dangerous for cyclists. Valencicyclists. They outright be lane. According to mtas, 20 blocking bike lanes on valencia are rightlane pickups and dropoffs. Last year i joined the San Franciscos Bicycle Coalition and asked to increase the illegal loading on valencia. The mta there after implemented a pilot enforcement project adding an additional ten hours per week of pco presence on valencia. As a result of that effort and thanks to the dedicated effort to ian and fellow pcos, there was a 17. 7 increase in citations on valencia, including a 30 increase in citations issued for blocking the bike lane. More half, please. Of that, please. Ian cited more double parking and double loading than any pco assigned to valencia street. So ian, thank you for those citations and thank you for your commitment to safer streets and i want to thank you for your service to San Francisco and its tough to come out of the pastors o didnt those of st. Jn coletrain. Thanks to my fellow members. Were here to do our jobs and keep the veins movin. Thank you, ian. Thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you, everyone. Madam clerk, lets go to our 3 00 p. M. Special orders. Please call item 22. Item 22 is a hearing of the board of supervisors sitting as a committee of the whole on february 25th at 3 00 p. M. For the members of the board of supervisors to hear and receive specific findings and recommendations regarding Police Staffing citywide. Colleagues, we are now reconvening as a committee of the whole and im requesting that this hearing to be continued to the meeting on tuesday, march 17th, because i believe it is important for every member of this board to be provided a thorough briefing before we have the committee of the whole. We have urging the San Francisco Police Department to do that without delay and we will have this hearing again when that has been completed. With the understanding that this hearing will be continued, we now will take Public Comment and are there any members of the public who wish to speak on the continuance of item 22 . Were talking about the continuance. All speakers are allowed two minutes. Seeing none, the Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, i would like to make a motion to continue this item to the meeting on tuesday, march 7th, 2020 . Seconded by supervisor fewer and without objection can we take this same house, same call . Sure. And madam clerk, i think we left off on item 7. Can you please call that. A resolution to approve and authorize the director of property to lease the Real Property at 888 post street from tc roman numeral mmdccclxxxviiin annualbased rent of 1. 5 million, increasing at 3 per year, authorizing the citys contribution of up to 5 million towards the cost. Of work and adopt the appropriate findings. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, this has been the product of a true and i want to underscore Meaningful Community process that is not done and will continue not only over the next several months as we deal with issues around the design and construction and subleasing, but over the next many years as the community and the supervisor intend to stay closely engaged as the newest Navigation Center at 888 post, corner of high street, with 75 transitional age youth beds comes online. As you know and have heard me repeatedly beg and wine about this has been a priority for me since i most recently took office some four years ago. Ive toured both public and private potential sites and i have brought the tractors to existing Navigation Centers and mostly won our hearts and minds and weve held Community Meetings across the district with cumulatively hundreds of residents and stakeholders and i was always impressed and pleased that the good people of the Northeast Corner of San Francisco commonly known as district 3 have open minds and want to be a part of the solution as it regards the most pressing social challenge of our time. I particularly want to thank the members of out lower nonhill community, in particular those who have engaged in the process from the beginning and we have held three Community Meetings in the last number of weeks. Stakeholders have good will industries, will rogers and his team, the lower poke community district, lower poke neighbors, st. Francis memorial hospital, merchants, the reading elementary school, parent and teacher council, the local faint, lgbtq and communities that have been highly engaged and i really want to thank and acknowledge mayor breeds administration, particularly andres powers, as well as our Real Estate Division under Andrico Pennick and thank you mr. Fewer, my staff and all of you for your tireless efforts and last but not least, craig young and the team at tidewater, doing the improvements and i think this is a model for future sites, 75 beds tailored to an atrisk population and true Navigation Services on site. I have to doubt that it will transform lives and im looking forward to welcoming the centers first residents at the end of this year. Thank you, mr. President , for indulge me. Supervisor hainey. Thank you, president yee. I wanted to quickly commend you, supervisor peskin, and your staff for extraordinary work and leadership on this. I know, youve been, as you said have been pushing and looking and demanding a site and you found one and you organized to get them to accept it and you worked collaboratively and your staff has done an incredible job. This has demonstrated when we do this the right way, a community will welcome this and recognize the value of it. We have another one that will be opening at 33 goff in district 6. This is a process that has gone incredibly well is the community has welcomed it. And so were getting to figure out how to do this right and i think your leadership and your staffs leadership have demonstrated how this can be done and its a testament to your office and also, as you mentioned, the surrounding residents who understand the challenge and as one of those surrounding residents, i live about three blocks south of the site and we shared a border. Im excited to have this resource to help hundreds and hundreds of people transition out of homelessness and well be a partner to you and the partner of home therelessness and mayoo moving forward and requested to be a coauthor on this and well obviously be a close partner of yours and of the community and making sure that this is a success. Thank you. Supervisor peskin. I just wanted to add my thackthankto your office for yon this. In our district, this district 5, on sunday, we had a Community Meeting and working hard to get a Navigation Center in district 5. Thank you for attending that meeting. But it is noticeable and people commented on it, that seeing this opening and seeing all of your work on this really does inspire those who want Navigation Centers in their neighborhoods and districts to realize that its not a pipe dream but something that can actually happen, so thanks for all of your work on this. Supervisor walton. Thank you. I just wanted to be added as a cosponsor, as well. Supervisor safai. I went to the press conference with supervisor peskin exit was a pretty powerful event, to see a building like that that has sat there vacant and to have the opportunity to be in such an important location. That can really serve youth in a spot they can access many different services. I just want to underscore and i know supervisor peskin shows this, it shows the diversity and the need for a very broad delivery system. This is something that theres such a high risk of being homeless and other issues that follow being transitional age and not having that stability and housing. So i think this is a rising population and an important response. So i want to commend you and your office and appreciate being added as a cosponsor. Supervisor peskin. I would like to be added as a cosponsor, well. , as well . This resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call items 8 and 9 together. Two resolutions to authorize the general manager of the public utilitys commission to execute two agreements. For item 8 with hdr epping nearing inc and acom Technical Services inc. Both for support for the watershed management and monitoring and both not to exceed 11 million and for an 11year term. Can we take these, supervisor peskin . They are adopted. Item 12 to extend a 15 million grant, a discretionary grant to Leverage Development transportation and to fund the construction of the better Market Street one project through june 30, 2025. Same house, same call . Without objection, this is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call item number 11. A resolution to authorize the recreation and Park Department to accept inkind grants from the San Francisco Public Health foundation for playground equipment and materials for improvements from ross recreation for improvements to the Bayview Playground valued up to 820,000. Same house, same call or no . Madam clerk, please call the role on this item. role call there are 11ayes. Then this resolution a adopted unanimously. Please call the nec next ite. Item 12, to execute agreements with the California Department of housing and Community Development and under the Affordable Housing and sustainable communitys program for a grant of 20 million for 100 of Affordable Housing, located at 500 church street. Colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . This is adopted unanimously. Please call items 13 and 14 together. Items 13 and 14 are two resolutions that retroactively authorize the department of Public Health to accept and expand two grants for item 13, 135,000, from the u. S. Department of health and Public Services and the National Institutes of health through the mcgee institute to participate in the leadership and operation center, microcide Trials Program and for item 14, 700,000 from the California Department of Public Health to participate in a program entitled Overdose Prevention program in singleuse occupancy hotels. Colleagues, can we take these items same house, same call . Without objection, these resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call 15 and 16. Tothey accept and expend two grants. For item 15, 200,000 from the California Department of insurance, for automobile Insurance Fraud program, july 21 through july 30, 20 and for 16, 820,000 from the department of california insurance for the workers competence insurance program. July 1 through july 30, 2020. Supervisor peskin. Thank you. The District Attorney is new so, perhaps, he does not know that it is generally the protocol of this board that when you accept retroactive grants that you provide this body with a reason, therefore, which in the previous matters, i think, were all in receipt of communications from the department of Public Health. So i will vote for these, but if theres somebody in the land of the District Attorney who is watching, going forward, you must justify why these are retroactive. Response . I would be shocked if there was somebody here from the d. A. s office, but doesnt seem like it. Ill call greg wagner up. Supervisor fewer. Yes, thank you, president yee, through the chair. Since im the chair of this committee, that heard this item, i believe this is retroactive because it was so we saw a series of these accept and expand from state of california as being ret to retroactive ands plains to me is why it was retroactive because they relate the official notification. Thank you. Colleagues, same house, same call and theyre adopted. Please call next item. 17 is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to have the police to record data to hate crimes and other specified crimes. Supervisor mar. Colleagues, this legislation, the crime, victim data disclosure ordinance will require the Police Department to provide quarterly reports on the aggregated Demographic Data of victims of 15 different types of serious crime, including hate crimes. This new information will help our Public Safety agencies, policy makers and the general public better understand crime trends and which communities or demographic groups are most impacted by certain types of crime towards Crime Prevention strategies to ensure that all communities feel safe and are safe. And this is legislation that i have worked on for six months with the Police Department, the district Attorneys Office and Diverse Community storieds. Sta. I want to thank the following organizations for their support, including the chinese for affirmative action, the chinese benevolent association, the chinese American Democratic club, visitation valley, lbgf club, Jewish Community Relations Council and neighborhood association, Golden Gate Heights association, Sunset Heights association of responsible people and stop crime sf. I want to thank my cosponsors, supervisors and my aid who did a lot of work on this legislation. Recently, chief scott and mayor breed announced a decline in Violent Crime and property crime citywide. This is positive news and also out of sync. This came from growing fears within the asian community, in particular, that they have been increasing like victimized by violent and property crime. The racially fueled attack of an older chinese man to being the latest in a continual series of high profile crime incidents targeting older Chinese Community members in chinatown, southeast neighborhoods and the sunset district. And since trumps election, weve seen a dramatic increase in hate motivated crimes, locally and nationally leading to growing fears within communities of colour, lgbtq, safe communities and others but targeted attacks. And the crime victim data disclosure will expand the citys existing Law Enforcement reporting requirements under chapter 96point amount of the administrative code providing new information critically important to strengthening our crime strategies and ensuring all communities feel safe and are safe in the city. Colleagues, i thank you for your support. Supervisor safai. I wanted to thank soup storer mar and i wanted to share the calls it havcalls it havecalls. Im glad were working hard to track the data particularly on victims of all crimes, but especially Violent Crimes, weve seen how we have certain incidents of violence that have been highlighted particularly in social media and so our office, of course, wants to work very hard with all of my colleagues to make sure we do everything we can to address the violenc wevn recently. I just had a murder in our district and i think its important to be laserfocused on preventing violence and i appreciate everyone for being focused on doing that. Colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call without objection . This is passed on first reading. Please call the next item. Item 18 is an ordinance to amend the police code to require in certain circumstances the Police Department to obtain gun violence restraining orders. Supervisor stephani. I asked for your support to implement a robust policy for gun violence retraining orders or red flag laws in San Francisco. And i would like to thank supervisors mandelman and walton for cosponsoring this month and to president yee for cosponsoring, as well. This is a program that will empower household members and Law Enforcement in San Francisco to petition a court to temporarily remove a persons access to firearms before they commit acts of violence. As recently as last october, a 21yearold woman was shot and killed by her boyfriend just outside the lowell high school. People knew he was dangerous but did not have any tool to successfully intervene. This ordinance would give them that tool. The final step to ensure this policy has the impact is to work with all of the Community Partners and the public about the availability of the gun violence retrainin restraining. We must educate people without delay. Thank you to my coresponsers and to deputy chief dave lazare. And i would like to thank the San Francisco Police Department for committing to addressing this issue in the academy, as well. With that b, i urge your suppor. Same house, same call . Passed on first reading. 9 i 19 is to determine a typ7 general beer, wine and distilled ligger license to mgscllc doing business as shack 15 located at 1 Ferry Building will certainly the public convenience. Ok, colleagues, same house, same call . This resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk. Item 20 to amend the ordinance code to a hybrid entity under 1996 and to prepare a report identifying those city departments and or divisions thereafter tthereof under hippaa resolution of the board of supervisors and to require the city administrator to develop, maintain and develop a compliance policy. Colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call. This is passed on first reading. Item 21 is a motion to appoint devon jones and darcy jones to the graffiti board. I have passed out a few amendments to this motion at t. We forgot the residency waiver for devon jones and these changes make that. I would like to make a motion to revise them as passed out. Ok, a second . Seconded by supervisor peskin. Can we take these . Ok. So colleagues, can we take this item as amended, same house, same call . Without objection, the item is passed as amended. Colleagues, can we go to the next item . The items 2326 . Yes. This is the public hearing and associated motions for the appeal of the Community Plan evaluation issued by the Planning Development under the California Environmental quality act on april 30, 209 fo 2019 for harrison street didn and on february 8, 2020, planning rescinded that this is exempt from a plan evaluation and this appeal is no longer valid. At this time before a motion a made to table these items, Public Comment, specifically on the tables of these matters would be in order. Is there any Public Comment about tables this item . Yeah. I know this is not general Public Comment, but could you tell me what the subject matter is, to see if i can bring in thoughts. An appeal of determination of Community Plan evaluation for 2300 harrison street which is moved before the board. I know nothing about that. Were talking about tabling this. Thank you. Public comment is now closed. Is there an action. Motion to table. Supervisor ronen and seconded by saf arc i and this iai. Lets go to item 23. 23 has been called and we disposed of those matters. 27 through 29, mr. President. On the committee reports. Yeah. 27, 28 together. Items 27 through 29 were considered by the government audit and Oversight Committee at a regular meeting on thursday, february 20th and forwarded as committee reports. The president has asked that i read 2 27 and 28 together. 27 is to establish the citys special tax district 20201, the mission rock facilities and services and a future annexation area and 28, to incur bonded indebtedness and other debt in an aggregate amount not to exceed 3. 7 billion for the citys special tax district 2021 is to order a time and place for a hearing of the board of supervisors sitting as a committee of the whole to consider these items at 3 00 p. M. And determine other matters in connection therewith as defined herein. Same house, same call. Items are adopted. Madam clerk, next item. 29, to authorize the department of Public Health to Edgewood Center for children and families for the purpose of maintaining the fiscal solvency not to exceed 350,000 for a period not to exceed 90 days. Supervisor mar . Thank you, president yee. Colleagues, i introduce this resolution with mayor breed, authorizing a modest onetime limited term grant from dph to the Edgewood Center for children and families. Too weeks agtwo weeks ago the ct was forced to shut down. The csu is a 24hour unlocked facility serving union ages 5 to 17 with crisis intervention with a team of clinicians, nurses, parent partners, clinical administrators and a psychiatrist available 24 hours a day. Im concerned with a loss of our Critical Health system. We have a responsibility to offer specialized care to a child in crisis. Without the csu, we are leaving them without the specialty of Mental Health services they are entitled to. I want to fully acknowledge the staff miscoo misconduct. Upon surfacing of the sexual abuse allegations, i supported the departments decision to end referrals and i welcome and encourage transparency on this issue. Dph and edgewood have been working on corrective actions to that the facility meets the high standards of care and rebuilds public trust to rebuild public youth there. Despite the public actions and referrals from other entities that have deemed edgewood as safe, it has not been approved by dph or hsa. We need to maintain the Critical Services when theyre in need of age appropriate care. I want to thank the many stakeholders who have worked hard on this issue, including dph, leadership, dr. Colefax and greg wagner, the Edgewood Community including lynn dulce and the pane community advocates. So thank you, colleagues for your support and i look forward to moving this forward and moving forward the work to support edgewood and continuing these Critical Services for our youth. Can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Role call, please. role call . Youre up to introduce new business. Thank you. Colleagues, today i am substituting a legislation we discussed previously this year regarding the border approved streamlining educator housing. I want to thank supervisor fewer for her leadership and passing prop e on the ballot in november and for bringing trailing legislation to ensure that the first ever educator Housing Project was able to benefit from the streamlining to get units on online. As i have previously discussed, i have very strong reservations that the unit mix proposed was not as Family Friendly as what was housed by the voters in prop e or what the city has previously adopted in programs like home sf at least 10 of the multiroom units would have at least three bedrooms. I recognise there are Market Conditions that make it challenging to build motif room units, but in further discussion, and in understanding that other controls may be loosened to better support these projects, i believe we have come to i a strong balance approach o the dwelling and mixed requirements. I am proposing that future educator Housing Projects that are under the streamlining process will have at least 50 of their units, two to three bedroom units with a minimum of 10 being 3 , three bedroom units. This is off line achievable witt impactinimpacting feasibility. We have to start pushing the envelope when it comes to our environment. The San Francisco Planning Department has been diligently working with us on the familyfriendly housing standards which includes the need for multibedroom units. One of the aspects of the familyfriendly housing is to promote more flexibility for rooms. We already know that when we set the standards, were encouraging units with two or more bedrooms and it has been exclusively two bedroomunits, because that is the absolute minimum requirement. There is no reason why 100 of Affordable Housing and educator housing on public land should have less familyfriendly elementaries than other projects. Therefore, i hope to seek the support of this board when it comes back to us for discussion. And im grateful to continue these conversations with all of you. Today i am joining supervisor mar and hell talk about it more thoroughly, in calling for a hearing on the status of residential vacancies in San Francisco. In my own district, i get several calls about blighted, Vacant Properties that are not only a public nuisance but serious Public Safety concerns. The overarching issue, however, is the fact that we have a housing crisis here. And vacant units sit idly when they could be put to better use. Supervisor mar will speak more on this later, but i wanted to recognize this effort to determine how, as a city, we are tracking these vacancies and that we cawhat we can do to trar the better. Several of my colleagues have already mentioned this, but i want to bring call to attention to the tax of elderly asian residents in San Francisco. Yesterday there was a video that went viral depicting an attack and humiliation of an older asian man who was recycling cans to support his family. The fact there was a group of bystanders that did nothing to help him. In these dark times, we cannot stand by idly to tolerate this behaviour. We need to bring the suspect to justice but more importantly, we as a city need to stand united in condemning targeted attacks and being accountable the communities who are severely impacted. I want to commend supervisor walton for his swift leadership on this issue because it has taken place in his district. Anyone with information on this attack is asked to call the San Francisco Police Department 24hour tip line at 4155754444 or text a tip to tip411 and win a text message to the San Francisco Police Department. The rest i submit. Thank you, mr. President. Supervisor fewer . Yes, thank you, madam chair. Clerk, i meant. Colleagues, today i am introducing trailing legislation to expand streamlining benefits to the Affordable Housing sites on the utilized lots throughout the city and the educators and families now proposition e, this legislation streamlined 100 Affordable Housing on undeveloped surface parking lots and parcels that are 8,000 square feet or larger and also grants 100 Affordable Housing projects and educator Housing Projects a baseline height of 5. The voters approval of prop e of 209 ha 2019 has provided a me that is affordable in every neighborhood across San Francisco. It streamlined the development while requiring the Planning Department to review and approve projects within a strict timeline of 90 to 180 days. The ams wil amendments will alle sites by reducing the lot size standard from ten thousand square feet to eight thousand square feet. This will accommodate church sites and other sites across the city identified as potentially Affordable Housing sites but fall short below the 10,000 square feet threshold. I would like to thank the supervisors for cosponsoring this legislation and all of my colleagues for supporting prop e in november. There are chapters in our history of how Asian American communities have been unjustly discriminated against actions and a formal apology. On february 9, 1942, president franklin d. Roosevelt signed order 9066, incarcerating 120,000 people of japanese ancestries to internment camps. Last week, 78 years since the enactment of the order 9066, the California Assembly passed this by Assembly Member l, a resolution that formally apologizes to the californias Assembly Role in the internment of japanese americans during world war ii. This uprooted the lives of 120,000 americans and japanese ancestry, causing the loss of homes, businesses and farms. Ill calling for a hearing for cleanup efforts on Treasure Island. We owe a responsibility to the community, to current and future residents to provide clarity, transparency, accountability and a safe and healthy environment. Treasure island qualified as one of the most polluted sites and involved in a cleanup for decades. The island is home to formerly homeless residents and more than 50 live under the poverty line. Over the next 15 years, the island will be redeveloped and many being forced to move. And in the meantime, i have continued to hear from Treasure Island residents who feel a level of uncertainty and anxiety about the cleanup efforts and the current status. Some have expressed not being informed about radiation scans that are happening next door, about why they are suddenly required to move to another unit, about fences that come up and down blocking areas where excavation is occurring and why now objects are found every so often. These residents, as well as future residents deserve transparency. Weve had new stories that have trickled in month after month about new objects being found and not to classify this as a super fun site, despite the risk or about whistleblowers, some whom have come to me directly, alleging wrongdoing. As recently as 2013, the navy overhauled the initial assessment of the island and reclassified the current housing environment as radiological impacted. There are residents concerned about Health Issues on the island and i want to appreciate the residents who have come forward and who have spoken out and i hope they continue to advocate for their community. I am calling this hearing and will have a number of folks who will be invited to present. I think its critical that as these questions are raised, as theres Extensive Development thats planned for the island that we have the fullest and the most open and transparent information and clarity on what has happened and what will continue to happen with the islands cleanup. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor supervisor mamdelman. Thank you. Supervisor m arranges r. Ar. I have three items. First, ive introduced a resolution, the nonprofit French School to issue a tax exempt private bond, to finance Facility Improvements for their campus on ortega street, as well as the campus in the ashbury. Secondly, i along with president yee and peskin calling for a hearing on vacant homes in San Francisco. The latest referring to the moms for housing in oakland, reclaiming vacant housing from big banks and real estate sitting on empty homes in the face of growing hopelessness. The available figures are dispirate. W we have a job housing fit report this spring. Abag is determining new housing goals and we know mark rate housing is left vacant but the question is how many and why and what do we do about it, which is why im calling for this hearing. Feignly, ifinally, im proud tr the Housing Project at the Francis Scott keFrancis Scott kd allowing educators to move into their new homes there a year sooner. We need to maximum high maximizs for 100 Affordable Housing. We must make it the norm to build nonspeculative housing that meets the actual needs of communities in all of our neighborhoods. Be can do that by the availability of these opportunities in the face of the driven forces, such as the changes brought force in this ordinance. And finally, i have an inmemorium for miss turkia who passed away and she was 93 years old, born in palestine on september 15th, 1927. She lived a hard life as a survivor of two major wars and she and her siblings sought refuge in four different countries. At the same time, she and her husband raised seven children and eventually became the grandparents of 38 grandchildren and many great grandchildren. Mrs. Oladowa lived in the u. S. 17 years before moving back to palestine. She and her husband returned to the u. S. In 2006 to be closer to her children and her husband passed away in 2018. She is the mother of an active and prominent member of the sunset district community. He is the Vice President of the merchant professional association and has owned and operated the hole in the wall pizza on irving street for 25 years. Owadow, she was proud of me and loved to see me at my restaurant in the sunset. She would stay there and chat with people even though she didnt understand english. Golden gate park was one of her favourite places. We spent a lot of times at the museums and the park. In her last moments, she was surrounded by family and loved ones. The rest i submit. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, i cannot compete with reverend brown or archbishop king, but i actually have a pretty lengthy role call. So please indulge me. In no particular order, first i wanted to address and thank you to the supervisors, president yee, fewer and ronen who personally attended the meeting with the mayor when, as im sure you all heard by now, the city and county of San Francisco has declared socalled state of emergency with respect to covid19, also known as the Novel Coronavirus in anticipation of its possible eventual spread and there are no cases in sanfrancisco, recent monitoring, as well as some of the nonstop Conference Calls at many of us, particularly supervisor fewer have participated in, has brought us to the point of acknowledging that its quite possibly not a matter of if, but a matter of when and we have to be prepared and the community in particular are Nonprofit Service providers and folks and sros have to be engaged and transparent with them and we all need the best cuttingedge information in realtime. I really want to thank supervisor fewer for consistently asking the hard questions. Were not always getting the answers, not because things are being withheld, but because its quickly evolving situation here and in italy and, of course, in china, south korea, iran and around the planet earth, but now is the time to get questions answered. I want to thank the staff, the department of emergency management, Public Health, and San Francisco International Airport for answering the many questions. Thathat i put to them. I think wr what happened today isnt about panicking or causing panic. Its about planning and preparation. Its about mobilizing in a culturally competent way our accelerated city resources. I look forward to working with planning and planning staff, economic its not the Mayors Office but it is an office. It is an Actual Department and oewd and director torez and his staff and i want to thank my first and only cosponsor, supervisor ronen and encourage all of you to be cosponsors and i also want to thank the council of district merchants that was very hopeful in helping us hone this legislation, as well, as locally in my district, the north Beach Business Association that has been raising this issue with me. Next, and supervisor hain earthquakes is noey isnot here,o talk about trash cans and contracts. I would like to talk about a few contracts. I would like to acknowledge the Controllers Office and the City Attorneys Office for pursuing the investigation relative to the revelations of corruption, some of it casual and some likely contractual and not casual. Sto that end today, number one, this is not in the realm of trash. This is in the realm of a different kind of clutter, which is advertising clutter. Im introducing a resolution in the wake of arrests of our form works director, mr. Neru, urging the city to take steps to cancel the citys contract with jc deco. I am deeply, deeply concerned about this contract. I express concerns over the course of the protracted negotiations over the past year and a half, but beyond that, as i play this back in my head, i am very disturbed about the level of lobbying that this and maybe other supervisors receive directly from mr. Nuru. He was engauged in illegal contact that we learned about over the past few weeks. Im concerned that we may have been intentionally misinformed of the citys leverage in these negotiations and ou. I think we urge the cancellation of this contract. In the same breadth, it has come to my attention and i think every Single Member of this body was mystified and i play this back as to why our Public Works Department did not want to procure trash cans where trash went in but did not go out. So those are commonly referred to as big belly trash cans but there are many other forms of them and for those of you who had this experience or didnt have this experience, the director of public works adamantly opposed any and all attempts to procure big bellies. Now somethingly enough, in the world of Business Improvement districts and Community Benefit districts, in the world of the port of San Francisco, through addbacks, including one that i did last year, we have procured big belly trash cans, but public works has repeatedly killed them. There was a 5. 2 Million Contract with a Company Registered at this address at 1743 mission street. On march 4th, the chair of the Oversight Committee, supervisor mar, chair of said committee has scheduled a hearing. We are in the midst of considering subpoena powers that would be delegated to that committee and i would like to get to the bottom of the i cannot make this up. Alternative choice, llc contract in the amount of 5. 2 million at that address. So in no particular continual order, i am delighted to cosponsor and i say this as the individual who runs a nonprofit that bought the topaz internment camp, the resolution that supervisor fewer just sponsored, thanking the Assembly Member who has gotten the state of california to apologize for executive order 9033, that ended up in the japanese internment, something that we can learn from a lot today and finally, colleagues, i am requesting that we close todays meeting and im doing this on my behalf and supervisor searc stephanis behn honor of jim flood, a storied figure in San Francisco history who comes from a storied family who was incredibly passionate about the iconic building at the foot of powell and Market Street that bears his familys name where sue hester has been a tenant for decades. I would like to ring this real cable car bell that was given to mr. Flood who was not only passionate about the building but had broader interests and this was given to him after his first ten years of service as the president of the union square b i. D. And his daughter karen flood is here today and she told the San Francisco chronicle that he took that building personally and took care of it lining it wa like itr of the family. I would like to ring this bell and have a moment of silence for jim flood. bell rings . moment of silence . So jims grandfather built that regal ornate Flat Iron Building at turn of the last century in 1904 to honor his father and the supervisor safai were talking about that, the silver king who made a fortune in nevadas comstock load in nevada city. Jim, the younger, spent 15 million in the 1990s to restore the building to the former granduer in the lobby. From world war to the hamet, to the gap, that building has housed San Francisco classics and as i mentioned, including susue hester and was almost lost to the wrecking ball, tearing it down for a more modern structure, something that we face from time to time, but thankfully, it got a lastminute reprieve. He unmercifully needled me as a progressive supervisor, but i actually enjoyed it. And as i said, his footprint was larger than the Flood Building and every time i walk by that cornerstone, i think of him and his outstanding personality. The one thing we shared was love for the outdoors and my thoughts and supervisor stephanis thoughts are with his family and his daughter, karen flood, who now is the executive director of the union square Business Improvement district and his wife of more than a half a century, 54 years, and in addition to his daughters, his seven grandchildren, his siblings, busines elizabeth ands other sister judy who lives two blocks from me and his brother, john, our condolences to you and i actually have more, but the rest i will submit. Thank you, supervisor peskin. Supervisor preston. Thank you, madam clerk. Today im introducing a resolution in confrontatio in ch the grant from the california Governors Office of Emergency Services to the d. A. For county Victim Services. So this grant is 451,000 for Victim Services, covering the period from january 1, 2020 to december 21, 2020 and the Victim Services division of the d. A. s office is a crucial part of making the criminal Justice System more humane equitable and accessible by providing support and assistance to victims and families in the aftermath of crime during criminal prosecution and after a verdict has been reached. I believe the funds will have a substantial impact in helping victims and my thanks to the district Attorneys Office for working with our office to bring this resolution forward in order to get these funds for muchneeded Victim Services. The rest i submit, thank you. Thank you. Supervisor ronen. Thank you. In followup to some of the comments from president yee, today i am introducing a legislation that i hope you will like and cosponsor. That will establish a new temporary use permit that will make its remembe it easier for l services to operate out of vacant storefront properties. Right now San Francisco is reeling from an affordability crisis that has devastated the citys business and nonprofit sectors. Anywhere you go, you see dozens of empty storefronts lining the most important corridors and the blight they create is slowly eating away at the vitality of our neighborhoods. This would help to avoid costly fees with the blight violations or hopefully after the passage of proposition d next week, registering storefronts is required under the city as vacant and abandoned commercial storefront property established last year and then in addition, hopefully with the property. As we roll out this initiative, we will partner with Building Inspections so Property Owners who receive a notice of violation for a vacant storefront are informed about this new temporary use permit as an opportunity to support a local Nonprofit Agency while avoiding a vacancy and we will partner with economic and Workforce Development to develop a registry that are at risk of displacement or experiencing transitions between the facilities to more easily match them with Property Owners who are willing to bring them into their storefronts. But creating a streamlined process for nonprofit activities into Vacant Properties, they will help to mitigate the presence of neighborhood blight, promote civic activities and encourage a greater Economic Activity along our corridors that are deeply struggling. I would like to thank the Childrens Book project in the San Francisco rising for sharing our rising that they face and find stable places to operate and i would like to thank Small Business owner and advocate ben blyman to understand the value and benefits that legislation can bring to the Business Community and to paul monhay for making this happen. I also want to just tell supervisor peskin how excited i am to be cosponsoring the legislation requiring a faster plays for cus. I cant tell you how many businesses in my district have told me their Horror Stories with trying to get a hearing in a timely manner before the planning commission, how oftentimes the Planning Department would lose files that would cause, you know, delays of several months. All the while, while theyre paying rent on their storefront. It has gotten to levels of absurdity. Thank you and im proud to be a cosponsor and i rest i submit. Supervisor sayai. First, i would like to thank supervisor fewer for the important resolution regarding incarceration of japanese americans in world war ii. So please add me as a cosponsor to that. Also, her other piece of legislation regarding the 100 affordable educator housing in additional height on particular lot. Please add me as a sponsor. I am introducing and have asked today, im asking the City Attorney to draft legislation in specific response to the rise and increase in the side shows that were seeing. Many of the neighborhoods in our city dont have wide enough streets and so, you might not be impacted by these, but as you get farther out in San Francisco, the streets get widing and intersections get bigger and through media and organizing, particularly my district and supervisor ronen and supervisor waltons district has been targeted. And we have seen a major increase in side shows. And so im asking the City Attorney, working in partnership with our mayor, expressing a strong concern but weve looked at legislation in other municipalities, in other locales, and in particular, we would like to see something that talks about naming these acts as a public nuisance. As we go through naming these acts as a public nuisance, the drivers and spectators, we cannot only seize their vehicles, but we can auction the city can take full openership over vehicles. I know it sounds extreme at first, but the response has been in my district, at least when i talk to the police, the police in many ways are somewhat helpless and they can come and they can contain the area and theyre in the ability to take video, but the first and foremost concern they have is safety of the individuals. They dont want these cars to spin out of control. Some people have asked, well, supervisor, can we create a safe space for people to do this . And my response would be, this is not skateboarding. This is not an act that you can tumble on the ground and get up. This is a dangerous act that spectators can die and the people driving the cars can die. By the way, the own people that should be doing this in a car are fullon stunt people with the proper Safety Equipment and years and years of training. And even then, talk to stunt people and they probably have hundreds, if not thousands of bones in their bodies that have been broken and their lives have been put in danger. The answer to that is a resigninresounding no. We wont create safe space but we need to act se decisively. So i act to move in an aggressive manner to give ourselves the appropriate tools. Were happy to work with our Police Commission and police chief. In fact, our police chief reached out to me immediately when we talked about this, gave us some drafts, legislation, so we want to move decisively and we thank the mayor to reaching out and embracing and im happy to work with my other colleagues and supervisors that have seen an increase in this, as well, and weve come to the right piece of legislation. Im going to restrain from talking about supervisor peskins legislation to expedite the conditional use process. Im excited and i want to support it and go through a robust process to see how we can move the process for Small Businesses along. I have had a conversation with many business folks and they generally feel under assault and if we can expedite that process, maybe even remove the conditional use process in some instances moving from a limited use to a full service strun. The rest i submit. Supervisor stephani. Im introducing a resolution to urge the United States senate to pass House Resolution 79 sponsor by our own representative, jackie spare. This would enable the final passage of the equal rights amendment to ensure equal protection under the law for all people regardless of sex. When the equal rights amendment was introduced in 1971 by representative Martha Griffiths it was before the deadline of march 22, 1979, falling just short of the 2 38 states. Thankfully thats been renewed and nevada, which recently elected a majority Women State Legislature passed the e ra in 2017, followed by illinois in 2019 and virginia just last month. So that, of course, brings us to 38. This is the magic number needed to make the equal rights amendment the law of the land. However, the president and the attorney general has obstructed the national archivests not to certify. Thankfully, 96 believe men and women should have equal rights and they should be enshrined in the confusion. 2020 is the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment granting women the right to vote and we werent just granted the right to vote but something the women should have gone before us had to fight like hell for. Generations of women have lived and died since that time without equality under the law. We should all recognise all that women accomplished but remember how far we still need to go. I also want to thank supervisor peskin for closing the meeting in memory of jim flood and for the moment of silence. Jim was a phenomenal man, a resident of district two and just such a fine gentleman. I had the pleasure of sitting next to him last year at the union square Business Improvement district or union square Business Improvement district luncheon and i wish karen flood was still here because it was a great experience hearing about old San Francisco, hearing how he does enjoy my politics and understanding everything he has given to this city and my deepest condolences to the city. I want to thank supervisor firer acknowledging the California Assembly for the world war ii japanese internment camps. As someone as an Exchange Student in japan, teaching english, the japanese consulate is in my district and i just recently met with members of the japanese, and this is an important resolution and im very would like to cosponsor that resolution and to supervisor safai, anything you need, im down. Supervisor walton. Today im introducing two resolutions. Im urging the California Department of Motor Vehicles and state legislature to allow patients undergoes medical treatment to request the stored photograph on their drivers license or identification card. Hundreds of thousands people across california are battling cancer with chemo therapy and other treatments. The psychological trauma can be extremely powerful and we have a responsibility to do everything we can to lighten that load. I adopting this policy, not only would california adopt compassion for the hundreds of thousands of californians undergoing a course of medical treatment but would be protecting members of a medically vulnerable population by sparing them exposure to germs and viruses commonly present in public spaces like the dmv. I urge my colleagues to support this incredibly important resolution. Also im urging colleagues today in introducing a resolution along with supervisor safaye, preston, fewer, mandelman to support the commission to study for proposals for africanamericans act. Hr40 will establish a commission to study and consider a National Apology and proposal for rerepresenrereparationsreparati. The institution of slavery was sanctioned by the government of the United States. It slavery that flourished in the United States constituted humane de deprivation of life, liberty and Cultural Heritage and denied them the fruits of their own labor. Since 1989, hr40 has been introduced to every congress. This was reintroduced by representative Sheila Jackson lee of texas. However, hr40 has never been passed. The number 40 is a significant number being named after the unfulfilled 155yearold federal promise of 40 acres and a mule to recently freed men and women. 30 years later in 2019, Congress Finally held a hearing at the House Committee at the judiciary on the concept of reparations. This resolution will also reaffirm or support for hr40 and urge the United States congress to establish a federal commission to study the proposals. The effective slavery still remains and still resonates in our policies and here in San Francisco, we will be creating Advisory Committee to develop a true plan that will address the systemic inequities that exist in the africanamerican communities and neighborhoods and we hope our state and federal levels of government can follow. The rest i submit. Mr. President , seeing no names on the roster, that concludes the introduction of new business. Thank you, madam clerk. Lets dlets go to public comme. The public may address the board for two minutes within the jurisdiction of the board to include the items on the adoption without reference to committee calendar. Items 3235. Direct remarks to a board as a whole, not to the audience. If youre using interpretation assistance, you can testify. Just place the document on top of the projector and just state to sg tv that you would like them to show it on the television and then remove the document when you would like the screen to return to live coverage. Can we put this up on the tv . This is not over with. Jesus died on the cross to save you, turn from your wicked ways. Believe in jesus christ. Next speaker. Yes, good afternoon. Board of supervisors, mayor london breed, im gregory bell, a voter of San Franciscos district five. I would like to share with you an email i sent to San Francisco State Universitys africanas department. The charisma and influence was matchedded by professor richardson by an individual, each the bad kids were good in the presence of mrs. Richardson because she an aura effect. Ray richson was among the founders of the black studies departments State University, equally important was mrs. Richardsons founding of the first africanamerican people in america with her husband, mr. Richardson. Thank you. As a child of the 60s. Thank you. Next speaker. Hi. Im here discussing about the chapter of business. Any time i come over here, i look at me as a doctor and youre a patient. You are providing us painkillers didnt it doesnt work any more. Because the chance of the spread all over the system. Next speaker. Being called stakeholders for the navigation centre, the Residential Hotels, music city, you know, the guy who doesnt have two permits to rub together and his Business Manager who has named himself president. He doesnt have a building permit, has the whole building gutted, every part i can see, doesnt have an alcohol permit, because there was so Much Community opposition to him. His conditional use permit ran out years ago and he stole a Residential Hotel up on hyde street. This is supposed to be the substitute. What does he say . I told david lobos today ill vote for him democratic county because hes one honest person who helped me to recover the neighborhood commercial district that was destroyed by your stakeholders and the people you showered money on. This man is at least registered. When somebody lift his phone in my taxi, im so happy to give it to them back. Sometime i charge it, just to make sure the guy call me up and give it to him. When i heard the news on friday that the preliminary hearing for the banks lawsuit of the city had been canceled and a new judge will be appointed, my Blood Pressure rose to an alltime high. I wasnt surprised, and im sure neither of you were surprised at whats going on here. You must now look into the corruption thats been exemplified. It delays us further and it must stop now. I was reading an article by tim readman. Weve already had casualties and heart attacks, drivers get into accidents and we sit for too many hours and we come here asking for you guys to please help us. I want to thank supervisor peskin for sitting down with us two weeks ago and give a shoutout to sam. Thank you. Next speaker. The last time i was here before thanksgiving and after that, christmas and new years. Something happened, in christmas and the holiday for us was a disaster, very, very sad. Familiar without turkey and bread and butter. Looks like we have to go to the homeless line and stay there to pick up some food. Shame on you. Next speaker. Well, as you can see the frustration level and you have 250,000 on your shoulders. We are being chopped alive from top to bottom, the one side is sf have chopped us for 250,000 and the other one is San Francisco airport, which is on each trip, 4. 50. And the other hand is the Cab Companies and they are chopping us 1100 a month. You guys come up with a plan or give us, at least, get the Cab Companies off our back and stop the s isstopthis. Nothing is happening with the taxis now for more than two years. Everybody knows whats going on with us, the public, the media and Everybody Knows about us. But it hurts when we keep coming here and we do not get any response from you guys. You guys think you can experiment with us and you run your business. Dont forget we are human being is we have bills to pay and we have kids to feed. We need a place to live for our kids and this area is so expensive. So please, i beg you guys, we dont want to keep coming. Make some decision. You enjoy your family. You have fun with them and you have dinner with them and you play with your kids and why dont we do that . We do not have any quality justice from you guys, but you know, its going to go by this time with me, better or worse. But i will never forget the way we got captured and we have done worse than slavery. We do slavery and we make this payment here. And at the end of the day be i have no money. Next speaker. The 29 bus route was supposed to have been improved and instead it look away for 110 people at ellis because the businesses, i think, paid the person who was supposed to be improving this bus line and the other end of the bus line, the collusion and obstruction of justice includes letting five counts of criminal activities go on, twice a day, with the people setting up to buks at the cable car turnaround. It doesnt matter and i went on a protest and decided ill fast. So what happens to me . Again, targeting, again, i was attacked by somebody twice my size, half my age. And ended up with lifethreatening surgery, a replaced leg, a busted arm and i get out of the nursing facility and whats happening . We have no buses, cannot get on the buses and there are kids on the sidewalk and people on the sidewalk riding vehicles illegal everywhere and police doing nothing about the sound, people honking like crazy. You know what . This person was released immediately while i am tortured at the ers because im disabled and cant leave and people say, oh, shes faking shes seizure. I am severely disabled with ambulatory problems and now with a missing leg and chopped off leg and no transportation. Thank you. Next speaker. Thank you. The Creative Destruction of capitalism storefrontowners and taxi cab drivers. A few years ago, the Police Commission, after the chief resigned was working with tony chaplain to find a new police chief and there was a gentleman called mr. Clyde who attended the meetings and he kept saying, theres no real need to find another chief because tony chaplain was there, 25 years and as he would say, he has no bones, no skeletons to dig up. I heard tony chaplain say he would have liked to have left his mark on the Police Department where he worked for 25 years. Unfortunately, or so, we got chief scott from l. A. And im not against chief scott, but i think tony chaplain, this was his turf and they just started looking for a new head. I would have liked to had a mulligan but this all water under the bridge. Right now we have john ram leaving the Planning Department. We have a new planner coming in as Head Commission and we have a moment to decide whats going on in our planning commission. This is the trends and revenues including reason for declines in ridership and revenues compared to prior fiscal years and the effectiveness of the mtas managing Traffic Congestion and impact of Traffic Congestion on muni. Supervisor peskin, would you like to Say Something . Thank you. I would like to make a motion to table item number 35. Motion to tables, is there a second . Seconded by supervisor fewer and without objection mr. President , we have the house has changed. Do we need to vote . We can do it without objection. This item is tabled. Madam clerk, please read in memoriums. Todays meeting will be adjourned in memory the following believed individuals on behalf of supervisor pesken for the late mr. For supervisors peskin and james flood and on behalf of mr. Mar for okia alodowa. That brings us to the end of our agenda. Madam clerk, any further business before us today . That concludes our business for today . So thank you. We are adjourned. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. This is a reminder to silence all electronic devices. Fire Commission Regular meeting february 6, 2020 and the time is 50 3 00 p. M. February 26. Item one, roll call. roll call

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