I am a tennisaholic. I dont like speaking in public because i get very nervous. Forgive me. We are not really scary. If that is what you think. So where to start . I was born in 1963. When i was 19 19, i moved to sn francisco. Very close to Golden Gate Park. I didnt know anyone. I was going to school and i found a wall to hit on, and i hit and hit and hit. People about my age now came over and said, you have a nice for hand. They didnt say anything about the backhand. Would you like to comply with us . From that point on i had a family which included jobs, 15t is long gone, but fast forward to when i moved in and out of the city a lot. I am third generation. When i was about 40 i was offered a job as a summer Camp Counselor at the park, and it was the great thrill of my life. It made me realize my calls is to work where kids, particularly 7yearolds, because i sort of act like a 7yearold. I still believe in santa. Anyway that was the beginning of my career in tennis. When i was about 34, i became a certified pro. Mostly i worked with economically challenged youth and now, i have my own company call maverick tennis named after my dog who grew up here. We habilitate Tennis Courts, particularly in areas that have been red lined. You can ask elizabeth warn what that means. Because of the red lining and the income tax situation courts are falling apart. We dont need to talk about that now. I left San Francisco in 2012 due to the economy. We dont need to talk about that either. I was in los angeles for the last three years and worked for john west. Is that me . Half a minute more. Stanford all story ated the largest public tennis facilities in los angeles like what this gentleman is going to do for Golden Gate Park. Everyone in los angeles is playing tennis. We hope Golden Gate Park will facilitate that here. Whoever is responsible thank you for resurfacing all of the courts. I came back to a tough city but all of the Tennis Courts are fixed. That is great. Thank you. Any other Public Comment on this item . Come forward, please. This is one of the highlight times, i think it is supposed to be, public and private relationships. All of you have been working on it for a long time. You all deserve a good pat on the back if you would accept one. I am trying to say i am proactive. I looked at this program. I couldnt find gray dots that you dont have to pay for. There are a lot of orange and green dots. Good job, dana and dana. I hope you continue to get along. Thank you. Is there any other Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners. So moved. Second. All those in favor. Aye. So moved. Congratulations to all. [applause] we are on item 8. Strategic plan update. I am sure the tennis people dont want to hear this. We will give you two minutes. You dont have to listen to this. Thank you for coming. We are on number 8, Strategic Plan. Commissioners we are he quorum. Good morning, commissioners, Taylor Emerson from the finance and Administration Division to talk about the latest update to the Strategic Plan, which is a five year look ahead. Which is a challenging thing to do to look at the world five years from now and try to figure out what we should be doing along that path. We are Getting Better at this, though, definitely. It is always good to remember what the charter directs us to do, which is you are here today or we are here today to discuss and possibly approve the 5 Year Strategic Plan to reaffirm the mission, vision, goals for the department. This will guide our work over the next five year period. I am also going to give you an assessment of progress on the Strategic Plan to date. Our favorite graphic, candy land graphic shows us the annual planning cycle that proposition b set forth, and has, i would say, significantly transformed our thinking and really the management of the rec and Parks Department. We start in september with Equity Analysis and metrics, that feeds to the Strategic Plan which can be one or two months effort. Then we work on the Operational Plan which is if that is a five year look ahead, the Operational Plan takes that in half. Of the next two and a half years what will we get done in that time. It is a shorter term look ahead. The capital plan is coming in january. Those feed to the two year budget plan that comes to the commission before going to the Mayors Office and the board. As far as assessment, i am going to just lightly go over this chart which shows that of the total of 64 initiatives, 21 were completed, 33 are in progress. That is what the charter requires me to report, how many were accomplished or undertaken are the exact words. The 54 out of 64 is 84 have been accomplished or undertaken with about 10 not yet started. Still this is a five year plan. We are working on those coming up. I am going to highlight one completion from each strategy. Under inspire place, develop more open space to address population growth in emerging neighborhoods. One initiative we took on in the last plan was to improve and activate one mini park within the equity zone. This is by staff within the structural maintenance yard, no contracting was used. This is absorb the extra expense challenges. They really rose to the occasion. It was the first park chosen. This is before and after of the failing retaining wall. How beautiful it now looks, allowing full play on the basketball court. They many proved lighting and access. Put up a new Community Bulletin board and overall gave a refresh to this site. The yard is going to do that every year. They will choose another mini park in the equity zone this year. Strategy two. Inspire play. Strengthen and promote the health of the seniors. That is one initiative to be there to annual leapin crease the number of includes i recreation include in thisa Wheelchair Basketball League that is open to all levels of able bodies, and, of course, People Living in chairs are better at it. Lucas has increased the number of inclusive registrations 10 this year. Starting with 330 to 380 this year. Just since you have the picture that ties to our efforts to inspire stewardship those wheelchairs were a grant. They are special wheelchairs and part of about 2 million of philanthropy from that organization. Strategy three. Inspire investment, cultivate increased support. With the Sf Parks Alliance bring private support. It is not at 14. 5. We are now at 11. 11. 5. But we have been breaking ground and opening the lets play playgrounds. This is a photo of panhandle playground which had a sermo sermonnial pile ceremonial pile of dirt. It is the lets pay Sf Initiative and the partnership with them is amazing. Inspire stewardship, work with partners. That is the wrong one. Initiative e define and implement best practices of maintenance of lakes in Golden Gate Park. I was surprised to learn there are 10 lakes in Golden Gate Park. This doesnt count ponds. These are lakes. North, middle lake, oak glenn lake, mallard lake, lloyd lake and alfred lake. Trying to figure out how to manage those, the plant life around the lakes has been a challenge. I have learned from parks and open spaces that we are it is organized and best operating now at best practice level. The objective is to conserve and strengthen natural resources. Thank you. Strategy five. This was assigned to me. Create one new Data Partnership annually to enhance the outcomes of the programs. It sounded like a great idea. I had no clue where it was going to go, who was going to share data with us, and it turned out to be so amazing. I cant take credit. I am not on the team any more, but this is the spark that has become a 2 million collaboration that started with the Human Services agency to look at we started by looking at how many residents of Public Housing participate in the programs and not enough was the answer. We have gotten a Budget Initiative from may or breed to mayor breed to go out like mobile rec, mobile play, recspark, working on a name to bring play to Public Housing areas. To develop a relationship to figure out what they would like to do and, you know, slowly but surely lure the residents to the local rec center. This is a pop up sports night with 60 kids came out to sample tennis and volley ball. We educated them about scholarships. We got feedback what activities they would like to do. Just by way of extra comments here. This is not one of our spaces. What is unique we are bringing the programming to Public Housing sites around the city and with the theory there is a pathway to get more kids to actually come to our spaces and then beyond that to sign up for our programs. We are starting by bringing our play and our caring staff to Public Housing sites that have recreational amenities, build trust, invite kids and families to our spaces and go from there. It is a really good idea. Really exciting. All right. I am here to report on the equityrelated initiatives and status and progress. Of the 64 initiatives, 21 are equity related and five of those completed, 12 are in progress. I am going to highlight one of these. It is the Language Access. The departmental Language Access plan. There are more than about 35 of our population in San Francisco is foreign born. That means that a lot of them are speaking a language other that english at home. 44 . To be able t able to increase ao play for these nonproficient speakers is a big part of our work and our mission. We now have a Language Access plan, and staff and recreation have been trained for it, also in permits and our park rangers. Just so you know, if a park user approaches you without sufficient english you can try to find a friend with you or colleague who speaks that language. If that is not possible, use Google Translate on your phone. It is a very accessible mode. Filing that call the Language Line with two 40 languages 24 7. Within the plan there are performance metrics. Not just about getting things done. It is about overall moving that needle on our larger goals. This is a chart that i love to use. It shows that fy16 was the first year. That was the baseline. We began to set targets with that. 2017 was the first year of real data. Now we have a trend line. Three dots on the map, on the graph, and you can see here that park scores continue to go up. Of all of the targets set forth in the Performance Measures and Strategic Plan, this is the chart. It is a little deceptive. It looks like it is going down. That is 1 down. I could not make this map more realistic. In fy17 we met 18 of the 20 targets. Fy18 we met 19. We now have 23 targets. We met 15. So you know, my teenager would say 65 is a d. But i feel like it is a good tension between being able. You want to have achievable targets and yet places to go, work to strive for. I give us a much higher grade, b plus. This is a spring picture to get us looking forward to the next five year look ahead on the Strategic Plan update. One new thing coming up in each strategy. We are going to develop an indoor evaluation program. Our prop c park scores that we are familiar with evaluate outdoors. This is going to set a standard for the indoor User Experience. We are looking forward to this is a big project to take multiple years. I think it will enhance the User Experience across the system. Our increasingly favorite topic the 150th birthday. It is everybodys park. We will have so much play throughout the year. There is a lot of excitement and fun thinking going around working on the celebration right now. Inspire investment, i should have taken the date out. At some near term there will be a bond, and we are absolutely expecting that our voters and many park users and lovers will approve the bond as they have for the last three and we will work on the remaining renovation sites. Fire stewardship. This is a picture of ocean beach, the infrastructure that is crumbling there. You may have recently found that great highway was closed. This is a better picture for the concept of the master plan. Ocean beach master plan. 3. 5 miles of which eight public agencies have jurisdiction. We are collaborating with them to prepare them coastal edge for the future but to increase recreational access there in. Our last initiative that i am going to highlight. Inspire team is the lean process. It is marie meets work. It is about improving the efficiency of the process. We have made significant strides by using lean in partnership with the Controllers Office which has a lean team that goes out to different departments. We have been with them for about a year andahalf at the yard, and the yard has made significant improvements in their ability to work on to attack that backlog and to keep up with the work orders. We are now going to take lean to purchasing so there is tension with purchasing rules and processes set up by citywide, but we really think we can eliminate some waste and improve efficiency with the purchasing process which excited everybody in the agency. It is a problem. That concludes my presentation. I am happy to answer any questions. I have one blue card for this item. Matthew. I am back again up here. So many great things in the plan. I want to comment when a few of them. I only had time to read it in the meeting today. I am glad to see the increase over the years of employee communication. That is an issue. People in one part of the park dont know things are changing around them. Second category events. It is 150th we hope to be Riding Mountain bikes in the park. When i talk to people in the city what do i do . I work in the parks and they tell me how hard it was to put on an event in the park. I am glad to see that. There are two coordination items on there which i am glad to see. I would love to hear about them. The twin peaks and candlestick coordination with the different open spaces in these areas. It sounds promising. I would like to hear more. Thank you. Good morning. I am albert. I have been here a long time since 1961. I am talking about the attachment 3 equity metrics. On page 150172. Strengthen the quantity every responsiveness and accessibility of recreation programs. The data. Strengthen the quality of existing parks and facilities and improve access to existing facilities. I will quote you guys, that is all. Attachment 4 initiative for 2024. 1. 2. Design, fund, construct, maintain two additional nature play areas. That is what we need at the park. Design, fund, construct. We need money. We need the bonds. The next bond. Item 8. Improve access to existing facilities. Identify next acquisition opportunity. Strategy 1. 1. I am looking forward to working with you guys to get accessibility in mcclaren park. I will bring in bus loads if i need to. Thank you. Any other Public Comment on this item . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. I just have a couple quick comments. The process has been fundamental to our department over the last several years. I think having the road map, doing the planning, having a plan and working the plan is really sort of freed us to take on some of the more oddish us nichetives and guided our work with respect to equity and it is working. I just want to say big thank you to the entire staff and in a narrower circle our executive team and in the narrowest point to taylor for all of her support in developing the Strategic Plan and guiding it and refreshing the initiatives and and tracking our performance. It is an important part of the work. Commissioner mcdonald. I appreciate, taylor, your attention to the importance of the Strategic Planning and commitment to equity and accessibility in all forms. Thank you for that. In that vein i appreciate the celebration of successes. What i would welcome in future discussions is talking about the challenges. We are not going to have a park here. We are struggling here. Some of the things we are thinking of trying are noodling on. I love that discussion. The successes are fantastic and to be celebrated. Lets talk about the challenges and tackle them. Seeing no other comments before i go. We need a vote on this to support the direction you are headed. Before i do that, i want to lend my congratulations to the staff for over the 10 years, this has come along, long way. The clarity and direction and priorities that are being set and results we are getting really show in this process. Thank you very much. With that i will entertain a motion. So moved. Second. All in favor. Aye. Thank you very much. We are on item 9. Buchanan street mall Concept Design. Good morning, commissioners. The director of planning for our team. I wanted to sort of make a formal introduction to our new staff. Laurie is a graduate of engineering studies from stanford. She joined us in august this year. She has really, really immersed herself particularly in the project you are about to hear today. Welcome to the department. We are happy to have her. I have a powerpoint. Good morning, commissioners, general manager ginsburg. I am project manager in the capital division. Item 9 before you is discussion and possible action to approve a conceptual design for park renovation between turk street and gold ebb gate avenue within ththe buchanan street mall. It is San Francisco administrative code chapter 31. Thank you for including this on the again take. This has proceeded in closed partnership with the trust for public land providing in kind project managing and the design services. They have led the community engagement. The exploratory elements across the mall and San Francisco parks alliance. The playground within this block is a tier two sf project. Per the Strategic Plan the mall project inspires public space by strengthening the quality and preserving and celebrating the cultural resources, inspires play with the promoting the health and wellbeing of the San Francisco youth and seniors and working to activate parks through organized events and activities and unstructured play. It inspires investment and support. So buchanan street is located in district five in the fillmore district in the Western Addition. It spans five blocks between eddy to the north and grove to the south. It is segmented by the crossing of four eastwest streets. The neighborhood is very interesting. Lacking restrictive covenants in most of San Francisco when it was first surveyed in 1860. The area rapidly grew to a thriving multiethnic neighborhood. Many japanese citizens were displaced. In the late 1940s it was an africanamerican cultural hub. Lending practices led to disrepair similar to many nonwhite neighborhoods throughout the country, and in the 1950s, 60s, 70s and beyond over 883 businesses were displaced and 90 city blocks were part of the redevelopment in the Western Addition. Buchanan mall was created as part of the redevelopment agencys work here. The neighborhood pulls the trauma of the displacement as many who were forced to leave the area didnt return when new housing was built several years later. There were some Community Members that held on. Those elders have been essential to the Community Process in recent years. This is a layout of the buchanan street mall today. As you can see, it is surrounded by Housing Developments with three Major Community centers on the west side of the mall, rosa Park Senior Center in the block, the hutch and the africanamerican art and culture complex. The Western Addition is twice as dense as the rest of San Francisco. 31 of the residents live below the poverty line. In census tract 161, there is 37 africanamerican population and 90 of the residents rent their housing. This park opened in 1975. There is some happy memories from early days of children playing and barbecues and community activities. With increasing poverty and the lack epidemic it was underutilized and unsafe. The community grew fragmented, gun violence and turf conflicts from one end of the mall to the other. It is within that environment that the community really came together and drove the process every imagining what the mall might be. In 2014 they began a project to ask residents to reflect what the bucan ma mall means to them. This collaboration with the studio for public spaces and Partner Trust for public land, there was a collaboration that resulted in some temporary gardens and gateways. The community activated these temporary installations with events and celebrations and at those gatherings over the course of a couple years, people were informed about envisioning and invited to participate in a series of meetings and events. It was a robust process that went to the vision plan. Then in 2019, having clear goal the vision plan, rec and park began the formal Concept Design process looks at the buchanan street mall as a whole. With Community Events and presentations and over 1,000 surveys conducted. The goals were to connect the blocks, have social exchange and engagement and interaction and gardens and play and recreation. The communities invested a lot of time and resources to get to this point and are really looking forward to Capital Investment in their neighborhood. I have been talking about background and Community Process where the buchanan street mall is important to the integrity of the process that it is considered as a whole and all design and investment support the unity throughout that space. We are wrapping up the conceptual design process now. I am planning to return to you in march of next year for a conceptual design for the entire five blocks of the buchanan street mall. Today you are considering the design for the turk and golden gate block to capitalize to receive 5. 1 million in prop 68 funding through the program. To remain eligible for the grant it has to be completed before the end of this year. These are pictures of the buchanan street mall today that one on the left is the playground. You can see some of the temporary planters. This is my first time here. I will make the pictures bigger next time. There are a couple of reasons in addition to the prop 68 Grant Funding that this block is the most project ready within the buchanan street mall there is a lets play sf funding commitment. No planned Capital Improvements at the rosa Park Senior Center or Housing Developments. There are going to be other changes in the coming years. The community desire to have the first wave of investment occur in the middle of the mall. As i mentioned, the playground here is one of 13 playgrounds that will be transformed as part of the lets playmishtive between the Parks Department and the parks alliance. So there is three main areas within this single block between turk street and golden gate avenue. The play and fitness segment on the north side, an event plaza in the center and gathering area to the south near golden gate. In this design you can see key elements identified by the community as for inclusion across the entire buchanan street mall. In yellow at the bottom of the screen is the first segment of the memory walk to tell stories of the neighborhood. New path lighting to support safety and encouraging walking through the space as people move through the neighborhood at various times of day, and new planted areas, specifically with healing and culinary her bees herbs. The space for welcoming at the cross streets was important to try to unify the space. They are not funded at this time. They will be in a later phase of investment. Adat the north end a new play area. And a Fitness Court to encourage intergenerational activity. The playground includes a fence for safety and all ages swing. Due to safety concerns over the recent years, most of the Housing Developments adjacent to the mall have playgrounds for toddlers within them. They wants challenging for school level play in this area. The seniors are thrilled to have Outdoor Fitness equipment near their front door. In the center of the block directly in front of the Senior Center is flexible plaza to allow small classes and events and includes a small stage area. On the east side is a handrail along a portion of the walking track. On the south end near golden gate avenue the design is to support community gatherings. There v there is a kiosk with bh seating. Most of the confirmed funding for the project comes from the playground renovation. 5. 1 million might becomes, hopefully, soon from the prop 68 grant. We have applied for an outdoor Legacy Partnership grant which we should know about this spring of 2020. Any funding remaining from this project would be held in reserve for future Capital Improvements along the mall. Our project schedule if we receive the prop 68 grant, things would move quickly. At grant requirement is that the site be open to the public by march of 2022. That ends my presentation. Staff recommends Commission Approval of the conceptual design. Thank you very much. I am available for questions. Any Public Comment on this item . Come on forward. We are going to split our time so you can watch a short video we have. Good morning. Talk into the microphone. Good morning, commissioners, i am a senior resident of the housing park project. I love the buchanan mall area that was transformed when citizen film and green street and others made it a point to make it a livable area. When i say livable, it was just a bearren land before. Nothing was there but neighbor a basketball court. Now there are beautiful flowers and herbs and Entertainment Center to it is and read a book in the warm sunlight. It makes tourists really want to stop by and visit and look at our murals to see what we are doing in the neighborhood. At one point we had a beautiful garden there were i would pick my Collard Greens and cook and eat them, of course. I am looking forward to the concept to be done with the new area because i am sure it is going to be successful, and i am hoping that as much funding as possible can be given to that area, too. I am sure the seniors, the children and tourists, would love to communicate and fit in that area like they have done where i live. I am hoping if there is any areas where i am living where they can improve what is already there, that be done also. I thank you for your time. Thank you. Is your video ready . Good morning. I am one of the youth leaders in the mall. I have been participating for five years now. I have grown as a young person, as a young adult, activist and community organizer. Talking about this block is doing the surveys throughout the years to get the Community Input at the Community Events, we heard that my Community Wants to be safe, they want to have a space to it is and relax in the neighborhood and they want lighting, something to do. We want to focus on this block as the lead before we do all of the other blocks because we see active participation right now from the seniors who go outside and participate with the fences. What if we were to give them adult exercise equipment to formally exercise. We did all of this work and heard their voices and were able to come up with the plan. Another thing is like i held my first Scavenger Hunt during valentines day at the senior building. I would love to see that open plaza used as a place to have the hunt and have the kids come and see look at the stuff i run and running up and down the buchanan mall. I would love to have you guys approve this Concept Design so we can have this, so we can give the Community Something and we can continue to foster that unity and revitalize that fillmore that we have and to live it again. If thank you. Tyrone. Good morning, commissioners. Thank you for having me this morning. I have been a part of the mall project since it started five years ago. It is personal to me being a San Francisco native born and raised in that neighborhood. As a youth i watched ms. Henderson it is in the kitchen and strategize. And to be a part of this project means a lot to watch the development of somebody come in as a youth and participate, bring in creativity to the table and find her voice to stand up as a new leader in the neighborhood. I am coming from a dynamic being part of the neighborhood and being from grove street i wouldnt travel to eddy street because of safety precautions. 20102011 i remember running through the mall with bullets flying over my head, and about 20132014 Shannon White was shot in the leg attending a concert and me and her having a discussion and having the knowledge it might have been somebody from our particular area that had committed that act towards shannon. That is when we would do something to unify the five blocks to allow a safe space for people to come out. We seen it active before and also watched the drugs take away from what the neighborhood should be. Seeing the generation over me that hadnt done anything to push the Initiative Forward to make it safe we took it upon ourselves to say start with this now being living examples what the space should represent. Giving i it an identity. Each block had an isolation people from one block want go to the next block. Now we see people from all developments coming out to mingle each other and take part in what is happening in the neighborhood, to see the festival and the pumpkin patch. I lived my whole life and never seen a pumpkin patch. To have members of the community comply santa and for the senior building to interact with people who look like me and dont look like me that come from different backgrounds and say this should be used in a way we all feel comfortable about using it. Taking pride in the neighborhood and also the area as a whole to say if you want something done, put forth the effort and you will see great results. Thank you. Morning. I am with the trust for public land. I had the opportunity to partner with rec and part on many Community Members on this buchanan mall since it started. Funding the activation which changed the communitys impression of the mall. Leading through the vision document and now through the Concept Design. I have had the privilege of working with many communities through the city and in the bay area. This is a communitydriven process. Everielingment is an element the community pushed for and identified. We are excited be the design and the opportunity we have to fund this projector this particular block through prop 68. We would continue to engage closely with our Community Partners in the rest of the design and with rec and park to bring this vision to life for the community. The time is now. You have been working on this for five years. There is energy there and great Community Partnership. I hope you will approve this and i hope to come back next year when we have a gift for prop 68. Thank you. I think the video is ready. The baa canaan the buchanan mall before was grass and dirt and a little alley and a lot of gun violence and bad things. My mom didnt let me go to that site. We are trying to bring light back to it and make it safe and do a project the community can be proud of. Do you have a couple minutes . Come here. What we could do to make it a place where people come and have fun or just make it where they feel comfortable like playing and walking through. We set out to do the community that involved longtime residents and beautiful activation. I want to know what you guys would say. You are on here with a lot of people. That is our first step to show the community we did something so that people could see what we have done and hopefully bring in more people to be part of it, too. The buchanan mall so we can hear your opinions and inputs what you would like to see at the mall. It is different in a way because of the cultural stuff. They meet up once a week. It is like everybody should get to do that for their community. Everybody wants the community that comes out together. When we first started i felt exactly like you felt. It was too big. They were just ideas like now, and it became the buchanan mall. The good think about this is the things we can build off this. The ideas you guys have the young people, the wonderful ideas. My vision for the buchanan mall is the rebirth of the community in the Western Addition. I want them to always have buchanan mall the rock and the foundation to say this is our home. If they were ever lost they would look back and say this is how they did it. This is how we will keep our home. Thank you very much. Is there any other Public Comment . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Commissioners, commissioner mcdonald. Another thank you. I lived in king garvey, spent every day there because that is where my family was. I did most of my play inside because it wasnt safe to go outside. I really appreciate the tenacity that it has taken to get to this point, to have the vision and then the fortitude to see it through to this point. It is exciting to be in this moment, thank you all for the leadership. It is exciting. Thank you. No other comments the chair would entertain a motion. I move approval. Moved and seconded. All those in favor. Aye. Thank you very much. We are now on item 10. General Public Comment. Any other Public Comment on items not on the agenda . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 11 commissioners matters. Seeing none. Item 12. New business agenda setting. Seeing none. 13. Communications. Any Public Comment . No. Item 14

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