Agenda. Do i have a motion to approve . So moved. Do i have a second . Second. Any discussion . Call the question. All in favor . Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Next up on the agenda is approval of the november 6, 2019 minutes. Do i have a motion to approve . So move zb. Do i have a second . Second. Any discussion . Call the question. All in favor . Any opposed. Thank you. Next up, directors report. Thank you. Director sherreen mcspadden. To achieve a longterm funding bill, the house and Senate Appropriators still have to approve funding allocations for federal agencies, and of course that means that the Older Americans act is caught up in that wait. So essentially, National Association of area agencies on ageing which is our federal or National Organization that really lobbies for the Older Americans act is asking for continued advocacy for localities to push the Older Americans act in with the house suggested forward. So we still dont know yet what thats going to look like. Unfortunately, it got held up in that process as did a lot of other things. So ill keep you updated on that. And hopefully in the next cycle before the holidays something will happen with it, but that may be unlikely at this point. We may be looking at next calendar year for that to get passed. And then at the state level, there continues to be a ton of activity around the master plan for ageing. I think i announced last month that i was going to be going to the longterm supports and Services Subcommittee of the Master Plan Advisory Committee to present on our benefits and resource hub model that we have here. That presentation was really well received at the state level. The state is really excited about the kind of the focus on care coordination or sorry, coordination across programs and also trying, attempts to get at a personcentered approach, a onestop shop. So the California Welfare Directors Association has also asked me to come present to them tomorrow and present that model. And i think that model may very well be a piece in the recommendations in the master plan for ageing. So what ive realized in doing this exercise that were one of very few counties that are referring Intake Services for disabled and older adults. San diego has a similar model, but many counties do not. Many counties, the welfare departments, which include Inhome Services and Older Adult Services are acting separate from the services for ageing, meals for adults and Transportation Services and those things. I think one of the thicks thats laid out in the master plan executive order is that we get to coordinated services for people. So its kind of exciting that our model is being seen as one thats innovative and that works for people and hopefully, the state will think about i mean, it doesnt have to be our model. Our model may not work in large rural counties, for instance, but the idea that we really pull things in to one place for people is really exciting to them. Other models that we have that people are starting to look at is we just completed our twoyear ucsf, i should say, completed their twoyear study of our home program, and some of the results from that make that model very promising, make that pilot seem like something that could be expanded, and the state is really interested in looking at that model, too, and looking at the results that came from that study. I was speaking with some people from the state yesterday, and they want us to come and present that model at the state, too. So one of the things that the master plan for ageing also calls for is really thinking about people that dont qualify for medical and what we call the forgotten middle, and that looks interesting to them, any ways, so its validating we think about ways to serve people in San Francisco and its validating to have the state look at our models and say these are examples of what we could do statewide. And i guess the last thing that the states really looking at us and looking at other counties is thinking about how they roll out agefriendly california and what does that really mean . And for us in San Francisco, weve done ageing disabilities in San Francisco. Valerie coleman is our lead on that. Its looking at everything that we do, whether its planning, transportation, builtin environment, whether its our social system, any of those things, its thinking about them with an age and disability lens. Its about making things better now, and its about making things better now, and so the states trying to figure out a way to do that with state funding. What it means is really bringing the state siloed departments together, and how are we going to learn from some other agencies doing this work to make a better california for all thats ageing here . So its really exciting to be a part of that work. And then, locally, we are awaiting the mayors budget instructions. They will come out she has a meeting with the Department Heads on december 16 monday, december 16, and so well be getting our instructions then, certainly, her priorities, as shes been very clear about, are street homelessness, Substance Abuse issues, conservatorship issues, people needing Mental Health treatment and things like that. And she was very clear in the last meeting that will be her primary focus and thats where any dollars or existing dollars will go to help alleviate some issues for people on the streets. So i think with that, that concludes my report unless anybody has any questions. Thank you. Any comments or questions from the commission . I have one, shireen. I think its terrific that your presentation was so well received at the state level. And just briefly, can you tell us what evidence of the effectiveness of our coordinated approach most impressed them . I think its as basic as having somebody i mean, we are not to the evidence part yet, and i want to did tell them also is were really working on this model. Its not perfect yet. I think we have really good well, i know we have really good leadership in place to get it there, but whats really compelling to them is that somebody can come in or call in or get online, and our staff are there to work with them on every service they may need. So if they call if its a caregiver calling about Inhome Supportive Services or a case manager calling about Inhome Supportive Services, our staff are there to say well, what else will this person need . Lets get it in place. If a person is calling in themselves, they may be calling about one thing, but they may need a myriad of things, and or staff is working on whats called a personcentered approach. That kind of saying, okay, lets think about the whole person. Lets think about things they may not know about and share that information with them. That is still in progress and not everybody is going to get that wraparound kind of attention immediately. It takes staff time to be able to get the resources in place. Some people understand that, and some people require a little bit more training, but thats ultimately where were going for that. I think when you think about the difference between that and, you know, some of the air agencies on ageing, for one thing, there are not 58 air agencies on ageing, but there are 58 california counties. There are 33, and the other counties are small, but their challenges are big. Theyve been underfunded, and so theyre not able to coordinate services with the county when thats the situation. So i think the state is thinking well, lets at least give counties some baseline funding so those services can be coordinated better and stablized better. Commissioner pappas . Just one thing. I was not here last month, and you might have addressed it. Will we be getting some report with the passage of prop b how that will affect the department . Thank you. I forgot to mention that to you. We essentially are going to roll out the name change slowly, so one of the things that we can do right now is we can Start Talking about the name as department of ageing and disability services. We have changed over our letterhead, that kind of stuff. But the reason were doing it theres two reasons were doing it slowly well, really, one reason. Because were doing an agency rebrand and were launching that rebrand very early in the year, we are kind of waiting to change over things like business cards and all of that and really do a push to the public until we have a new logo and were able to get that logo on business cards and were able to get ready to go, so youll certainly hear a piece of that. Youll be hearing about that and be asked to spread the word, as well. So well definitely do something around that. I think, yeah, right now, were just really starting to talk about the new name and putting it out to the commission. We have it prepared and its literally sitting on my desk, ready to go, but we will get that out this week. Thank you, commissioner. Thank you. I believe all of you have heard from the Mayors Office, and i believe you all know that one of the things that changes with the commission is a designated appointment. So there will be a designation of a person with disabilities, a person whos 60 or older, and a person whos a veteran, so that may change the commission a bit. Just a quick question. Is a veteran, disabled, and senior. Mmhmm. One person might fit into three categories. Thats true, and thats up to the Mayors Office to figure out. Its one person no. Its three distinct seats. It cant be one person three distinct seats of the seven are designated in legislation. Okay. Thank you. The next item is employee recognition. [applause] okay. So i know there are a lot of a. P. S. People in the house. Thats right. Jerome, thank you for speaking up. But what id like to do is have the clerks for a. P. S. Stand if you could. [applause] and also the clerk the manager of the clerks. Come on, tanji. [applause] so one of the things that we often dont think about but we should because theyre kind of the backbone of the program is what the clerks actually do for a lot of our programs in daas, but particularly in a. P. S. They really help the social workers be successful at serving san franciscans who are victims of abuse and neglect. They are every bit of the solution that a. P. S. Provides the people as anyone is. So so they really are. And i think we often overlook the work the clerks provide for a. P. S. , but its so important. And without we need to keep really good data. We need to know if were doing best practices. We need to know if people have been victims of abuse before. We need to track all of this, right . We need to send all of these records to the state. All of these are really good functions of the program. Im really glad you are an honoree and it gives me a chance to talk about the clerks and tanji, i want to talk about your management. Its really great to have you in protective services. So mary grace, im going to read what your colleagues wrote about you today because its just fantastic. So mary grace first joined Adult Protective Services in 2014 as a Public Service trainee and then became a unit clerk in 2017. As mary graces supervisor of three years, i write this letter with much excitement. Mary grace stood out among the clerical team because although she was not the senior clerk, she raised pertinent questions and provided key input that would later serve as the guide for internal changes. She has remained eternally upbeat while embracing many program changes. It is important to note that for many months, mary grace was the sole clerk for the Program Services agency. She educated herself in all the roles filled in a. P. S. Because of this, she is able to proactively identify issues across the board and able to bring them to Program Manager and service teams. Mary grace is committed to the mission of daas and the Critical Role that the a. P. S. Plays in help people with disabilities who are experiencing neglect, homelessness, and selfneglect. She is a team player and always ready to pitch in to make sure that the needs of the team are ready to be accomplished. She has a sunny disposition and her smile is ready to lift the mood of her coworkers. So mary grace, you are the employee of the month of december for daas, and congratulations. Ill keep this really short. Good morning, everyone. First of all, i want to thank god, my family, our Program Directors, manager, supervisors, and my colleagues. I used to be here to support my coworkers when they received the recognition, and it never crossed my mind that i will be receiving mine today. So all of you guys, expect me to continue my excellent work ethic, discipline, positivity in everything i do, and im always here to help. I appreciate all your support, again, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. [applause] the next item on the agenda is the Advisory Council report which was provided in writing and included with our package. Next item, theres nothing from the joint legislative committee, so the nothing from tacc, so the next item is the longterm care coordinating council report. Good morning, commissioners, executive director mcspadden. Im valerie cohen, an analyst with the department of disability and ageing services. Unfortunately, none of the Council Members can be here today, so i am here on their behalf. We had a meeting on november 14. There was a lot of presentations, including the department of Public Health came and spoke about their Public Services master plan, and requested that a Council Member sit on that body and represented the perspective of the longterm care coordinating council. We also had a presentation from Melissa Mcgee on the dignity fund update, which im sure youre all aware of, as well. We also had a lengthy presentation about census 2020 which was very informative and now the councils trying to figure out how they can support that initiative and effort. Theres a lot back. For the sudden and drastic closures of virtually all 52 out of 60 for the spring 2020 of the older Adult Classes around the city. As you know, the older adults department, oald, serves over 30,000 residents at locations throughout the city, including Senior Centers, adult day centers, senior housing, assisted living, skilled nursing, rehabilitation centers, and more. The oald has been collaborating closely with Community Partners on a longterm basis, some for over 50 years. These centers rely on city college. Due to the special needs of older adult students, oald have been bringing classes to older students in their neighborhoods at no cost to them. According to citycounty of San Francisco, h. S. A. Older adult is the faster growing age group in the city. Almost a quarter of the Current Population of the city is over 60. A projection shows that nearly 30 of adults will be older by 2030. Due to the sudden class cancellation virtually 100 of the professors who are seniors themselves will lose their employment, leading them to seek other employment, which is extremely challenging. With these actions, you have imperilled thousands of peoples lives who come to these classes to learn skills, find friends, and stave off depression. We ask you to find funding to ensure the continuance of these lifelong classes. We will continue our efforts and make you aware that we are in talks with shireen providing data about the impact that this will have, so any efforts that any of us can make would be greatly appreciated, and thats my report. Thank you. It was very informative. Thank you. Commissioner pappas . Will we receive copies of that letter . Yes, you did. Thank you. Apparently not well thought out when they decided to make city college free. So how many staff are affected by this at city college . I could i dont have that data yet. My cochair, sue horst, is compiling that. Some classes are once a week, some multiple, the number of agencies, and the approximate cost of those efforts, so once we get that, well include that. And the approximate cost, this is very specific to the organizations that daas funds. Ballpark, its probably around 400,000 annually. That was my next question. Yeah. How many agencies did daas fund will be affected by this . There will be a number of them. A number of Senior Centers will be affected. Do we know how if any members of the board of supervisors are engaged in this . I know that Raphael Mandelman was a trustee at city college, and he might be someone that we could also ask for suggestions as to how to address this. So this is all very short term. We just learned of this. And case will be doing two things. Well be distributing all of this information and asking all of our agencies to do advocacy both to the chancellor and board of trustees as well as their supervisors pardon me. Theres also a petition that will be distributed unfortunately, i think its a paper petition, not an electronic one, but well see what can be done about that. So yeah, this is just the beginning. Thank you. And also, our department is reaching out to city college to have a conversation. I think at the very least, this is upsetting. We are having a community dialogue, which is in part why our Community Partners is so upset. This is a huge piece of their curricula, and at the various centers, so we definitely want to work with them and see if theres any possibility of reinstituting these, even if not in the next semester, at least in the following school year, so we still have to have that conversation. Thank you. Thank you very much, greg. Thank you. The next item on the agenda is old business. Do we have any old business . I see none. Next item is new business. Item 6a, requesting authorization to modify multiple Grant Agreements with Nonprofit Service providers to apply minimum compensation ordinance, m. C. O. , funding increases during the period of july 1, 2019, through june 30, 2020, in the additional amount of 1,055,840. Welcome. Good morning, president surena and commissioners. For this department, this impacts 23 grantees and 54 separate programs. So the minimum compensation ordinance raised the nonprofit minimum wage for contractors to 16. 50 per hour, and that was effective july 1, 2019. So the expectation is this is already in place. The Mayors Office and the board of supervisors set aside 5. 8 milli 5. 8 million to address this cost citywide. So in july 2019, the Controllers Office conducted a citywide application process for nonprofits to request adjustments to the grant to reflect these costs. And the process not only looked at the salaries to bring staff up to the minimum wage of 16. 50 but to staff above that. When staff are brought up to 16. 50, it also affects the staff immediately above them. We call that compacting, and you see that when the staff and the supervisors wages are very close. At this point, the department will be modifying these grants that were allocated funds to these process, and well be sending out letters in the next couple weeks to the grantees, and there are a few where the amounts havent been finalized largely because there were some amounts added to contracts in anticipation of it, and we have to sort that out. Im glad to answer any questions that you may have regarding the m. C. O. And the process. Commissioner spears . I have one. Does this affect all the grantees of the department that may be affected . It applies to all nonprofit grantees, but not all of them had staff that were under 16. 50 or within the compaction range. Okay. So i think the number of contractors is around 140, but this actually affected 23 of them. But these will all be covered with all of these dollars. Yes. There were some that didnt apply in this application process, not because of the 16. 50, but because of the compaction, so they didnt receive dollars to address the salaries right above the 16. 50. Thank you. Any comments or questions . Any comments or questions from the public . May i have a motion to approve. So moved. Second. Any further comments or questions . Thank you. Hearing none, all in favor . Opposed . Motion carries. Thank you, steve or john. Item 6b, enter into a new Grant Agreement with shanti project for the provision of care navigation and peer support during the period of ju july 1, 2020 through june 30, 2023. Welcome, tiffany kearney. Thank you. Good morning, commissioners and director mcspadden. Im tiffany kearney, and im a Program Director for the department of ageing and disability services. In the report, it was noted that many consumers find the system of social Services Complex and sometimes difficult to navigation which can be a barrier to access. A key recommendation in the report to address this issue including care navigation and peer support programming. Shanti and Curry Senior Center as a contractor will provide both types of services through this grant. With care navigation, clients are provided oneonone assistance by care navigators to access the services they need. Care navigators are knowledgeable about available resources in the city and trained to coordinate service connections, conduct advocacy, and provide social support service for clients. Peer support provides extra prove through peer support volunteers. These volunteers are trained to provide practical and emotional support for clients. Peer support volunteers are effective for clients who encounter barriers. Both will concentrate on reaching and serving individuals with one or more of the equity factors identified in the needs assessment. Shanti will specifically focus their efforts on reaching individuals within the Lgbtq Community and curry center will focus on reaching individuals who do not identify as lgbtq. The language capacity between the two partners is fairly extensive and currently includes 11 different languages. Curry also has access to a Language Line through other city grants. Care navigation and city support programming will take place in the shanti, located in district 9, and at curry, located in the tenderloin in district 6. They will provide 5600 hours of service annually. And of those clients, a little over a third will be requested and matched with a peer support volunteer. Thank you and im happy to answer questions you may have about the program. Thank you, tiffany. Any comments or questions . Just a question. Who does the training for the peer support counselors . Shanti does. Theyre not city college . No. Thank you. Any comments or questions . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, may i have a motion to approve . So moved. May i have a second . Second. Any further discussion or comments . Hearing none, all in favor . Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Thank you. Thank you, tiffany. Item c, requesting modification to the existing Grant Agreement with bayviewhunters point Multipurpose Senior Services for the provision of Community Services at rosa parks for an additional amount of 131,975 for a new grant in the amount of 561,003 plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 617,103. Thank you. Welcome, rick appleby. Good morning, commissioners, and executive director mcspadden. My name is rick appleby. Were happy to request this funding for rosa parks to help them with some support services that theyve been needing for a while. As youve read, theyll be adding a front desk person. Theyll be continuing the jo Janitorial Services there. This take place at their center that provides Community Services, that includes arts and crafts, computer classes, health education, the usual Community Services that we know of, and, lets see. I think thats it. Theyre open monday through sunday. Commissioner spears . Im a little confused at looking at the motion. If you can just reconcile the numbers with the memorandum that i received. Im just having a little bit of difficulty tieing it together. Its b and c. Oh, i see. Thank you. Never mind. Okay. Any other comments or questions . May i have a motion to discuss to approve . So moved. Do i have a second . Second. Any comments or questions from the public . Any further comments or questions from the commission . None. Call the question. All in favor . Any opposed . [gave [gave [gavel]. Thank you. The motion carries. The next item on the agenda is modify the existing Grant Agreement with bayviewhunters point Multipurpose Senior Services for the provision of Community Services at Western Addition for a new grant amount in the amount of 562,253 plus a 10 contingency for a new amount not to exceed 617,478. Rick, thank you. So this amount is similar to rosa parks. The funds will be used, as you read, to have a front desk person there, have Janitorial Services there, and adjust the Program Directors hours and salaries there to fulltime. So they have a full range of Community Services there, as well, including always active, and theyre also open seven days a week, and these funds will help them with these support services. Thank you. May i have a motion to approve . So moved. Second. Any comments or questions from the commission . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, all in favor . Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Thank you, rick. Thank you. Item e, requesting permission to modify the existing Grant Agreement with Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center for the provision of Community Services at cortland in a total amount not to exceed 686,720. Welcome. Good morning, commissioners, executive director mcspadden, paolo soten, director of Community Partnerships. This funding will be used primarily to launch the new cultural Wellness Program at that site. At this, participants will learn how to integrate physical activity into their routine. The site cortland is it on the is on the its right across from the Bernal Heights library, and the sites capacity is english and spanish. Im happy to answer any questions that you may have. Thank you. May i have a motion to approve . I have a question. Well get to the question in a minute. Well have to discuss it. So a motion to approve . So moved. Do i have a second . Second. Thank you. Comments . Questions . Can you say when you say restore funding. Thats right. Sorry. From fiscal year 1819, they received 3,000 in addback funding, and this year, they also received 70,000, onetime in nature. 50,000 went to staff and operational, which is reflected in the budget. Its also to build this new programming that theyre trying to build into the site. Thank you. Commissioner lu . Yeah. I have a question on the last page, the appendix f2, it says they serve 6,535 meals per year. When you calculate it, you have 244 days, and youre only they are underserving. They should be serving 26 meals a day. Just a question, okay . Yeah. I will make sure to work with the agency and our team to make sure that the site chart is correct, yeah. Yeah. And i have also the same question when we come to the next program. Thank you, commissioner. Any other comments or questions for the commission . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, all in favor . Any opposed . [gavel]. Thank you. The motion carries. Item g, requesting authorization to modify the existing gran agreement with shanti project for the provision of animal Bonding Services for lesbian clerk commissioner, thats agenda item h, i believe oh, no, its agenda item oh, im sorry. I jumped ahead. I apologize. Requesting permission to modify the existing Grant Agreement with Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center for the provision of Community Services at excelsior for an additional amount of 50,000 for a new total grant amount not to exceed 790,557. Thank you again, paolo. Thank you, commissioners. This is also a board of supervisors of addback funding and will restore services and funding from last year. Last year, they received 50,000 in funding and this year, they received 50,000 in onetime funding. They will be utilizing these funding to restrategize their outreach efforts in the neighborhoods. A coordinator will be the face of the agency and collaborate with other agencies in the community. They will outreach to housing sites and update their social media presence. The site is right where compeller avenue meets mission street, and their language capacity is english, spanish, mandarin, and cantonese. Thank you. Do i have a motion to approve . So moved. May i have a second . Second. Thank you. Commissioner lu . Yes. The excelsior site, theyre only serving 25 meals a day, so you might want to get with the staff. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner. Any further comment . Call the question. All in favor . Any opposed . The motion carries. Item g, modify the existing Grant Agreement with shanti project for the provision of animal Bonding Services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older adults with adults with disabilities for an additional amount of 250,000 plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 1,076,076. Welcome back, rick appleby. Glad to be back and requesting funds for p. A. W. S. , pets are wonderful support. P. A. W. S. Has been around a long time. Were pleased to have 100,000 to support the program. And then an additional 150 has been requested to focus on the target population of folks who have medical disabilities that put them at risk of serious medical conditions or unnecessary hospitalizations. The definition that is in there, you may have read, shanti does a huge assessment when someone does their program, and theyll determine if someone is struggling to meet those instrumental activities of daily living, sort of shopping, food prep, Money Management levels, and thats how theyll determine eligibility if they need assistance with three or more of those. The recognition, again, is that the pets in this relationship are extremely important to folks and that it helps them to know that their pet will be taken care of with assistance by shanti. And then folks with medical conditions may be freed up to Pay Attention to their own medical concerns and avoid some of these unnecessary medical complications. Thank you. Thank you. May i have a motion . So moved. May i have a second . Second. Thank you. Any comments or questions . Rick, how does shanti contact these isolated individuals, or how do these isolated individuals contact shanti . How does this work . Maybe theyll comment on that later, but they do their own outreach with brochures, outreach activities in the community. Plus, people know about shanti and p. A. W. S. , and theres a lot of selfreferrals and other agencies referring people to that program. They have a lot of people referred to them on a regular basis. Thank you. Any other comments or questions . Commissioner lu . Yeah, rick, im looking at appendix b2, page 3, the budget, operating expenses. Okay. Just tell me why the printing budget jumps from 200 to 600. Whoops. Sorry. Wrong one. Sorry. Hold on one second. Page 3 . Yeah. B2, page 3, the printing costs. Theyre going up. Im pretty sure its because of the new outreach materials, particularly with the group of folks that theyre targeting, so there may be more brochures and informational packets. Yeah. It seemed like its quite a jump, and thats why i wanted to know the reason why. Im pretty sure its the outreach program. Yeah, im pretty which originally means it was underestimated. Yeah, and could be increasing because of a new group. I see that the medically vulnerables a part of that. Thank you. Thank you. Any other comments or questions from the commission . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, call the question. All in favor . Any opposed . [gavel]. Thank you. The motion carries. Thank you. Item h, requesting authorization to modify the existing Grant Agreement with russian american Community Services for the provision of Nutrition Services for older adults and adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020, for an additional amount of 40,000 plus contingency for a total amount not to exceed 1,843,320. Im assuming thats a 10 contingency, so thank you, laurie. Good morning, commissioners and executive director mcspadden. Were seeking your approval to modify this grant with russian american Community Services for the modification of Nutrition Services. They provide nutrition programs for older adults and adults with disabilities and a Home Delivered Nutrition Program for older adults. These programs improve Dietary Intake and help participants remain independent and in their communities by providing Better Health through nutrition. They have been serving meals to older adults for over 20 years seven days a week where the majority of their participants are 85 years of age or older. In july, one of the vehicles that delivers the meals was stolen. This modification is to cover onetime funding for the week as well as flooding that occurred in their premises. Im happy to answer any questions. Thank you, lauren. May i have a motion to approve . So moved. Second . Second. Thank you. Any comments or questions from the commission . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, call the question. All in favor . Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Item 9, general Public Comment. Is there any general Public Comment at this time . Hearing none, by rising vote, any announcements . Hearing none, by rising vote, may i have a motion to adjourn . So moved. And happy holidays, everyone. Same to you. Now it is time to introduce our two emcees, our two little elves, sam and jess. Where are you . Hi, everyone. Dont you all look great. We are so excited to be here. We are so excited. It is my very first Tree Lighting ever. We are from the north pole official Tree Lighting committee mye

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