Jennifer is great. Ive been watching her and shes my neighbor. A lot of people, william, who couldnt be here. And anybody who could serve, i would love it, with all of the qualified people. But if i could have that chance, i would be more than happy to give of myself to do this work. Anybody have any questions . Im so nervous. [ laughter ] youre all do such a great job. No reason to be nervous. Are there any questions . No, it was perfect, thank you so much. And next is charelle jackson. I know its just passed thanksgiving so happy thanksgiving. Ive been doing any soulfood cooking. I have a fasters degree in political science, Public Policy and i have a bachelors degree in psych and sociology and i work for connor house, a nonprofit organization. We serve Mental Health and Substance Abuse as well as supportive housing, as well as i work on the health and Safety Committee and i work on the Budget Committee for connor house. And so im here today to get a chance to serve on the committee for our city, our home. And i think its really important to serve on a committee thats doing a lot and i think that what i have to offer, day in and day out, services the people that i do service, it means so much to me. I think were serving them in so many ways and to be quite honest, when i see the sort of situations theyre in and what i can do, i can do much more at a larger capacity by sitting in a seat. And i see those peach day and i know their storie stories. I know i can be a voice. Thats why im here today. I know you have the information about my background but what im here to talk about is what i can do for them and i know i can make an impact and i know im serious and i hope you can see that, as well, so thank you so much and if you have any questions. Any questions . No. Thank you so much. Appreciate this. And then Julie Ledbetter was unable to make it but sent a letter to the committee. And so i will now open up this item for Public Comment. If you would like to speak on any of the items, please line up to your right. Good morning. Im with the Community Housing partnership and i just want to point out that it would be an incredible misstep to not appoint both jenny and julie. Ive had the pleasure of working with them for decades now and i find their steeped in the issues of homelessness and also have an incredible compassion and a great moral compass when it comes to these issue. They have both workd with organizations that really understand the systems around Homeless Services and are very, very bright, passionate, incredible people that need to be at the table. Jennifer, in particular, because of the constituency, she represents, she works with homeless folks on streets and in the shelters and the organizations approach is about listening to them and having them be a part of the leadership and part of the decisionmaking and so for that reason alone, i think its important to have her have a seat here, but i just have no reservations. As a matter of fact, highly, highly recommend both jennifer and julie and i think that they would be tremendous, tremendous assets. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Good morning. Im mary kay representing compass family. Were so grateful to jenny for her partnership. Shes a phenomenal leader. I did want to say how instrumental her leadership is in moving policy, increasing resources and improving systems to a better place for everybody, in particular for marginalized communities. Jennifers advocacy is so social to moving this to a place where families can get in the door and get immediate access to shelter when people are pregnant and changing those policies and so we highly endorse jenny for this appointment. Thank you. Im brian edwards. That was so worth it to watch jenny speak about herself. I wanted to run up here and go, no, you dont have to do that. Theres probably no one ive learned more from about San Francisco and how it actually works than jenny. Theres no one who has been more patient and better about making sense of that and ive seen how she moves policy through city hall. Ive seen how she crafts policy and how she can build coalitions and i cant think of anyone better. It could be a travesty and you didnt appoint jenny to this. Theres a couple of Homeless People in San Francisco who have stuff going on but they wanted to speak on jennys behalf. Shes jenny fin freidenbach, appoint this woman. [ laughter ] im here because of jennifer. I mean, honestly. When i heard this was happening this morning, i wanted to be here because i cant imagine this moving forward without her seated as one of the members of this committee. You know youre in the presence of someone youll learn from and spending time around you, you gain experience and knowledge and patience and its been great having the opportunity to work with her. It really has. I know that she is absolutely the right person for this. If you really want the best result, the best outcome and we all do, then she must be on this committee. So i know youre going to do the right thing and thank you for your time and ill see you soon. Hi supervisors. Im sam lu. I was the Campaign Manager for our home prophecy and ive loving this love fest for jenny. We love you so much. Folks before me have said so many of the wonderful things jenny has done executiv and i wo voice support for julia ledbe ledbetter and julie who has been a powerful advocate, particularly for unhoused mothers and young people experiencing homelessness. Julia is amazing and you should seat her. Thank you so much. [ laughter ] is there any other member of the public who wishes to speak . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor walton . I wanted to be the first to say this is the one part of my job that i do not like because we have six qualified candidates that are obviously dedicated and committed to this work. But we can only choose four and so, if we do not make an appointment for you today, i would just say please continue to stay encouraged. Please continue to serve this population and folks who need us in San Francisco, there will be other appointments. There will be other opportunities to serve and i really appreciate everyone who submitted an application and your commitment and your service. Because this work is important. But understand that we do have a difficult task sometimes of having more qualified people than we have seats. Supervisor mar. I just wanted to thank all of the applicants for your willingness to step up to this incredibly Important Role on the committee for our city, our home funding. And thank you for all of the work that all of you have done for so many years. Its truly impressive and inspiring and yeah, i would sort of echo supervisor waltons comments about the challenge of selecting from such great candidates or applicants and specifically, i wanted to encourage ellis chu and Chanelle Jackson to apply for the seats the mayor has to appoint for our committee. And hopefully, you guys will be able to serve through a mayoral appointment. Seat number two, Chanelle Williams and seat four Julie Ledbetter, seat six julie. Thank you for that motion and i would make a different motion but this is an absolutely impossible process. Ive never seen a listing of six more qualifiemore qualified. I think ill just make this easy and second that motion. But i do personally want to work with alison, then, who would be in my motion with the Mayors Office to get appointed because i think we need you both on this body. And so, i will be reaching out today to kanishka who is the staffer in the Mayors Office to see if we can make that happen. Because i believe we need all six of your expertise on this extremely important committee. And so with that, im happy to second that motion, which isnt necessary. If we can take it without objection, that motion passes. Thank you. You want to confirm, miss williams in seat two, Julie Ledbetter to seat four, and to a in seat six. Thank you so much. Thank you. And mr. Clerk, can you please read item number 4. Item 4, appointing two members term ending september 6, 2024. Thank you so much. And i wanted to see inJeffrey Morris and eugene bia are here today. Good morning. Im jeff morris and its always interesting to learn about other important issues before the city and im here to seek reappointment that oversees downtown districts and properties. We adjudicate assessed value disputes between the asses asses office and Property Owners. I retiredded from a 35career with a firm called black rock ad i wanted to get more involved in Civic Affairs and i had lunch with an old friend of mine. Ive been on that board a few terms and im here to seek your reappointment. Ive had a chance to assimilate the board of equalization guidance, the assessor handbook and ive worked closely with don durand, representatives of carmen chus office, city attorneys that have come before us and its sustained my interest and i have a lot of interest and experienr most of our meetings. Theres another goround of assessed values with the giants and their ballpark. So thats helped me to sustain my interest to ask your reappointment to the board for another fle three years and i wd be happy to respond to questions or comments. I dont have any. Thank you so much for your willingness to serve again. Im seeking reappointment to board one, of the assessment appeals board. You may or may not have seen my credentials but very briefly, graduating in Accounting Finance and cpa firm and i am a cpa, state of california and ive been working in the Real Estate Industry since the late 60s, 40 years here in San Francisco. And ive been serving on the assessment appeals board, which has been a very unique experience because it has called upon my experience and commercial properties, hotels, retail and including residential and ive served with jeff on a number ofs hearings and we have, i think, an Excellent Group of board members. Theres a great balance of appraisers and cpas and real estate professionals. So i really have nothing else to say, figure youve seen my information and like jeff, if you have any questions me, im here to answer them. Thank you so much for your service. Thank you very much. We will now open this item up for Public Comment. Any member of the public wish to seek . Speak . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you both for your service and willingness to continue to serve in this role and with that, i will make a motion to reappoint Jeffrey Morris and eugenevala. Mr. Morris to seat one and mr. Vala to seat four and without objection, that motion passes. Can you please read 5. We appoint three members, and one member to amendment appeals board number two. Thank you so much and is john lee here . Good morning. Good morning, supervisors. Im john lee and i grew up in San Francisco, attended Public Schools and i was fortunate enough to go to uc berkley and ucla for a masters in business and real estate. I served for two terms already so im seeking reappointment no thareappointment tothat positio. I bring my knowledge of San Francisco. I grew up here. I have been selling real estate for 30 years and i live next to sunset 4. What i found aboard thats interesting in my last two terms is that the argument about price based on statistics. Property owners would make arguments on what they know about the property and im trying to put the two together and, basically, understand where theyre coming from and theyre understanding of value. I come from a unique position of evaluating prompt properties ev. On the outside of the street, you dont have the parking and someone is blocking access to your property. And so thats what i bring to the board and to my fellow commissioners. Ive enjoyed my time there and i hope i got reappointed. Any questions . No. Thank you for your willingness to serve. Is Mervin Conlin here and yosef sends regrets. He is in surgery, but would love to continue to serve. I will open this up for comment. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Is there a motion . I move that we reappoint john lee, Mervin Conlin, and yosef to appointment assessment board number two. Without objection, that motions passes. John lee to seat two, conlin to seat three and yosef to seat four. Correct. Thank you much. Thank you for your willingness to serve again. And mr. Clerk, can you read item number 6. A hearing appointing three members, ending september 5t tos board three. Is shawn rigile here . Thank you waiting to the bitter end. Very kind of you. Sure. Good morning, supervisors. This would be my third term as commission on the assessment appeals board and during my last term, i believe i was able to provide additional assistance to the board by serving on different types of matters. I found these casing to be interesting from a factual standpoint but there were legal issue, particularly in the hotels where the issue of intangibles comes up and those matters are subject to quite a bit of legal interpretation. I welcome the opportunity to serve again and i thank you all for your time. Thank you tor your willingnesthank you tor your fo, thank you for your patience. Good afternoon now. Ive been an appraiser for 19 years and 15 years in San Francisco and ive been on the board, this will be my second term. Thats about it. Im quiet. Any questions . Thank you for your willing to serve. Open up for Public Comment and seeing none, Public Comment is closed and i will make a motion to move forward with positive recommendation to the full board, mr. Regille to seat one and mr. Reynolds to seat two and without objection, that passes. Have a great rest of your day. And mr. Clerk, is there any further business before us . That completes the agenda for today. That completes the agenda for today. Thank you, we are adjourned. [applause] let me begin by thanking you all for joining us this morning right here in the heart of San Francisco, right in front of our famed and beloved turnaround. We are here today to announce a very Exciting Initiative that involves the downtown and waterfront neighborhood here in San Francisco. And what people can expect to see during the Holiday Season. I would like to begin by introducing our mayor, london breed, who is providing our city with the leadership and the investment that are helping us keep San Francisco clean all your own all year long. Just this past spring, the mayor announced nearly 12 million in dedicated funding to street cleanliness initiatives and programs. These new investments are critical in our efforts to keep San Francisco beautiful, sustainable, and a clean city. Join me in welcoming our mayor, london breed. [cheers and applause]. Thank you, mohammed. Thank you to all the ambassadors , to the people who work with pcw, to urban alchemy, to downtown streets, to all of the amazing nonprofit and city organizations that work every single day tirelessly, every single day to keep this safety green and clean. Thank you all so much. [applause] today i want us to have an honest conversation about what we need to do better to make sure that people understand how much we love our city. We want people to make sure that they are cleaning up after themselves, that they are not trashing this amazing and beautiful city and the people that are here today are the folks, who every single day, they do the work. They are out there cleaning up the streets, but they are not your housekeeper. We all have to take responsibility for cleaning up San Francisco. Everyone. Everyone who is out here, there are garbage cans, there are places to dump trash and i know that its important to make sure that this city is green and clean for all of. It matters. It matters that we care and it matters that we show that we care by making sure that we are cleaning up after ourselves and taking care of the city, but we also know there are real challenges. What that means is we need to make the kinds of investments that will make sure that we are doing Power Washing and all the other Amazing Things that will enhance the beauty of this already beautiful city. I want to thank mohammed and the department of public works. They have been the leaders in the effort to get creative around taking care of San Francisco in ways that sometimes go unnoticed and unappreciated. I want you all to know that we see you out here every single day doing the hard work. [applause] we are truly grateful for our partners. The San FranciscoPolice Department are out here every single day keeping people safe. The folks who are part of our Community Business districts who raise private funds to invest in more big belly trash cans. To invest in more resources so that we can do everything we can to keep San Francisco clean. We will go a step further. We decided that it is clear that during the Holiday Season we have so many people who are visiting San Francisco, where shopping in San Francisco, and we want people to have good experiences. Lets be clear. The way that we pay for the services that we provide, whether it is munimobile, whether it is street cleaning and all these other things, whether it is shelters and services for our homeless community, a lot of how we generate revenue depends on our economy. It depends on the shopping and the things that people do to help to generate the revenue necessary to keep San Francisco going. So we have to do a better job of creating a better space, a festive space, and exciting space. And the new program that we are providing will do just that. Eco blitz, i dont know who came up with that name, but why not, it is an effort to invest even more resources into cleaning and greening the downtown area so that people who visit this area, so that people who shop in this area and people who work in this area have a clean, safe, green place that they can enjoy their experience in. Today is about the enhancement that we need in order to make San Francisco a better place. I dont know about you, but im tired of people talking trash about our city. It is time that we continue to do whats necessary to create a different environment, a different way in which how we take care of our city and it starts with more investment in areas where we know we have lots of people who are walking, who are catching munimobile, who are working, who are shopping. We are going to make San Francisco better now during the Holiday Season and in the future because of our new investment. We are excited about what this is going to do to enhance the experience in our downtown community. Thank you all so much for being here. At this time, i want to introduce our city administrator , naomi kelly. [applause] thank you for the love our City Campaign. Thank you to mohammed and the public works crews and teams. It has been 20 years since we have been doing this. I cant tell you how important it is that we love our city and keeping it clean. Thank you to karen from the Union Square BusinessImprovement District for partnering with us. I go out once a month with my family to the Community Clean team. We hit different neighborhoods. I cant tell you how important it is because a, not only are we upping our loving our city and giving back to our city, but im bonding with my family. I am meeting different neighborhood associations, merchants associations, different public works crews, different downtown streets, everyone is coming out. It brings everyone together for common cause keeping our city clean, keeping it sustainable, and giving civic pride. This is why these events are very important. I also oversee the citys 311 call center. It is a 24hour operation where we have folks taking phone calls from different residents and many of the phone calls are about graffiti removal, illegal dumping, downed trees and encampments. Theyre very much a part of working with everyone here so that we know where the areas are that we need to focus and keep clean. I want to thank everyone again for being here today and taking pride in keeping our union square, our Market Street corridor and all of San Francisco clean. Thank you. [applause] all right. Before i introduce our next speaker, theres quite a number of people to acknowledge. The echo blitz is coming together of everybody. It is like a village. It brings all types of city departments, the community, the businesses and everyone together so that is what an eco blitz is and rec representing the port is byron matz. Please give him a hand. Tom maguire from m. T. A. Is here. The Police Department, chief bill scott, all of the officers making sure we are safe. Recreation and parkas here. The department of environment is here. Give them a hand. Our fire chief is here. Give her a hand. Our office of Economic Workforce Development and our partners at recology. [applause] we are also joined by several Community Leaders and these are partners that we are working yearround year in and year out. They have stepped out for the Holiday Season. They have been part of this campaign. A few weeks ago we went to all these various neighborhoods and we did a punch punchlist. Now we are all out of work with all the agencies and community works, making it able for the city to shine. I want to thank Randall Scott from the fishermans wharf, captain marvin from the Community Benefit district, Andrew Robinson from the east coast Community Benefit district , and speaking on behalf of all of those Community Groups , i will ask karen to come up and say a few words. [applause] thank you, mohammed. Good morning, everyone. I am the executive director of union square. As mohammed mentioned, we are here at the historic cable car turnaround, also known as the gateway to union square and to San Francisco. Here in union square all of our merchants and hotel owners are getting ready for the holidays. They are putting the finishing touches on the holiday windows. The ice rink has opened, the tree is up and it will be lit the day after christmas. We are getting ready to have an even cleaner and safer and festive Holiday Season down here we are looking forward to this. This is our most favorite time of the year. I would like to thank madam mayor for suggesting that we bring back the eco blitz. It is sort of like when you have family and friends over for thanksgiving. You have to clean up the house and clean up the living room, but visitors are coming and that is what we are doing. Thank you so much, mayor breed forth adjusting the eco blitz, and also for making it making it a priority. It is really so important for us down here. Thank you to mohammed newer with public works and for sending us all of your team. We spent last week with them. A big round of applause. Absolutely. Here they are. Easily recognizable. And we walked the district. We developed a punchlist and we will get some curbs painted. We needs some help from m. T. A. On that. We will build potholes, we will plant flowers. I heard that was already done. We will shine of up these bricks right here. We are going to do a deep clean and we really appreciate it and a comp went all the work that our team here has done. Thank you so much. Also to add another round of applause. Yes, yes, yes. Good job. And this service has already enhanced with the Property Owners down here just recommitted to. We recommitted to the bid for 10 more years which means committing assessments to the tune of about 6 million. This is a 60 increase. You will see more of these folks in red out and about, especially in the afternoon and evening, keeping the area cleaner and safer. We will be upping our Pressure Washing of the sidewalks to weekly. We are excited to have a new toy we have this new machine right behind you. It is super cool. It is a vacuum. We are getting our vacuuming done here. It works really well. It helps with the morning crew. [cheers and applause] absolutely. So as mohammed mentioned, a lot of the other communities are also getting an eco blitz. Theres big events down there, too. I know the auto show is happening. Join us for that. If you havent been down to union square in a while, please come down. Theres so much to do. There is a harry potter show going on. I mentioned the tree lining, and shopping. Lots of shopping. Thank you. We have some really nice shops here. Make sure you stop by. Finally, stockton street is open central subway has cleaned up stockton street. You can drive down and we are going to move the winter walk over to grand avenue. Please doing us there. We are hoping to have a much cleaner and safer and more festive Holiday Season for us all. Thank you. Thank you. We are really serious. We will get down to the level of government. That is a level of cleaning that we will get down to. We have a long punchlist and we will work hard and make sure that our city continues to be clean. This is the most beautiful city in the world. We all know it and we will keep it that way. [applause] i want to thank all the agencies and the Community Partners and our mayor for coming up today. We are starting this eco blitz. We started two weeks ago. We are starting today in tenth city. When you visit these neighborhoods, you will see crews getting ready. We are bustling and getting ready and cleaning for the winter. Please say hello to them and thank them for the work that they are doing. Again, this program will be in full force. Many of the neighborhood commercial areas, please visit them. Spend some money and make sure people who come to San Francisco have a great experience. Are we going to make sure that happens . [cheers and applause] this is part of our love our City Campaign. And the eco blitz will be there for public works reminding people and Property Owners to do their part. The mayor said it, the agencies alone cannot do it. All the businesses and everyone has to do their part. Right . We will be out there reminding them to do their part and love our City Campaign is on. I want to thank you all for coming. We will take the mayor and show her a few of our machines. You all have a great day. [applause] what a great store. Thank you so much for inviting us into your home, your business. We know that this store is named after your great grandmother, and we really appreciate the work that you are doing here with the castro street merchants and all the incredible merchants that are here. Hey, richard. Good to see you. All the incredible merchants, im london breed, im the mayor of San Francisco, joined by the supervisor of district 8, supervisor mandelman to talk about the shopping and dining and 49ing, that didnt work. But the 49ers are winning. We are here today because we know that we are kicking off the Holiday Season. And there is nothing like nothing like shopping and hanging out at some of our great restaurants and other places in so many of our neighborhoods that really does put you into the holiday spirit. And so we want to encourage people to shop in places like stag and main, which is an incredible store as you can see, ornaments, furniture, bowls, plates, cups, you can come here and decorate your whole house for thanksgiving tomorrow. So this is one of the most incredible Small Businesses we have in the city. And i know its a favorite of the supervisor, along with so many unique neighborhoods. You can go to almost any neighborhood in San Francisco and discover something that you probably never saw before. Noe valley, the haight ashbury, the western addition, union street, so many great places that you can shop, you can buy gifts that will be unique gifts for our family members and friends, because they are unique Small Businesses in San Francisco. A lot of love and care goes into these places. And we want to make sure that when you are out shopping this Holiday Season, that you really look at your neighborhoods and different neighborhoods throughout San Francisco and support our Small Business community. Let me tell you. I still use a lot of the same places ive been using since i was a kid. Believe it or not, they are still here. I still go to the same dry cleaner. The lady who is been doing my nails for over 20 years is still doing my nails even though i didnt get them done today. The places i had the same dentist, a Small Business owner, since ive had teeth. Its so incredible to have these incredible relationships that you have because its a personal touch with the people who run these businesses. Because most often when you walk into any of these places, nine times out of ten, the owner of the store will be there and that is why he is here today because hes not only the owner, hes an employee. He works here every single day. So you see him on the news, come down here and see him in person. But part of shopping in San Francisco and so many incredible neighborhoods also involve making sure that we are being smart about parking. You know, theres no secret that we have a lot of challenges with car breakins, unfortunately, but i am proud of the work the San FranciscoPolice Department has done in reducing the number of car breakins significantly. And i know chief scott is here with us today to talk a little bit about how we park. I think that helps tremendously in helping to avoid becoming a victim, especially during this Holiday Season when we know people are paying close attention to what people are doing. We want people to have a great experience. We want them to come here to this store and hang out. Then we want them to head over to hot cookie and have a hot cookie. We want them to enjoy the amazing restaurants, castro, the Castro Community is our featured neighborhood this time around, shop and dine in the 49. And so we really wanted to highlight this unique place in our city and the supervisor will talk more about this amazing community. But if you can get out there and support our Small Businesses all over San Francisco, i know it will make a real difference. And youll have a good time. Because overall, we want your experience to be great from start to finish. We want the time that you leave your house to the time that you come to the castro, to the two, three, four, five, hours you spend walking up and down Market Street and castro street and all the bags that you are going to be carrying, you go and you get some food and hang out and then you go home and feel good and relax. Thats what i want people to experience during this Holiday Season in San Francisco. So it is so great to have all of you here. Thank you to the Castro Merchants Association for coordinating and thank you, i know commissioner adams is here to talk on behalf of the merchants association. But shop and dine in the 49. San francisco is an incredible, unique place where there is something for everyone. And with that, your supervisor to talk about this community and all the great places that you can visit during this campaign, it will be supervisor. Come on up. Thank you, mayor breed. Small businesses in San Francisco today. [applause] it is gray and rainy. And i was in puert o vallarta yesterday. Its been a little bit of a gray time in this neighborhood for the last few weeks. There was an awful fire on castro street. And i know we have a number of businesses represented here who have been impacted by that fire. And i want to thank the mayor and the office of economic and workforce development, joaquin and your team for stepping up for those businesses. And i know you are going to be doing a little bit on that later. But the response from the city, the Fire Department that was fighting the fire to the folks who came in later to help out the residents and the Business Owners have been great. And i want to, on behalf of the castro, thank you for that. Thats an applause line, yeah. [applause] but i think we also know the castro has had some problems for a while now and some of it is reflective around challenges for retail across the city and the country and some of it is unique to the challenges we have up here, some of the street behavior issues and the real challenges of operating businesses here in the castro. But this is a, as you all know, this is a wonderful neighborhood. It is a neighborhood that is embedded in the history of this city and the history of this country. Worldchanging things have happened in this neighborhood, done by, starting with a castro Small Businessman, harvey milk and his camera shop downcast row street. Today is the anniversary of the assassination. Some of us will be at a candlelit vigil later. But this neighborhood is part of the heart of San Francisco. So even till today, building on that tradition of harvey milk, there are so many great local leaders, from the merchants, thank you for the work you do and andrea, and all the merchants and staff who courageously stepped in to open this business just about a year ago, steve adams made sure i was here. Thank you, commissioner. And youve brought this wonderful establishment to this block, other brave, courageous folks stepped forward every year to try to share their dream with this community and other communities around San Francisco. And it is so easy to go online and buy that thing. But i ask, i hope that san franciscans, if you love your neighborhoods, if you love your neighborhood Small Businesses, you know, today, take a break on the online purchase, go out and actually support the neighborhood Small Business and the folks who are working so hard like staff both to share their dream with you and to make these neighborhoods work. We need our Small Businesses so desperately. They are critical to the vitality of our neighborhoods and they are great. And so im just pleased, madame mayor and joaquin, that you chose to have shop and dine start here with this event. I want to thank miriam, wherever she is, the most extraordinary Public Servant who made this happen. Mary ahn gets a little bit of applause. And tom and my office are working to make this happen. And i want to thank chief scott and the Police Department for your Partnership Around some of the issues i alluded to earlier. It is challenging up here, but we are getting tremendous help, i know, and im enjoying working with you and looking forward to continuing to work to make this place where people are safe, have fun, and where we have a healthy, thriving community. So with that, chief scott. [applause] thank you, supervisor. And thank you mayor breed. First of all, happy thanksgiving, everybody. We have so much to be grateful and thankful for. And i want to start by thanking the mayor for her great leadership in this great city and the supervisor, the office of economic and workforce development, Castro Merchants Association. We have a great city and a great community. And so its my job and all of our sa San FranciscoPolice Department officers that you see here, to give you some reminders to stay safe during the Holiday Season. As the mayor mentioned, weve made a lot of progress in our park smart campaign, because one thing that we want to do is not make it easy to be a victim. We want everybody to step back and have a good time and do your shopping and enjoy your families, but dont make yourself an easy target. So theres a couple simple reminders. First and foremost, if you are going to shop, you probably are going to have packages and bags and all this great merchandise. Make sure you dont leave it in your cars when you go and dine afterwards in the 49, make sure you dont leave it in the car to make it easy for somebody to take it to you. One of the simple things in Crime Prevention is dont make yourself an easy target. So lock your cars, dont leave anything visible in your cars. If you have merchandise, if you cant carry it with you, put it in your trunk. Its always a good idea, oftentimes if you are going to be dining and you are going to go to the restaurants and take advantage of the great food in this area, have a plan in terms of how you are going to shop and do your merchandise. A lot of times the stores will hold things for you or you hold it and come back and purchase it after you eat. So theres just some basic common sense things that we can do to make ourselves not be easy targets. Heres the other thing. If you see something, report it. Say something, call us. We will have officers around this city thanks to the support of the supervisor, mayor breed and the budget we got this year. We have officers on the beat. We have foot beat officers out here in the castro as around the entire city. Call us. We are there for you. We want to be a part of your experience, and we want that experience to be a good one. So call us if you see something thats amiss. If you see somebody staring into cars and you think thats suspicious, we dont mind coming out. Thats a call you should make to us. Lastly before i wrap it up and turn it over to commissioner adams, Pay Attention to your surroundings. You know, we are so distracted in todays world. Everybody has phones. I think i have two me right now and im always looking at them, making sure i answer the mayors messages