Possible onset for that garage. Aliso ferrell. Well hear a lot from the folks. I recognize a number of faces. I was an operator for a garage that operated a number of years. Weve seen record high occupancies where 500 plus open stalls were sitting vacant. We restriped the lot to allow more selfpark and worked closely with the union to come up with a staffing plan. This included a reduction of fulltime staff in two stages. The Staff Members will provide an opportunity to relocate to other fasts within the portfoliofacilities to relocate to other facilities for zero job loss. Well always have someone onsite and if the cars return, so will the staff Parking Program. Transitioning into safety and security nexus of our conversation. We focus on three Major Concerns when were managing our garage and how to mitigate them. This includes trip and falls, gate arm city and pedestrians and vehicle breakins. You may have noticed theres no mention of violate crimes such as car jacking or fiscal assaults but the crimes are extremely rare and in my time have not occurred. Cal assaults but the crimes are extremely rare and in my time have not occurred. Cal assaults but the crimes are extremely rare and in my time have not occurred. Cal assaults but the crimes are extremely rare and in my time have not occurred. Pcal assaults but the crimes are extremely rare and in my time have not occurred. Hcal assaults but the crimes are extremely rare and in my time have not occurred. Ycal assaults but the crimes are extremely rare and in my time have not occurred. Scal assaults but the crimes are extremely rare and in my time have not occurred. Ical assaults but the crimes are extremely rare and in my time have not occurred. And i want to thank supervisors for meeting with me and the commander to raise concerns about breakins and specifically around womens safety. We used the input to create new policies and procedures we feel have had a Tremendous Positive impact and will about them more to come. Of the three items, dbis is what well focus on today. To report theres been a positive trend. In 2017 we saw a reduction or less than 30,000 reported after the 24 increase from 16 to 17. Since then theres been a focussed effort city wide in 2018 we saw slight reduction of 26,000 reported dbis. A 17 reduction. So what prompted the spike to begin with . Theres been harsher consequences which have been ledge legislated and theres less than 90 chance youll be caught. The criminals are long the lines of credit card fraud. Its not 100 preventible but we can take steps to curb it. We want to make the lots less appealing to thieves and have them move along. This table provided by partners demonstrate the trends city wide and this is important data point for us as it highlight the months where vbis are more prevalent and as you can see the spike during the months where we generally see more visitors and tourists in the cities. Specifically to our facilities. You can see the vbi downward trend over the past two years and this is the kickoff of our operating philosophy when we started in 2017. Understand the changes of demand and move towards Industry Standard and technology we implemented a weve required minimum security hours and currently sfmta employees, 1820 hours of Security Guard per month for offstreet facilities. Theres signs for all points of access and elevators and stairwells and active collaboration with s. F. P. D. And participating in the task force. I wont spend a lot of time here but deploying the new philosophy we were averaging 38 average vbis per month, some as high as 50 or 60 with the new operating philosophy and goes down to seven and in some months weve had zero. I was fortunate enough to be present with supervisor peskin and safai when we had a large announcement regarding that. We updated our staffing plan and issues of security and number of occurrences and breakin history and complaints and this allows the security to focus on highareas of potential threat better coverage and increased officer productivity. And task force for stakeholders in the city and we worked closely with the groups to collaborate and identify areas to make improvements. And specifically towards technology and the sparks program. Its a revenue control system and Hardware Software network to provide data for analytics and policy. Also upgrading at this time which is also a major security issue is our compliance to protect and safeguard an important source of Agency Revenues and provide Better Customer Service and have security features. We deployed hd cameras at egress and degres and we deployed lpr recognition and brighten up each facility with cohesive signage and white paint. Our central monitoring station, which we havent actively deployed but heres a picture of what it looks like and our cameras and video needs and intercoms come back to these facility. When its fully deployed well have three. Well have a city sfmta monitoring station and two operator locations as well as all the facilities will have cameras rolling up there as well. Ill leave it there and open it up to questions or concerns. Well come back to questions. I want to open it up for Public Comment because people have been wait forg waiting for some time. If youd like to line up and speak. Each speaker will have two minutes. I apologize for the earlier day and thank you for your patience. Good afternoon, supervisor safai and supervisor peskin and haney. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us. Im tony delorio of teamsters 665 in San Francisco. What we have witnessed in the last years is a calculated attack on our members. The sfmta has implemented over 1600 hours of staffing cuts per week which equates to 40 fulltime positions gone just like that of a total of 220 employees. And they have made it clear the cuts will continue. The majority of our members, mostly of minority decent are San Francisco residents. A few years ago the city approved the 30 million park equipment upgrade at sfmta locations. Did we expect some staffing cuts with the result of this implementation, sure but not of this magnitude. We attempted to have prior meetings to see what we can do to prevent the job losses. The sfmta would show us basic pnl statements and explain how the new equipment had to be compensate and use was down due to the uber and lyft explosion but after doing some more digging we found out for one reason or another, many invoices from the parks equipment instalation were being filtered through the operational expenses thus churning the statements upsidedown. I think its unfair capital expenses are being commingled into the expense numbers and were talking about 70,000, 80,000 being moved in these statement so of course expense high. And who suffers the loss . Everybody here. Clerk the speakers time has expired. Commissioner hell finish the sentence. Tony, finish your last sent. Our last ask was the garages to maintain the current Staffing Levels as they are today not going backwards. Thank you. Commissioner thank you. Next speaker, please. Im Martha Schreiber and im here today to speak on behalf of the valets in the parking garages the city owns. I did budgets for mayor feinstein in 1979 when we put in a new Financial Management system when we were doing budget Business Activity rather than line item budgets and revenue departments were able to come in and ask for more than 100 of budgets when we provided incremental budgets bore the if you system. It for the new system. It doesnt seem to work well. I was at a disadvantage trying to quantify how many cases of cancer the Public Health nurses were preventing. And the valets wall in the same category. The return on investment is not quantifiable. We are a worldclass city. Union square is world class shopping. My very wealthy aunts from Point Richmond and from down south in abertine they dont come here to drive themselves around and try to find a parking space so they can shop and or be able to carry their bags whatever the things are the wonderful valets do. They have been with the city a very long time. Weve talked about yerba buena gardens to keep High Standards. Whats a High Standard in the city . Our jewels are Fishermans Wharf and union square. Thats our revenue. What are you going to do to assure the revenue stays . Were already getting hit by retail by amazon. People already dont want to come downtown anymore. I had a restaurant for 30 years. Mr. Peskin, did mayor feinstein and mayor brown work hard to mike it a worldclass city . I worked for both of them. Where is london breed . What is the thinking . This is a worldclass city. Go to any worldclass city and find the definition of world class. Commissioner thank you. Next speaker. Commissioner to be fair to all the speakers, we have to keep everyone to two minutes. Imani im janni. When you see a local filmed commercial or Television Show or movie, photography or print shoot, my group are wardrobe stylists also known as costumers. Our jobs are to go downtown into city lots and acquire Studio Services at j crew, banana republic, gap, nordstroms and we have to gather a huge amount of wardrobe and reliant on these valet. 100 . They help us, they protect our cars. We cant do our job on a bike. We cannot do our jobs without the valet. We have thousands and thousands of dollars of wardrobe in the trunks of our cars. Alarmed, you know. Without this its going to be almost impossible. Ill rattle off some of our clients, okay . Apple, hp, sales force, gap, google, levi, i did six in a row for ebay, subaru, vw, ford, tesla, at t, chase, the show 13 reasons why filmed in oakland verizon, cisco. We do the costuming without the valet i dont know what well do, honestly. None of us have ever seen a Security Guard in any of these. Not once. Pay the nonlocals some more money. Commissioner thank you, next speaker, please. Im veronica lebau the executive director at the Liver Foundation i work in the Flood Building. I park daily at the Aliso Ferrell garage and i use many of the other sfmta garages as well. Union square, 5th and mission, st. Marys, the Valet Service is integral to my job as well as my safety. Since the dem diminished services of the valet staff ive felt less safe. I have reached out to many of the other customers and tenants in the Flood Building and many of them, 200 plus signed a petition feel the same way. Our cars have been broken into. Our safety has been compromise. When i called sfmta when we still had the Valet Service they told me they were not going alleviate it. They were not going get rid of it and they were also going to install an Ambassador Service. I have called the number for the Ambassador Service and the phone just rings and rings and rings. Same with security. I have never seen security in that parking garage. I worry for my safety and for everyone elses. Lets call this what it is. The acceleration of San Franciscos race to the bottom. Please take responsibility and stop the bashing of this people who work in that garage and put us customers at risk. The sfmta has increased the parking space price and monthly cost and theyre profitability. Their profitability. Commissioner thank you. Next speaker, please. Im katy suing sugarman. Im also a stylist and were dependent on the Aliso Ferrell garage for safety and security and having the valets is pivotal to our way of life. Work we do and we shop at every single retailer at union square and shopping for any small and major corporation. Weve done many jobs for them. We are a huge vital part of the local film photography and Film Industry and we contribute to the local economy and new york and the world. Union square is not completely safe and most of us have ed breakins firsthand and having the valet and having the presence there is the only thing to keep us safe. A video cam with someone sleeping in an office wont keep the thousands of dollars of merchandise in my car safe and its our livelihood. If that got getz gets stolen from me, ill lose my job and i feel vulnerable being a woman and i realize on the smile of the staffs face and its crucial to what we do. I find it hard to believe the Parking Spaces are suffering losses. Ive been parking at that garage ann day of the week ann day of the any day of the week and ive never seen it empty. Theyre pivotal to our lifestyle. Commissioner thank you for taking time to come today. Next speaker. Good afternoon, members of the committee. Im Rudy Gonzalez representing over 140 unions here and were on record saying we support the members of local 665. Often when we talk with the future of work we talk about the technological advances and whats left out is the future of workers. I can tell you first hand we go to the garage and the people most effected when there isnt a human being there are the tourists and ven tors and the people vendors and without the human by the machine at the garage people have a hard time operating that equipment. It fails fails and when theres a smiling person in their steamster vest people get greeted and feel more safe and security and ive used them just to get through that machine. I think whats important to think about is what mr. Dilorio talked about is how profits and losses are being represented. Theyre blending conversations. Id urge the committee to do a deeper dive into that process. Ill set aside comments around the shift to say you can have sworn peace officers. Theres probably a lot of tension around that. I would think on its face it say seem like a safer option but with Public Safety important i dont think reasonable to expect sworn officers to guard peoples carbs and i dont think theres a correlation between that and driving down the vbis of the garages. Its not feasible as you consider this consider the working families and what few remain in the city that are dependent on these good jobs and have Human Interaction and what cant be quantified as the human value they bring to all the garages. Thank you. Commissioner thank you, next. Next speaker, please. Heres an example of using too Much Technology. An example is teachers go to school and get their credentials and pay the rate of tuition loans and fees and you changed their payroll system over to a hightech system. The first stage in this system didnt pay the teachers and the teachers were facing evictions on properties they were in as tenants and some were facing flash because you used too Much Technology and you were paying teachers more than what they were supposed to be paid and some were getting paid thousands less and some still not paid on time. You did the same thing at the state superior court. You went high tech and as a result 13 judges lost their jobs and 100 clerks lost their jobs as a result files stack to the top of the ceiling. Sit up there right now and are replacing people who were supporting them selves and families with technology not even proven to work and hasnt been previously tested. Its not fair and unethical and youre putting technology over the safety of people who are working and guarantees to give you a performance of services. What you should be doing is hiring more people. Thats what you should be doing. Commissioner thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im a born and raised san franciscan. Ive been working at the 5th and Mission Garage for roughly 20 years serving our public. The past year ive seen significant changes in safety and cleanliness and i believe its a result of decreasing staff. Last week we had a customer physically assaulted while paying for parking. Prior to cuts we had an attendant in the lobby. If we still had one wed be able to possibly prevent the assault or add at minimum report the it to security and because we dont have these the suspect left the scene. We have aggressive panhandlers approaching patrons. They walk up to the customer, demand money and when they dont get it, theyll yell and threaten. In the past, when lobbies were manned, just the presence of the attendant would stop the panhandlering from coming in or approaching anybody because they saw us. We do our best to do the garages clean but as a result of staff cuts the smell and sight of feces is a presence in the stair wells. We have individuals who come in and tag the walls, go to the garage and tag over safety signs and take fire extinguishers and discharge them on vehicles parked in the garage. These are a few incident i have seen while there and believe theyre a direct result of the Staffing Levels. I ask we keep the Staffing Levels we have at this point in time. Commissioner thank you. Next speaker. Im steven garcia. Ive a 27year employee as the Aliso Ferrell garage. We have seen the garage go from a firstclass garage to slum garage. The light is terrible and theres people urinating and its feces and drugs and needles. Stuff all over the place. Im the only one there in the facility from 5 30 in the morning to 7 30. The next guy is 7 30 and the next one doesnt show up until 2 00. There are no other ambassadors but me and david. The customers have complained they dont feel safe. One lady told me she felt she could be raped at any time there. Its dark and theyre scared. Our entrances are dark. Theres nobody around. Weve been told to stay off the main floor and be upstairs. Were spread so thin at our facility from going from 45 people down to about six. Its insane. The studies of the facility showed in the past they added two and a half floor and talked about doing this selfpark many years ago. It was unfeasible to do this. Weve gone from 14,65 0 to 500 Parking Spaces and with the subway, sure, business is down. Weve always taken a hit when they asked us to and said were not making any money. We took freezes and freezes in our pension and stood behind the city and when the Nonprofit Corporation left the garage has gone. Its nasty. Its terrible what has happened. Commissioner which Nonprofit Corporation is that . The Nonprofit Corporation. Commissioner thank you. Next speaker. Im a business agent for teamsters local 665. Laura durant wanted to be here so ill read her statement. Dear supervisors im from doleby laboratories on market street. We were parking at the Civic Center Garage and happy with the services however once they cut staff and valet our employees no longer saw garage personnel and had to walk by Homeless Individuals who at times were shooting up or defecating on the ground in the stairwells. For this very reason of lack of safety and cleanliness we decided to cancel our account and took our business elsewhere. Thank you from laura durant. Commissioner thank you. Next speaker. I want to talk with the ambassador thing being discussed here. I work at the downtown 5th and Mission Parking garage. We only have one ambassador in the middle of our parking garage. We do need more ambassadors for each lobby. A couple recently retired arent being replaced. Eventually [multiple voices] and they need to be fixed and more ambassadors is needed. I want to mention that point. Commissioner thank you. Next speaker, please. Mark gleeson with Teamsters Joint Council 7. I thank you for the interest youre taking and something weve been work on now well over a year has to do with the staff cuts you heard about today. I also appreciate working recently with the staff of the mta has been pole polite but unproductive. Theres a model used in some areas in the United States but i think the people of San Francisco should know what that really is and you can see it in the close nearby in san jose if you visit their parking invests. Theres screens and cameras and human beings theres blocks and for the community at large around the facilities they should be aware what we believe is in the scheme here are the prospect of empty caverns that will be in our community with nobody staffing them at all one of these days and this again is something that is not vet the by certainly this body until today and perhaps the voters of San Francisco that awarded autonomy to the mta some years ago. I submit to the voters in the city should reconsider what that economy is and give it confines going forward. Thats just my humble idea. Theres apparently 300 customers that have supplied signatures being submitted to your offices today. Theyre also very concerned about this. So again i appreciate everybody whos been concerned with this. We hope therell be something proactive for our members and for the community at large. Commissioner thank you, mr. Gleeson. More and more until eventually nobodys going to do everything. Next speaker, please. Im a Business Owner i own a hair salon on grant avenue. Im in support of keeping the Valet Service in the garage. I dont think its fair that myself or other customers and speak forg myself walking speaking for myself have to walk by people smoking crystal meth and shooting heroin with my kids is not okay and the guy with the graphs and charts of numbers, youre talking about breakins in the thousands. Youre talking about things happening that are crimes in the thousands. And at some point all that is is a data point on whats acceptable. A few thousand crimes if youre having 1,000 less is not acceptsable or okay to have any crime if it can be prevent the just by people present in the garage. On where they were parking previously i bet theres fewer if not any crimes. Just by presence of the people there youre deterring it. With they showed you with statistic and graphs and charts is theres an acceptability to crime i dont think is okay. I want that on the record. Commissioner thank you, sir. Next speaker. If theres any other speakers after this gentleman if you line up to my left, your right, go ahead, sir. First, i saw a loose diamond and i saw people getting married outside. Im also getting engaged soon so my fiancee would kill me. Commissioner we wont count that toward the time. And to official came to retrieve that. It was city staff. Some guys going to be in a lot trouble. Seriously. Yeah. Commissioner its an engagement ring. If youre watching tv right now it will be at the lost and found. Thank you, sir. I dont know how many carr carats. Those who are tenants and monthly members at the ye old garage it summed up the frustration weve gone through since january of 2018 the first time the post was made in the ye old garage the valet staff would be eliminated. Just to add to that, yes, we support the staff staying from basement sto to the roof. I met with members of the mta along with another member at the Flood Building and i think we need them to stay. Thats what i wanted to say up here. Commissioner thank you, any other members of the public wish to comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comments closed. Ms. Graph, can you come back up. I think we have a series of questions for you. I think have been in an ongoing conversation the past two years and a situation where this is a situation with an agency with little if any oversight by the board of supervisors because this is an agency overseen by commission appointed by the mayor. This body and the board of supervisors does not have a direct authority. We have the thumb up or down vote on the overall budget at sfmta and more and more its becoming apparent were going to have to exercise that authority in a very aggressive manner because this is not the only issue thats risen to the attention of this body in the last few weeks. Its very important. I want to say that for the record. To that point, mr. Graph, so seems as though theres been a significant investment you said over the last number of years, Capital Investment in automating the system. Can you quantify what that Capital Investment has been . Yeah, i might defer to rob who oversee the budget but about 32 million in capital and local funds. Commissioner so 32 million in Capital Investment and in that time has revenue increased . No, it has not . Not at all. We hope see a return on investment in five years 37 commissioner no, my question is when did you spart making Capital Investments of the magnitude of 32 million. 2017. Commissioner youve seen no increase in revenue. Its flattened out. Commissioner so its flat. In terms of staffing you said the cut is about 38 positions youve cut thane period of time . Cut in that period of time . We removed Aliso Ferrell commissioner youll have to clarify for the public. A typical Valet Program is more as you go to a hotel and you leave your car at the curb and in a stack Parking Program in the case of the Aliso Ferrell program you drive into a level of the garage and they stack your car in the garage to maximize space in that facility. Commissioner it looks like from 2016 to now to present its about 38, 40 positions. How many are valet positions youve cut . I believe i listed thane here as well. Listed that in here as well. 30. Commissioner so of the 38, 30 are valet youve cut . Almost 90 of the positions . That have been removed have been the stack car valet. And it says from First Quarter 2018 to First Quarter 2019 youve gone from 20 to 25 to 10 . Thats just the fixed post. The numbers dont add up. 30 valets removed and another fixed posts. Zbhoo that goes to ambassadors as well. Commissioner what are responses from the folks here, the staff and front line staff and longtime customers and having been avalet yourself. Something if we had started cutting valets at the beginning of your industry. How would you have felt . You may not be standing here today . As you teed up earlier your points are valid and were trying to be responsible stewards of our assets. Weve seen occupancies de crease decrease and weve cut shifts however, we worked with operators who are the Major Players in this arena and the staff cut have been relocated to other facilities. Some within city portfolio and some not. Commissioner supervisor peskin. Commissioner folks, for the decorum of the body, we dont allow questions to be yelled out from the public. Public comment is closed. Well continue to ask questions. You can show your approval by waving your hands and displeasure by pointing fingers down. Thats what we do. Supervisor peskin. Im trying to articulate commissioner i got it. So essentially the Decision Making for valet does it take into consideration many of the things that were talked about today . The issue of providing an additional added service, contributing to the world class environment of our shopping area, providing for the security, en hangs and encouraging enhancing and encouraging the movie industry which is an integral and commercial industry. These are all things really important to San Franciscos economy and i have to tell you the Aliso Ferrell, i was shocked when i went there two weeks ago to see this Automated System yelling out nonstop. If i were across the street in a restaurant that would absolutely ruin my experience as a customer in that place and i asked the owner of the restaurant, i said how is this impacting your business he said my customers complain all the time. And he happened to be a longterm monthly pass holder. He said were seeing all the things you said today, dirt, graffiti, drug use, increased homelessness, smells of urine. Its on and on. He said we have people getting their cars broken in to. I dont understand the philosophy of moving to this 100 i understand you made the decision to go into a completely automate the system but were losing a significant value that cant be measured by the bottom line. Whats your response to that . I think its finding the right balance. To be clear we know theres fear but ive been clear and we worked collaboratively with the teamsters, we wont take the facilities down to no operators. Commissioner Aliso Ferrell is down to two people. One at one time of day and a gap in the shift. If theres demands for additional staff this is flexible. Commissioner sounds like you have a petition of 300 customers. And we have been meeting with stakeholders throughout the process long before i arrived at the m. T. A. I cant get a clear idea of how many more cuts you have planned. Theres one slide. The majority of changes have been made. Theres been a few facilities that have not gone through the upgrades yet. Commissioner so these cuts are all based on your overall Capital Development to automating the system . So everywhere you put in the Automated System you intend to cut more staff. Thats not always the case. Its case by case but its been the stacked Parking Program which is the majority of the cuts. Therell be a lot going under construction. That lot goes away. Thats pretty straightforward. The mosconi garage will also have staff cut there. Aside from that, 90 plus and a large number of cuts. It will be minimal and we can provide a full picture of what that looks like. Commissioner thats why we called you here today trying to get a full picture. Commissioner i dont want to cut supervisor safai off. I want to thank him for scheduling this year and thank all members of the public for coming out and testifying today and a number of facilities are in the Northeast Corner of county of San Francisco i have the honor of representing. While i try to use the other side of your house as often as possible by which i am referring to the bus i have been known to park in those garages both within my district and in supervisor haneys district and its about jobs and the customers experience and the relationship but with customers who we directly or indirectly employee and i understand the world has changed with uber and congression and people arent commuting ways they historically have and that comes with demand and as someone in office for 20 years weve not made outageous demands on the city. Weve been pretty darn reasonable and have adjusted to things when adjustments need to happen. And i was part of proposition a 2017 and while supervisor safai and i share some same frustrations weve generally been able to work it out with the good old thing we call the telephone or inperson meetings. And im hopeful in the next few weeks it will resolve itself in the same manner with the teamsters at the table and the customers we heard from. I will say i have gotten fabulous emails from customers that arent teamsters and arent city employees. Im looking for one i got earlier today. I read one in the record. Commissioner if you want to talk about a human relationship is the relationship between the folks who its like going to the coffee shop. You love the person that serves you coffee every important and you love the person that valets your car or makes the place feel safe. Im bummed out because i go to port smith square a lot and we all get called to meetings and events usually that happen on the roof of that parking garage. We all jet in there. And can i tell you, i miss paying that person in person. I have do figure out the dang machine and im 55 years old and i missed the interaction with the person who was my neighbor and knew for years. Im happy to participate offline, online with the mta and teamsters and supervisor safai. I want to thank supervisor safai. I hope we can all come to the table and work something out that makes a lot of sense. And as i said last tuesday at the San Francisco county authority theres growing frustration by a majority of the board not with you, sir, but with your commission that inevitably in the cycle of Human Behavior will play itself out in some way and god only knows none of us want to wake up august 1 and not have cable cars, light rail or trollies or busses and this could be the one that breaks the camels back. With that supervisor haney. The city doesnt directly employ the teamsters. Were not part teamsters we have thirdparty operators that employ them directly. We have a number of facilities. We have the 20plus facilities. If there is a reduction of staff at another facility because of the way the cba works the opportunities have been particularly here the Staff Members have been offered positions depending on how that looks. I cant speak to it directly other than to say im not sitting in to make the decisions but they have assured me no one has lost a job. Commissioner netnet, Job Opportunities are being reduced. The human might bounce from one job to another job but there are less jobs overall. Can we stipulate to that . I cant speak to if theyve reduced other staff but my understanding is they had need for other facilities. Youre saying theyre growing their job demand as were shrinking hours . In this case thats my understanding, yes. Commissioner thats counterintuitive. Ill hand it back to you. Commissioner just for the record and the conversations weve had with teamsters if a position is eliminate order reduced through a city parking garage its been our understanding theres been a reduction in the staffing overall so i just want to say that for the record. I think theres be 100 straightforward in this conversation. This is about eliminating jobs and creating more efficiencies and trying to increase revenue and doing it on the backs of working people. Supervisor haney. Thank you. Also, it seems like theres significant reduction in the valet shifts in response to reduced parking demand. So are you saying that people are using Valet Parking less or overall parking is down and it spilled over to Valet Parking and measuring the number of Valet Parking shifts . Its significant in terms of the number or is it theres a move away from valet as a service that were providing . No, specific to the major area of concern is Aliso Ferrell and that area. Theres three different facilities and southern stockton and Aliso Ferrell and union square i can speak to those in that Geographic Area the demand has don gone down and at any given time theres 500 available spaces and there is plentyiful amount at the other facilities. Commissioner its overall reduction. For the garage ambassadors, can you speak a little bit more about what theyre role is and is that a new role . It is. Commissioner and are you seeing positive results from that . Yes, so we are seeing positive results and hearing responses from some folks here. I want to make sure we are getting it out better and many of the fixed cashier shifts should be roefg the garage. We roving the garage and i heard someone said were not told to stay near the pay machine but the folks should be roving the garage helping peep answering questions, giving directions, walking people to their car. The numbers listed go to the teamsters. If we dont have enough at a certain shift and that call is going nowhere, we need to make sure we have the proper staff to field those calls at a facility during busy times. Thats all good feedback to hear specifically at Aliso Ferrell maybe we need to manage that better and understand that with operators. Commissioner it does seem like theres a disconnect from the appearance people have having and what some of the sense of perspective from where you are around it so i recognize the position youre in so if theres a way to take the speedback and have it inform what is happening because i think its about people and the folks are out there and understand whats happening and want a great experience for the people visiting the garages and theres firsthand experience that can inform steps moving forward. I agree. We hope to have a firstclass parking system in the city of San Francisco. Ill take the information and take up chair peskins idea to have offline conversations and address all the issues. Commissioner thank you. Thank you. Commissioner i want to dive in a little deeper on Aliso Ferrell. When i look at the case study, its not clear to me. Are there Valet Parking happening at Aliso Ferrell anymore . How many were there prior to reducing it . It doesnt sound like the demand for valet disappeared sounds like the overall tickets were reduced at that. It seems like you made a unilateral decision to reduce service with significant demand at that location. To answer, it looked like we reduced staff by about six in quarter one and reduced it down from 19 to 10. About 16. So there were 16 valet and now zero. And how many people besides the valet are working at the facility that were nonvalet perhaps ticket takers or whatever positions there were. How many other people were there . Dont have a staffing schedule but theres managers and janitorial staff. Commissioner im talking about the fulltime staff involved. It sounds like major, major reduction. It sounds like theres very Little People left doing the job of a facility i have to say is one of the most prominent garages in the entire union square area. If you were to put a face on the sfmta Shopping System for a worldclass Shopping System having been to chicago, miami, dallas, austin, new york, boston, union