Reimbursing us for costs expended directly on developer projects, and rttpf nonadmin is expended for Building Infrastructure in transbay, moving forward Affordable Housing projects, for issuing bonds to fund those, to fund Affordable Housing loans and to Fund Infrastructure reimbursements, so these are all dollars expended directly and furtherance of our mission. So, to dive into the operating budget in a little bit greater detail, like most entities and particularly in city government, the vast majority of our operating budget funds are labor costs. We anticipate spending 9 million in salaries and benefits in the upcoming fiscal year and that will be for 50 fulltime staff, 47 of whom are o. C. I. I. Staff and three of whom are staff contracted from the department of, the Citys Department of Administrative Services but work fulltime at o. C. I. I. In addition, we have two parttime staff who have a very specific skillset and therefore are only work parttime. And in addition, both are retired, so they fall under slightly different rules than our fulltime staff. In addition, well spend 2. 3 million on City Departments, enact the m. O. U. S to Purchase Services from our City Partners. So if a plan is reviewed by planning or if we have a contract thats reviewed by City Attorney or our participation in the citys accounting system, s. F. P. And administration and internal controllers, billed back to o. C. I. I. 1. 6 million in nonlabor costs, other to obtain Specialized Services like the fiscal audit or nonlabor costs like the rent or our workers comp insurance, costs that are for the General Administration of the agency and are not related to one specific project. So, together those three costs, labor, costs obtained from the city and nonlabor, total 12. 9 million. In addition, two longterm liabilities we have to fund. One is the pension liability, our pension liability is what it would take to fully pay the Retirement Benefits for all current and future o. C. I. I. Employees up to the end of the amortization date. So, this year well be paying 1. 3 million towards that cost, which means that we are on track to be fully funded by the end of the amortization period, which means that we, we are projected to be able to pay all of the retirement costs that we have promised to pay. And our Retirement Health care liability is 2. 7 million. Thats a combination of paying our share of current Retirees Health care costs, as well as all future the future liability of all current and future o. C. I. I. Employees. So, this is called our oped liability, 2. 7 million next fiscal year and whats exciting about this, for the second year in a row well be fully funding our longterm liability, means we are projected to be able to cover all of our Health Care Costs for all current and future o. C. I. I. Employees, and there are not that many entities that work towards 100 coverage of that liability into the future. So, i think that is something that really speaks to the agencys financial health. So, at this point, we have done such a deep dive, a nice opportunity to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, one thing that i find useful to do in the bigger picture, to look at the differences between the prior year and the current year. As you can see, between last year and this year, well be spending 71 million more dollars in bond proceeds and as youll recall, we issued in 1718, we issued three bonds at the beginning of the year, 2017, a, b, and c, Affordable Housing bonds and infrastructure bond in transbay. The issuance of the bonds was intended to Fund Infrastructure in transbay and Affordable Housing in the shipyard and in mission bay, and so you can see the expenditure of this proceed is reflected here. As you can see, theres no change in our reserve funding. We dont have any dollars on reserve, so we have no expenditure from the sources. From other, our expenditure is going down 38 million and thats primarily due to the fact that the 20 million in cash proceeds budgeted in this current year, so thats a major drop towards next year, and then you can see in rttpf, nonadmin, sorry, difference, spending 42 million less, and thats being driven by three things. The first is that in the three bond issuances we had earlier in the year, we were really projecting a much higher level of debt service than actually resulted. That means that the market responded really well to our bonds and we are paying much less interest than we had actually anticipated. So, thats a major savings to the agency, and in addition, we just issued 2017 d and e, refunding bonds that really reduce the cost of our debt service. So, together those two things mean that our use of property tax to fund our nonadministrative costs has really gone down, means we have more capacity to issue more future bonds and we have more to pass on to the taxing entities. In, between 1718 and 1819, you can see some changes in our overall usages. The biggest draw the biggest drop, i think, you can see, is the third one down, again debt service, our debt service is going down by 40 million this year because of the drivers i just mentioned, and our Affordable Housing expenditure up by 109 million, and because we are entering into, we anticipate entering into a number of new Affordable Housing loans in the coming year. And that will be c. P. 11a, Mission Block 6 west and c. P. 10a and upwards of 50 million loans so you can really see that we are moving the needle in terms of putting Affordable Housing dollars out on the street. So, again, just because property taxes, the thing that kind of, you know, everyone is always the most interested in, our primary use of debt service of nonadmin is debt service. You can see the very large blue pie wedge and the second biggest use is pledged tax increment. As a reminder, increment thats generated either in mission bay north, mission bay south, or the state owned parcels in transbay, very small amount in South Beach Harbor and this year its very exciting to report, we just got the First Property tax distribution from the controller in january, and we have over 150,000 generated in pledge property tax income in shipyard 1. So that means there is starting to be some there, and its an indication that redevelopment works. We have worked really hard to put development out in that area and its now generating property tax which is showing up on the rolls and generating revenue for future development, which is what redevelopment is supposed to do, so thats really exciting. And so our next steps are to hear your commentary and feedback, integrate that into the rops, and then go back for Oversight Board approval on january 22nd, and then submit an improved rops before february 1st. And if you have any questions, i would be happy to answer them. Are there any speaker cards, madam secretary . No, madam chair, there are no speaker cards. I will close Public Comments since there are no speaker cards. Any questions from my fellow commissioners . Or comments . I have a question. How much total we owe . Our debts, current debt Service Portfolio is almost 1 billion. Uhhuh. What was that number . Almost 1 billion. 1 billion. How much over . Its almost one. Its between 900 million and a billion. How are we going to pay that . We pay that on an annual basis with our debt service costs. Prior to issuing the bonds, we go through a really detailed process where we underwrite the bonds and we only issue what we know we can fund with our current level of property tax increment, and issue our debt with 1. 2 times coverage, so 120 of the dollars that we need to pay our debt service into the future. Are we ever going to pay off . Well, we we will. But each time we issue new debt, because we issue and usually 30year, we have usually a 30year term, each time we issue the latest dollar amount, the last Debt Service Payment is kind of current year plus 30 years. So we wont know the final date we pay everything off until we have issued our last bond, made our last Affordable Housing loan, made our last developer reimbursement. Its really a longterm process where we issue debt, pay it off, issue debt, pay it off, and its really kind of longterm financial planning. Ok. Thank you, commissioner singh. Any other questions . I had a question on, cant find it here, but the city m. O. U. S. I think it was two something, 2. 3 million. 2. 6, i think. 2. 6. Im not sure that i saw anywhere but i didnt read all the attachments with great detail a list of those city agencies, it would be nice to know who our City Partners, i mean, obviously the City Attorney, the real estate planning, those kinds of jump up. Usually in the budget we provide, the rops is kind of like an outer limit document. So we dont tend to provide that level of detail at this stage. But we are, as a matter of fact, the moment i submit the rops well be starting the budget process, so well be before you in april and then at that point i usually go through a detailed list of what all the City Department m. O. U. S are. Ok. My issue is, not issue, but interest is not just knowing who the City Partners are, but whether we have sufficient funds allocated for service by them. Im always of the view that its better to anticipate a greater need and obviously if you are under budget thats great, but the reverse is an issue, right . You think you only need a certain level of service and something unforeseeable happens and we go to City Partners. I know there is flexibility in the budgets so we can address that. I would be interested in assuming 2. 6 million is in everyones mind sufficient. So, we work very closely with our City Partners. Im in contact with all their budget c. F. O. S and we talk about who the number is for the current level of service, if any Service Needs are increased, and then the three years that ive been here, we have never, we have neither exceeded our budget nor been short of funds. So amounts have been, you know, adequate to meet our needs. I think one nuance is certainly you never want to have insufficient expenditure, that creates constraints on the work program. Neither do you want to overbudget, because that actually creates problems for our City Partners. So, for example, if we wanted to say you know, we want to increase our City Attorney budget by 500,000 just in case, the City Attorney then they recognize that revenue as budgeted revenue, and then they would calibrate expenses up to that amount. So if they ex pend and dont recover, that creates a yearend close problem so really the goal is to thread the needle and ask for, like being goldilocks. You want to ask for just too much but not too much and find the happy medium. And thats what we are always working for. So far for the last three years we have hit it. Ok, great. And the only other thing that popped out, and i know the answer, but its always good to ask, is the reference to the Western Addition. Yes. As you know, its not an approved enforceable obligation so we are not allowed to enter into any new financial obligations in that area. We continue to have a couple properties in that project area which in the d. O. F. Approved Longterm Management property plan are designated to be transferred to the city. And our Development Services manager can speak a little bit more to how that process is going. Thank you. So, in the Western Addition, as well as some other project areas, we have remnant parcels of property we still own and are in the process of disposing of pursuant to the Property Management plan. We also have developer obligations in those project areas as well, some o. P. A. S, participation agreements, development agreements, there may not be funds involved but if the developer asked for a certificate of compliance or other provisions in those agreements, we need to spend staff time to project manage those obligations. So, we are in the process of closing those out, but we are not creating new obligations in those areas. Does that answer yes, and i guess the question is, more precisely, what is the remaining asset assets that we own . In the Western Addition specifically. Its the fillmore heritage center, handed off Property Management to the city but in the process of handing over the asset. And the other is a remnant parcel called the ellis street driveway, directly next to the fillmore heritage center. Serves as the driveway to that shopping center. And in the p. M. P. That is slated for disposition as a fair market sale, so that is also on the work list for 1819. Ok. Any other comments . Commissioner bustos. Just one clarification for mr. Lee. Yes. Slide 22. I know this, but i just want to make sure i get this. So, on the bullet, for Small Business enterprises, 74 for professional services is 10 million. Thats 10 million in fees, right . That is correct, yes. Just making sure the math ok. And i have one clarification. Of brie. 47 staff and three contracted. What are can you expand on that . Sure. So, if you go back in the way back time machine and remember dissolution and at one point the city, we thought we were going to be a City Department, and then we were not a City Department, and so three former o. C. I. I. Employees joined the department of Administrative Services staff and, but they continued to perform their same duties and do the same work that they did prior to dissolution at o. C. I. I. So they are City Employees but perform 100 of their scope of work out of o. C. I. I. So we pay for their a. D. M. Sends us a quarterly bill for the cost of their salaries and benefits, which we then reimburse the city. And so that arrangement is contracting, ok. Thank you. Well, thank you for your very detailed presentation. So, now we are going to call the next item. Next order of business, item six, Public Comment on nonagenda items. Madam chair. Do with he have we have no speaker cards. Close that Public Comment portion and lets call the next item, please. Next order of business is item seven, report of the chair. I have no report. And the next order of business, item eight, report of the executive director, a, 50 jerrold and 555 innes avenue, Hunters Point shipyard blocks 53 and 54, 16 inclusionary below market rate, below 80 area Median Income. Item b, 848 fairfax avenue Hunters Point, phase iia, marketing out comes project report, 107 unit multifamily hope s. F. Development, and 26 are new affordable un its, and 80 Public Housing replacement units, all affordable at 45 area Median Income. Bayview Hunters Point. Two items, ill present those. As you may recall, we have an m. O. U. With the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development that provides us with a number of services, including assisting o. C. I. I. With implementation of the marketing phase for affordable units in the project, and the m. O. U. Provides o. C. D. Will write a marketing outcomes report after each project has completed the full lease up with the highlights of how that marketing went, and so there are two projects for which you have marketing outcomes reports in your packets. The first is for block 53 and 54, which is phase one of the Hunters Shipyard project. Together those two blocks total 159 for sale units developed by lenar. Of those 159 units, 16 are below market rate inclusionary units. And that project after completing its marketing received 85 applications for the 16 b. M. R. Units and 16 successful home buyers, five through the rent burdened and assisted housing preference, and the remaining 11 were from the live in San Francisco preference. There were two certificate of preference holders who did apply, unfortunately, neither was successful in purchasing a home, one of the c. O. P. Holders was over the income maximum for this particular project, and the second i believe was not able to secure a mortgage for a unit. Moving on to the second marketing outcomes report for hunters view, iia, hope s. F. Project. 107 units, 80 of those units were Public Housing replacement units serving the households of hunters view who are there, so those were filled by the San Francisco housing authority. But there were 26 new affordable units created in the project, 45 of Median Income affordable. 1,946 applicants for those 26 new affordable units. And some of the highlights of that marketing were that eight of the applicants were c. O. P. Holders. Three of those were successful and are now living at hunters view, and there are more details about the highlights of the marketing and the different case studies that are provided as well in the report. But if you have any questions, pam sims from our Housing Department is here to answer any questions that you might have. That concludes the directors report. Are there any speaker cards . No speaker cards, madam chair. We are closing Public Comments. Any comments, questions from fellow commissioners . On this matter . Thank you for working so hard on this. These are great reports. Yeah. Very easy to follow. The testimonials are great. They are great. They add, they add the humanity to the numbers. Nice. Im happy that a lot a few of the c. O. P. Holders are getting a house, or getting their units. So, thank you. Coming back home. Sorry . Several are coming back, yes, and thats great news. So we will now call the next item. Next order of business, nine, commissioners questions and matters. Madam chair. Are there any questions . From commissioners . No, i just want to, if we could just, when we close our meeting, close in memory of mayor lee, i have shared with nadia that maybe we should at some point in the near future look at naming our Affordable Housing initiative after mayor lee, Affordable Housing was such a big deal for him and we contribute to a large part of that. So, maybe sort of formalizing it at some point in the future would be nice. Thank you, very well noted. Any other questions . Comments . From commissioners . I just, you know, i wholly agree, certainly. I am very saddened by his passing. The last conversation i had with him oneonone was in july over lunch. I think the only lunch i had with him in at least two years and housing, housing, housing was 90 of the conversation. And so its i think its very appropriate, commissioner bustos. Yeah, i i agree. My last conversation was really about him not being able to attend the formal opening of the bill Sorro Community center because he made a promise he would attend every Ground Breaking and every opening. And i didnt quite give him a bad time, but thought why are you not making it, and that was my last conversation with him about that. Certainly he will be very well missed and i personally miss him, i think he was a very great supporter of Affordable Housing, as commissioner rosales said, housing, the conversation focusses on that. I agree, we will close in his honor. Ok. So, yes. Very well work done for the last year. Lets give a hand. I agree. Thank you. Thank you. Madam secretary, please call the next item. Next order of business, item ten, closed session. There are no closed session items. The next order of business is item 11, adjournment. Madam chair. Yes. And we would adjourn in honor of mayor lee, a friend to many of us, and a friend to Affordable Housing initiatives. Motion to close . I move. Moved by commissioner bustos, seconded by commissioner singh. We will now adjourn the meeting. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Good afternoon. Happy new year. I want to call to order the first meeting of 2018, tuesday, january 9. Madame secretary, item two, will you call the roll. President kwon . Hear. Vice president courtney. Here. Commissioner vietor. Here. Commissioner moran. Here. And commissioner caen is expected to arrive later. There will be no closed session today and well move to item three. Approve after of the minutes of december 12, 2017. Do i have a motion to accept the minutes . Approval. Second. Commissioner kwon any discussion . Any Public Comment . Ok. All in favour aye. Commissioner kwon opposed . All right. It carries. And now to item number four, the time for general Public Comment where members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commissions jurisdiction and are not on todays agenda. Do we have any public general comment . Ok. Item five. Communications. Any discussion on communications . Ok. Any Public Comments on communications . Going easy on us. All right. Item number six. Other commission business. Any discussion . Commissioners . We have one real quick. I did want to quickly report to my colleagues that we managed to launch our first class of 2018. [feedback] at the at the academy out there at [feedback] in connection with the massoud, todd and the Young Community developers, the Human Services agency which granted necessary extensions candidates as well as the Mayors Office of i. P. O. Interim, predict and organize, we had a total of 18 signups. 13 participants started at 6 30 in the morning in the dark and the rain yesterday out at the academy. A number of support person fell was on hand. Personnel was on hand. I wanted to make you aware of the fact that additionally the sixweek curriculum has become an eightweek curriculum and now includes a component in connection with asphalt, which is intended to put folks into a better position not just employment seekers opportunities in the private sector, but also in connection with the sewer system Improvement Project and ill just continue to report. There is a dispatch piece that im working internally with staff on. Thats supposed to commence within the next couple of weeks. But i felt really, really good about how everybodys kind of come together on this. I can tell that the students feel really good about it. We were also able to put together a lastditch effort before the end of the year to provide certifications pursuant to request made by hope s. F. , a number of individuals from bayview community. We received a number of certifications and that will be going ongoing with help from oewd and city built. So, i think were doing what we said we would do. We were keeping the promises that we all made together and we should be proud. Commissioner kwon great news. Thank you. Anyone else . Any Public Comment . Ok. Moving right along. I think we have item seven. Happy new year to everyone. And hopefully this year will be better than last year. So, the first item i have is clean power s. F. Update. Barbara hill. Thank you. Happy new year. Assistant general manager for power. I have updates on our clean power assess programme with respect to enrollment and service, contracting for our growth. And legislative and regulatory activities. On the enrollment front, our clean power s. F. Programme has grown since i talked to you last. We reported in december. Were completing our small enrollment just this month so right now were currently serving about 80500 sites. So, it is up 500 from the last report. Our optout rate is the same. 3. 2 . So, were steady eddie on that front. Our super green upgrade continues to exceed that. And were at 4. 1 now. That is a. 1 increase since my last report to you. So, thats a snapshot of who were serving today. Looking ahead, our next small enrollment will be april of 2018. So just a couple of months away. That enrollment will include folks on our wait list. We have 230 customers on the wait list now. And that will about 65 of them are seeking super green service. So if you want to be part of that enrollment, go to cleanpowersf. Org enrollment before january 21 and well be able to include any additional customers in our april service. But, of course, the big next enrollment is for july. Right now were very involved in a number of activities to support that citywide enrollment. Our goal, of course, is to enroll all of the city by july of 2019. Were expecting to have about to get about halfway there with our july 2018 enrollment. The work that were focusing on right now is procuring supply and the related Financial Support. So, the Financial Support comes in the form of a bank credit facility. Ive reported to you before that our finance team is working to finalize those contract terms with j. P. Morgan. Were on track to bring that to you for a vote of approval at our next meeting, january 23rd. On the supply front, we are actively negotiating and finalizing those contracts with the short listed counterparties. We intend to present the Programme Risk management, portfolio assessment, and proforma results to the commission on february 13. So that is two meetings from now. At that time, well propose updates to the business practice policis that weve been operating the programme under for your approval as well. You initially approved those in december of 2015. And so with this next big enrollment, well refresh those and bring them back to you for approval. On the legislative front, consistents with your vote in november, i believe it was november 14, an ordinance was introduced at the board requesting the board provide a limited delegated authority to the p. U. C. To enter into our supply contracts and that will support the completion of our programme enrollment. The delegated authority would include annual expenditure limitations and conditions imposed by you at that november meeting on the general managers authority to sign contracts. That item is was heard at a special meeting of the board, budget and finance committee on december 12 and i was moved out of committee with full support. And so right now, today, its at the board for its first reading. At the capital, cal c. C. A. Is preparing for a lobbying day that we were participating in later in january. And that is to educate and raise awareness about Community Interest and local Energy Programmes like clean power s. F. We want to make sure we keep our legislative folks aware of our interests. Then on the regulatory side, we are continuing to. A lot of action on the exit fee tpcia. The annual adjustment will be delayed until march. It usually happens in january. I reported in december that it looked like it wasnt going to happen january 1. Weve gotten additional reports from the cpuc. Theyre saying march 1 is when they will authorize adjustments. Were also going to be participating in workshops on january 16 and 17 in a general reform to get to some agreement. Well be participating as San Francisco and also as part of the cal c. C. A. Coalition. The staff at the cpuc surprised us in december by issuing a resolution on Resource Adequacy. That staff draft resolution was issued for comment. It would result in delaying c. C. A. Expansion. And start up for at least a year in california. The stated objective was to avoid cost shifts from departing customers to remaining customers. Associated with Resource Adequacy obligations. And what the Commission Said they were trying to do is align the c. C. A. Expansion and startup dates with their planning process for resource, for assigning resource obligations. Comments are due in that proceeding january 11. They were actually due like a very short amount of time after the resolution was ish used and we petitioned for more time as did others. They reluctantly granted that and were grateful that they did. Theres been a lot of coordination activity on how to participate in that proceeding over the holidays and many legislators and local elected officials have written the cpuc expressing their concerns about the process that the cpuc is undertaking. Including our board president and acting mayor breed, sending in a letter. So, stay tuned on that front. Well see where that goes. We see it really as a Cost Allocation issue, not an urgent drop everything and Pay Attention to this matter. The kind of matter that the cpuc takes time through a rulemaking process, with comment and possible hearings, discover. A lot of opportunities to understand viewpoint and get input. We thought the process alone was reason to be alarmed about the approach the cpuc was taking. Well see how they respond once they see folks written comments. And then finally, pg e has filed for at the cpuc for revisions to its solar choice and green tariff programme. That is the part of the Programme Offerings that competes with our super green offering and we will be addressing comments on Cost Allocation issues to make sure that the costs of that programme with are being borne by the right rate payers so the competition there is fair. With that, im happy to take any questions you may have. I have a question about the enrollment. Can you remind me. The 80,000, that was by district, right . Didnt we shift strategy now, focused on business as well . It was district and we did shift strategy to focus on some districts so it was business customers in district 10. All customers in five and eight. The smaller enrollments that weve been engaged in have included net energy metring customers in those districts and customers who have been on the wait list. And then the next enrollment in july, it is going to be targeted at who . Well well continue to work that those details out. It is going to be about 150 megawatts of customer load. Were pretty much going to be serving customers in all districts between our auto enrollment and our wait list signups. It would be great to get the optout rates are still so low, but it would be great to get a better understanding maybe at your next presentation briefing on, you know, a little more on the daem graphics of the enrollment. You know, are the Small Businesses, are they big businesses sure. How many of the supergreens with individuals versus businesses. Kind of a little bit more of a profile . Happy to do that. Happy to do that. Quite interesting as we move into the big push here. Sounds good. Thank you. There was a piece in the paper this morning or yesterday about pg e proceeding to shift customers to time of day rates. How does that affect us . And refresh my memory. We do not have time of day rates, is that correct . No, we do have time of use, time of day rates, seasonally adjusted rates for both our clean power s. F. And our hetchy customers. Yeah. So, our rate design mimics pg es. So, those same time of use periods and seasonal periods apply to our customers. Ok. Thank you. Thank you. Great, thank you. Any Public Comment on this item . Ok. Item 7b. Commissioner kwon actually, i have no other announcements and that concludes my report. Thank you. Short and sweet. Thank you. Very short and sweet. Any Public Comments on the general managers report . Ok, madame secretary, the consent calendar. Item e is the con sent calendar. All matters are considered to be routine by the San Francisco Public Utilities commission and will be acted upon by a single vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these item fls a member of the commission or public so requests in which event the matter will be removed from the calendar and considered as a separate item. Id like to make a motion to improve the consent calendar. Second. Any discussion . Any Public Comment . All right. All in favour aye. Opposed . Carries. Item nine, authorize the general manager to execute a memorandum of understanding with the San Francisco recreation and Park Department to establish authorized entry and access to recreation and Park Properties by s. F. P. Representatives in other words to inspex, install, modify, repair, remove, replace and test a temporary overhead power line in mclaren park. Id like to move the item. Second. Any discussion . All in favour . Aye. Public comment . Public comment. Forgive me. All right. All in favour. Aye. Opposed . It carries. Item 10. A proven increase to the existing contract cost in the amount of 7,635,800 and any future modifications to the contract. Second. Any discussion . Any Public Comments . All in favour . Aye. Oppose . Ed carries. Item 11, please. Item 11 approved the selection of Kennedy Jenks consultants a. G. Joint venture, a. E. Com Technical Services incorporated and stantech engineering incorm rated and award dpraoems number pro880076a through c and authorize a general manager to execute three professional Service Agreements each with an announcement not to exceed 4 million and each with a duration of five years. Id like to move the item. Second. Discussion . Any Public Comment . All in favour . Aye. Opposed . 12 , please. Actually, we have no closed session items. So we go straight to item 23 and 24. Any new business from the commissioners . Ok. I think this is a record. [laughter] wow. The meeting is adjourned. I told you it would be a good year. Have a good one. You. Today, i wanted to kickoff and welcome you to the first every family well forum clapping. compromising is carmen chu currently which this of the family forum we put this event dough went to a lot of Community Meetings and were he and she about families worries and troubles aaron planning for the future and ahsha safai for buying a home and college and retirement and for many of the seniors how to passing on their prompts to their kids. The family Forum Benefits throughout San Francisco im supervisor norman yee representing district 7 people are homeowners fritter buyers and they dont thinks the planning. What youll notice if you walk around todays activities multiple languages transactions available for people in the seminars and 101 counseling and the today, we not only have vendors that have come here the seminars where people are lining about important topics was of most unique pieces we have oneonone free counseling for people so important that people understand about taxes and how you transfer your assets to our next generation because we do it wrong as you may know to lose much money. We did if grassroots on the radio and worked with all nonprofit and partners to get the word out we personally went to Community Meeting to tell people about this event well have a whole line of people that will wait to ask skews im thinking about passing on my property or so glad i can speak but i cannot speak english well we created in first every family forum and hope that will bring a lot of people good information to plan for their future three hundred people signed up for 101 counterand we so hope that is a model for success for the future and hope to do more if we learn from this one to be better all 2, 1 you innovation on or was on over 200 years they went through extensive innovations to the existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 Community Opportunity and our Capital Improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. Anthonys formed a club and john then the superintendent the Golden Gate Park laid out the Bowling Green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the Parks Commission paid laying down down green number 2 the San Francisco lawn club was the first opened in the United States and the oldest on the west their registered as San Francisco lark one 101 and ti it is not all fierce competition food and good ole friend of mine drive it members les lecturely challenge the stories some may be true some not memories of past winners is reversed presbyterian on the wall of champions. Make sure you see the one in to the corner thats me and. No . Not bingo or scrabble but the pare of todays competition two doreen and christen and beginninger against robert and others easing our opponents for the stair down is a pregame strategy even in lawn bowling. Play ball. Yes. Almost. clapping . The size of tennis ball the object of the game our control to so when the players on both sides are bold at any rate the complete ends you do do scoring it is youll get within point lead for this bonus first of all, a jack can be moved and a or picked up to some other point or move the jack with i have a goal behind the just a second a lot of elements to the game. Were about a yard long. Aim a were not player ill play any weighed see on the inside in the goal is a minimum the latter side will make that arc in im righthand side i play my for hand and to my left if i wanted to acre my respect i extend so it is arced to the right have to be able to pray both hands. clapping. who one. Nice try and hi, im been play lawn bowling affair 10 years after he retired i needed something to do so i picked up this paper and in this paper i see in there play lawn bowling in San Francisco Golden Gate Park ever since then ive been trying to bowl i enjoy bowling a very good support and good experience most of you have of of all love the peoples and have a lot of have a lot of few minutes in mr. Mayor the San Francisco play lawn bowling is in Golden Gate Park were sharing meadow for more information about the club including free lessons log

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