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The first, social programs to support Cultural Heritage and organizations on the ground doing great work in the neighborhood. I mentioned at our october 23 hearing that it may be potent l potentially possible to fund this work through our Community Facilities district. We need to explore the legal and policy ramifications, but the potential to do such things extends the program to the plan is personally very exciting. The second item is the need to increase Operation Maintenance parks and facilities, as well as rec park and others to identify the Funding Sources. The third is a need for neighborhood cleaning services, which identified to us from supervisor kims office. And well talk about prevailing wages. Weve been in conovversation wi organized labor on this and one option comes through the newly signed legislation of the state ab73, which allows cities to create sustainability districts if theyre paid for the construction work. We dont really fully understand that and will continue to work with people to see if its a viable option. That concludes my presentation. I look forward to everyones input and well be happy to answer your questions. Thank you. Councillor tang thank you. I have a few followup questions to the last portion of your presentation. And i know we have tim frye here to discuss historic preservation. But i want to go back to your slide on cultural preservation funding the 20 million through cfd and 20 million of tdr. Could you talk a little bit about what or how that revenue is limited and what it can be spent towards . Sure. Both buckets . Councillor tang yes. Weve identified it to go to the old mint. So the degree that the city is having a macro effort to understand how to fund and rehabilitate that building, heres one opportunity. The normal funding mechanism has been expended. So were looking to have new information in that direction. Councillor tang thats not my question. What is the cfd funds limited to . Its not limited to the old mint. What are the other uses . Oh, sure. Environmental sustainability and parks and complete streets and a lot of things. There is the opportunity, we think, to spin it on social programs as well. For most historic buildings, the sale of Transferrable Development rights is the main way to find funding. Were looking to cfd to fund that. If were expanding to social programs, we do believe cfd money can be spent on that, as i mentioned councillor tang when did the old mint sell their tdr. I couldnt tell you the year. Councillor tang was it a long time ago . Mid 2000s. 2009 or so. Councillor tang how much was the sale of that tdr worth . What was the value of that sale . I dont know, but i do know it was a low amount per square foot. I dont know the value. It maybe was 2 million. Councillor tang so they used that revenue to go back into the old mint already. If you are selling your tdr, you do it to plow that revenue back into the preservation of that building. Thats correct. The mint, my understanding, is they used it for fire safety upgrades and new security. They are required councillor tang i love california Historic Society and they will have a heart attack when i say this, 20 million, its a lot of money. And its a lot of money that is going towards a museum versus programming that will help a lot more people and i have a real hard time swallowing that much money being set aside for a museum that a lot of people will not access. I want to figure out how to make it whole, too, but in 2009, that revenue should have been utilized to upgrade the historic building. That was the appropriate use of that tdr sale. So i feel uncomfortable using 20 million of cfd funding to environmental sustainability. We have huge concerns about quality of air, which impacts all of our residents. We have huge concerns about if we have enough social programming and funds that can go to community services, and so the seismic uptick i dont feel comfortable with that set aside currently. And i certainly want to hear from other members of the community as well, but im not sure that thats going to have the biggest bang for its buck in terms of how the community will benefit from the building. Thats more of a comment, mr. Frye, less of a question. I guess im just i wasnt here in 2009. Its very unfortunate that the sale of the tdr was so low and didnt actually assist them in the seismic update. I want to make sure that that will happen, but im not sure if we want that through the central soma plan. The 20 million the additional 20 million of tdr that will be sold, how can that be spent . Is that limited to the buildings that are selling their tdrs . Theyre currently not allowed to sell their tdr. As you have noted, theyre required to spend that money on their own rehabilitation. It will be a new Funding Source for the neighborhood. Councillor tang thank you so much. I know that many members of the public are here. And so i did want to move to Public Comment and then i do have many more questions so i do want to appreciate our Department Members to be here to answer additional questions and im sure that questions will come up from members of the community. And i also want to recognize that along with many of our communitybased organizations and Affordable Housing organizations and labor thats in the room and i see members of our filipino districts as well. So, mr. Chair, if we can, i would like to open it up for Public Comment at this time. Lets do it. So well open up item 3 for Public Comment. If you want to line up. First speaker, please. And i know that, mario, you have to get out of here in 18 minutes. Go ahead and do that. Go ahead, maam. Im emma stewart. Ive been a sustainability professional in the bay area and have a ph. D. From stanford in the area and Sustainability Program at auto desk. As we can all attest in the age of trump, action and innovation to protect our quality of life and life support systems of the planet must take place at the city and state level. Indeed, San Francisco has been a model for other cities in california and california has been a model for other states. Both are looked to by others around the world to understand whats next. Its paramount that we commit the funds necessary to turn central soma to a laboratory within a laboratory within a laboratory. San francisco has a plan of setting ambitious targets and meeting them. Few other cities i have worked for can claim that. Its not just about being a role model, but about creating tangible things. The proposed living room would generate 7. 3 million in net present value stemming from 75 years of enhanced recreational, bio diversity and carbon. If thats only one of the 13 sustainability and resiliency objectives, imagine what the plan is worth in its entirety. Many of the objectives are mutual and reinforcing with other goals like investments and creating safer transportation stops. Both our ambition prowess will be on display this september. The eyes of the world are on the sustainability goals set by this committee. Thank you it. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors. Im mario yadidia, Hotel Workers local 2. Our union has been following the central soma plan for some kind and we have growing concerns about the jobs that will be created. At the moment, there are eight Hotel Projects lined up to take advantage of the soma upzoning, but not one of them has signed on to commitments ensuring that workers will have a right to organize, that these jobs will be good ones. Its being sold as a boon for jobs in San Francisco. Were not short of jobs here. Were short living wage jobs that support working people. Its important that planning get right the mix of uses in central soma. Unless Hotel Developers change course about the jobs proposing, we think it would be a mistake to loosen the tourist restrictions on tourist hotels. Thank you, mario. Next speaker. Hi, supervisors, jane wile, again. I live in central soma. To reiterate a couple of key points. The central soma plan has three strategies accommodate growth, provide Public Benefits and respect and enhance the neighborhood character. Given the desirability of land, there is demand of building heights only seen in downtown, which come with benefits, but at the expense of what makes the neighborhood great. Its character. Central soma should not be like downtown. Go 5 states offer an abundance of park and rec spaces from an area that suffers from a shortage of parks relative to the number of residents. 170 million generated is designated for park and rec space. The tenderloin and 6th street is the densest part with low income families and seniors with practically no open space. Weve been begging for something small like a 1 2acre park and were always told there is no money. I support the 30 million to improve what we do have but wasnt to see something allocated to something in the central because we keep circling this area. The parks proposed at 5th and bryant and 11th are way too far from the people that live there now and need it. We dont want to see 80 going to pope st. Thats the responsibility of the developers. The Developers Need to carry their part. Thank you, ms. Wile. Next speaker, please. Mr. Lance berg. Councillor tang and if we can allow people to finish their sentences. Sure. Thank you. Supervisors, im lance bergmann, representing the San Francisco Electrical Contractors association. Glad to see this plan moving forward and glad to see you giving it the attention it deserves. Wanted to second the statements made by mario earlier about job quality and as we fast forward that we keep in mind the men and women who are going to be building it as well as staffing it and operating it. And to that point, i wanted to just speak a little bit more to mr. Wartheims discussion of prevailing wages. What i want to make sure that you all here understand is that prevailing wages is not just about wage levels. Its really a package of policies to not only provide construction workers with livable wages and protect them from competition, but its a suite of policies to promote sustainable construction couriers and stabilize the industry. Where it comes in and is valuable, is within the discussions of ab73. It gives us a roadmap for incorporating those standards into plan areas and really allowing us to take a much more active role in creating equitable infill in our communities. Theres a lot of promise in the soma plan. The ballot measure thats been discussed in the media, i think, adds to that. And we look forward to working with our soma partners and everyone else and yourselves and the Planning Department. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. Im carla lavell, west bay Filipino Service center and the we are soma coalition. We work with over 80 youth and families daily in soma. 100 of our youth and families live in soma. The project is in the youth and family zone and i want to make sure that the existing community that lives, works, plays and goes to school in soma is prioritized. The plan brings much opportunity, but unless its planned with community in mind can displace and hinder the community. We need to be sure that we have Strong Community oversight and control over the Public Benefits. We need to make sure that we have Affordable Housing for our families. Many of the families we serve still live in sros. So we need to make sure that we have a range of opportunity that helps them and that he can stabilize organizations that help them to flourish as safe havens. Weve served the community for 50 years and serve 100 people daily in a 1,000squarefoot space. We need to make sure that we invest in our schools. 50 of our youth are underperforming in math, science, reading, and we need to make sure that we have Quality Services to the school that exists. Vmd also has no programming. Its great that we have something in there for them and that its consistent with the park that was here. The central soma park, it can be extremely beneficial, especially since its across the street from the middle school, but we need to be sure that its for our families. Project sponsors have met and we need to make sure that that conversation is ongoing and that it represents us. Thank you, carla. Good afternoon, supervisors. I want to say thank you to jane kim, for taking the leadership role and the work you are doing. My name is rudy corpus. Im a Violence Prevention Program director serving San Francisco for 23 years, working with hundreds and thousands of kids im a native. Been there all my life. 5 want to be sure as changes are are being made, want to be sure that people can weigh in and know what is good for our community. Ive seen things unfold all my life in the neighborhood. I want to be sure we hold people not only accountable, but that we get equity. Thats a word thats been thrown around loosely and lightly. I want to be sure also that our current people that are here working together, talking about we are soma, that we figure out the best plan for our people. Weve cant have people come to our neighborhood and tell us whats best and what they feel as though how we should live and how the community should be safer. We have a comprehensive Community Safety plan that we and some of my brothers that live there and have been serving there, we have for safety. Nobody want business, nope want to be in places that are not safe. So come see us. Talk about what works. Come find out what we know is best for our community. Let us make sure that we weigh in. Were talking about a lot of money. We want to be sure were incl e included in this. When i say equity, im not talking about equality. Good afternoon, supervisors. Im gina cariaga. I represent the central soma neighbors. Im here to talk about concerns in the zoning between folsom and harrison. I want to remind you that this is a residential neighborhood. There are five condo buildings totalling 600 residences within a block of these highrises. The neighbors here agree that the Planning Departments 2013 central soma draft was right when it said that the predominant character of soma should be retained and the presence of highrises reduced by limiting their distribution in bulk. Supervisors, it achieves under all the housing and job growth as the proposed highrise plan, but a walkable, livable neighborhood. As you weigh Community Benefits against the new highrise proposals, factor in the Community Benefits that our community enjoys, access to light, sky and air. Minutes wind tunnels and family of friendly environment. As a property owner, as a giants fan that walks with other giants fans, as a tech worker that soaks up the sun while eating my lunch in the public open space, i urge you, dont trade the existing mid rise zoning for the mere promise of new Community Benefits. Thank you for your time. Councillor tang thank you. Members of the committee, good afternoon. Im nora hurley. 631 folsom. I think its impossible to talk about improving walkability, bike safety and welcoming atmosphere without addressing height increases along 2nd and harrison. As a longtime resident, im concerned that the proposed highrise plan undermines the goal of the walkability and communitycentric charact characteristics of our neighborhoods. It will intensify high wind patterns and creep eight an unwelcome pedestrian experience. Weve already lost an enormous amount of light due to the linkedin building. A neighborhood was designed to enhance proximity to the bay and light reflecting off the water. Increasing all the density will overstress and overcrowd our few green spaces, such as south park, which may not only be cast into shadow, but also damaged and filled with litter by day use by people who have no interest more than eating their lunch and smoking a cigarette. Our neighborhood is already stressed with high traffic. It includes many highways and exit ramps and a huge conference center. I applaud the effort to make the sidewalks more pedestrianfriendly, the Planning Commission must balance these efforts during baseball season and everyday commuter rush hour. Thank you. Im tom leader. Dls landscape architecture. And were honored to be collaborating with the city and community on a 1acre park at 5th and brannon that is called for by this plan. There are two things that are key to know. To that end, weve had three public workshops to learn a number of things about where theyre coming from, how they live and what they want to be able to do and how the park can extend their lives during the day and on the weekends. Weve heard things that are more obvious perhaps like open space with grass and where kids and dogs can be and safety in terms of moving through. This park is in the center of the lot, but weve heard that people want to use this place to get together. Could this be a living room for their community. Could it be a place to come for a farmers market, science fair, see a film, gathering informally in a teadecentsized open space . The other aspect is sustainability. When we say sustainability, we dont refer so much to metrics and to checklists, but were talking about the environmental sensibility of a place. And what we find here is that we have to we have a place that is because its surrounded by buildings of a certain height and we have to protect people from wind. We have to encourage sunlight for use or it wont be used at all. As we do that, we find there are certain thank you. Thank you for hearing me as a member of the task force in 2013. I was the chair of the energy and natural resources, subcommittee of that task force. My name is cole roberts. I work with a Company Called air up here, focused on sustainability in the built environment. When we were undertaking that task force report, we understood and interacted with the community that deepened our understanding of the neighborhood. It needed to be married with robust infrastructure, infrastructure for Energy Systems and the ecology of the place thats been damaged and not restored. Theres need for investment. Soft investment in the parks and also hard investment in the energy and stormwater systems. Its not always obvious in how it benefits the community, but there are deep, longterm investment benefits. Thats why its called an investment, not a cost. They gain significantly to Smart Investments taken now. In that investment, i would include social institutions like the San Francisco mint. It is an even more valuable project thats valued today. And another that is not met or in terms of cattlizine catalg the neighborhood. Thank you for hearing me out. I respect the decision of the group. Thank you, supervisors, for hosting the meeting and the Planning Department for doing their Due Diligence to try to balance the needs of the community. We would like to see some tweaks to the central soma plan to ensure that were not a museum piece of a community that was once there. We want to see it be a community of longtime residents, businesses, artists, and activists. One way to reach this bill, is to ensure the 20 million will be allowed more public programming be sustainable. Over half of our budget is spent on infrastructure oewd is not enough to work with the community to bring long time residents to participate in the night market. Were generating 60,000 in economic activity. We want to ensure that some of this goes to the residents. And we would like to see some provisions so we can create a new Performing Arts Center. What is shown is there are 5,000 people that want to see filipino arts and culture and we need to give a platform for our arts groups to scale up. And we would like to see more pathways for community ownership. That being a Performing Arts Center or being in the commercial spaces, so the community is not stuck in this cycle of sharecroppership. Weve want to participate in the growing Real Estate Equity in San Francisco and thats one way we would like to see that happen. Thank you. Thank you for hosting this. Many of the members of the filipinos in Tech Working Group are soma natives, grew up here and moved on to tech positions. So our community, our working group, is aware of the issue us that face the community over the past two decades. Partnerships with Tech Community are central. We would like to encourage them to join the community of children, seniors, laborers, as new Companies Move in as development grows and changing the face of the neighborhood. We have survived many waves of displacement, with the most recent being the tech boom. The filipino movie will continue to thrive and take part in the neighborhood in a place weve called home for years. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisor peskin, supervisor kim. Im connie ford. I want to stand in solidarity with everything thats been said here. I have greats a respect. Ive been working with soma. Ive been on the Soma Stabilization Fund since its beginning realizing that my son and daughter in law live here and so i belong to in this instance an Organization Called good jobs for all. Were in solidarity in particular with what alex said and mario said. These jobs, this community, is going to be experiencing must be good jobs, somewhere in the report it says 30,000 to 40,000 jobs. What are the jobs . Are there categories . Are they good, livingwage jobs . Who will be the people that are doing the work at the hotels, the people that will do the service jobs in these high towers, the security guards, janitors, how will they be good jobs and good jobs for all is a program that well sit down with the developers as the plan goes out and we would like some of this within the plan that says, any of these jobs need to be for especially the entry level jobs need to be opened up for the community, for the people that live there, for the residents, for a targeted population that needs to take advantage, provided the advantage of living and working in a city that cares thank you, ms. Ford. Good afternoon, supervisors. Im heidi mahogny from the transcultural district. I want to thank supervisor kim for scrutinizing the funds. And not simply to certify the projects of developers. I support the public spaces that are truly acceptable and the further greening and environmental sustainability. As the owner of a small lgbt bar in soma, i hope that some of the funding will go to stabilizing the businesses that are impacted by the fast and frequent development of the neighborhood. I hope that it will support the businesses in the district and the cultural districts in soma, lgbt leather and even comptons with a corridor on 6th. Money from central soma could help to grow and stabilize projects that would belief end the displacement of our communities. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors, im rachel ryan. Im here on behalf of the leather cultural district. The Leather Community has been based in soma for over 70 years. In that time, its been home to over 100 bars and businesses dedicated to the Leather Community. Im an owner of the stud bar, the oldest queer nightclub in San Francisco, which was originally opened as a leather bar in 1966. My hope is that we can allocate some of the funds from the western soma plan, just as honey said, to protect legacy businesses and protect cultural districts. The leather district does not have a source of funding through the city yet and i think this could be a really good way to do it. Were looking for stabilizing organizations and businesses, but we have a community of older folks, many of whom are living with hiv that need access to Affordable Housing. Thank you so much. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors, im john alderling. First, i want to note the importance of funding for central soma fun, which has done great work. And the 10 billion of future development, there has to be a way to continue that worth with that Funding Source. Second, as many note, theres an essential need for regular funding for the two heritage districts, so we can implement them and not be an empty shell. Third, hasnt come up, but its central to be a Community Participation process attached, with all of the programs, the hundreds of millions of dollars from all the sources. These neighborhoods set up a cac to do that, but its failed. A, its too big. For neighborhoods, you cant pay enough attention to any of them. Second, its purview is too narrow. It looks like the childcare funds that come from the fees. They refuse to have any public input at all. It takes a Community Advisory board of some kind. The bureaucrats, the departments, all came to ask on every separate topic. And the members listened to each other. They were not just siloed in their own interests. For this plan to succeed over 10, 20 years, and promises turn to real stuff and need to enact that process. Thank you. And there has been an opportunity to bring our communities together. Corey smith speaking on behalf of the Housing Coalition program with the distribution of funds, well defer. On the housing front, we have an opinion. Weve made this request repeatedly and would love to see an amendment change in this. Its regarding the implementation measure, calling for everything over 30,000 square feet have 2 3 of redevelopment be nonresidential. Were asking for 40,000 square feet. It could be more homes in the neighborhood. Generally, were very supportive. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. Im with the council of Community Housing organizations. Today speaking on my experiences as a district 6 representative for the eastern neighborhood, cac. I want to echo was john said earlier about the need to have fees that are dedicated to support for the soma stabilization fee and to the two new cultural districts. Its critical that the cultural fabric be maintained and funding corrected that way. One of the drawbacks is how you off the often look at the budget, most of the funds are allocated to a certain number of priority projects and to a certain distribution of uses. What is needed is Real Community control over the funds, to be able to look at not only those categories that i think steve already spoke about, but to have flexibility to support programming and facilities for nonprofit uses, arts uses, local uses, Small Businesses and so forth, to be able to have fees that help to shape the fabric of south of market. Finally, i think, when a new district is created with a new advisory committee, its critical like the pacs and Soma Stabilization Fund, particular constituencies from the neighborhood be considered. That from the soma lgbt Leather Community be on there. And so we have real representization. The full cost of impact needs to be covered. Thank you. Good afternoon. Thank you, supervisor kim for having this hearing today. Weve been very active about the street improvements. Yesterday we had a meeting about pedestrian safety, open space and community planning. Its an initiative from Robert Wood Johnson that has diverse partners to build healthier communities where children and their families can thrive. There are six communities participating in this. In this initiative, when children are the focus, everyone benefits. For example, when the seatbelt laws originally adopted to protect Young Children have saved an estimated 3,017 lives since 1975. So when we heard from attendees, they would like to see more sidewalk programs and to have signs lit, crosswalks for children and their family. And to organizations that can provide culturally competent outreach and education. For example, through the folsom and howard, there was no english or no spanish surveys, and so we want to see more of that. To clarify. This is sfmta were not in spanish . Correct. So when we partnered with them, we collected 200 surveys of in three languages. I know mr. Parks is still here. So i appreciate the feedback about Children Service signs as well. I want to be sure that infrastructure includes tenant support, including tenant counseling and legal service. We struggle with our tenant support and making sure that theres that were able to serve all the tenants that come to us for counseling. And we need Legal Support for a lot of the tenants that come in for our counseling and theres just not enough language appropriate and want to make a note that we serve a broad range of immigrants and wanting to make sure there are Small Businesses that are responsibility and provide language appropriate and culturally appropriate and affordable goods and services that there are supported by an infrastructu infrastructure. Thank you. Hello, supervisors, im david wu with somcan. Somcan has been very active in the central soma meetings. Aside from the buildout of the park, there must be a dedicated source of funding that goes toward maintenance and programming on the puc site. In order for it to be a wellfunctioning, True Community space for all. To ensure maintenance, a Community Steward program should be made up of residents and community groups. Its essential that its hired from the community and competent to make sure that the new park reflects south of market. They must be held to a higher standard than what has previously existed. It must be youth and Family Friendly thats accessible and designed for youth and families. To this point, the majority are not youth and Family Process does not function as true, open spaces. They must be in the central soma plan. The design review, should be a standard for all in soma where they function as true, public open spaces, rather than being a new design process, there should be a design in place. And one example of a good plan that exists is in Bridge Housing and put together in conjunction with community members. Madam clerk, if we could allow the mike to keep going so folks can finish their sentences, that would be great. Im from the Veterans Equity Center and Filipino Mental Health initiative as well as were here with soma coalition. Soma is home to a lot of people with thattor are seniors and disabilities. We serve the community and Cultural Assets such as services for immigrants and people with adult disabilities. It should be considered Historical Resources and we seek to recognize places like Filipino Education Center and i fell like it could prevent atrisk change and knowing that places are frequented by filipino members and in the larger bay area. Some of the fees should support and guide those sites. Thank you. Tony robles. Safety is a topic thats been coming up quite a bit, with the upzoning, the wind impacts, the safety and traffic. Weve had members of our organization that have gotten into accidents, who have fallen because of high winds, because of oncoming traffic, that have spent time in the hospital with serious injuries. Safety impacts and ramifications must be taken under consideration within the plan. As they say, the road to misery is paved with good intentions and there are a lot of things that are imposed upon us and the community thats lived there, existing community, is treated as though they were the furniture that came with the place. There must be oversight and a voice for the communities being impacted. Somebody mention the the ongoing fees for cultural sustainability is very, very important. Were dealing with communities that are being squeezed, who are working extremely hard to maintain their equity and their presence and to continue being an asset to the cultural fabric of San Francisco. Job, once again, who are these jobs going to go to and what jobs are going to be generated. Are they going to allow people, particularly residents of the neighborhood to stay. Will they be sustainable . Are they going to be jobs that will allow people to pay the rent. Speaking of rent, housing stabilization. We need to make sure that there are Legal Services and Tenant Services so people dont start getting evicted all the time. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Robles. Thank you, supervisors. Carl shannon. Were project sponsors for three major projects, two of which are 100 housing. 900 units at the creamery and a project at 5th and howard. The third is a combination of office and small Affordable Housing. Steve has been to thousands of meetings. Weve only been to a couple hundred. Hes been working on this for seven years. Weve only been working on it for five. Were thrilled to see this come forward. Its a huge package of Community Benefits, unprecedented in the citys history. We do have a timing issue with our 5th and howard project, where to get the taxexempt bonds in place, the project needs to be approved and ready to go by 2019. That seems a long way away still, but having been at this for seven plus years wanted to be sure that were aware of that. Look forward to getting this done. We look forward working with the community and bringing the public park forward, which is part of our project. Thank you. And don shaw reached out to me personally to ensure that this project thats 100 Affordable Housing will of is not impacted. And to ensure that we move forward with that project or pass this plan in a timely manner. Im alice rodgers, Vice President of south Beach Mission bay organization. I want to commend the Planning Department on all of the extreme outreach and hard work they put into the plan. And likewise, want to commend the community, people that are here today and john elderling, in particular, for helping the city focus on this as a community plan. Its always talked about as industrial, but as these people have illustrated and you well know, theres a very Rich Community and cultural legacy in this area. So im looking forward to this being a plan that ends up not displacing people that makes good on its promise of cultural and community, Community Involvement and guidance. And i want to thank you supervisor kim for asking the prioritization of the strict projects and the other projects. So far the promises have been quite general and i have had a hard time seeing it brought down to the street and i appreciate your comment today on air quality. It is an emerging issue. Its not a new issue, but its a difficult issue to grapple with. And i think its an emerging, important focus. Thank you so much. Thank you, ms. Rogers. Good afternoon. Teresa flanderick, community action. Im here to support my friends, my community in soma. We represent soma. What we also know is how important it is to feel and know that you are safe in your neighborhood, in your home, that your home will not be taken. And so to have funding that would also afford a purchase of some of the rentcontrolled buildings so theyre not turned into tics and luxury condos and sold to the highest bidder. To preserve the housing that is there, also the sros. That it would be great to have funding that is specified for these purchases, as well as any Affordable Housing that is to be built, if there is no more land yet because its been used for other things. That becomes a problem. So in terms of securing a cultural district, a community thats been there for many, many years, to do all that we can to preserve what is there so that the people can continue to grow their community, rather than have it destroyed. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you, supervisors, for holding this meeting. Im raquel odondis. I thank the Planning Department for the presentation and glad to hear that the plan is to keep whats great in soma. For us, what is great about soma for decades is the seniors and immigrant workers of that been fighting to make the neighborhood livable, for everyone. And this is before the city and planning and the whole region has come to focus on soma as a place to build this housing. So we hope to keep the existing community there, thats first and foremost. As you know, central somas plans comprise our cultural district and many vulnerable seniors. Weve survived many waves of displacement and to the most recent with the tech boom. Weve lost half of our community in the last several years, but were still here and we love soma and soma is a cultural and social hub for filipinos citywide and regionwide. While there could be many opportunities with the central soma plan, there are no illusions that there arent risks for our community. The new development can bring about another way of displacement for our community and other populations. We need to make sure there are strong measures and concrete investments to mitigate potential harm. We look forward to working with the Planning Department and board of supervisors and everyone involved to make sure there are relay ford real Affordable Housing and that the Public Benefits are somawide and not just central soma. There is provisions for development of Community Assets and Strong Community oversight of benefits. And last but not least the dedicated funds to community and economic development. Thank you. Im michelle levis, soma resident. As you all know, soma has been in development for San Francisco and has become a neighborhood of ultra rich and ultra poor. I would like to advocate for an increased range of affordability. We have families where two families work minimum wage jobs and they dont qualify for the affordability, making too much. I have a struggle between talking about the new dream community when across the street, part pardon my language is a [beep] show. Its hard to not think about what is happening on the other side of sixth street. The school is in crisis. We have one school in our district and talking about a new school is ridiculous to me. We had to get pinterest to pay for a second social worker because we have the highest number of homeless kids. 85 of middle schoolers were reading below grade levels. We know that means they will drop out and become incarcerated. For us, its a huger issue, instead of just what is happening in the

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