Bringing to you. We would like to ask private employers to match to help supplement. You are taking this from street resurfacing funds . Does that decrease ability for street resurfacing . No, we are adding 4 million. It goes from 4 to 6 million total we would give to public works to do resurfacing. Where is the money coming from. We had 6 million of public money. Then they would give the 4 million to us four managed us. That leafs them up 2 million. So they are taking it away from Something Else . They are to receive 4 million of prop k for resurfacing. This keeps that hole and 6 million adds two more. It is a funds swap. They would release the 4 million to allow it for managed lanes. It is not officially eligible in the prop k program otherwise. Maybe it should stay that way. Since you are swapping money. Leave it and not use the money in that manner. Commissioner yee. It is a moment where i really do appreciate where this is going in terms every surfacing. I notice quite a few streets in district 7 finally. I am curious, when do the issues that we try to push is the undergrounding of the line and somehow in recent months or about a year ago there was a decision to maybe take a sabbatical from thinking about it, and i am trying to find ways where we could reactivate our thought process and get it going again because i feel like if we keep on assuming that why take the next steps with no money . Then you are never going to the next steps beyond that. You need a vision so we could go after the money in the future. I have been sort of disappointed that it seems like we are going to move to take a step backward from that concept, maybe two steps backward from the concept at this point apuse basically some funding that is sitting there which is substantial. It is not quite enough to make a dent on the whole program, but i think is it 70 million . It is 70 million as part of the development agreement. The plan now seems to be, okay, since we dont have enough to do the tunneling, then this just wastes that 70 million and moves the tracks to the right side then we dont have 0 0 70 million that is community was supporting, which was the tunnel. I appreciate your reminding us of the 70 million in the developer commitments and that the public needs to move it forward to commit those. The underground project is moving along through the studies we did provide funding for. Mta at some point a year ago decided to put it on hold pending larger priorititization conversations we need around the rail investment strategy. My understanding they were moving forward with the central subway to go to Fishermans Wharf and the m undergrounding that is one of the highest priority projects, four car capacity an chronic the diagonal of the city. I assure you they are interesting in it. It is in capital investment. The work that we have been doing with mta has shifted to city wide transit planning and particularly rail planning. You saw earlier this year the transbay corridor. How does the rail come into the city in district one, for example. We are looking at rail extensions to the second transbay tube. The m line continues to be a high priority system for mta, downtown expansion and potentially a southerly correction to connect to third street light rail. These are set up through the scoping word. Jeff hobson is leading that with the Planning Department and mpc and bart and caltrain. You can expect a scoping and early planning round information in the outreach hopefully in the string. I would appreciate any movement as quick as possible. When we are talking about other people that they mentioned the situation and we are looking at the apartments, 20,000 more people in the feature living in that area. The m is already at capacity. If 2 0 280 is clogged now. Thank you, sir. Chair peskin commissioner fewer and then commission near sheehy. Piggybacking this does nothing to alleviate the traffic concerns running through district seven for one and two on the highway 1. That level of congestion is almost unbearable now. I just want to mention that although i understand that we are studying another other door. I wanted to shine attention on the fact highway 1 continues to be a nightmare. As the commissioner said we are going to experience a lot of new housing. I would like to see what we have in store for that plan, and it looks as though we are a city that is grow very rapidly through a lack of planning that we are hit where we are now and alsandbecause we are not lookint transportation while we are approving development and housing plans. District 7, 4, 1 and 2 will experience more congestion on highway 1. Point taken. Commissioner sheehy. Final thoughts before the motion. I just want to understand. If that 4 million isnt allocated fo for the managed lae study, that has no impact on the resurfacing, right . Correct. The resurfacing money would be there the 4 million for resurfacing. And the additional 2 million . That could be there as well, exactly. What would happen if we didnt spend the 4 million on study . What happens to the 4 million . Through the chair the supervisors commissioner sheehy would be available to resurfacing projects. Okay. Thank you. Chair peskin so colleagues, i hear the discussion that we have been having. I think what staff has proposed and is before us has been discussed. I think the crux of the policy consideration is whether or not as expressed by some of the commissioners we want to start a longterm planning investment in the 101 280 managed corridors. Some of you do and some do not for what little it is worth as your chair, i think it is a long term worthwhile investment that over time will be needed as you heard with over 100,000 people anticipated to be coming up the corridor we have to do more than caltrain extension. At some point we have to bite the hov managed lane bullet. That is my thought. Why dont we see where the votes are. Is there a motion to move item 9 forward . Okay. If there is no motion we will not consider item number 9. Is there any Public Comment on item number 9 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I will ask one more time is there a motion to approve item 9, the fund swap of 6. 08 million in local Partnership Program funds . Made by commissioner cowen and seconded by commissioner tang. A roll call please on that item. roll call . It dies on a tie 44 vote. I would like to schedule this at our december 12th meeting. I will ask staff to talk to all of you and we will vote on it again when we have a full complement. Would that, can we have the next item, please which in some ways may inform the previous item. Clerk item 10. Chair peskin is there a motion now that commissioner kim is back and we had a tie vote. Mr. Taylor i need legal advice. In our other incarnation we would need a majority of the body in the board of supervisors, six. In this body we would only get to five is it a majority of those present and voting or majority of the body at the Transportation Authority commission . Since this is a procedural matter a majority of those voting. If we go to the trouble every sending the vote. You still need six votes, yes. There is no reason to go through it in my short as chair we will reschedule for the 12th. Commissioner cohen your name is on the roster. I was going to make a motion to rescind the vote. Stephe receive if we get to e majority we wont have enough. My name was on the roster you acknowledged me. I want to be on the record that i make a motion to rescind. Made by cohelp and seconded with kim. Without objection. The vote is rescinded. Seconded by commissioner tang on that motion a roll call please. roll call . This is on the motion to approve. That fails on a 54 vote because we did not get a majority of the body and i will as i indicated previously schedule this for december 12th. Next item, please. Clerk item 10. Approve the 2017 San Francisco congestion management program. This is an action item. Chair peskin mr. Sana the floor is yours. I am a transportation planner with the Transportation Authority. I am here to provide an update on the congestion management program, cmp for the year 2017. Chair peskin this is a housekeeping matter. Can we have a motion to excuse the commissioners breed and fewer made by commissioner safai eand seconded by commissioner sheehy. We will take that without objection. As a Management Agency of San Francisco we are required to monitor and report the Performance Matters related to congestion every two years. It including monitoring the lol the delay from auto speeds. We are unique. In addition we monitor the traffic performance metrics, transit speeds and transit speed ratios. We are aware this plan that San Francisco has seen rapid growth in the past few years in both jobs and housing. However, the jobs growth has out paced population growth by a factor of three. All this can be expected to have a Significant Impact on vehicles during peak hours. Not surprisingly, we found that automobile level of service has declined from the past cycle in 2015. We observed that average speeds have decreased across radius facility types and in the order of 4 to 8 . However, this is much better compared to the 15 to 20 drop in speeds that was observed in the previous cycle of monitoring cycle for the period of 2013 to 2015. Looking at the longterm trends it appears like it has declined from 2009 and looking at the maps it appears like the most significant hit areas are downtown and south of market. Transit speeds have remained steady at 7 to 8 miles per hour. Auto to trap it is speed. Transit is more competitive related to auto. The transit ability to maintain performance is due to the radius transit priority treatments the city is make anything the past few years. Considering this for the transit first policy especially in the light of the rapid jobs and housing growth in this period. It includes updates in the initiative and improvements in the forecasting model. In the cycle for the first time we have moved the cmp to a database solution and created a web based tool for both exploding and visualizing this data. I would like to take this opportunity to quickly demonstrate the website which went live this morning. It shows a radius Automobile Service mapped on San Francisco cmp road segments for the latest monitoring cycle of 2017. Years later it can easily update this map for the past monitoring cycles. In addition, it can be switched between a. M. Or p. M. Peak. One could look at the specific segments by clicking on these links and this will update the chart on the right and i have clicked on the 280 segment. You can see the speeds have been declining over the past few years. Other metrics including transit speed, transit liability and auto to transit speed ratios. This will increase accessibility to this data for both the planners and the general public. Thank you. With that i will take any questions. Thank you for taking my suggestion and including the url. It is congestion. Sfcta. Org. Is that correct . Thats correct. Thank you for that presentation and for that tool that is only the bearer of bad news. Are there any questions for staff . Seeing none. Are there any members of the public who would like to comment on this dismal news . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Okay. Thank you. Next item, please. This is an action item. My apologies. We need to approve the 2017 congested management program. Is there a motion to approve the program . Made by commissioner yee, seconded by commissioner sheehy. Roll call please. roll call . Item has been approved. Chair peskin i am sure commissioner safai ewill click on 280 and research it very carefully. Next item please. Clerk item 11. Approve the 2018 state and federal legislative program. This is an action item. Chair peskin it seems like we just finished last years legislative program. We come to you monthly with proposals for recommendations on state legislature and the program. It is an opportunity to look back at what happened in the prior year and look forward to what the opportunities and direction we as an agency want to take to inform our motto month actions over the next year. This also provides us an opportunity or you an opportunity to guide us and us an opportunity to also give direction to mark watts in sacramento. 2017 was really the year about senate bill 1. That was a fantastic passage but we are still looking at significant challenges funding transportation. I think revenues will be a theme next year. We a that cap and trade will be one of the major measures discussed as the expenditure after 2020 is to be established in the next year. Other themes we anticipate will be on the forefront next year is continued talk about the regulation of new technologies, we saw many bills last year and we want to make sure to stay on top of those and look to advance the San Francisco interest. Also, on the near material her eye don is the opportunity to roar eye don. The Speed Enforcement pilot the city has a priority for next year. Also seems the pricing and project delivery improvements that are a regular item. Sponsorship of bills, things that we in particular might look to lead the effort, the first is related to the managemented lanes effort. It would be as they have mentioned there is an opportunity that santa clara and san mateo are moving forward. They have authorization. We would like to keep the door open to join them and maintain the local involvement in that effort extending to San Francisco. A second bill would be to authorize tolling on the crooked part of lombard building on a study from earlier this year. With the Transportation Management on Treasure Island to pursue a Pilot Project for automated vehicles. And the task force is developing recommendations soon to be released and we anticipate there may be necessarity of Going Forward and getting authorization for more revenue measures next year. I am happy to answer questions. Any questions from commissioners . Any members of the public to testify on this item . Seeing none Public Comments is closed. Is there a motion to approve the 2018 state and federal legislative program . Seconded by commissioner sheehy and we have the same house, same call. The item is approved. Next item please. Clerk item 12. Accept the audit record for the Fiscal Year Ended june 30, 2017 this. Is an action item. Good afternoon. It is still morning. I am proud to present this. I am the Deputy Director for finance and ministration. I would like to thank or finance staff. This is the first year we produced a comprehensive annual Financial Report versus the basic Financial Statements you have seen before. The audit is now more comprehensive with an economic narrative. I would like to thank the finance staff and auditors for this year. They have gone above and beyond in any other year we have seen this item before the board. We hope you find this more digestible and user friendly. To the audit results. We have the lead auditor here to answer questions or present how he came to the conclusion of the clean audit for the Financial Statements and for the interchange and the bridge structure projects. Would the board like to hear how he came to the conclusion or just take action . Chair peskin i suspect my colleagues getting ready for a board of supervisors per visors meeting would not having said that this is an important thing to do publicly. If we can have a brief presentation that would be very helpful. We are dealing with fiscal issues as the ta, it is important to do that. Please approach. I will turn this over to our lead auditor. Lead auditor. Good morning. I am in charge of the audit. The purpose of the audit is to share the Financial Statements. Meaning that we audit the balances that you will see on the Financial Statements, confirm the balances, confirm the sales tax, look at project expenses, ensure the important numbers are stated in all material respects. The audit includes additional audit scope, single compliance audit and opinions were clean opinions, meaning we are no exceptions or findings to the audit for the current year. I could go through the financial numbers reported within the Financial Statements if you would like me to. I have reviewed it with staff. Would any of you like that or have you all looked at it . Okay. I dont think you need to do that. I want to thank you for your work and congratulate miss fong on another clean audit. It is nice when we have no material weaknesses or comments of any kind. Hats off to miss fong and her staff. This is a annual Financial Report that gets sent out to an agency that reviews the statements to make sure that it add heres to the accounting principals out there. It is a bigger package this year compared to prior years with additional information. Kind of like on a competitive bases over the past 10 years. Many is nonfinancial which is the purpose of this report. It is a comprehensive annual Financial Report. I want to thank the staff for helping us out in completing the audit. We had no issues or findings to report with respect to the audit. I would be happy to take questions. Any questions on the auditor of the oncation. Is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Is there a motion to accept the audit report for the fiscal year ending june 30, 2017 made by and appropriately so commissioner tang seconded by commissioner yee. Same house and same call. It is accepted. Thank you again. Mr. Clerk. Can you please call items 14 and 15 together. Clerk item 14 on final approval evaluation of Public Performance for 2018. This is an action item. Item 15, final approval set annual compensation for the executive director for 2018. Action item. Chair peskin i dont believe we need a closed session. If you want it we can have it. On november 28th. The Personnel Committee considered the accomplishments and issues relative to the executive directors perform answer during 2017 and went through an extensive worksheet and recommended a rating of exceptionally good reflecting the committees reflection of the performance of miss chang against the board established perspectives after discussion of her performance and looking at the pay for similar work in nearby jurisdictions, the Personnel Committee recommended the compensation be increased by 4 four the coming year 2018. Miss chang, thank you for that process as well as your work over the last many years and the floor is yours. Thank you so much to you, chair peskin, and the commissioners and your staff. We are grateful for your time that you and your staff have given to us in taking briefings and meeting as a committee as a whole. The year is marked by fantastic discussions at this body. We appreciated the guidance, input throughout, and wanted to highlight a few of the accomplishments we documented this year. We were able to achieve with your help and guidance. Here is a reminder of goals and objectives set for me and the agency over the past year. I want to start by saying the year was marked by a lot of it focused on infrastructure, policy and revenues and projects that were under development that were being prepared for a big funding opportunities that was the tremendous focus with the measure three setting up next phase investments in extension of caltrain and host of other big projects. We look forward to setting up the next set of Rail Investments for the city. I have appreciated the guidance today. Longterm planning was a major highlight. We had adoption of the county wide plan in update in 20 is as well as mobility and Technology Services this. Is a pie on nearing circumstance shoe pie on nearing issue. It is debated and advanced for the board of supervisors. Highlights. We were continually managing the fund programs. I want to thank the programming staff. We managed 934 million in open grants. Adopted a aa vehicle registration program. We are about to program the federal funds. As part of that had a great country session about school transportation. Very important. We were able to support the passage of the authorization for bridge tolls next year. We were very fortunate to have fantastic delegation in sacramento representing us in that process. With your help we will get the ballot measure on the San Francisco ballot for june 2018. This will set up a whole host of Expansion Projects and Congestion Relief for the pro region and allow the local match and state fund match to bear more quickly. We opened vista point which is another highlight following the opening of the east side ramps last year on the island and were able to secure 30 million. Thank you for the leadership. On Treasure Island we advanced tolling with your help and commissioner kim of the agency we appreciate your leadership locally and at mtc allowing us to demonstrate the concepts on Treasure Island. We were able to deliver the Second Street opening. A lot of Great Projects are on the way and we were able to deliver a host of planning studies starting with the environmental document at the begin of the year. Completed the bicycle study in district nine and the crooked street study and Mobility Services and Technology Study underway and appreciate joanne his team for completing the Research Paper that shed light on the number of vehicles operating in the city. I want to recognize sipthia fong and her team for the longterm Revenue Bonds we sold at a good Interest Rate and very much appreciate chair peskin your leadership for these milestones of the agency and particularly the bond sale which was the first for the ta in our history. Providing board support we hope you are finding we are giving you use full updates in your capacity as Board Members and regional represents and in whatever capacities you are serving. We want to make sure we support you in the ways needed for the ta work and your regional capacities. This is something that will be more important as we make Big Decisions next year to the conclusion of the rail yard and the boulevard study setting up the highspeed rail and caltrain for future generations of rail investment. Indistrict nine we embarked on freeway study work and i thank commissioner ronen with her funds. We were pleased to leverage with private foundation from toyota mobility. In district 10 commissioner cohen asked us to look automobility and we mobility. Commissioner tank and kim and through the recent cop very sessions at the board. Our neighborhood improvement plans and projects are making good progress. We are proud to present in concepts that the community very much supports in district six through the zero ramps and to advance projects in other districts, one, two, five and nine. Customer service and efficiencies. Our priority is to move to online. Our tnc today website and my street. Com. To turn the data out to the public to make it easy to use. Behind the scenes it is making the online allocation request form in 2018 to help sponsors and administering these grant requests. Working in collaboration with agents to Work Together with support on rail yard and alternative boulevard study and rail plan sets up an important moment in the coming year for rail planning. This is intense interest on the part of a lot of folks to set up the next generation of rail improvements to fund what we have in the works particularly in the 101, bart in the south. For our city and county we are very much focused on ensuring the transbay terminal is the term us of highspeed rail to collaborate with santa chair are on the freeway moving forward and allows us to move across the bay to the east bay and tackle the transbay corridor that andy spoke about earlier the number one congested ling in the entire region. Working with our agencies means the state, regional, local level coordinating on these issues through not only the planned area but the studies, on funding. Regional measure three thank you for helping us get that authorized at the state level. This will come in january in order to make it on the ballot in march and be presented to the voters in june. We were happy poinclude the public engagement. We have been partner with city for local hire type strategies, and importantly rede nine the communitys concern to make sure we reflect the communitys needs who are already very hard to bring to the floor because of the nature of documenting some of these. We were proud to get the definition more correct here in San Francisco. That will be used throughout the region as well. We have been advancing our late night transportation study and initiatives and internally we have been participating in a Year Learning Program with other agencies around Racial Equity how we can better operationallize that in the hiring and budgeting and planning. That is very eye opening and very productive at our staff workshops on the topic. State and regional leadership we had the discussion about our alleged priorities. I want to thank you for your help and guidance. We are excited to continue to press for automated Speed Enforcement to vision zero goals. We are advocating for policies and programming requirements and standards for sp1 to compete well. This will be a big year for tnc and policies at the state level. You have expressed strong interest and leadership in pushing for the right policy framework around Technology Services. Thank you for your leadership which is at a National Scale given all of the different folks interested in this topic and looking at San Francisco as a center of these types of issues. Promoting staff and Agency Development is a continual process. We want to remain a workplace of excellence. We updated the mission, vision and values, implemented various training and coaching programs and ensured we have staff working groups to address topics of interest to the staff. Improving communications is a top priority. We launched a Communications Plan which we will hopefully be able to bring a culminate of that will be a new website in 2018. We are excited about that. Beyond that, 2018 will bring a new set of goals to continue the work that we are working on underway and we spoke about today, updating the Strategic Plan sets the next five years of priority for the prop k program. We want the focus on new revenues to continue. Completion of t25 task work is important. I i want to thank the chair, Mayors Office and the folks on that committee for efforts to try to shape what the potential revenue measure might look like. These are important revenues if we are age to pass them to match with regional measure three and the sp1 state funds. In 2018 we hope to launch modal studies in connection with the update of the county wide plan under the longrange planning studies. This is where we will look at the freeway and france it is side transit side where they intersect. I heard the interest on the part of the board in advancing the planning work for both the model and the freeway side of the studies. We will definitely get deeper to that and bring frequent updates to you in 2018. We also want to finalize some of the emerging mobility studies to deliver more research to you, advance work on the east side ramps and west side ramps and continue to provide board support to you in year programs. With that i am just going to make sure that we wrap it up quickly so you can get on to the rest of your day and open it up to any questions you may have. Chair peskin thank you for the thorough presentation and to all of your ever competent staff. Are there any questions or comments from commissioners for miss tang . Is there a motion to move items 14 and 15 . Commissioner ronen. I wanted to thank you, miss tang, for your great work and for your staff. You are accessible at all times and s soand i am happy to make e motion. Chair peskin seconded by commissioner kim. The floor is yours. I did get an opportunity to speak at the Personnel Committee. I want to thank director chang for your leadership. It was an intense process in replacing jose several years ago. You have followed through on the commitments you made in that process both to strengthen the relationships without side agencies and other city agencies. That was one of the big concerns this board had and also figuring out ways to streamline the funding with the grantees putting the projects that are important to all of us on the ground. I did have an opportunity to call a few people about their working relationship with you and how they perceive your leadership. It was great to hear such positive comments about your leadership and communication style. From a personal level you are incredibly responsive and perhaps you have over communicate with us. That is not a negative comment. I just want to thank you for always just being proactive about working with our office and im sure you do this with all of our commissioners addressing a number of different concerns we have and trying to be creative and brainstorming different ideas around the tnc or the Yellow School buses. I just have to say i appreciate the initiative that sftca did to do this analysis on the impact on the roads. That is something you know commissioners were interested in and members of the public were interested in. It wasnt something we asked you to take a leadership rome on. That report was outstanding and provided a ton of information and data we needed to see and we have been hearing about. It is just thank you for your dedication and leadership. You put a lot of hours in this and i thank your family for supporting you to be such a great head of this agency. Thank you for your generous words and i will reflect that to the staff who have done the hard work and heavy lifting. Thank you so much. Chair peskin commissioner sheehy. I want to express my gratitude for your leadership. You have come along ways since we hired you for this position. I have seen the growth of you and your staff. I want to thank the Personnel Committee for doing the work for us to evaluate you. I would say they were spot on. You have been not only a good manger here but your enthusiasm with the issues are just second to none. Some people when they work for the City Government they will be seen at city hall and nowhere else. In transportation in the community you are always there. Very impressive you take your work not just work but a passion. Thank you very much. Chair peskin thank you for your comments which i concur. We took Public Comment in committee. There is no need for Public Comment here. We have a motion and second. Could you please call the roll on items 14 and 15. roll call . Clerk items are approved. Chair peskin congratulation. Any introduction of new items . Seeing none, is there any general Public Comment . Seeing none, the Transportation Authority commission is adjourned. As a society weve basically failed big portion of our population if you think about the basics of food, shelter safety a lot of people dont have any of those im mr. Cookie cant speak for all the things but i know say, i have ideas how we can address the food issue. Open the door and walk through that dont just stand looking out. As they grew up in in a how would that had access to good food and our parent cooked this is how you feed yours this is not happening in our country this is a huge pleasure im david one of the cofounder so about four year ago we worked with the serviced and got to know the kid one of the things we figured out was that they didnt know how to cook. I heard about the Cooking School through the Larkin Academy a. Their noting no way to feed themselves so theyre eating a lot of fast food and i usually eat whatever safeway is near my home a lot of hot food i was excited that i was eating lunch enough instead of what and eat. As i was inviting them over teaching them basic ways to fix good food they were so existed. Particle learning the skills and the food they were really go it it turned into the is Charity Foundation i ran into my friend we were talking about this this do you want to run this Charity Foundations and she said, yes. Im a cofound and executive director for the cooking project our best classes participation for 10 students are monday theyre really fun their chief driven classes we have a different guest around the city theyre our stand alone colas we had a series or series still city of Attorneys Office style of classes our final are night life diners. Santa barbara shall comes in and helps us show us things and this is one the owners they help us to socialize and ive been here about a year. We want to be sure to serve as many as we can. The San FranciscoCooking School is an amazing amazing partner. It is doing that in that space really elevates the space for the kids special for the chief that make it easy for them to come and it really makes the experience pretty special. Im sutro sue set im a chief 2, 3, 4 San Francisco. Thats what those classes afford me the opportunity it breakdown the barriers and is this is not scary this is our choice about you many times this is a feel good what it is that you give them is an opportunity you have to make it seem like its there for them for the taking show them it is their and they can do that. Hi, im antonio the chief in San Francisco. The majority of kids at that age in order to get them into food they need to see something simple and the evidence will show and easy to produce i want to make sure that people can do it with a bowl and spoon and burner and one pan. I like is the receipts that are simple and not feel like its a burden to make foods the cohesives show something eased. I go for vera toilet so someone cant do it or its way out of their range we only use 6 ingredients i can afford 6 ingredient what good is showing you them something they cant use but the sovereignties what are you going to do more me youre not successful. We made a vegetable stirfry indicators hed ginger and onion that is really affordable how to balance it was easy to make the food we present i loved it if i having had access to a kitchen id cook more. Some of us have never had a kitchen not taught how to cookie wasnt taught how to cook. I have a great appreciation for programs that teach kids food and cooking it is one of the healthiest positive things you can communicate to people that are very young. The more programs like the cooking project in general that can have a positive impact how our kids eat is really, really important i believe that everybody should venting to utilize the kitchen and meet other kids their age to identify theyre not alone and their ways in which to pick yours up and move forward that. It is really important to me the opportunity exists and so i do everything in my power to keep it that. Well have our new headquarters in the heart of the tenderloin at taylor and kushlg at the end of this summer 2014 were really excited. A lot of the of the conditions in San Francisco they have in the rest of the country so our goal to 257bd or expand out of the San Francisco in los angeles and then after that who know. Wed never want to tell people want to do or eat only provide the skills and the tools in case thats something people are 2rrd in doing. You cant buy a box of psyche you have to put them in the right vein and direction with the right kids with a right place address time those kids dont have this you have to instill they can do it theyre good enough now to finding out figure out and find the future for this is a meeting of the San Francisco recreation and park commission, will the secretary please call the roll . Commissioner buell . Here. Commissioner low. Here. Commissioner anderson . Here. Commissioner mazzola does have excused absence and commissioner macdonell will be joining you. If he could get everyone to come in and sit down. We would appreciate that. We can get started. Reminder, this is the recreation and park meeting of november 16th. We welcome everyone here today and ask that you please turn off any Electronic Devices that may go off during the proceedings. We would also ask if youre going to have secondary conversations, you