The team for that explanation there. Hay the ground work for a bit of what i am going to cover which is to give you the high level takeaways that we extracted from our conversations with the Community Members. Of course, theres much more detail to go into and to be explored in later conversations, but just so you guys have a sense of what conclusions or what sort of takeaways we were able to come out with with our conversations. I missed my clicker here. So d looks like we have a little fault with our visuals here. But as doug, anthony, and donnie have gone into, this was fundamentally a qualitative exercise. Fundamentally about dialogue with our Community Members, understanding through that format where their values were, and how our program intersected with that with their understanding of the citys priorities were. But thanks to the note takers and thanks to the writing exercise that the participants undertook in parallel with the conversations that were sort of volleying between these note taking sessions was that we were able to extract quantitative data as doug and the rest of the team indicated. From that data we were it allowed us to extract responses that each participant provided to each activity and each prompt and each activity to put that and move that over to a spread sheet and analyzer have bay tum and come up with analyze iter have bay verbatim and identifying the values and activity two with theverbatim a identifying the values and activity two with the department and to that end, what you see represented here on the screen and what we wanted to give you a sense of take aways first and foremost in activity one, a bit of a word cloud here with differences in scale between the words. Those reflect the frequency of the top themes that emerged in our conversations with our Community Members and the course of activity one, the pyramid exercise. So one thing that i would like to note above and beyond what i am going to go into in a few words on the screen here is that when we asked our participants to define where their values stood with respect to themselves and their communities, the overarching response that we heard was, and the theme we assigned to it was i care about a healthy environment. What do we mean by that . What did they mean by that, i should say. That referred to a preoccupation and concern with having clean air, clean water, access to healthy food, and really the fundament fundamentals, nontoxic environment. So we used that healthy environment theme and stepped back with that one and used it as a framework in our analysis and in our review of the other themes that emerged from this exercise. What we saw with that is that the communities or participants values with the values and there was an extreme overlap in the communities and the personal overlap that were put forth. What we heard is a value for urban nature, for cleanliness, safety, equity, and waste reduction. In their own words, access to clean, green spaces that are safe for everyone to enjoy, Environmental Programs that improve the immigrant communities and people of color, and living in a spvibrant city while connecting to nature. When we analyzed the pyramids and the images and photos, it was interesting to note the intersection between the visuals that emerged and they selected and their own words and their writing on the subject. You will see the Community Garden in the top left and followed by the sort of treelined residential street. And followed by the fantastic three bins. That for us we noted the intersection between that and cleanliness, waste reduction and safety. As we examined what our participants define as the citys priorities with respect to the environment, we have that repetition of the category of a healthy environment. Fundamentally they saw the priority as insuring that all the residents had access to a healthy environment. When we took that theme as a framework and followed the Top Priorities and to insure that things are going to the right and for example, it was pivotal in addition to education, development, and sustainable development. And in their own words, what that meant was encouraging responsible practices and regard to waste, transportation, business, and housing. And the environment and with the growth and recycling and development and educating everybody on why it is or not to recycle. And to fast forward and plenty of takeaways that we could have noted in this, but just to give you a sense of barriers and opportunities, i chose to highlight the two for the specific case and we can go into more detail at a later time and i am sure as you have your questions, that will emerge from the presentation. As we asked our participants, workshop participants to identify based on the understanding of the key barriers were and the programming and wont be reflected in the scale and from the awareness of our programs. So there was a lot of enthusiasm that came out of the workshops and the interest and engagement with the department and say, hey, what gives . What is preventing you from participating right now . Internal wealth, and i know about it and i will do it. That was a key takeaway. Other barriers included time. Obviously folks have a lot of responsibilities and can they seamlessly fit in in some way. And they also center on access to transportation and that was something with the Community Members and conversations with the seniors and the bayview are emerging from my memory. But really just having access to the programs. And finally language barrier. And just insuring that i guess concerns surrounding making sure they understand and that the programs and services being catered to them in the first language. So looking at and rounding out this abbreviated presentation of findings with the final themes that emerged from our analysis were the recommendations that our participants provided. And we can do the category as opportunities with the nice colorful areas and in light of and in view of the gaps that emerge and folks identified with the recommendations you have to make the programs accessible and access not only for financial reasons but for reasons of environmental reasons and sharing that there are solutions to homes and businesses. To insure that whatever the transportation solution and be it Public Transportation and insuring efficiency and be it insuring that we have green modes of transportation or that there is Transportation Solutions put forth as the recommendation. Collaboration and collaboration with local governments and national and international. And the predominant response with the private sector and outreach is another programming recommendation that harkens back to the programming gap relating to awareness. And equity, insuring that thement pras and services the programs are and services are accessible and relevant to all of our city residents. So with that i will turn the mic back to donnie. Thanks, asia. What you captured there was a high level overview for the first phase of the analysis and going through an incredible amount of data. And still metabolizing it. But we have some three highlevel takeaways and one of those is what is next. The first takeaway is while we are validated by what the original plan and gained substantial qualitative and quantitative feedback to update the plan and integrate the feedback and can be implemented and as you captured from right therefore this, a lot of high level visionary suggestions and pragmatic suggestions as well. More information about the Safe Medicine Disposal Program and suggestions about how to get people out of personal vehicles. Those are things that are tangible and will be able to convey to our partners at the mta and share with the department immediately. And the stretch goals and visionary at large. Another thing that was important for us to see is how genuinely excited and appreciative the participants were to be heard. And i hope you got a sense of that as well. And not only were the Department Staff that participated inspired to hear and inspired to be a part of it as well. A real love fest at the workshops that have a strong reminder for positive change and the last take away is the feedback we receive d as well a our own experience is commissioners are incredible influencers and your role in participating and being at the table and sharing your opinions and thoughts, listening, engaging was incredibly important, and i want to encourage you all to think about how to continue to be fabulous messengers. Because you really helped make the events meaningful for the people. The input was well preeshlted and your appreciated and your presence was appreciated from a staffing perspective. So what next looks like is we still have to metabolize a lot of the information to get hard data, hard facts to present to you at the beginning of 2018 as well as the majors office an update to the plan with the recommendations from the community which is the next deliverable. The teams are at work to start making the recommended edits. With that, that wraps up the presentation. Thank you. Thank you so much for the presentation. I know i participated in the Small Business session, and i enjoyed it so much to be with people who dont always have the opportunity to come here and to be heard. I think as commissioners, we represent the whole city. And while many of the folk who is come here are very passionate and we see them from time to time, i think that there is something to be said about making sure we are representing all of San Francisco and its richness and all its diversity and figuring out and going to communities to figure out what are some of the barriers for them is very rich process for me. And donnie, i would like to volunteer that when you present that to the mayor, i would love to be part of that because i think that we all have such strong voices in what we in the communities that we come from and then the different sessions that we were participating in. I just cant thank you enough for doing that because i think it as public members to go out there and to talk to the residents is maybe old school, but theres nothing like going to the people and to the communities and talking to them and having people feel that theyve been heard, especially by a government body, which sometimes especially today people dont feel they are heard. So for me it was very, very special and i cant thank you enough for the presentation. I look forward to hearing more. With that, i believe commissioner wald i dont think i oh, there it is. Commissioner hoyos. I am first . Only because i dont think i cleared this last time. Let me just clear it. I am having technical difficulties. Okay. Great. While we get that together, can we now clap for this . [applause] okay. So i am first. Okay. So thank you, guys, not only for this terrific presentation but for all the work, the advance work that the planning, the strategizing, everything that went into making it such a successful event. It was to echo what president bermejo said, it was really terrific to be in the room and watch you all lead us through all of these exercises. And following up on what our president said, i may have asked this question and dont remember the answer and the work that you engaged in to report back to the mayor and in some way that the people said in all the rooms. If you thought about that, i would love to hear what it is that you think you are going to be doing. Thank you, commissioner, for mentioning that. We have communicated to the participants that once we captured the information and made i. D. Dits to the plan and made edits to the plan, we will invite them back for the show and tell of how their words were shaping city programming. Thank you so much for saying that. It is in the plan. That is really terrific. And that is often the missing link. People come here or so other, you know, institutions, and they say what they say, and they wonder, you know, so what . And for us to be able to show what, i think, will do a lot towards making people have positive feelings towards government and departments like yours. Thank you. Commissioner hoyos. I have a few points. I had the great opportunity to participate in the dialogue foes kued on familieses in the mission focused on families in the mission. Asia, it was good to see you there. A couple of things. One, i want to compliment the staff because they were so well run. And again, there was just nothing that wasnt thought about in advance. And i know it took a while to schedule that one and we had to reschedule to find a date and a venue and all that that worked, but i got there and it was just amazing. Including the food and the utensils and real plates and culturally mexican food we had that night. It was just good and looked like another one commissioner wanda, what was yes, that is right. It was caring and thoughtful. And like wedding planner thoughtfulness. And i love that. I was surprised. So my two kids go to spanish immersion Public School in the mission. I personally live kind of near japan town, and i was surprised, asia, when you mentioned cleanliness was big. It really was big in the mission, and whereas my neighborhood, i didnt go to one in my neighborhood, but it was less of an issue. So i think this was less of an issue. I am wondering about the microcosmser to micro climate of the issues that popped per constituency group. It would be great if we could, donnie, you talked about getting us more information, but great to do a deep dive and make a workshop for us. I would really love to just do the deep dive to really understand as a commissioner what the core concerns were with the various constituencies we brought together. Before you answer that, my third point, i wanted to give polly a shot out and perfect, fluent spanish and is half spanish, half cuban, but it was really well done. I felt really moved by how you all did there. The same with the group that we consulted with just execution of the notes and the minutes and to do this thing and the other thing i was pleasantly surprised to hear from the dialogue and the commission is getting at what you said and how much people even though there was, what is it called, like an incentive to attend and some sort of gift card at the end that people seemed happy to receive and they got that, but people wanted more. People said, a couple of people in the group were like, can we do this again . It wasnt about the gift card, but the real interaction and people in government wanting to make and improve peoples neighborhoods. I felt like we will see, but i felt like if let me just say we worked with one of the groups that helped get people there, and it would be interesting to see if we did some sort of forum where we had some anchor groups from the mission put it on, i know its a lot of work, but who would just attend because they wanted to attend without any incentive. I got the feeling there was a hunger for that. That really popped for me. I will stop there. The question, i guess, on the table for me is the deep dive on the data and when can we get the more micro per session data. First, commissioner, thank you for the comments and thoughts. I want to take on the technology that there was a significant amount of staff who participated as table facilitators and one of the presenters and several of us and peter galata is here who was one as well. Many of us leaned in, paused on our daytoday, to make these things incredibly successful, so yes, your notes are en pointe for how we feel about these. To the point about data, we have so much information and spread sheets and cross paths and analyzing everything from the micro to age and how where one program area has one session had one theme, and comparatively to others and what did they mean . And those are just themes and so many words and thoughts behind the themes, that we have synthesized and we have subtl y subtleties that we have captured as well. To your request, yes, we want to share and have individual workshop reports and a larger snapshot of what the whole story is. Absolutely. Does that mean we can have a workshop . I will leave to the president. I want to nerd out with the data. We have so much data. Good. All right. Thank you. Commissioner wan. Sure. I think fortunately, i would like to thank the outreach team. I think they did a phenomenal job in reaching out and very hard to reach population. I got a chance talking to the consultant to how to get all the people and the way they reach out to them is not only about Community Partners and friend and relatives, neighborhood associations, and very impressive. I feel very humble to to be there to flern the residents. To learn from the residents. One theme that popped out for chinese speaking group is outreach and touch on the equity and language barrier issues they are facing. I personally would continue to dialogue with any opportunity to have a discussion with the community directly. The other thing impressive to the residents is the diversity of the staff that represent the department. Even i was, like, wow, we have that many bilingual staff able to represent the department. I think we can do a lot better job and how to reach out to them in the future because they seem really excited to be interacting with the department. And last but not least, interested in the Regional Group and what was the popular theme from each of them. For example, young adults and what was one thing that popped out from that group that is distinguished from other groups. I am also a data person, but thank you, great job. Any other comments from our commissioners . Director raphael, do you want to add something . So thank you, team. Oh my goodness. They worked talk about lean in. It was amazing to watch and as person with glass in front of my office and look out across t a donnies office and see the team getting their Heads Together and really learning what theirre capable of what theyre capable of is exciting. Asia, i believe you come on board and were handed this as a project. And so it was so much fun for me to learn how asias brain works and to watch her troubleshoot and take a whole universe of possibility and narrow it down. I love the phrase wedding planner standards. I think that is awesome. For me, i just want to say that one of the things that i was so blown away with and commissioner hoyos when you say people wanted more, and commissioner wan, you felt the same way, that i met some really interesting potential partners. People who i had never met before because they werent the people who show up to the Commission Meetings like commissioner bermejos talked about. Who i want to pick their brain more. I want them to be included. I am excited to reach out to them very personally to come back and engage with us and hear what we learned from them, but then also to challenge them to help us more to take advantage of that. I have a question, donnie, or asia, i am not sure who to give it to. I notice that the key sort of takeaway of the Community Value was urban nature. And that was interesting and i experienced that in the two tables i was at also and that that was a picture people people were drawn to, and yet when i see later recommendations or barriers, it felt like we moved away from urban nature. I am wondering if that was the way you presented or if there is more of a bridge there. It feels like an interesting disconnect to me. I dont know if its an artifact. You know, ill have to think and have a look, a closer look and kind of bridge that, but what immediately comes to mind is the fact that urban nature theme that emerged was relating to activity one specifically, and as we were kind of diving into more core, fundamental values, and similar way to help the environment and clean air is something that emerged across all group, urban nature and access to green spaces was likewise very important theme that emerged from the conversations. As to sort of threading the needle between that and the recommendations or gaps that were identified, it could simply be that in thinking about the gaps and thinking about opportunities, people sort of spoke to categories or recommendations that were most salient to them and sort of in their walk with the department, if you will. If i have access to the information about your upcoming program, then i will attend. If i have access to an muni pass, i will go out to the next workshop. So in terms of that specific onetoone connection between we didnt see those bridged, dont have a real clear answer on that, but certainly have a closer look and see if i can sort of glean something. A takeaway for you with respect to that question. When i see that and think if thats the access point to the community is that love of nature and that feeling of the importance of green space and nature, then how can we take that place of where people are and move what we do to align with it. I wasnt sure that i know the answer to that. Yeah. Let us look into it and get back to you. Thanks. Thank you. Any other comment . If not, we will move on to Public Comment. Good evening, again, commissioners. I think i have lost the mic. Am i on . Eric brook, San Francisco green party, local grass roots organization, and this is pretty impressive, and i think one of the most impressive things about it besides how cool and effective it was is that other departments in the city do not do this. And i go to a lot of public hearings, and i dont see any other departments doing this and other departments should be doing it. So please by all means do this again soon. Invite other members of other departments that kind of dove tail so they can see you doing it. And then they go back to their own departments and think about replicating it. Maybe send around a report to the other departments. [please stand by] songwriterwriterwriter engage with dialogue with a member of the public and you have to give them the mic back and up to you if you cut them off once they answer your question and ask staff can you answer that question from the public. I dont want to feel like youre legally barred from communicating from the public, youre not. Anytime you want to figure out or answer a question live in the middle of a meeting through staff or each other or dialogue with a member of the community that has spoken, youre allowed to do that. Anyway, well done to all of you and in particular kudos, obviously, should go out to the architect of this and did a great job. Thank you. Commissioner any other Public Comment . Anthony . The clerk the next item is directors report and relations to clean air transportation, climate, Public Outreach and environmental justice, habitat restoration, green building, toxic reduction and the speaker is the director and the item for discussion. Thank you, anthony. When i hear the list i think my god, dont worry, i wont go through the whole list. Ill do some looking back and Going Forward and with your permission, president , have staff talk about something that is part of my directors report but she can explain it very well. That will be at the end. So looking back, since the last Commission Meeting we had a mayor lee sign into law two groundbreaking pieces of legislation. October 24 he signed the antibiotics and need to know and signed the childrens furniture with flame retardants. Those are issues you heard and had tremendous help from the Scientific Community on those and they have tremendous reverberations nationwide. Its been a huge couple of months along the lines of press and media. I want to give a big call out to peter golada who stepped in a huge way. Weve had welltended press event and articles in National Papers and met with the chronicle Editorial Board and got an editorial out of that. All sorts of interest from the media summarized for you in the directors report. Looking forward i want to go to the focus in the directors report in detail and to highlight our zero Waste Program and the rollout of the Richmond District they started in the sunset. As you can tell if you read in detail in the directors report theres been a lot of handholding and training in the business community. We did really exciting for us, first ever training for all six trader joes. Weve been trying to get to trader joes as an entity for literally years now and finally got to the right district manager who brought all six trader joes management staff to do a deepdive training to get to zero waste for them. We can do that because at the same time were focussing on training, were also focussing on accountability and some of the big businesses and the apartment buildings are starting to get special charges for the black bins and that threat of charges is getting attention. Of course were there to help. Some want it, some dont seem to care but were working hard on that. The focus of the Toxics Program has been on a deep dive Community Engagement strategy on safer alternatives showing up in Public Housing and in Community Meetings to talk about specific alternatives to cleaning products and pesticides that people can use in their own lives. The focus of the energy programs, they have a deadline by the end of calendar year to meet their goals on Energy Efficiency so theres fullsteam ahead on the Energy Efficiency programs. The good news is were not stopping though it looks like well exceed our goals. The program which is multifamily they measure in terms of number of units they have upgraded. Theyre going to exceed their goal by 25 above their goal and energy watch which is focussed on energy and actual kilowatts of savings at the commercial factor theyll exceed by 20 . They expect by the end of calendar year to have exceeded their goals which is super important for pg e and association of bay area government overseeing the programs. In the next month were launching the eg Strategy Working Group and thats really important to get that started because were starting to see resources being put on the tables by the Vw Settlement and pg e investing in infrastructure. We need to make sure were ready as a city to accept those resources and get fellow departments online with us. Thats a big focus that will start the next month. In terms of new initiatives im going to come back to that in a minute. I do want to right right now, anthony. Because with guillermo gone, anthony has had a super opportunity and challenge to step up in his absence and i want to say the last couple months has been a lot for anthony and hes really stepped up in multiple hats as a secretary and a team member with the Community Programs so thank you, anthony. [applause] much of we enlisted the creativity of our social media expert, sarah peters. What she came up was so clever i didnt want to present it myself i wanted her to present it to you. Sarah, if you can come up and present. Youll have to look carefully. Good evening, sarah peters and this is a collaboration and as depp debbie the campaign got steal in the past and were doing a multipronged approach to connect directly with businesses. We contacted many many businesses and selected 12 host a tree and put a picture next to the tree in the businesses, cal academy, linkedin, lyft. The idea is in the cafeteria theyll see the tree and poster and get that what is that . A way to get them to find out how to get information and instead of get cut tree you can adopt a city tree you can get from friends of the urban forest and after the holidays theyll take it back and grow it a couple more years and those are the trees planted on the streets of San Francisco. A lot of people dont know about the program and we just want to spread the word about it. So this is one of our approaches. Can you read what it says. I can read this and we have a pdf as well but this part, San Francisco tree, the age, about the tree. Im not like the other tree planning to put roots here some day until then looking for someone fun to take me home for the holidays. Six feet tall, if it matters, lets go together. And its taxdeductible donation to friends of the urban forest gets you a holiday tree to greet the city for years to company and if you want more information go to ssfenvironment. Org. I love the sense of humor with our environmental mission. Lastly then, we are going to be in an initiative this month well be launching and youll hear more about it but were just Getting Started with a huge led giveaway and were forcing on Affordable Housing and sros to give tremendous benefits to those who need it most and working win Community Partners on that and youll hear more. Its a large initiative well be roping you into as well. Finally, the moment of the night where we ask new staff who have not been to a Commission Meeting before to come forward and introduce yourselves. Your name youre doing here in the department and anything else youd like to say. So magda, kevin. Have you been here already . You have. Okay. Good evening. My short name is magda. I joined about one month ago. Im working with San Francisco energy watch and im in the fellowship. Im applying to be here in august. Welcome. Anyone else going to introduce themselves . Thank you. Well move on to commissioners. Thank you, debbie, for that great presentation. Any Public Comment . Eric brooks . Okay. Good evening, one more time commissions. Eric brooks. Directors report covers just before every realm but i want to focus on management of natural areas and pesticides. Last year we wound up passing better pesticide regulations but it was understood during the process a lot of Public Advocates like myself are working to evolve those rules so they become even better because were not all the way up the goal yet and may not ever be. I think we can see after whats happened with court and federal decisions on the situation in the east bay that chainsaws and poisons are no longer the way to manage our public areas. Those are 20th century ways. We need to evolve the rules to reflect that. Some members of the public of the coalition will ask for some things and i want to give you a headsup because theyre pretty major and i want to get these out there to inform the process. I dont know if ill get to all 11. The first is now we need to bring because theres always a difficult distinction between tier 1 and tier 2 herbicides. Herbicides in the reduced risk pesticide list should no longer automatically be exempt. Almost no herbicide uses are for Public Health and safety. Review are. Each one of these uses needs to be granted through an exemption application instead of just being in the automatic list where you just let them run wild. Tier 1 herbicides must no longer be permitted for use in the natural areas program, period. Theres no reason to use these incredibly toxic chemicals in the natural areas program. Tier 1 herbicides should no longer be permitted to use to control stumps treated to prevent growth must be ground down or mushroom treated. If you look it up youll see how its done not using tier 1 or tier 2 herbicides. And ill skip down to the one i consider the most important requiring official prop 65 signage warnings in all trees covered by chemicals and thats not being done and if people saw the signs in their parks theyd reconsider how much they think its okay to use pesticides in the parks. Thanks. Thank you. Any other Public Comment . Commission wald would like to interact. I want to ask if you would email that list. Yes, we will. To our secretary. Its just political i preliminary i can talk to others in future items ill mention then. We will email to all the commissioners. Were just not finished cooking all this stuff but i wanted to make sure there was fair warning ahead of time. Any other comments . Thank you, debbie. Were ready nor next item. The clerk the next item if theres no further discussion is item eight, Committee Reports the highlights of october 17 Operations Committee meeting and the november 12, 2017 policy Committee Meetings the item is for discussion. Commissioner stephenson. We were joined and we had a oneitem on the agenda we spent timing about the outreach and Collateral Development for the zero Waste Program and the rollout of the new recycling bins and the opportunities available through that. Mostly everyone got excited we wanted the new bins and i got excited because ive now been recycling bags. So we had a chance to talk to mostly donny and get inside and information as to what was being planned. They are planning to rollout differently in different neighborhoods at different times a twoyear overall rollout and youll see it implemented over the next several months and not something that transforms overnight but well get a sneak peek at whats been happening. To commission wald and then Public Comment. Commissioner wald. Thank you. At our october 22 policy Committee Meeting we heard a presentation by the sfmta on their transportation sector Action Strategy they formulated in cooperation with the department of the environment. Its another great example of cross agency, interdepartmental collaboration we saw here earlier this evening though i point the out it was different people. We also heard from dr. Chris giger of the department on how the integrated Pest Management program and various aspects are going to be carried out over the rest of the year. He was joined by people from public works or rec and Parks Department and the San Francisco puc and bay friendly. Among other things we discussed the use of pesticides and talked about advanced notification. The department will be holding a public hearing on the draft reduce risk pesticide list in december. In january, the policy committee will be discussing the Public Comment then in march it comes to us. At our november 12 meeting we heard a presentation on the energy and pesticide i implications for new commercial activity relating to medical and Recreational Marijuana use on january 1 the state will be as im sure you all know, allowing adult use of marijuana or cannabis and the city and state are putting together regulations so we got kind of a headsup on what the regulations are going to look at with emphasis on the environmental implications of the industry which turn out to be very very large indeed. We also heard a presentation on San Franciscos solar plus resiliency project. The department received a grant from the federal department of energy to create Solar Storage facilities at sites around the city to provide stored energy for Disaster Response efforts. That in and of itself was pretty interesting but the most interesting thing was that as the result of this grant Department Staff and staff from the Consulting Company they work with developed an algorithm or a formula or something any city anywhere can use to decide whether or not a particular site is appropriate for storage. And its going to be given away to everybody. Its not only going to help us, but its going to help every concerned city and all cities should be concerned across the nation. Am i supposed to talk about whats on the agenda for the next meeting . Good because i dont know. Commissioner thank you, commissioner and from the other commissioners any questions on the Operations Report or commissioner walds policy report . I have one. I thought it was a great report, commissioner wald. I guess i wanted to say more in lay persons form how cool the storage issue was around Disaster Relief and the data system that was developed because you can literally look the reason why certain sites are picked is because the congregation sites in the event of an emergency and one that happens to be near my house as i paid attention and theres a big pool area and theyre trying to state these where theres green open space and you can set up tents for Emergency Response purpose and showed how much physical land would you need to put emergency batteries to electrify that. You look at whats going on in puerto rico and you see how important and environment they are and the way it was developed and accessible to everybody and theres more safety and security in San Francisco was super impressive and shutout to jesse denver and who was the young woman . She was great. Then the other thing and this is something more food for thought and kind of relates not to your report specific, debbie, but i think its interesting to sometimes come in with the ability to say just to use an example of the drug kickback, sometimes theres one next level of opportunity for commissioners to be helpful and we got a report and the it was well done its not about the person who gave it just putting on a Critical Thinking cap. Well, we know how many prescription drugs came through the collection bins and we know walgreens are sites but in terms of the Community Outreach we just undertook how many people know that. If you hear a certain number of tons, thats sort of in a vacuum. Unless you can compare that to an assessment of the volume of drugs that need to be returned we dont its hard for me and i think anyone in fairness to gauge the efficacy of a program. I think in our policy Committee Meetings i dont know if we wan workshop this but what are the metrics we use to determine the scale of the problem to compare that to what were trying to do to tackle the problem. The same is true and commissioner wald and eric raised it the same thing though theres jurisdictional questions with the puc theres a question in how congested things are so what is the pathway to connect the dots and how can we be helpful because sometimes its not just an inside baseball policy solution sometimes it merits engagement and political pressure and commissioners can provide a fix that requires more elbow grease. Can i just endorse that thought. It goes along with something ive been saying for quite a while. I think people need not just us but people in the Community Need to understand what you all are doing for them and just like people are thrilled when i get invited to the workshops we did they would be thrilled to be informed that theyre part of the a solution either actual or potential of a really critical problem thats facing this city and they have made a significant contribution to that with the help of the department. I just think we need to figure out a really and im always looking for the sul Silver Bullet but i have to remember there isnt one. We have to figure out some effective ways of getting this information to people. Commissioner director raphael. I want to clarify the grant we got from the department of energy was not to install solar equipment for that but it was to determine what the ideal site would look like and what would be needed and address the barriers. Theres no plan at hamilton to build the Battery Storage unit but now we have a better understanding of what it would take and we have a tool to help us design as you both mentioned, commissioners, the amount of Battery Storage that would be need to allow a critical facility to operate for 24, 48, 72 hours a week, whatevers needed for that site. I just wanted to clarify that. Commissioner thank you. Public comment . Mr. Brooks . Good evening commissioners, eric brooks, green party. I made the comments during the policy committee and they apply to the pesticide and policy committee which is signage. Ill give you the other six of these. So on the pesticide issue require comprehensive signage and marking on tier 1 and tier 2 pesticides used in Natural Program areas. So its not required right now. We should start requiring signage wherever pesticides are used even if we dont think people will be interest because some people will. Require comprehensive signage on tier 1 and tier 2 pesticides for all trails and not just designated trails. There are those not designated and the people that use those trails need to know there are pesticides. Require signage flag and marking on tier 1 and tier 2 pesticides at all treatment locations not just trail heads. Commissioner hoyos brought up before people need to see on trails where the poison is and require onemonth notice instead of one week instead of three days when its known the treatment will go forward so the public knows when they go once a month or once a week to a natural area that therell be pesticides there or likely going to be pesticides there. The last one is not exactly on signage but it gets to some of the other things we need to work on and thats increase the barrier between pesticide application and trades and play areas and areas frequented by children to 50 feet. In the future well probably ask for 200 but the problem is we need the city to expand the safety barrier because 15 feet not enough. So thats the rest of them so i wont have to bring it up at future agenda items. It looks like i thought there was some meetings planned in november around this and it looked like that doesnt