roll call thank you. Thank you. Please join me in the pledge of allegiance. Good evening. Is great to see so many people this fight with education. We are excited to have a packed house. What i want to do is let everyone know what i want to do is let everyone know that i know we have a lot of young people here tonight. Ordinarily i would be able to accommodate to make sure people can speak. There is a lot of people in here tonight. I will do the best i can to get to the agenda and try to get the young folks out as early as possible. If you look around the room you may see constraints. I love you, some will text me to speak earlier. That is why i want you to know there is a reason why that may not happen. With that said, section 8 has accessibility information for the public. Section b approval of board minutes. None this evening. As announced at the past few meetings, members of the public are reminded if they wish to address the board they can complete the speaker card prior to item being called and present it to the executive assistant. Speaker cards will not be accepted for an item before the board. Item two resolutions. There are none this evening. Item three, superintendents report, doctor matthews. Good evening. I would like to acknowledge the recent announcement of the San Francisco Unified School District and educators of San Francisco reached a tentative agreement in contract talks. Including a total compensation package increase of 16 over three years for teachers and other educators represented by uesf. We want the students to have the best professionals teaches and supporting them and this is important to retain the talented i see you indicators. I would like to acknowledge the School Health program and social worker volunteers who helped reopen the santa rosa schools following the Northern California fires. Following the call to action the San Francisco School District School Social workers stepped forward to provide support to students, families on the first day of reopening schools. Over friday october 27 and the 30th, 25 School Workers carpooled to santa rosa and assisted 12 school to welcome students back to school. The social workers partnered with staff and Community Volunteers to provide drop in support and to help out where ever needed. In all 25 staff who volunteered were able to lend expertise to support our santa rosa neighbors. I would like to celebrate recent accomplishments of our School District employees and departments. Congratulations to flores who is a local warrior for the nativeamerican heritage celebration on november 7th at city hall. She is the Program Coordinator for the San Francisco district inc. Dean Education Program title 7. She was one of three honored at the native american native heritage celebration. They were selected on accomplishment and contribution four positive change for the aian community. San Francisco Unified School District received awards from the zero net Energy Leadership award in the category of exemplary energy. Congratulations t nick and the district. The Advisory Board of zero net energy said of this district San Francisco unified represents an innovative approach to reduce transportation and zero carbon and has achieved remarkable savings in several areas. They are a great example for districts and community impacts. The district will be receiving the zne Leadership Award at the awards ceremony during the green california schools and Community Colleges summits on november 8th in pasadena. Code. Org have awarded the 2017 champion of Computer Science to the San Francisco Unified School District. They received 1,000 nominations and our district was selected. I would like to highlight a couple of accomplishment. As of the 201718 school year we have expanded the Computer Science classes to 100 of the schools and 40 of the Elementary Schools. We have increased from 701 in the 201314 year to 17,000 175 students during this school year helping a 2450 growth. This district developed the prek to grade 12 Computer Science curriculum pathway. Congratulations to the team members. There are a few upcoming events. Thursday, december 7th we will have the district Second Annual Innovation Schools pitch night ain the i lab. This will showcase 15 schools had will present the solutions they have designed to challenges using human centered design process. Our district host the the 2017 inconclusive schools week poster competition open to all students. Students were asked to submit ideas celebrating the work of the schools particularly for schools with learning differences. The isw Planning Committee received 69 submissions total. I would like to shout out to george p body elementary and genvery from the vapa coordinator who led class discussions and lesson plans around inclusion to assist students for submissions as a class. You did a great job. The poster winners will be presented online at the main district website this week. Remember Inclusive Schools week is december 4 through 8, 2017 and the theme is stand up, sit tall for inclusion. That ends my report. Do you remember this cool event i wonder what the theme is since you are asking i will tell you operation make your mark. Make your mark . Well, the cat is out of the bag. The 15th annual summit will take place at fort mason center. Our theme is operation make your mark. Invitations will be set out shortly. Back to you. Additional safety business. We were presented by the boys and girls club they brought a Promising Program for youth. They wanted to find youth that would be willing to serve alongside Law Enforcement to identify markets that sold tobacco to minors. We hope that students are aware of the dangers tobacco as a minor poses. We think the present boys and girls club has a Promising Program. We are planning to have the students help them out. Thank you so much for coming over and joining us. Our Curriculum Committee is coming back to the path to conduct a peer survey that highlights feedback for improvement of the school community. We want to create a Better School climate for students. Thank you Curriculum Committee. We noticed that Wellness Centers are run different across the schools and the committee has developed a survey that is going to be passed out so that they will be able to report back how Wellness Centers are run so they can scream line them and streamline them. The next meeting will be december 4th. It is a public counsel. Anyone is welcome to attend. If you would like a copy of the agenda contact the sac supervisor. Thank you. Thank you student delegates. The Advisory Committee reports and pointments . Any appointments . Seeing none i skipped two because i want to move as fast as we can. Item one report from the parent Advisory Committee. The representative. Who is presenting tonight . Thank you so much. Thank you. Good evening. Thank you for having us. I am harry bag on the parent advisory council. The role is to represent the parent voices and perspectives to inform the board of education policy discussions. This represents highlights from the the most recent meeting, response to resolution 1710, 10a1 in support of reducing the assessments. Our participation in the planning of the upcoming sfufd data forum. At the meeting on wednesday, november 8th. The superintendent attended the meeting. Pac members appreciate the request to provide feedback in the hiring process which we pressed last month. We are grateful to share ideas about the Leadership Qualities and characteristics for new leader to serve the students with individual education plans and with the responsibility of strengthening the Education Services. We look forward to hearing the 90 day report later this evening. Good evening i have three student attending the community. We had the opportunity to welcome mr. Cook and appreciate the chance to have concerns about the resolution to further reduce the district assessments. In general the pac believes the resolution that directly impacts student accountable are needed a parent. It is concerning nowhere in the resolution are families or parents mentioned. Reference or considered. The mention was a huge oversight as we are partners in the education. It does not address how accountabilities to the students and families will be upheld. For africanamericans, latino, English Learners and those receiving special Education Services and youth in foster care who are the focal students and have not been served well. They might reevaluate the assessments. It is for effective implementtation. It does not agree with allowing them optin only. We acknowledge there may be challenges and support the idea of exploring how to approve the accountability tools. At the same time we believe the district has a responsibility to keep the promises with students and families by monitoring student progress and accountability mechanicses for families to cut including assessments. Assessments are tools. They help gather information and tell a story. Perhaps the conversation are needed to shift from making the tools optional to making sure we have the right tool this is the toolbox. Which assessments are effective to monitor student progress. How are sites in Central Offices making the prompt changes to the curriculum . What tools improve this process . What support do teachers need to implement them consistently across the district . We at the pack welcome the opportunity to join this conservation and work toward the solutions for all students. We request a committee be formed to bring our parties to the table, evaluate the Current Assessment tools and outcome data and process the utilization to jointly develop the recommendations prior to add adoption of changes in the requirements. Pac members hope the board of education members will consider this resolution. The fact parents from various advisories are speaking out in response to the proposed resolution speaks volumes to include the parent voices and perspective in the proposed policy with accountabilities with students and families. It are needed to be formed by the questions and ideas. They have been working with members of the task force on the planning of the data forum telling the story behind the numbers. This event is the third year of the task force bringing together parents and Community Partners to examine the local control and accountability plan. To see where the district is making progress towards the goals, discuss strategies and identify areas of work needed to improve student out comes. This will be interactive and provides the opportunity to model looking at data to inform School Planning and budgets. Families leave with resource this is hand to connect with data highlights from the Childrens School and understand how they can improve student out comes. This forum will be hosted at the james Lake Middle School on november 29th. Dinner and child care will be provided. Next pac meeting wednesday, december 13th. Thank you. Thank you so much. Commissioner norton. I am sure commissioners may want to speak to this. I want the pac to know in did Curriculum Committee last night they submitted a substitute motion to address the concerns that you raised in your report. It was unanimously supported by the committee. It no longer makes assessments optin. Most importantly creates a committee with significant representation from the advisory bodies. That will not be heard tonight since we mark it up in curriculum last night. It will come back the first meeting in december. I dont know if you want to speak to that. Yes, i do. Thank you for the report. The committee did hear the resolution. Substantial changes made based on impact from parents and others. I did send it to georgia this morning. I guess it didnt get to you. I am disappointed. You need to know that the testing that was brought on board 8 years ago had no parent input and has been notified with no teacher or principal input. Moving forward we will have that i put for testing. I was also a bit disappointed you didnt get the updated resolution before you had a opportunity to speak to it. It does speak to everything you address, but i am glad that we had the discussion. I tried to speak to all of the revisions during the meeting also so you can anticipate those are needed came up. I believe that the parent voice should be at the center of the major changes that we make as a district. I think we are on the same page with working with you on the future. Thank you and we apologize we are looking at the new resolution. Thank you so much. Thank you so of an again. I appreciate your dedication and service. Thank you. Section c. Consent calendar a motion and second on the consent calendar please. There is no public item. Any items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent . None any items by the board for discussion and vote this evening . There are none. Roll call vote of consent calendar please. Let me say hold on for one second. Mr. Steel roll call vote. roll call section e. Board popro sal for action. Bay View Elementary School charter petition moved and seconded august 22, 2017. Reports from curriculum and budget were given at the last Board Meeting. Superintendent your designee to read the recommendation to the board. It is Michael Davis the director of policy and planning and Charter Schools. Thank you, doctor matthews. 17822sp2 to deny the petition for the Charter School. Pursuant to california Education Code 47605. They submitted the petition for approval to the Unified School District and pursuit to the california education coat 47605. The board is in receipt of the petition effective august 22, 2017. The board complied with the timelines answer required by law and they consider the level for the Charter School and review the petition and information received with respect to the petition including supporting documentation and whereas the district and superintendent, the district staff completed review and issued the report and recommendation to the board. The district superintendent and district staff review of the petition found the petitioners are unlikely to successfully implement the program set forth in the petition and the petition does not contain reasonably comprehensive provisions of the code. Therefore it is resolved that the board shall deny the petition subject to the requirements set forth by law. Thank you, mr. Davis. We have 24 speakers signed up for Public Comment on this. We have another charter before us after this. What we are going to do is allow 30 minutes of Public Comment on this first item and 30 minutes on the next item for the reauthorization of the charter. My hope is that within these 24 individuals that if you hear . Of the same things that you support in the conversation be respectful of the other individuals who want to come to speak. We will end Public Comment on this item in 30 minutes. I want to clarify that. 24 speaker cards. I will be calling names. Introduce yourself at the begin of the Public Comment. Come up to the microphone and remember we have a time limit and want to make sure that you are considerate of the people coming behind you. We will begin Public Comment. Andre evans, katie wingate. Rosa gonzalez. Johnson, hucksly, lydia and i will call more names in a few minutes. Good evening i am hucksly the chief of schools for kit bay schools. I am here to ask you approve our charter for the Elementary School so we can respond to the are needed and desires of the Bay View Community. We are proud to have served the students in the bay view Hunters Point since 2003. The proposal to open an Elementary School represents the continued commitment to the community and family whose asked for more school options. We proud that the current three San Francisco cools are locally authorized. We see the Elementary School as a chance to deepen the partnership with the district. We met with the district leaders to explore collaboration on behalf of all students in bay view. We were disappointed to receive a negative staff recommendation. We aimed to address each concern highlighted in the staff report through several meetings and communications with district staff and board members. I urge you to approve our petition and i thank you for your support and collaboration throughout the year. Good evening. I am katie win gates. Fifth grade social studies teacher in the city. Product of Atlantic School system. Brown University Graduate and i have been teaching with kit for five years. I welcomed the fifth graders at the begin of each year. It is one of my favorite times. Students are young, small, eager to learn. As we test them they are farther and farther behind where they need to be in terms of reading proficiency. We really prioritize reading. It is something we integrate across the board in all class. Students get a lot of daily small group instructions. We move mountains daily. I have seen that over the past five years. We remind students it is not where they start but where they are going. We will be there with them every step of way. A lot of students have made incredible gains are here in the building today and can speak about the extent to which kip has moved mountains so they can move closer to reaching goals of going to college. I am hear to ask you guys to please approve the bay View Elementary School. They have been doing credible work for 14 years now. What i would like to see is students having an earlier opportunity to come to the kip family as opposed to coming to the fifth grade and not being where they need to be. I believe the incredible Free School Program of choice it offers is a remarkable opportunity that students across the economic backgrounds need access to in the city where opportunities are few and far in between and the kip education part of it and having seen students making incredible gains is unparalleled. We can continue to do incredible work if we have opportunities to open the Elementary School in the Bay View Community. With your help we can make all Students College ready and ensure they are fifth grade ready as well. Thank you so much. Speaking spanish. Span good evening. I am the mother of three children. I was a teacher in my country guatemala. I have a daughter and a son and another one in head start. I am here because i am interested in for you to open this new school kittel men Industry School for my youngest son. I love this classes in education they provide for our students. They are focused with high standards for the kids for the dedication. Before my daughter didnt like to read or didnt even joy reading. I had to remind her to do homework. Now, i she reads books by herself and enjoys read eg. My daughter is responsible. I am happy because i believe the school is instilling responsibility in the kids. I like the principal at kit bay view. They speak spanish in the school and provide the they help us communicate with one another. The principal is also of the school wants to hire more bilingual teacher to learn to work with diverse community. I am a resident of bay view. It is very important that we have a new school with quality and there is very few options for bay view sadly. Now, i am working to get my ged because i want to become a teacher here. I want that my children someday will go to university. It is very difficult for our latino children to go to university. I think the keep school is preparing them to get there and a chief dreams. Please vote yes for keep school. Thank you. I want everyone to keep in mind we are eight minutes and 55 seconds and a lot of people wish to speak. I and a vice chair of the kit bay area schools. I am proud to stand with the families raising up voices in support of a new school. You have heard about the many achievements the children have realized since we opened 14 years ago. Kip has proven black and brown children are smart, resilient and just as capable as the peers in more affluent areas provided they are given the opportunity to succeed. That is all they are asking that you, elective representatives vote to give them that opportunity. You vote as if you believe they are capable of success, to acknowledge the achievement gap is from the opportunity gap, that you vote as if your own childrens futures are at stake because i believe they are. The success of the children are your success and it is our successes. I have read the report recommending denial of the petition, and i dont think that any reasonable or fair person could conclude the issues in the report out weigh the history of achievement in the community nor do i think it out weighs the depth of the need in the bay view or commitment the families have to kip. There is a proverb that says knowledge is like a car gone if not culti garden. If it is not cultivitted it it is a state of emergency. You dont just wait and hope that someday someone is going to do something. You act immediately. There are no alternative paths for success for the youngest children. If those pathways existed these families would not be here. Kip can provide that pathway to success. A road to support this petition is the only responsible and just choice. Thank you. Good evening. My name is ali welch i am the founding principal. I started in richmond as a public elementary teac teacher. In june i began designing the Elementary School to honor the promise of continuous a long journey through college. As fighter for equity we must create schools where all students have access to teaching and learning and are loved for who they are. They shouldnt choose between education and learning environment. We will provide rigorous instruction. We will build a school where social and Emotional Learning and Identity Development are part of teaching and learning. Time is taken on a daily basis to strengthen is relationship rp with each other. We will explore passions with an arts program and choice and personal learning to the day. I deeply believe that our vision will be actualized if we work alongside families and Community Members in the bay view. Parent demand for the school is strong as 146 families have signed the petition showing interest in enrolling. I am meeting with the families regularly and hearing what they value in the school and hopes and dreams for children. We launched the team with Community Members, teacher, veteran educator from the community and kip alumnus with the strategy for the schools. Family voices are includes and will impact what the school becomes. At the end of the day we are hear for them. We have no greater partner for the success of is students. Turnout shows highquality Public Schools in the neighborhood and they do whatever it takes to have them. I stand in front of you on behalf of the families and ask you to approve the charter petition. Thank you. Good evening. I am johnson. I am the manager. With over a decade of experience in Early Childhood education and teacher and coach and supervisor i have seen firsthand the impacts of Early Education start. My job is to support the School Leaders run highquality andyfilled epmen tree schools. I am part of the pickup sort team to provide the kit bay school with thingdemic and nonacademic support needed to implement the program. We have operated three schools in the bay area. I am here tonight because i believe that all families in San Francisco deserve access to highquality Public Schools in the neighborhood regardless of the zip code and background. Parents are asking for an Elementary School where all children can envision a path to college from the first day of school. In response to the demand kip proposed a Public School where all students learn and grow in a safe environment. I aim filled with emotion as i stand with colleagues asking for your support and common dream of serving the Elementary School students. Thank you for your careful consideration and for your service on behalf of all San Francisco students. Thank you. Good evening. I am a fifth grade teacher. I am going to start by being transparent with you. Before i visited in 2015 i had visitations. I had learn about discipline and pressure on teachers and students. Now, i realize i could not have been further from the truth. I invite you to come see my classroom and school and notice what a hopeful environment it really is. To help you understand this i am going to tell you a little bit about a student in my class. My first year at fifth grade. He came more than two grade levels behind. He had experienced quite a bit of adverse city throughout childhood that affected his teaching. At the start of fifth grade he would it is there and leave the test blank. Over time he started to change the narrative. One day it was doing the work and participating in class and pushing the student thinking. Now in the seventh grade he is a leader. He serves as class assistant. There are a couple things that set him apart to become successful. Academic tools like math and reading. Another is Mental Health support above the caliber of any school i have ever student taught at or been to. As teachers w we are receiving training in trauma informed teaching to meet the students where they are and get them where they need to be. He Success Story is one of many at the school. It is proof with support students can change the narrative. Starting in fifth grade he spends so many resources playing catchup. We can do better. They deserve better. We can start these supports sooner. I want to say at the first Board Meeting one of you mentioned you agreed with us in some regard. You said that you know the Public Schools in bay view Hunters Point are under serving the community. You didnt see us as a solution. We are not offering a endall and be all. I am standing before you begging you the opportunity to offer one more option for a community more often than not left option less. Lets Work Together to make change happen. Thank you. I have been working in special education for the past seven years. Before teaching at kitt i taught at a title one Charter School that serves children from kindergarten through high school. I have seen the benefits and growth from early intervention. I remember my students on the first day of kindergarten so excited to learn. It is evident they had never held a book before. Last day of kindergarten they were reading at first grade level. This is due to the nurturing learning environment every child should have the same opportunity. I see the implications of not receiving excellent Early Education some of the middle School Students come to us two or more grades below grade level. That is why it is so important for it to become a reality. Families deserve to reit reach the highest potential. Thank you. Speaking spanish. I am diana. I have two children, one in kipp school. We are parents of kids in special education. They attend a school in the bay area. As we mentioned this because sometimes the parents we know our children and know the are needed and what they are facing in their learning and the way they should be learning. With organization and structurally. Speaking spanish. For that reason the parent we say should have options to decide which school we want our children to attend to. Kipp until now is what we want apartment what we have faith in. We know that it will push our kids to go all the way to go to college. Please, vote yes for a new school. Thank you. Of my minutes left for Public Comment. Good evening. I am a current employee of kipp academy. I have been working there for four years. It has been very warding and fulfilling. The relationships during the past four years i have seen the impact on the community as a kipp employee. For kipp to prepare for college they need to be exposed to kipp as young as possible. This will insure success. Now students are entering the kipp program. In order to prepare for academic education students need to be motivated. When it comes to kipp it is culture. The model works well. Families accountable for child education. These are all of the reasons why i want to send my son who is two years old and will be ready when it is ready to open. In could be conclusion students are provided resources to succeed that challenges them and enhances Critical Thinking skills, accountability between students and parents where students are supported. I have witnessed the strong bonds and trusts between administrators and faculty. Approval is an approval for my son and the next generation of students continuing the kipp tradition of academic excellence. Thank you. Good evening. I am lydia. I am a senior at kipp. I come from a family where education is valued. My parents immigrated from mexico 23 years ago for my brother and i to receive an education because they didnt have the resources. They made take choice for kipp. They saw it help my brother and wanted the same for me. I have been here since fifth grade. When i transitioned to high school i was around people with the same background. There were times where difficult situations were presented. I was more prepared compared to my peers. It gave me an education vigorous and caring on the path. Since middle school they have given me academic support. Kipp prepared us the best they could. It will give student esto have a better future. Take me, for example. I am applying to ucla and uc davis and uc san diego for a better future. I cant imagine where i would be if i wasnt given the support that kipp has given me. I am hoping these children will have a great education from the start of their educational careers. They will experience the same education and support kipp has given me and it can lead to a successful future. I am thankful for the education. Please vote to open the new school. Thank you. Hello. I am oscar hernandez. I am a senior in college prep. I live in the heights neighborhood. I love baseball and soccer. I love to hear about new ideas. I was here when i was five. I have been living in the bay. Kipp has a good reputation for a school that is a good education. It is an amazing idea. It gives the younger kids the best education there is. By opening up the kipp elementary it will be closer to one another. When one living outside of bay view they think it is bad neighborhoods, projects, they dondont want to send kids to. I think with two schools succeeding. I think my pe teacher and adviser for four years. Now this gives an opportunity for young kids to have a good education. It would give my little brother a boost on his education. I am a senior and i am asking the board of education to open up the kipp Elementary School. Thank you. Good evening. I am kenneth reese. This is my wife, lisa. I stand here for two reasons. One, i am the parent of children who have come up through the San Francisco School District as well as pastor in the bay viewpoint and i have did you so for over 21 years. That is okay. You can snap. That is good. Mr. Walton and mr. Cook have attended our church on a number of occasions. Feel feet to invite the rest of your crew to come to church. Here is the thing that i want to share very quickly about this. In my 21 years of serving the Bay View Community i have buried more than 40 africanamerican both male and female through the church. I buried them. One of the things i have seen is that academics is a way for our children to have access to things that they normally would not have. I think yo you you are recipienf that. Have been been there to see what is going on, we had a hard time trying to help our children go through the School District. He is a Success Story. We had trouble finding a place for him simply because the first school that they sent us to was was graded as a two on the scale of 10. From that point on we attempted to find school after school after school in which to send our children to no avail. They only wanted to send us to schools that were below par and less than so we wouldnt have it sent. Our son to private school which ended up a whole different story in and of itself. It had to deal with racial issues and all of that and being called out of the name and as an africanamerican male i did not want to see my son have to go through tha that on a certain l. Finding kipp at the junior high and the senior high level has opened doors for my son. We stood at the table every day to have dinner. We talk about what happened during our school day. Landon i heard him on a number of occasions since going through kipp talk about World Politics as well as his dad never did take geometry. That is all right. All of that but landon is in ap calculus and doing well. We are an advocate for the elementary as well as the high school and to not renew any contract that the high school has would be a detriment to the bay view Hunters Point community, and trust me, i think we will all hear if that does not happen. There are no threats. It is a mark, you know, on our community. I heard somebody say this. Are you going to say anything . Okay. I heard someone say and i will be through that kipp is taking the best and the brightest. I dont agree with that. I think kipp is taking and accepting whosoever will and making them to become our best and brightest. I am an advocat. You know me and my numbers. Please sit down and talk to me before we deny any of the requests given. You need to know the plight, you need to know the children and the plight in which they face. Okay. That was for the group. One more comment. We have passed 30 minutes. We have doctor walker. Then we will move forward with the meeting. Mr. President and school board members. I am the pastor. I just celebrated 49 years of pastoral ministry. I am going to make my comments baa of the timeframe. I am very disturbed and two words i would like to use that is the word crisis and emergency. That is with the africanamerican students in San Francisco. First i respect the board of education. I have had four kids go through the educational process here and they are doing okay. When you look at the statistics and it is devastating to the africanamerican students in the system and when it comes to the latinos and i thought i would take a lot of time to make sure i am accurate. I am very disturbed at this moment with the sophisticated city. It is a city that knows how to get the job done. I will make a point here. First, i respect the educational system. The point is that at this particular time during the slavery and most of you studied African American history. The ignorant slave was safe. One caucasian woman said any unjust law that will pass or made to break. That said it was illegal to educate African Americans. She was going to teach and train any africanamerican that she possibly could. That is even during slavery. Last comment is i helped five years ago when kipp came to the city. I helped them get established. I looked at the record as i was standing so i appealed to all of you to allow the school to continue doing the job that it is doing. Last point is that as you know in this city people have money send kids to private schools. I see kipp and the Charter Schools as private schools for these groups i am talking about. I hope that made my point. Thank you, sir. Thank you everyone for Public Comment. Now we will hear from the rest of my colleagues or student delegates. Any comments . Colleagues . Dont see anything. Commissioner mendozamcdonnell. I want to thank everybody for coming out this evening. This is an appreciate the efforts you are making around creating the extension to the kipp academy. The middle school and the high school we supported over the years, and i commend you for the work you have done in both your middle and high school. This actually was a really tough thought process for me. Over the years i have supported kipp and appreciate what you have done for family was in the community. I live in bay view. Many of the young people have either gone through kipp or know so

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