Star Journal
Sexual violence prevention youth program gets boost
From left, RHS Principal Shane Dornfeld, Activities Director Brian Paulson, OCHD sexual violence prevention coordinator Marie Otterholt, Woman's Club President Cindy Goll, Debbie Rinaldi of the Womans' Club, Woman's Clubcivic engagement chair Heather Sturtevant and SDR Superintendent Eric Burke.
The Oneida County Health Department (OCHD) received its first community donation to help fund its work on sexual violence prevention in the community. The GFWC Rhinelander Woman’s Club gave $1,000 to the OCHD in support of those programs.
Rhinelander Woman’s Club affiliation with the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) encourages club members to advocate for awareness, education and prevention of many types of abuse-related social issues. In 2021-22, GFWC clubs are specifically challenged to advocate for projects to prevent teen dating violence.