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Place orders on a scooter, take part in the apartmenttek draw, let me tell you, briefly about the main thing, up to this moment, a mass shooting in the united states, at least 22 people died in maine, about 60 more were injured. The police named the main suspect; the man was in reserve. The american army, he is still at large, about a hundred Police Officers are looking for him. Israeli armies strike gas sector in psakhal, they report the destruction of significant hamas facilities, as a result of shelling, more than thirty people were killed that night. The gas sector is on the verge of disaster, the city lacks water, food and medicine, local residents are clearing away the rubble. Kyiv can strengthen. Mobilization due to colossal losses during the fighting, as stated in the verkhovna rada, new brigades are needed on the front line. Previously, the ukrainian authorities reported about a possible total mobilization , they write that there are not enough fighters. There are not enough fighters to carry out the rotation. In the donetsk direction there is a special military operation, the military groupings of troops in the south repelled five attacks by the Ukrainian Armed forces, fighters from the west Group Successfully repelled attacks at timkovka, and the grouping of troops in the center in the krasnolimansky direction destroyed 20 enemy Field Artillery crews. This is vestit in the studio of philip trofimov, yandex today launches detailed maps of moscow, st. Petersburg, volgograd, yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and ufa, this was done primarily for drivers, well in the sense that the detailing concerns the roads on which markings appeared, well in meaning in cards. And not just traffic lanes, i assure you that we put 140 types of markings on the maps and thus reworked 6,000 km of roads, the most important from the point of view of navigation, according to the developers, we chose, first of all, roads with high traffic, that is, for each city we we look at the most travelable roads, all roads in yandexskakt are divided into certain conditionally classes, from the first to the seventh, and now we dont draw inside. Driveways, because there is no such strict need to see the markings, focused on main roads, roads of local, regional significance, that is, those that attract a lot of traffic , now live broadcast from beshkek , mr. Mikhail vladimirovich mishovsin, thank you, dear khalubekbekovich, dear colleagues, first of all i want to convey to you the best wishes from the president of russia, Vladimirov Putin. I would like to thank my kyrgyz colleagues for the warm welcome and for the Excellent Organization of the event; i would also like to separately welcome the first vicepresident of iran, mr. Mahber, in july of this year iran joined the organization as a full member, we invite iranian colleagues to join in the multifaceted work, of course, we also expect that in the very near future belarus will complete all procedures and will become one of. The organizations participants, as noted by russian president Vladimir Putin, at the july summit of our leaders, the sco, firmly, the sco is firmly committed to the formation of a truly fair and multipolar world order based on international law, on the generally recognized principles of cooperation between sovereign states with the central coordinating role of the united nations. The overall priority is to ensure the resilience of our countries to global challenges and to reliably protect citizens and businesses in conditions of increased competition and turbulence. There is also an increase in protective measures and illegal sanctions that lead to disruption of supply chains of goods and services around the world. Together we are able to cope with this, as evidenced by the growth in the volume of mutual trade, but for example, trade turnover between russia and other countries sco last year increased by more than a third and reached a record high of almost 18. 5 rubles, and in 7 months of this year it has added another 16 trillion rubles. The further deepening of interaction will be facilitated by the implementation of the Economic Development strategy for this decade, and of course, we must continue to work to improve. The activities of the organization, taking into account modern geopolitical realities. One of the promising areas is the expansion of ties in the field of transport. Russia pays increased and serious attention to this topic. We we are systematically engaged in modernizing the road Network Within the country. We have launched several more strategic projects that will open up additional opportunities for cargo delivery; in particular, we are consistently creating transport and logistics routes. Northsouth westeast, we are building up the infrastructure and infrastructure capacity of the northern sea route. Last year , the Shanghai Cooperation Organization approved the concept of developing interconnectivity and creating efficient transport corridors. I suggest to my colleagues become more actively involved in the implementation of such a significant document, instruct relevant departments to take the necessary measures for this and begin to develop an International Agreement on the use of the transit potential of our states. It is also necessary to continue preparing a memorandum for the development of automobiles. In the sco space , let me remind you, russia came up with such an initiative; comprehensive joint efforts on the transport track will increase trade turnover, develop new markets, which will benefit our citizens and businesses. For mutually beneficial economic cooperation, it is necessary to further eliminate legal and administrative barriers and at the same time build a modern payment infrastructure. We are increasingly using our own currencies in payments; it would be worth thinking about creating an independent regional payment and settlement mechanism, as well as ensuring the conversion of our currencies on national exchanges. It is important to deepen cooperation in the fuel and energy field, especially in the Current Conditions of Unstable Energy prices, imbalance of demand and offers. Our kazakhstani partners provided their vision of the strategy for the development of energy cooperation. Of the sco Member States until the end of the decade, we believe that the document should take into account modern trends, promote practical cooperation in the oil and gas sector, the coal industry, electricity, hydro, and nuclear energy, renewable and alternative sources, and generally increase energy efficiency. We must jointly introduce advanced technologies and ensure continuous supply Energy Resources of citizens and enterprises, and of course, to spend. In the strategy, another task is to strengthen food security. Russia continues to occupy a leading position in the agricultural sector, despite the difficulties provoked from outside. But let me remind you that last year our Grain Production reached a record figure 158 million tons. We are also counting on a good harvest now. The partnership between the state and sco members in the field of agriculture is regulated by an intergovernmental agreement. Which is already more, which is already more than 10 years, targets and priorities have been updated in thematic statements and in documents adopted at the highest level, so i am sure that the ministry, our relevant departments and departments will begin to work more actively in this direction, especially as it relates to Smart Agriculture and agroinnovations. Lets do everything necessary together to ensure that our citizens have access to the worlds population. We are united in our understanding of the growing role of high and green technologies, innovations, startups, and Digital Creative economies. And support these sectors are essential for the Sustainable Growth of industries and for the wellbeing of our people. It is necessary to clearly build interaction on the basis of accepted ones. Local documents, taking into account new ideas and innovations, including on responding to climate change, standardization, antitrust regulation, combating unfair competition in the customs sector, as well as within the framework of the green train program, especially since the current year has been declared the year of ecology of the sco. The reliable support of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has always been and will be developed humanitarian ties, first of all, in science, education, culture, healthcare, tourism and sports. They enrich the common heritage of our countries; one of the most important vectors here is the training of highly qualified personnel. More than 60, and the percentage of foreign students in russian universities are sco citizens. The Network University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization operates successfully. It unites 75 higher educational institutions from russia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, china, tajikistan and one from belarus, the country observer, and we expect that india, pakistan and iran will also join, training at the university is conducted in the most popular areas, such as science, energy, information and nanotechnology, regions of expertise, economics, pedagogy and many others, specialists in such. Specialties in such areas are needed, confidently, in all states, and the creation of a medical association will help increase the sustainability of healthcare in a common space. This Russian Initiative received the support of most partners in the in our opinion, its time to start implementing it in life. To implement joint research and innovation projects within the sco, we propose to build a pilot selection mechanism. Use the successful experience of conducting targeted competitions on the cis and brix platforms. This will accelerate the implementation of advanced developments in Priority Areas of the real economy. In the middle. In november , a forum of united cultures will be held in st. Petersburg, in which the states of the sco, brix, the cis and the Eurasian Economic Union will take part. Union. We would like to discuss the prospects for strengthening cultural and humanitarian ties for the benefit of our citizens and invite the relevant ministers of the sco countries to this significant event. I am convinced that they will be interested in getting to know the unique Cultural Heritage of our northern capital. And last year in samarkandi , russian president Vladimirov Putin came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a association of sports organizations under the auspices of the russian federation. We thank our colleagues who supported this initiative, and so that the athletes could demonstrate their achievements in a fair fight, we suggest thinking about holding various competitions, including igor sco with representatives of various states. Dear friends, the future of our countries lies with new generations of citizens. And we need to actively involve young people in our integration program. Invited the state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to take part in the world youth festival, it will be held in march in the city of sochi, will help strengthen friendship and Mutual Understanding between our peoples, we are open to your suggestions for meaningful content of this largescale. Dear colleagues, i would like to once again thank you, dear, all kyrgyz colleagues for holding the events , the chairmanship of the council of heads of government will pass to pakistan for the first time, and of course, we wish our pakistani partners fruitful work, thank you for your attention, thank you very much, dear, it was live broadcast from kyrgyzstan, Mikhail Mishustin takes part in a meeting of the council of heads of government of the sco. In an expanded format. The largest one was launched in norilsk environmental project in russia. The Sulfur Program is being implemented by nurnickel for hope. Plant, its result will be a radical reduction in sulfur dioxide emissions, vera moros will tell you all the details. Nadezhda metallurgical plant in norilsk, in this workshop, gases with sulfur dioxide , which are obtained as a result of metal melting, are collected, purified from dust and impurities and converted into sulfuric acid, which passes through a whole system of technological lines, and becomes environmentally neutral with the help of. From the herald, from this warehouse she also is pumped into this reactor in automatic mode, then the neutralization process occurs, the mixer is started, the mixing cycle goes through, there within 40 minutes the sulfuric acid is neutralized to the state of gypsum, a harmless substance, yes, which is also pumped out by the hydraulic transport system in the form of gypsum pulp for storage gypsum Storage Facility, then gypsum pulp, simply the gypsum is sent to a special. Water conservation reservoir, a gypsum Storage Facility with a capacity of 90 million cubic meters, an area the size of seven football fields. Sulfuric acid Production Capacity from the disposal of sulfur dioxide is about 2,400,000 tons per year, all this without stopping metal production. The uniqueness of our complex project lies in the fact that there is an incredibly gigantic production scale here, very difficult operating conditions for the equipment, such a solution to two technologies on such a scale is difficult to find in world practice. The largest environmental project in russia, the Sulfur Program at the nadezhda metallurgical plant , is being implemented by norilsk nickel. The total investment of the company is more than 180 billion rubles. And these costs are purely environmental in nature. We produce metals for the green economy, for the production of batteries and electric motors. Thats the idea. We are making our contribution to ensuring that the industry is green, but at the same time, for many years we have been the main polluter, so to speak, in this series, and accordingly have carried. This is such a sad stigma, and accordingly, liberation from this stigma is very important for us important, well, i would say, symbolic significance, at full capacity, Sulfur Program at nadezhdinsky metallurgical plant will be released by the end of 2024, after the launch of all technological lines, the plant will reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by more than 5 and a half times from one million tons per year to 197,000. Vera moroz, ekaterina dombrovskaya, vesti. In moscow , the heating operation has been adjusted, as reported by the capitals Municipal Services complex; due to the cold snap , the temperature of the coolant in the main networks had to be increased to 87. Well, weather forecasters generally predict heavy snowfalls in central russia in the coming days. Read more about Vadim Zavodchenkov will tell you about the weather. The weather continues to take extremes. It goes to the european part of russia. Today they will be hit by the elements, is it true that the first snowdrifts will grow in moscow when it all melts again, current Weather Analytics on the russia 24 channel, i am Vadim Zavodchenkov, leading specialist at the phobos center. Hello, the european part of the country will be thoroughly swept away in the coming days. The day before, the urals were at the epicenter of the snowstorm, these shots from chelyabinsk about the deteriorating weather of the City Residents and we, our colleagues warned, so the state Traffic Safety inspectorate and Road Services were transferred to an enhanced operating mode in advance. However, even such precautions did not help to avoid an accident and emergency situation. Already by the morning , the weather stations of the chelyabinsk region recorded the appearance of snow cover more than 12 cm high. And in the afternoon a couple more were added to this. As a result, there were accidents, including those involving public transport. In one case , a bus and a car collided. 12 people were injured. But on the russian plain on wednesday the weather was calmer, except for isolated pockets of snowfall in the north. For example, in st. Petersburg there was no heavy precipitation anywhere, although it got colder. In moscow, the temperature during the day did not exceed 2, and at night it dropped to 2. The reason for such contrasts is the collision of different atmospheric formations. The cyclone, which at the beginning of the week brought down rain and snowfall on the russian plain, has left the urals ; a partly cloudy but frosty anticyclone has begun to spread in its place, but the calm weather in its zone will remain shortlived, because a new atlantic whirlwind is approaching us from the west, on wednesday it swept across europe, this is what was happening there, heavy downpours were noted in italy, france, germany, hungary, great britain, in some places more than 30 mm fell in the flag, local floods were noted. I note that the cyclone is moving east. Quite quickly, today it will reach european russia and by this time it will not have time to waste all its moisture reserves, the first to feel the invasion will be the residents of the extreme western regions of our country, bryansk will be at the epicenter of the disaster, and in the morning, heavy snow is still expected here, but during the day the temperature will become positive, precipitation will turn into rain, in total up to twenty. 8 mm of moisture can fall in the city , exactly half the monthly norm, and tomorrow the whirlwind will manage to push the anticyclone to the northeast russian plain, the weather will already deteriorate throughout the entire central zone, as well as in the south. At first, the cyclone will bring winter to moscow, tomorrow it will snow all day in the capital, and the temperature will rise to a maximum of zero, in this situation by friday evening in the megalopolis the first ones may grow. Snowdrifts up to 7 cm high, but just as quickly as they appeared , they will melt, because warm air is contained in the circulation of the cyclone, it will gradually displace the arctic cold to the north of european russia and the urals, in other regions Rainy Weather will begin again offseason, in moscow today it will be frosty tomorrow, 0. 1 at the peak of daytime warming, and at night 1, 3, it is possible on the roads. It will be icy, but on saturday the warming will start. By sunday, frosts will leave the capital region, on monday , accompanied by rain, the thermometers will reach the mark. Thats all for me, goodbye. Tragedy in the united states, a mass shooting in maine became the largest in terms of the number of victims this year. Israel and hamas are exchanging blows; well tell you more about the situation in the middle east. The day before, Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the government. What topics were the focus . Mikhail mishustin in kyrgyzstan , prime minister, takes part in meetings of the sco and the cis. Following the meeting , a number of documents are expected to be signed. Today the state duma will consider the budget bill in first reading. Well tell you all the details. Winter is coming into its own, with snowstorms and low temperatures in the omsk region. What is the situation . In other regions of the country. In the united states, for several hours now they have not been able to catch the man who committed a mass shooting in maine. About 100 Police Officers are involved in the operation. The name of the main suspect was named, he turned out to be a us army reservist, robert cart. He shot at least 22 people and wounded about 60 more. It is known that the man worked as a firearms instructor, and at the same time treatment in a psychiatric clinic. The police do not say the exact number of victims. There are now more questions than answers, but hospitals are already struggling to cope with the number of victims. Im not sure if our hospitals are coping. Now, under the supervision of the police , a Medical Center has been set up for those who are not in serious condition. A helicopter was also deployed to transport the wounded to other hospitals in our state, ambulances were called from cities 120 km from here, now we are having a hard time. The first details of this tragedy and details the head of our bureau in the usa, valentin bogdanov, will tell you how the attack took place. The situation with a mass shooting in the states second largest city, maineston, is unfolding. There are not many details; there is a search or, in any case

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