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Vladimir putin instructed rostec to increase the production of cube and lancet drones , this was discussed at a meeting with the head of the state corporation. Sergei chemezov presented the president with an annual report. According to him, to date. The corporation unites about 800 scientific and Industrial Enterprises in sixty regions of the country last year are traditional today. Lets give a documentary report on the landmark developments that we have made over the 15th existence of the corporation. Today it is 44. 5 , which is more than civilian products in general for the corporation. Yes, to put it simply, here we have 90 of all our products. Which is involved there to increase the percentage in relation to the production of the latest expression patterns. Here we will put on just work. Yes, here are the aircraft complexes. What are we talking about, of course . Before this and so on. They have proven themselves very well. Yes, this is the production of kalashnikov, firstly, a powerful blow to any equipment, including foreign made ones. Not only does it burn and the ammunition explodes. And the manufacturers promised me that they would increase the amount of production with this promise, but we still need to increase it in the twenty fourth year. We will also begin to produce the ms21, also the first serial six aircraft will be transferred to Russian Airlines and in the twenty fifth year we will massproduce 10 e cars a year tu214 our e manufacturers have a real chance. Yes, released below, here we want to take advantage of this. Definitely a must do, of course there will be until the moment when foreign works and come back. They want this Enterprise Growth of all earned more than two trillion rubles. At the beginning of the year this is the head of the corporation Sergey Chemezov. Also told at a meeting with the president , our economic observer dmitry moroka followed the meeting. Dmitry greetings a. What developments is rostec currently engaged in . Welcome home the task is to fulfill the state defense order, but the share of civilian production remains stable. More than half of the state baron orders in the country today are taken over by rostec enterprises, last year the level of its implementation was 99. 5 . And in this , the head of the rostec corporation, Sergey Chemezov , reported at a meeting with the president according to him , the production of military products. Now all the volume that is required today for the full Defense Mission is growing in all directions. Well, we are closing for today a little bit of a percentage of the production relationship latest designs. And reached two trillion 116 billion rubles. Growth is mainly provided by an increase in the output of civilian products, given the work on the state defense ordered, its share of the enterprise, rostec, remains quite high, but today it is 44. 5 , in particular, in addition to military helicopters. The corporation is actively lowering civilian vehicles such as the mi171, which can be used in the fuel and Energy Complex to work offshore. Now the civil part leave approximately percent relation. I can say for sure that today we have 44. 5 of 0 civilian products in the whole corporation. Yes, last year it was 45. 5 due to the fact that the uh state order has increased significantly. And, of course, our share has decreased a little. Although in absolute numbers. Anyway, we have grown up here for comparison. So in the twentyfirst year. We had 939 billion. There, the share of civilian products, and the 22nd 942 billion. Slightly increased new absolutely relatively, of course, in relation to the total volume. Yes or general order. So we have reduced the production of combat aircraft here. Last year, it doubled, but at the same time, much attention is paid to the production of passenger aircraft. In 2024 , mass production of superjet new liners will begin. D8 instead of imported ones , 20 units will be produced annually. In addition , the first six ms21 aircraft will be transferred to Russian Airlines. Sergei chemezov. He also told the president about the work of the patriotic booking systems for leonardos Airline Tickets last year. It was launched as soon as possible. Today i successfully use aeroflot pobeda and other carriers. About 5 million passengers are registered in the system every month. Another topic that was discussed at the meeting was the labeling of goods. Today, it already applies to 10 different product categories from medicines to shoes and can significantly reduce the number of counterfeit goods on the market. Due to this , tax revenues are increasing. By last year, their amount was 435 billion. Rub. Labeling in recent years, we have done a great job in this direction, and we have a population coverage of 215 million. E was introduced not only in russia but also in the five allied states, er, 10 categories of different types of products are labeled this medicine is dairy products, water, shoes. Uh, light fur industry tires are perfumes, and photographic equipment is a tobacco product. Here in april we started labeling this year already beer in russia covered 570. 000 from msi cash register, aside which is completely connected to this system. These are just a few examples of landmark developments created over the 15 years of rostecs existence. Today , the corporation already unites about 800 scientific and Industrial Enterprises in sixty regions of the country and produces thousands of different types of products, both military and civilian. Cafe restaurants free grace period is always 180 days without interest and every 2 months. It starts again. And also free service and cash withdrawal without commission. Dark things, faded after washing. No the need to buy new gel caress recovery. 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Well dont forget to start working for yourself. 10 for purchases over the past day, Russian Troops have moved forward in the purchased direction , repelled an enemy attack for another four this was stated by the ministry of defense and the department reported significant losses of the ukrainian side in the Living Village of equipment. Assault detachments of the Western Group of forces in the course of conducting offensive operations on a wide front improved position along the front line in the areas of the settlements of olshana and pershit ravivaya, Kharkiv Region over the past three days, the advance of Russian Troops in this direction amounted to 11 km along the front and more than 3 km in depth defense of enemy settlements. Sinkovka, kharkiv 12. Counterattack of units of the 14th 32nd and 67th mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in addition, strikes by assault and Army Aviation with artillery fire, inflicted by the accumulation of manpower and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in Populated Areas point and birch bark in the Kharkiv Region. In the course of the day , up to 110 Ukrainian Military personnel were armored vehicles. Three vehicles usmade m77 artillery system and a usmade counterbattery counterbattery radiation station, a powerful explosion rocked the commercial port of derezhi in western turkey, according to local media , an emergency occurred in one of the warehouses while loading a ship with grain, injured at least 10 people according to the mayor, derringe, the damage has been done, and several elevators are being cleared of grain. At the same time, the container part is not damaged according to preliminary data. Reasons for the incident. An explosion of grain dust, as the press writes the shock wave was felt in a nearby town at the site of a pulled fire truck on fire and an ambulance, as well as antiterrorist detachments. Hot weather caused emergency blackouts, in some regions of the north caucasus earlier in krasnodar they asked to limit Energy Consumption due to a large load on the network. More details will be discussed with the leading specialist of the phobos centers Evgeny Tishkovets evgeny greetings a. How long will the heat last . Good afternoon faith in the western part russia she reached the peak and will soon begin to file, and in the regions located to the east , liberation from the heat will come later. At the height of the heat, part of makhachkala was left without electricity , which means that without the possibility of using air conditioners and fans , there is no electricity at 35 addresses, according to Power Engineers , the shutdown occurs due to overheating of transformers in makhachkala today, it was 33 in the afternoon. The heat in st. Petersburg continues to amaze the imagination by fifteen oclock the air has split up to plus 32. 5 and the daytime warming continues this means that today has already become the hottest at the beginning of the year, and before that a record hot night passed plus 23 6 even in the crazy heat in august 2010, the air cooled a little more in moscow, the rising wind slowed down warming. According to the latest data, the capital is exactly 30 . The day before at this time it was plus 31. 1. The peak of the heat in central russia has been passed. The weather in a significant part of the region continues to determine the sunny and dry anticyclone outlined conditions in the western part of europe. Russia is affected by the proximity of the frontal sections of the cyclone. Today in the zone 30. Heat. It turned out almost half of the russian plain and for thermo plus 30 stretched from karelia or the leningrad region through the upper volga region of central russia and to the shores of the middle. Volga tomorrow as a result of local precipitation and the beginning of the invasion of more fresh air. This line will shift to the south a little more than 1,000 km and will pass through the southernmost regions of the chernozem region and the middle volga region at night and in the morning the frontal section crossed the territory of belarus and ukraine the Western Region of russia, the kaliningrad region, was at the epicenter of bad weather the night before due to strong winds. The drivers drove through the leaves and rain like a wall, what is called blindly on tuesday, the main ridge of disparate heaps of water clouds associated with the cold frontal system will lie from the northwest of our country through central russia from and with its atmospheric tail will reach the chernozem region however, the intensity of precipitation will be small and will not exceed 5 mm. In moscow, starting from tuesday and until the weekend, the atmosphere will become unstable. This means that a bunch of towers in rain clouds will appear in the sky, accompanied by local rains and thunderstorms, which will refresh the air, if on tuesday the daytime temperature drops to plus 2527, then every day the thermometer readings will drop one degree and at the end of the week return to climatic the bed of august to plus 2224. At the same time, the strongest thunderstorms in the region will roar on friday and saturday, these are the forecasts for this minute state duma candidate for the post of head of khakassia sergey sokol presented the plan for the social and Economic Development of the republic until 2035 to the head of the ministry of Economic Development maxim reshetnikov. I also asked him for support with the implementation, according to sergei sokol, the Main Objective of the proposed plan is the growth of extrabudgetary investments, new jobs and Income Growth of the population , the agroindustrial sector of the metallurgical cluster, tourism, support for small and mediumsized businesses for their part were named among the basic areas reshetnikov said that he got acquainted with the presented program and believes that it responds to strategic requests. We need to increase Economic Activity through a set of large investment projects. Through certain targeted benefits, it is critically important to raise the income level of the inhabitants of khakassia. Hmm as a whole. And how do the Ministry Support your proposals for a special Development World ready to discuss more, there are some so to speak, well, there is always something yes that will improve i emphasize once again that the basic basic offers the basic backbone is very solid. Are you sure that we can do this, uh, without much delay, so that people feel the effect. Most importantly, something that gives us demands the president. The leader of the ldpr Leonid Slutsky today held an extraordinary conference on the nomination of Party Candidates for the Legislative Assembly of the dnr of the lpr of the zaporozhye kherson region, for this the militaryhistorical Museum Complex of the great patriotic war sandyk heights in the Rostov Region was chosen during the conference, a meeting of the chairman was held the ldpr with Party Activists also conducted a special Training Program for candidates, as for the president ial elections, as slutsky noted, the decisions of the candidates are made at the ldpr party congresses. The ldpr traditionally holds them in december. Our future depends on what happens on the fields of the special operation. Oh, and, of course, we understand that everything significant that will happen in russia in the coming years will take place on the territory of the four new regions. Today we are imprisoned to help the front. 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