The presiding officer the senate will come to order. Under the previous order, all postcloture time is expired. On the wiegand nomination. The question now occurs on the nomination. Is there a sufficient second . There appears to be. The clerk will call the roll. Vote vote vote vote the presiding officer are there any senators in the chamber wishing to vote or change their vote . If not, the yeas are 82, the nays are 14. The nomination is confirmed. Under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table, and the president will be immediately notified of the senates action. The clerk will report the motion to invoke cloture. The clerk cloture motion we, the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate, do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of thomas t. Cullen of virginia to be United States district judge for the Western District of virginia. Signed by 17 senators. The
Played our heavenly father is wage ourou grief. And then to have laid atl costly sacrifice and a President Trump complained about world war i because they were suckers and losers. President trump has received some lows. And with the depravity of his comments and the nature of military service in general the lowest of the low. And then to lay down their life for the country. No greater sorrow everyone who has the privilege of working in Public Office knows the deep truths in their bones. But not the current president of the United States. Not this man who dodged the vietnam war with bone spurs or families. Ed and then to say i prefer people who are not captured. Not this president who doesnt understand one iota of the word sacrifice and why they may not get themselves for a larger cause. When President Trump went to Arlington National cemetery and then he said i dont get it what is in it for them . Everyone should be appalled what the commanderinchief said about Service Members it affec
By the from the senator from illinois president lincoln played our heavenly father is wage ourou grief. And then to have laid atl costly sacrifice and a President Trump complained about world war i because they were suckers and losers. President trump has received some lows. And with the depravity of his comments and the nature of military service in general the lowest of the low. And then to lay down their life for the country. No greater sorrow everyone who has the privilege of working in Public Office knows the deep truths in their bones. But not the current president of the United States. Not this man who dodged the vietnam war with bone spurs or families. Ed and then to say i prefer people who are not captured. Not this president who doesnt understand one iota of the word sacrifice and why they may not get themselves for a larger cause. When President Trump went to Arlington National cemetery and then he said i dont get it what is in it for them . Everyone should be appalled what
You very much. The committee on Natural Resources will come to order. The committee is meeting to hear testimony on the questions of the u. S. Park police june 1 attack on the Peaceful Protesters at Lafayette Square. Under Committee Rules, oral Opening Statements and the ranking minority member or his designee. This will allow us to hear from the witnesses sooner and helps members ge keep to the schedule. Therefore i ask unanimous consent of the members o memberg statements be made a part of this hearing records submitted by 5 p. M. Today. Hearing no objection, so ordered. Without objection the chair will also declare a recess subject to the call of the chair. As described in the notice of documents and motions will be submitted to the electronic. Additionally please note members are responsible for their own microphones and as with the in person meetings members can be muted only to avoid inadvertent background noise. Anyone present in the hearing room today must wear a mask covering
Were behaving peacefully thank you very much. The committee on Natural Resources will come to order. The committee is meeting to hear testimony on the questions of the u. S. Park police june 1 attack on the Peaceful Protesters at Lafayette Square. Under Committee Rules, oral Opening Statements and the ranking minority member or his designee. This will allow us to hear from the witnesses sooner and helps members ge keep to the schedule. Therefore i ask unanimous consent of the members o memberg statements be made a part of this hearing records submitted by 5 p. M. Today. Hearing no objection, so ordered. Without objection the chair will also declare a recess subject to the call of the chair. As described in the notice of documents and motions will be submitted to the electronic. Additionally please note members are responsible for their own microphones and as with the in person meetings members can be muted only to avoid inadvertent background noise. Anyone present in the hearing room t