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Of generals. As many people have way to die as we speak now, was half a 1000000 people who have kind of been displaced. South africas president s slums as well as collective punishment. All the students in gaza with tens of thousands of forced to for you the homes. The for must go to the world. Youll watching all the international moneys pizza scotts here with the top stories this. Our thanks for joining us. One of as well as the latest strikes has reportedly killed at least 20 and wounded 8 to civilians in the shots. Even if you did come, i seem to believe in the gaza, a quick one, and you may find the following images disturbing. So, this video footage shows people being rescued from the left by the attack with children and women among them. The person is trying to save his dog, local journalist, how does it children, since its difficult for me to see the whole family over the whole family there that all of them are the know who the family were that i i witness on my own eyes and ship a hospital that, you know, it was cool that you know, our cars was delivering on a transfer to a, delivering these injuries and trying to pick them up from that place to the ship to the hospital. Because of this, this, this house is just next to the you know, of shelters. And as i told you, the tax itd be where nobody feeling safe here in garza and the situation is really tough everywhere because of the 5 hours they say that given to the civilians, to do things as usual doesnt work. What does it work on . They killed many people. They dont want the people in, in the houses before the target to their houses. And distortion here basically is basically just like a disaster, something something unusual, something weve never seen before, but it doesnt. People are shocking. Im trying to have some, some hope from the world because they lost hold and they dont trust the world anymore. And this is what we hear from the people here from the low comes they c, v say were not, were not leaving from here until we have a solution of the color scheme costs. The hospitals in gaza, city are overwhelmed by the catastrophic influx of casualties. Many children among the civilian victims of these are the bombing. And again, you may find the following images distressing. The hello city and Officials Say at least 724 children have been killed by 0 strikes over the past week of non stop violence. These obsessing images of m c 5, which is the largest hospital in gaza and its being overwhelmed with new patients by the hour. Again, more graphic images. It had the honest and in the morning the dead while praying for those who can still be saved as adults is fine for their lives. The hospital has also become a shelter for an estimated 40000 oddest indians on the hospitals, drivers as those locals to take cover from allegedly indiscriminate as strikes as the will help you with the general knowledge of the gym. I used to get some does the City Residents and now evacuating through the southern parts of the enclave is in a military claims its only attacking time us targets for follow science. As the more than 2200 civilians have been killed. More than 8000 wounded vice really strikes that jeff has dropped leaflets in northern gaza, doing more than a 1000000 civilians to leave the area. The World Health Organization says these ready order could evacuate to evacuate, could be a death sentence. For many patients in 1000 hospitals of the lives of many critically deal and fragile patients hanging the balance, those in intensive care or who rely on life support. Patients undergoing haemodialysis newborns and incubators, women with pregnancy complications, and others all face eminence of deterioration or death. If they are forced to move and are cut off from life saving medical attention, wellbeing evacuated, forcing more than 2000 patients to relocate to southern gaza. Where Health Facilities are already running at Maximum Capacity and unable to absorb a dramatic rise in the number of patients could be 10 to amounts to a death sentence. Palestinian Resistance Forces have claimed that early idea as to i have his civilian come boys. We must warn you, yes, a gun to the following images. All disturbing these and verified videos have been circulating online and they do appear to show civilian convoys that have been destroyed. According to paula sydney and forces, 70 people were killed and over 200 injured, with most of the victims being living in shelter. While the dead sold in gaza had surpassed 2000 to many palestinians are still missing and fit to be trapped under the rubel. The additional issue so thats what this shows rescue is giving both the toilets, a boy called telemundo, whos been trapped beneath the rouble of a gaza residential building. First responders have been able to pinpoint slips survive is using the mobile phones the, the, the, the, the, the, the the, the, the, the, the, because the you dont have the loaner, the political unless function is just as that, as well as legal occupation of Palestinian Land is the main reason behind the light is conflict . Or is it just the one that says this less still corporation in the the 2 races that i the Commission Must be ended. I think thats why assuming an end of that event was, has this it was recent corporation must be stuffing. Not only because they kind of funny also because they said that you didnt know who is the st seconds in the moment in the guys are. But also i seen video enough is enough. And on these people, in all of the skeptical has the same name that they say the one was eh, they, they claim that this will corporation would be ended as soon as possible, like this, but also by all of the, for the, on the suit you. So this own copies are we that is sending these you the question you people are these they will mean while egypt is trying to alleviate speaking monetary disaster and they bring gaza card was the thoughts of la agreed to open the raft. I bought a check points, but its denying access to us citizens. But thats what it said, 5. 00 to 600. 00 guys, and the residents also hold american passports. Egypt is reportedly booking the access to the country. As kind of is this, the humanitarian aid must be allowed into a gaza 1st run me on whos a gaza journalist currently in egypt says theres no safe place for civilians inside the post in enclave. A really long before the situation is i guess that is very bad, but he is a very safe place for any kind of the situation. And uh, i think simply youll see my, you know, getting most of forgot his name. So it is legal, sort of Nicholas Bailey is one of the people i tell you i saw supplies in the Community Still way. I think the only really thing. So still in the that single again, i think im going to do the people like the story is im going to be such a and journalist aside case says that the International Community is turning a blind eye to the fight of gauze and civilians. Aggravated by the its very, its such as all of this data that i see from the International Organization was, are united nation. I dont know why they are keyed sign and now about what is, what is the info fee that way sion border feelings of killing civilians. People, its going millions of people. I dont know what to do, what is that . And how begin to describe it, why they keep silence . Where is they gonna is ations . Where is a human lives . Where is the last payment to be as why they need to ins, aids and i those things is that they all, so i the thing and all of them for most of the organization are corrupted and they are like cool, great, and so forth. It is william again, its the same people. Will simons have rung out across to olivia. I made a fresh wave of rocket stripes from gaza. Seas middle east, the bureau chief, me if an option to report some, a shelter in these very sit the massive attack on is ro by smell its been started with a central part of the country including telling me where i am right now targeted. And this is why we are reporting from this underground parking dod civilians are recommended to use the use as a bomb shoulder inside situations. And this is where were rushed. When we heard a rocket alert system being activated, we also heard several loud sounds of explosions. Its really hard to say at these points whether these were in perceptions or direct pizza. And we also hear that cyrus were further wrong. Then we own international airport. The big is here in israel. So far, no casualties have been reported since the beginning of these rarely, military operation against her mos lost, such as a boots on the ground, have always been the matter off when and not even. Now the idea says final preparations are well on the way for a significant ground operation, which will include joint and combined attacks from the air c and land. So we do know that israel has already deployed more than 300000. 00 reserves. And we know that israel has received lots of most advanced emanation and equipments from the western countries, primarily from the United States of america for so yes, we may expect some Breakthrough Development as have very soon, but again, unclear when lets listen to whats the idea of Spokes Person has to say about that. Now the idea of forces backed by an extensive logistical effort and by completing the reserve mobilization of hundreds of thousands of service, men are prepared to implement a wide range of all sense of operative plans which include among other things, an integrated and coordinated attack from the air, sea and land idea battalions and soldiers are deployed all over the country and are prepared to increase readiness for the next stages of the war with an emphasis on a significant ground operation. As wells ultimate goal is to develop the rise and collapse from us, the milton develop that has been rolling garza for more than 15 years already. But it also has to find and return home, all those kidnapped soldiers and civilians that are currently being housed by a mazda and guys, a dozens of them. So that could explain sort of delaying the ground operation. All these really army in the guys us 3. Meanwhile, we had a Israel Security council has recently estimated that israel failed to prevent a masters attack. Go scribbles. There is no doubt that israel has not fulfilled its mission to prevent an attack from the gaza strip. We believed that how mas had learned the lesson during previous is really military operations in the palestinian enclave. It was a big mistake. Earlier were seeing Prime Minister benjamin antonia who owned the ground and deliberated your supplements and towns and the southern part of the country wareham mass militants managed to enter exactly a week ago, killing civilians clashing with the army and taking dozens hostage including women and children. And then yeah, who keeps promising in following that israel will when this oregons come, us literally on saturday is very processed as rallied instead of eve calling on the Prime Minister to resign. Benjamin netanyahu is feeling the heat, so based governments failure to preempt the homeless attack or mosquito, the hostages still held inside gaza. So the demonstrate just simply didnt minutes, that was a criminal government that doesnt take responsibility. And so the back a and get off the chairs and not the right people and those even today, they dont do anything constructive in the, on their chair. Is that this function now . Yeah, the cause with this is that disaster, together with the general who admitted their falls and took responsibility. The government is that knowing what needs to be done for the captive for the people who are in there, are you guys a, did he give it any ultimate ultimatum . Did he say anything to the some us . Did he say anything to the parents in the family . A very and provide anything, any answer anything. Theyre just theyre not doing the job. I think a is there a government to go out or down on her knees and tell you on the wall. Now break all of our people back and really bring you back all the 1st thing in a present that writing chatting is read all of them and then take them, give us our detailed and better we can stop, dont do nothing for it. So india is among the countries that are now scrambling to evacuate citizens from bullets on israel and you data, the Prime Minister and a vendor mode has authorized an operation to relocate some 18000. 00 Indian Nationalist from the middle eastern states. Now these 664 of them have already been sent to india. I have to overcoming some logistical hurdles on of evacuation. Ok sada, who studied in israel. So it was how he got caught up in the bottom and was forced to feed the country. Surprisingly, we heard so many located the hiring around uh, uh, like uh, a fido visit. I. And we heard the, the site on. And whats the site is what happened and before then they basically made yeah, they watched it as a president key and then of so 600 on the side, on the seat on the inside made. And we sold the noodles and we understand that, oh my god, its uh, i paid to him come outside and uh yeah. Then we were like, we went for to share that immediately. And they thing about, i think 3 or 4 our, our more than that continues to, you know, good fighting was dead and the date was the 40, but i couldnt listen. Theyd be like sunset, a little friend isnt really say in apartment, i didnt the unsafe but whom so most of the people who ran to change that for the 50. Well, some of the indian a vacuum easily reach out to beached out. So you have express gratitude to the government as well as these really leadership they are, they are still too many students with their families and everything. They are bidding for. The indian governments do that, but i just got to in them but time whatever government is they, they are doing to mend as well. And it says leave the m s. C of in the im is read the. 6 book in the night and making sure that every indian has the opportunity to like get back to the country if they want to go to change my plans. I love it and then finish my be i know its a whole lot find all lined up. Im literally in the new design all most genocide, thats how south africas president s has branded as well as a full. So displacement all civilians from northern garza. It is right. The government is directed to, to withdraw with this whole mind of getting people out of the nose in front of god. Because it is in the end, the great amount of genocide as many people are ready to die as we speak now, almost half a 1000000 people, palestinians have been displaced. The can lead is the as a whole, all sounding the law mission would see it. The seniors have proven once again thats they wont easily give up indeed to this claim to somebody. And one of that takes place for totally a does indeed stand would pad a student to the post. As the mazda, of course, im the, as mostly to say for the senior is try to publish the, the type of digital bucket seats, and all types of armed in on the resistance and purchase to get the world attention. But all of that has gone on. This is the International Relations minister as well. De dependents has used an opportunity at the 3rd international, the name of inhumanity conference, to Pro Solutions on global issues thats also called for a boy clocked off. These are all screwed. The mid rates you go in. Ringback middle eastern calling for more extra interest. Both of you to simulate each to be struggle against. So thats it to apply to that. So the positions the government in the country is taking is not surprising or thats of them. Listen to more of the watch minister and the lady has have to said we support those of the people of people is say that the palestinians have the right to have their own state where they exercise authority and free will within it. So weve also accepted un resolutions that they should be a 2 state solution over time. Israel has worked to make that impossible. Just a bundle is also quoted for freedom. Ringback that part of speech to knowing exactly what policy news are going to during this difficult time with all that is, reflect whatever comes from. And what so bedford, how old is wants to do is play a role in finding peace. We dont hate people. What we want is observance of international law. Its ensuring that people are press stuff free and that they enjoy the nice, with every human being does the support of that evidence on the ground. You know, youve seen in the several, hundreds of people who help produce this outside of these items to, um, say the races in tape tony. And also i think its concentrated into how does this all of them do. So the devotees, we put a c means that the past few days, even so that it can be just, its faith, have pulled and acknowledge that these strategies policy the what for the scene is it all make a copy of the a particular policy so that the guy and the attendees attribute international conference. Lets say that the question ill put a student has been an issue for the piece now. And from where everyone standing, this could have been avoided a long time ago and the position that all of them are taking this everything the power to stop thats lead ron has stepped. So as the most vocal supports are all from us on this auctions against israel. You, any foreign minister has met with the gods and minutes in groups lead to in the capital of cuts off as that theyve runs 12 different months, visited iraq, syria and lebanon, for adults, with the officials the in recent days. In the fall, administer, ill say a man of july on the has called on the International Community to stop barking israel. Se ones of the buttons could split across the region due to the response of unspecified forces, the best suited to the International Community. The United Nations and to access in the world and region because of port design is entities worth and then a reluctance that they will receive a suitable response in a place meet the resistance of the themes and appropriate. So you may, according to my knowledge of the stage of the resistance, i would like to warn the war criminals and the supporters all is well and the region before it is too late, or let them immediately stop the crime. So be so big zionist entity, which is skill in children and women, its caught on edge and the University Officer on experts on this very paula standing f, as told us a gaza shouldnt expect much help from International Organizations. I dont think that just relying on the, you know, that expectation that people, you know, the conscience of these International Organizations or countries is going to do something for the, for the palestinian people. Uh, well this has not happened on a practical level before. And i dont expect that to happen right now, unless there is some force to support that nothing whats being developing in the arab world. And in muslim countries. Its but something more positive, i guess. And you said, you know, the diplomacy between iran and other countries in between the countries. Big thing thats happening here is that, you know, all talks of normalization between the, of some muslim countries and israel, which were going go on as a typically well. And people are expecting an announcement regarding the saudis read normalization piece has stopped. And i think people are reminded by whats happening, garza, thats kind of piece Um Development in the region without considering the plight of the palestinians is impossible. So i think if we look at it from this time mention, i ultimately sick that may be something positive will come out of this diplomacy between these countries. Meanwhile, they purchased on thousands of valid and supports of the palestinians. The devastation was organized by the assembly of his stomach, clerk, spotty. And heres whats on the protesters in the city official. Well have to say the best part of the assembly of these. Lemme clerks. Policy. We are ready to offer our lives and property to support and help the palestinians. Im also repeating to the you and to respond immediately under its own shown to an international law. Palestinians have the legitimate right to peaceful lives, just like the rest of the world. The 7th day of aggression, genocide and bowman of gauze. Israel is billing fully supported by americans, nato, and do appear in countries. So all of those muslims must, you know, items, tons off to that, to lions. As well as an american. Dont. A savage beast that has been leased to tear muslims apart. Now is the time to approve this come and throw them into the dat. See you preach to us about human rights. Look at your own hands. The blood of muslim speech tripping down to your elbows. When it moves and takes up arms to defend himself, he called them a tourist for the us, they didnt even bomb if again, his son is marching 2 decades. As israel has bummed, gathered in one day. Well, those are the main stories. This our do head over to come on websites or social media pages from all my names be discussed. Thanks very much for watching the the thing to go. I la jim. Bye. The is the yes. The, the, the, you know, the quint shows for the to pick to pick whether to just kick and i, michigan. 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