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Been rather successful in fighting the virus but its not taking any chances new rules are kicking in this week in regions of concern the countrys most populous province and terrio is ordering the closure of gyms and movie theaters a ban on Indoor Dining in restaurants and bars and restrictions of 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors at public gatherings parts of europe are following similar protocols the u. K. Is limiting the size of gatherings and is restricting social gatherings of any kind in high alert areas such as london and liverpool france has declared a Public Health state of emergency and germany and italy have introduced a number of new measures to reduce infection rates even sweden which has been praised by some for not having a lockdown is preparing to implement strict new rules as coronavirus cases rise in that country taking things to a level that most are trying to avoid wales is imposing a complete lockdown for 2 weeks. This fall you brick is the shortest we can make it but that means that it will have to be sharp and deep in order to have the impact we needed to have on the value of us in other posts a degree there is grim news iran has broken single day record of digressed deaths with 337 patients dying on monday and was relatively stable africa see more cases the latest so thats what this minister of health and his wife have tested positive for 290 the United States india and brazil i mean the worst affected countries in the world for the best and i watch my little. Markets are reacting on this monday ahead of a looming deadline for a u. S. Stimulus deal over the weekend House Speaker nancy pelosi set a tuesday deadline in a letter to House Democrats oppose he said shes optimistic about negotiations while there was some encouraging news much work remains the white house does not appreciate the need to direct resources to culturally competent Contact Tracing a few issues remain at an impasse on child tax credits state and local funding and the census while the senate is scheduled to vote on 2 really fills this week on tuesday theyll vote on the extended Payroll Protection Program for Small Businesses and on wednesday theyll be voting on a 500000000000 dollar current of our stimulus bill neither of these are expected to pass for more on this and the Market Reaction to the cia and c. E. O. Open most ill see. Stocks seem to be having a roller coaster this monday markets rose earlier in the morning at the futures were up on hopes for the stimulus deal but then they fell from this lack of progress and a rising number of covert 1000 cases as we heard alex say whats your Market Outlook from now through the end of the year given these crosscurrents. Well i think thats really the 64000. Mark yeah right. Think its almost impossible to say its almost a fools errand to try but without a come yet let me try and nevertheless i suppose a study of all major drama was. The c. Code 90 in the case lou. With a lock downs are coming back what shape or form oh exceed that the other thing you mention that is stimulus and then nancy pelosi is lying and it. Seems that also official if things get done more choose the whole route. But i think that looks very unlikely before the election most of the us decided against delaying this election so i think thats unlikely to have but. Then this the Federal Reserve policy. In terms of Monetary Policy which i think has been the driving force in the markets im not so since the middle of march when the. Massive in the markets but now seems to be sort of stable as well and i think the real thing driving markets the most is upcoming election and people soft to get nervous it looks like its going to be over the substantial charts its going to be a contest this election may be very very messy and i think that has people nervous and today so the markets open and things like. Yes definitely interesting to see that this roller coaster a lot of these headlines impacting the markets kristie lets talk about the u. S. Shale industry theyve been in a massive downturn in the here and now we are expecting to see some consolidation in the industry and weve already seen some as some smaller players ran out of cash so theyre trying to to can tolerate now Conoco Phillips just agreed to buy contra resources now those shares have gone up since there were talks about them having this potential deal how is that the exactly playing out so you asked me so far the last couple of months that we expected to see more consolidations and weaken industries such as oil and gas and perhaps Even Airlines later on in order to weather the weather out this economic downturn so consolidation with basic. We mean more synergistic opportunities lower operating cost more economies of scale so todays deal is between Conoco Phillips and concho for about 9700000000. 00 in stock which is the largest shale industry deal since the collapse of the Energy Demand earlier this year so this will create a giant heavyweight driller in americas most prolific oil field so this pandemic induced energy crash and then the lackluster Global Recovery that has accelerated the push for consolidation across the entire shale patch so we talked about how levered these companies were after years of very cheap debt field growth so this actually this deal actually may signal further mergers and acquisitions in this sector as now idle drillers look for more ways to cost in order to survive so no goes thus far has survived pretty well this oil slump but its Growth Outlook still remains very challenging 2nd quarter growth production was down about 25 percent as a curb outputs as a response to the lowered prices so this deal between conoco and concho is now a desire to basically bulk up its size and scale and ill become very important Going Forward so with this deal it is projected to save about 500000000. 00 a year by 2022 and this is the largest deal this year correct yes so thats theyre trying to consolidate and really help one another at this point i want to turn over overseas to chinas economy grew 4. 9 percent in the 3rd quarter that was below expectations now issues such as unemployment have diminished Household Income and shifting Consumer Behavior they continue to plague the country in the recovery and growth continue or are we now at a plateau. What i think most countries would give. What im saying. 3. 2 percent. Much much better than what we saw. So i think overall trajectory is in the right direction things look pretty good overall there was some softness in terms of Consumer Spending program. But if you look at other indicators things like just 2 out pools of exports or those things grew close to double digit levels or so i think overall the chinese economy looks like its moving very much in the right direction as a mother who is also interesting terms of code 19. China has an enormous tourism so the chinese 10 spent abroad and Foreign Tourists bring into china and that of course is going to be correct in that correct is a great word to use but were going to see that reverse basis. Deficit in some stores and thats going to help us balance of trade quite so youll see a much we should see much of this up is coming as a result so i think china is looking actually quite encouraged i dont think this more missing tells the for us is anything to be concerned about oh yeah like you said thing of the growth at this point anywhere if some is good news kristie meanwhile that the u. S. Federal reserve chairman Jerome Powell spoke to the International Monetary fund about the digital dollar take a listen. We are committed to carefully and thoughtfully evaluating the potential costs and benefits of a Central Bank Digital currency for the u. S. Economy and Payment System as well as for its International Implications we have not made a decision issue it acb d. C. And we think that theres a great deal of work yet to be done but Something Like 80 percent of Central Banks around the world are exploring the idea of issuing currency in digital form. So one of the main concerns from drone power is to be right not 1st what could this mean what could it do for b p c. Well right now the big question is actually getting a huge boost not only from drone policy message but also from the i. M. F. Director georgieva who says that a new brand woods movement is actually needed right now so this is a Huge Movement and weve already seen some very large accumulations over the past 2 months taking place so this message that the i. M. F. Is essentially sending out shows that the Financial System is currently under tremendous strain after trillions of dollars have basically been created out of thin air and 2020 and most governments are now running these massive deficits which are unlikely to end and now were facing a huge new wave of rising poverty that we literally have not seen in decades so as such in order to combat this georgieva declare that we face a new Bretton Woods movement so as we all know this Bretton Woods movement was agreement was what led to the integration of the Gold Standard that pretty much set modern day monetary world order which pegged the u. S. Dollar to gold so now with the coronavirus pandemic the i. M. F. Is tao calling for a new standard thinking that there needs to be an overhaul to the entire Monetary System in the world so in a nutshell its saying that the Current System is no longer suitable which is a very scary thing to say and so while the details right now are currently scarce of what it actually means speculators right now believe that this could very much involved bitcoin taking the place of gold as a hedge against inflation so if this new standard emerges it could use bitcoin as a hedge and the timing is just so perfect as what you just said with all the c. D. C. s now coming online not only the u. S. But also with china and other countries as well so if this happened that quine could easily top 100000 which is great news for all of the hollers but actually it could also lead to some. Very disturbing new reality in the future for c. B. S. These where basically the entire establishment is moved on to a digital money digital socializing and a complete public tracking tracing and controls and monitoring of transaction tracing and them them telling you where your money goes so thatll be interesting to see how this is actually going to play out i know weve talked about this law and well continue to to discuss it we approach and if it comes to fruition or whatever happens the most cohost christi i end of time runs the c. E. O. Of open eyes ill see thank you both for breaking this down for us thank you. After years of debate over how to dispose of treated radioactive water reports surface that japan it plans to dump millions of gallons of fukushima water into the ocean environmentalist and local fishermen are worried and urging the japanese government to reconsider the decision the plan is to dilute the water up to 600. 00 times by contaminated water of the plant managed by the Tokyo Electric Power company is already running out of Storage Space and it has cost tepco 200000000000. 00 in september Prime Minister yoshihiko show said the government would like to take the responsibility and decide on the direction of what to do with the treated water as quickly as possible the water tanks are expected to fill up by 2022 and the earliest which the release would take place. Time now for a quick break but stay here because the return the Great Barrington declaration is under scrutiny by those who say that implementing strict law is not the answer and we have a panel standing by and as we go to break here the numbers up a close. Immediate environment used leak if you disagree with the official narrative youre told a conspiracy theorist never mind many of visual narrative which we are to seriously and is big pick a war with talk to. The single greatest most important aspect of any functioning society is price discovery price discovery more so than any moral or aesthetic or ethical. Kind of set of rules because without sound money without some price discovery you dont have a society full stop. Seemed wrong well we just dont hold. Any new world view yet to shape out these days become agitated and in games from an equal betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for Common Ground. Secret prisons and usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe even the most prosperous can be deceived within this 0 zone there were 2 view houses were. Preserved were located only. To the story for investigators covered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. You great ignore. For. Trying for justice. Americans love. This was a fundamental part of how our Political Leadership and our country at large understood the bargain you get a home and then you know rebel right as the things you dont revolt if you have a stake in the system. Really interesting back and think about the longer deeper history housings man in the United States not just that question of the American Dream the bigger question of who the dream is for. The World Trade Organization decision to authorize European Union tariffs on u. S. Imports abstention to this transatlantic trade the e. U. Could impose 4000000000. 00 in annual tariffs to the u. S. In a dispute over subsidies of plane maker boeing executive Vice President for an economy that works for people on commissioner for trade all these dombrowski said additional duties are not in the economic interest of either side particularly as we strive to recover from the coven 1000 recession this comes in retaliation after the u. S. Already imposed tariffs on the e. U. Last october hitting french wine Italian Cheese and single malt scotch whiskey and others while the e. U. Hopes to find Common Ground and for the u. S. To drop these tariffs. Its called the Great Barrington dark gratian a signed document by over 10000 medical and Public Health scientists 27000 medical practitioners and over half a 1000000 concerned citizens the authors of this declaration which include a professor of medicine from Harvard University a professor an epidemiologist from Oxford University and a professor from Stanford University medical school calls for an end to all current lock downs especially for people who are deemed a low risk of death an infection from cope at 191. 00 section reads as immunity builds in the population the risk of infection to all including the vulnerable falls we know that all populations will eventually return immunity the petition states our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity joining us now to discuss who. Both coasts of the state of journalists and swan and Jeffrey Tucker of the American Institute for Economic Research development thank you for being here ben obviously this declaration is extremely controversial but isnt a covert vaccine supposed to get us to herd immunity. Yes it is yes to both of them its controversial and a vaccine is supposed to give us the herd immunity but its not the only way to herd immunity unless of course you only listen to big pharma big pharma will tell you that before vaccines i guess there was no such thing as herd immunity and yet now we know of course that thats not true what we know is this the way the human body responds to pandemics because there have been pandemics all throughout Human History is to build herd immunity through exposure to a virus what this document is essentially saying is we know and what we do now know about covert that we didnt maybe know 6 months ago is that there is a certain segment of the population that is not very susceptible to coat it the younger you are obviously children teenagers people under 19 years old have you know virtually no susceptibility in terms of getting sick or dying from it and then anyone who is under the age of 60 really doesnt have a tremendous number of people who are susceptible to it the average age of death for cove it is 78 years old which also happens to be the average age for Life Expectancy in the United States so the point of this is to say that by allowing people to get it who are not in the and not allowing like forcing them to were going to cut you know pox parties but not shutting down the economy allowing people to continue on with their lives people will begin to get coded and that will allow for herd immunity without waiting another 18 months for a vaccine it is science that says that this works its not just some kind of you know weird troll on the internet and if you look at the epidemiologists the viral the just the vaccine scientists who have signed off on this document i mean these are people who absolutely are qualified to make this statement and as you said at the beginning thousands of them are lining up for well ben let me ask you this sweden tried herd immunity and we heard their numbers are up they dont work theyre dead it actually actually it has worked much better in sweden if you look at swedens numbers they are outperforming most countries in europe they are now 12 percent lower and their death rate in the United States is. Whats interesting about sweden is that they are not seen an uptick in deaths so they have had a resurgence of some cases but in terms of actual deaths their numbers have almost flat lined and if you look at the numbers from month to month they are down almost double digit not double digits excuse me its almost a 100 percent drop months and months in terms of deaths until theyve got to the point theyre up they have fared much better than all their neighbors in europe and we do know that with them right and they have they have protected also the elderly and those that are more vulnerable to it was. Just very you might expect there there is obviously some pushback on this one a group has written a counter piece in the lancet saying prolonged isolation of largest swaths of the population is practically impossible and highly unethical this Group Calling their response john snow memorandum named after the father of modern epidemiology is it on that the goal to achieve in unity through natural infection and would it come to an undue cost to some of the most Vulnerable People. And thats another call to lock down society and destroy the lives of the poor the working class the arts lock people out of their churches forbid travel and trap people as if and treat people as if theyre animals in cages which is what weve done for the last 7 or 8 months the statement by j. Bhattacharya march and cooled off and the brilliant and wonderful so Natural Group of the worlds leading epidemiologist was a humanitarian state but they felt like they had to speak out they watched all this ridiculous nonsense go on this unprecedented excess spearmint in social control and disease of in the name of disease mitigation that has achieved absolutely nothing theres not a shred of evidence that in lockdowns of save the single life one you can plot it out desk for 1000000 government stringencies you will see no relationship whatsoever and they finally couldnt stand it anymore and they came to im speaking to you from great branch right now they came here and we held and nice day long session with some journalists and they drafted the statement and i didnt know its going to go mega viral but you know the statements only 1300 words and if you read the statements funny you described as controversial because you know from their point of view this is a statement that combines cell biology with basic Public Health concerns which is all about maximizing the wellbeing of everybody in minimising the fatalities in the event of a pandemic thats all the statement did and the fact that its and lies the world shows something about the times in which we live theres there is nothing should be controversy about this the strategy theyre proposing is what we did in 296816571058149 and 51 and so on thats the way a free society a civilized people manages pathogens and thats all the statements about ben whats your take if an ethical or. I think what jeffrey said is exactly right its an ethical to do whats been done to consider and by the way i find that terminology and i know without your terminology this is the terminology of the group thats pushing back and published in the lancet but i think its disgusting look let me be clear about this the World Health Organization which i disagree with on a lot of issues regarding code that has come back and now said that lockdowns across the board that massive lockdowns were a huge mistake not only that but they predict that that these lockdowns this summer doubled the worlds poverty rate and those who are living in poverty the numbers of People Living in poverty doubled over the summer that is an ethical that is immoral to put people in that position and that doesnt mean you dont take care of people but you can protect the most Vulnerable People by how about this idea not putting infected patients into Nursing Homes why dont we do that instead of locking down every school in america and around the world and saying children might be infected but were going to open up the Nursing Homes and by the way i just want to say hats off and thank you jeffrey for being part of this group in barrington that did this because its about time that some commonsense was spoken on this issue and heres the issue too i mean some patients this was also because we wanted to to avoid overcrowding in hospitals right at some patients were put on ventilators which should have never been put on ventilators luckily yes or deaths are down but but the numbers keep surging Jeffrey Tesla c. E. O. And tech giant ulan musk hes showing his support online for this document saying that he and his family dont plan to get vaccinated against kobe when the Vaccines Available do you think well see a wider divide between people over this issue of lockdowns as we head into the fall sure i mean its actually its actually a shock again im im astounded that this statement is considered controversial you know at all. These great scientists just said what they know and what they know for sure and you know i talked to the primary driver of this this morning martin coolers. And he said he predicts it and within a years time all these people who are objecting to the document are going to experience you know professional disgrace because the document is just a plain statement of science as you said and co signed by 10000 other scientists and you know as for the vaccine you know you know sinatra told me Something Interesting but ive not tried to and she said that nationally acquired immunity is much safer and more effective than an untested vaccine that sounds true enough right once you hear it but but that that is the truth has not been uttered in the public right now we need to deal with the fact that we have pathogens among us we always have and we need to deal with them by still having civilisation and stuff like interest just mind boggling that were looking at pushing for the straight care of axion who we dont know what they were going to be able to trust and that maybe looking at treatments or other solutions the more time that passes the more were learning about the virus Jeffrey Tucker of the American Institute for Economic Research but with cohost and investigative journalist ben so on thank you both for breaking this down and for your time today thats all for today but. You know what im going to be out there so i dont think about that i dont mean a roman not new dorp or. Kind of but i wonder. If it now i think its having. Members of the african mafia has promised them safe and quick passage to europe but once they. Leave they are in sleeves they count speech util. Will not some of the the b m i am on an accident you know. This you need to get it out. The soul of the. Lady. Of the united. Because the persona that all be the norm. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. The isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By the way. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. The single greatest most important aspect of any functioning society is price discovery accurate price discovery more so than any moral or aesthetic or ethical. Kind of sat a rules because without sound money without sound prices coverage you dont have a society full stop. Taking a stand against radical islam thousands rally across france in the wake of fridays brutal murder of a history teacher reportedly killed for showing his class controversial cartoons of the prophet muhammad. Even without all the votes counted the opposition throws in the towel in bolivias election it means the new president will be the man who supported the previous ousted one. Testing the truce shells continued to fall in the ongoing territorial disputes between armenia and azerbaijan despite both sides agreeing to a 2nd ceasefire. And go to hell traditional hollowing celebrations in one part of italy have become the latest victim of the pandemic although not everybody is upset. This in their consideration is not appropriate to me its a mistake how do we become a good

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