Towards full environmental destruction with get ahead just made it sound like no fun. I mean think of the positives. Lets move on only one thing matters to the oligarchs it is the primacy of Corporate Power which has extinguished our democracy and left most of the working class and the working poor in misery. As well as the continued increase and consolidation of their wealth was in their the National Anthem thats kind of our thing i think i remember as one of the parts most people mumble through in fact chris hedges is of course right were witnessing the largest consolidation of wealth ever seen while more people than ever face eviction in the land of the free you are not free if you were beaten down and imprisoned by Economic Force that is not freedom that is full frontal oppression but the 2 corporate conventions dont want to talk about that because it said jim bob her much better to talk about had joe biden took the train to work 2 for a bunch of years and once said hi to an elevator operator do you lets go now to something the corporate parties wont touch with a 10 foot pole made out of the bones of their victims Climate Change heres nasa climate scientist dr peter calamus its not the new normal were down an escalator disagree toward getting worse thats going to stay getting worse and worse until we have massive rapid radical systems change. To do that we need hosts we basically need policies that would destroy the fossil fuel industry because were not talking about just reducing it a little bit were not talking about a 10 percent reduction in the fossil fuels that we burn and the Greenhouse Gas emissions that we emit every year were talking about going down to 0 on a massively fast times you know which means a rhetorical transformation of society or watch didnt you watch the r n c in the d. N. C. The theme was policy. For both of them republicans dont even have a Party Platform anymore they decide what theyre going to do each day by waking up trumpets 6 am putting a bunch of different toys in front of him that represent various domestic and foreign mandates and then saying which one he rubs on thats the one they focus on that day you know democracy. But i suppose if you want to listen to sad and dr kalmus is right we need to drastically change our entire society if we want to survive. Or we could drive our s. U. V. 20 minutes with the ac on full blast to go buy a hamburger covered in bacon covered in cheese that required a 1000 gallons of fresh water 100 gallons of fuel and 2 or 3 animals to create and we could eat that while listening to sports radio. Doesnt that sound better than the survival thing i rest my case its also so wonderful to be a minute group of people who understand why we need militarily to the or parties to the parties kill and maim and displace millions of people around the world with no accountability no remorse and no lessons learnt gath bad to morrow i kid you know whats awesome about the 2 corporate parties they are bigger and better girly emotions like room boris or accountability america. Accountability for like little little baby ducklings like. True bold leaders piss on your shoe while staring you in the eye and then walk away without another word it is true though millions have died from our wars and bombing put forward and supported by donald trump and joe biden thats not an exaggeration thousands upon thousands of bombs dropped whole societies up ended and cultures ruptured and wounded and yet troubled by seem to have no empathy would result in no remorse we have a word for that in the english language sociopath these are sociopaths but at least theyre cognitively diminished sociopaths rather has better than smart ones on the ball next up former democratic president ial candidate Marianne Williamson when i think of this convention 1st word that comes out for me is patriotic you see its a Great American tradition to push back about over against overreach by capitalism thats what the labor unions are that push back is the most patriotic most traditionally american thing that we can. Know. The most patriotic thing we could do is ballad down to the to corporate wall street pro war parties and obediently allow the nation c. E. O. s to extract all the good working years out of our souls in exchange for one we paid vacation and sometimes dental services dental thats the american way all this talk of loving and helping each other and health care is a human right and strong labor unions are creating a sustainable environment that wont turn to ash in a few years thats on american i read it on a papa johns pizza menu and pizza never lies well lets ask one of the elders of zion on in the matrix dr cornel west we are living in the moment of Massive Imperial meltdown spiritual now and we need proof pretty tight and the Peoples Party is the proof. Is solidarity with those friends from the cult of the wretched of the earth that could tell the truth about america both is best if its worth it imperial meltdown and spiritual breakdown you say no no no no no or maybe yes etc but along with imperial meltdown and spiritual breakdown you forgot the moral rubdown that were also getting the Us Government assaults syria iraq afghanistan libya d yemen iran venezuela bolivia lab anon palestine the oceans the forests the skies the animals the workers the immigrants the children the poor the indigenous but then. They get a rub down from Jeffrey Hopkins girls. And you cant really ask them to give that up but how can we. Go to bed hungry at night how can we happy when our veterans are homeless ok get that health care its our speaking the Health Care Act out. Hes. Google. Rules of the Democratic Party earth course or not. Wow. You may have just said some very important things some incredibly significant truths that would never be spoken at the d. N. C. Or the are in your are corporate airwaves but i only judge ideas by the production value there couched in so because the ridiculously crucial ideas youre preaching were said in a video that looks like a hostage situation i will pay them no mind none whatsoever. Anyway theres hours of more mind blowing ideas that you can go watch of Peoples Party da door and like i said they are running a president ial candidate this year so you can look at their platform and still bicker about biden or trump i know people love doing that you can still do that but we are in dire times and these times require more than simply do i want the in times to have a slight blue shade or a slight red shame do i want to health care to bankrupt me with this light blue shade or a red shade do i want to bomb innocent people thousands of miles away with this light blue shade or a red shade do i want to live under a dystopian surveillance state with a slight blue shade or a red shade do i want to live in the largest prison state the world has ever known with its light blue shade or red shane do i want to watch the Natural World collapse falling to pieces before our eyes with a light blue shade or a red sheen its time to demand more from you from washington d. C. The belle of the big east is redacted in. Welcome only cameos take the news from behind folks something very exciting is happening i cant even believe my eyes market capitalism is collapsing which in the long term would mean free housing clothing food and clean water for all of humanity so everyone can spend their lives following their true passions like gardening meditating digging around in a special friends private parts or graffiti of course thats the long term utopia in the short term this will likely mean decades of misery insecurity and fear as the big bank overlords use their last remaining days to grab everything they can including reprocessing your home ice cream maker threatening your grandpa and removing your fingernails to keep on their trophy shelves but in the long term your job. Why do i say market capitalism is. Because recently something completely unheard of happened it is never happened in the history of modern market capitalism all that greek economics professor and guy whose name sounds most like a greek economics professor Yanis Varoufakis explain in mid august in britain the news came out that the economy had suffered the greatest slump ever more than 22 percent down during the 1st 7 months of 2020 remarkably on the same day the London Stock Exchange rose by more than 2 percent also on the same day during a time america has ground to a halt and is beginning to look like not just an economy in deep trouble but also ominously a failed state wall streets s. And p. 500. 00 index hit an all time record despite the fact whole societies like the u. S. And the u. K. Are falling apart the stock exchanges continue to game this is because of a relatively new aspect of market capitalism called dont give up. The corporate boardroom and the investor class are aware that everyone is out of work that the out of touch governments are incapable of helping citizens that that supply chains are falling apart but despite all of that they dont. They know theyll keep profiting because they are basically the bank robbers during a bank robbery yes the other people in the bank are suffering their d scare they likely have pants filled with poop but for the robbers thats no concern of theirs they will leave them with the money anyway heres where it is against in todays world it would be a mistake to try to find any correlation between what is going on in the real world and in the money markets what we are living through now is not your typical capitalist disregard for human needs no capitalism is now in a new strange phase socialism. The very very few courtesy of the Central Banks and governments catering to a tiny oligarchy and stringent austerity coupled with cruel competition in an environment of industrial and technologically advanced feudalism for everyone else our version of capitalism is now completely detached from reality like your alcoholic father when he was supposed to teach you how to swim and just left you struggling to stay alive in a cow feed band filled with dirty water while he sat in a lounge chair and drank the horse tranquilisers. Memories of those times id call out to daddy lovingly blew. Them off and without looking up. At a boy kiddo you tell them. We are at the level of full scale an incumbent unleashed robbery by the richest human beings around the world theres no government left to stop them that hasnt been bought but both our government of oligarchy would do is put a tiny little tax on their theft but even that is unlikely theres no regulators that give a damn that have been bought off theres no media to turn public tide against them that have been bought off and theres no criminal Justice System that would truly go after the billionaires running the show there is no one to stop this grand robbery and the irony is they are hastening the end of market capitalism the thing they claim to love most it only keeps working long long term as long as the average people have enough bread crumbs to survive but that will soon not be the case weve got a short break but if youre watching this on you tube go get the full episodes at portable dot t. V. Also ive been doing a ton of web exclusive videos you can get those all at youtube dot com plus redacted the night bag a lot more. The world is driven by shaped by those. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. Trade and investment to become magic spells to come get you cannot make development. Most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the investor a chapter of a trade agreement is about something very different but what one investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys sacred sites old ruins the environment. That means that if local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can they serve. The nationals of taking on the whole nations Philip Morris is trying to use i. S. T. s to stop oregon by implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a fringe company sued egypt because egypt raise its minimum wage democratic choice over trump Corporate Law joining us as we try to find dont want to. Was a pandemic no certainly no borders and is blind to nationalities. The summary with the we dont look like the whole world needs to be. People. Judging. Comedy classes. We can do better we should know. Everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis not go on forever the challenges create the response has been so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that were in it together. Theres a workable the Global Solution of the police. Makes you sure there. Isnt a need for a list you. Must move closer. To the field. For the both of you so. Use the book with the discussed discussion of those that would use the physically. But. Of course really. Just say. Welcome back im still a camp as black lives matter protests continue to rock the country even sports is feeling the hurt many athletes in many different sports have reacted in a shocking manner for more on this we go to our very own intelligence failure redacted correspondent anders lee. On august 26th in response to the horrific police in extremis shootings in wisconsin the Milwaukee Bucks decided not to participate in their scheduled 1st round playoff game with the Orlando Magic and demanded that the state Legislature Reconvene to deliberate on criminal Justice Reform these developments rapidly garnered Media Attention reporters described it as a boycott a protest a work stoppage and some coverage called it this other work was a weird work that ive never really seen in america before starts with an s. And ends with the trike. Oh strike yeah ive heard about those in the n. B. A. The space could be big celebrity athletes going on strike until the government addresses Police Violence could have huge reverberations throughout society could also give a shock to all those not quite professional athletes to take over in their absence climate. Gutless are. All still finished the segment but i do have to keep an eye on my phone im expecting a call from the utah jazz any 2nd now. And once after the strike is over. Apparently after 48 hours in a Conference Call between players and team owners an agreement was reached to resume the seas it appears that prior to ending the strike players sought counsel from Labor Relations extraordinary iraq obama this guy is an expert arbitrator before he came into office he got support from unions by promising to renegotiate nafta pass the employee free choice act and raise the minimum wage and then his president didnt do any of it truly masterful negotiator obama spoke on a call with Le Bron JamesPlayers Association president chris paul and a small group of players Late Wednesday evening advising them to play and utilize the opportunity to can text allies action they won wow since retiring obama has stopped the strike and cleared the field for biden just with a couple phone calls he really is capitalisms defensive player of the year so instead of continuing the strike and encouraging other americans to do the same until police are to funded they decided to establish a social Justice Coalition that will focus on a broad range of issues including increasing access to voting promoting Civic Engagement and advocating for meaningful police and criminal Justice Reform one thing they are planning to do in the short term is turn n. B. A. Arenas into voting locations especially in swing states like wisconsin that could help to feed our races chito in chief flavor in my opinion and help us select this guy. From. The heart it may seem like their options are limited but there are more direct things n. B. A. Players could influence with a future strike the l. A. Clippers owner Steve Ballmer a fittingly named man giving his testicular appearance has funded both the l. A. P. D. As Community SafetyPartnership Program which expands Police Presence in distressed areas and a u. C. L. A. Style. That found the program to be wildly successful despite not asking any actual residents it is far from even the worst n. B. A. Owner the Houston Rockets tillman for has a long history of whining about him trying to dodge the regulations that forced him to pay for his employees health care and then theres the Orlando Magic its owned by the device. That. The one with the queen of privatizing schools and her brother the king of killing people like any other multibillion Dollar Corporation the n. B. A. Is wrapped up in some of the shady used investments the Global Capital system has to offer but without the players there enough its time for these athletes to realize the power they hold and use it to demand change together they can reclaim these teams from their greedy owners and give them back to the players in cities that youre the most now its time to get to some of the stories we didnt have time to get up to here with me is redacted correspondent and we care of ronnie thanks for having me no problem what you got well this week you man heard that a federal court ruled that mass surveillance the n. S. A. s mass surveillance of u. S. Citizens phone market records has been deemed illegal this snowden vindicating and yes yes no i know you were waiting to say that i am i have all of these posters i have the good from number one its only you know 7 years later but now that nobody is making phone calls anymore so that wont be an issue yeah this is a Long Time Coming but something i mean you know he obviously wrecked risked his life they if he had been captured by the u. S. He would be tortured right now probably ok and then i wonder if a man or a lying no no no i mean i dont i. Says its a least theres something at least at this point and way too late theres some sort of court ruling yes yes may be overturned but well watch a. C. L. U. Thanks to. Huge victory so well see what happens. Going on to another whistleblower story theres a whistleblower at the l. A. Sheriffs department that says that one of these high profile killings that a cop cop killed a senior role in july in l. A. That killed that kid to join a gang at the Sheriffs Department there. Theyre like. A ritual or whatever it is to someone they call these costs chasers because they get tattoos once they kill somebody they all have the skull tattoo and they were they were questioned in this court case for the killing of andras guardo and they just said oh its just a coincidence that we all have these schools because we have. Any kind of movement to get these assholes fired yet there is an f. B. I. Investigation into. The gang is actually called the executioners which i think is a little bit on the windows a little bit on the nose so there is an f. B. I. Investigation and seeing this court case of because we have andres and this week. John kids he was also shot in the back they were both walking away from the police and they were shot in the masses. And weve got one minute left to go more so for a night the most popular game in the country or in the world before night is banned from the apple store and the Google Play Store because theyre trying to fight apple and googles monopoly on these app stores and so apple said basically fortnight its banned because they tried to skirt apples payment like 30 percent payment yeah theyre going to have already its i mean its a grand robbery its very surreal like yes come in and we will allow people to get your product and we will thats mafia we will steal 30 percent they basically make nothing and they make no games and they have the highest game revenue apple has the highest game revenue in the world so its you know its legit mafia thats the way to go thats where the money is man yeah thank you. Here are your headlines from the future tomorrow youll read Le Bron James boldly declares he will miss every free throw in honor of those killed by Police Brutality very bold in mid october youll learn. Trump declares upcoming election fake news as real action is in 2022 and coming up in just one week. College students scouring c. D. C. Website to see of but charging dose accuracy is a covert 19 high risk activity youve got to know you got to know that george show but you can go watch my free standup comedy special camp american dot com i and get my new book full of comedy and revolution at least camp book dot com until next time goodnight and keep buying the. Trade and investment to become metrics bills to come to economic development. Most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries at the end fast for chapter of a trade agreement as opposed to looking very different but what when investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys secret some its all really into the environment. That means local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can be sued. The nationals are taking on the whole nation Philip Morris is trying to use i. S. T. s to stop work away from implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a fringe company. Egypt because egypt resists minimum wage democratic choice but trump corporate. Joins us as we try to find a home for the 2. Because theres Survival Guide books they seem to want to start simply reading all these are. You sure its those there are you going to get it back. Next year. Oh its no good says a Repatriation Team will look at the rest of 70 years. Bill of the 70 years as kaiser report. Russia prepares for the next phase of testing its covert 19 vaccine and despite western media skepticism over it the furtiveness over now and british medical journal says the developments are promising. As pressure mounts for an International Probe and sanctions over the alleged poisoning of alexina valmy russian doctors offices set up a joint commission with the german counterparts. If it turns out he was poisoned spain will initiate a criminal case today russia does not have such evidence. And he mounts immigration protesters clashed with police in the u. K. Port of dover