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Go to work. Straight home. Spiking coronavirus numbers claims of russian bounties against u. S. Troops and our races 3 tweet from the president 2 men with very different perspectives join me for reaction 1st former republican congressman bob barr and then retired army general Russel Honore a on this edition ticket. Politicking im larry king spygate in coronavirus numbers a bombshell claim about russian bounties against american troops and a shocking president ial retreat including a white power chant plus ongoing protests about race and policing well leave all of the discussion with former congressman bob barr of georgia one time libertarian president ial candidate hes also the president and c. E. O. Of the lauren force one Education Foundation and he joins me from georgia gave the president acts like its not there the coronavirus numbers are terrible. Well larry the way i look at this and im not a doctor im not a healthcare professional i look at most of these public issues through the lens of common sense and history and i suspect the this thing is going to go up and down well see spikes and valleys and spikes and valleys for some time so you know i dont think that its a major crisis that we see some of these numbers going back up well probably see him go back down and maybe go back up again until things settle down for the year you were an analyst for the cia whats your reaction to reports that russia has offered bounties to dalla bene linked forces for killing Coalition Forces and includes american troops. If somethings fishy in this marriott just doesnt make a lot of sense to me 1st of all i have not seen any information that the intelligence if it is accurate intelligence has been verified so i think its has been released for political purposes and is being used improperly but even if it is accurate intelligence it really just doesnt make any sense why would russia become involved in trying to go after u. S. Troops indirectly when the u. S. Under the trumpet ministration is taking steps to extricate itself from afghanistan if it doesnt ring true larry well who could explain putins. Well i guess. We do have some folks at the at the cia where i used to work years ago who are expert in trying to figure out what goes on inside the kremlin and inside the you know the minds of these former k. G. B. Officials. But it just doesnt make sense from russia standpoint to do Something Like this and the timing doesnt fit and you know you get reports back when i was with the agency years ago you get all sorts of raw intelligence reports but you know every time you get a report even if it is somewhat alarmist you dont go running to the president and you dont go running to the congress you wait until you can verify it one way or the other and then you notify the officials youre the president and c. E. O. Of the Law Enforcement Education Foundation its been a 4 week since the killing of george floyd in many outposts an incident that has sparked protests across the country how do you see this playing out long term. Long term by long term i guess nowadays that means simply between now and the election i suppose. I dont i dont like the way its been playing out so far because there to me larry is a lot of room to institute some meaningful reforms with policing across the country in terms of better training more appropriate funding and priorities for our local Law Enforcement and it just does not seem to be getting done either in the congress or at the local level and thats a shame because we ought to take the opportunity of the tragedy of the George Floyd Murder to take a real positive look at Law Enforcement in terms of making some needed reforms. The president has described Racial Justice and Police Reform demonstrators as terrorists bugs anak as agitators looters and lowlifes do you think you ought to temper his language a little. Bit certainly when you look at some of whats going on in the last several weeks larry there are violent elements there are there are of those who have used the excuse of the george florey murder to engage in arson looting and burning. And thats unfortunate but by the same token i do think that there is a lot more room than either the democrats were the republicans in the congress are willing to accept in terms of some meaningful reform and im you know im sorry that that really seems to be getting lost in washington these days what dont you like about the democrat the house proposal Police Reform. It gets too much in the weeds larry when when you look at some of the details in the house bill that relate to for example use of force. There there is a laundry list of steps that a Law Enforcement officer would have to go through before initiating force and it would depend in terms of use of lethal force there would be a whole mechanism for after the fact objective review as opposed to looking at the the view the reasonably reasonable view of the officer on the scene which is really whats critical and the of the house bill it gets so detail larry that it would make a violation of a persons civil rights if an officer exerts any and i have a certain size that were any because thats in the in the legislation any for any pressure on a persons throat or neck i mean that that is simply a way to detail how any practical how he and deal with the word reasonable one Police Officer does seem reasonable one way and one can see it another right. That certainly is true but over the years the standard that that the courts have applied and have instructed juries have actually worked out fairly well i think if you go back and you look at the use of deadly force cases that have come up over the years i think juries and judges most times the vast majority of cases get it right by looking at whether the officer on the ground at the time had a reasonable fear of serious bodily harm or death to himself or herself and other persons if they did not use deadly force. Saying well were going to throw that standard out and were going to have have a standard where i some officer who was not there looks at it after the fact with 2020 hindsight i think is terribly unfair to the officers on the ground. Surprise the reason the Associated Press poll shows 29 percent of americans say the u. S. Criminal Justice System needs a complete overhaul 40 percent say it needs major changes is that does that figure surprise you. And in a sense it does because our criminal Justice System is not broken fundamentally it doesnt surprise me from the standpoint that because there has been such tremendous publicized the about our criminal Justice System recently that you know a lot of people would believe that simply because they keep hearing it over and over and over again our criminal Justice System by and large has worked very well is a perfect no but there is no perfect system are there to make changes that can be made with regard to policing particularly i think in the area of far better training and leadership absolutely there are. As a former u. S. Attorney what are your thoughts on the recent to molton Southern District of new york the ousting of u. S. Attorney Jeffrey Berman a trump appointee and the naming of j. Clay whos currently the head of the securities and Exchange Commission didnt they bungle at it could have been handled much better although in todays environment where everything that the administration does is going to be looked at by many in the media in the worst possible light im not sure they can you know do anything without being criticized but i do think it could have been handled better the timing of it and how the public the public word was put out i think it couldve been handled lot better but ultimately of course any u. S. Attorney particularly an acting u. S. Attorney in which mr berman was serves at the pleasure of the president and if the president through the attorney general asks the person to step aside they really ought to merely have no choice but to do so you have it in the middle of an apparent investigation of trumps friends that doesnt paint a pretty picture does it now i can say the timing the timing could have been a lot better if in fact the administration had a significant or serious problem with the acting u. S. Attorney they should have made that known a long time ago and not waited until you know in this case several months before an election with those sort of sensitive cases pending so. I agree with you a good time the timing was not very bright you know more than 1000 x. Justice Department Officials signed a public with letter calling on william baudot resign more recently more than 1200 acts d. O. J. Officials called for an internal investigation into bars roll in the clearing a protest is from one of the at square. How do you regard that. I think its an overreaction i have my own views on what happened with my fired square im not sure really young understood the point to it in the 1st place but simply because the attorney general does something that group of people even lawyers disagree with does not mean that we ought to go rush to either have them removed from office or impeach them were going to hameln action in just a few months theyll be plenty of time to make those kind of adjustments later on but i think its an overreaction larry are you surprised that bidens poll numbers. And in a sense i am because he really hasnt done anything i mean hes been reclusive in his in his home basically what the numbers tell me whether in terms of trance numbers being very poor or bidens numbers being actually fairly solid is that this is going to be a clearly a referendum on the president and right now things dont look terribly rosy for the president s reelection bob always good having you with us thank you so much my pleasure mary more politicking right after this. You cannot be both with me yet you will. Secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived weve been busy roads along the way to view houses were allegedly bursts of prison was located and only cia people had access to the story investigators sure hell they uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. Degraded nor in thought or nonsense. Pocket p. C. Maybe a sore knee for. Going for justice on o. T. Law no team no crowd. No shots. Actually helps keep. Track of the 1st. Points your thirst for action. Welcome back to politicking we now welcome retired army general Russel Honore a joins us from where i object general where are you located. Louisiana Baton Rouge Louisiana he played a crucial role speaking of louisiana in post katrina relief efforts and hes been critical of the trumpet ministrations response to the pandemic he joins us from louisiana what do you make of these reports about the russians paying a bounty to kill american soldiers in afghanistan. A very discouraging but to be expected from the russians we will do is lose if you go to impose their will. They will also use Information Operations to exploit this to cause dissent in the American People so there were uses a soft power and apparently limited use of this direct power by giving money to the taliban they kill us so does this. One it the word come out about it will deny it like you know it will. Blow it up in the press and in the media or social media because dissent inside the United States so its a this ring in the x. Both ways lair former congressman bob barr was with us and he tended to not believe the reports because they were to him with no sense for the russians to do anything like this what he were going to say rather. It doesnt make sense but under they had this information misinformation remember their job in the russian intelligence agencies because dissent inside the American Government i too would like not to believe it but the tellers disproven that this time i think youve got to go to the fact that they have done it we all remember how strong you are with katrina what do you think of how were dealing with call the 19 well i think we you know in every war you got to have priorities. We were saying the right thing that we want to save peoples lives but we confuse that with one note the economy too early and we put of a political message ahead of Public Health is start an American People and those who have done it successfully like new york you know others who put public help in front of sustaining the economy when economy was close were still at 70 percent of it operate in most places but this move to i think we rush to figure. But not allowing the messages of Public Health keeping things locked down making folks aware to mares and im saying make it because it should be a no mass no hitter we send out and maybe your knowledge is trump wont wear a mask the Vice President will merom as then he doesnt wear a mask the president doesnt talk about called the 19 anymore. When i want to seems like a loss well when you look at the number of people were losing every day he. May need a couple weeks of over a 1000 they i think last week were over 300 a day if an enemy force came to america during our wed be a full of about morale war and this bar assist treatments that we but weve got to fight it with the tunes of Public Health and that has to be done we were going to have to give up in some case adjust our culture to be able to suppress this virus and we need you more testing not less testing and this whole. Bumper sticker that the white house have the more tests you do you the more you have my garden where you get who planted that in the white house greenock sound like a bit more gritty was what what is new York New Jersey in connecticut done right are they close it down. They kept all the nonessential businesses close are only keeping the supply chain open so to get food in the Central Medical supplies and they went big no medical. It brought it 30000 medical workers into new york plus the several 1000 the military there the take care to people they went big but they have to go big you talk about a sickness a polity of about 8000000. 00 or less more and most of the states on average is more it is twice the population state. And it went big and they did it right you know they disposed primarily with one voice those 3 states and thats helped them a lot general youre a member of a growing list of current and former military leaders who criticized trumps who response to Racial Justice demonstrations some of your problems with how the president has handled it or not handled it well hes gonna look the other way and he could have been a lot more decisive in united in the country i think theres a majority of the population who the polls that ive seen on the topic of people have come to. Understand the majority. In america to regard to race in america to white people in america its come to fruition that he descended done right and we could do this better and now things that weve got in the past we need to correct but hes never made that step said weve got to fix some of this all my watch is never a knowledge did. Do you think he understands and respects the values and missions of the us military. I think he uses other toy. He tries as usual as a political lynch remote and as a one liner it is speech to pray that we have no bullets or need took office thats not quite right did he put all the money into the military but on the other hand he took 3000000000 out to go build the fence wall which last week a judge declared was illegal when he took that money out of military or it stop building houses for troops is stop building headquarters for troops is start repairing hospitals for troops so one hand removed that money which you know terry can i commit to go to a border wall it stop military construction the very people he attempts in his speeches to put at the top of the pedestal it has is he used them as a Political Part and 100 speech is a military veteran is it uncomfortable for you to speak against the commander in chief ive never done that before my life i was in korea as a Company Commander when president nixon resigned and i thought the world was coming to him and it didnt that would happen in america and here we are low and behold. Another crazy act of if you could sit in see everybody respect at office of what that means or the most powerful man in the world i do wish he would respect that and try to live up to what is expected of people in that office but he continues out record entrepreneur as opposed to a statesman what do you make of the use of military to curb domesticity riots new bring in the military and do a local situation that is a. Using the National Guard thats one of the purposes of one under the provisions of the governess thats the way that should be done with a couple exceptions we saw president kennedy and us now are mobilizing National Guard to integrate schools which was a federal law that was being played and its done been done before and we saw the use of federal troops at an early when the governor of california in America Los Angeles as for federal troops to come. Break pieces city of early after the early rise but that is a selective too that should not be used very often and it should not be used as a threat on the people the president took it to another level well just send federal troops in office of federal troops there with him and hold you could you look like the war avid fund with this you know as opposed to regret it really having to do this it was enthusiasm about what we do it and thats the impression i got sir James Carville the raging cajun i said the other day that he should thought they share a narrow military base after you you should be honored to have here a little of that was purely in jest. While i appreciate the honor from a good friend that was clearly a just a bunch minute much more worthy than our many of them didnt make it back from battle many and in multiple tours it did now there are many more worthy and in our eyes trust me what do you make what do you make of the statues to chill asian. I think some of should go away and i do think the naming of dude is a low terry solution not to get better generals and colonels should definitely go away. But i take pause and i just beg to disagree with some of the movement to. Take on the Founding Fathers and i could even give Andrew Jackson a pass he did turtle case to the native people but he was a president and in a way he tried to unify the country but the native people paid dearly for that thousands and thousands of but i could be on the fence with them but the Founding Fathers i think it was what it was and they get certifies a lot in not think we need to give them a pass washington. And Thomas Jefferson general in general i up domestic or pessimistic about where this country is going im outside macys help as weve got a resilient country and most people in any given day are going about their business larry thank god is it was that needed service semiretired to sit around and watch the news all day as read a lot of hell but to the average american they just want to raise a family is the limit now is the rar since the pandemic is hit us that had it not been for the pandemic americans would be doing what they know we do in the summer out having fun and on the 3rd of november above 50 percent i would go vote every lucky think theyre going to defeat the president in november. Big with dependent again the state of the economy and some of the behaviors that a president i think hell be a one term president. And im not a political expert i mean look at the name of your show im sure you have have opinions about that o. And me the lot more than i do but i think in our account i hope to be a 1st a one term president and thats not thats not a 2nd place job to have been a one term president thats a pretty tough job the year he won it and he even worked his butt off the when it but i think him being a one term president might be the best for the future generations in this country. In general youre always on the point you may never miss your saying what do you think that is for being with us you have a good day and be safe. You too and thank you audience for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page or tweet me at kings things and dont forget to use the politicking hash tag and thats all for this edition of politic. Ban. You cannot be vulgar with me yet you know what. The primary purpose of history is to understand the past as a guide to understanding the present and future history should not be is feeling good mr alger because a lot of history is fleeting. So how should we find the right balance is that you cite the law. Time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay in a manner more equitable and sustainable world. They claim their production is completely harmless. The big cock up into congress and the models and got it into something Companies Want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is something all this must be going to mean and i mean look. This is the move in unison we didnt want any minimum stuntmen then understood look who is going. Wednesday morning the 1st of july in the headlines deciding russias next chapter than its the final day of voting on changes to the constitution look at whats being offered and bring you reaction throughout the day. I think that its needed because the current constitution is out of date i think it is nonsense according to all legal logical and ethical norms and. All of that is. This intense scrutiny elsewhere for germanys huge Meat Processing industry after a major break among stops at the biggest fish working and Living Conditions for the many low paid migrant stuff. Pulled off

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