Transcripts For RT Going Underground 20240714

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That without the soviet union d. Day would not have been possible donald trump of course is infamously smeared as a russian agent in nature nation media if he was an agent he would have perhaps mention that without russia d. Day would have been impossible so whats behind group think joining me now via skype from los angeles is american actor singer and entertainer robert davi he was the f. B. I. Agent in die hard and the bomb villain in license to kill robber welcome to going underground your father 14 was wounded in world war 2 what did it mean to see your president commemorate this month 75th anniversary of d. Day. Well 1st option i want to thank you for having me on the show and and what a great name you have. Your name is almost action red counties it feels like it belongs in in a bond film the day my dad my dad fought in world war 2 he was a gunner on a merchant marine ship for the navy for the u. S. Navy ship was torpedoed he was in the water for 3 days and a lot of his friends. Were you know met their demise that in the war as many did and my my uncle who had 6 uncles who fought in the battle of midway and which was a decisive battle during world war 2 and some relatives some friends of mine that well my godfather was in the battle of normandy and so its quite. Poignant specially being a bit of a historian. Loving what what and when did during that time the time period because his eyes raise some eyebrows because russia are on the Eastern Front last proportionally thought of more people in the fight against naziism but over there where you are in hollywood rushers and being midge of a deed age being mentioned because because almost hourly would you say that your president is basically being talked of as a some kind of russian agent yes you know its so absurd to me option because in the twentys. The communists had infiltrated not only hollywood but also the United States its a known fact to storable and talk about the day the great speech that Ronald Reagan gave Ronald Reagan in the 1940 s. There was a dinner. Of the communist party russians. Operatives at either latinos house who was a who was the a female director she was in a communist herself but there were many comments at this dinner by Sterling Hayden the actor from the godfather played the Police Captain who was the head of the communist party in hollywood there were tons of operatives at that time and they were recruiting people the actor William Holden had actually told reagan about this meeting and reagan who at that time was a bleeding heart liberal he says himself went to that meeting sean and wanted to speak and none of them wanted him to speak except one actor John Garfield great actor he was a probably the 1st method actor was the leading man and working class act got up and said he should speak garfield then got a lot of throwback from the left of hollywood so its been around and its absurd to me that during this stalinists years hollywood embraced this stalinists as we said how Many Russians were killed during world war 2 and we know that Kerry Kennedy Teddy Kennedy went to nicaragua when reagan was negotiating we know that john kerry did stuff we know that didnt gain a red but its absurd to me that theyre throwing this on donald trump who was probably the most well arguably are no none of those people you mentioned were russian agents arguably and it was the point about the hollywood story back in the twentys that they did when they wished when it was the soviet union they didnt allow dissent at this particular time theres a different ideology theres a globalist ideology and one of nationalism and skip being the shot when you have your nations its what direction it is going through today in london so whats. Winning is this conflict of ideologies and for the most part the hollywood elite have lost touch in some ways and theyre wonderful people many of my friends they have lost touch with the common man now i understand you know the 3rd wave that Alvin Toffler talks about in terms of leading the Industrial Revolution into the technological revolution i understand jobs are going to change and things are going to shift around and they have to be but theres a lack of understanding or compassion but Something Else that both coast left coast and left coast new york and l. A. Are missing ok im going to get on to the working class a bit more in a 2nd but i mean anyone who knows robert de niros films now smart some of them are now great some of them are. You seeing him presumably on saturday night live when would this happen that suddenly someone who is great and i would someone argue intellectually so great suddenly his films were suddenly believe that. Someone like donald trump is really an agent of Vladimir Putins its beyond me its part of the narrative you know i respect nero as an actor ive met him ive known him hes a brilliant actor brilliant artist but in terms of some of the language thats been used in punch the guy in the face in that view and and all of that i think its beneath the dignity of the nero as an artist you can say it much more articulate the style of donald trump the brashness the authenticity honesty is the most transparent presidency weve that well i think in the british media certainly there isnt an tag unism with donald trump i think thats probably you know arguable but you mention working class let me. Action because the media you know we talked about the fake media weve known for years underground people have talked about how weve been manipulated and we travel the world ive watched Certain Networks like c. N. N. Say she interpreted an event in and that happened in america and i watch it someplace and in budapest or in latvia and its totally different future princess or princess marco she she never called her nasty. He was told she said some nasty things about him but he went when i said that he didnt know that she would be so nervous city which is calling her nurse the after all hes an honest guy it was nasty what she said why cant somebody say they were nasty to me no matter who they are why do we have to have this Political Correctness in like. You said the working class and he certainly back in those days and never talked about class the way he did in the run up to the election when Michael Moore suggested that russia is a massive distraction for the democrats that they should be attacking trump on clus because actually everything trump has done is not mean what he said in his inauguration speech for the poor working man and woman in the midwest it is mean to serve the one percent i could disagree with princetons Michael Moore i dont like this roger and me film i like some of the things he did but some of the stuff hes a little bit on the fringe for me where i have to show you about the work in question which i did have you ever seen the interview that donald trump did with oprah about 20 years ago over 20 years ago i had i didnt see it i got to admit. You should let me just tell you what the view is here go back and look at that donald trump said the same things when oprah wanted him to run for president as hes saying today ok he talked about our trade deals he talked about us being ripped off by Different Countries hes not changing his tune even what he said about north korea 15 years ago donald trump is being authentic and i you know i dont blindly go after a politician i dont go for the style i go for the content of what i think they can do for the country our employment is lower than ever before black unemployment women i mean whats happening here jobs are coming back some of his policies are working now imagine if you didnt have the obstructionist of the left then what happens is they know that its the same thing with the Breakfast Party and one that they know that if this works if it goes right the left is going to suffer a big consequence some i know call it the less some might call it the globalist i mean just a quick citizen care mamma obama between 272016 will drop for the 99 percent buy for enough 1000. 00 and the one percent took an extra 4900000. 00 that was obama do you think that trump is going to really reverse that trend of. Rewarding the rich because his tax cuts and just looking at his cabinet of people with hundreds of millions of dollars in assets hollywood makes 20000000. 00 a film some guys make 20000000. 00 why dont they read this. I cant believe what people say unless theyre doing what they say if suddenly Hollywood Star and i wont mention names whos getting above the line 101220000000. 00 and they tell the rest of the cast and the work is what you guys got to take a cut because so and so is taking all the money thats a lot of hooey now whats what me off more than anything right now action is whats happening in los angeles and San Francisco in seattle in portland we have Homeless People on the streets. Better living worse than many evil times that plague might come to los angeles i dont know if you know that maybe about janet gonna play outbreak in los angeles they already have diabetes and. Tuberculosis because of these these Living Conditions that the People Living in ok another american said that i think people do people would get 40000000 will not be able to aid tonight in your country without food stamps but on another subject the amount of Chinese Investment in hollywood right now is reaching new highs whats it going to do to Hollywood Trade war with china not only does what hollywood has to do with culture it has to do with the messaging ive seen already scripts that have been shaped or reshaped because of that influx of money heres a guy that wants to bring the country back if you action if somebody was cheating you year after year after year after year after year and you finally had someone that said you know what i can help you out of this would you just throw your hands up to go no continue to do it when you should when you were shown that it was wrong that the deals that were made were made because there was graft involved or some other kind of things so heres a guy thats saying i want to go shake the fairway the trade war is about a fair trade not about this free trade about fair trade i think every human being wants that for instance im strong with l. G. B. T. Q. Rights i think you know thats kind of like to me. It frustrates me that people dont understand the humanity of that and how to judge you cant judge someone else who they love or who they want to be of course some countries will then censor films that are for equality for those in the L G B T Q Community just recently the russian state apparently a censored elton johns biopic brockman what do you think what do you have to say about the. Donald trump is the 1st president that came out and said that this was he wanted to sanction those countries that did not give freedom to the l. G. B. Think you community i mean thats a big step obama didnt do it bush didnt do it clinton didnt do it hes come out and said that we have to have this. This freedom of big of a right i think thats a big step and thats i agree with that and i think thats a darn good thing. Thank you. Ok thank you upset after the break with the u. S. China trade war at the top of the g. 20 agenda today human rights activist and former president ial candidate the reverend Jesse Jackson calls for an end to the u. S. Negotiations through threats over civil coming up about 2 going on the ground. They put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. Somehow wanted. To go on to be press which is like before 3 in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters of the. Question. What is it calling the coin is magic and the new type of Digital Currency essential lies digital scarcity chancellor. Of 2nd for bank thats called the genesis blog for reason to calling it civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny its just a new way of coming to consensus its a game changer in the Human History this is columbus discovering a new world this Paradigm Shifting Technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo 11 landing on to the max and stacey. Welcome back given outgoing u. K. Leader tereza may was with donald trump this. Week to commemorate d. Day in a way that arguably suggested russia had nothing to do with world war 2 it was defacto deputy david living tin in her place of pm queues the Jeremy Corbyn it was rebecca long baby who appeared to be as equally ignorant as other politicians of the sacrifice of tens of millions on the Eastern Front that made the day possible to act on his comments made regarding the marking of the 75th anniversary of the d. Day landing which is being commemorates it today in portsmouth we must never forget the extraordinary sacrifices of all those who landed up day in norman day to raise amaze replacement didnt forget russia though he ridiculed long baileys party his stalinist for not putting shadow foreign secretary and really thornberry up against him implying it was because of his policy differences with Jeremy Corbin why welcome gonna but lately i feel slightly sorry for the right one. Is thinking south who used to to joust with who seems to have been dispatched to internal exile somewhere i dont know you know you just write. Me the only way to be true to watch out because i think theres a lesson there that anybody who the dispatch box out shines the dear leader risk i research being brought to the Public Bureau historian long bailey who was shot as secretary of state for Business Energy and industrial strategy dismissed the smear and focused on the global existential threat of climate catastrophe trump and his team famously dont accept the science but they have at best seemed ambiguous on whether a u. K. U. S. Trade deal would mean the end of the u. K. Universal Health Care System as we know it the us president did say that the n. H. S. Was on the table in the trade negotiation and the pm did not intervene to stop the need to read this and so we have already voted through the health and social care act which opened up the n. H. S. See to us its 10 percent so many try to size and that makes it hard to beat us has no issues if us try to have to have insurance replacing n. H. S. Note cards who can be trusted without any test except the later carty really what about blair brown and the current labor mayor of manchester the only goal a team like lloyd to pretend that the majority of n. H. S. Contracts get for private say to did not actually take place on the conservative ministration but on the labor god. We dont do. That to expect salary to trump who opposes Bernie Sanders vision for a us and h. S. Called jeremy colby the negative force this week that a wonder that the commander in chief refused to meet the leader of a majestys loyal opposition joining me now is the gentry civil rights campaigner and diplomat the reverend Jesse Jackson who has worked alongside Bernie Sanders and corbin as well as Martin Luther king jr fidel castro good chavez and Julian Assange thanks so much jesse for coming on the show so you marched with Jeremy Corbyn against iraq in the streets of london why do you think your president refused to meet with the leader of majestys opposition here on the state visit to britain is right wing in his ruling the world seems that mr trump has a regime change orientation yes new goals International Law point to mr trump mr bush. That time and told them it was a little samantha what restaurant they found you spoke at a good job his funeral what do you think we can learn from him. And i dont know Martin Luther king jr in calif you know about about iran about iran specifically because i understand that iran is one of the things that was talked about here in london this week. Well again mr president obama wrote that our arrangement had the Global Community working with iran mr trump cool that of course the part was for it the crisis he was solve the crisis he created by pulling out fact is iran was at the table on the supervision over an oversight and that deal should have been enforced not not on the mind when i asked if im from canada or mexico from china from europe he said hes fighting to be isolated hes succeeding is not good for america not good who are all security but he campaigned on an antiwar ticket yabby his lies a lot that hes a consistent the point is that he has. Threatened iran with war and these days fights in the compound and fights opponents in the biz of isolation us threatens a nation isnt. Darlow if it isnt tough negotiations isnt trade not inviting with a not you cannot bomb away into relationship you must negotiate or that of a ship we have robert from stress which is not overplay our strength you have it on like say president obama he hasnt got the United States into full fledged wars like in libya and in syria going to iraq was a mistake and libya as well as been bogged down in iraq theres no doubt about it and in syria it is not about that seems to me it was just have this kind of arrogant notions toward war and control as opposed to relationships i mean we will in fact have the power will bring the forces binns will to the table and negotiate a working relationship and room reconciliation thats our strength reconciliation not not not regime change always as regard to china. Thats the multilateral negotiations and in time you cannot undo the china tribulation but bluster and 11 speech and one threat we cannot have negotiate with threats. And bluster when the need that when we will respect will negotiations for transition and transformation that is chomper really any different from other president s Ronald Reagan when he came here didnt get a full state visit he addressed parliament and he came here when there are death squads in Central America the invasion of grenada or a Commonwealth Territory a u. S. President s visit of this country so they will be treated kind of the same mean to bomb grenada and theres another 6000 people the bump on my christmas time folks the poll ratings as Woodward Reagan did in the iran contra scandal and the people rejected that and then theres as as trump says the mexicans will come out and people come to measure the death of the desperation of drug dealers and their muslims me locked out the rule rejects that those narrow. Nationalistic notions and its own street legal have a quiet closed little dinner with the queen and the meeting with miss may but the people are saying no to race nationalism and limitations based upon. Another point of division we say there isnt usually is israel palestine what do you make of jared cushion a being in britain here partly hes going to negotiate the deal of the century after your country recognised your islam as israels capital jerk isnt qualified to do what hes working on doing is that they have the ability to seem the model of are not experienced in the background by does israel and palestine is a must to exist and not cool and i like you as the only country now with this imma say and in jerusalem making that statement said you know you have goals and i suspect you even will do that even good spellers an occupation those are not peace plan those are war plans all those those plans create a reaction but he didnt talk it out not not cited by that well were trying to draw on that on the show to rebut what you said theyre not sure whether you know but there was an off the record briefing mike pompeo now secretary of state of course said i get why people think this is going to be a deal only the israelis will love do you think this deal of the century is basically sponsored by israel of course is the movie on the side of one country done in jerusalem its 7 is offensive 2 thirds of the coalition and most of the world. Our commitment to make it was a true must be to make is for its allies and enemies more for the door that to make gives the enemy is more hostile as the mic is alyssa q i understand the reason youve been campaigning for democracy for people to go out and vote in the United States for decades and decades do you think the media and theyre concentrating a lot on the russian interference in your elections. I understand that republican state voter fraud may have interfered with the election meaning will the republicans they dont program will restrict their focus on all suppression the boat moving pre synch. Megan did for the boat all kind of schemes are mending and they saved ned ludd Group Projects so hillary won by 3000000 both 3000000 votes states rights defeated gore had the most votes there and 2000 hillary a dreamy bill she won and 2 in 16 in trouble 9000000 votes in 28 teams will not feel trump winning the election with can be trouble when sexed up booze suppression lit by the republicans but we know from wiki leaks how Hillary Clinton if we let alone the wars she wanted your country involved in arguably more than those trump is involved in we know how he tried to from wiki leaks how Hillary Clinton tried to destroy bunnies on his campaign what did you feel when you read those leaks which are now just being ascribed to russian meddling didnt do a good about it but my point is that chairs to mark them us on the mark them read the rules must be transparent because these lavs and schemes come back to haunt us open free for the mockers its the health of the box at the moment its not open not free not fair not democracy at all and were going to be we want to explore this idea of democracy we must on it it ourselves and hold a course now during a sanjeev you met in the Ecuadorian Embassy in london is now according to the United Nations being tortured in london while dont trump was visiting the queen what do you make of of the un allegations that hes being tortured by australian ecuadorian british and American Government we just dont know when i went to see him i mounted the inlaws in india in the division of blows who made this kind of move is easy come to america and grizs case in the courts now hes wanted on charges including the espionage act they could see him so 175 years in prison in your country theres a dozen my boat was meant to go back to america to me then as a journalist make his case any comes easy receive fair and just treatment. But of course youre saying there for there is just treatment of the United States there wasnt just treatment arguably for Bernie Sanders in the 26000. 00 election as we canucks revealed we need to be supporting but he signed as he supported you when you ran for the us presidency in 88 and i mean that says you know that marise is a potent and then time from from common era School Student time and as well as from our book rhythm aeration my aunt. Elizabeth warren shes a tremendous force for change and endurance and as i think we have a problem candidates we have but we have time to determine after several debates to see whos capable of winning the election and be troubled and be in trouble due to concerns or that isnt addressed predilections alone and other than being from as important to us you know they get stablished democrats like come on aristotle and joe biden will try to destroy the candidacy of any scientists this time i dont know i mean bird runs a real threat this is cool because he is among his independent ideas in the pendant in the course of his conviction may simba different makes him a while. Hes not bound by the system that makes them different. Reverend Jesse Jackson thank you and thats it for the show will be back on monday the anniversary of syrias defeat of israel and lebanon when we ask if another british war on the side of al qaeda is imminent until then he talks about social media see that. Clint fisk live for us. Live. Live. Live. And a very warm welcome to you youre watching us in. How can we help citizens become healthier and happier moscow open forum to 7th of july is our you Business Program interactive exhibition open Health Congress open festival the moon details dont im also been forum dot com 16 plus. Hours headline stories a glimpse into wiki leaks founder julian just life in a high security prison in london our video agency ruptly has obtained exclusive footage also ahead on the program the International Monetary fund that mitts quote mistakes were made when trying to resuscitate argentinas economy saying it failed to tackle the countrys p. T. O

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