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Know the truth about santa youre told to be part of thats why youre youre youre initiated into the societal massive fraud club you might only be six or eight or whatever but you take an aside and explain the truth that your parents are frauds and the nicest man youve ever heard of who simply wants joy to the world that guy dont exist at all. Not really and then your parents say but when you see your little brother or sister keep the deception a la youre in a group. Youre old enough to help us live others. It seems like its all fun and games but it actually has deep implications for our cultural mindset in the way we behave in society in his book a holiday hazing ethan indigos smith calls it the santa claus syndrome and he says that program stays with us through adulthood adulthood incrementally decision by decision we call the view accepting allies as a normal part of Adult Society government advertising news corp and against all just politics right thats part of the reason it was so easy for the Corporate Media to tell everyone to hate Edward Snowden or Julian Assange Chelsea Manning they came forward and revealed to us santa claus is a real theres a massive law in your old. They came forward and said that and then the media told us that anyone who would say such a thing as they dont get it right. Plus the same idea also indoctrinates us into the big brother surveillance state he knows when youre sleeping he knows when youre away. So be good for goodness sake. When youre little you look to your parents to to see how they respond to these ideas and do they say. This guy is horrifying or i hes just plain cool pretend everything is fine and then when hes not looking im going to grab his red sack put it over his head then i need you to hit him with a hammer all right and you keep it until he stops werman. Now they tell you this is how the world words people are watching you so dont do a single thing out of line and conform in act like the other autumn of tons and think about the whole being naughty thing if youre not you wont get any toys you might even get cold but you know who else hardly gets any toys really poor children they dont get an either so in the large holiday. So when the largest holiday on the american calendar you basically being poor is viewed the same as being naughty or evil and it gets you hated by the most benevolent man on the planet. Job growing only this is a. This is a true capitalistic holiday rewarding families who are not poor with loads of gifts while reminding others that theyre not invited to the party and also theres a whole swatch up thing with the elves but we dont really have time for that and if you dont give me though theyre free to leave any time they want theyre in the north pole all right santa probably has their jackets locked. Somewhere papar theyre going to get paid yes like saying the guys at alcatraz were free to leave any time they wanted. That being said happy christmas merry hanukkah joyous kwanzaa and an orgasmic arbor day to all for you to watch this is. Really ten dollars take the news from behind it as the republicans passed the largest tax the aft ever seen lets talk about the things were spending our federal tax dollars on it just broke this week in the senate gun spent millions on u. F. O. Research yes you have photos such as seen in this actual pentagon video. Coming. Up. But. Has anyone sacked or whether he just sneezed on the windshield or like. It or. Maybe someone tossed a pickle off their big mac here to just talk to because they can fly down kind of weird on the it im just saying maybe we should fund a committee to Research Whether we spent twenty Million Dollars researching a pickle thats all im saying. I mean this is amazing that they say that they have been studying u. F. O. s but i left worried about alien life forms than some people because my feeling is if they want to come down here and try to control the. Fine all right have a look around we could use some new management ok. Adolph ross or no no probs we could use the help. Its not like were making great decisions on our own for example a federal ban on making lethal highly contagious virus is has been lifted thats right all you deadly virus collectors out there fret no more. You know its been really tough to find affordable day recently it has so. So let me get this straight making a highly lethal viruses that could cause a pandemic killing millions thats cool again but i cant have a beer out in a public park thats too dangerous for society i mean in the worst Case Scenario i piss in an a. T. M. I write it like in the virus worst Case Scenario we lose massachusetts. What else are we spending our tax dollars on im glad you asked Sexual Harassment settlements now total in congress one hundred ninety nine thousand dollars thats right every time you pay your taxes while youre writing the check sing the starspangled banner with hard nipples remember. Remember that a few of those dollars are so congress can afford to sexually harass people who dont have and how. How does that even work they claim that is an Office Expense or what is that. Who wants a bet if aliens do show up our first words to them will be nice. But he got seven theyre moving on a new study. Good too weird for her a new study shows that black americans have almost no money yes a recent study found that black people in the boston area have a median net worth of eight dollars that is eight dollars. While white households have a median net worth of two hundred forty seven thousand five hundred dollars sounds fair to me. Maybe thats why the u. N. Has come to america to study exist dream poverty. And the level of inequality and destitution actually shock to the u. N. Observer but i have no peer fluffing to post has the answer genius hack shows how to use amazon prime to help the homeless oh my god does it say amazon is donating a tenth of all their profits to to house every homeless person in america no no no. It says you can now use amazon prime on your phone to buy and send stuff to someone sitting on the street. Thats their genius hack. To use amazon to buy a blanket put have it delivered to a homeless guy i work with what if instead of bags. We created a system that housed everybody what if we tried to advise you. Rather than just having millions who are but every once in a while there and a blanket shows up. I mean when you think of the big picture amazon is one of the biggest leeches our society has sucking just its teeth digging into you sucking everything dry but now after they suck us dry you can use amazon prime to mail a bandaid to the victims. Thank you. Thank you a victims apparently secretary of state exxon mobil ruffled some feathers when he basically says the u. S. Should be careful not to let values like human rights create obstacles to the pursuit of its interests. Yeah wrex thats been a real problem for us as the way weve really led human rights slow us down thats like saying a boulder rolling down a hill should stop worrying so much about the squirrel that some moshing. But just in case you didnt get it this is true a leaked memo has now come out from a top tillerson advisor who was trying to educate him on how exactly our government weaponize is human rights it said that the u. S. Should use human rights as a club against its adversaries like iran china and north korea while giving a pass to repressive allies like the philippines egypt and saudi arabia you know you do have to marvel our ability to weaponize just about anything we can use you can bring us on coups ball covered syrup and would be like. To kill a dude with that. We could even weaponize attacks on ourselves. Recently newsweek excellent u. S. Government planned a false flag attacks to start war was soviet union in a three page memo members of the National Security council wrote there is a possibility that such aircraft could be used in a deception operation designed to confuse enemy planes in the air or in a provocation operation in which soviet aircraft would have peer to attack us or friendly installations to provide an excuse for u. S. Intervention. This should leave us all outraged that we do not attack our own people unless it is via poverty pollution g m o os. Manmade super virus. Or reboot of t. V. Shows that were average to begin with. Other than that we do not attack our own people. Or also if they dont fit into the acceptable to corporate parties we attack them for that too which brings me to this weeks subbranches. Russia and belarus own the congressional which has turned its laser like glare to green Party President ial candidate jill stein they say she colluded with russia by running for office. And not just running but running as a third party candidate. In fact when she ran in two thousand and twelve this is true she was chained to a chair by police during the entire president ial debates but then when she ran in twenty sixteen she was not changed any chips. So how did jill stein avoid the constitutionally mandated chaining up of Third Party Candidates and. Seems highly likely russia did it. This story is developing we will bring you any updates as the Mainstream Media makes them up in the coming weeks. Ahead. And finally lets and with some good news the jury found all six k. Thank. God yes yes. Yes yes. This is huge it shows our creative to protest our freedom of speech but really for the moment still exists and. Now lets go live to the mainstream Corporate Medias coverage of this historic moment. Oh there is. We have to go to a quick break but if you want to read my response to the hit piece n. P. R. Did against me you can find it at the top of our twitter at lee camp at redacted tonight or on my web site will be back in a few seconds. Is a civilization just a tiny bit more advanced than we are that they can already pick up Jerry Springer or any other sitcoms interview shows the nightly news they see what were doing to our planet you know it isnt really a very pretty picture and so in addition to sending this chaotic messages that we use to communicate with one another we want to send a clear signal to the extraterrestrial but theres also some rationality world. Across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to me to people this is a simple song alone even some company i guess well else with they invite private companies to take over the utilities any pot a telescope. Mr gus you got to do well in the going to be cool. This is. To quote them out. Of what you dont build the lift. Locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water its about water but its also over or its about to hurt and the redistribution of. Purpose. Downwards. Make this manufacture consent to stick to the public well. When the ruling classes protect themselves. With the fines. Be the one. With no middle of the room sick. Pay everybody from stephen ball. Test collingwood guy youll suspect every proud american first of all im just george bush and our deal he was just this is my buddy max famous financial guru just a little bit different im just going to. Go with those up with all the drama happening in our country im shooting the road have fun every day americans. Really start to bridge the gap this is the great american. That. Guy and i know for a fact today so far under trump over sixty environmental rules are either out or on their way out one third of which have been gutted directly by the e. P. A. Here now to explain where things stand is senior environmental watchdog john of odonnell. All right so whats the latest from a fairly well i mean by all accounts it seems like a pretty sweet place to work these days. What are you talking about all sorts of Environmental Protections are getting overturned rolled back at the p. A. And elsewhere are you talking about i like Flood Building standards or like and then your freezer new coal leases a public man or like methane reporting requirements a proven the keystone x. L. Pipeline moving forward the go to access by bligh removal of the offshore drilling ban and they are dick rolling back fracking regulations that i was saying sort of thing that survived you know outside what is great for the employees of the e. P. A. They dont have to do jack. Gray place they were at the head of their agency scribe pruitt hes like that cool guy substitute teacher you dream about as a kid. Learns a given day thats every goof off all the time and brings it is super sweet and i have to sit in. On this is it your seventh grade history class fantasy this is the Environmental Protection agency its kind of a big deal that it run properly and and not by somebody who before being in charge there sued the a. P. A. For team time. Rules are still coming out of the e. P. A. Just now theyre more heavily influenced by industry than ever before so the scientists can all chillax and focus on their Passion Projects and. Projects yes yes the e. P. A. Recently rejected findings that the active ingredient monsantos roundup is a carcinogen but they relied heavily on big Agricultural Industry studies to do so this sort of practice gives e. P. A. Scientists more free time to focus on groovy side stuff you know like say download their consciousness onto an external hard drive they can interact with to ensure they dont die alone i mean that is my plan. As i write is it b. P. I want to do their job are right i mean do they i mean. I mean if thats the case why have more than seven hundred e. P. A. Employees taken buyouts and early retirements as of september both because they oppose the agencys current direction and take advantage of a twelve Million Dollar initiative launched to thin the rate x. To driven process unquote before you run it just now they say they will left and theyve left because theyre not paid to listen to thats what it said the head of the agency isnt taking science into account when making decisions ok he may not be taken signs into account but both he and trouble are definitely taking coles the bob murray very seriously heres this guys take on Climate Change in the way it is not real and not scientifically based its a theology. Its politics. And its an agenda they have kept the us. With radical environmentalists. Back at me yes its very disturbing to see Mr Potato Head in a suit but. Did you see his hands really did being influenced by him were all right things are things are ass backwards every place the c. D. C. Recently had the word science based brand from their documents. Now im serious israel alert ever i mean it reminds me i came up with a with a with a joke substitute teachers can tell the e. P. A. You can say was it ever is is really environment. I care about. You so. Were not going to receive yes this is exactly the v. A. New details have come out about just what kind of doctor you might get if youre a veteran redacted correspondent Natalie Mcgill filed this report. He said health care for all in this country is exhausted and. These theres my Health Insurance card is just the punch card from chopped creative salad. The upside is im eating more kale. The downside is im still too punches away from getting a free cat scan. But if there is any group of people that shouldnt be battling for Better Health care its our troops specifically care that isnt from doctors whose injury rates rival an arm dick cheney hiding behind a duck blind. Unfortunately thats not the case according to a usa today investigation the v. A. Knowingly hires doctors with past malpractise claims and discipline for poor care what im. Those doctors a neurosurgeon named John Henry Schneider has twelve malpractise claims filed against them in fifteen years including getting his license to practice and yanked after a patient died. But even though schneider was upfront with the v. A. About all of the shortcomings in his application the v. A. Still hired him after a group of his the medical peers thoroughly reviewed as far away and approved his competency his hiring isnt a huge surprise considering his group of medical peers consisted of dr nick riviera dr bunsen honeydew and. I dont even think bigger has the credentials to take someones Blood Pressure my systolic and diastolic Blood Pressure cant both be me. This falls in line with a pattern of misconduct that has continued under multiple administrations the v. A. Spent nearly six point seven Million Dollars to secretly settle cases but problem with employees including medical professionals who committed negligence and misconduct and were allowed to resign with clean references but what makes the v. A. Attractive to medical professionals with background histories shady or than the stare Maxine Waters gives you would you wont let her reclaim her time is that at the v. A. You dont need to have mel frankness insurance your taxpayer dollars are paying for claims filed against doctors that never should have been hired in the first place like David Houlihan a psychiatry flagged by the iowa board of medicine who doled out so many narcotic drugs at a wisconsin v. A. Hospital that he went on to earn the nickname the handyman rumor has it if you say is name five times or facing a mere he shows up to your house for as he had made entirely out of sand its pills if were going to have an administration that cant see. Bob singing the praises of our troops then we should have some parity between the money we spend to send them places where theyre physically and emotionally damaged and how much money we spend to repair that damage last week president buyer of all whiskeys signed a seven hundred billion dollars military budget into law meanwhile the proposed twenty eighteen budget for the department of Veterans Affairs is nearly one hundred eighty seven billion dollars imagine if the billions we spent on new fighter jets were actually spent on for boarding providers streamlining care or dissolving medical Student Loan Debt and raising salaries of Health Care Professionals who work in the v. A. Thank you actually since im twenty two and i have been nearly six thousand positions are and physician assistants and more left the v. A. Health system by two thousand and fifteen that number had grown to over seventy seven hundred its clearly a long way to go before wrongs are righted in the v. A. Health care system. But the next time i see someone from our government dell stop disrespecting our troops and an n. F. L. Player kneeling during the National Anthem im yelling back you first. Forty. Dollars joanne will be off next week for the holidays but get web exclusive videos and more by texting the word redacted to four four four nine nine nine its free in the us you can also get our show every week on directv Channel Three two one until next time good night. For them i did not. Know me much. Upon him and i put him at the bottom of this missile like a mummy must. Still fly. To go home. Because you know some of the amounts i need to let a lot of people die some. Time and most will. Come to an end with the most some of them have. Been some slick out some have the moments when someone so much and they got. One of the phenomenon that hit. Russian athletes taking part in the film chung olympics remains controversial what awaits the olympians in south korea and more important what awaits them after they get screened. The warhawks selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the Chicken Hawks forcing you to fight the battle is going. To stop spreading tell you that somebody gossip the public by file for the most Important News day. Off after it has been telling you are not cool enough to buy their product. All the hawks that we along with our loved ones. I. Israels Prime Minister orders the countrys withdrawal from unesco. Having several recognized. In the country. Or a u. S. Olympic Gold Medalist reveals years long abuse. And accuses high ranking sports officials of. Another form and it was the first to publicly come forward and i wish i could say that i was surprised but the reality with usa gymnastics is they had a decades long policy of covering up sexual abuse. And facebook admits that its fake news red flag system is having the opposite effect even more views

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