Know the truth about santa youre told to be part of thats why youre youre youre initiated into the societal massive fraud club you might only be six or eight or whatever but you take an aside and explain the truth that your parents are frauds and the nicest man youve ever heard of who simply wants joy to the world that guy dont exist at all. Not real and then your parents say but when you see your little brother or sister keep the deception a la your you did with doc now. Youre old enough to help us live others. It seems like its all fun and games but it actually has deep implications for our cultural mindset in the way we behave in society in his book a holiday hazing ethan indigo smith calls it the santa claus syndrome and he says that program stays with us through adulthood adulthood incrementally decision by decision we call the view accepting the lies as a normal part of Adult Society government advertising news corporate shenanigans its all just politics right thats part of the r
Youre initiated into the societal massive fraud club you might only be six or eight or whatever but you take an aside and explain the truth that your parents are frauds and the nicest man youve ever heard of who simply wants joy to the world that i dont exist at all. Not really and then your parents say but when you see your little brother or sister keep the deception a la youre in it with. Youre old enough to help us live others. It seems like its all fun and games but it actually has deep implications for our cultural mindset in the way we behave in society in his book a holiday hazing ethan indigo smith calls it the santa claus syndrome and he says that program stays with us through adulthood adulthood incrementally decision by decision we call the view accepting allies as a normal part of Adult Society government advertising news corp and against all just politics right thats part of the reason it was so easy for the Corporate Media to tell everyone to hate Edward Snowden or Julian
Know the truth about santa youre told to be part of thats why youre youre youre initiated into the societal massive fraud club you might only be six or eight or whatever but you take an aside and explain the truth that your parents are frauds and the nicest man youve ever heard of who simply wants joy to the world that guy dont exist at all. Not really and then your parents say but when you see your little brother or sister keep the deception a la youre in a group. Youre old enough to help us live others. It seems like its all fun and games but it actually has deep implications for our cultural mindset in the way we behave in society in his book a holiday hazing ethan indigos smith calls it the santa claus syndrome and he says that program stays with us through adulthood adulthood incrementally decision by decision we call the view accepting allies as a normal part of Adult Society government advertising news corp and against all just politics right thats part of the reason it was so e
A god in and of itself. You still cant walk up to a four year old and go hey you get hosed on this whole santa story the right way follow the money to. The kids you. Know if you do if you do youre a monumental proportions. If you dont agree to join in the law youre an outcast a problem for society to deal with and it gets worse. Once youre old enough to know the truth about santa youre told to be part of thats why youre youre youre initiated into the societal massive fraud club you might only be six or eight or whatever but you take an aside and explain the truth that your parents are frauds and the nicest man youve ever heard of who simply wants joy to the world that guy dont exist at all. Not really and then your parents say but when you see your little brother or sister keep the deception a la your you did with doc now. Youre old enough to help us live others. It seems like its all fun and games but it actually has deep implications for our cultural mindset in the way we behave in s
A huge challenge for the authorities and these here organizers i go in one step further aside from usual safety berries and alcohol bans and socalled womens safety area is being set up its a zone where female guests who feel sexually harassed of just uncomfortable can get special help its been manned by members of german red cross and comes in response to events two years ago back then hundreds of women who were sexually assaulted at new year carnivals they were groped robbed intimidated and separated from their friends according to leaked police documents there were more than one thousand cases reported in cologne in hamburg alone more than two thousand men were reportedly involved most of them Asylum Seekers the new idea of the womens safety area has received a mixed reaction thats a good idea many people feel like need help but they dont know who to ask to do and having these services kind of nice i think Sexual Harassment was people who were in groups and you were so how do you get