On Tuesday, December 15, the hit digital drama series "The Bay" released a new episode entitled "A Pitched Battle," which was quite moving, raw, and emotional. Digital Journal has the recap.
This episode is very timely, relevant, and it really tugs at the heartstrings. The physician at Bay Hospital informs Sofia Madison (Jackie Zeman) and Riley Henderson (Brittany Underwood) about former mayor Jack Madison's health, which is deteriorating at the hospital due to COVID. Madison has been recast with John Aprea.
John Aprea as former mayor Jack Madison in 'The Bay'
LANY Entertainment
R.J. (Najee De-Tiege) and Avery (Alicia Leigh Willis) continue to nail it every week with the powerhouse "Black Live Matter" (BLM) storyline. Last week, as Digital Journal reported, the residents of Bay City cried havoc in yet another powerful episode in Season 6.