...This is a movie poster for Martin Doblmeier's 2021 documentary "Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story." Heschel was a moral theologian and expert on the prophets who also played a key role in Jewish-Catholic relations and the Vatican II document on that topic. (CNS photo/courtesy Journey Films)
...This is a movie poster for Martin Doblmeier's 2021 documentary "Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story." Heschel was a moral theologian and expert on the prophets who also played a key role in Jewish-Catholic relations and the Vatican II document on that topic. (CNS photo/courtesy Journey Films)
...Martin Doblmeier interviews Susannah Heschel, featured in Doblmeier's 2021 documentary "Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story." Susannah Heschel is a professor of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth College and a daughter of Abraham Joshua Heschel, a moral theologian and expert on the prophets who also played a key role in Jewish-Catholic relations and the Vatican II document on that topic. (CNS photo/courtesy Journey Films)