Vini Vitharana was born on June 2, 1928 at Pallikudawa, Tangalle. He had his early education at Christ Church College, Tangalle and entered Mahinda College, Galle in 1942 from where he continued his studies until he passed his University entrance examination and entered the University of Colombo in 1945. His academic record appears below.
BA University of Colombo 1949, MA Vidyodaya University 1959, PhD Peradeniya University 1966, PhD London 1968, Lanka Sahithya Shoori – Vidyodaya University, Sahithyacharya – Vidyalankara University and Shaastra Visharada – 1st Class – Vidyodaya University.
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After graduation 1949, he was appointed as a teacher at his Alma Mater – Mahinda, College, Galle where he served till 1953, teacher at S. Thomas’ College, Mt. Lavinia from 1953 – 1957, Deputy Editor, Sinhala Encyclopedia 1957 – 1959, Lecturer and finally Asst. Professor Sinhala at Vidyodaya University from 1960 to 1981, Professor in Sinhala at Ruhunu University, Matara from 1981 to 1993, Emeritus Professor, Sellipi & Archeology at the Post Graduate Institute, Kelaniya University, Emeritus Professor, Culture and Humanism, Sri Jayewardenepura University, Nugegoda 1999 -2007, Emeritus Professor, Buddhist & Pali University 1999, Emeritus Professor, Sabaragamuwa University 1999-2000, Sinhala Consultant, National Institute of Education, Maharagama 2000, Chief Editor Sinhala Paribashitha Dictionary 2001-2004, Consultant Publications, Central Cultural Fund, Ministry of Culture and Arts 2010-2014, Lay Consultant, All Ceylon Buddhist Congress 2015.